Above Average Part 7.

Story by Zielregen on SoFurry

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#7 of Above Average

Alan's self inflicted weekend of abstinence would be a whole lot easier if his new friend wasn't a total horndog.

The day actually hadn't been going so bad for Alan. He was beginning to think that he had over reacted about not being able to get off for a few days. He didn't have to jack off or get laid every day; it just tended to make life more enjoyable when he did. Truth be told, though, he couldn't even remember the last time he had skipped a day. Every day of his college career he had gotten jacked off at least once, and it wasn't hard to spot guys who wanted to have a little fun with him. His mega-cock was like a beacon in the night for poor, sexually repressed bi-curious college dudes. Even back in high school he was pretty active for similar reasons, and he never was one to shy away from a good, healthy power wank in the morning... and afternoon... and before bed.

It helped a lot that his family was very open and accepting of his needs. His parents were very practical people and were firm believers in the medical benefits of sexual relief. Even when he was off visiting his extended family he practiced the fine art of masturbation quite frequently. As it turns out, it was far less embarrassing to quietly excuse himself than it was to try and act casual at a family function with a boner. Unlike normal people, Alan couldn't really hide his erections. If he popped wood in a social setting, everyone in a five mile radius would be painfully aware of his seeping, four foot tall hard-on. Everyone just casually accepted that it was best that he handle business before it ever got that bad.

Alan found it a whole lot easier if he just didn't give himself time to think about the fact that he was knee deep in a self imposed weekend of celibacy. Surrounding himself with lots of non-sexual stimulation was going to be the key. Video games had helped a lot. After Todd had woken up and taken a very, very long and extremely thorough shower, the four of them had continued their campaign. Todd was on his absolute best behavior this day and had barely said a word the entire time. It wasn't clear if he could remember the events of the previous night, but he certainly had remembered waking up completely covered from head to toe in thick, drying spunk. Even if Todd had somehow managed to escape from such an ordeal with his bravado intact, there was a tacit understanding between the two brothers that Steve had taken several pictures during the course of the morning, and said pictures could easily find themselves on Facebook completely on accident.

Alan had tried to put his shorts back on for the first little bit of the day. They were just as snug and revealing as he remembered and did absolutely nothing to take his mind off of his situation. It seemed that lying around in just his underwear actually made matters worse. He was still borderline nude, and the fabric constantly rubbing against his sensitive junk was keeping him in a constant state of hot and bothered. Steve and Dan hadn't bothered putting on any clothes since last night, which just served to make him feel even more out of place clad in just his custom fit, red briefs. Todd on the other hand was very much over dressed for the climate. He was noticeably sweating as he sat there gaming in his blue jeans, long sleeve shirt, and black hoodie.

By the time they had cleared the second chapter Alan had shed his underoos and returned to enjoying the au natural life. He was free to relax and focus on the game now that he no longer had to worry about his potatoes baking in his red, tight knit pressure cooker. His cock was absolutely massive even by his skewed reckoning. Even though he wasn't hard yet, his dick was definitely chubbed up. He occasionally wondered if his dick was steadily growing right under his nose. It did seem slightly larger every so often, but that could just be his nerves. He couldn't quite remember if getting slightly hard would have any lasting effect on his size, but he was sure that hovering at or around half mast all day would be better in the long run than if he had gotten hard, gotten off, and then gotten a semi anyway. Alan sighed inwardly as he tried to bring his mind back to the game.

His sigh had apparently been a lot louder than he had intended because both Dan and Steve were looking at him suspiciously. "You feelin' alright there, bro?" Steve asked with noticeable concern in his voice.

"Yeah, but I think I might need some fresh air." Alan replied as he stretched. Dan was trying not to stare too hard, but his eyes refused to pull away from Alan's amazingly muscular form. As Alan leaned back, his densely packed abs rippled and flexed, Dan's eyes traced a path further up Alan's incredibly buff physique. Alan's massive pecs puffed out even more as he stretched and yawned. Even the biceps and triceps in his arms seemed to shudder and flex. Dan had been rock hard pretty much all day just from being in the presence of this handsome, hung, wall of muscles. Alan's latest unintentional display had caused Dan to steadily leak pre. Following Alan's advice from the previous night, Dan did his best to pretend like nothing was out of the ordinary, even though he knew there was no way that the other guys in the room hadn't noticed his throbbing erection.

