My Angel

Story by Kilik Odagawa on SoFurry

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Alright. This is my first piece of commissioned work. Thank you Pup for doing so. Hugs for you. I thank you vewy much :3 And now, for all the other stuff I need to be doing.

This story is the property of myself and the commissioner. (AMixedUpPup) The text of this story and all content are subject to change at the commissioners discretion. This story is not intended for viewers under the age of 18. If you are underage, gay relationships not your style, do not like long stories, did not really want to read this, I can only implore that you go elsewhere and do not continue reading this. I sincerely ask that no comments are left that are derogatory or discouraging.

Characters (C) AMixedUpPup and KilikOdagawa

Storyline by : KilikOdagawa

"My Angel"

"Hey, Hatchet. C'mere."

"Oh God," thought the timber wolf as he heard a deep voice call for him, "Not another damned experiment gone wrong." Nonetheless, he closed his book and rose from his comfortable chair. Of course he didn't really want to move at all. His favorite chair, after all, was his favorite color. Just being around that ultramarine got him relaxed. But if you examined it closely enough, there were some lighter areas. This was from every time Hatchet had to clean up from some of his "naughtier" adventures into fantasy.

Docker Hatchet was a timber wolf through and through. His woodland roots were somehow affecting his every decision. Say he were invited to a party and there was some type of thick brush nearby, he'd pick the bush to hang out in. He also had another thing about him, something a bit more plain. He was gay. He loved the feel of a rod gracing him over and over again. Although, he hadn't had it in quite sometime and he was getting kind of desperate.

He turned the corner into his friend's lab. "What now Bernie?"

This was Bernie Benson, always pestering Hatchet to see some new twisted experiment result or to allow him to view the utter catastrophe of his laboratory. This canine was an Alaskan Malamute. One of his eyes were a light emerald, the other a deep azure. Something you'd expect to see on a sea diving trip where you can't see the ocean floor. On this particular go 'round, the room was clean, no odd residues, foul scents or strange colorings. Just the pleasant smell of almonds.

"C'mere. You're gonna love this." He kept waving his paw towards his microscope and looking into it.

Hatchet rolled his eyes and started moving forward. Bernie could have swore that he'd heard the wolf grumble something about his the book he was reading or something about sex, but he wasn't sure.

The lupine stood next to the canine and felt dwarfed. Benson stood at 6'5", whereas Hatchet stood at 5'11". He looked up at the malamute and put on his "Hurry up and let me do what I have to do so I can get back to my chair" look.

Bernie stepped to the side and leaned against the counter and tried to look proud of himself but only succeeded in looking pleased instead of that arrogant look.

The wolf peered into the eye piece and stared at the moving substance. "What the hell is this?"

Bernie flashed a smile. "It's the AIDS virus and you've been infected by being there without proper protection."

Hatchet snatched his head up and glared at the canine, "Hey hey hey. You know as well as I do that I always use a rubber. So you can hang that shit up. But seriously, what the hell is this?" He gestured to the viewing slide under the scope and saw a green liquid.

Bernie grinned and sifted through cork sealed test tubes on a rack beside him until he found the right one. "It's this."

Hatchet took the plastic vial and stared at the label. He sighed and handed it back to the Malamute, "Alright. Where'd you get that from and how did you get it? I don't want that being put into my coffee Bernie."

The dog chuckled and placed the tube back. "Relax. It's just a diluted form of Arsenic." He turned to his room mate. "Now where and how I got it, I hope you'll never know. But since you're clever, I had to service my supplier."

The lupine's fur stood up on his neck as he heard mention of his "supplier". To Hatchet, she was a complete and total bitch that wanted no more than to have him suffer alone in life. He'd have to take care of that. He wanted to keep Bernie and by God he would. By any means necessary.

"Bah. I don't wanna know details. Just don't kill me with that please." He hugged his friend and grinned at him.

The malamute eyes grew wider a little. "You know I don't like you coming on to me. It makes me feel jittery."

All Hatchet could do was laugh. "I know Bernie I know. But as a gay man," he kissed the soft canine neck, " I could tell you that you are one sexy boy. Anyway, I'm gonna get back to my chair and my book." He released his "toy" and walked to the doorway, "And Bernie, stay sexy for those girls." It was then he decided to leave Bernie alone.


Now if you had been at a local arcade in the meantime, you would have seen a band play. A pair of feline hands wrapped around the microphone and clutched it tightly as a voice sang into it. "They're gonna clean up your looks, with all the lies and the books to make a citizen out of you."

Here we have a cheetah that goes by the name Toby Tonic. He's the lithe, off muscular formed fur that most would shoot for. He's also got a great singing voice and picks up the guitar every now and again. But for now, he wanted his fans to smother him in "Rock on"gestures, screams, and the occasional mosh pit.

"Because they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on your son so they can watch all the things you do." He threw his paw out towards the crowd and chose one girl in particular, one in the front row, and crossed the stage to her. He got on his paws and knees in front of the hysterical tigress, "Because the drugs never work, they're gonna give you a smirk 'cause they got methods of keepin' you clean." A paw strayed and caressed her cheek before he quickly moved back to his place on the stage. Leaving that tigress to dive into pure ecstasy and was the classic "Loudest girl above everyone else" that you always here at concerts.

One of the guitarists, an otter slowly crossed the stage to Toby. He pushed his muzzle close to the cheetah's head. As the feline continued singing, with complete awareness of the lutrine next to him, he edged his head away from him. Toby's full concentration was mixed. The otter was getting closer and the crowd was getting wilder. The boy finally reached his mark and licked the singer from chin to the tip of his head.

