The Minotaur's Slave

Story by ShadeCub on SoFurry

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This is really old... like 2009 old... i never finished the series... yes it was meant to be a series... if you like it let me know and i'll see about writing some more on it

"We're lost, Jack," Shirley hissed in great fear, not that I blamed her. This trip would make a total of three times into caves my brother and I traveled so much they felt like home.

"We're not lost, Shirley," Jack said trying to comfort her. "This tunnel right here will take us back to the surface. I'm sure of it..."

"No, it won't, Jack," I said with a confidence I wished I didn't feel. "We're inside some kind of Labyrinth."

"Damn it, Colleen, this is no time for joking," my brother hissed holding his girlfriend's shaking hand in a firm grip. "She's really scared."

"I wish I were joking, Jack," I hissed right back, wiping sweat from my eyes. My hand went to the magic pendant my grandmother has given me when I turned eighteen, only two years ago. With this power came great responsibility I gladly bore. From a tunnel leading down, I heard heavy footfall filling me with dread.

"Colleen, what're you talking about?" he demanded as Shirley sobbed in his shoulder. He was rubbing her back in an effort to calm her but it didn't seem to be working.

"We spent one month out of every summer with Grandma Bea until she died," I snarled, still holding the pendant. "You can't tell me you don't know exactly what I'm talking about."

"That magic shit the old bat was always babbling?" he asked in scorn, "You can't tell me you still believe that fairytale crap. It doesn't exist..."

"You'd better pray you're wrong, Jack," I said, facing the tunnel with a shiver, "If you love Shirley at all, you keep her behind you and you stay behind me... He's here." At that moment, a huge shadow filled the area just inside the little junction we'd been resting in. A sphere of light about the size of a softball floated over his left shoulder casting the tiny space in stark light. His muscular human body stood eight feet from his shoulder to the ground. He had hands like a man but his lower legs were covered in black fur with giant hooves for feet. A light layer of fur covered his blue/gray skinned chest. His bull's head had a thick coat of jet black fur and large steel black horns that swept forward and up. In all the monster stood a total of eleven or twelve feet tall. He had two large gold hoops in his right ear. The belt of his loincloth was decorated with gems and platinum. The Minotaur smiled down at me with glowing golden eyes. At least he wasn't carrying any weapons I could see that was some relief as I only had my dagger. He smiled in amusement at the stance I'd taken.

"Give me the virgin and you other two may leave my Labyrinth," his deep voice rumbled that had all of them trembling in fear.

"You can't have her," I growled back showing nothing but my defiance and contempt. "I won't let you take her so you might as well set us free."

"Do you think you can stop me, Warrior of Light?" he asked with a smirk of amusement far from impressed me. "You're not even fully trained."

"By the power of the Sacred Light, I won't let you take her," I stated in a strong voice listening to His laughter make the walls shake.

"You're very amusing with sapphire eyes and flame red hair. Your breasts are nice and large with a sweet movement... Creamy white skin on a well made body," he said, sighing a little in restrained desire putting my stomach in knots. "Its' to bad you're not a virgin or I'd take you. Still, I've had enough of your foolishness. Give me the girl or you'll suffer."

"You'll never have her," I hissed then braced my body for his first blow. He swung his hand as though he'd slap me aside like I was nothing in front of him. Insulted, I blocked his hand and landed a kick to his hard muscled stomach that gave him pause. Unfortunately, it told me I didn't have a chance against this monster. We had only one other shot and it was a long one. I yanked my pendent from the chain around my sweating neck, hope surging in my heart.

"Jack! Catch!" I shouted tossing the silver pentagram over my shoulder. "Go to the end of the tunnel and use it to open the way. I'll keep him busy. Hurry!" The Minotaur looked passed me, over my shoulder frowning in irritation.

"Do you really think he has a chance against my power?" the creature asked, disgust in his deep voice as he looked down at me.

"Since you've provided the realization of the truth, I know he can," I growled. My brother had always shown more magic talent than I had which I'd always been jealous of. It was his lack of belief that kept him from realizing his true gift. I just had to keep the monster busy long enough for my brother to draw the energy he'd need. Suddenly, the Minotaur's head jerked up and he didn't look very happy.

"I've got it, Colleen," Jack shouted, sounding somewhere between awed and shocked. "Hurry! I don't know how long I can hold it open!" With a thoroughly heartfelt prayer, I gave the Minotaur a round house kick and followed it with a mystical bolt of energy just like my grandmother taught me. He actually staggered back looking stunned.

"I'm out of here," I snarled. My feet flew down the rock tunnel. My brother's flickering helmet light showed me the hole he'd forced in what had been solid rock. Thundering footfall told me the Minotaur wasn't far behind me. When it looked like I might just make it, the mythical creature skidded to a stop. A roar of rage threw me to the floor in shock. The walls, ceiling, and floor rippled like they'd turned to water. As I looked up, my brother's horrified face disappeared behind a wall of stone. Everything fell quiet for a brief moment. Slowly, his heavy footsteps approached me. Determined, as I was to show him no fear my body began to tremble. His large hand dug into my braided hair to lift me from the floor dangling a foot in the air. His angry gold eyes glared into my frightened face.

"Usually, I only accept virgins," he snarled, rage in his eyes at being denied Shirley. "In your case... I'll make an exception." His backhanded blow sent me reeling into dark oblivion.


Thoughts of confusion and fear raced around in my jumbled mind. My brother called my name from a hole in a rock wall. Angry golden eyes glared down at me from a creature that couldn't possibly exist. Memories of the battle cleared my mind really quick making my eyes pop open to see a classic Greek garden. The flowers were dazzling in color and in scent. I found myself bound over a backless Greek couch of deep scarlet velvet. My head rested on the tilted incline letting me look for my captor. The Minotaur didn't seem to be anywhere around. From what I could see it seemed likely if I could free myself I'd be able to escape from this garden. With this clear plan in mind, I carefully felt in the back of my hair for a lock pick I kept on me at all time. The pick was right where I'd hidden it under the French braid. Glancing around to make sure he wasn't watching me, I picked my right cuff, then the left. I sat up and took care of my ankles quickly. I was thankful the monster hadn't taken my clothing. As I considered which direction to start in, a small thought began to nag at me. The garden seemed to be laid out like a maze.

"Great," I growled softly. "He likes the classic maze garden. I hope I still know how to get through one of these." I hurried away from the center of the garden.

I snuck around for awhile. My watch didn't work anymore and time felt different here... like it was standing still. Looking down at myself again, I felt the nag at the back of my mind. Why hadn't he taken off my clothing? As a Minotaur that'd be the first thing I thought he'd go after. He must not have searched me either or I wouldn't have found my pick. The more I thought about this situation the stronger the nag became until I stopped moving to go over it in my mind.

"He probably wanted to strip me when I woke up," I told myself. I walked down a path certain I'd find a gate at the end. My doubts wouldn't quit bothering me. He must've searched me and not found the pick. He probably never considered the possibility I'd have something like a lock pick.

"But he knew I was a warrior," I said in an unsure tone. My hand went down to a dagger hidden in the back of my pants. There wasn't any way he could've missed it. It wasn't exactly well hidden. In front of me, the pathway started to shimmer. The Minotaur came into view, reclining on what appeared to be the couch I'd 'escaped' from. He applauded me for several moments before sitting up.

