Invisible daywalkers take flight silent stalkers their's is the night solitary leader family close behind amongst the cedar all one kind his fate to roam the forest floor he's the ultimate predator
predators - kesteven and kendrew special force short history of the unit the predators born during the third battle of raven, the fourth battle of killer as general of the kesteven's army.
"the byron orr who produced the predator tv series?" "yes, he does." "what's predators?" harrison asked.
The Predator of the Predator becomes the Prey
Fox was running. He didn't know for how long, but it was a long time. His muscular, naked body was gleaming with sweat from his exertion. His breathing was growing more and more labored. He had a good stamina level, but he had never before been chased...
Prey's Paradigm
The squirrel looked at me, part in fear of the predator, part in pity for me.
CH1: Full Steam Ahead
Steam hung heavily in the air as my boots rang out against the metal walkway of the large underground cavern. The air was a cacophony of hisses and clanking from the steam powered generators up ahead. As I neared the power plant I affixed my goggles...
Commercial Predation
Charn ran one of the fastest growing predator cookware companies in the country. it was not the largest - yet - but the tiger had a way of gobbling up the competition. literally.
Predator and Prey
I've always liked the idea of predator/prey role reversal, and it only seemed natural to include some elements of bdsm into the scene.
Predators' farm
His senses as a predator started to develop amongst this sea of predators turned prey oddly enough.
Sexual Predators
"come on." the predator in front of her tells her, smearing her face with his cock. "get to work." as much as she wanted that piece of meat in her mouth, this was supposed to be rape, so she had to hesitate to get her muzzle over to it.
Predator and Prey.
Black tipped fingers reached and touched the mirror in front of him, stopped only by the reflective surface so he couldn't touch what he saw. Braeydon frowned to himself, his soft muzzle curling into the expression while his wet nose twitched...
Gentle Predators
Once her lucario, vere, had let kabutops back up, having easily floored the rather young predator, cain apologised for his jumpy behaviour.