Every girl in the room let out ear shattering shrieks of joy. The tigress in the front row was sweating slightly. Toby nodded knowingly that she was about to explode in total ecstasy. He shrugged off the moisture on his cheek and somehow managed to get through the song without further mishap.

"You guys have been a great crowd tonight. Got some free shirts comin' your way. If you can grab 'em before the person next to ya that is." Some of the arcade staff walked on stage with two small cannons. One loaded a shirt, and the other fired. Eight shirts were blasted into the crowd and everyone present dived for one.

While the confusion was going on, the band began to sneak out of the building, the arcade manager said he'd grab the gear. Once they arrived at the Toby's white Suburban, they all dived in and the cheetah floored the pedal. The sound of the engine was drowned out all possible noises, whether inside or out.

Once Toby felt he had driven a safe distance, he stopped at a local fast food restaurant. "Man, that was rough. What do you guys think. Headed to the top?"

Damon, the drummer, remained silent as the other two, Allan and Jonathan, screamed.

"I'll take that as a yes. So what'll it be from Macadoo's tonight?"

Damon, a taciturn fox, held up 6 fingers.

"We have a number 6, what else?"

Allan and Jonathan, twin otters, both said, "4."

Toby looked at the menu and eyed one thing, milkshake. He knew it was clichéd for cats to love such things, but he just couldn't resist. He also had good reason for it, singing was hell on his throat. He pulled forward and waited for someone to notice there existence.

A pantheress opened up the window, "Welcome to Macadoo's. What'll it be this evening?"

Toby looked up and down the feminine form, what he could see of it anyways, and felt a very slight press on his tripp pants. He read through the order and threw in a wink at the end. He was looking for a piece now.

The femme before him, Sharron, just looked at him. Chances are, she had been hit on so many times. "Eighteen forty-six . Please drive around." With that, she shut the window and moved to the grill.

Toby looked down and faked a sob. Damon shook his head and stared out the window, Jonathan let out an "Oooooo." Allan, "Shut down." Toby flashed the twins a finger and gave the van some gas.

Upon reaching the next window, he had the cash in his paw and he waited on the evening meal. In spite of being so popular, Toby was just a virgin. He hated to admit it, but he was. The window opened and a dark paw came before the feline. He placed the bills and coins into it and accepted the bag. He sighed and pulled away.

He wanted a girl he could care for that wanted him in the same way. All these fan girls were no good. No real passion. He drove into the night, without any of the previous euphoria he had held before that drive through.


Hatchet looked at the clock. 12:22. It was past midnight and he was feeling extremely restless. He didn't know what it was or why he couldn't sleep, but he did know that he had been laying in that soft, warm bed for the better part of four hours. He rolled over and stared at his ceiling. He had absolutely no clue as to what was bothering him. But it needed to end soon.

He finally growled and tossed the covers off of him. He slept gloriously naked so he enjoyed the feeling of the cool air on his body. He looked out of his window and wondered. "What am I here for?" The wolf shifted to the side of his bed and stared at the floor. His foot paws played in the soft, plush carpet of the room. He stood and padded completely soundless to his door and decided he'd grab some NyQuil.

He arrived in the gloom of his kitchen and groped through the medicine cabinet and checked each label, each hard to do without light. He had to leave it off because Bernie slept in the living room, which just happened to be directly adjacent to the kitchen. He finally grabbed the triangular bottle and fished it from the deep gloom of the shelf.

Hatchet flicked his ears for a second and shuddered at the thought of that vile taste in his mouth while trying to get some sleep. That wouldn't work at all. He adjusted his position stealthily and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. He eyed the refrigerator and dreaded what would come out of it. Light.

This irritating thing would sting his eyes and probably wake up the sleeping Malamute. So, he decided on just normal water. A cup in one paw, the NyQuil in the other, he rushed to the bathroom with completely inaudible steps and he turned on the tap.

The glass filled slowly and he made sure to turn it off slowly, quickly doing so would produce a loud squeak. He prepared his dose of sleeping aid in complete darkness. It took a minute, but he managed. The plastic cup was pressed against his lips and he grimaced a little before swigging the whole thing and just as fast as the medicine vanished, so did the water.

The taste of the two lingered on his tongue for a while. It was bitter and he drank another glass of water. The flavor was gone now and he sighed again. Why was his life so complicated now? Why did everything seem to go wrong one after another? He'd probably never know the answer but he would always carry on wondering. That would be his plague.

He exited the bathroom, leaving the elixir and glass where he set them. The wolf went back to his room and rested again in his comfortable bed. He wrapped himself up and gazed at the wall. His mind was running around in circles and he started to feel exhausted right around that moment. He shut his eyes and wondered, "What is tomorrow gonna throw at me?"


Bernie woke up and looked around. He had a dream about a really cool experiment he wanted to try for his college Chemistry class and he tossed the blankets off and noticed a morning wood through his tightly tented boxers. "Fuck." He stared at it for a moment with the utmost intensity, like he was trying to get some message. "Yeah. I agree with you there buddy. I haven't paid you any mind in a long time."

He stood up and stretched and petted his friend through the fabric for a second. A small moan flew through his lips before he could catch it. He looked around and saw the bathroom door slightly ajar. "Must've been Hatchet." He stepped inside onto the cool tile and silently shut the door. He eyed the objects left around the sink and shook his head, "He'll be out for a while."

The malamute stripped off the single article of clothing and admired his red, throbbing 8 and a half inch canine meat. He grinned as it started to bead up with pre at the tip. Using his thumb, he smeared the sticky substance around the head, getting a soft murr from his lungs. He stepped into the shower and made sure the curtains were securely blocking all outside view. Bernie turned on the hot water first and stroked himself lightly with his free paw.