"You did much better than I expected," he said. Looking around I realized the garden still existed but a glowing wall of energy surrounded the outer wall. I was completely trapped in this monster's lair. The Minotaur stood up while my mind came to terms with the truth of my situation.

"You didn't really think you were going to escape, did you?" he taunted, with his hands on his hips. "I just wanted to see what you were made of. I needed to know if I was going to have to break your spirit all at once, or tame you... Do you want to guess which direction I've decided?"

"It doesn't matter," I hissed, drawing my dagger. "I can't be broken or tamed." His laughter rang through the garden making the flowers tremble.

"I can't believe you want to try to fight me again," he said, stepping toward me. "Do you think you'll have any better luck this time than you did the first?" My mind had decided on which fate I preferred and being his slave wasn't the one.

"I don't need to fight you," I hissed turning the dagger on me. As the knife plunged for my heaving chest, the Minotaur growled something I couldn't understand. The dagger, a gift from my brother, vanished from my grip. My startled eyes went to my empty hands then to the grinning monster.

"In my garden, I control all that goes on," he said approaching at an easy walk. "I thought you might try to kill yourself so I spelled the blade to disappear if you turned it on yourself." Frantically, my eyes sought some way to escape from this terrifying trap but there was none. He came to within ten feet of me stopping to cross his thick arms over his broad chest. Even the little magic power I'd learned to use seemed to have fled me. Through my fear, I glared up at him.

"You can't break me," I said, with absolute self-assurance. "Whatever you do to me, or force me to do, you won't break me. I swear it." Our eyes met for a moment in a battle of will. I watched the look in his eyes change to something like amusement.

"We'll see, female," he said. "Kneel before me."

"No," I growled in defiance. He shrugged a little, walking toward me in a casual air. As the gap between us shrunk, I spun around to flee only to find a wall where a pathway had been. His large hands grabbed my shoulders in a firm but gentle grip. He lifted me from my feet carrying me, kicking and screaming, into the villa.

We ended up in a very large chamber. With a word from my captor spheres of light came on near the ceiling. The room had many different devices made to hold a person helpless, but I didn't see any cuffs or leather to use in binding the victim. I kept underestimating the Minotaur. He sat me down long enough to spin me around to face him. Before he picked me back up, I landed a really strong kick to his groin. Snorting a little, he pressed me against a metal sheet. I found myself sticking like I'd been glued to the surface, only my head moved freely. Next my clothing disappeared leaving me naked before this beast. Calmly, he adjusted my arms out then my legs till I was spread eagle. He stepped back a little to admire his work, then turned to a large cabinet.

"You son of a bitch," I snarled, unable to even raise my bottom. "I'll kill you in your sleep. I swear it. I'll cut your cock off and shove it down your throat." Normally, I didn't use such vulgar language but I'd hoped to get him angry, maybe provoke him into killing me.

"We'll see, slave," he said, as he turned back to me. He carried several objects of metal. Only when he put them down on a table did I recognize them, four cuffs and a collar. He put a jar down beside them, and took up what had to be the collar. It was two inches wide, made of platinum and decorated with precious jewels.

"This is my mark," he said pointing to some sort of glyph. I watched him open it to bring to my throat.

"No!" I screamed, but could do nothing to stop him. The cool of the metal made goose bumps spring up over my body. With a gentle smile, he stroked my tear soaked cheek. His hand moved down to my neck stroking and caressing my neck down to my shoulder then back up to my face. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, I could feel my body beginning to relax under his touch. I loved to have my face touched, and he figured it out. With a smile, he ended the caressing and went to get a cuff. After he had all four cuffs in place, he opened the jar to show me the reddish brown paste. Without comment, he began writing some sort of symbols on my face, my chest, and then my stomach and thighs. He put the jar down, a smile spreading over his bull's face.

"You know what it means to cold fit, or hot fit something?" he asked, smiling when I nodded. "This is magic fitting." My eyes nearly popped out of my head as he began to chant. I could see the cuffs, and the symbols were beginning to glow brighter and brighter. As I watched, the symbols he'd place on me seem to soak into my skin disappearing from my sight.

"What did you do to me?" I growled even as his hand began to stroke my cheek. "Don't touch me, you bastard."

"Silence, slave," he snapped, grinning in pleasure. "You won't speak again unless I give you my leave." I opened my mouth to tell him what he could do with himself but nothing came out. I tried again with no better result. It was like he'd turned my vocal cords off. With a nod of satisfaction, he went back to the cabinet and put away the jar. He searched for a few more moments, and turned around with another jar. I watched with dread as he approached my side. I couldn't begin to guess what he'd do next.

"Over," he commanded. Like a pancake being flipped by my mother, my body turned over keeping my arms and legs just as he'd positioned them. Softly, his hand ran down my side brushing my squished breast then squeezed my bottom. Looking over my shoulder I saw him open the jar and put it down on the table. He took a pretty good size glob of a white paste in his hands. He rubbed them together for a moment, and then started rubbing my shoulders. It felt like he was giving me a massage working to loosen my muscles. His hands worked down my back to the small of my back. Getting more paste, he went to work on my bottom. Doing my right cheek, he moved to the left one in a few minutes. My body shivered under his touch feeling something I couldn't believe. It felt so good to have his strong hands rubbing against my butt.

'No,' I growled in my head. 'I won't let him do this to me.' He finished the back of my legs in a few moments. He took up a towel to clean off the paste starting at my shoulders again. As he worked his way down, I felt a strange almost gentle pulling at my skin. He was very thorough wiping me off. Playfully, he smacked my bottom. This enraged me all over again. My head tossed back and forth in a fury. His quiet chuckle of amusement did nothing to calm me down.

"Over," he commanded, and my body flipped back over. In this position, I could watch him a lot better. He gently rubbed the paste on the front of my shoulders. My body began to tremble as his hands moved down. I was determined to resist anything he did to me.

"Your breasts are truly magnificent, Adara," he said watching my face. Adara? He saw the puzzlement the name gave me. "Adara is your name." He stated it like I should've known it was my name. I shook my head in fierce denial but he only smiled going back to his work. Thoughts of the name change vanished when his hands grasped my right breast in a firm hold. I wanted to knock his hands away. My body shuddered in desperate but useless rage. He squeezed, rubbed, and massaged my right breast, then my left one. His fingers took a moment to pinch my nipples smiling at my moan of unwanted pleasure. He paused looking longingly at my chest but moved down to my stomach. My head jerked up to watch him rub the paste over my ribs making sure to rub it in really good in my underarm pits. Working in a steady pace, the Minotaur got down to my stomach and stopped right above my belly button. He went to my feet and worked his way up. My eyes closed as I felt his hands moving up toward my thighs. He did the outside of each thigh first. With deliberate motion, he rubbed up the inside of my thighs. His hands were stroking my flesh as he moved along. A soft moan tried to escape my throat but I choked it back. He couldn't know what his touch was doing to me. I wouldn't let him know. Silently, I swore this to myself. My captor had very different plans for me. When his hand brushed my vaginal lips, my body actually managed to surge up for the briefest moment. Looking a little surprised, he ran his finger down between my pussy lips and my thigh. My breaths came in hot pants of resistance. He spent a moment on my stomach below my belly button. The creature took a scoop of paste and plopped it down on the mound of my pussy. My frantic eyes snapped up to watch his hand firmly work the stuff into my pubic hair down to my skin. In the guise of being thorough, he spent several minutes rubbing my mound and the outside of the lips of my vagina. The effect was devastating for me. The pleasure kept increasing in waves of desire. I wanted him to bring me off, but fought it back with my strong will. His hand gently slipped thru my pussy lips into the moist flesh beyond.

