An Abandoned Child

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Hi guys. I'm the same as Yiff_Arts who did Night with a Rockstar down there somewhere. I'm sorry about that and will post part two soon. This is a cub yiff, and might be considered N/C. If either of these offend you don't read and don't bitch about it in the comments section, please. Alright! Enjoy!!!


A lone wolf child wondered lost down an abandoned city street. He was an orphen, close ragged and torn. He shivered against the cold breeze as his worn shoes gave him only something to walk in. He was about nine years old, entering his pubic years. His fur was tattered and matted, looking more a brown color than actual grey. He was gaunt and emaciated and very weak.

A fox in his twenties walked through the streets as well. He was about 5' 7' and wore dark pants with a long-sleeved shirt. His windbreaker jacket rustled in the air as he walked. He found the poor lonely cub on the street and walked up to him. "Where are your parents?" He asked, with a warm, gentle voice.

He looked up at him weakly, "I... I'm an orphan..."

"That's pretty sad... Where do you live?"

"I lived at the... the orphanage. But they don't like me..."

The fox gave the young cub a worried look.

"You seem to be in need of help. Follow me home, I'll give you a meal, a bath and a roof to stay under. It's the least I can do." The fox had a touch of guilt in his voice.

"I... You shouldn't... I..." The wolf lowered his head, shamed that he had to rely on a good Samaritan to survive. He began to step with the fox, but he then fainted and doubled over from hunger and exhaustion.

He woke up on a couch in what seemed to be a kitchen. The fox from before was sitting on a chair across the room. When he noticed that the wolf was opening his eyes he quickly got up and rushed to him. "Are you ok, my child? You fainted on the street... I carried you to my home..."

The fox had some problems expressing himself since he was so worried for the kid. He put his left paw against the cub's cheek gently and waited for him to answer.

The wolf child was very dizzy. He didn't know exactly where he was or who this fox was. He hated to ask but he was so hungry, "I... I think I'm just hungry..."

"I knew you'd be, so I prepared a meal for you. It's not much, some rice and lamb meat. But it'll do you good." The fox pointed at a table two steps away from the couch. "Think you can get there yourself or do you want me to carry you, boy?"

"N-no, I'm... I'll be fine..." The child slowly got up and stood, stabilizing himself on the table and moved over to the food. It smelled so good, and his mouth watered with absolute anticipation. He looked at the fox, as if asking if it were real.

"Go ahead, my dear. Eat it. I made it just for you."

He looked at it again and began to tear into hit. He was so hungry, he couldn't control himself. He tore into the meat, tasting the sweet juice and flesh. The rice was good and mild. It was the best meal he had had since his parents died.

"That wasn't so bad, now was it?"

He finished it quickly, burping and he blushed, "It was... It was wonderful..."

He smiled. "Glad that you enjoyed it, my dear. Now we'll just give you a bath and get you into a warm bed. Sounds good, no?"

"Y-yes..." He looked at his mangy fur and dirty rags of close. "You would do that for me? Why?"

"I just felt sorry for you, child. You don't deserve to starve to death. All I care for is your health."

"Th-thank you... Thank you so much."

"Now, will you follow me upstairs?"

He stretched out his right paw to the young cub, wanting him to hold it.

He accepted the hand. This person was so nice; he would do anything to repay his debt.

Slowly, he led the cub up a set of stairs into a hall. There were five doorways in the hall, one leading to a bedroom, another leading to a work room, and three shut doors. On the floor was a red and blue carpet with cute bunnies on. It all gave a warm impression.

The fox led the way to a door in the middle of the hall and opened it. Behind the door was a bathroom with a bathtub and a sink. The floor was blue and two towels hung on a rack on the wall. "Just take those dirty clothes off and we'll fix you up." The fox said with a warm, caring voice.

The cub looked up at him, blushing madly. He was very very modest, but he thought that he was only trying to help. He slipped off the torn shirt, ripped pants and poor shoes, now standing there with his mangy fur and looked at him.

The fox pointed at the bathtub.

"Just get in and I'll bathe you, my child." he said with a kind tone, though a bit more authoritarian and ordering than before.

"Um... Ok..." He kept telling himself that the fox was just trying to help. He got into the tub and sat down, looking at the fox.

The fox grabbed the shower nozzle and made the water run. He checked the temperature with his right paw so that it wouldn't be too cold or too warm for the little boy. When he thought it was just perfect, he started showering the orphan. The water turned into some sort of brownish gray color from all the dirt on the wolf's body.

"Enjoying yourself, my dear?"

The feeling of being cleaned again was incredible. Being able to see his natural fur color again was great for him.

Once he had gotten off the worst of the dirt the fox grabbed a bar of soap and started the scrub the wolf with it across his soft, innocent body. His paws worked hard - perhaps a bit too hard - not to miss a spot on the wolf. Several times, the fox's paws ran across the wolf's genitalia and butt, almost as he was feeling the cub out. After a while though he again grabbed the nozzle and showered the wolf again. He was now completely clean.

After the whole ordeal was done, his small body sat in the tub, his light grey fur smooth, soft, and gleaming.