The water drew to the desired temperature and he sighed out of relief as he flicked the tab up for the shower. The initial icy blast had all of his fur standing on end but this quickly subsided as the hot water splashed against his light fur. He hummed as he counted the tiles on the wall and found a panel that sounded a little hollow. Bernie used a claw to flick it open and withdraw one of his toys.

It was a flesh light. He grabbed the shampoo bottle and squeezed some of the slick base inside the latex item. He hummed some more and set the bottle to the side and looked down at his toy. "Just think, you're about to be filled by a malamute cock again." Bernie chuckled and slowly inserted his meat into the latex hole.

A sound, something between a growl, murr and a moan, moved from his muzzle as he braced along the wall directly under the shower head. He hilted his full length inside that warm, soft haven before pulling out just as slow. He rolled his head back and used the hot water to keep the sensation lasting. The water was blasting him full on in the face and he ducked back under the head and stared down as he watched himself fully hilt yet again.

The canine watched his length disappear and reappear slowly from its warm home. The burn blazing through his groin was more amazing than he remembered. The way that this toy sucked at his hard dick was just indescribable. The moans escaping were like a thick syrup, sweet and wildly enjoyable.


But he was not alone in hearing these luscious sounds. A pair of lupine ears flickered and strained at the sound of a good yiff. His sheath was already starting to swell. He was feeling very excited at that moment. This wolf wanted something and he wanted it right now. He smirked and sat up, he knew exactly what he wanted, and he knew how to get it.


Bernie got tired of his thrusting and wanted to change his position. The canine pulled himself out of the flesh light before lying on his back. The dark and light legs spread a little and bent, the red pole throbbed proudly, begging for much more than it was getting.

He rested his head against the linoleum bed of the tub and allowed the warm water to rinse away the lubricant. It didn't really seem to be getting him off this time. He'd have to try something completely new.

The malamute closed his eyes and began to picture himself in the arms a beautiful fur. No particular species, just a beautiful fur. They were in the shower together, naked. Bernie didn't feel ashamed, oh no. He felt powerful, confident. A soft, comforting paw rubbed across his soaked chest and he let out a soft mur.


The door swung open silently and one paw, now two, padded into the room. It was hot, and steamy, like a sauna. The scent of sex was thick as the atmosphere, suffocating, intoxicating. Hatchet's eyes gleamed in the dull light he licked his lips slowly. He reached out for the curtain, stopping his paw short.

A finger traced along his lips in thought. He got down on his knees and nosed his way under the curtain, in the center of the drapery. The scent got thicker as soon as the cloth was moved to the side. His sheath began to harden as the large, tender tip of his cock poked its way free.

His muzzle felt the patter of the hot cascade and the aroma assailed his every sense. His hardening prick was now pressing at the tub, wanting free. He brushed aside the instinct and looked down over the linoleum structure, there stood the most beautiful length he had ever seen in his life, already leaking its pre ejaculatory juices. He looked to Bernie, the malamute in a seeming daze. The situation couldn't be more perfect.

His tongue snaked out of his muzzle to try and lap lightly at the head. He missed by a small bit. He tried again, this time, feeling that succulent pre grace his buds.

A sharp pain hit his nose as he opened his eyes and saw the eyes of the malamute, glaring, dark. Bernie seized him by the back of his neck and hauled him up. Hatchet closed his eyes and chewed on the inside of his bottom lip, fully prepared for a beating. No blows fell, no growls. Just a horny canine eyeballing him down.

The timber wolf tried to pull away, but the malamute held him firmly. He tried again, but to no avail. Bernie's paw strayed to his shoulder and began to draw it closer to him. He whined and blushed slightly under his soaked facial fur. Their muzzles were mere hair's breadths apart, each breath could be felt distinctly by the other.

Bernie leaned forward and pressed his lips against the lupine's. Hatchet was greatly taken aback by the turn of events but didn't object. His soft, wet ears flattened against his skull and he craned his head to the side slightly.

His dark lips parted and his tongue stroked softly across the canine lips. The malamute didn't react negatively in any way, but instead went further. Bernie's tongue brushed along Hatchet's slowly. The wolf's previous terror had morphed into thick and nearly tangible passion.

His dark hide was hauled into the shower, it was big enough for two. The warm water flushed against the fur on his back, rinsing away any doubts from Hatchet. He pressed his lips against his room mate's and rubbed up and down his sides. He was glad Bernie hadn't pushed him away. It may have just been his total desire to get a load off, but Hatchet didn't give a damn.

Bernie reached behind the wolf above him and massaged him down to his firm rump. The wolf looked with a longing at the dog below and kissed him again. Hatchet felt a finger prod at his entrance, he inwardly smiled as he knew what was coming his way. One thing he had craved for for months now.

The solitary digit found its way into the warm slot and massaged the ring and the soft tube. The sensations caused by such made Hatchet groan. His brown eyes met the emerald sapphire eyes and for a moment, the atmosphere was soft, loving, intimate. Hatchet moaned as he felt a second digit slide inside of him. He was feeling a little tight by now.

He squirmed lightly and felt both of those soft, loving fingers slip in and out of his inner being. The malamute's heavenly fingers slid out completely and lightly rubbed eager entry. Hatchet was about to protest but felt something much larger prod against that same spot. He looked down and locked his muzzle with Bernie's.

A strong paw squeezed his shoulder and shook him a little. He looked down and the dog stared back at him with a want. The wolf nodded and tried to kiss him again but the paw shook him again. Another paw clutched his other shoulder and shook him violently. "HATCHET!!!!!! WAKE YOUR ASS UP!!!!!"


The wolf started awake. He saw two eyes that had an air of suspicion. Bernie raised an eyebrow and eyeballed the wolf. "Having a good dream?" The answer was obvious. Almost too obvious because Hatchet was nude and uncovered with a leaking hard on.

