Nudist Digimon College Chat Log

Story by GamerFox on SoFurry

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[5/17/2013 12:16:15 AM] DarkChibimon: Jim, a Flamedramon as he walked into the collage, nude, hopeing that some people don't notice him from a prono that he was in with his father.

[5/17/2013 12:16:40 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: (nude college or just nudist?)

[5/17/2013 12:16:58 AM] DarkChibimon: (nuge collage)

[5/17/2013 12:17:02 AM] DarkChibimon: (nude*)

[5/17/2013 12:18:41 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: Gary, a Renamon, was napping on the couch, half-erect

[5/17/2013 12:22:59 AM] DarkChibimon: Jim walks over to him. "Um...hi?" he said as his cock slowly go do to Gary's cock.

[5/17/2013 12:24:12 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: Gary opened one eye. "What?"

[5/17/2013 12:26:43 AM] DarkChibimon: "N-Nothing, I'm just new here..." Jim said, shacking his said as his own cock was out of his pouch as it a perty good size for a flamedarmon, 10 inches long as it was still soft.

[5/17/2013 12:27:09 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "What major?

[5/17/2013 12:27:41 AM] DarkChibimon: "Compter programing, youes?"

[5/17/2013 12:28:14 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Management"

[5/17/2013 12:34:27 AM] DarkChibimon: "I see." Jim jsaid, nodding his head, woundering if he watched pronoss before.

[5/17/2013 12:34:45 AM] DarkChibimon: pornos*

[5/17/2013 12:35:04 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "You got something on your mind?"

[5/17/2013 12:37:04 AM] DarkChibimon: "Nothing really, I was woundering if you watch pronos before?"

[5/17/2013 12:38:35 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Well... just the Renamon mating season ones."

[5/17/2013 12:40:59 AM] DarkChibimon: "I see." Jack said, nodded his head. "I see a few of those before"

[5/17/2013 12:41:37 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Yeah..." he nodded. "I've yet to participate in one though."

[5/17/2013 12:44:20 AM] DarkChibimon: "I see, well I'm been in a prono before as well." Jack said, nodding his head as well.

[5/17/2013 12:44:44 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "REally?"

[5/17/2013 12:47:25 AM] DarkChibimon: "Yeah, thanks to my father."

[5/17/2013 12:48:27 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Oh...?"

[5/17/2013 12:50:36 AM] DarkChibimon: "Yeah, ever heard of 'Hot times at the beach' before?"

[5/17/2013 12:51:14 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Yeah."

[5/17/2013 12:51:29 AM] DarkChibimon: "I was in that one."

[5/17/2013 12:52:05 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Ah."

[5/17/2013 12:55:12 AM] DarkChibimon: "Yeah, I don't any place to stay at right now..." Jack said, rubbing the side of his neck.

[5/17/2013 11:31:14 PM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Well, the RA kicked out my last roommate for drugs, so..."

[5/17/2013 11:34:08 PM] DarkChibimon: "You think I can become roommates with you?"

[5/17/2013 11:34:23 PM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Sure."

[5/17/2013 11:36:33 PM] DarkChibimon: Jack smiles. "Thanks, you think you can take me to the room?"

[5/17/2013 11:38:19 PM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: Greg led him to a room with a computer and queen bed in it. "They had to burn the bunk beds," he explained.

[5/17/2013 11:41:51 PM] DarkChibimon: "I see." Jack said, looking at the queen size bed before he starts to pack his things, bending over, letting Gerg look at his ass.

[5/17/2013 11:43:09 PM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "I can guess why you went into porn biz..."

[5/17/2013 11:44:27 PM] DarkChibimon: "And what do you think that is?" he asked, looking back at him.

[5/17/2013 11:44:57 PM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "You just showed it to me. Anyway, you can have the bed, I can sleep on the couch."

[5/17/2013 11:46:35 PM] DarkChibimon: "Alright, thanks." Jack said, nodding his head as he finishes unpacking his suff."

[5/17/2013 11:48:23 PM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: Greg walked out of the room as an email popped up on his account.

[5/17/2013 11:50:37 PM] DarkChibimon: Jack looks at Greg, noticing the e-mail popping up, before he desized to take a quick look at the e-mail.

[5/17/2013 11:56:21 PM] DarkChibimon: (?)

[12:00:02 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: It was an invitation to the next renamon mating season, with an extra ticket for a guest.

[12:03:35 AM] DarkChibimon: Jack lept the e-mail open for Grag as he hears his cell ringing as he answers it. "Hello?" He said.

