Taboo Love Chapter 8: Shattered Secret - Part 2

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#9 of Taboo Love Forever

Mark had run for a while before he had to slow down to a gentle jog. He had exerted much of his energy already today playing. If his intuition was correct then it meant he was not far from where Mist should be. She had gotten a massive head start and was certainly very nippy and agile. She had obviously covered quite a distance in a short time.

Mark had come off the beaten track and entered into a one of many forests. He was searching for a patch of trees that were discreetly tucked away in the most northern corner of the whole park. Few ever went to the spot, if any. That was because to get to it the traveller had to go through a woodland area and cross a stream that was much too far to jump. However, to the few who knew and had bothered to investigate, there was a crossing that came in the form of a fallen tree. When one fords the river there was still more forest to get through. Then and only then did the explorer find themselves in a small open field. Across from the grassland was a copse no bigger than a tennis court. This was where Mark's instinct had brought him.

As he approached this undersized thicket, he heard something. His gut was right this time, she had come here. He pushed his way through a few branches that crunched and rustled from his firm paw. The foliage was so thick at first that he had to close his eyes and just keep bulldozing his way though. When it finally cleared up he came to the tiny clearing. He should have seen the large black fence that surrounded the park, but again the trees were so close together that the outside world couldn't be seen. Very little daylight penetrated the over hanging branches and leaves in full bloom. The clearing was lit up pretty well by the piercing shafts of golden light. There was a mystical feeling about this place. It just seemed to convey safety and protection, like a place to escape the world, if only for a while. The tiny particles of floral dust, floated in the air being shown to those who could see when they passed through one of the beams of light.

There of course was the beautiful catgirl, sat on an aged log with her face in her paws. She sobbed gently, sucking in air then expelling it with whimpering and spluttering noises. Mark stayed perfectly still, simply watching. If his heart had not already broken, then it would be now. Will and determination were the only things stopping him from balling his eyes out. He suspected that he had been noticed, as he made sure to make enough of a racket to be heard.

When he did decide to move he didn't move towards her. Instead he padded over to a tree that was a few metres behind the crying cat. He looked at it and pawed at a particular part of the trunk just below eye level. The rough texture felt odd on his paw pads as the bark scraped harmlessly along them. He smiled serenely at the discoloured brown tree trunk and remembered happier times. His expression turned gloomy once more when he mind snapped back to his current situation. The weeping of his lost love pierced his ears and floated throughout his head.

Mark turned round to look at her sat on that log they had spent many hours making out on. He advanced with light steps until he came within reach. He carefully sat down beside her, his hips almost touching hers. He stared straight forward for a while, gathering his composure, but he was silent mainly because there was not much he could say. Without words he soothingly placed his arm around her shoulders. She didn't pull away from him and did the reverse. She sat up and wrapped her arms tightly around Mark's torso, burying her head in his side. Mark hugged her closer to provide as much comfort as he possibly could. Any shoulder was a shoulder to cry on he figured.

Under his caring touch her crying soon became sniffles and snivels. Her paws had left her eyes even though tears continued to drip from them. Mark looked down at the huddled, broken feline under his arm. He felt truly ashamed of himself for breaking such a spirit. The least he could do is be courageous and act on that decision. Mist more than deserved it.

"There's another girl," he blurted out almost solemnly.

Mist was taken back by this and wasn't quite sure if she had heard him correctly at first. She tilted her head upwards to look into his eyes, but he was no longer gazing at her. Tears had bleached her checks a lighter shade of grey, yet she still looked gorgeous.

"W-What?" She mumbled confusedly.

"The reason I couldn't tell you was because I didn't want us to break up over it... funny how something's just don't work out," Mark answered in an almost emotionless tone.

Mist gasped a little, her eyes going slightly wider. He had been cheating on her the whole time they were in a relationship, not matter how short it was. Or maybe he was cheating on this other girl with her. She simply couldn't believe he would do such a thing to either of them.

"W-who?" Mist was compelled to ask shakily.

Mark stared into the beyond, not flinching or moving an inch. He had hidden it from her and everybody for what seemed like an ice age now. He grew tired of concealing the love he and his sister shared. Everyday was like a mental battle with himself. A war of emotions and consequences were fighting it out in his mind. He couldn't take it anymore. He had wanted for so long to scream it to the world at the top of his lungs. But the frightening penalty was all too real to him. It was always there. That one thing that over rid every final decision he made. No matter what his mind decided there was always that trump card. It was like flipping a double-headed coin and saying tails. It was a situation that he could by no means win. His common sense was too strong and his foresight too far.

Mark finally looked down at the kittenish girl who was gazing straight back up at him. Her tears had been stemmed and only a few sniffs remained when she breathed in through her groggy nose. She seemed so innocent, yet it was obvious that her whole world had been torn in half. Her eyes were tired and bloodshot. Her visage was a mess of matted and bleached cheek fur. Still, through it all, she looked like the same Mist he had fallen in love with. He could see it in her eyes, the window to her soul. That same sight he had seen from her many times. Love. She still loved him with all her heart, no matter how many pieces he had broken it into. How could he deny her the truth?

"I-It's Hazel," he murmured softly.

"H-Hazel... I don't understand?" she questioned, confusion evident in her unsteady voice.

"Hazel is the other girl, Mist..." he uttered almost without moving his lips.

The copse fell silent and an eerie ghostly presence swept through the trees causing a stagnant chill in the air. Not even the sound of bird song could be heard in the now creepy dark space. Mist did not move and did not say a single word. She only stared at him. She wasn't even sure if she had heard him correctly or what she thought she had heard was the truth. What he was saying didn't make sense. She had never heard of such a thing. It boggled the mind what she had been told. She watched Mark for any signs that he was just fooling around and that this was a joke, but no sign was given. He was being serious. A thousand questions entered her head all at once. After a long period of absolute silence, Mark was the first to speak.

"Now you can see why I couldn't tell you," he finally told her. With that said, Mark rose from the log and walked away, disappearing into the trees.

Mist had to sit up because without his supporting body she would have fallen. Her mind replayed what he had said over and over again like a broken Dictaphone. All this time she had no idea. She had wanted to know for so long. She just never imagined that when she found out what tore them apart she'd want to turn back time to avoid ever knowing.