His paws dove to cover it but touched it gently enough. The length spasmed and he groaned as his peak was reached. His juices firing into his sheets and blanket. His shoulders rose and fell with each pant that escaped his lungs, it felt great. He blushed deeply as he realized he had just cum in front of his room mate. In his mind, he was scared.

Bernie just rolled his eyes before rolling the wolf, still trying to cover himself, out of the bed. "At least it's a good chance to try out a new formula I've developed. I'll bring these back to you when they're clean. Oh, and we have some guests downstairs so please don't bother them too much. They're still asleep and the place is a mess." He bundled up the bedding and exited the room, leaving a very confused wolf in the aftermath.


Toby rolled over with a groan. His head was throbbing, hard. He forced his amber eyes open, he wanted to go back to sleep but realized he couldn't. All around him, the members of his band were passed out, an odd assortment of liquor and beer bottles lay around the room. The cheetah shook his head and pushed himself over the side of the bed, the sudden landing did nothing to assist his headache.

He pushed himself to sit up, then stand. He walked into what was supposed to be the kitchen, but instead, looked like the remains of a long shift for a bartender. Southern Comfort, Jack Daniel's, Smirnoff, and Pucker's bottles were everywhere. He assumed that his intense headache was to be attributed to a hang over.

He shuffled over to the cabinet conveniently labeled, "Minor Medicine" and viewed the contents. His eyes fell on something that instantly made him feel better, Aleve. He snatched the bottle and emptied a pair of caplets into his waiting paw.

He swallowed them dryly and sighed. What happened last night? He stared out into space and felt something cold on his groin. He jumped back and clutched himself, it was now he realized he was naked. He blushed deeply, even though no one was awake.

He looked around the house and found a decent pair of boxers with his name on them. Someone had known he'd wind up that way. He sighed as he felt the familiar feel of his nuts being held by silk underwear. He smiled smugly and looked around the room he was in. It was relatively empty but there was a single door, other than the one he came through. He opened it, the following space was completely black. The feline's paw searched the wall for a switch or something of the sort but felt a small imprint.

The famous feline curiosity forced him to press down a little. He had to squint to save his eyes from the sudden burst of light. He slowly opened them as they adjusted to the brightness of the room and realized that it looked like a lab. Various tubes, pipes and vials lay scattered in an organized manner on an odd assortment of desks and counters.

Toby decided to take a look around but didn't really get the chance to due to an odd mass of sticky, putty like substance he had just stepped in. He grimaced and hopped on one leg back into the prior room. The odd liquid seemed to suck and harden on his paw. The feline shook his head and set the paw down.

His soft rounded ears pricked up as he heard muffled voices down the hall. He padded over to the open door and listened with his eyes closed.

"How the hell did you get the whole band here?"

"It doesn't matter how I got them here, you're in love with the whole group. Personally, I thought it wouldn't matter."

"You can bet your ass it matters. What would happen if the police showed up here and their manager had no clue where they were? What about their parents? Shouldn't you think about them too?"

"I made all the arrangements. You have to remember, I know a lot of people. Don't get your tail in a knot."

A whine from the first voice.

"But I like my tail. I would never hurt it."

"Okay, stop stroking that thing like a blanket and go say hi to the singer, he's already awake."

"Do WHAT now?"

"Go. Say. Hi. To. Toby. Tonic."


"What's wrong? I thought you had the biggest crush on him in the world."

"SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Don't broadcast that when he's awake..."

"Oooooooooh. Does teh wuffy have a bashful cwush?"

"I will kick your ass if you don't shut up about it."

"Hatchet, you know you couldn't beat me even if you tried."

"...Dammit that's true. But still, the WHOLE band? Not just Toby?"

"The whole band. Damon, Allan and Jonathan. I'm sure the twins would love your company. The fox never did say much of anything."

"Wow, I owe you big time. By the way, that new formula or whatever, it's not gonna dissolve my sheets will it?"

"Absolutely not. It even eats away the enzymes that are detected by black lights. C'mon, I'll show you."

Toby could hear paw steps coming his way and he spun behind the door. His feline ears listened intently to his captors. His heart raced as he saw the pair of boys enter the room. His eyes peered around and watched them go into the laboratory.

The taller of the two bent down and inspected the same goo that Toby had stepped in before he looked back in Toby's direction. "Good morning Toby. I hope you found the boxers comfortable."

The pair of jewels that gazed at Toby made him freeze, his throat locked up and his heart stopped. His mouth grew dry and and his muscles froze entirely. His eyes drifted slightly to the side to an over excited wolf. The lupine's eyes were wide as they gazed at him. He chewed his fingernails and fidgeted uncontrollably.

Toby could feel some of the life sink back into his paws and he tried to dive out the open door but was stopped by a canine paw."Calm down Toby. I'll explain everything."


Toby stared at the floor and twiddled his paws. He was nervous first off, after all, he still remained in nothing but his boxers. Second, he was slightly disturbed by the story he had heard. "So what you're saying is, my band actually got here because of a bad battery and we got wasted on your offer and fell asleep all in the same room?"

Bernie nodded. "It was around two in the morning. But somehow, you guys didn't wanna go to bed right off. I heard from one of the otter boys that the gig you guys played last night shredded."

Toby blushed a little and shifted to the side. "Well, we did get around four hundred dollars a pop. It wasn't our best, but one of the better ones."

Hatchet walked out of the room but was stopped by a groggy looking fox, wearing some red heart embroidered boxer briefs. He took a few paces back and allowed Damon through the door. Bernie smiled as the vulpine plopped down on a nearby couch and dozed.

