Carnal Pleasures

Story by Kilesa Mara on SoFurry

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Today is my mate's birthday, so I decided I'd upload something for him as sort of a present. So here it is, I hope you guys enjoy, especially you and you know who you are ;3

The sound of rain pouring on the roof could be heard in all four corners of the small shack that stood in solitude amongst the mountains. The wind outside sighed and whistled a lonely tune along to the rhythm of the rain drumming its peaceful beat. The shack that lived in the mountains wasn't completely alone however. Inside lived a handsome tauren, one who enjoyed the simpler pleasures that life offered for him.

Tymirr enjoyed nights such as these. They calmed his nerves as he stared out into the valley bellow through his makeshift window. He let himself smile a bit as he listened to the steady roar of the rain. Rain is a marvelous thing to behold. It gave nutrients to the plants which provided food for the animals which fed the young bull. Tymirr lived off of this land and he knew he would never take it for granted.

The muscular tauren gave a soft sigh and turned away from the frame of his window. He rose from the chair in which he had been sitting and rumbled softly. Taking his time, he slowly slid the tight leather jerkin that outlined his chest from his torso and tossed it to the side, revealing his rippling muscles covered in soft brown fur. Tymirr brought a paw up to his chest, rubbing from his sternum to his thick pecs. Feeling particularly rowdy, he allowed his fingers to curl around his nipple and to give it a gentle pinch, letting out a small gasp in return. Tymirr huffed as he slid his paw from his chest slowly down his stomach, feeling up his muscular abs. He brought his paws down to his waist and wrapped his fingers around the buckle of his belt and unbuckled it, pulling it out of the bands of his trousers and tossing the long piece of leather off to the side.

Tymirr slid his thumbs into the waistband of his wolfhide trousers and slowly pulled them down past his thighs before letting them drop to the floor, leaving him standing only in his buldged red loincloth. The bull stepped out of the trousers as he walked himself over to the small cot that stood on the other side of the humble shack. Letting himself fall down onto it, he grunted softly. He brought his paw up to the buldge noticably standing out from his loincloth and gave it a squeeze. Moaning softly, he allowed his paw to molest himself through the constricting fabric, feeling himself rousing from the touch. His fingers cupped the outline of his thick member through the thin leather, causing a small wet spot to form on it. Pleasure coursed through his body as he groped his thick cock.

The bull slipped his paw down his engourged cock and reached for his sack, letting out a loud moan as he gave it a rough squeeze. He fondled at the large orbs, feeling his member give a jump with joy. Gripping the waistband of the constricting leather loincloth, he tugged it down past his waist, allowing his meat to spring free from its prison and send a small spurt of pre onto the bull's stomach. He let his paw grip the base of the thick organ and gave it a squeeze, letting out a small gasp. He begans to slowly stroke the erect pole that potruded from his body, letting himself completely immerse himself to the carnal pleasures of self-pleasure.

His member swelled happily as he slowly pulled his forskin downwards, reavleaing the pink head moist with precum. Tymirr allowed his other paw to explore his body, letting out moans of pleasure as he roamed his muscular torso. He let his fingers slide inbetween the indentions of his muscles. His chest was damp with sweat from the heat that his body was giving off. He lifted his legs up and spread them apart on the bed. Reaching down with the paw that wasn't occupied with stroking his sensitive cock, he cupped his cheeks together and gave them a squeeze. His tail swished underneath him as he slipped a finger inbetween the muscular cheeks slid it across his sensitive pink tailhole, letting out a moan of pleasure. Groaning softly, he slowly pushed against the tight ring, eventually slipping his thick finger inside.

The bull breathed in heavily, shuddering in pleasure as he pushed his finger in and out of his tailhole. He began to stroke his meat faster and faster to the point of where he was panting. Pleasure coursed through his body and the feeling was overwhelming. Time seemed to slow as an intense feeling built in his cock, the bull moaning loudly to his self masturbation. Gritting his teeth and rolling his head back, he roared as his thick member exploded in a mess of cum, sending spurt after spurt of thick seed all over his expansive chest. Some even got on his face and chin. Soon, the intense orgasm was over and Tymirr fell back on his bed in exhaustion.

The bull thought he could hear a faint fluttering from outside as he slowly fell into sleep

The morning brought light through the small window of the tauren's shack. Tymirr groaned drearily as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and rolled out of bed. The cum from last night had dried on his chest, so he thudded over to the bucket that contained water for his house. Picking up the small bucket, he found it to be completely empty. Grunting, he thought to himself, Oh well, I'll just have to wash myself at the river. He found and pulled on his loincloth and exited the shack. There was a trail just to the north that led directly to a stream that he was familiar with.

