Tangles Chapter-6 pt.1 What Goes Around...

Story by Granite Dragon on SoFurry


#6 of Tangles


Love is a funny thing; It springs from nothing and only grows with time. It increases in leaps and bounds at first and and settles to a steady pace. It has to have it's hard times and rough spots in order to last; but Aaron and Eric had none of the hardships to worry about yet. Another week had past and their hearts and souls burned for each other; There minds were obsessed with the other and bodies yearned for the other. A euphoria had set in on both their worlds and nothing else mattered to them. Young love indeed is a funny thing.

Eric gunned the throttle and raced down the street at an unnerving speed. Love blinded his thought processes and a mix of it with a bit of lust drove him forward. He was in a panic to see Aaron again; to see that face, those eyes, to feel that heart close to is own. Eric put the accelerator to the floor. Houses, trees, grass, cars; they were all a part of the blur surrounding him. The engine protested as the pistons pumped with no reprieve. Music screamed and so did the tires as he made his way around the corner; he was all but invincible. Eric finally gave the horses under the hood a rest as he approached Aaron's house. The tires squealed as they redirected 3380 pounds of steel into the driveway and the car squeaked to a stop and Eric all but jumped out of the car as Aaron ran to him. The two embraced each other warmly and gave a quick kiss.

"I tried not to miss you but you have no idea of the torture it's been!" Aaron said; his face glowing now that his lover's face was in his eyes.

"I bet I have a pretty good idea!" Eric replied. He looked in the horse's eyes. "I missed you so much Aaron." He said as he engaged him in another hug. They smiled at each other; lost in the other's presence. Aaron snapped out of the daze and took a small step back.

"I suppose we should head inside before my parent's get suspicious."

Aaron turned around and Eric reluctantly followed him into the house, wanting really to be alone with him on the road. They entered and Aaron called out for his parents and herald Eric's arrival.

"In the kitchen hon. Why hello Eric! It's so nice to meet you again!" Aaron's mom said as the two walked in.

"Hello mam." Eric said with a wave. "Are you and your husband ready for your trip." The female horse rolled her eyes and gave a loud sigh.

"Well I've been ready for more than an hour now but Darrel is still getting his things together. I don't know why he insists on waiting until the last minute to remember things."

"It's just how we guys are." Aaron answered with a shrug.

"Well I would have assumed your father had grown out of that by now." Aaron's mom said as she shook her head. "Come honey! Were going to miss our flight!"

"I'm coming I'm coming!" Aaron's dad walked in with a rolling suitcase and a small brief case.

"It took you that long for only those two things?" Aaron's mom asked in disbelief.

"Well I'm not a girl you know; I don't need to bring hairdryers and make up with me like some people." The male horse retorted. Aaron and Eric laughed as Aaron's mom hit his dad in the arm and gave him an evil look. She shook it off and turned to Eric.

"Thank you so much for inviting Aaron over to your house while we're on our trip. It came at such a short notice and I'm sure Aaron is glad that we didn't have to get him a baby sitter." Aaron's eyes went big and a small blush painted his cheeks.

"Mom! I'm 17! I don't need a babysitter anymore! I can take care of my self!" Eric laughed as he watched Aaron react with disbelief that his mom had just embarrasses him in front of his friend.

"Whatever you say kiddo." Aaron's dad said. "Come on hon. We need to leave if we're going to catch that flight." Aaron's parents got their things together and made their way to the door.

"Eric, please tell your mom thank you for me will you?" Aaron's mom asked as she stepped out the door. Eric nodded and smiled.

"Don't worry, I will." Aaron and his parents gave their last goodbyes and hugs and kisses were made between the family members as the parents piled their things and them selves in the car and drove off. Aaron stood at the door and waved until the car disappeared from view.

"Oh my god! I thought they were never going to leave!" Aaron blurted out and hunched his shoulders with a heavy sigh.

"Ya, well it's just us now." Eric said as he turned to Aaron. Aaron rotated his body towards Eric's and the two immediately embraced each other in yet another and a long tender kiss. The dragon and horse soaked up the others warmth as their bodies craved for one another. Eric reluctantly broke the kiss; He had a couple things planned for them to do.