"I see you found a nice comfortable place," retorted Toby, "I just wish someone had left me a note or something."

Damon just rolled his eyes before rolling over, his tail swaying slightly. Toby turned his head back to his host. "I thank you for your hospitality. But we really must go."

Bernie stood as a a ding sounded from the kitchen. "If you do wanna go so soon," he opened the door and pulled out a pan of a steaming meal, The malamute also fetched a pitcher from the refrigerator, "Take some tea and crumpets with you."


Hatchet paced the hallway in front of his room. His favorite, all time singer was in the living room. What was he gonna do? One of his favorite fantasies involved him but he was still unsure. He didn't really know. His thoughts were interrupted by an otter opening a door beside him. He stared at the pacing wolf in front of him. "Nervous er somethin'?"

Hatchet stopped completely. He looked at the lutrine form and blushed slightly. Muscular and and lithe at the same time. His eyes wandered a little lower and they glued themselves to his morning wood. There were no boxers to clothe him yet so it stood free and proud. Six and a half inches at least easily.

His mind fired off a fantasy but it was soon interrupted by the otter clearing his throat. "Somethin' I c'n help you with?"

The wolf snapped back to attention and his face instantly filled with every blood cell in his body. He briskly walked to the closest room he knew of, his own.

His body shook with a nervous anticipation. There was no possible way that someone could manage a whole, drunken band in one house. Hatchet was excited beyond words that they were there. Several thoughts passed through his mind, most of them in constant wonder on how to make sure his guests were pleased, without him making a fool of himself.

Should he make them something to eat? No, Bernie already did that.

Find them better clothes? No, there were too many different sizes for him to accommodate them all.

Pull out his guitar and show them some of the songs he can play? Maybe, he'd have to get it from the attic first. His mind fired out dozens of options, some too random to bear stating.

He ultimately decided to give them a tour of his house. This would give him a chance to grab his dusty Squire from its tomb of dank, dark musk. The wolf half walked, half jogged to his room to grab some better clothes. A nice T-Shirt and a better pair of pants would do the job perfectly.

Hatchet made his way back around to the living room and double checked himself to be sure he looked decent. His muzzle cracked to speak but was interrupted by a large rumble and the sound of an explosion. He braced himself against the wall until the shaking stopped before running into the room, finding it empty. He rushed to the lab and found the twins laughing over each other, one's hair a bright pink, the other's a deep green.

Bernie pinched the bridge of his muzzle, obviously annoyed. Toby chuckled and Damon walked back into the living room to flop on the couch for some much needed sleep. Hatchet looked slightly upset. He thought someone had gotten hurt.

The twins chattered along about what the hair color meant and since Hatchet had arrived late, he didn't know.

Allan pushed Jonathan off of him and stood up, trying to regain his composure. "Wanna go test it out?"

The otter nodded and raced out of the room to vanish into the very space they slept in the night before. Allan tipped his head, chuckled slightly nervous and pursued his brother, his bright pink hair bouncing lightly in his wake.

Hatchet looked at Bernie and Toby, they stared back and shook their heads. The wolf had a feeling he really did not want to know, but his mind could not with hold his question. "What are they so flustered over?...."

Bernie pinched the bridge of his nose and tried his best to explain. "The explosion you heard, was a mixture of chemicals I created. They were based on natural pheromones and were still in the experimental stage. I hadn't perfected them. But what it does, is shows a natural position. Whether it would be dominant, or submissive....I'm afraid we'll have to leave the house for a while. But I'm glad I get more subjects to try out my new detergent."

Toby grimaced and looked at Hatchet, "Bernie's too big for me, do you have anything me and Damon could wear? If only for a little while?"

The wolf felt his heart skip a beat and his face grew hot. "Ummm...I should have something that you can have. Ask Bernie, I have too many clothes. Follow me."

He led the feline through the house hearing a faint moan coming from the twins' room. Hatchet could feel a slight tingle in his sheath and he blushed hard, he swore he also heard Toby swallow as they passed.

They finally reached Hatchet's room. The lupine allowed Toby to scope out the room first, he also stole glances at his crotch. His heart fell each time. No bulge so he couldn't estimate his size in any way. He only hoped it was decently sized. Although, he was pleased by beautiful rump that was wonderfully placed on his backside.

Hatchet's paw scratched the back of his head and chuckled nervously. "So um...have you found anything to your liking?"

Toby was sifting gently through the wolf's drawers, in search of a pair of pants or a decent shirt. "I like a lot of this, I'm debating on whether or not to take that 'Hearts Fall for Danny Tanner' shirt or the 'Killswitch Engage' shirt. It's bugging me rea-...What's this?"

The wolf's gray eyes darted to Toby. The cheetah slowly stood and opened a CD case. His lithe form turned slowly as he sealed the plastic container. "This was our first single...We only sold 8 copies. How did you get it?"

Hatchet stammered slightly but he stopped himself and took a breath. "Well...I actually had to pay a great deal...Does...umm...$200 sound too much?" He chuckled nervously as Toby's jaw dropped.

"You paid...$200 for one of our songs? Wow...I never really thought we were that good." His voice trailed off and his paws held the CD lightly.

Hatchet stammered and pressed the 'Killswitch Engage' shirt against Toby's chest. "I think you'd look great wearing this one."

Toby's paw clutched it and he set the CD down. "I like it, now what about pants?"

Hatchet grinned as his paws opened up his closet, "Now what would look good on you?"


Bernie slapped the mop against his laboratory floor again. He had somehow convinced Damon to assist him in cleaning the room, but his silence was driving Bernie insane. He needed some form of communication.

"So what got you into drums?"

The fox just shrugged and scraped his rag against the wall.

