Execution night 1: the first showing

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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#1 of Execution night

The crowd's chatter and discussions was a low roar through the amphitheater as the audience began to take their seats. The show was soon to start and the anticipation was heavy in the air as the seats were quickly being filled. The smells of charcoal and barbecued meat wafted through the air, and the faint murmurs of calls of the fair outside could be heard. All eyes were on the large structure that filled the stage, the tall wooden platform unmistakably a gallows. A half large trapdoors ran along the front, opening from behind to let their victims sway in front of the growing audience without letting the platform get too close so feet can grab on. Along the back a large black curtain allows the executioner to prepare the The executions soon to begin in another night of the snuff carnival, with today's theme being hanging. The sunlight beaming onto the stage as the evening breeze blows through, spreading more of the smells of the fair as the crowd impatiently awaited for the first of the condemned. Finally a bell rings out, the doors closing for the seating as the show was soon to begin


The crowd's chatting quickly ceased as their attention focused to the stage. A roar of applause as a regal wolf steps forward, a black leather hood hiding most of his features. A pair of grand angelic wings giving him an inspiring look, while a black loincloth hides little of the arousal he has for his show. His only other decoration a heavy leather hoods and a large, thick coil of ebon, silky rope on his side. A small leash leads the first volunteer along behind him, the crowd whistling as a short, nude fennec demon is led forward. Hir red and white striped body contrasting with the silver and white of the wolf's, hir wings bound in black leather belts tightly, folded up behind hir back. Hir paws behind her back, strapped snugly with thick black ropes as shi follows with a playful gait behind hir executioner, seven silky tails swaying and wagging. Hir nudity enhanced by the obvious arousal of the show to begin, a petite black penis bobbing with each cheerful step, two pairs of small breasts swaying a little. Hir red eyes wide at the tall platform and the broad pole that will hold hir rope securely. Hir cheeks are visibly blushed as she watches hir fate grow closer with each step.

The soft patter of feet beginning up the tall stairs could be heard over the faint sounds of the rest of the fair around them, the audience quiet as they look forward to the show to begin. The scent of lust growing as the demon's paws clicked up each heavy wooden step, all quite aroused at the intimate show. The fennec's chest rising and falling as faint whimpers are heard, the leash unyielding as it leads hir inexorably towards the first platform. Hir pace growing from playful to nervous and shy as shi nears the last stairs. Finally reaching the top as the wolf leads hir nude body forward, then guides hir to the front of the first platform high above the crowd.

The wolf unclasps that leash with a grave air as the demoness trembles before the large crowd, knowing once it's gone shi has little left to live. Shi gazes down to those nearly straight beneath hir, at least twenty feet down. But shi won't be falling far today, a soft moan as shi thinks of the many shows shi's watched or assisted with. A gentle gasp from the crowd as the wolf opens that broad hood wide for hir slender muzzle, pulling it over and folding those massive ears down as hir identity is taken away. Leaving hir just decoration, soon to be well hung above the crowd as shi faintly whimpers.

That thick rope is uncoiled, drawn around that slender, leather covered throat. A gentle tugging to pull the hood more secure, masking the demon's face, hir large ears too light to lift the weighty fabric. Then the wolf begins to tie the simple noose that will steal the demoness's life away before the thousands before hir. Hir many tails lash nervously against the wolf's lap, those wings squirming side to side in their tight bindings behind hir. A soft twisting of hips, back and forth as shi strains at the secure ropes, but nothing gives. Muffled whimpers of fearful eagerness heard as shi feels the tug of silk rope grasp hir neck securely. A thump as the rope is tossed over the pole above hir head, then the executioner pulls slowly on it, leading the slack out foot by foot as he draws it back down to be secured to the floor behind hir. Those just below hir can see the pre welling up on the tip of hir black penis, glistening brightly in the sun as shi feels that warmth beat down on hir thin fur. Hir female arousal faintly visible through her spread legs as shi shivers when that rope tugs softly upon hir throat. The wolf giving a firm pull on that rope, making the doomed vixtodd moan quietly into the heat of the hood. The executioner tying the rope down behind the platform into the hook below, tugging the rope to secure hir firmly. Forced to stand on hir toes, with the scent of hir arousal strong enough that the front rows can smell it. Hir chest rising and falling as shi pants in that smothering hood, helpless except to die for the entertainment of all before hir.

