Sally's Squirrel Transformation

Story by Phen on SoFurry

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#7 of Furry

Uploading a bunch of old stories for your reading pleasure. The specifics vary, but they all involve excess in some form.

Comments are very much appreciated.

By Phen

Squirrel Transformation.

Sally had always loved the woods. The green, the fresh air, the smell of the trees... It came as no surprise that she loaded up her backpack to the brim every free weekend to journey out into the wilds. She didn't drive a car - that wouldn't have been natural! - although she did allow herself the amenities of a sturdy tent and a campfire.

So here she sat once again, taking in pine smell and enjoying the forest with closed eyes. If she ever went to the Pearly Gates, Sally expected a forest ranger to greet her. She brushed her blonde hair back and tamed it with a hair band. Today was a day for adventure. Her tent was all set up and firmly fastened like a spiderweb spreading over the grass and a good bundle of dry sticks lay in a neat bundle for later.

Few people ever came this far out. It would be nice to have some friends join her out here, but Sally loved the plants and animals too much to feel lonely out here. Gathering up her handy backpack and knife-belt, she set out to explore the wilds yet again like a modern Dr. Livingstone.

Late spring had set in and everything was green. Flowers bloomed across her path and the birds sang high above her. She decided to follow the sound of a faint rumble, which lead her to a clearing. As the vegetation thinned out, she came across a majestic waterfall cascading down from the higher ground. A perfect place for lunch. Despite her at times extreme shunning of modern society, she couldn't deny a couple of irrefutable arguments for human ingenuity. Sandwiches were among the top contestants.

Sally set down her backpack with a cacophony of metal bits clanging together. She hardly had time to unwrap the treat however, as she spotted a squirrel in the undergrowth. It twitched for a moment before darting forward with rapid speed as squirrels are wont to do. Sally had seen plenty of squirrels before, even practically tame speciments, but not one as fearless as this. It bounded onto her lap with without hesitation, leaving her momentarily flustered and amazed, suppressing a reflex to avoid any sudden movements. It was unmistakably cute with a nice red-brown fur coat and a huge, floofy tail, looking up meaningfully at her.

The squirrel was not there for her adoration, however. It was much more interested in the small compass that she had left on the rock beside her and jumped right at it before Sally had a chance to feed it anything. Another moment passed and the small creature was already halfway across the clearing with the piece of metal glinting from its jaw.

"Wait!" Sally needed that to get back! She launched into a run after the squirrel, not even sensing her still wrapped sandwich bouncing off into the grass. The chase was on.

The thieving squirrel had picked the wrong mark, however. Sally wasn't easy to shake off and kept up with the small, furry creature as they bounded through the woods. She was sure-footed and athletic, keeping her eye on the little patch of red between the greenery. Eventually its tiny brain came upon the benefits of a vertical escape route and ran straight up a tree. It was a massive, ancient birch with thousands of hiding places between its branches.

Sally didn't hesitate for even a moment. The woman jumped straight up, scrambling for purchase and grasping a branch that groaned under her weight. Undeterred, she found a stepping stone and moved up. And up.

Unfortunately, it didn't turn out to be that simple. About a third of the way up, she ran into a nearly branch-less stretch. The squirrel peeked down from a higher vantage point, the glint of metal between it's teeth taunting her. She wouldn't give up.

Sally straddled a particularly massive branch as she tried to formulate her battle plan. Free-climbing had always been an interest of hers, but this looked rather steep. If only...

A heavy boot struck the soft dirt. Another followed and rebounded off the base of the tree. Sally stretched her naked feet and felt the old, cool bark beneath her. She could scarcely think of a better sensation. It felt very right and the squirrel must've felt a shiver at Sally's look of determination as she approached the base of the tree again. She reached up as far as she could...

And jumped.

In a long, trembling moment Sally floated through the air, then her fingers closed around the upper branch and she scrambled up. Despite the superior ™ design of her boots, she climbed much faster like this. The squirrel started moving again from the brief moment of respite. Up here the branches grew much more numerous and tore at her clothes as she ascended. The cloth tore here, there and everywhere in her haste at catching the thief.

The actual damage didn't bother her as much as the uncomfortable strain from being tugged roughly from this way and that. Her hiking gear didn't bother her nearly as much on the ground, but then again she didn't dive head-first into branches down there either. Bits of red showed where the white top tore, but Sally pressed on.

The climbing became second nature. Faster and faster, up and up, she could almost reach out and grab the thief when a seriously sharp branch swept into her path. Sally felt the air leave her stomach as they collided and she unsuccessfully scrambled for purchase while her feet's grip slipped. She plunged downwards to a crippling drop with a scream... But something held her up.

It was a tail. A big, brown bushy tail. Sally stared at it in disbelief while the squirrel paused above her, perchance wondering if her eyes would roll right out and drop to the ground. A tail. It connected to her all right, sweeping out through one of rips in the mistreated pair of pants. She poked the fluffy thing and clearly felt it. Sally tried moving it next, just recalling that it held her up in the nick of time and swinging herself up on a much safer perch before any further experimentation.

That's when she noticed her hands. She had claws. Claws perfect for climbing, in fact. An odd, tingling sensation arose in her hands while she marveled at her new climbing tools: There was a reddish tinge at the rims of her claws, which seemed to spring into action as soon as she noticed. It grew out into a thin coat of fur from each of her fingertips, rapidly enveloping her digits, then spreading down her forearms. Sally should've felt alarmed, but the pine smell and the bark beneath her sole calmed her feelings.