"Let's whoop this boss and get some grub." Alan said casually as a giant spider-mech burrowed up from beneath them.

"With gusto!" Steve replied enthusiastically as he unloaded the contents of his chain gun into the gigantic alien death-bot.

The actual encounter was surprisingly easy, albeit annoyingly tedious. As they played a game of cat and mouse with a giant arachnid tank that spat radioactive acid bile, Alan found himself worrying less about his hypothetically expanding uber-dick and more about his scientifically proven empty stomach. Finally the beast toppled backwards over the edge of the cliff and landed in the muck below. It thrashed and flailed as the ooze steadily swallowed it whole.

"Is it dead? Cus I kinda want some pizza." Alan asked skeptically. The screen continued to show the bubbling slime as the splashes steadily subsided. It certainly looked like the monster was dead. "Whew. Now let's save and get some deep di-"

Right as Alan was about to set down his controller the beast leapt out of it's sticky prison and landed back on the battle field. "Mother Fucker!" Alan screamed. He charged forward and threw every sticky grenade in his inventory at the things face, followed by every rocket in his launcher, all while shouting. "Just die already! All I want is some God. Damn. Deep. Dish. Chicago. Style!" His lilted speech was punctuated by the massive explosions from his heavy artillery. Even as the mammoth spider-beast had fallen on its back and was writhing in the throes of death, Alan continued to unload every bullet in his flak cannon into the alien biomech. "Get up again! I dare you!" Alan shouted at the TV even after the only visible motions in the spider were twitches caused by the steady rain of bullets.

"It's dead, dude." Steve explained calmly as he put hand reassuringly on Alan's shoulder. He silently made a mental note to never try to withhold sex and food from Alan.

Alan's teeth slowly unclenched as the screen went dark and the end of chapter recap screen popped up. He exhaled slowly as he gradually relaxed. By the time he had successfully saved their progress he was as upbeat and happy as anyone had ever seen him. "Alright! Who wants pizza?" He exclaimed joyfully as he hopped up from the couch.

"I guess that means I'm going." Steve replied casually as he too got up. "It's not like you can drive anywhere."

Dan started to get up, but then he noticed Alan bending down to pick up his shorts. Time and space seemed to freeze as all Dan could see was Alan's massive ass as he bent down. Each gloriously muscles cheek was larger than Dan's head. Dan felt like he was slowly falling into those perfectly round pillows. All he wanted to do was dive in and bury his face between them. Dan could feel something else building up inside him, but he was too focused on what was in front of him to even care about it until it was far too late.

Dan suddenly fell back into his seat and bit his lip as he came hard. He only shot once, but it was such a long and powerful stream that it was more than enough to completely empty his perfectly average sized nuts. The giant strand of jizz launched upward and spun like a set of bolas as it arced through the air. The wad splashed against his face and hair, completely coating his left lens in the process. He could taste some of the slight bitter and salty spunk oozing into his mouth as he lay back in the chair trying to catch his breath. His cock gave a few more harsh lurches as it tried to eject even more non-existent jizz from his already painfully drained balls before it began to soften and settle down.

"I'm just going to stay home." Todd replied sulkily. He loved pizza as much as the next guy, but he wasn't to keen on being out in public with Alan and his enormous peen. His masculinity had taken a shellacking during the past day, and he wasn't sure how much more his ego could sustain.

"Good. My car only seats three anyway." Steve called back as he scooped up his clothes from the far corner of the room. Alan thought that seemed like a strange amount of seats for one car, but he didn't say anything about it. Something told him that Steve was telling the truth and that he already knew about the seating arrangements.