After a while of sitting with only her thoughts she came to the decision to make a move. Pushing herself off of the fallen tree she lifted her foot to walk back the way she had come. Before she could put the sole of her footpad back onto solid ground, she swivelled her head around to look at something. The rest of her body was soon to follow and she padded in the opposite direction. She stopped when she came face to trunk with a tree. She looked at it and smiled. Like Mark before her she slowly pawed at a certain spot on the bark of the tree. She slowly read the inscription on the trunk: 'Mark Loves Mist 4ever.' Swiftly she turned to walk away and leave this place, not knowing if she would ever return.


Mark was now only a short distance from his house. He suspected that he was going to be a little late and that Hazel and Josh were already home. The time he had spent walking was also time he had spent thinking. Not once since he and his sister had been together did he think what he was doing was wrong. But just saying it out loud to someone made it sound so sordid. Swirling emotions filled his body and danced in his very lifeblood. Fear of what Mist now knew ran rampant through his mind, yet a certain amount of relief also spawned within. He had finally closed the books on his relationship with Mist and, in a simultaneous venture; he had managed to unload a great secret from his brain. A weird tingling sensation spread across his skin and he physically felt his fur frizz out slightly. He did not regret revealing their secret, in fact, he was glad he did. It was something that needed to be said, not just for Mist's sake. If this meant that more people learned of Mark and Hazel's undisclosed activates, then so be it. It was impossible to hide it forever.

The bigger concern on his mind was entering his own home. He had no clue of the time, having not put on his watch or taken his mobile phone with him. Either the family had started without him or they were waiting for him to return before they began. Whichever way it went down he was going to get some kind of talking to.

He pulled down the door handle and carefully swung the door towards him, almost thinking he could avoid making noise. He stepped quietly in and immediately heard general conversation and banter. He gulped, knowing they were all gathered in the lounge. He had to go in and face them because hiding in his room would do him no favours if they were waiting for him. As stealthily as he could, Mark crept up to the living room door and peeked in. Derek was in his usual seat in the corner and Liz was talking to his Aunt. There were only the three of them in there. The only difference was that his father was conversing with his wife and sister this time. That was what threw Mark and led him to believe more of his family were in there than there actually was.

'Am I really that late? Have they had dinner already?' Mark asked himself with a puzzled look. He shrugged his shoulders and decided to investigate further, starting with finding his siblings. If he found Hazel he would find Josh. He nipped over to the kitchen door and opened that up as well. The smell of food cooking wafted up his sensitive nostrils. His belly growled angrily, making him realise he was hungry again. He entered the kitchen neither seeing nor hearing anybody inside. The kitchen was empty. Sliding across the floor he checked the oven to see a large side of beef roasting away inside. His mouth watered at the delectable sight, making him lick his lips. Craning his neck upwards he took a long at the wall clock, which was mounted just above the door. It read ten minutes past seven, which meant he was far from late. Dinner was usually at eight on a Saturday so he had not missed it. A great exhale of reprieve was sent from his lungs as a heavy weight was lifted.

He smiled and fixed on what he fancied doing next. If Josh was around he could probably play with him and Hazel for a bit, but it didn't seem like they were home. Having nothing better to do he settled for playing of his gamestation. A bit of rest and relaxation on a comfortable cosy bed would do him the world of good. Granted he had had a lot of sleep, nevertheless it did not excuse the fact that he had done a lot of chasing after other furs today. Some peaceful alone time sounded quite nice. He would prefer some 'special' one on one time with himself and a choice magazine, but that was out of the question, even though he was getting rather horny. Something had triggered his lost teenage libido and now it was waking up from a weeklong slumber. How he wished that he and Hazel had the house to themselves, but alas it was not to be.

He ascended the stairs as silently as he could to avoid detection from his parents lest he get dragged into a boring conversation. Using the same tactic of sneaky evasion he skulked along the landing. He placed a paw on his door and pulled on the handle. He pushed open the door as he normally would and positioned a foot inside his room. His skeleton nearly leapt from his body as he froze in abject shock. His blood ran cold and his heart thumped quickly past a beat. His eyes went wide as saucers and his jaw dropped slightly agape. His whole face went fiery red under his orange fur in a deep cherry coloured blush. He could do nothing but stare foolishly with a blank head. The only sound was the rapid hammering of his heart that pulsed loudly in his ears. He wanted so desperately to turn tail and flee to escape his current situation, but it felt as if he was literally super-glued to the spot.

This very same thing had happened many years ago, although he was too young to understand what was going on. This time around however, Mark fully comprehended what was happening, though it provided little comfort because he was better off not knowing.

So there he was, stood staring at his big brother Charlie lying on his bed. Charlie was in as much shock as Mark was and had a similar look on his face too. The eldest fox figured that he was all alone with the three younger ones gone and the other adults downstairs, therefore he had given into certain urges. The blue fox had left the conversation in the living room to go start preparing a few more things for dinner. As soon as he had put all the vegetable onto boil he discreetly slinked away upstairs and found himself to be relatively alone for once. Seizing this opportunity he immediately got down to deeds most welcoming to his body. Little did he know a chain of events outside of his knowledge and grasp were unfolding to cause an interruption in his alone time.

Not a word was uttered, leaving the two to stare in shock and embarrassment at each other. Both were frantically thinking of reasons to excuse themselves from the room, but both came up blank. Unbeknownst to Mark, he was unconsciously gawking at the wrong place. He was inexorably drawn to the area of activity he had stumbled across. His eyes kept glancing away at random things, yet they always seemed to return, no matter how briefly, to that one spot on Charlie's body. Since Charlie had made no effort to cover his groin with anything, he was fully exposed. A strong musk managed to find its way over to Mark's nostrils making him recoil a little. It was definitely his brother and somewhat similar to his own scent, though Charlie's was far more potent.