He smiled. He didn't really want to admit it to himself, but he was starting to feel attracted to this child. He debated with himself whether he should exploit the kid... It was so wrong he thought! But eventually he decided to give into his desires rather than his moral beliefs. Just a quickie, then... "Get out. Don't bother to get dressed; I've got another thing for you. Follow me into the bedroom..."

Now he was getting very worried. His bedroom? But why?

"Well? Are you coming with me or not, my child?"

He nodded nervously and got up stepping with him.

The adult fur led the wolf cub into the bedroom. It was pretty empty; a single bed with blue sheets and a green cover and a small nightstand with a lamp on it was all that was inside the small room. "Please, lie down on your belly in the bed." The fox instructed him. His soft, gentle tone from before was gone and replaced with a more direct, authoritarian tone.

He was starting to get frightened now, but he did as he was told, his tail flicking back and forth a little in nervousness.

He sat down beside the wolf patted his head gently. "Don't worry, I won't harm you. You're just going to de me a favor after all I did for you. Ok? Are you up for it?"

"Y... yes..." Maybe he shouldn't have thought that before. He had said he'd do anything, but he had never thought of this anything.

"Now what I'm going to do to you might feel a bit strange at first, but trust me, you'll enjoy it my dear. Are you ready?"

He nodded nervously.

The fox let his middle finger on his right paw run down from the wolf's neck and down the back, stopping at the butt. He caressed it gently for a brief moment before running his index finger into the little wolf's tight rectum.

His eyes went wide and he flinched. This was new, it was intrusive, it was painful, but if felt fucking good.

He moved his finger back and forth into the wolf's ass, gently as he wanted the kid to enjoy the whole spectacle. As his index finger did its dirty thing, the fox's left paw gently caressed the wolf's back. Even when taking advantage of the kid the fox really seemed to care for him...

He moaned out now, the pain gone. He felt so loved, wanted, and sexy. His cock was getting harder by the minute, ready for its first sexual experience.

The fox stopped finger-fucking the kid... Just as it had begun to feel so good. He pulled his pants down and revealed an erect 8-inch cock. "Ok, boy. I want you to suck on my dick now. Ok?"

He nodded, feeling very erotic now. His eyes bulged with the full hard on before him. He had seen some of the older guys at the orphanage in the shower, it had been very arousing, but they weren't this large. He licked the tip, tasting the saltiness of it.

The tickling feeling across the fox's dick as the wolf licked the head of his cock was almost overwhelming at first. It had been long since he got his dick sucked, and this is the first time a preteen had done it to him. He moaned softly to tell the young wolf that he was doing a good job on sucking the dick.

He licked up the bottom of the shaft, the taste so strange.

"You like it, don't you? Go ahead, suck on it..."

He was embarrassed to admit it, but yes he did. He enjoyed the taste and everything about it. He took the head into his mouth and slowly sucked on the meat.

He put his head back and shut his eyes as the pleasure filled his body. He had never in his imagination believed that such a small and inexperienced kid could please him this greatly.

"Aaah... That's it, honey... Faster... Faster!"

He tried to take in more, but his small mouth and the large head weren't going to make it easy.

Realizing this, the fox stopped pushing the kid. He wanted him to enjoy it too without feeling pressure. He then started to let his paw run up and down across the wolf's back, feeling his soft fur as he did.

He moaned into the cock, vibrations running through the piece in his maw. He licked the head slowly, loving it so much.

The fox's dick started pulsating. He had never been good at holding his load back and felt that he'd shoot his seed into the wolf's mouth pretty soon...

He kept licking, feeling the rushing blood, not knowing really what it meant. His hand moved to the fox balls and he massaged them slowly, more out of instinct than anything else.

He gasped once, and then shot a large load of cum into the wolf's mouth. He smiled at him, pleased with his efforts.

"You did good, my dear... Really good."

It caught him off guard, and he tried to swallow what he could but he couldn't help some dribbling from his maw. The taste was strong and it was sitting on his tongue too long. "C... Can I have some water?"

"Certainly. Just you wait here."

The fox put his pants back on and rushed out of the room and quickly came back with a glass of nice, cold water which he handed to the cute lil' wolf.

He drank it, getting the taste off of his tongue. "Th-thank you... it tasted very strong..."

"I'm sorry; I shouldn't have taken advantage of you... But you were just so cute, I couldn't resist it. I hope you aren't mad at me."

He thought for a second, and then he reached up and kissed the man, like a child would his father. "I... I don't mind... It felt really good..."

The fox hadn't expected this reaction; he was relieved and happy to hear that the kid wasn't angry with him. "Very well... Get dressed and run along. If you'd ever need help in life, you know where to find me." He smiled and hugged the child tightly for a brief moment.

The wolf looked somewhat hurt, "You... You don't want me?"

"Of course I do... I just thought... That you didn't want me, but sure, if you want to stay... Well... Do you?"

"Yes, you're the only person since my parents died to treat me so well... I want to stay! I want to stay with you as your son!"

"Well... Sure! I'll take care of you, my dear. We'll be a family, I promise."

Tears welled up in his eyes. He gripped him around the chest lovingly, "Thank you so much!!! I love you... Dad..."

"And I love you too, son..."

He nuzzled his new father lovingly. With a father this good, he could never be unhappy. He knew he would never be unloved again.