[12:04:55 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: It was the college's housing department telling him he had been assigned to a room that had one of its inhabitants expelled for drug use and vandalism.

[12:09:00 AM] DarkChibimon: "I alright know that, thank you." he said as he hangs up his cell., hearing it ring again as he looks at the numbers, knowing that it is dad's cell. "Hey dad."

[12:09:36 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Hey, um... They kinda cancelled that porn you were going to be in..."

[12:10:40 AM] DarkChibimon: "What is the reason?"

[12:10:55 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "The actress is suing the studio."

[12:12:43 AM] DarkChibimon: "I see, do you know why she is suing the studio?"

[12:13:32 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Back pay and defamation..."

[12:14:07 AM] DarkChibimon: "Ouch, I see."

[12:15:01 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Yeah, so your calendar is kinda clear for the next few months. Did you finally get a dorm?"

[12:17:16 AM] DarkChibimon: "Yeah, I did get a dorm."

[12:25:31 AM] DarkChibimon: (new RP?)

[12:27:00 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: (Nah, I want to take this out to at least the mating season. I was kinda thinking it was scheduled around the same time as the cancelled porno.)

[12:31:23 AM] DarkChibimon: (alright)

"Well, My roommate is a renamon and he gotten invited to the reanamon mating season and he got a pass for a free guess as well." Jack said.

[12:31:56 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Ah! When's that? You should probably tag along!"

[12:33:38 AM] DarkChibimon: Jack looks over at the comptuer. "It's happening in a few weeks, I will see if I can." Jack said before he smirked a bot. "So was their any pornos that you were in today?"

[12:33:54 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Just a clothing ad..."

[12:35:22 AM] DarkChibimon: "I see." Jack said, nodding his head. A Guilmon smirks a bit as he walks over to Jack's father. "How are you talking to?" He asked, reaching for his cock.

[12:35:55 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "My son," the older Flamey said.

[12:39:17 AM] DarkChibimon: "I see." Guilmon said as he starts to jack off Flamedramon slowly as his own cock starts to go hard.

[12:40:06 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "I'll talk to you later, Jack..."

[12:45:19 AM] DarkChibimon: "Let him listen, what's wrong with a little phone sex?" The Guilmon said, jacking off his cock more, grinding his cock agnest his ass as Jack was listening in.

[12:45:56 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: Flamey turned on the speakerphone as Greg walked back into the room, having used the toilet.

[12:52:09 AM] DarkChibimon: Jack listen to him as his cock goes rock hard as he didn't notice that it when into spearkerphone.

[12:52:41 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: Greg paused. "Uhh..."

[12:52:52 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "That the renaboy?" Flamey asked.

[12:57:41 AM] DarkChibimon: "Y-Yeah, that's him dad." Jack said as his cock goes rock hard.

The Guilmon started to push his cock into Flamey's ass, letting out a moan.

[12:58:47 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Well, give him... ah, the goods..."

[1:00:45 AM] DarkChibimon: "Oh yeah, check your e-mail." Jack said as his cock thorbs a bit.

The Guilmon thursting harder and faster, moaning louder. "I love fucking...this tight ass...every chance I get..."

[1:01:41 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: Greg walked over to the computer. "Oh my..."

[1:02:34 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: Flamey gave a loud moan into the speakerphone.

[1:09:45 AM] DarkChibimon: Jack nodded his head as he keeps listening to his father as his cock thorbs a bit.

Guilmon thursting harder and faster, growling lustfuly, lecking precum into Flamey's ass.

[1:10:51 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: Flamey gasped. "Go on, Jack... Don't be so hesitant

[1:14:16 AM] DarkChibimon: "Well...I woundering if you can take to the renamon mating with you.." Jack said blushes a bit.

Guilmon keeps fucking Flamey's ass, moaning louder, lecking percum into Flamey's ass.

[1:15:03 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: "Uh sure..." Greg said, erect himself.

[1:15:24 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: Flamey moaned. "Cum in me already!"

[1:16:29 AM] DarkChibimon: Jack notice Gerg's ecrection. "You want to fuck?" Jack asked.

Guilmon let out a loud moan, cumming hard intide of Flamey's ass.

[1:17:13 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: Greg blushed.

[1:17:22 AM] GamerFox the Fox of Games: Flamey let out a long moan.

[1:20:55 AM] DarkChibimon: Jack bends over for Greg, showing off his ass to him.

Guilmon keeps cumming into Flamey's ass, kisses him on the lips.

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