Mark's memories flashed back to when he caught Charlie dripping wet and naked, as he had just exited the shower. He remembered quite vividly his brother's large bobbing sheath and furry balls, which was something he wished he hadn't seen. This time however, Charlie was fully clothed, t-shirt and all. The only thing was his jeans were unzipped and his underwear lowered ever so slightly. Poking out of this opening was his fuzzy ring of a sheath and his now fully red erect penis. His warm paw was still wrapped around the very middle, which only provided further awkwardness. What came as a quite an ominous sight was the sheer size of his brother's erection. He didn't want to guess how many inches it was, all he knew was that it dwarfed his own. Mark could see sizable droplets of glistening milky white fluid gathered at the tip that was quickly travelling down his length in a sticky flow. What surprised Mark the most was not what he was seeing before him, but more the feeling he had inside.

"I guess saying, this isn't what it looks like, won't help me much, will it Marky?" He asked with an attempted smile, trying to lightened the mood. Even if Charlie tried to cover himself up he would have had difficulty because he was led on top of the bed sheets and pulling up his boxers would only leave a mess.

Mark looked down at the floor, finally noticing how much he was staring at his brother's crotch. A renewed wave of guilt washed over him and a soft swallow was soon to follow. There was a twitch in his underwear that forced him to react.

"I-I... um... I just wanted the t-television," Mark stuttered and stumbled with his words. He could not stop the fleeting glances he made no matter how much he tried.

"Give me a couple of minutes and it's all yours bro," he replied coolly, even in his current position.

Mark gave a shy nod and slipped out of the room, closing the door after he had exited. He placed his paws on his cheeks and covered his eyes with his fingers. His furry face was scorching hot to the touch and he could imagine he looked quite red. Traumatising was about the only thing he could think about at that moment. Embarrassment was next and so to was terror. That was not the most welcome of sights in the world and to burst in on him like that giving him no chance at all to even attempt a cover up just made it hurt more. Yet, through it all, there was that odd feeling of exhilaration. He had felt it when he had caught his brother naked, he had felt it when they nearly kissed and he was feeling it now.

'Argh! What the hell is wrong with me?!' His poor tortured mind screamed at him. His breathing was rapid and he felt his heart thunder out of his chest from the rush of adrenaline. The most frightening thing was that he had been through these feeling before, but it was not right to have them about Charlie. Was it? Was it a blessing or a curse that he should have to big a heart? Needless to say, he had no intention of entering that room again, for a while at least.

His acute ears flicked actively as they picked up the sound of the front door opening and then slamming shut. He instantly recognised the voices of his beloved sister and hyperactive cousin. He couldn't confront them in the state he was. Flushed face, hurried breathing and the beginning of what felt like an erection. That only made it even more awkward and he blushed further. Then an epiphany struck. He silently thanked his brain for coming up with a good idea; it was about time anyway. He rushed across the landing and threw himself through the bathroom door. He quickly raced over to the bath-shower combo and turned the taps. A spray of lukewarm water jetted from the showerhead and began to soak the white plastic bathtub below. He not only needed a nice shower, but it would also provide a perfect cover up for his numerous ailments.

Having not bothered to lock the door, he stripped off rather hastily, dumping his clothes in a pile. He grabbed a towel from a nearby cupboard and placed it on the floor next to the shower. One foot and leg after the other, Mark climbed into the bath, drawing the old-fashioned curtain. He shivered to some extent, as the water was not at the correct level. A slight alteration to the hot and cold taps caused the spot on shift in temperature. He breathed a long sigh of relief as the days events began to literally wash away. His worries were eased by the perfectly temperate climate of the shower. He closed his eyes in bliss and looked straight up. The beating of the water on his naked body caused vibrations over his skin. His fur was flattened neatly in a smooth downwards flow.

Mark reached over to his side and picked up a bottle of fur shower gel. He opened up the top and poured some onto his right paw. Placing the bottle back from whence it came, he rubbed his paws together to lather up the oozy blue liquid. Then began the simple process of rubbing the soapy substance into his saturated coat. He soothed the various aches he didn't know were even there until they were gone. A smiled melded onto his muzzle as his thoughts drifted to a few hours ago when he was last wet. That was a good laugh. Getting forcefully drenched, then conspiring with Josh to get his revenge on Hazel. Of course he could not forget when he saved his partner in crime from the clutches of his ravenous sister. He chuckled to himself at that thought. It had certainly been an emotionally arousing day. Smiling wilfully had become extinct for a while and it was fantastic to finally find his grin again. He came to the conclusion that the good times would never come and he would never be happy again. Fortunately, he was wrong. The little wolfox seemed to be the vital and welcomed change and spark Mark needed in his life.

A knock at the door stirred Mark from his thoughts. His eyes blinked open and his wet ears splashed water as they immediately twitched in the direction of the knocking. Wiping the water from his eyes he poked his head out of the curtain so he could hear more clearly.

"Mark, dinner is nearly ready, you best get out, get dried and dressed before you're missed," Hazel called through the solid wooden door in the hopes her brother could hear her,

"Okay, won't be long, thanks," Mark yelled back in a tone louder than his normal speaking voice.

Nothing more was said so Mark figured that she had gone back downstairs. He reluctantly turned the taps to stop the water from flowing. He shook his whole body for a second and laughed quietly as his fur puffed out comically. He stepped out onto the towel he had purposefully placed earlier. He allowed himself to drip dry for a moment before picking up the white cotton cloth. The bathmat beneath him absorbed any more droplets that dripped from his fur. He quickly got to work drying his body, systematically working from his head down to his feet. The towels his family used, and in fact all furs, were extra thick to soak up all of the water that collected in their coats.

When he had finished vigorously towelling off he flopped his towel over the radiator. Mark turned to collect his clothes. He cocked his head slightly and furrowed his brow as his clothes had miraculously disappeared from the floor. A knowing grin spread over his lips and he rolled his eyes. 'Hazel,' was his one and only thought. It was just like her to play such a dated prank on him. With a vaguely exasperated sigh, Mark collected his towel once more and tied it around his waist, looking somewhat like he now had white fur on his lower body.