Steve turned back around as he hopped into his boxers; his cock flopped around a bit as he did so. Once the waistband was back up where it belonged, he reached down and pushed his dick down into his underwear and quickly adjusted himself. "Yo, Danny. You comin'?" He asked Dan, although it was a little late for that. Dan silently nodded in agreement.

"Good." Steve replied. "But you might want to clean up a bit really quick." Steve made a quick gesture like he was wiping something off of his face as he spoke to Dan. Dan instantly got the implication and turned beet red. He quickly got up from his seat and silently slunk into the kitchen alcove to give himself a quick wipe down. He pulled a clean wash rag out of the cupboard under the sink and used to warm water to wipe his face and the surrounding area. The whole process would have been a lot easier if he had access to a mirror or some other reflective surface, but he wiped his face off as best he could. He took a moment open the washcloth up and held it to his face and let the hot steam soak into his pores. It felt amazingly soothing and relaxing.

Once his face was suitably cleaned, he once again dampened the cloth and set to work cleaning up the rest of the spunk off of his dick and torso. There was a lot less there than on his face so the process was pretty quick. He just had to wipe up a few stray splotches that had landed on him and dab up the pre that had pooled around his dick. He couldn't tell if he had gotten any in his hair, but he didn't really see the point in trying to clean it up even if he had. His hair was such a light shade of brown that it would be almost impossible to see if he did have any dried jizz stuck up there.

When he was finally satisfied with how clean he was, Dan draped the cloth over the faucet and shut off the water. He then turned and went back into the front room to gather up his clothes. Alan and Steve were already dressed and waiting for him. Steve was dressed in really loose fitting jeans and an equally loose t-shirt which was the typically style for him. Alan was also dressed in his typical style, but it was the exact opposite of Steve's. Alan's clothes were so tight that they appeared to be painted onto him. His humongous muscles strained against the fabric of his T-shirt in all directions. His red briefs clung tightly to his junk. His immense bulge protruded out over three feet in front of him, and even though his shorts did their best to pull his beanbag chair balls up and inward, the bottom of his nuts still reached down almost halfway down his shins. Dan's mouth hung open as he tried unsuccessfully not to stare. Somehow Alan looked even sexier when clothed than when he was hanging out in the nude. Dan was painfully aware that he was rock hard all over again, but Todd was nowhere to be seen so he didn't bother trying to hide it.

"Hurry up, dude. I'm starving!" Alan called out to Dan playfully. Dan just nodded silently and set to work on gathering up his discarded clothes. Fortunately it seemed that his outfit had escaped relatively unscathed from the super messy cumbath that Alan had given much of the room.

"Should we ask Todd if he wants to come along?" Dan asked hesitantly as he pulled his pants on.

"Nah. He's already said no. Just let him sulk for awhile. I think he could use the time alone, anyway." Steve replied. He knew his brother well enough to know that there was a significant emotional battle being waged behind Todd's seemingly bratty exterior.

"I guess... do you think he'll be alright?" Dan continued to press for answers as he pulled his plain white t-shirt on.

"He'll be fine. The best thing you can do is lay low for now." Steve responded.

"Oh... Ok..." Dan replied. He was looking down dejectedly as he finished buttoning up his shirt.

"Don't be like that. He'll come around, and if he doesn't I'll punch in the face for you." Steve said cheerfully as he placed a hand reassuringly on Dan's shoulder.

"I should have known better than to join in last night..." Dan said as he continued to sulk.

"Whatever, man. He's more upset about what he did last night than what you did, and besides, creaming yourself just from staring at Alan's ass did more to out yourself than any booze fueled orgy." Steve replied with a sly grin.

"You saw that, did you?" Dan muttered nervously.

"It was kind of hard to miss." Steve laughed. "Now shut up, quit moping, and get some pizza with us. Alan is getting antsy, and you've seen what he can be like when he is denied food." Steve remarked pleasantly as he slung an arm over Dan's shoulder and guided him towards the stairs. Dan shuddered a bit as he remembered the poor mutant death spider that had misfortune of being between Alan and pizza.

Steve and Dan approached the car to see Alan already standing there waiting for them; he had slipped out during their heart to heart a few minutes earlier. To say he looked a little antsy would be an understatement. Seeing Steve approach, Alan turned around and placed his hand on the passenger side door.