"Sounds fun. How exactly did you meet Toby and the twins?"

Damon said nothing and moved to another part of the charred enclosure.

"That must've been wild. Do you ever talk?"

Damon's head fell, he gave a resigned sigh before saying, barely above a whisper, "Not really."

Bernie smiled, finally. "Why not?"

The fox tossed his rag away, finding it better to use his claws. "No point."

The canine propped himself up on a broom, "Why did you decide there was no point in talking?"

Damon raked his nails along the wall, causing black flakes of burned paint to fall to the floor before heading towards the door. He leaned in towards Bernie's ear before leaving, "Because you're never heard."

The malamute's gripped lessened on the mop handle and his mind dwindled over those words. How true were they? He thought back to his 'supplier'. There were times when she would go on and on about something new and exciting in her life before calling Bernie a fool.

He sighed and crossed to his cabinet and searched for a tube. He found an acidic solution and walked back to his bucket. He pulled the rubber stopper out and poured the liquid into his cleaning water. He smiled as a warm green glow splashed over his face and the bucket boil over with a tell-tale sign of a chemical reaction.


Toby fell over on the bed as Hatchet pulled his shirt over his head and waved his arms in the air. The cheetah had taken a liking to the wolf. Not too obsessive. He didn't want to crawl all over the feline's body which made Toby feel comfortable.

"So how did you manage to get roomed with a science wizz?"

The wolf pulled his shirt back down and lost himself in thought for a moment. "I'm not exactly sure. But I do believe he needed a place while he was in college. He eventually took over payments for everything and I became a tenant in my own home. Heh. Wild story."

Hatchet shut his closet door and pulled Toby to his paws. He looked the cheetah up and down for a moment and smiled. "Perfect." Hatchet grabbed Toby's wrist and led him out of the room. "Before you get lost, I need to give you a tour."

A paw tapped on the wolf's shoulder and he turned to see Damon, still dressed in those "love" underwear. "Oh hi. If you still need clothes, I laid out a few sets on the bed. Pick out whichever you like. I hope they fit." He smiled slightly nervously and stepped aside for the fox.

Damon nodded and entered the room, he picked up the 'Hearts Fall for Danny Tanner' shirt and the pants directly below them. He exited the room almost as fast as he entered and grumbled slightly.

"Care to join us on the tour?" He looked hopeful but slightly crestfallen. Hatchet enjoyed being alone with Toby.

The fox nodded and mumbled.

"Well," said Hatchet, clasping his paws together, "Let's begin."

He guided them through the guest side of the house, the half they had woke up in, the bathroom used in Hatchet's dream the night before. Hatchet led the group through the kitchen and living room, making sure to point out the big screen television. "42-inch liquid crystal display with surround sound. Amazing for games."

Toby listened intently and enjoyed the compassion the wolf showed in his explanations and was thoroughly surprised when Hatchet climbed into a loft like area, presumably the attic, and brought down a Fender Squire guitar.

The wolf felt himself blush as the cheetah admired a common instrument. Hatchet tuned the strings taut and silently hoped they wouldn't snap. Someone could lose an eye. His fingers danced over the fretboard for a moment in thought. "Ah, forgot my pick."

Hatchet moved to retrieve one but Toby raised a paw and produced one from his pocket. "I'm guessing it was washed." He held his light paw out for the wolf to take the triangular piece of plastic.

The wolf hesitated for a fraction of a second before taking it from the cheetah, sliding his paw along the other male's. "Thanks. Heh."

He played a few notes before striking up a smooth rhythm. Toby smiled and tapped his fingers to the beat, knowing the song was commonplace. Damon shook his head and left the room, swaying his tail as he had been all morning.

Neither boys took any notice of the departure and sang in unison.

Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City?

I'm a thousand miles away but girl

Tonight you look so pretty yes you do.

Time Square can't shine as br--

"Well don't we make a beautiful couple?"

Both heads snapped to attention and saw Bernie Benson standing in the doorway. The malamute traced little hearts in the air and Hatchet shot him a finger before blushing at the floor. "Stooop that."

Toby looked sideways before chewing on his lip. "We aren't a couple."

Bernie chuckled and scooped up both of them. "Well, lunch is gettin' cold and you two aren't gonna make me slave away for nothin'." The malamute placed the guitar aside before tossing both of them over his shoulders and carrying them to the dining room.

"And for lunch, tea, crumpets, and some little sausage things I found a recipe for on the Internet. I'm also making some 'amboogairs if anyone wants one."

Bernie bounced out of the room as though springs were on his foot paws. "Does anyone want a drink other than tea?"

Allan and Jonathan, walking out of their room slowly, fully clothed somehow, chimed, "We do. Fruit juice or soda's perfect."

Bernie raised an eyebrow and cocked a grin. "Okay. I'll see what I can do."

As the otters took a chair next to each other, Hatchet rested his chin on his paws and stared evilly at the twins. "Have a little fun did we?"

Neither spoke, but both turned an odd shade of red that somehow reminded Hatchet of a coastal sunset. The wolf noticed his pick was gone and bent over to search the surrounding floor for it and spotted the lutrines holding paws. His muzzle crept back over the surface of the table with the plastic triangle between his teeth.

Toby looked at Hatchet as though he were growing a third arm. "Explanation please?"

The questioned boy quickly removed the pick and placed a condom in its place. He pointed at it and Allan apparently caught the gesture. He held his head low and groaned slightly.

Damon opened his eyes wide and clapped a paw over his eyes, as though in stress. Toby stared wide-eyed at the pair and back to Hatchet. "Am I catching this right?"

The wolf nodded and concealed the wrapped rubber. "I would assume, with good reasoning, that your guitarists will be going to the next gay convention?"