He wasn't overly fond of getting caught half naked, even if he did have something covering his lower and more private regions. In spite of this, Mark poked out only his head and looked both ways up and down the landing to check for anybody. He spied his t-shirt along the corridor and since nobody was around, he slithered from the bathroom towards it. He picked it up and quickly put it on, which effectively covered his upper body. His socks were placed an even distance apart from each other further down the landing. It was like following a trail of breadcrumbs and gave Mark the uneasy feeling that he was being led like a sheep to the wolf's den. As he suspected, his jeans were neatly placed outside of his sister's room. He smirked fervently as he hoisted them off the ground and wrapped the trousers over his arm with his socks. Hazel's door was slightly ajar, letting light pierce through into the comparatively unlit hallway. He didn't bother to knock and just slowly pushed against the door.

Of course, there was Hazel. She was stood in the middle of the room with one paw on her right hip and the other holding up a pair or boxer shorts. Hazel herself was fully dresses, but Mark didn't mind, he quite liked undressing her or watching her undress. She was smiling invitingly, with a speck of deviousness thrown in for good measure. Mark grinned similarly and entered their temporarily shared bedroom, shutting the door without even looking at it. He padded his way over to his sister and came with in inches of her body, yet not one part of them touched each other. Their muzzles were so close that they could feel their partners every heated exhale. Mark leaned forward, standing on tip toes and stretched out his arm to try and grab his underwear, but Hazel whisked them away just out of reach. Mark tried again. This time however, he was interrupted by the soft pressing of warm lips against his. His posture relaxed as he sank into the embrace, wrapping his arms around her body whilst she did the same. It was the most magical of things he could have experienced right at this moment.

His paws began to explore her clothed back, feeling the fabric of her t-shirt. Hazel's paw went straight downwards and slid underneath Mark's towel. She felt her way along, her pad brushing against the very tip of his penis that had unsheathed. Mark shivered from the gentle stroke on his exposed flesh. Hazel travelled all the way down until she reached his furry sac. She cupped his balls in her paw, feeling the soft fur that covered them. Hazel tenderly rolled the orbs inside around on her palm. He breathed in sharply, making his sac tightened up against his body.

Mark murred as his sister fondled his genitals, which further stoked the fires of passion. He could feel his sheath swell further and his tip poke into Hazel's arm. Her fur tickled his sensitive rod, making Mark whimper in delight at the torturous yet pleasurable irritation. He showed his love with a foray of passionate kisses, breaking them every few second to gasp for air. His arms were like two boa constrictors wrapping around its victim. He drew her so close that her breasts were squashing and flattening against his chest.

Hazel was moaning into the succession of kisses, whilst squeezing hard on her brother's genitalia. She moved her paw up slightly to take hold of his penis. She could feel it grow and lengthen in her grasp, thickening and withdrawing from his sheath. She handled it delicately, enveloping it with her paw until her finger and thumb touched. His cock was still growing harder by the second as more and more blood was pumped into it. Hazel could feel every single tiny vibration and spasm that her brother's solid erection made. The thought of having his pulsating length buried deep within her vagina was pure ecstasy. Wetness spread in her panties as her arousal peaked, causing her juices to leak freely from her puffy pussy lips.

Mark's member had grown to its full size, although a good portion of it was covered by Hazel's paw. His breathing became even more staggered when his sister began to slowly stroke his length from furry sheath to the very tip. His mouth hung open slightly as a wheezing whining breath was exhaled. His tail swished behind him in a frantic buzz. A spurt of his creamy pre-cum was ejected onto the inside of his boxers. The sticky mess matted together Hazel's paw fur as she pushed it against the gooey spot. Mark began to moan more frequently, his eyes firmly closing and his mind falling into paradise.

Just as quickly as it had all begun, everything came to a sudden halt. Hazel withdrew her paw from her brother's underwear and stopped kissing him. Mark murred and cocked his head in bewilderment, wondering why she had brought his joy to an end. A look of desperation and a whimper made the vixen giggle in amusement. She brought him close again so that her muzzle was at the side of his head.

"I think we're going to enjoy tonight," she whispered seductively into Mark's ear, causing it to shift and flick randomly. She licked the back of her paw right in front of him, blissfully lapping up the wet patch of her brother's liquid excitement.

"What? Why?" He asked, clearly confused by her last statement.

"You'll see," she smirked slyly. Hazel turned away from Mark, leaving him with a tent in his jeans and padded over to the door.

"Where are you going?" He questioned her curiously in a somewhat weakened tone.

"Dinner, dummy," she said with a crafty grin and exited the room.


The family had gathered a while ago and were in the midst of eating dinner. Mark spent most of the time trying to avoid eye contact with Charlie. When he did make the mistake of glancing his way, he made sure he reacted quickly and looked away. Charlie himself didn't seem all too fussed by the situation, but then again not much got to the blue fox. Mark couldn't stop replaying what he saw and the time he nearly kissed his brother, in a more than family way, over and over in his head. It was causing him to blush quite a bit. Thankfully he had fur to cover up the worst of it.

The conversation had hit a high point as many had stopped eating and sat back in their chairs to allow the fine meal go down. The dinner table easily fitted six along its lengths and either one or two on the ends. Naturally, being the youngest, Josh was the only one sat at one of the sides. He didn't mind providing that Hazel and Mark sat to his left and right. Having been a long and draining day for the three of them, they had devoured a large portion of their food to replace some energy. Even the usually restless Josh was looking rather tired and listless.

"My word Charlie, that was a splendid meal! Where did you learn to cook so well?" Josephine asked, obviously delighted by the repast.

"Guess I'm just talented," he grinned cockily. "Nah, I've been to so many places and cooked for myself and others, you kind of pick things up as you go along. Plus it's a great way to earn some cash. I just wish I had kept my chefs hat, might come in handy one day," he reminisced, drifting back to old times on the road. "Of course I could never be as good as you Joe," he remarked admiringly.

"You do me too much honour," she replied graciously.

"Doesn't make it any less the truth though," Charlie smiled.

"Well when I first heard he could cook I didn't know what to believe. I mentioned it a few weeks back, purely as a joke, but Charlie insisted that he cook for us sometime. And I must say I was pleasantly surprised," Liz added, praising her eldest son.

"Surprised! Nice to know you have faith in me mum," Charlie joked.