"Back door, doofus!" Steve called out as he gestured for Alan to use the other door. Alan looked at him in confusion for a second and then glanced back into the car. There was no front seat on the passenger side. Alan found this odd. He was sure that there was one there last night and didn't remember Steve going out to remove it, but he shrugged and opened the back door as soon as he heard the lock click.

Alan settled into his usual seat easily enough. He always sat in this seat whenever they went places, and the cushion had long since molded to fit his ample butt. The best part was with the front seat gone he had plenty of room for his junk. That was the whole reason they had taken that chair out in the first place. Alan had realized long ago that there was just no way he was going to be able to get comfortable with his package being smashed in between him and the dashboard.

Dan and Steve went around the other side and hopped in their respective seats; Dan was in the back with Alan, and Steve was of course driving. The three of them were then on their way. There were several pizza places within ten miles of the house, but their favorite was a little farther down the road. It was a small Mom n Pop pizza shop that had a casual diner feel to it and, better yet, very large tables.

Steve was the first one to enter the restaurant followed by Dan and then Alan. Alan had to shimmy his way through the doorway a bit; it was only a single door and a fairly narrow one at that. His nuts were so huge that his package was considerably wider than his hips.

Steve sauntered up to the lady who was working the serving booth and ramped up the charm. "Hey, Dory. How's the job treating you?"

"It's alright." She responded with a playful dose of sarcasm. "At least it calls me and asks me to come over every so often and keeps me company on Friday nights."

"Ouch." Steve replied, taking the jabs in stride. "Ever consider taking on a second job?"

"Well, I'm typically booked nights and weekends, but knowing you, you'd want me for the graveyard shift." She replied with a wry smile.

"Not necessarily. You're more than welcome to work the stick shift." Steve responded seriously, but then bust out laughing. "Anyways, I thought you were with that musclehead... Whatshisbitch... Dirk?"

"His name's Derek." Dory replied flatly. "And he turned out to be a massive... dick." Dory's mouth went slack and her eyes went wide as she saw Alan saunter up to the podium. She stood there silently staring at Alan for a minute while he fidgeted slightly, rocking slowly from one foot to the other. Alan raised his eyebrows and gave her a look that was simultaneously questioning and pleading. She quickly snapped back to reality and regained her composure. "Oh! Sorry... I had heard the rumors, but wow. That's... that's something."

She quickly gathered up a few menus and gestured towards the dining area. "Follow me and I'll get you seated." Dory led the three guys to a table in the back corner of the dining room. Everyone there stopped what they were doing to stare at the amazingly buff, unreasonably hung college dude and his two friends, but some of the patrons did a much better job of hiding it than others. Alan was very much used to this kind of treatment by now and just ignored it. When they got to their booth, Dan crawled in first and took a seat against the wall. Alan sat down on the opposite side and managed to scootch about halfway down the bench. The seating arrangement gave him plenty of room for his junk to pool beneath the table. Dan should have had plenty of room to sit comfortably without pressing up against the wall or Alan's cock, but his legs were making frequent and extended contact with Alan's dick anyway. Steve took a seat across from Alan on the end of the bench where he would be optimally located to mac on the waitress.

Steve turned to look at Dan and said, "Order one large of whatever type you want, and I'll split it with you."

"Dan raised an eyebrow questioning and quietly replied, "What about Alan?"

"I'll order for myself. It takes a lot to feed these muscles." Alan responded cheerfully as he playfully flexed his muscles. Dan was convinced that he could actually hear the fabric of Alan's overstretched T-shirt straining from the force of his bulging bicep.

"And even more to feed that cock!" Steve responded jokingly and burst out laughing. He had spoken much louder than he had intended, and a few audible gasps could be heard from the more family oriented patrons. A few parents quickly clamped their hands over their children's ears and gave Steve some very spiteful glares. Steve ignored them all and focused his attention on Dan and Alan. "You two kiddies have fun. I'm going to see about a little action tonight." He said with a sly grin and a wink. He then got up and strode back to the greeter podium to talk with Dory.