"Did you know the lips of your sex are so swollen with lust they're pouting for my touch, Adara?" he asked. His voice and words brought up the resistance again for a brief moment. Everything died away as my mind focused on his fingers curling around my clitoris. Intense pleasure rippled over my body like nothing I'd ever felt before. I never conceived two fingers moving lightly around my clit could drive all other thoughts and resistance from my mind. He worked slowly. His free hand began to rub and pinch my nipples adding to my pleasure. I could feel the ecstasy on the fringe of my mind. It wouldn't be long. Without warning, he pulled his hands away. That brought my eyes open again to stare in shock down my sweat soaked body. His eyes were unreadable looking down at me. After giving me a few moments to catch my breath, his hands started working on me all over again. Several times, he brought me to the edge only to pull away. After the last time, I couldn't take it anymore.

'Oh God, please... finish... me...,' I screamed in my mind.

"Do you want me to give you ecstasy, Adara?" he asked with the slightest of smiles on his face. Tears mixed with the sweat running down my cheeks, but my head nodded violently. This time I could feel a difference. If anything, the pleasure was stronger than before. In a few brief moments, waves crashed over my mind and body nearly sending me into unconsciousness. Time lost all meaning as he kept my body in such intense pleasure. He helped my body ease down from the peak of oblivion with a gentle hand. The Minotaur picked up the towel to wipe away the paste and the sweat dripping from my trembling form. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I thought of what he'd done to me.

"Adara," he snapped bringing my eyes to see him at my waist. "Watch what I'm going to do, Adara. Don't take your eyes from me." The very fact I'd responded to the name he'd given me didn't get passed me or him. Smiling, he started with my thighs loosening my tightened muscles along the way. I noticed for the first time he stopped occasionally to shake the cloth off. As he finished my left thigh, he held it out for me to look at. What I saw blew my mind. All the body hair on my thigh had come off. Looking at the other places he'd cleaned then to the floor, I saw all the hair he'd removed. These thoughts vanished as the towel went toward my genitals. Whimpering, my head shook back and forth silently pleading with him. He merely smiled at me. His hand cupped my pussy mound squeezing gently before tightening enough to pull away my pubic hair with it. Fresh tears ran down my pale cheeks.

"This is how a slave's sex should be, Adara. Now you'll cover your sex only if I permit it," he said, finished with the removal of my body hair. "You'll have a slave's sex for the rest of your life. The hair removal is quite permanent."

'No!' I screamed in rage. I wanted to take his head off. Suddenly, I found myself able to move and I didn't hesitate in what I wanted to do. My trembling hands went for his throat in a blind rage. In two blows, he dropped me to the floor. Sitting down on the edge of the table, he yanked me over his lap. I heard a low hiss followed by a loud thwack as his hand connected with my tender bottom. Pain exploded on my butt like a hot iron. Any struggles were halted by his hold in my tangled hair. Though I couldn't speak, I found I could scream. Thwack after thwack made my body jump in agony. Not even my father had spanked me as a child. To be suffering a child's punishment seemed beyond my mind's ability to understand. He stopped at the tenth blow.

"You will never try to attack me again," he growled forcing me to look into his angry eyes. "Do you understand, Adara?" Even with the Hellfire on my bottom, I still managed to resist answering him. He made me regret my resistance quick enough. Standing he dragged me over to the wall and took down a leather crop. My mouth dropped opening in disbelief, more so when he lifted my body from the floor. I dangled a foot or more in the air as the crop laid into my breasts with enthusiasm. The first blow took my breath keeping me from screaming for a few moments. When my throat did clear I shrieked in pure agony. One of my hands tried desperately to free my hair from his clutches while the other tried to protect my poor breasts. My legs kicked in a frenzy of suffering but it was useless. In fact, my actions seemed to only make him angrier.

"I won't stop till you drop your hands and cease to struggle, Adara," he informed me. "You'll accept the punishment you've incurred." It took an act of will to drop my hands. Five blows later, he stopped my chastisement and let me slump to the cold stone floor. Putting the crop back on the wall, he stared down at me coldly. My stomach felt like I needed to throw up. He picked me up to stare into my terrified eyes. With a snort, he dropped me back to the floor. Keeping his hand in my hair, the Minotaur dragged me from the room.


As he dragged me down the hall, my mind kept going over what'd happened in that room. Bad enough I actually answered to a name not my own, but then he spanked and whipped me into submission.

'But only for the moment,' I assured myself. 'I'll find a way to escape, collar or no collar.' He took me to a large bathing chamber. A gentle warmth brushed my face and painful body. Even in great pain, my nipples harden bringing a gasp from my dry lips. Three pools of scented water steamed away with varying agitation. One looked just like a Jacuzzi from my world. The Minotaur dropped me to my knees in a circle not far inside the chamber.

"Remain there till I return," he said, and disappeared through a doorway. In my position, I couldn't see what was on the other side of the entry or where he'd gone. My eyes went down to look at my welted breasts. My left arm had welts as well. The burning on my bottom kept the memory of my punishment strong in my mind. I looked in the direction he'd gone, then around the large room. Slowly, painfully, I staggered to my feet looking down at the circle around me. I didn't see any symbols or glyphs to show it was magical, but the cuffs were magical to be sure. Taking a deep breath, my foot moved over the two inch black line. Nothing happen. The Minotaur didn't come charging out to catch me. My lips spread into a smile as I fled the room.


Silently, I snuck down the hall. On the walls were spectacular murals, and tapestries depicting everything from hunt and landscapes to what I'd consider pornographic scenes. I actually stopped to look at a scene of some satyrs having an orgy with a group of girls in their older teens I'd have guessed. The colors were vivid with so much detail I thought I saw one the satyrs wink at me. Stepping back, I shook my head for a moment.

'There isn't any way he could've winked,' I thought sternly. 'It's only a picture.' I continued down the hall. I knew I couldn't get out of the garden but I also knew there was another way I could 'free' myself. That required I find a knife and to do that I had to find either a room with weapons displays or the kitchen. As I kept moving I listened for sounds of the Minotaur. He had to know I'd gotten up and left. In my desperate mind, I knew I didn't want to be taken prisoner again. The very thought of him spanking me turned my face red in humiliation.

'He can't break me,' I kept assuring myself, but somehow my faith had started to waver. At that moment I came to a display room with all sorts of weapons. Even knowing I needed to hurry, I walked around the room looking at the armaments. I had a soft place in my heart for swords and daggers. My eyes fell on one excellently made dual edge dagger with what appeared to be an ivory handle. Slowly, my trembling hand took it up. The weight felt perfect for my hand. I even made a few fighting moves enjoying the way it felt, but my mind came back to my dangerous situation.

'At least I'll die by a blade I'd have loved to own,' I thought positioning the knife toward my chest. For several moments, I hesitated thinking my decision over with great care. Did I really have the guts to commit suicide? Thinking over the consequences of staying alive, I sure as Hell knew I didn't want to have sex with that monster and he'd demand it sooner or later. Carefully, I held the blade for maximum probably of death.