"Oh I'm sure she didn't mean it like that," Josephine reassured her nephew. "Just that maybe she recalls the time you attempted to cook for us when you were fifteen. I've always wondered how you managed to catch that saucepan of water on fire," she laughed a little towards the end. The rest of the table joined in the amusement, even Derek, and chuckled along with her, all except Joshua. He was too young to remember that event.

"Watch it Auntie, I'm bigger than you now and you can't keep riding on the women's wrestling league champion excuse because that won't scare me off forever," he smirked cleverly at her.

After a short while, everybody started to settle down as the humour had lost its affects. There were a few moments of silence where they all just reflected on past events. It was far from an uncomfortable stillness and more a welcome one. It gave each of them a chance to think and collect their thoughts. Liz was the first to speak on a so far forgotten issue that needed to be resolved.

"Right well, we best sort out sleeping arrangements for tonight then," she looked up and said, breaking the hush.

Mark's ears perked up after hearing this and his interest was well and truly locked. It took his brain a while to process the information it had received. He had no idea Josh and Josephine were spending the night with them. The thought hadn't even occurred to him. It made sense however, it was a long drive back and they hadn't exactly been here long.

"Oh the sofa will do fine dear," Josephine immediately stepped in, not wanting to hassle her sister-in-law.

"Certainly not!" Charlie countered her immediately. "You will sleep in my room... well its Mark's room technically, but it used to be our room. Anyway, I will not have you sleeping on some sofa while I'm comfy in a bed. That is final," he said with emphasis on his sincerity.

"It doesn't look like I have much of a choice," Josephine replied, backing down on this one. "Thank you Charlie," she expressed her gratitude. "Now we just need to sort out Josh," she hummed, looking over at her ten-year-old son.

"If it's okay with Mark and Hazel, I believe he should be able to stay with them in Hazel's room tonight," Liz suggested. She looked over expectantly at her children.

"Yeah sure, Josh is more than welcome," Hazel smiled, nodding. "Looks like you're sleeping on the floor tonight bro," she grinned at Mark.

Mark just stared at her, his vision soon shifting to the rest of the furs looking at him. 'Great... downgraded from the already crappy camp bed to the floor... and it doesn't exactly leave much room for fun tonight,' Mark griped in his mind. He had only just recovered his sex drive and now it was like being thrown back into that freezing lake.

"Of course he can," he replied half-heatedly. Half his heart wanted to be alone with Hazel tonight, but the other half was the voice of common sense. It was not that he didn't want Josh to be around him any longer, it was just not the most opportune night for it to happen.


The evening progressed very much the same, with general chitchat being passed between them all. The dishes were quickly washed and left to dry over night so that everyone had more time to spend with each other. The party of seven eventually moved into the lounge and watched a family film so that Josh could sit in on it as well. Time disappeared slowly like the setting sun and by the time the credits were rolling, it was dark and getting quite late. The family of foxes all yawned and stretched as sleepiness had begun to instil in them.

"I think that means time for bed folks," Derek said, standing up from his seat.

"I second that, darling," Liz affirmed the bedtime order, rising for her place as well.

Mark was quite surprised by how tired he was, considering it was only eleven O'clock on a weekend. It wasn't exactly difficult to guess why though. Today's events had been a lot more exerting than many he had seen in his lifetime. Groaning slightly, he got to his feet and stretched his limbs again. When he turned back round he grinned at what he saw. He hadn't noticed during the film and he had only just realised now because Josephine had just turned the lights on.

Josh's young age and all the physical activities had gotten to him over the course of the day. The small wolfox had inevitably slipped into his dream world at some stage in the film. He had been sitting on Hazel's lap the whole time, snuggled up warmly to her. He was now curled up in a relaxed ball of fluff on her lap. It didn't matter to either of them that he spilled out over the sides of her legs somewhat.

Hazel smiled back at her brother making a silent agreement at how sweet he looked. She looked back down at her little cousin and gently stroked the kit, smoothing his silky fur down and along his body. Josh's expression lightened into a contented beam as his dream just became much better. Now he reminded her of Mark even more as he was coiled up and sleeping. She watched the leisurely rise and fall of his midsection, listening to his calm breathing. The others had now come to recognize that Josh was sound asleep, so they quietened their talking. If Josh knew that every pair of eyes in the room were locked squarely on him, he would has gone bright red.

"Best get him to bed," Hazel whispered to some extent.

"Let me, it's always been my duty and joy to carry the slumbering to their place of rest," Charlie piped up, stepping over towards Josh. The blue fox scooped the kit into his arms and placed him onto his shoulder, holding him steady with one paw. Josh stirred enough to wrap his arms around Charlie's neck, although it was more instinct that anything else. The grey wolfox murred a little as he nuzzled into Charlie's neck fur. Josh felt oddly safe with this relatively unfamiliar fox, whether he knew about it or not.

"He's not as heavy as Mark I can tell you that much," Charlie commented, giving his brother a wink.

Mark's face flushed under his fur, forcing him look at the ground. Mark never really liked to admit that he fell asleep staying up late and that he had to have his big brother carry him to bed. It was even more embarrassing now that he was a teenager.

One by one the gang exited the lounge and after shared goodnights, Josephine, Liz and Derek were in their rooms, having completed the usual nightly tasks. Mark opted to use the bathroom before his siblings so that he could avoid being alone with Charlie while he put Josh to bed. Mark left the bathroom after he had finished and headed towards Hazel's room so he could settle down and get some sleep. Just as he was about to enter, Charlie walked out of their sister's room. He made a startled jump when he saw Mark right outside the door.

"Hey, don't scare me like that bro," he chuckled.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were coming out," Mark muttered in reply, sounding much more evasive than he intended.

There was a pause in speech and motion where the two brothers glanced in all directions. They were not more than a foot away from each other, albeit Mark's eye level was in line with Charlie's chest. Both of them obviously wanted to say something to the other, but it appeared that neither of them could find the courage to speak up.

"Erm... night Marky, sleep well," Charlie finally said, subsequent to the ill at ease scratching at the back of his head.

"Yeah, you too," Mark responded, sheepishly shuffling to the side, allowing the older fox passage.