Without Steve's boisterous nature to carry the conversation, Alan and Dan were finding that they had little to talk about. Dan fidgeted a bit as he tried to think of anything to say. "So... uh... How long have you been... You know."

"Hung?" Alan asked with a bit of a smirk.

Dan's face turned a new shade of red as he sputtered. "No... I mean... You know."

"Out?" Alan asked calmly as he raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Yeah..." Dan confirmed meekly.

"Man... I don't even know. It feels like forever ago. Pretty much since like fifth grade or something. Basically the first time I popped a bone in the locker room in PE." He remarked wryly.

"Maybe normal guys could throw a towel over it and pretend nothing happened, but even back then, a towel would come nowhere close to covering it."

"So how was it... I mean... growing up?" Dan asked cautiously.

Alan shrugged and continued to describe his life plainly. "It had its ups and downs. I don't think I could have done it if my family wasn't there for me. I know some guys aren't as lucky as I am in that regard. I got teased a lot both for being gay and because of how I look, but somewhere along the line I learned that those who hated me for being gay weren't worth my time and those that were teased me for my looks were just jealous." The corner of Alan's lips curled up into a proud smirk as he recounted his tale. "Another thing I learned. The friends you make as an outcast like that are some of the best friends you could ever hope for. Guys like Steve for example." Alan nodded towards the entrance where Steve was leaning on the podium and seriously schmoozing with the greeter. Dory didn't seem to mind though. In fact, she could be seen laughing and having a great time.

Alan and Dan took a brief break from their conversation as another young lady approached clad an in the same obnoxious orange and yellow uniform that Dory was Wearing. Tara, as her nametag claimed, had short cropped black hair and heavy eyeliner. "What'll it be, guys?" She asked plainly.

"Just a large pepperoni over here." Dan replied. He had to struggle a bit to speak a lot louder than he was accustomed to, but his voice came out at a level that would be pretty normal for most people.

"I'll have a large pepperoni too... Oh and pepperoni and mushroom and pepperoni and pineapple." Alan listed off his order eagerly.

"So wait. That's a large pizza with pepperoni, mushroom, and pineapple?" She asked slightly confused by the way Alan had phrased it.

"No. Three pizzas. Pepperoni, Pep and mushroom, and pep n' pineapple." Alan explained.

Tara raised an eyebrow as she appraised the massively muscled college dude and shrugged. "Alright. It'll be about twenty minutes." She replied as she scribbled the order onto her little notebook.

Dan looked around anxiously, and when he was sure that they were as close to alone as they were going to get in a public place he leaned in. "So... What's it like?" Dan asked just barely above a whisper.

"What's what like?" Alan asked back, barely even trying to hide his smirk.

"You know... being big." Dan replied. He couldn't hide his fascination and excitement even if he tried.

"Well... it's a little inconvenient at times. Can't wear normal clothes, or drive easily, or fit through some narrow passages." Alan explained nonchalantly.

"But worth it, right?" Dan asked.

"Hell yeah." Alan replied with a soft chuckle. "Totally."

Dan went even quieter than normal, but his eyes were bright and alert. He was obviously thinking about something that had him very excited. Alan didn't even need to ask what it was. Dan was obviously thinking about what it would be like to be so incredibly massive and hung. Alan's thoughts drifted as he tried to imagine what Dan would look with insanely huge muscles and an enormous cock. Even just casually thinking about it was enough to make Alan get excited as well. Dan was plenty cute as the scrawny little nerd he was now, but if Dan was to become huge like Alan was, he'd be incredibly hot.

Alan felt he needed to change subjects before things got a little cramped under the table, but fortunately, Steve returned and did that for him. "Hell yeah. I've got a date tonight!" he announced proudly as he slid into the booth across from Alan.

"Oh? What time?" Alan asked casually. He was only mildly interested in Steve's plans. He was mostly just glad for the diversion.

"In about an hour and a half. I'm going to pick Dory up right after she gets off work." Steve explained.