Jonathan hung his head this time and groaned a bit. "...Depends..."

Toby pointed at Allan, then Jonathan. His mouth formed all shapes and starts but he couldn't exactly figure out what he wanted to say. Hatchet had mercy on the feline and rested a paw on his shoulder before nodding.

Toby stared into the table cloth as though some ancient life changing text were appearing on the fabric. " odd drink made you two....homos?"

Jonathan sighed, "Yeah...we kinda liked what happened and we're...umm...-"

"Mates?" Bernie appeared in the doorway with six steaming hamburgers on a large tray. "It's not uncommon you two. But what makes you two special is that you had a prior bond." He circled the table with an uppity bounce in his step. "Everything is all the way, pick off what you don't want."

The malamute took his place at the table and knew full well that he was in a slightly awkward situation. His jewels surveyed the table and eyed the two main events. Allan and Jonathon had decided to join the world of the those who weren't sex crazed and Hatchet and Toby seemed to have an odd bond. Damon was still as blank as new sheet of photo paper.

The group ate in relative silence. Five lives apparently had some kind of change in a matter of a few hours. The malamute had a new concept to contemplate. The twins had a new life to think about. Toby and Hatchet needed to figure out how they felt towards each other.

Allan and Jonathan finished first. They exited the room and distinct sounds of guitar strings could be heard. Toby looked at Bernie and found a wink being returned to him. Hatchet finished next and gathered up the abandoned plates of the now mated twins and his own before depositing them in the kitchen sink.

The cheetah nodded at Bernie and Damon and thanked the canine for the meal. His mind was set and he tailed after the wolf but found the kitchen empty. He poked his head around the corner into the living room.

Hatchet walked into the room with his Squire in paw. His tail found itself seated in that same ultramarine chair that he loved so much. He crossed his legs and strummed a few chords before playing a soft tune.

"You always thought it would be funny to keep me hangin' in suspense

And I would come over to your house and scale the chain link fence.

We kept our love a secret.

We thought no one should know

And I whispered that I love you

As you fall out of your clothes.

May I say I love you more?

May I say I love you more?"

Toby couldn't help but sing along. He took a seat on the couch and gave sound to the background.

"Keep breathing my Angel.

If you go down I'll go with you.

Keep breathing just keep breathing."

The two continued singing the song of passion as a pair of jewels watched from around the corner. Bernie smiled to himself and looked at Damon who watched below him. They both vanished back into the kitchen and started cleaning.

"So what exactly do you think is the final result of today's situation?"

"My hypothesis was a little off. I thought that Hatchet and Toby would hook up in some way. I set it up perfectly. C'mon. You tell me one person that could've made the opportunity any better. I dare you. One hundred dollars in your paw if you can."

Damon looked at Bernie and nodded. The fox walked to the twins room, where they were playing 'guitar' innocently and uttered one word. "Mall?"

Both otters leaped up and pulled on 'more' clothes and looked down the hall at Bernie who was informing the pair of songbirds in the living room that they were going out.

"You guys wanna go?"

"What do you wanna do Toby?"

"I'm gonna see what all this wolf is capable of so you guys go have fun." The cheetah stood and threw his paws around Allan and whispered in his round ear, "We maaaaaaay have a new band member when you guys get back." He eyed him and looked at the other two. "You guys go ahead. I'll be here when you get back."

Jonathan opened his mouth to say something but he was grabbed by Damon and Allan moved to protest but was stopped by being dragged away by Bernie. "Off we go you two. Don't argue with what they said."

Hatchet couldn't help but grip his sides and fall over with breathtaking laughter. Both otters were being hauled off by the collar of their shirts by some slightly determined geniuses.

Toby waved to them and shut the door. "Wow. I don't...think...I've ever seen that. Hmm..."


Bernie tossed the twins into the band van and allowed Damon to drive. Before the fox did anything, he held out his paw and grinned. "I win."


The wolf sat up and wiped the joyous tears from his eyes and giggled. "It happens a lot and gets better every time. Come on, I liked what we were doing."

The feline reclaimed his seat and looked at the lupine with an arrogant questioning countenance. "What WERE we doing?"

Hatchet looked down at his toes and started picking at one of the nails. "Relating to each other I guess. I dunno."

They sat in an awkward silence for a little while before Hatchet looked at Toby. "I never finished giving you that tour."

Toby looked at Hatchet and stood, "How many more rooms did you need to show me?"

"Just two. But they're really cool."

"Well, which one do you wanna start with?"

"I thought we'd start with 'Twins' Room'. A LOT of history happened in there. I'm pretty sure we can find some 'dirty secrets' in there."

"Wow, you know, did you ever look at the word secretion?"

"No. What about it?"

"S-E-C-R-E-T-I-O-N. It has the word secret in it. I'm surprised you didn't catch it."

"Hmmm...Well, I think I gotta rethink myself."

They chattered back and two while investigating the remains of the once pure room which had been stained by the footprints of discovery.

Hatchet picked up a corner of the sheet and blew a short whistle. "Well...they sure did have a lot of fun...I don't think I can stand the smell of this room."

"Y'think? I never thought two of my friends would turn out gay. Much less with each other." He shook his head and nodded his head to the door.

Hatchet nodded with silent agreement and allowed the feline to exit first. They laughed and joked until the wolf set his foot paw on the first step on the ladder. "Well, technically you've seen this but not everything up here. It's kinda like a second home."

The wolf's bushy tail vanished into the hole and Toby soon followed. The feline looked around and saw pink fluff around a wide platform. It was hot and felt stuffy. "How can you live up here?"

"You get used to it."

"So what all do you have up here?"