Mark breathed a sigh of relief when his brother turned the corner to go down the stairs. He entered the bedroom and closed the door behind him. The main ceiling light was not on and the only source of brightness was from a lamp. Hazel was next to her single bed, bent over and laying down a mat and sleeping bag for her brother. It didn't look terribly comfortable, but it was only for one night, so what was the harm. He looked over at Joshua and saw that he was still snoozing soundly with the covers pulled up to his neck.

"There you go, I tried to make it as cushy as possible for you," Hazel chimed harmoniously.

"Thanks sis, I appreciate it," he smiled thankfully at her.

"Hey, I know this is kind of a pain for you, so anything I can do to make it better, you know," she shrugged.

Hazel left her room to go and clean her teeth and perform all the other ordinary nighttime rituals. Mark stripped off his shirt and threw it in the corner. He did the same with his well-worn jeans and soon a pile had formed in the corner. He crawled into his makeshift bed wearing only his boxer shorts. The material of the silk like sleeping was lovely and cool, which was very refreshing on another hot evening. It didn't stay that way for long though as his body heat soon transferred to the fabric. The mat didn't do much to soften the relatively hard floor, but at least it didn't creak every time he breathed in an out. When he had settled in he realised that it wasn't that bad and actually quite comfortable.

A wide mouthed yawn broke free, displaying just how tired his body and mind had become. His eyelids started to feel much like heavy weights had been attached to them as it became difficult to keep them from closing. Memories of his lively day swirled around inside his head, bringing up a mixture of emotions. In no time at all, Mark had fallen into a deep slumber.


Mark's consciousness was sluggish to return as his eyelids blinked open, his brain still trying to rouse itself to the waking world. His first thought was 'What the hell is the time?' Although he did not realise that that was the least important question he could ask. Through a fogged and exhausted mind he slowly developed a picture of where he was. The room was pitch black, but some familiar objects brought him to the conclusion that he was still in Hazel's room. As feelings awakened, so to did the knowledge that he was still led on the floor within the sleeping bag. An even more recognizable imagine soon appeared directly over his head. Although details could not be picked out, the basic shape of his sister's face showed up clear enough.

"Hazel? Why are you waking-" was all Mark managed to say before he was cut off by the pressing of a warm mouth against his.

He closed his eyes again and simply melted into the kiss. He shuddered a little as the rush of hormonal adrenaline heated his blood and activated every sense he had. He was now definitely fully awake and the tension he started to feel in his boxers was all to clearer signal. When she broke the kiss, he received a wet lick on the nose, making it twitch irritably. His eyes had adjusted to the dim light and he easily saw her smiling. He also noticed her total lack of clothing, leaving her completely in the fur.

"I told you we were going to enjoy tonight and you know best of all people that I keep my word," she said sweetly, pressing her muzzle into his check and nuzzling him gently.

Mark was still unsure what she meant, he had a fair idea of course, but the idea was inconceivable. And yet, it didn't stop Hazel from going through with it. She drifted a paw downwards towards her brother's boxer shorts and tugged at them. They were the only barrier between her and her craving. Mark shifted back from her with shocked wide eyes at the touch she made on his groin.

"Sis! What do you think you're doing?" He asked in a high-toned whisper.

"Trying to take your boxers off, what did you think I was doing?" She replied and also counter questioned him, an enquiring look on her face.

"Josh is right there!" He pointed out, literally indicating with a finger that their little cousin was sleeping not a few metres away.

"Oh you know you love it. That thought again Mark... the thought of screwing your sister with the danger that somebody could find out looming over our heads. Gets you all hot under the collar doesn't it?" she grinned cunningly.

"He's right there!" Mark reiterated in rising alarm. "And I do not like the thought of being caught, it scares me more than anything sis," he made sure to add.

"Yeah?" She not so much questioned as stated. "Well what's this then?" She said, brashly taking a hold of Mark's semi-erect penis.

Mark couldn't help but blush. He wasn't even sure why he tried to hide the fact from her and himself yet again. It just made it sound so dirty and kinky that being caught was going to end it all. It's true that if he were with any girl he wouldn't want somebody to catch him having sex with her, but when it was his own sister, then it became so very taboo.

"You do realise you are maniacally evil for giving me just a taste of heaven earlier, then making me wait all this time, right?" He gave in quickly after a less than resolved fight.

"I know," she giggled cruelly. "But think about poor me. I have been burning with desire for your touch and when I had you like that... you have no idea how difficult it was to stop myself from throwing you on that bed and blowing, amongst other things, your mind," she cooed seductively, trailing a finger along his bare chest.

"So... you really need this?" Mark asked, a deep affection glowing in his voice.

"More than anything in the world," Hazel replied amorously.

"Okay then. Do it," he simply said, looking her meaningfully in the eyes. "Throw me onto that bed and fuck me," he growled lustily, surprised at what he just said.

That was more than the answer Hazel was working towards, in fact, that was an order, one that she gladly obeyed. She lifted herself from her crouched position and helped pull her brother up as well. Things seemed to move at the speed of light as Mark found himself suddenly out of his sleeping bag and standing tall on his two feet. He didn't stay standing for long as firm paws pressed against his chest and sent him toppling over and crashing across the bed. He was just glad that it was a soft mattress he fell onto this time. Hazel moved swiftly and was soon on top of her brother, straddling his stomach. She lent forward, her breasts squashing flatter in between their bodies. For the umpteenth time this evening, they kissed with all their hearts, though they wouldn't have it any other way.

Together they both slowly shuffled up the bed and changed their direction so that Mark could rest his head on the pillow. All the time they kept a tight seal around their lips. Each siblings tongue was actively swirling around in the others mouth, tasting the unique flavours that they had become accustomed to. Paws from each participant caressed their lover's body, smoothing the richly full coats of fur. It was heaven on earth to be finally with each other, even if the nagging fact that they were not alone played havoc with Mark's mind.

Hazel was the first to break away from the kiss. She sat up straight and admired her brother beneath her. Mark was doing very much the same, gazing over her perfection and stunning beauty. Their eyes met and locked. So much love bloomed into full colour at that moment. Tears of joy and passion collected in the eyes of the two foxy lovers. Blissful smiles showed divine hearts of unconditional obsession. It was a communion looked down upon by the rest of the moral world and would surely see them burn in the fires of hell for all eternity. But neither of them cared. They would sacrifice everything, just to be together for the time they had.

