
By Phen Nukezilla Brenda was excited. She couldn't stand still as the class loaded up in the yellow bus. She barely even sensed how Eric sat next to her and subsequently tried to make small talk. A class trip to the local nuclear power plant. What...

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Sally's Squirrel Transformation

By Phen Squirrel Transformation. Sally had always loved the woods. The green, the fresh air, the smell of the trees... It came as no surprise that she loaded up her backpack to the brim every free weekend to journey out into the wilds. She didn't...

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Short IRC showoff.

| \<Phen\> I could grow and show off... \* Phen chuckles and strokes along the base of her two waist-thick cocks on the ground in front of her. "But why should I? What would I gain?" The thick fuckrods stirr, sliding across the ground as they creak...

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Wonder Treatment

"So... How are you feeling?" David sat across Sarah's bed. He was a mouse, brownfurred and rather tall for his species. He had slightly darker brown hair, blue eyes and wore a white shirt and jeans. Sarah was a squirrel, just a bit shorter...

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Drinking at the Seventh Heaven

"Bartender! Another round, if you please!" The air was filled with the sounds of loud talking and tinkling glass. Another good night at the Seventh Heaven. The renowned barkeep sauntered down to an occupied table with her hands full of four...

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Atonia the demon-loli (Description)

It's a dark and stormy night. The thunder outside becomes louder with each blast of lightning and a crackling spear of plasma strikes just outside your window. The entire room is briefly illuminated and something is left behind when the light retreats....

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A Seed

"See you soon!" A tall lioness waved the last guests goodbye, standing in the door until they were out of sight. It had been a good day, a good party, but now she was tired. There was, as always, lots of cleaning up to do, but it could wait. A hot...

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Knight's honor

Story by Phen The beast of Caerbannog! This would be his big break to be sure. Galahad hadn't exactly been in good standings with the king lately. In fact, unless he returned with something extraordinary... He might as well not return at...

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Hyperscat FFX-2 story

Rikku was excited. Heck, they all were, but she was especially so. It was time for the trio's panty-pooping contest. Paine was the reigning champion, but Yuna and Rikku had a surprise for her this time since Rikku had stumbled upon a brew that'd come...

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Pool Preparations

The door swung open and Sally shielded her eyes as they readjusted to the sunlight. Forgiveness came quickly, however, as the warm rays bathed her skin and promised to make her forget about the retreating winter. For a brief moment, she wondered if...

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Hyper Puberty

Boring. Lecture. Seconds ticked by oh-so slowly as time seemed to grind to a halt in the face of the chemistry lecture, as if the old man in front of the blackboard was some kind of wizard, controlling the flow of time with his bare fists and...

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The Idol

Because everyone needs to write a cheap story involving a cursed idol at some point in their life. By Phen. The Idol: The sun shone brightly on two adventurers as they emerged from the mouth of an old ruin, located deep within the...

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