A Frustrated Horse: Part 1

Story by New0011 on SoFurry

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#1 of A Frustrated Horse

Hey everyone, been a while. I'm just using this to get back in the swing of things. There will be probably two more little parts to this, I believe. Thanks for reading, and there's probably tons of mistakes I'm sorry D: But anyway...enjoy or something :D

It was just another hot, sweaty, Saturday night in Wes' bedroom.

Unfortunately for him, it was spent alone in the warm musk of his own copious scent. He sighed after about the fourth climax that evening, small droplets of sweat trailing down his equine-built body. His overly active sexual life with him and his bottles of lube were fine, sure, but there's only so many times you can do it in a day and still feel good about yourself.

For over seven years Wes' daily routine consisted of staying quite in class, keeping calm and collected all by himself, doing homework early and spending the evening to hours upon hours releasing load after load. Just six hours to myself is all I need, the same thought constantly going through his head. But that fact soon escaped from his current reality. He knew his down time had increased rapidly every year; when he'd just started learning to play with himself it was one-two times maximum, now at the age of fifteen he couldn't just wait till getting home every day to relieve himself. He stressed about it for hours a day, contemplating his choices. Staying in class just simply isn't an option, he thought. Going to the bathroom at a scheduled time every day on the dot would not bode well with his teachers, so he'd have to orderly randomize his distribution of down time. He also had trouble figuring out if the bathroom was a good idea. He didn't want to fill the stalls with his musk, there's no way someone wouldn't notice, and having to cleanup that way would be a hassle.

I could go outside, Wes thought to himself, already back for his fifth release of the night. But going outside would take too long, and even if I went into the woodsy area next to school it'd be too risky not to think some kid would find him eventually. He continued stressing over his situation as he closed his eyes, enjoying another climax, continuing to stroke his more fat than large horse dick.

He always found it a bit strange and with much more girthy than lengthy for a horse. He didn't ultimately mind too much, the part that really had gotten directly in the way of his day-to-day life were his balls. Constantly churning fresh cum he had trouble stuffing them in his briefs every morning. He found it surprising it wasn't too noticeable at school if he wore really baggy pants.

But that was just the problem: his balls only continued to get bigger through his life. Unlike his cock that grew with puberty at a nice pace, his balls were on a completely different level, producing hormones and seed that constantly begged for attention and release. The surplus his balls created made cleanup such a pain for Wes he'd thrown the notion of doing it anymore out the window. This had turned his room into a musky, sticky situation. A small corner of his room by his bedside was where he 'worked'. Before doing anything in his room he'd undress and sit by the bedside, and over the course of each night, fill it further with his seed. Every climax was a good ten to twelve spurt of thick cum ropes, leaping onto his chest, the side of his bed, chair and floor. Over the last year the problem had only been increasing, but in a sense Wes liked it. Even though it was gross and simply ruined his bedroom he enjoyed knowing he had a place to simply unwind.

It took a total of nine climaxes before Wes had to force himself to stop. He could go for the remainder of the night, his member still hard and raw, throbbing for more, but it was already late. He'd have to deal with another painstakingly slow school day tomorrow. The over hormone-driven horse lay in his bed for a full two hours before going to bed.

The next morning Wes' member was still hard, looking at him to tell him good morning. Getting up for the day he began with a shower, where he decided to jack off twice that morning, holding one hand on the shower wall, water dripping down his mane as he climaxed, splashing the wall with his thick seed. He told himself it would last him through the day for sure. It, satisfying enough for him, stopped the shower and dried off, dapping him finger around his excess-dripping cock hole and bringing it up to lick it, watching his member recede back into its sheath. His active horse meat never managed to fully retreat back inside him but instead always managed to stay a little erect, the tip un-flared but poking its head out to say hello.

After getting ready for the day Wes ran out the door, ignoring his mother asleep on the living room couch, as she usually was during the day after working the nightshift. She leaved him alone most the time and was gone during the evening, giving Wes ease of mind when he had to do his business. He wasn't sure how much his mother knew about his room, and frankly he didn't care too much as long as she didn't bring anything up.

After a bus ride and start to his daily freshman classes Wes was starting to feel more agitated in the groin area. Most the kids knew and made jokes about Wes' embarrassing problem from an incident on the first day of school. It was the last period of the day, gym, and everyone had gone to the locker rooms to change. Unfortunately for Wes watching all the guys around him changing and rough housing with each other had gotten to him. As soon as he took of his gym shorts to change himself he was fully aroused, briefs soaked with pre and arousal. A bull kid two years older than him pointed it out, making him look like a gay fur with his erection and as though he'd pissed his pants. He dropped the class the next day, forging a doctor's note stating he had a pain issue in his upper thighs-got him off Scott-free.