Hazel ran both her paws smoothly down his chest, flattening out his soft white fur along the way. His stomach muscles convulsed when she tickled her way over his belly. She followed his pale fur until she reached a black pair of boxers. She grinned at the sight of a small lump in them, which was evidentially the beginning of an erection. She hooked her fingers around the hem and teasingly, bit by bit, pulled them down.

Mark murred as the fabric brushed over the tip of his penis, which was peeking out of his sheath. He watched impatiently as his underwear was dragged off of his legs, ankles, and then feet. He was now utterly defenceless as his whole body was exposed to the air and his sister. All he did was lay there and observe, waiting to see what she would do next. He was no more than a willing toy under her grasp right now and he would let her do with him what she will.

She crawled her way up him like a panther on all fours, her shoulder bones shifting with her weight and her bum swayed similarly. Her tail swung like a pendulum, keeping a constant moderate rhythm at all times. She licked Mark's belly, clumping together his fur and making him squirm. Mark couldn't help but snigger childishly.

"Aright, alright, enough with the licking," he told her humorously through laughs.

"Sure about that? I was just working my way to here," she said softly. At that point, Hazel dipped her head lower and brushed her tongue over Mark's tapered flesh. He breathed in sharply and shivered at the feel of his sister's rough muscle over his member.

"Okay, I changed my mind," Mark smiled.

"Thought you might," Hazel grinned devilishly.

The one simple passing of her tongue was enough to coax a bit more of Mark's shaft to emerge. She placed her lips around it and suckled hard as if trying to pull him out forcefully. His hips and butt went taut as a long moan passed through his clenching teeth. Nothing but a paw had touched him down there for a while now and this just felt like pure paradise. The warmth left his cock for a moment as Hazel looked up at him. She placed a finger over here lips, signalling that he should keep it down. Mark nodded hurriedly, hoping she would get back to work sooner that way.

Instead of sucking this time, Hazel nipped lightly nearer the apex. Mark sat up slightly and winced at the feel of sharp teeth on his sensitive flesh. He clasped a paw over his muzzle to stop a growl of pain from escaping.

"Just testing," she smirked evilly at him.

Hazel proceeded to lick the slowly budding penis in front of her. As his length rose ever higher, Hazel ran the span of her tongue from sheath to tip. It quivered and pulsed at regular intervals, sending tiny vibrations throughout Mark's body. Hazel changed tactics and went back to sucking. He could feel the warm wetness engulf him up to about half way, before the cold returned as she slid off. Mark groaned into his paw, having to bite down a little as well. His hips instinctively bucked to some extent to try and force more of himself into her. Hazel allowed her sharp teeth to graze lightly against the soft exterior tissue with each pass of her lips. Mark loved it and revelled in the jagged feel of her dagger like fangs that weren't hurting him, unlike before.

She suddenly stopped when she was satisfied that he wasn't going to get any harder, much to Mark's displeasure. She slivered up her brother, all the while grinning. They both knew what was coming next and Hazel was more than eager to satisfy her hunger. Hazel's nether regions were literally on fire. Her pussy lips were puffed out and quite red. The mere idea of being able to sate her desire made her wet. Her juices were running freely from her vagina, causing a glistening shine that could be seen even through the darkness of the room. Nothing could replace the exceptional feel of her brother's cock sliding between her folds and burying into her cavernous love tunnel. It was only him that could truly please her in that special way.

Hazel strode the orange fox's belly, his shaft nestling in between her ass checks. A soaking wet, hot and sticky feeling, spread over Mark's stomach fur. Gradually, almost torturously, she moved back, lifting off of him at the same time. She hovered with her dripping snatch directly above his straining cock. Mark shot her a look of desperation, which was returned with a similar look, although Hazel showed more gratitude. In no rush, she began to lower herself. Her reddish pink lips flowed smoothly down her brother's well-lubricated shaft, parting and stretching outwards to accommodate his girth.

Mark went wide mouthed as Hazel slowly impaled herself on his full length. He watched in great interest as each inch of himself disappeared into her cunt. Shockwaves rippled right through her vaginal muscles, making Hazel moan. Taking a supporting paw off of the bed behind her, she stuffed it into her mouth and bit down. Searing heat surrounded Mark's flesh nearly entirely as he sank deeper. Hazel's bottom soon came into contact with Mark's groin. They stayed motionless for a while, eyes closed and mouths slightly agape.

Mark's cock had not felt the innermost depths of his sister's pussy for so long now. This was in everyway bliss. An indescribable pleasure gripped around him, sending an electric and spine tingling pulse whirling around his body. His shaft throbbed for attention, wanting to slake his yearning for sexual stimulation. He felt two paws being placed on his upper body, whilst simultaneously; Hazel raised herself from her brother's groin. Mark could feel her inner walls clutching around his length, as if desperately trying to hold on and keep him hilted. He let a sighing moan go when all but his tip was freed into the air.

Hazel was much faster this time; she did not hang around and pounded down onto Mark, hilting him instantly. They grunted together when that second contact was made. Hazel really was not hanging around anymore because she needed him so badly. Just as quick as she had fallen, she hoisted herself up again, using her paws to help her and keep her stable. With an almighty thrust she slammed back against his crotch, feeling his cock penetrate as deeply as it could. She was practically in total control of the speed and tempo they went at and that was exactly what she wanted. She could fuck her brother just as fast and just as hard as she liked. It would have sounded a bit heartless if Mark wasn't enjoying it as much as she was.

The brother sibling fought back an orgasm, not wanting this to end so soon. He didn't realise the extent of his pleasure needs because he never usually came this fast. He was brought closer and closer to his peak each and every time his sister made a move on him. The feel of her velvety and sticky sucking cunt was too much. But from somewhere he managed to hold back and keep himself merely teetering on the edge. It was an extraordinary feeling, nevertheless it was possibly one of the best sensations he had ever come across. It was like having an extended orgasm, yet none of his fluids were expelled and so he could keep riding the crest of this new ecstasy wave he had found.