"Come on love, let's get your things and head off." He told Aaron. Aaron gave a quick nod and showed Eric back into the house; holding his hand as he lead him in. They made their way up the stairs to Aaron's room once again and Aaron threw down a bag in the middle of the floor and began to franticly throw clothes into from the drawers. Eric stood a bit off; watching the spectacle as to not get nailed in the face by a ballistic pair of boxers or something. The deed was done soon enough and Aaron was leaning over his bag, trying to pull it shut so he could zip it up. Eric walked over to the horsy and gave his rear a playful squeeze. Aaron gave a surprised snort and stood instantly to cover his ass with a bit of embarrassment. "We haven't got all day you know." Eric said as he leaned down to finish zipping the bag with a large grin. Eric put the strap around his shoulder and stood up to walk out the door. Aaron was still standing there, holding his violated hind quarters with red on his cheeks. "Come on, We have a lot to do." Eric called out behind him as he left the room. A grin crept its way across Aaron's face; this was going to be a very exciting weekend! Aaron turned and followed his lover out to the car. The drive to Eric's house was a very pleasant one and full of happy chatter and laughter. Eric and Aaron asked each other questions as they grew in their knowledge and understanding of the other and found that they had plenty of things in common but also that they viewed some things differently. The conversations continued for a bit but then began to die down as their love for each other filled in the air between them. Aaron was looking out the window acting like he was enjoying the scenery but was really trying not to stare at Eric's body. Eric gave a quick glanced over at Aaron and noticed his hand fiddling with the material on the center armrest. Eric returned his eyes to the road and slowly removed his right hand from the steering wheel and and inched it closer and closer to Aaron's hand. He gently placed it on top Aaron's and felt it twitch and slightly pull away from his own with a natural reaction. Eric could feel Aaron's eyes peering at him and his heart screamed at him to look at him but he kept his eyes firmly on the road ahead of him; he wanted Aaron to respond with no input from him. A few agonizing seconds passed as Eric did not feel the touch returned; had he gone too far again? All of his doubts were shattered though when he felt the warm touch of the horse's hand slide over his own and wrap its self around his. Eric ventured a small glance at his love and found him biting his lower lip trying to suppress a smile. Eric couldn't help himself any longer as he let out a laugh. Aaron looked at him and blushed with embarrassment as he realized he had been caught cheesing. Eric squeezed his hand tight; reassuring the pony he had done nothing wrong. The trip to Eric's house was over sooner than either of them would have liked it to be and they reluctantly released hands. "Well here it is! Home sweet home! Small aint it?" Eric said as he got out of the car and stood looking at his humble abode.

"Wow..." Aaron said in childlike awe. "This is were you live?" Eric gave a nod before responding.

"Yep! One story, two baths, and three beds. A slice of heaven!" Aaron walked to the house, still in his state of awe, and touched the house as if it were a precious stone. "This is fantastic!" Eric drew his head back a bit astonished at the reaction. "You have a little porch and a small garage and you actually have people living near you! This is great!"

"Yea! It's great to have people living so close to you... until you get to know them!" Eric said jokingly. "Naw, but they're good people." He said patting Aaron on the shoulder.

"Can we see the inside!?" Aaron pleaded anxiously. Eric raised an eyebrow at he excited horse.

"Well I was just going to let us camp here outside the house, but since your so excited to see the inside too I guess could open the door and let you in." Eric laughed at the ridiculous level of curiosity Aaron had and lead him into the doorway. "And here we have the luxurious interior of the Ders residents." Eric said in a deep voice; imitating a fancy aristocrat giving a tour of his mansion. Aaron could only stare about in wonder at the complete difference of lifestyle. "Here, let me show you around. It won't take long!" Eric said as he lead Aaron down the hall by his arm. "First up is my room." He said; opening the door to his claimed sector of the house. "Ahh, and it is as messy as always!" Aaron ran instantly ran around the room like a child; touching this and feeling that. It was all such a new experience to him.

"Wow! You've got posters on the walls and even a flag! Ohh! look at this! You have a bunk bed too! Who sleeps in here with you? And why do you have so much dragon stuff? And why does your ceiling have plastic stars on it? And-"

"My! Aren't we full of questions?" Eric chuckled. "My brother sleeps on the top bed and-"

"You have a brother!?" Aaron asked incredulously.

"Yes." Eric continued. "I have a younger brother and a younger sister and an older sister."