"Wait, but what about me?" Alan asked.

"Bros before hoes has a statute of limitations, man." Steve replied jokingly. "Besides, if you're lookin to get fucked tonight, I'm sure Danny here will be more than willing to" Steve paused for a second to emphasize his pun with pelvic thrust. "Fill in for me."

Dan gasped so quickly he actually emitted a squeak sound and averted his gaze down towards his lap in an effort to hide his blushing. Alan rolled his eyes and sighed audibly. He was trying not to get off tonight, and here his two friends were pushing all his buttons back to back. He had to admit, though, he wouldn't mind an extra round with Dan. The mousey little high school senior had done things with his mouth and tongue that made Alan weak in the knees just thinking about. "Anyways..." Alan responded forcefully in an effort to bring the conversation back to more civilized topics. "What I meant was, where am I supposed to go? There's no way we can get back to your folk's place, get my stuff, and then get me to campus in time for you to be back here for your date."

"Well, yeah." Steve replied. His voice was dripping with sass as if the answer was painfully obvious to everyone. "You brought enough stuff for the weekend, right? Just chill at my place for the evening. Danny will keep you company, and I'm sure even Todd will be enjoyable to be around once he stops moping." Steve explained. Alan folded his arms in front of his chest and frowned slightly, but didn't say anything to try and argue Steve's logic.

"Look man, I know I'm leaving you in a bit of a lurch, but Dory and I go way back. I don't want to miss this chance to fix things between us." Steve pleaded.

Alan sighed. "Fine. I guess I'd be just as bored at the dorm as I would be at your place." Alan was about to add something else, but he was interrupted by a loud outburst from Steve.

"What is this shit?" Steve gasped incredulously. Alan turned to look over at what Steve was looking at and saw that two servers had arrived with four trays of pizzas. "Pepperoni and pineapple? I thought I raised you better than that, bro. Pineapple goes with Canadian bacon."

"Hey. You don't like it. Don't eat it." Alan sassed back. "I was in the mood for it, so I got it."

Steve furrowed his brow as he looked at the mutant pizza. "What are you, pregnant?"

"Bitch, I might be." Alan shot back as he arranged his three large pizzas in a semi circle formation around him. From that point on, Alan was too engrossed in snarfing down pizzas to be much of a conversationalist. Steve was used to watching Alan eat and went about downing his own pizza. Dan on the other hand slowly chewed his slice as he watched Alan consume slice after slice. Dan had originally thought that Alan was joking about polishing off all three pizzas by himself, but Alan had already finished the first and was well on his way through the second and was still showing no signs of slowing.

Dan swallowed the clump in his mouth and voiced his amazement. "Wow... if I eat like that will I get big like you, too?" He realized immediately after he said it how stupid it sounded, but it was too late for that.

"Nah. You'll just get fat." Steve joked. "Although you could stand to get a little more meat on your bones." Steve gave Dan a quick poke in the ribs and laughed. Alan caught a brief glimpse of something on Steve's face, but it vanished before he could be sure he saw it. It was almost as if Steve was already plotting something, but what it was, Alan could not say. With the last scrap of pizza consumed, Alan lifted up his shirt and rubbed his densely packed abs. Dan's mouth hung open as he stared at Alan's amazing musculature. It seemed like Alan was even more buff than he had remembered. Alan opened his wallet and threw down some bills to cover his pizzas plus a little extra. Steve followed suit, throwing down enough to cover Dan as well.

On their way out, Steve stopped off at the greeter's podium one last time to say goodbye to Dory. "I'll be back for you in an hour, ok? Just gotta drop off these chumps."

"No real rush." Dory replied with a bored yawn. "I'm not going anywhere until the boss lets me off."

"You sound like you could use the company, which is all the more reason to hurry." Steve replied with a sly wink and an award winning grin. The smile on Dory's face made it obvious that Steve's charms were working.

"Alright, Casanova, Let's get back so you can prepare for tonight." Alan replied snarkily as he grabbed Steve by the arm and started pulling him towards the door. Steve blew one last kiss to the greeter before following Alan back to the car.