'You'll never touch me again, you bastard' I growled to myself. My eyes closed as I plunged the razor sharp blade toward my chest. To my shock, I felt my hands hit me instead of the blade. I looked down to see the blade had vanished. A heavy sigh jerked my head up real quick. With dread in my heart, I turned around to face the Minotaur. His eyes were angry.

"You can't harm yourself, Adara," he said as he walked toward me. "The collar on your neck won't let you. In short, there's no way you can escape me. I'd suggest you keep that in mind." With that short speech, the monster reached down toward me. When I cringed from his hand, he actually got madder. His hand grabbed a tight hold in my hair then he lifted me from the floor. His other hand scalded my cheek.

"Never pull away from my touch again, slave," he growled. "I own you and I'll touch you whenever I like." His free hand shoved between my weakened legs to painfully rub my pussy. He made very sure it hurt and dared me to struggle. With a feeling of defeat in my heart, I didn't try to fight his hand. Satisfied I'd learned my lesson, he dragged me, unresisting, from the room.


We went back to the bathing chamber but this time he let me go at the door. I watched in panic as he went over to a bench and sat down looking at me expectantly.

'Oh God,' I thought, my stomach dropping to the floor.

"I'll give you a choice in your punishment, Adara," he said with a growl. His hand pointed at the wall and I turned to look. A leather crop hung on the marble stone. "Choose your chastisement quickly, or you'll get both." My breasts or my ass? Not quite believing what I was doing, I staggered to my feet and stumbled across the room to stand before him. The Minotaur made a gesture toward his lap watching my face go white. He didn't grab me to force me down. He was making me do it of my own will. Tears flooding down my cheeks, I forced myself to lay my body down. Humiliation swept over me as I listened to his hand descending toward my naked ass. The loud thwack echoed in my ears while bringing a shriek of agony from my lips. Incredibly, my bare pussy rubbing against his thigh started bringing something else through the pain. I was getting horny. I couldn't believe it and fought the feeling down with every ounce of will I could muster. In frenzy over what was trying to happen, my body began to struggle a little. His free hand grabbed my hair but he didn't speak. His thighs started moving back and forth to keep me from falling from his lap. This meant his fur rubbed my mound even harder. The spanks had reached ten and I thought my torment would end... but he didn't stop spanking me. Horrified, I started really fighting his hold on me.

"How would you like to have your nipples pierced, Adara?" he growled and my body froze in new terror. "You'll accept your punishment, or that'll be the next thing we do." Hanging my head, I made my body go limp. The Minotaur continued spanking me while his thigh continued to shift back and forth rubbing against me. After a few minutes, the pain on my ass didn't matter. Against my will, my moistened vagina began pressing down on the fur. If anything, I started moving with his thigh. Feeling the orgasm getting close, I gritted my teeth to keep from moaning. I could feel my body juice dripping down. My tormentor finally stopped the punishment and lifted me to my weak legs. His eyes went down to the damp spot on his leg.

"I see you're truly going to be fun to own, my Adara," he said, picking me up so we could kiss passionately. Sobs of despair tore from my throat. I couldn't understand what was happening to me. How could I get horny while this animal was spanking me? He waited patiently till I cried myself out. Exhausted from my ordeal, my knees sank to the floor and I didn't think I had the strength left to do anything. The Minotaur bent over and picked me up by my shoulders to glare into my watery eyes.

"Are you beginning to understand your place, Adara?" he asked with a gentle smile making my rage flair hotly.

'My name is Colleen,' I thought to myself, but dropped my eyes in submission. With a nod of satisfaction, he pulled me back to my feet. I had the desire to sink to the floor and refuse to move but the torment on my well spanked ass made me unwilling to risk another paddling from his heavy hand. Instead, my eyes stayed on his shiny black hooves.

"Come with me, Adara," he ordered, leading me through the doorway he'd used earlier.

Smaller than the outer chamber, the room contained all the supplies one would need for bathing with towels and trays of sand soap.

"Tend to your body's needs, Adara," he ordered, pointing to a brass pot in one corner. Confused, I stared up at him unmoving. He took my hand and led me across the room.

"Here is where you tend to your body's need," he said yet again. Looking down at the pot, it struck me what he was saying. I was supposed to go to the restroom in this ornate brass pot. My eyes widened in dismay at the very idea. Looking up into his eyes, I saw another punishing if I didn't do it. Actually, I needed to go but not in front of him. Straddling the pot, my eyes pleaded with him for a little privacy. Instead he moved to stand directly in front of me. With a snort of irritation, he put a hand on either of my shoulders and shoved down. Luckily, the metal bowel was designed to help steady whoever was using it. It was the anger in the Minotaur's eyes that frightened me the most. I really didn't want to be struck again. After several moments of embarrassed struggle, I finally emptied my bladder but when I tried to get up he stopped me. Our eyes locked but mine quickly dropped to the floor. Taking a breath and wiping my some tears from my face, I forced myself to defecate into the pot. Satisfied, the Minotaur allowed me to stand and move away from the bowel. As soon as I was clear, he gave me a slap sending me to the floor.

"You'll learn your place, Adara," he growled, "even if I've got to beat it into you." He dragged me to my feet once more to stand before him. I glanced over my shoulder in melancholic curiosity only to find the brass pot to be empty like I'd never used it. He took me to the center of the chamber then let me go.

"Stand here. Hands behind your head... Push those elbows back... I love those luscious breasts. You should jut them out proudly. Keep your head up." The Minotaur walked around me looking me over like a man judging a prize horse. His hands ran over my flesh squeezing liberally. "Kneel with your knees spread." Swallowing hard, I forced myself to sink to my knees but spreading my legs took a few moments. After a few minutes, he ordered me back to my feet which took a little doing its self.

"You may remove my clothing, Adara," he said with that gentle smile. I looked at his loincloth and then back up at him. My hands reached out to try to figure out how it was being held up. I found the release for his belt and nearly dropped the heavy thing to the floor.

"Place my belt in that closet," he instructed, and I did so. After struggling for several minutes, I found the knotted cord and worked to untie it. He did nothing to help me but nodded his approval when I succeeded. Terrified, my eyes stayed on the ground as the cloth fell away.

"Place it in that holder, Adara," he said watching me obey. Returning to him, I fought my curiosity to look at his genitals. He held out his arms so I could remove his gauntlets to put with his belt. My feet dragged me back to stand in front of the now naked Minotaur. His hand caught my chin to make me look at his waist. Soft his cock looked huge. There couldn't be any way for that thing to fit inside me. My eyes went up to see his smile.

"Get that tray of soaps and follow me." I did as I was told.

The Minotaur looked at the three pools of water and chose the gentlest water. My hands began to shake worse as I watched him walk down the stone stairs into the steamy water. He looked at me expectantly. After I didn't immediately join him, he got a stern look on his face.

"Adara, attend me," he growled. I knew what he meant. Seeing more punishment coming, my brain forced my body to move forward. I placed the tray of sand soap within easy reach of the pool then turned to look at my captor. It took another act of will to enter the pool and stand before him. The water came up to my breasts and felt great to my aching body. The Minotaur reached down to take up some water in his large hands. This he dumped over my head to get my hair wet. He did it a couple of times till my hair was soaked. He dunked himself under the water knocking me from my weak legs. I had to struggle to right myself and he did nothing to help me. He gave me a moment to spit water from my mouth. Making sure he had my attention, the Minotaur reached over to get a hand full of the sand soap. My trembling hand took up the same soap. It smelled like spices I thought. We stared at each other for a few moments. I got the feeling he was waiting for me to do something. Taking a deep breath, my hand went to put the soap on my arm earning me another slap though not a very hard one.