Sally didn't even mind as the coat of red-brownish fur covered her arms completely. The long chase had tired her muscles, but now they felt invigorated. Her forearms grew stronger before her very eyes, biceps becoming pronounced beneath her feminine curves and the sleeves of her shirt just had to give up. It was mangled by the sharp branches anyhow and she simply let the wind take it as it fell to the ground. Her torso was covered by the same fur as well and Sally almost blushed as she looked upon herself. For the first time in her life, Sally actually had tits. Not those itty-bitty bumps that, granted, had been appropriate for her slim form before. No, actual hand-filling, perky titties. Her rosy nipples were just about the only thing not covered by fur!

Sally reached up with a slightly shaking hand to feel her face. Fur greeted her fingers and slightly changed features. Her headband remained in place around her blonde hair, a reminder of what she had been before. Her nose felt different. It smelt different, too.

Her self-discovery was interrupted by a sharp pain from beneath, however. Strands of threat dug into her the fur of her widening thighs and she reached down with her hands, tearing her pants apart in sheer reflex. No wonder it had hurt - her flat backside and tiny hips were visibly swelling outwards to rival even that bitch at work who had undergone plastic surgery. The stark image of femininity was disrupted by her lone remaining shred of clothing, however: Her white, pink dot adorned panties. They bulged outwards as if she'd made a bet to stuff it with golf balls. Without any further ado, they exploded outwards with a fat, pink cock and a pair of heavy balls of a slightly lighter hue than the rest of her fur. A clear drop had formed on the tip and smeared across the quivering skin.

Sally smiled. She didn't even mind. In fact, the squirrel-girl reached down to touch her foot-long cock, eagerly stroking the swelling organ. "Oooh." It grew easily, a full two feet long before it became properly hard. She giggled, the other hand slipping down to try and heft her massive balls. She was rather delighted to discover that she couldn't even get her hands around one of the hefty spheres - not even with both hands! They sloshed audibly at her touch and an excess of clear pre already leaked all the way down her stiff, pink cock, matting the fur of her massive balls and dripping in a steady stream down to the lower branches.

What came next was all too tempting to resist. Sally might not have had a lot of experience, but she hardly had to think before grasping her thick, throbbing cock and sliding it up between her firm tits. Pre cascaded down her front like a broken faucet and Sally was delighted to taste her own sweet flavor. Her pink, slightly larger tongue lapped over her sensitive glans and she found herself immediately shivering from the intensity of the sensation. She couldn't even keep her eyes open, pushing her wide, womanly thighs hard against the branch beneath her and hoping intimately it would hold her up. Gods knew that she wouldn't be able to catch herself again.

Wide arcs of cum sailed through the air. Sally's explosive orgasm painted the crown of the old birch white despite her feverish attempts at cramming the tip into her mouth. She couldn't possibly drink it all and the excess simply got everywhere, too thick to easily drop down from the treetop. Her wonderful, brand-new fur drenched with her own excitement, covering in slippery white as she rode out her impossibly plentiful orgasm.

"... Woo." Sally huffed, tentatively opening her eye and descending into a fit of laughter as she saw her own mess. It was glorious. The entire section of the tree was white with cum - the squirrel with her compass wouldn't be slipping past her down here! She gingerly felt herself up, fingers gliding over the slick fur as she hefted her heavy breasts. Sally bit her lip - they were definitely not overflowing her hands before. She dared a quick glance down there and caught herself smiling. No, her breasts had not been larger than her own head before! Breasts didn't really seem a fitting term anymore. Boobs, pillows, obscenely gigantic, wobbling mega-titties all seemed more apt descriptors. Hell, her immensely fat nipples and areolas alone outsized what her tiny bosom had been this morning.

Sally's claws kept her steady as she rose to her feet once again, her new body so nimble that falling was hardly a risk anymore even among the splatterings of cum. Her cum, she corrected herself with an impish grin. Her scent was powerful indeed and the girl had made her mark on the surroundings. Sally's brain flooded with the new sensations of her large, powerful muscles shifting beneath her layer of fat. It wouldn't be as easy climbing with such lewd curves, but she'd manage it. She was made for it.

She'd even manage carrying up that fat, limp cock that hung to below her knees. Something in a weakening part of her mind told her to get that thing away, but her present thoughts all revolved about how nice the weight felt and the feeling of her heavy, basketball-sized testicles bumping against her lower thighs. It even kind of tickled at the huge, pink shaft retracted back into a hefty sheath between her thighs. Thighs that lead up into what might've been the biggest, firmest ass that she'd ever seen, in magazines or otherwise!

"Alright, thief. Playtime's over!"

Sally leapt up, darting between the branches as if she'd done it all her life. The tiny squirrel in turn fled for its own dear life, but there was precious few meters left to go. And then it was over. It clung to the highest branch with its glinting, magnetic treasure held up protectively. Sally took the last stretch with slow deliberation, her head rising to be level with the squirrel with a smug grin on her face.




Sally froze. She refused to glance down. The birch refused to carry her increased weight. Sally fell.


Many, many meters below an anthropomorphic squirrel spat out a string of curses. She had landed on something hard and scowled as she rolled around. It was a boot - specifically, her boot. Sally reached for another impressive string of expletives when something odd dawned on her. The dimensions of the boot were all wrong - she could close her hand comfortably around the tiny piece of leather and string. Her mind wrestled with this oddity for a few moments longer than necessary. She stood up gingerly and grinned as the birch branches greeted her.

She was huge. The squirrel had to duck to escape the branches, several of which still dripped from her explosive orgasm. She stepped back from the base of the tree to comfortable stand up straight again and looked up at the top.

"This isn't over. I'll get you yet!" Her thick sheath stirred once again while Sally tweaked her pink, cork-sized nipples. To her surprise and joy, she found two fat dicks pushing out from between her wide, powerful thighs, extending from her groin inch by inch. They stood out one foot, two foot, three foot...

"One way or another..."