Making his way through the sparse amount of trees that sprouted amongst the valley, it was easy to find the trail. It was a path that he had taken many times before as it led to the local town and to the nearby river in which he used to collect water and to bathe. Following the trail, Tymirr found that the vegitation had a way of vexing him. Last nights storm caused the plants to collect small droplets on them, making them seem to shimmer in the light of the sun. A smile crossed his face as he crunched through the twigs and leaves on the path. Everything he saw was beautiful to him. It was like nothing he could compare to.

The tauren walked steadily along the path. There was no haste in his steps, he only wished to admire his surroundings on such a beautiful morning. He could hear the thud of each of his steps through the gentle chatter of the birds. Eventually, he could hear it. The soft rush of the river. Smiling, he picked up the pace of his walking, stepping over a small hill until it was finally in his view. The glittering blue river greeted his eyes as he walked down from the pathway and onto the beach of the gentle flowing stream. Stripping off his loincloth, he stepped over to the flow of water and splashed some onto his face. Water dripped from the horns that curved from the sides of his head. Smiling, he wasted no time by jumping straight into the steady flow of water, causing a large splash of water. He resurfaced and shook the water from his head. He manuevered himself to float on his back in the water, letting himself slowly float downstream. He sighed and closed his eyes, letting his body relax completely in the stream.

After a while of drifting, the bull decided that it was time to leave and he pulled himself out of the gentle flowing river, feeling water dripping from his glistening body. He let out a sigh and stretched out his arms. It wasn't long before he noticed a figure in the shadows of the trees. Just as he was about to call out, a massive anthropomorphic dragon stepped out from the shadows with a smug smile plastered on its face.

"Greetings, Tauren," the dragon bellowed across the shore of the river. He seemed to be looking the bull up and down with a curious look on his face. His eyes lingered around his waistline. "You seem to be a little lost... Do you need any assistance?"

Tymirr shuddered to the sound of that loud, assertive voice. It seemed so controlling, so... Different. Looking at the dragon, he seemed to be over eight feet tall and his muscles were enourmous, bigger than the tauren's by a long shot. He also wore nothing to cover himself, not even over his waist. His head, arms, shoulders, and legs were red while the rest of him was a tannish yellow color, along with his thick sheath that rested inbetween his legs. He didn't have wings like Tymirr though dragons would, but he did have multiple small horns that jutted out from his head. His eyes were a fiery red color that seemed to glow when he looked into them. They were so mesmerising... Tymirr gulped.

The dragon began to walk towards Tymirr, not breaking his gaze with him all the while. There was just something so primal about him... It was intense. Warmth spread through his body, making him let out a small gasp as the dragon drew closer. He felt himself stirring down bellow, more and more with each step that the dragon took towards him. Sweat from his body began to mix with the water that still clung to his body from after his swim. The warmness that enveloped him was so intense, he could feel his heart pounding away in his chest. Eventually the massive dragon was standing directly in front of Tymirr and the bull's cock was standing at full attention. The dragon stood a good foot and a half over him. He gasped as he felt the dragon's scaled hand place itself on his shoulder. It was warm, even warmer than he felt right then. It pushed down on him, forcing him to his knees in front of the large dragon.

His face was now directly in front of the dragon's massive sheath, so close that he could smell the musky scent coming from it. He didn't even need to be told, he knew what he wanted. He reached out and gripped the plump member in his paw gently. It felt so good to just hold it, it felt so alive. He began to massage it in his paw, slowly squeezing and stroking it, feeling the blood quickly pulsing through it as he did so. The large member began to slowly rouse from its sleep from the attention of the bull's paw, thickening and growing harder as he worked on it. The plump sheath began to retract from it to reveal the pointed black tip of the dragon's large cock. A small spurt of pre shot from it and landed on Tymirr's nose, causing him to moan softly. Warmness radiated from the dragon's massive cock, causing a distinct hotness to spread into the bull's paw as he touched the smooth black member. It spread from his paw up his arm and travelled into the rest of his body, causing the bull to shudder from the intensity of the heat in his body. He was sweating profusely now, dribbles of sweat travelling down his body. He felt the dragon's member press against his nose as it rose to its full length and thickness, dribbling more pre onto the bull's nose. It was at least an entire foot long and three inches thick with an enourmous knot at its base.

Tymirr felt the dragon's scaled hand push against the back of his head suggestively. Complying, he opened up his maw and wrapped his lips around the tip of that enourmous member and let his tongue slide underneath it. He took in more and more of the dragon into his muzzle, feeling the intense heat from it, making his face almost unbearably hot. He wanted more. He slid his muzzle down to the point of where it was pressing into the back of his throat, his jaw opened up as wide as it could go to accomodate the dragon's cock. Looking, he could see that he barely had half of it into his mouth. A spurt of the dragon's precum landed on the bull's tongue, and it drove him wild. He needed more, he had to have it. He began to bob his head back and forth, driven by the taste of the dragon's pre in his mouth. It was just so intense, the salty flavor, it made him submit completely to the dragon's wishes.