"You're never to touch yourself without my permission, Adara," he informed me holding me up a few moments. "I'm the only one who'll get the pleasure of touching your flesh... You'll wash me." My mind couldn't believe what I was hearing. He didn't want me to touch myself. How much more bizarre could this situation get? Knowing I couldn't do anything against him, I took up more soap then reached a tentative hand out to his broad chest. My eyes went up to his gold eyes and saw an emotion I didn't understand. My hand began rubbing the soap into his furry chest working up a good lather. In few moments, he reached out toward my breasts. The approach of the hands that'd turned my ass into a Hellfire brought a halt to what I'd started. My heart screamed at me to back away but my brain knew what would happen if I did. Instead, I stood absolutely still feeling the soft gritty soap he spread over my shoulders down to my breasts.

"Very good, Adara," he said taking up more soap. "You're learning to accept your place. I'd begun to wonder if you were too stupid to train." Even as the rage flared, I went back to washing my captor. He took up a different soap to wash my hair. It felt really strange to have someone else washing my hair. I looked up at how he towered over me and wondered how I was supposed to reach his shoulders and head. As though he could read my thoughts, the Minotaur startled me by picking me up around the waist. As he lifted me up, he made me kiss him then held me while I washed his shoulders and head. We kissed again before he put me back in the water. He dunked under to rinse the soap. This time I hung onto the side of the pool to keep from falling. Now came the washing from the waist down. This'd be interesting. He took up some of the fragrant soap then calmly reached down to my genitals under the water.

"This soap does just fine under the water, Adara," he said nodding toward the tray. Taking a deep breath, my hand took up the soap. The moment his hand touched my bare pussy my entire body jumped. At least I didn't try to pull away. Instead, I began washing his stomach.

"Stop, Adara," he ordered bringing fear to me. Had I done something wrong? He pushed me back against the wall of the pool then made me spread my legs.

"You're pouting again, my pet," he said. "I'd never deny you my touch." I wanted to beg him not to touch me but even if I could speak I doubted he'd listen. His fingers spread the lips of my vagina to gently rub my stiffening clit. My hands desperately clung to the rim of pool as pleasure swept over my trembling body.

"That's right, Adara," he said stroking my breasts with his free hand. "My hands can give you great pain, but I prefer to give you great pleasure. Let the pleasure take you." I tried to resist it but moans from deep in my chest brought a smile to the Minotaur. He shifted his position moving closer to me. Without warning, he dipped down to shove his middle finger into my vaginal opening. A cry escaped me at the sudden assault. His free hand went to my shoulder to hold me in place as his finger moved inside my body. It felt better than any vibrator I'd ever tried. When his thumb went back to rubbing on my clit, my pussy exploded with cum. My moans, groans, and cries of lust filled the warm air. He kept me in a physical ecstasy that seemed to go on forever. As the first time, his hands gently helped my body calm down. The Minotaur took me into his arms for prolonged kissing. My lips were quite passionate on his as my mind tried to understand what he'd done to me... again. Still holding onto my arm, I watched the Minotaur hop up to sit on the edge of the pool. The next thing that caught my attention was his fully hard cock. Charcoal in color, it had to measure fourteen or fifteen inches long and three or four inches thick. In short, it scared the Hell out of me. He pulled me between his legs and his cock was at the right level for my mouth. My eyes went up to his smiling face. I'd never taken my true love's cock in my mouth. I sure as Hell didn't want to take this monster's cock in my mouth. Of course, if I didn't do it he'd simply force me too. Our eyes met and held for a moment. Resigned to the inevitable, my mouth opened to accept his cock.

"Have you never pleasured a male with your mouth?" he asked as I struggled with it. Looking up at him, I gave a small shake of my head. "I'll have to teach you how to do it properly. I like having my cock sucked on by my slaves." That statement sent my head reeling in horror.

'Don't make me do this,' I groaned inwardly, but he'd made up his mind to teach me.

"First, press your lips tightly around my cock. Tighter than that. Now start sucking. Ummm. Suck a little harder, my Adara." I found myself sucking, licking, and chewing on his cock and his balls. He taught me exactly how he liked it and made sure I did it. After I'd been working on him for a while, the Minotaur caught my head in a firm grip to start thrusting into my mouth. His eyes closed in pleasure even as I struggled to free my head. His eyes opened glaring down at my terrified face. Tears running down my cheeks, I forced my body to quit struggling and he went back to thrusting. The head of his cock actually slipped into my throat. I felt his cock start throbbing then the beast's sperm shot down into my stomach. Thankful it was over, I couldn't wait for him to take his cock out of my mouth. He pulled out a little to let some of his seed hit my tongue.

"Make sure you've taken all my seed, Adara," he ordered in a voice of irritation. Sure he was going to spank me again, I sucked on his cock to get the last drops of male cream. As soon as he released me, I backed away as fast as the water would allow. The Minotaur eased himself back into the pool frowning at me.

"Do you think you can run from me, slave?" he growled. We both knew the answer to that question. He gave me a moment to gather my thoughts before pointing to the pool in front of him. My body shook like California in an earthquake but I made myself move to stand in front of him.

'Go ahead and hit me, you bastard,' I thought keeping my eyes down. Grabbing my chin, he forced me to look into his eyes. After a moment, he startled me by letting go of my face and taking up some soap. My shaking hand followed his lead. Of course, this meant I had to wash his cock but it was better than being punished.

"You'll need a lot of practice with your mouth, Adara," he said smiling at my fear. "I'll let you practice every chance we get till you're truly skilled at pleasuring me with your mouth." With this cheerful news, he fell silent concentrating on washing me, and I washed him.


The Minotaur never ceased to surprise me. After toweling each other off, I dressed him in a soft white cloth loincloth obviously made for lounging about then I had to sit on the bench while he combed my hair for me.

"How many males have you coupled with, Adara?" he asked. "You have my permission to speak."

"I've only been with one, Master," I said in a strained voice. I didn't want to talk about it. The Minotaur didn't notice the strain in my voice or he didn't care.

"Tell me of your first time, my pet," he ordered. My mouth opened and shut a few times.

"Please don't make me do this... master," I whispered turning to look at him with tears running down my cheeks.

"Were you forced?" he asked. His face showed a wrinkle of concern I didn't understand.

"No," I snapped then took a deep breath to gather my thoughts. "It wasn't anything like that. I just don't want to talk about it... Please, master..." We were silent for a few moments.

"Still...," he said. "I want to hear of your first time, and what made it so special you're willing to be punished rather than tell your owner." My stomach twisted in grief. I turned to look at the Minotaur but there was no mercy in his golden eyes.

"His name was Jason Kirkwood. We met in college in a class about mythology." My voice softened with remembered love. "We were going to get married once we both graduated... We went out to watch a meteor shower under the full moon. It was warm with a light breeze blowing..." Tears ran down my cheeks clogging my throat with grief. The Minotaur sat down next to me and took me into his strong arms holding me to his broad chest.

"Go on, Adara," he said in a soft voice, and I did.

"We were lying down on a blanket watching the night sky as the meteors streaked by. My hand reached out for his hand but I touched something else entirely," I continued as I blushed a little. "At the same moment we turned to face each other... Our lips came together and everything else fell away. Even concerns about getting pregnant couldn't stop us. The pleasure was better then anything I've ever known..."

