Loki the legend

Story by Serrahtheblackrose on SoFurry

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Have you ever thought of a man who was born with no age with just years that passed by as if nothing happened at all? It always seemed his days lasted forever within the quick glimpse of shattered memories. This man was born in blood and chaos his mother birthed him in the pit of the flames as ruthless men burned the village he lived in to the cold steep ground as it was raided. His mother didn't seem to survive as she hid the man in a tree her son but her life ended his was just beginning. His father found and saved his son from the decayed ruins of his village and found his son cold and almost starved till death.

His father took his mother against her will but he loved her in his own way. His blood transferred through his son and gave him abilities that no normal mortal had. Though his son was still mortal. His father trained him to become a true warrior of strength and skill. The man's childhood was grim yet wonderful at the same time.

The man was taught by brute force and the sword to crush, kill and slaughter to be completely merciless to be true soldiers that showed no flaws and knew not of fear.Two days before the becoming of the man's 21st birthday, this was the day he was supposed to become a true man a true soldier of his people. He would gain his sword if he mastered the task at hand. Him and his brothers fought, Two of them feel among the one of them he held dear most was Njord. They feasted for two days honoring Njord it didn't feel like a party though. Before the ceremony started, Baldor the youngest of the brothers said something disrespectful about Njord. It was simply a joke spinning through that drunken bastard's mind at the moment. That very day the man felt much grief and pain he then threw his spear towards Blador but he didn't dodge it as he usually did and after his skull cracked open the man didn't remember much it was all in a flash.

The man got banished from the holly halls, condemned to walk the earth until his redeemed his name and earned his sword. They took away everything from him his honor, his feelings, his power and magic he felt a deep sense of a void running through his body complete and utter emptiness to the core of his own being.

For over 60 years he fought many and countless wars sacrificing men, women and children he carried on the name of his family around the whole earth so people feared him. This man felt nothing until the fateful night he met a wolfess in black that changed his life forever and this man's name is Loki and his lover his wolfess in black is his eternal lover and both are greatful for meeting each other has both had such a past that neithers of was normal his lover's name is Serrah. Together they will roam the land in loving hands and bring about a slaughter that will never ever end.


A black furred anthro wolf gazes at longingly at some rocks in the form of some sort of burial grounds carved into the main rock was Helen. Serrah sobbed softly and placed a black rose on the rocks. She then stood up and walked away sighing deeply....

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A grim nightmare

Hello I'm Dan, I am an average male wolf that has been having the most disturbing nightmares so far. They have been haunting me and lingering over me for some time. It all started on a mid spring nights day as I was about to go to sleep I saw out my...

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