He felt the dragon begin to hump into his muzzle, his strong hand keeping his head from moving. The dragon's cock slid in and out of his muzzle roughly, but Tymirr didn't care. He just wanted more. The dragon pushed deeper and deeper into his muzzle until he stopped and roughly crammed it down his throat. The bull felt his head sink against the dragon's crotch until his jaw was stopped against his massive knot. The dragon began to pull out, and his cock slipped from his muzzle until only the tip remained at his lips. Tymirr was panting heavily through his nose as he lapped at the dragon's cumslit for more of that delicious seed. The dragon rumbled loudly through his chest before shoving the full length of his cock down the submissive bull's throat once more, causing him to moan through the dragon's enourmous cock.

The dragon pulled his massive member from the bull's throat and pushed him to the ground. Tymirr landed on his chest with a thud and an 'oof'. He was completely vulnerable in this position, it made him feel completely submissive with his rump still pushed up on his knees while he was face down in the grass. He could feel the dragon kneel down behind him and suddenly he felt the tip of his enourmous cock drive underneath his tail and press against his tight ring of flesh, spreading its intense warmth into his behind. The dragon grabbed the bull's hips and ground his cock against that fleshy taint. It wasn't long before the dragon shoved himself into the tauren's ass, spearing that meat straight into his tailhole, causing Tymirr to cry out in pain. It wasn't over yet, though. The dragon began bucking into his ass roughly, thrusting more and more of that gigantic cock into his abused ass. The tauren was panting and groaning loudly as he was fucked relentlessly from the large dragon. The pain began to dull, however, and was replaced with a new feeling. Absolute pleasure.

The heat he felt before was only the beginning, now he felt as though he were on fire. The sweat from his body dripped onto the grass as the dragon thrusted roughly into his tailhole over and over again. He had never felt anything like this before. It was as if nothing else mattered but the dragon's cock. He found himself pushing back against the dragon's hips every time that cock filled up his insides. He wanted more. It was all he could do to keep himself from screaming out in pleasure. The dragon's thrusts began to become more slow and erratic, but just as rough, and he could feel the dragon's giant knot push against his ass every time. Soon, the dragon let out a loud roar before shoving that knot directly against his tailhole and forced it inside the bull.

The feeling was electric, his entire body felt ecstatic as the dragon's cock exploded in bursts of cum, quickly filling his body with that intense heat. The bull couldn't even cry out, he felt paralyzed from bliss. His own cock spasmed beneath him, spilling out his thick seed onto the grass as the dragon spilled his hot seed inside of him. Tymirr felt so full, and he looked down to see his stomach slightly engourged from the dragon's enourmous member. He felt a set of hands pull him up back against the dragon, and looking behind him, he saw that the drake had sprouted a pair of gigantic wings from his back. Still tied to the bull, he flapped his wings and they flew up into the air together, causing the tauren to almost pass out. The dragon angled them and they flew off into the direction of the forest off to the west.

Looking down, Tymirr couldn't help but admire the view from above. Everything looked so different, hell he could even see where he lived. He didn't even feel the cold of the wind as they flew through the air together. He was still filled from head to toe in that feeling of heat, even though now it had only dulled down to a slight warmth. He didn't even feel fatigued after all of that, he felt more alive than he ever had. He felt as though he could go at it a hundred more times and not feel tired. His cock was still erect beneath him, and so was the cock inside of him. He could feel the dragon's cum in his stomach every time he flapped his wings.

Before Tymirr realized anything had happened, he noticed that he was now in an empty clearing and he was on his hooves pressed back against the dragon's stomach. He looked around in confusion. Why was he brought here? Before he could ask himself any more questions, he felt a slight tugging from behind him. The dragon placed his hands on the bulls hips and started to push. Tymirr found himself groaning in pain as he felt his abused tailhole being stretched open by the dragon's knot as he started to pull out of him. It only took a few seconds before it popped out of him and all the thick cum that had been deposited into him sloshed out and dripped down his legs. Tymirr gasped and shuddered heavily as the dragon slowly slid his enourmous member out of his stretched hole, leaving him with a feeling of emptiness as the rest of it slid out of him. As his cock left his body, so did the heat. He felt cold now.

The drake turned Tymirr around facing him and they looked eachother in the eyes affectionately. The dragon's arms wrapped around the tauren's shoulders and pulled him close into his big chest. The bull could feel the warmth of his body radiating onto him, not unlike what he had felt before. The cold he felt before was replaced by the drake's warmness. He felt as though he belonged to him now. There was a bond that had formed inbetween the two and he knew that he couldn't live without the dragon. He didn't know why, but he just knew it in his heart that it was right.