"Better than the pleasure I can give you?" he asked in a snide voice. My body stiffened then pulled away to glare at the arrogant beast.

"Infinitely better, Master," I growled. "The pleasure Jason and I shared was in love. The pleasure you give to me is forced on me. There's never going to be comparison... master."

"I could make you love me," he said, holding my chin in a vice grip.

"I'm sure you could, master," I growled back. "So why don't you? Take my mind... Make me your puppet..." Our eyes locked in a fight of wills. No matter how hard I fought it, my eyes dropped first.

"And let you 'escape'?" he asked with a laugh. "You know I'm not going to let you escape from me in any way..." We glared at each again till he chuckled. "Such a strong spirit... So if this male is so important to you, then why don't you want to speak of him?" The tears came back running down my cheeks to wet his hand.

"The next afternoon, Jason died in an accident where he worked construction," I said in a soft voice. I'd lost my love only six months ago and the pain hadn't fully healed. "I made a vow no other man would ever touch my heart or my body..."

"Then you should be quite relieved I'm not a man, but a Minotaur, Adara," he said grinning at my pale face. "You can enjoy all the pleasure I give you without betraying your vow to your dead lover." In an instant of rage and loss, I tried to slap the Minotaur using any strength my tired body could muster. His right hand caught my wrist in a painfully tight grip.

"I hate you," I hissed with the venom of the most poisonous snake. "I'll never feel anything but hatred for you."

"Silence, slave," he growled back, taking my voice from me once more. "I see my attempts to be kind are being wasted on the likes of you. You may hate me all you care too, Adara, but you'll learn to love my touch. You'll crave a caress from my hand. You'll need it more than your hatred for me. It may take some time, but we've got an eternity for your breaking. For the moment..." His other hand gripped my collar as he lifted me from the bench. We left the bathing chamber to return to the room where we began.


My breath came in short, desperate gasps as he carried me down the hall by my collar. Frantically, my legs kicked in the air. My hands tried to pry his hands away for all the good it did. I'd have better luck digging through concrete with my bare hands. My fighting did add to his already great anger. In response to my struggling, the Minotaur threw me to the stone floor knocking what little breath I had from my tortured lungs. He grabbed my right wrist to flip me over onto my stomach then caught my left wrist drawing them back to the small of my back.

"Bind," he growled. As he stood up, I found my wrists were stuck together by the cuffs. In fact, so were the cuffs on my ankles... like magnets. He kicked me over to glare down at my defiant face, and bent down to drag me to my knees. His hand caught the cold metal around my throat picking me up once more. Now my struggles were greatly reduced. I thought for one hopeful moment I'd pass out, but not in time. We passed into the room where he'd put the cuffs on me. The Minotaur took me over to a chain dangling from the ceiling. My wrist cuffs were touched to the chain sticking to it like they were welded together. With my wrists behind my back, the chain held me bent over somewhat. Satisfied with my position, he left my line of sight. My wrists already throbbed with pain having to bear my weight. I looked down at the marble floor wandering what he planned on doing to me. A terrifying thought sprang into my weary mind. He'd threatened to pierce my nipples before. What if that was what he planned to do? This seemed to be confirmed when he came back carrying a strange pair of pliers.

'No!' I screamed silently, struggling against my bonds.

"Since you want to act like a wild animal, I'll treat you like one," he growled. He popped a twelve gage silver ring into the jaws of the pliers. His free hand grabbed a tight hold in my hair yanking my head back painfully. It was only a little relief he put the thick ring in my nose but he was far from done with me. Letting go of my hair, he went back to the cabinet behind me. I wanted to turn to see what he was doing but lack of food and all the hardships I'd been through left me too weak to even cry. His approach brought more dread to my heart. He stopped at my waist drawing my eyes over my shoulder. He held out two platinum bands an inch wide, large enough to go around my thigh and without seam or break. Like a magician doing a show, he twirled one band around his finger for a moment then smacked it down on the back of my thigh. The band went through my leg then snapped around it. The second band went on the same way on my other leg. His hand went to the chain dropping me to the floor.

"Bind legs," he ordered. My ankles were yanked to the back of my thighs and held there. I couldn't stand up like this. My startled eyes went to the Minotaur but he'd gone over to a wall. He came back carrying a leather leash several feet long. At his command, my wrists were freed from behind me.

"An animal like you must be kept on a leash," he growled snapping the leash to my nose ring. He planned to lead me around on a leash, by my nose no less.

'Damn him,' I growled but there wasn't anything I could do against him. He gave the leash a sharp upward jerk bringing a gasp of pain from me. After another hard tug, I got to my hands and knees. If I thought being spanked was humiliating this was far worse. He started out of the room but stopped long enough to take a leather whip from the wall. He hooked it to his belt glaring down at me. My eyes dropped to the floor fearful of its implications.

Unused to crawling, especially with my legs held as they were, I stumbled often jerking the nose ring painfully. It tempted me to grab the leash and make him stop so I could catch my breath and relieve some of the soreness. Suddenly, the Minotaur stopped bumping me into his thigh. When he turned to glare at me, I found myself cringing in dread.

"Go ahead of me, Adara," he ordered. My hesitation brought him to take up the whip. As quick as I could, I crawled up in front of him. He adjusted the leash so it went up over my forehead. This position pulled my nose up forcing my head back a little to ease the burning in my nose. His hoof gave a shove on my butt to get me to start crawling. I could feel his eyes watch me as I struggled. The end of the leash came down hard on my bottom causing me to cry out. It also caused me to jerk on my nose ring. My head flung back in pain.

"Keep going, slave," he growled giving me another shove. "Your ass is quite sweet as well, Adara." Tears dripping from my cheeks, I forced myself to keep moving.

We went back to the bathing chamber so he could finish my hair to his satisfaction. He sat down on the bench making me kneel between his well-muscled legs. As he took up the comb, our eyes met and he smiled.

"You know, Adara, this would be the perfect time for you to practice using your mouth for something pleasing," the Minotaur said, as his hand pulled the cloth aside to reveal his semi-hard cock.

'Oh God,' I moaned inwardly. My trembling lips parted to let my tongue reach out. He pulled my head forward using the leash. If I didn't get to work he'd most likely use his whip instead of his hand on my bottom. Taking a deep breath, I leaned close to ease my nose ring then started licking his flesh. As his cock got harder, I took the head in my mouth to suck on. His sigh came as relief to me. My hands came forward to gently stroke his thighs and his balls. I glanced up to see his eyes were closed in pleasure giving me some more hope. As his cock reached its full length I paused for a brief moment to catch my breath. This ended quickly when he tugged on the leash to show his displeasure. Immediately, I went back to work. My mouth moved up and down the length of his cock licking and sucking. His hands caught my head in a firm grip then he started thrusting into my mouth. This time I didn't put up any fight even when he shoved down into my throat cutting off my breath. A swelling in his cock told me this would be over soon. I couldn't wait to get him out of my mouth. As though he could sense my disgust, the Minotaur pulled out to let his seed land directly on my tongue forcing me to swallow quickly and get a real good taste of his salty milk. Without prompting, I sucked out the last drops of seed, then waited for him to release my head. The Minotaur held me till his cock had softened before letting me go.