"Not much. But to me, it's more important than a beating heart." His paws rummaged around in one of the old trunks and he pulled out a picture of his mother. He stroked the frame before putting it back gently. "Long story on that one. Just about everything up here has a long one. Except you and me of course."

"Really? C'mon. I've got eighteen years worth of history under my belt. You?"

"Seventeen, but it doesn't matter much does it? We don't really do much."

"Who said anything about not doing much? I'm the singer in a band that apparently is flat out amazing. You owned your own place at such a young age. I'm not even gonna ask how you did that. But the thing is-- damn it's hot up here."

Toby pulled off his shirt and set it to the side. Hatchet allowed himself a few sinful pleasures and took in a few glances of the feline's chest. Well defined and glistening with a few small beads of sweat.

"The thing is, we have a lot that we've done in our lifetime. But I'd like to hear more about you."

"The more you hang out with me the more you know."

"Easy enough. But if I do come over one day all depressed and dragging my carcass around, it's just because I haven't found that one girl that makes me feel like I'm someone instead of something."

"I know how that is." The wolf's ears fell a little and he stood to exit the attic.

Toby's paw moved forward but came back. He felt a pang of guilt for possibly digging up more than the wolf was comfortable with at one time. He sat there for a moment after Hatchet had left in thought. He knew he had done something wrong and he knew Hatchet needed space.


Hatchet rested his cheek on the body of his Squire. "I'm an idiot." He rubbed the neck and picked at the strings idly. "Should of known he wasn't for me. Obviously straight. I've got about as much chance as a fly in hell." His paws twanged the strings and tapped the body a few times.

His pointed ears perked as Toby descended the steps and pushed the ladder back into its place. The wolf wanted him but couldn't, his eyes watched him nonetheless. He nestled into his chair and fiddled with the strings some more.

"Hey," the cheetah spoke and rubbed the back of his skull, "I know this is kind of sudden but I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Are you"

"Yeah.. Why?"

"Just curious, you kinda gave me that impression as soon as everyone else left."


"No no no. It's no problem it's just like...I think you're upset because of me."

"Nah. I'm just upset because I'm alone."

"No you're not."

"What makes you say that?"

"Remember Saosin."

"Ah. Okay...So what's your point?"

"You're not alone."

"Let's go with that then."

Hatchet tweaked the knobs and adjusted the tuning on the Squire and began to play the song. His calloused fingers gliding over the metal with ease and each note flawless. He never missed a riff and the notes that weren't possible for him to hit without tuning adjustment, he changed but the song overall sounded great.

"Hey Hatchet."

"Hey Toby."

"Can I ask you one more thing?"

"Sure, you've already gotten my dirty little secret."

"Would you like to be in my band?"

The wolf's fingers tightened and he hit a dead note. "Run that by me again."

"I'd like you to be in our band. Not a problem right? You don't have to if you don't want to."

Hatchet stared at the cheetah as though he had a huge zit growing in between his amber eyes. "If you think I'm gonna say no, then you suck at singing."

"Wow, then I guess I'm amazing." He grinned and blushed. "Thtop et."

"Nah. I'll keep going. But when is the next practice?"

"Well, one just ended so it'll be around next Friday."

Hatchet set his guitar to the side and tackled Toby flat. "Thank you thank you thank you."

" problem I guess."

They stared at each other with mild giggles and glances. Toby stammered a bit before blushing. The wolf lowered his muzzle a little bit and allowed his lips to touch Toby's before pressing them down lightly. Toby didn't resist but pressed back slightly.

Hatchet pulled away and shifted back into his chair with a deep crimson blush. "I'm sorry about that."

The cheetah grinned and scritched his chest. "Don't worry about it. I'm still straight though. But every once in a while, I won't mind. But it'll be a long time, as in a few years, before I'll go further than just G-rated kissing. Mkay?"

The wolf settled for resting his head on his chest and sighed. "Okay."

"So umm...what do we do now?"

"Well we can mess around in Bernie's lab, clean up Bernie's lab, ruin Bernie's lab, brick up the door to Bernie's lab. All the fun stuff is in Bernie's lab."

"Ah. Well, I think we should spare him the trouble of cleaning it. Granted that's okay with you."

"Fine by me. It gives me more time to look at you." Hatchet smirked and thumped the feline's short muzzle.

"Well," Toby said rubbing his nose, "Shall we get on with it?"

"I'd like to." The wolf grazed a paw over the cheetah's crotch and found a paw immediately clasping his wrist.

"I just told ya it'd be a while buddy."

"True. But I was being literal. I do quote, 'Shall we get on with it?' You know how people always say, 'Wanna do it?' I was referring to that."

Toby chuckled and rolled the wolf off of him. "Touche. Well, I'm gonna go to Bernie's lab. See how much we gotta do."

Hatchet stood and walked with the feline to the lab door and both stopped dead. Written in the charred wall by some unknown chemical were the words, "You know you want him Toby."

Toby looked at Hatchet and found his hazel eyes looking back. "Well someone apparently wants me to be with you. Should I be? You know I'm straight so I don't think that'd work."

"We can always find out. But that's your choice."

"I don't think I'm ready for that. If I wanna do it at all."

"Well, we'll find that out later I guess. Now let's get started." Hatchet clapped a paw on Toby's rump and the cheetah found himself enjoying it.


Bernie looked back at Damon, Allan and Jonathan with a grin. The screen showed the entire house and the special rump smack. He looked at Damon and laughed. In unison, they uttered the sounds, "Uh-oh."

Alright, this was the first commission. I hope it was great. I don't intend on putting a follow up. If I do, I'll post a journal and that way all of you can know. =3 It took me too long to write this and I hope me being at my mom's was good for me. Enjoy =3