The vixen was in a similar situation. Her climax had built so rapidly it was almost frightening. She desperately did not want their unity to end because she knew that he was bound to cum with her. Yet her loins said otherwise. Her pussy was screaming out for the final level of heaven, except Hazel would not let that happen. She had waited so long to be with her brother in such a way that she felt spiritually and wholly connected to him and she wasn't about to finish it. Little did she know, Mark was transcending the same path as her, battling against climax with all his strength.

Their joined breathing was heavy and hurried, sweat poured from their foreheads and trickled down and onto the bed. The sheets had become moist with combined perspiration and Hazel's sexual juices. Their bodies were overheating and each driving force only heated them more.

Mark had long ago started a speedy rhythm with his lover. When she came downward, he thrust upward and visa versa. She shook feverishly above him, whimpering and moaning through ragged breaths. Mark held firmly onto Hazel's hips, having to guide her descent as she became more and more wild. She was like a feral animal in heat, needing to be fucked and filled. A roller coaster ride of sensations washed over each fur. A powerful feeling grew in Hazel lower stomach, making her feel as if she might explode if she did not allow herself release soon. She bit hard upon her paw, only just muffling the exasperated sounds of pleasure. Her eyes were resolutely closed shut and her teeth were bared as she growled around her fist. With on final slide of her brother's cock deep into her vagina, she couldn't hold back the tidal wave of ecstasy any longer.

A tough constricting squeeze clamped almost painfully around Mark's buried shaft. He knew at that moment that his sister had cum and within only a microsecond of time passing between then, Mark reached his absolute peak at the same time. Dampened cries of elated bliss filled the room as an explosion of unimaginable magnitude hit the mating pair. They both went as rigid as tree trunks, their muscles seizing up and becoming inflexible.

An almighty surge of seed was released from Mark's vibrating tip, jetting a hug load of cum deep into his sister. He could feel the walls of her pussy clenching and slurping hungrily on his stiff shaft. Simultaneously, the vixen unleashed a torrent of her feminine fluids that spilled out of the connection and oozed over Mark's groin. Puddles were able to form in his fur at the ferocity and amount of sticky juices she produced. The overpowering scent of sex filled their senses to capacity and threatened to choke them the air was so thick with the smell.

Mark grit his teeth and tightened his grasp on Hazel's backside as even more of his foxy sperm was sent rocketing up into his beloved sister. Spurt after spurt of his potent cream coated his sister's insides. Sizable viscous ropes of his cum continued to pour into her. Every new grunt sent another load flying and every thrust brought about a renewed spark of ultimate delight.

Hazel felt as if she had gone mad. The world was spinning out of control in her mind as if she were being physically spun around. The burning lust had hit its uttermost summit as the shockwave struck like lightening. She could feel her brother's hot spunk splatter along her love tunnel, quenching her passion with each ejaculation. Her intense orgasm persisted for a while longer and so too did Mark's. Time was of no consequence in those minutes and seconds because it seemed as if time had frozen. They were deadlocked in their climaxes, spellbound by the magnificence of such simplistic satisfaction.

A final stream of gluey fluids fired off from Mark's tip and settled within the vixen. His tensed muscles relaxed completely and he felt weightless, so much so that he feared he might float away. His senses went into overload and shutdown on him. He could not feel anything and could only hear the harsh sound of his own breathing and beating heart. It was like he had died and went to heaven itself. The numbness of his body soon left and his senses returned in a series of tingling pins and needles. It was only then that he noticed Hazel had collapsed onto him, resting her head on his chest. Every single inch of his body felt wet, if it wasn't from the sweat, it was most definitely from the insurmountable amount of juices they had produced between them. His sister felt like she was on fire. Her whole body glistened in the faint light; beads of sweat ran from every follicle of her fur.

Hazel was thoroughly spent, as she had nothing left. It was practically impossible for her to move even her wrist, so she had no choice but to lie there, not that she disliked it. Mark was boiling to the touch on her bare breasts and abdomen. The sharp and rapid movements of his chest caused her head to bounce slightly. Her breathing was much the same, although his sounded a lot more winded. Love radiated from every pore and fibre of their being and it was most welcome after a week without this special connection.

The most satisfying of feelings washed over the two lover foxes, generating tranquil smiles on both their muzzles. Panting and gasping was the only thing to be heard now after the out cries of such extreme orgasms. If it weren't for their muffling paws, they would have easily woken up the whole house.

Mark was still hilted with in his sister, though he had softened somewhat by now. He could still feel the convulsing muscles of his Hazel's inner walls, pressing around his cock as if desperately trying to milk any further fluids from him. They had undoubtedly created a huge mess around themselves, yet at this particular moment, neither of them cared. They were so wrapped up in the afterglow that nothing that happened outside of their bubble would disturb them.

"I love you with all my heart sister," Mark whispered breathlessly.

"And I you little brother... you're perfect in every way imaginable," she muttered softly, blowing heated breath over Mark's white chest fur. There was a long pause as Hazel began to drift off to sleep, cuddled up to the one she most adored. But something was amiss.

"Um... sis..." Mark uttered worriedly.

"Hmm?" She murmured in return, lifting her head slightly off of his chest to look at him.

She saw that his eyes were slightly wider than normal and she raised an eyebrow. He was looking out into the blackness of the room. Hazel watched as he tilted his head forward in the direction he was staring. She turned her head in the bearing indicated, only to have her eyes go wide like Mark's. A harsh silence befell the dark room as stunned faces were shared. A shadowy lithe form stood only a few feet away from the side of the couples bed. They could each see the horror and disorientation on the figures face as clear as day. Panic and dread churned within Mark's stomach as the day he had most feared had finally arrived. There was only one single thing on both siblings' minds at that outstanding moment... 'How long had Josh been watching them?'

OH! Is that another little cliffhanger I seem to have "mistakenly" ended on there! Well I am sorry about that folks! ;)

Again I apologise for the lateness of this instalment. I have absolutely no idea how long it will take to write up chapter 9, but paws crossed it won't take as long as this one. Thank you for reading! ^^

One more thing! Happy Birthday for Saturday Sence! :D