"I expect you to take my manhood into your mouth on your own at some point, Adara," he said taking up the comb. "You're going to need a lot of practice." My body shuddered a little but my eyes stayed down trying to hide my rage. The Minotaur braided my fiery red hair to the right of my bruised face. The braid hung down to swing gently when I got to my hands and knees. Nodding his great head, he led me from the bathing room.

He took me to a dining room of great beauty. A chandelier made of a variety of different colored gem stones glimmered with soft magic light. The walls had murals of hunting parties while the ceiling had the calming scene of a garden in full bloom. The table was made of black marble accented in gold and precious gems. Even his chair looked of the best materials and comfort. The Minotaur took his seat at the head of the table before a fabulous feast set for one. He pulled the leash up till I knelt at his side. Casually, he reached down to stroke my cheek. The scent of the food drew a loud growl from my stomach causing me to blush in embarrassment. A gentle chuckle of amusement kept me red for brief while. His hand came down, and I thought for one hopeful moment he'd take the leash off my nose. His hand stroked my chin and cheek but nothing more. The Minotaur turned his attention to his meal. He started by taking a long drink from a golden tankard. My throat burned with need for a cool drink. He took several more drinks setting the cup down to savor his wine. He glanced down at me petting my head again. I watched him take up a small wooden bowl in which he poured some of his wine. My eyes watched him start to bend over as though he'd put the bowl on the floor then he stopped.

"Are you thirsty, Adara?" he asked smiling down at me. My head gave a little nod. He had that irritating smile on his bullish face. "This is some of my best wine. I'm not sure I should waste it on an ungrateful animal like you... You'll have to earn your drink."

'Earn?' I thought in a panic. What demeaning act was he going to make me do this time? He took another drink of his wine as I waited to hear what he wanted me to do. His hand stroked my wet cheek while he thought.

"Do you know how to pleasure yourself, Adara?" The question made my stomach clinch in horror. My thoughts ran around in chaotic disarray trying to figure out whether or not I should lie and say no. His hand dug into my hair forcing me to look in his molten gold eyes.

"Don't even consider lying to me," he hissed in anger. "You won't like the punishment for lying... Do you know how to pleasure yourself?" After a few moments of staring into his eyes, I gave the best nod his hand would allow. He let me go, adjusting the leash to give me some lee way. The Minotaur gave me a nod of command I couldn't mistake. Slowly, my legs came apart. My trembling hand went between my thighs to touch my bare pussy lips. It felt so strange to feel bare flesh where I'd once had hair. My captor pulled my head up so I wouldn't interfere with his view. My eyes closed as I tried to pretend I was at home in my room. I hadn't ever masturbated in a kneeling position but the lack of hair made up for that. In fact, it took a lot less time for my fingers to be lubricated with my body juice. A soft moan escaped my lips I didn't try to fight. At that moment, fighting was the furthest thing on my mind. It'd never felt this good before. His large hand came down to stroke my breasts and pull on my sensitive nipples. All too soon, my body arched in tremendous release as cum soaked my shaking hand. I slumped for a few moments to get my breath back.

"You should clean your hand, Adara," he said in an amused tone. After a moment of hesitation, I lifted my hand to my trembling lips. I'd never licked my hand clean before but my tongue seemed eager to try. My body juice tasted better than I'd expected. He made me lick my hand for a short time before placing the bowel of wine on the floor. When I reached out to pick it up he gave the leash a sharp yank to get my attention.

"Animals don't pick bowls up," he said watching my pale face flush in uneasiness. Still, I was very thirsty at that point. Placing a hand on either side of the bowel, my tongue lapped up the delicious wine. It didn't taste like the wine from my world. Rich in scent, this wine had a mellow flavor with a hint of spice. The small bowl emptied much too quickly for me. He'd started eating his meal. He took a large bite of meat but left a small morsel in his hand. This he offered to me. I knew better then to reach up with my hand. Reluctantly, I opened my mouth for him to place the meat in my mouth.

"Cross your wrists behind your back, Adara," he ordered.

I almost expected him to bind them but he didn't.

"I love the way your breasts sway when your arms are behind your back, my pet." He held the piece of food out watching me open my mouth. Placing the meat on my tongue, the Minotaur groped my breasts for a few moments before returning to his meal. The meat tasted savory, tender and rich, like the best steak I'd ever had but a hundred times better. He gave me a bit of bread then some more meat, always making sure I knew it was leftover from one of his bites.


After dinner, the Minotaur decided to take me on a tour of his home. The hallways were decorated with spectacular tapestries of different scenes and patterns of colors. Small statues made of precious metals, gold, and platinum sat on marble pedestals. There were even some made of gem stones. I especially liked a dragon made of a deep green emerald and accented in other jewels and silver. He stopped to let me take a good look. I gave him a side long look wondering how he knew I wanted to look at it. As long as I stayed right at his side, he left the leash loose saving my nose some pain. We passed a library that startled me in that it was larger than I'd have thought a Minotaur would need. I'd always considered them incapable of enjoying reading. I saw a conservatory with a wide array of instruments. He surprised me by playing a lap harp skillfully. We went by the weapons room on our way to the back of the villa. As he'd fallen somewhat silent, I began to wonder where we were going. I should've guessed.


Spheres of magic light came on to show me his bedroom. It showed opulent comfort with a Minotaur sized king sized bed and blankets of black fur. The floor had a soft texture to it though it looked like regular stone. My eyes went to the paintings on the walls of lurid sex scenes. I noticed two large cabinets close to several devices meant for holding a person helpless. My eyes went up to his smiling face as he led me across the room. I could see we were headed toward one particular holder that looked like a vaulting horse with chains. Seeing it, my body stopped moving even when he jerked the ring so hard I thought he'd rip it out. He turned to glare at me.

"Submit to me, Adara," he snarled, "or you'll truly regret the consequences." My eyes went to where I knew he was going then up to his angry face as I considered the choice. He started forward again, but I still wouldn't budge. I'd even take doing it doggie then whatever he had planned with that thing. He spun around to glare at me. We stared at each other for a few moments before he came for me. His hands pulled the leash in as he approached. His hands bit into my sides when he picked me up. My body struggled against his hands, but it didn't keep him from taking me to the thing. The Minotaur slammed my body down stomach first across the padded bar with my upper body on one side and my thighs hanging over the other. Momentarily stunned, my body went limp giving him enough time to buckle a large leather belt across the small of my back. He caught my wrists in an iron tight grip and yanked them forward stretching my upper body to where chains were waiting for my cuffs. My eyes looked down at my dangling breasts with a growing anxiety wondering what he'd do next. He didn't keep me in suspense. Back at my waist, he took a moment to give my bottom several really hard smacks and smiled when I screamed in pain.

"You've only just begun to take your punishment, Adara," he growled. "Release legs." Suddenly, my legs were free to start kicking in a frantic fear. It didn't stop him since he stood at my side away from my reach. His hands grabbed my right thigh and ankle biting hard forcing it to bend as he wanted. My leg bent in and up. He chained my ankle to a stirrup like holder then did it to my other leg. He stepped back panting from the effort of binding me but he hadn't quite finished. With a snort of irritation, he left me only able to squirm a little but nothing more. My eyes opened to see my large breasts swaying back and forth from my fighting. I looked down at them for several minutes wondering at this fact.

"Adara, I want you to know I won't actually take you till you beg me to," the Minotaur said as he returned to me.