The trip back to the house was uneventful. It took them a little less than twenty minutes to get back to Steve's place and then within another ten minutes, Steve had managed to hop in the shower real quick, clean up, and get into some nicer clothes. Alan and Dan had settled onto the couch and were thumbing through Netflix on the Xbox. Todd was nowhere to be seen, and Alan and Dan weren't in the mood to continue their game with just the two of them.

Alan thumbed through the recent additions and found a pretty standard summer block buster from a few years back that could be a nice waste of time. It had aliens, explosions, romance, comedy, and all in small enough doses as to not be completely irritating. The movie was scarcely through the opening credits when Steve came barreling through the room while buttoning up the last few buttons on his shirt. "You two lovebirds be good." Steve said with a playful grin. Alan rolled his eyes in response, but Dan turned bright red. "Oh, and Alan. Try not to wear him out too much. He's still half a virgin." Steve shot his friends a quick wink before he vanished up the stairs for his date.

The movie started off well enough, Default Action Hero was doing default action hero things when suddenly aliens. Alan was hoping the movie would take his mind off of his current physical issues, but it was only helping to dull his senses a little. At the moment, though, he could barely focus on anything other than how stuffy it was in the home theater room. Alan stood up quickly which caused Dan to jumped back in shock; he had been so fixated on the movie that he had almost managed to put Alan out of his mind... almost. Now that Alan's immaculate chest and glorious eight pack abs were out in the open, though, it would be nearly impossible for him to focus on the movie.

Dan hesitated for a moment, but then got up and started stripping too. He didn't stop at just the shirt, though; he went the full Monty. With his clothes completely off and arbitrarily thrown into a pile in the corner of the room, Dan plopped back down on the couch next to Alan. The seating arrangement started out platonic enough, but as the movie continued, Dan slowly crept closer and closer until he was literally leaning on Alan's bulky, muscular frame. Dan tilted his head to the side so that it was now resting against Alan's shoulder as if it was a pillow.

Alan grinned slightly as he noticed Dan trying to casually snuggle up against him. Alan was initially hesitant to go along with it, but he gradually softened and lifted his arm around Dan's shoulder and pulled him in close. Dan let out a contented sigh as he nuzzled in close to Alan. His head rested comfortably against Alan's left pec. Alan's chest muscles were so huge that either bulging pec was larger than Dan's head, giving the grayish, brown haired teen plenty of room the rest his head.

Alan couldn't help but think how cute Dan looked, especially the way the images from the jumbo TV screen seemed to dance and shimmer in Dan's lenses and the pale, grey eyes behind them. Alan forced himself to once again focus on the movie. It was a pretty action packed scene, which helped immensely. There were alien spaceships raining down fiery death upon the earth and human jets fighting back, transforming the entire sky into a needlessly large series of explosions and lens flares.

After the battle, though, the movie started to drag on and get bogged down in needless exposition and character backstories. Alan tried to remain focused on the show, but it was obvious that Dan had once again lost interest. His pale, slender hand was slowly rubbing Alan's densely packed eight pack. Dan's hand dipped lower and lower with each pass. It wasn't long before the teen's hand was brushing against the base of Alan's immense cock. Even though Alan still had his briefs on, the top foot or two of his shaft was left exposed and gave Dan plenty of skin to feel up. Alan tried to ignore it, but he could already feel his cock chubbing up inside the cloth confines.

"You mentioned something earlier that confused me." Dan suddenly murmured. Alan perked up and looked at him with a curious expression as he waited for Dan to continue. "You said something that if you get hard you get bigger?"

"Something like that. It's like... if I get big, I stay big." Alan responded.

"I don't get it..." Dan replied softly.

"I'm not so sure either. It's like magic or maybe a curse is more accurate." Alan explained.

"Oh... that's not what I meant." Dan responded in barely above a whisper. He continued to rub his hand along Alan's enormous dick as he did so. Alan's cock was getting noticeably harder at this point and was straining against the fabric of his briefs. "What I meant was... you can get bigger and bigger and yet you are fighting it... why?"