He tried to prolong his doomed, daily erection but by fourth period he became aware it had become beyond his control. Stuck in the back of class as his geography teacher, Mr. Frankton, was sitting in his desk as a video about the formation of lakes played on the projector. Half the kids were asleep while the other half were busy texting. Wes was almost fully erect, daydreaming, before coming to the realization he had to get out of class. Now that the class was dark and no one was paying attention to the video anyway Wes stood up and asked the teacher to use the restroom.

"Sure, go ahead," Frankton said, the mountain lion teacher said, paying attention to his monitor, ignoring Wes completely, leaving the teen horse free to go. Wes thanked the teacher and practically ran out of the classroom unnoticed. Now he had to figure out where to go. He hurried down the hall and looked at the bathroom just off the social studies wing. To the left, the school's back door, where, after a quick contemplation, Wes headed out.

No more than five minutes, he thought to himself, searching for a safe, discrete spot. He didn't see anyone around, especially not in the forest area back of the school. The only kids that went back there were the punks. That was their regular hang out spot to smoke in-between passing periods. Wes headed a little deeper into the forest than the hang out spots, full of cigarette butts and random trash. It was a little bit darker farther back, he couldn't see past the trees to school now. No way anyone could be back here, Wes told himself, sighing a bit as he unbuttoned his baggy pants, sitting against a tree.

A damp spot appeared on his briefs already, and careful not to get anything wet or filled with his scent and stripped and set aside his clothes above a small branch on the tree he sat on. Pleased with himself, the impatient horse relaxed his body on the soft, grassy ground. His naked rear sank in to the earth slightly, his tail twitching against the tree's trunk. Everything safe and sound enough he grasped his thick horse meat, slowly enjoying the new venue he'd found, prepared to drench it in his copious load.

Spreading out his legs against the overgrown grass he moaned lightly, reaching his hand against the base to the tip of his member, watching its tip flare up and release a tiny trail of pre flow down the side onto his hand. His breathing becoming heavier and nostrils flaring the real work began. He knew he didn't have forever, so he had to turn up the pace. Closing his eyes the horse quickened his hand movements, repeatedly stroking himself. A small moan escaped his lips, hot air escaping in front of his face with it. He stretched a bit, his back roughing up against the tree's bark as he enjoyed the simple pleasure of his own self in the cool, forest shade.

It wasn't long before he reached climax, thrusting and twitching his hips into the air with every stroke, prepared for release and orgasm. He moaned louder, practically panting, feeling more erotic and self-fulfilled then he ever had in his room's corner. It was fresh and exciting, as the ropes escaped his meat. His cum flung high up, hitting his face and over his head, covered a section of the tree's trunk in his white, thick seed. Pulse after pulse, his balls released more and more segments of cum onto the forest floor, an orgasm lasting far longer than any he'd been aware of in the past. After well over a full minute of blissful pleasure, his orgasm subsided and continued to leak excess cum for a while after. Wes had completely lost his sense of time, being outside far longer than he should have in the first place as he basked in the shade, licking some of the cum off his nose, eyes still shut tight, refusing to take in any notion of going back to class.

His breathing calmed down Wes released a long, well-deserved sigh of relief, despite his member still throbbing for more. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking and staring down into his slowly receding cock. It wouldn't go down all the way, but this was enough for keeping him together for the rest of the school day...

Then it hit Wes. Cursing in his head he panicked as he stepped up, licking most the cum he could off his face before wiping his face with his hands. He grabbed a few leafs off the tree and wiped most the cum off his body, before scrambling for his clothes, getting them on as fast as possible. First his shirt and then his boxers, he thought to himself. Then, grabbing his pants and having already put one leg in, he heard a noise. A twig, or something, snapping. Having barely noticed it in the first place, the paranoid horse had stopped movement and scanned the parameter. Shifting his head quickly from left to right he noticed a figure far into the forest. Unable to make it out he squinted before it ran off, deeper into the forest.

Wes scurried out of the forest in fear and panic, scrambling his pants all the way on and leaving his shoes behind. He tripped out of the forest back behind the school, sweaty and simply a mess from the preceding happenings. A bright, red haired fox girl, walking out stopped in her path at the sight of Wes, panting and staring at the girl. He heard giggles from behind him, the group of punks just inside the edge of the forest, smoking and pointing at Wes. He blushed and stared, unaware of what to do. He'd missed the rest of class, everyone was staring at him and he was a mess. A post orgasm, sweating and panicky mess. In another moment of panic, as other kids poured out of the school, off to enjoy their off hour, the stallion bolted away from the crowd. A few other kids laughed and were left confused as the rest continued on their day, Wes off to hide behind the gymnasium to calm down and wail in his own embarrassment and own confusion.

How did I lose track of time? How do I show my face in front of the school again? Who was the fur watching me? If it was one of the punks, they wouldn't have run further into the forest...Wes stuck to the outside of the gym for the rest of the school day, alone, thinking.