'Like I can beg when I can't even speak,' I thought sullenly. He placed several objects of metal on the floor under my breasts and yanked my head back to look into my reddened eyes. In my heart, the desire to spit in his face was so tempting but I couldn't get up the strength. My captor let my head go kneeling down beside me. This action startled me bringing my eyes down to what lay on the floor. All I could make out were two balls of metal with small chains attached them. As I tried to figure out what they were, his large hands grasped my right breast in a very firm grip squeezing for several moments. My eyes looked at him in surprise. He had that 'I'm going to break you' smile that drove me nuts and it only got worse. The Minotaur rubbed and caressed me then started pulling on my nipple toward the floor. It felt like he was milking my breast as one would a cow's teat. Every once in a while he pulled my nipple down hard, stretching it painfully. His eyes were unreadable as I cried out in pain. After spending some time working my breast, he did the same to my other tit leaving my nipples sore and stretched out. Tears dripped from my pale cheeks then I saw him pick up something from the floor. My eyes widen at the clamp he held in his hand. I looked up at him shaking my head frantically begging in my mind. It did no good. The clamp was opened then positioned over my already swelling bud. My scream bounced off the walls. Pain shot through my breast all over my helpless body then he put a clamp on my other nipple doubling my torment. He bent down to take up one of the metal balls. That's when I saw the hook on the end of the chain. My eyes went down to the clamps and saw the rings. This meant he planned to...

"This is only a quarter of a pound, Adara," he said smiling into my terror filled eyes. "I'm in a generous mood so I'll give you a choice... You can accept these weights in silent submission, or I can get the half pound weights and stretch your nipples to the floor. If you choose to submit you need only drop your head." My mind seemed frozen in horror at what he was suggesting. He wanted me to submit to his torture like a good little slave girl. He started to stand up and my mind chose the more degrading but less painful of the two choices given me. My head dropped down signaling my submission. With a laugh, he placed one weight then paused to look at me. My teeth bit down hard on my tongue holding the scream of agony back by my will. He nodded his head in satisfaction putting the other weight in place. My eyes opened to look down at my breasts horrified to see them stretched and elongated by the weights. The Minotaur gave the weights a push to hear me groan in pain. I realized with a start he'd stood up going to my waist. His hand trailed up and down my sweaty thigh for a moment then moved to stand between my spread legs. The stirrups kept my thighs well spread and raised my ass a little. I felt him bend down for a brief moment. The next thing I knew cool oil poured over my asscheeks making me jerk in surprise. I tried to look over my shoulder to see what he was doing, but every time I moved the weights would swing bringing a stab of agony to my breasts. I closed my eyes to keep from looking at my tortured flesh. His hands went to work massaging my ass, the small of my back even my thighs. His hands knew how to make my muscles relax under his firm touch making it feel so good. This went on for several minutes with oil added a couple of times. On the last time, his finger ran down the crack of my bottom bringing my head up with a jerk. His finger pressed down stopping at my anus. He rubbed oil over my puckered asshole then pushed inward drawing a scream out of my mouth. I'd never even considered anal sex much less experienced it. His finger felt like a dagger splitting me.

"My... you're a virgin after all, Adara," he said with a snort of amusement. "I'm so glad. You shouldn't make such a fuss..." Such a fuss? He started wiggling his finger enjoying my whimpers. His finger thrust into me in strong strokes and I grunted with each forward thrust. Without warning, my captor forced a second finger into my tight hole. My entire body shivered in agony as he didn't even slow down.

'God, please let me die,' I cried inwardly as my throat cracked with my cries. He stopped for a moment then separated his fingers for a moment or two stretching out my anus. When his fingers left me, I thought the torment had ended but I couldn't be further from the truth. His hands caught my hips in a firm grip. It was then I felt the head of his cock rubbing against my asscheeks. With a strong thrust of his hips, the Minotaur shoved a good two inches of his manhood into my butt. At that point, I couldn't even scream. My body went limp loosening up to make his entry easier. He began slow even strokes his hands massaging my bottom to relax my strained muscles even more.

"That's right, Adara," he said in a gentle voice. "You need only submit to me..." I tried to get mad, enraged enough to resist but something strange was beginning to happen in my butt. Now that I wasn't fighting him, it had begun to feel better. The pain seemed to be going away to be replaced by a growing pleasure. He added to this by sending his fingers into my warming vagina. When his fingers reached my clit, I felt a charge of pleasure that sent the pain away. My mind couldn't believe how great it felt much less fight it.

"Are you ready to beg me, Adara?" he teased as his thrusting sped up. "Are you?" My head tossed back and forth trapped between the conflicting feelings. His fingers alternated between my clit and circling around my vaginal opening driving me crazy with need, the increasing lust pounded through my body.

'Oh God...' I whimpered in silent plea.

"You have my permission to speak, Adara," he said with a grin. It took a moment for me to clear my throat before I could actually speak.

"Please..." I whimpered. My body tried to move with his but was held still. He stopped thrusting into me for a moment.

"What do you want, Adara?" My mind raced around in chaos.

"Pl-please..." I groaned again my hips thrusting as much as they could.

"Tell me what you want, Adara," he ordered moving in and out of my ass very slowly.

"Please... fuck... me..." I moaned horrified at the fact I really wanted him to do it.

"I told you you'd have to beg me," he said, pulling his hand away as he had done me before. "Beg me, Adara." My body screamed at being denied the release it craved so badly. Tears flooded down my cheeks yet I couldn't fight it anymore.

"Please fuck me," I begged, my head hanging down. "Please take me..."

"Did you say something, slave?" His hand started touching me again making my body shuddered with need.

"Please fuck me, Master," I sobbed adding to my humiliation. "Take me, Master. I-I need-need... Give me ecstasy, Master. I need your touch... I need you-you... Please take me, master!" His cock pulled all the way out of my ass to shove in to the hilt into my throbbing pussy. My head threw back as I screamed in unrestrained delight but the Minotaur hadn't even begun. He pulled half way out then shoved in listening to my cries. My captor began with long, slow thrusts as I wiggled like a butterfly stuck on a pin.

"How does my cock feel, Adara?" he asked his hands stroking my inner thighs for added affect.

"It-it feels soooo good, Master," I groaned wishing I could thrust backward into his forward movement. Being in my vaginal opening his hand couldn't get at my clit so he used my body juice as lubricant shoving three fingers into my ass. The duo sensations made my senses explode driving all other thoughts from my mind. I wanted him to go faster... to really take me.

"Fuck me, Master," I panted, sweat dripping from my face. "Take me... Show me how good it can be... Please, Master. TAKE ME!" His hands went to my hips and his thrusts sped up. The vaulting horse shook with his movements. My breasts were flying back and forth in a dance of pain that didn't reach my thoughts. Our grunts and moans echoed through the chamber. My body peaked in a series of orgasms that seemed to last forever. His hand reached forward to grab a hand full of hair yanking my head back. The peaks kept repeating in my rapidly weakening body. I thought this act would bring my death as my human body couldn't keep up with his brute form. He forced my head back as far as he could to stare down into my eyes.

"YOU ARE MINE!" The Minotaur roared, as his seed flooded my womb and leaked out due to the amount. Gratefully, I passed into unconsciousness.


As a member of the Catsean race I'd reached my majority and was looking forward to having a mate. At five feet tall I was small for my race as females went. Wildwind had already approached my parents with an offer of bonding which pleased me. I'd had a...

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