"You mean there are four of you?" Aaron said in astonishment.

"No, there is only one of me but there is four of us." Aaron shook his he in disbelief at what he was hearing.

"So what's with all the dragon stuff on your desk?" Aaron continued his interrogation with. Eric laughed a bit nervously and scrunched his mouth to one side.

"Well," He started with. "My family is one of the only dragon clans around still today and I guess I just don't ever want to forget our history and so I collect dragons and stuff." Aaron scratched his chin, deep in thought.

"It's true, I don't think I've ever seen another dragon besides you."

'Well you furies sure are inthralled with us." Eric stated. "You guys make dragon stuff like there's no tomorrow!" Aaron could only shrug as a response.

"So can I see the rest of the house now?" He asked like a school child. Eric shook his head at his friend and lead him through the remainder of the house. "Wow! I can't believe you live here!" Aaron exclaimed as he finished with the tour.

"Yep. Eric responded. "Each and every day." Aaron was still lost in amazement when Eric noticed a car pulling into the garage. "Ohpe,looks like my mom is home." Aaron whipped around and watched as a silver car came to a stop inside the garage.

"Come on! Introduce me to your family!" The giddy pony commanded as pulled Eric by his arm close to the door. Eric's mom stepped trough the door, looking at the day's mail. "Hey mom." Eric said casually.

"Hello Eric have you gon-" The door burst open behind her and Eric's little brother and sister ran through, chasing each other. His older sister walked in and shouted out a command to settle down as she texted a friend on her cell. Aaron gazed at the scene with excitement . "Oh, hello! You must be Aaron then; It's nice to meet you! I had just gotten off the phone with your mother and I didn't know you two had already gotten home. Welcome!" Eric's mom gave him a warm smile, "I hope Eric has showed you around." Aaron gave a happy nod.

"Yes mam, He gave me a great tour!"

"Well I'm glad he's not procrastinating for once." She turned to speak to Eric. " Would you like to sleep in your room or out here in the living room?" Eric gave it some thought and then replied,

"Can we take the TV out of your room and stick it in mine? Cuz we were gonna watch some movies and stuff tonight and I don't want it to bother the other kids."

"Yea, we can do that. I'll just put Kenneth out on the couch." She smiled again at Aaron. "I hope you enjoy your stay here and if you need anything just let us know." She walked off as she was summoned to brake up an argument that had started from the younger ones.

"Wow! That's so crazy! You have an actual family with brothers and sisters! I've always wanted to have just one brother or sister!" Eric gave a dissatisfied tisk.

"They're not that great, trust me." A scream came from down the hall, signaling that the arguing was worsening. "Hey come on, I know we just got here, but I've got some things to show you that you need to see." Eric said as he swung his keys around his finger with a mischievous smile on his lips. Aaron followed him out to the car again; completely in the dark as to where they were going. Eric started the engine after they were both seated and so the adventure began.

"So where we going?" Aaron asked, a bit nervous.

"Well I hope you like to read cuz our first stop is gonna be Barnes and Noble; we're gonna brake you free from all those crazy doubts of homosexuality. You can't keep having these doubts about yourself or they'll eat you alive."

Aaron swallowed hard, "A-alright." he said unsure of himself. Eric pulled into a parking space and opened the door.

"Time to rock and roll babe!" He shouted over the car to the panicking horse. He lead him through the huge wood doors and straight to the sexuality section of Barnes and Noble and picked up a book from the shelves. "Here, this is a good one!" He stood and handed the book to Aaron's shaking hand and saw his beet red face. "Whoa Hon, you need to settle down; people are gonna start staring." Aaron gave the cruel dragon an exasperated look.

"Eric, people are going to stare at us no matter what we do! We're two guys looking together at the sexuality section in a book store! They're going to stare cuz they now have a good idea to the fact that we're both gay!" Aaron whispered loudly to the dragon. Eric raised an eyebrow.