The crowd's anticipation grew heavy as shi quietly shifted and squirmed on the end of the trapdoor. Hir nude form proud in the sunlight as the executioner stepped towards the series of releases. Turning to the crowd once more as he grasps the first lever, addressing them "And now we have the first volunteer for tonight's executions! This lovely herm will soon hang by hir neck until shi is dead. Hir lovely body will then be left on display for the rest of the fair on the gallows tree at the back of the fairgrounds, for all to gaze at until the carnival ends. And with that, in a few moments, we will have the first of tonight's public executions!" The crowd cheers as the helpless demon patters hir feet on the trapdoor, listening to it softly click and bounce, just a small lock keeping hir feet on a solid surface. Slowly the crowd's cheers begin to die await, hushing sounds as shi whines, knowing once the crowd grows silent shi will hang. A few moments pass as the crowd stops cheering, all attention on the bound and helpless herm on the stage. A ribbon of pre oozing down hir cock as slick arousal trickles from hir folds, breasts rising and falling as shi pants in the last breaths of hir life.

At last there's a quiet click as the trapdoor is released, a muffled squeal from the little demon. The massive wooden door swinging open smoothly, a sharp click as it swings back, then a ringing bang as it's locked straight down to keep from hitting the newly hung victim, muffling the sounds of the rope tightening. Shi sinks only a few inches as the silk rope settles around that slender, covered throat, visibly squeezing it while a pair of feet begin to kick for the crowd helplessly. The black paw pads prancing in the air as toes curl and relax, the demon twisting slowly with the breeze. Hir arousal bobbing slowly, balls swinging with hir growing struggles.

The crowd roars as shi begins to thrash in futility on the end of that tight rope. Hir body swinging slowly back and forth as those tails lash and writhe behind hir. The sleek body twisting and arching, legs lifting and pawing around blindly in the air. Hir wings jerk side to side, uselessly trying to unfold, as each moment lets hir body burn more of hir precious oxygen. That obscured head tossing side to side to try to loosen the knot, but just tightening it more for the all to enjoy. Hir chest struggles to rise and fall, finding no air to breath as those nipples grow quite firm. Hir canid knot beginning to swell as the little demon's asphyxiation begins to set in, the little demon able to see nothing but growing sparkles and stars in hir blinded state.

The little demon's struggles reach their peak as that stiff penis dribbles pre below, knot blossoming fully for all to admire. Hir slick, pouting ccunny twitching softly as girlcum starts to trickle forth, the black folds winking pink inner flesh. Those delicate toes curled as muscles begin to cramp and tense up as they starve for oxygen. Hir head starting to slump forward occasionally as hir vision swirls with spots, straining to stay awake. Heart pounding in hir ears as drool begins to appear on the front of the leather hood, darkening against hir lips as shi feels hir body slowly dying. Hir hips suddenly jerk, thrashing in a desperate moment to keep conscious as shi cums, splashing elegant ribbons of gleaming white seed onto the crowd below. Hir folds twitch lewdly, splashing and squirting musky girlcum down hir legs and onto the ground beneath hir as shi arches in fatal pleasure.

Those last moments quickly end with the slump of hir head against hir chest. Drool dripping through the thick fabric as hir legs stop thrashing. The last dribble of cum oozing down a lap as shi quietly begins to twitch and jerk unconsciously. The crowd quieting down once more as they watch hir die before them, the stink of lust stronger yet now as hir body shifts one last time, a shudder running through hir spine, and then shi relaxes fully. Limply swaying with the faint creak of a rope as a quiet, polite applause finishes hir show with hir finish. The executioner walking down the steps once more to bring the next victim up as the babble and murmur of discussion and appreciation of the show begins again. The buzz of anticipation fading again as many admire the first filled trapdoor, and enjoying the intermission for the next volunteer.