"First off, they aint gonna stare at me cuz I'm not the one freaking out about being gay and second, you need to understand most people don't care that your gay; just as long as you don't make a big deal about it and you don't bother them then they don't care about who you end up sleeping with at the end of the day. Now try to settle down; it's good for you to be a bit exposed like this. It strengthens your confidence in your sexuality." Aaron tried to calm himself down a bit and keep a low profile. "This is hardly anything anyway; I could have stripped you naked and put a big sign around your neck as I fucked you in a public street." Aaron gaped at Eric in disbelief that he would even have such a cruel thought in his head and watched him chuckle to himself. Eric pulled out another book and handed it to the still shocked Aaron. "This one is just what you need. It was written by a christian man and has great scriptural support of the fact that God really doesn't condemn homosexuality. Oh, And this one has some amazing coming out stories; I thought my life was bad when I realized I was gay but wait until you read some of the ones in that! Ahh, and this one just has some great things you should know before you get "started" in your life as gay." Aaron was beginning to accumulate an impressive stack of books in his arms. "There, that should be good for starters. You go find somewhere comfy to read those while I read this kinky book on gay sex positions." Eric said with a wink to his love. He sent Aaron off to find a private place to do his research while he did some of his own. Aaron's face was still a touch red as he carried around his stack of "gay" books, looking for somewhere very private to read them. He found a nice chair in the back corner of the store and picked up a book from his pile; he sat there for the next hour and a half as the door of his closet became unawarely unlocked with each and every turn of a page. Aaron was lost inside himself as he read.

"There you are crazy!" Aaron craned his neck up and squinted as his eyes adjusted from their constant close focus of the page to the farther image of a dragon.

"Huh? oh, hey." He responded as he stretched his neck. "Man I'm sore from sitting like that for so long."

"Did you have a good time? Learn anything new?" Eric asked as Aaron stood from his seat. Aaron massaged his neck as he answered, "Yea! I learned a lot from these books; especially from this one by that christian guy."

"See? I told you that this would be good for you. I learned a thing or two also but that's for another time." Aaron continued to stretch and Eric noticed the slight bulge in his pants and smiled yo himself. Aaron obviously had enjoyed himself! "Well come on lazybones! I got one more place that I think will really help you out."

"Alright, let's go." Aaron said as he gave a small yawn.

"Are you sure? Cuz this place is gonna really expose you and I don't want you freaking out on me again; you sure you can handle it?" Eric asked while making a baby face. Aaron gave him a light punch in the arm.

"Would you stop teasing me? Of course I can handle it!"

"Whatever you say..." Eric said with a shrug. The two laughed as they made their way out of the store. Eric drove a bit further down the road and turned into a crappy parking lot behind some buildings next to a store with a rainbow on the side.

"Where the heck are we?" Aaron asked.

"Why this is Out of Bounds! One of the only gay stores in the area!" Aaron raised his eyebrows as they walked into the mysterious store.

"Welcome!" A wolf with spiky hair said as they entered. "Need any help finding something?" He asked the two cute boys.

"No. We're just looking around. Thanks though." Eric answered.

"Anytime!" The wolf said with a smile. Aaron inched his way closer to Eric and whispered into his ear.

"Are we even old enough to be allowed into here?" He asked as he looked at all the sex toys and adult DVDs and magazines.

"Probably not, but no ones ever said anything to me before." Eric said without a hint of care in his voice. The two wondered around the little shop as Eric showed Aaron various gay items. He handed him a magazine with a completely naked male otter on the front. "You may like what you see in this." He said with a wink. Aaron flipped through the magazine; his eyes mesmerized with page after page of pictures of cute boys sucking each other off and fucking each other's ass while Eric went and wondered off to some other part of the store. Aaron had gazed through 5 other magazines before Eric came back to meet him. "Oooh! That's a sexy pic, isn't it?" He asked as he came up from behind the horse. Aaron jumped a bit and quickly shut the magazine out of instinct. "Hmm," Eric said a bit amused. "Boys and Bears huh? It is pretty hot to see those barely legal twinks get fucked so hard by those grizzlies isn't it? Nice choice! I do believe you're getting used to this gay thing! I'm proud of you!" Eric patted Aaron on the shoulder as the magazine was put back onto the stand.

"T-thanks." Aaron said, flustered.

"Well, we better get going unfortunately, or my mom is gonna start wondering where we are." The couple made their way to the door.

"You cuties enjoy and come back now, ya hear?" The gay wolf said as Eric opened the door for Aaron.

"Don't worry!" Eric laughed, "I'm sure we'll be back soon!" Eric met Aaron at the car and unlocked it.