"It's plenty big already." Alan replied breathlessly as he tried to fight back his arousal. Dan's steady stroking of his cock was making things harder for him in more ways than one. "It's a little ridiculous."

"It's beautiful. You're beautiful. And you'll just get more and more beautiful." Dan murmured seductively. He was no longer whispering into Alan's ear, but staring straight into Alan's eyes. Dan had crawled over and was now straddling Alan's cock like a seesaw. Dan was using his ass and thighs to jack off Alan's immense dick. At the same time his feet were digging into Alan's massive nuts. Dan could actually feel the insane volume of pent of jizz churning beneath his toes. "It's not just your cock, is it?" Dan muttered excitedly. His voice was barely a hoarse whisper, but Alan heard it perfectly and caught the implication. Dan wanted Alan to get huge. Not just his cock, not just his balls, but everything. Dan's eyes gleamed with excitement as he imagined what Alan would be like when his pecs were even larger; when his biceps were even larger; when, or course, his already fantastic ass was even more phenomenal.

Alan winced from the strain on his junk from his overly packed briefs struggling to hold back the expanding mass of cock. He could already hear some of the threads popping as the front pouch stretched past its limits. He resigned himself to his fate. It was such a shame, too; these were his favorite pair. A loud ripping sound split the air as his massive, raging hard-on burst free from his pants and pointed straight out in front of him. Noticing that his gyrations had finally paid off, Dan slid forward so that he was no longer sitting on Alan's enormous cock and was instead straddling Alan's midriff. With Dan no longer holding his shaft down, Alan's massive boner was free to stand fully upright.

Alan was amazed by the sheer size of it. He knew it had crept up in size a bit during the day, but he hadn't expected it to be this big. As Dan leaned back so that he was now had his back flat against Alan's colossal shaft, Alan could now see that the top of Dan's hair barely reached the large, spongy head of his own cock. Alan's cock was so much thicker than the lanky teen that Dan looked ridiculously tiny by comparison. The worst part was that Alan knew he was enjoying it. Seeing his friend dwarfed by his dick was exciting and invigorating and more than a little erotic. Alan's enormous cock was already seeping pre, but after seeing the size disparity, his dick was positively oozing.

Dan could see the pink flush spread to Alan's cheeks and feel the muscled hunk shuddering beneath him. Dan had never felt so alive before. It wasn't just because he was dominating this big, beefy, hottie, although that was certainly part of it. Alan had been such an amazing friend to Dan for the two days they had known each other, and Dan just wanted to do something to repay him. Now, Dan knew exactly how. He had the power to make Alan bigger, buffer, hotter. He didn't want to stop until Alan was the most amazing specimen of masculinity the world had ever seen.

Even if Dan couldn't see or feel Alan trembling beneath him, he would have known how much Alan was enjoying himself based solely on the amount of pre that was washing over him. His hair was already soaked and he could feel even more of it oozing down his back. Feeling this spurred him on. Dan reach up and placed one hand against the head of Alan's cock and his other hand down lower against the shaft in order to steady himself. Dan then began rocking up and down, letting his back slide along the length of Alan's shaft. Dan was effectively using his entire torso to try and jack Alan off, and judging by the slight moans and shallow breathing coming from the buff hunk below him, it seemed to be working.

As Dan continued to rub against Alan's enormous dick, he continued to get more and more coated in the slightly slimy juice which was flowing from Alan's cock. Thick beads of pre rolled of Dan's bangs and down his face. Some of the slightly bitter liquid got into is mouth. Dan let the juice roll across his tongue as he savored the taste. He swallowed hard and realized that he needed more than just a small taste.

Dan turned himself over so that he was face to face with Alan's titanic dick and propped himself up so that his knees were now resting on Alan's abs. Dan stood up on his knees and found that the tip of Alan's cock was now level with his own mouth; this was just perfect for what he wanted to do. Dan leaned in and began drinking straight from the tap. He gulped down mouthfuls of the warm liquid while steadily rubbing his hands in a circular motion along either side of the head of Alan's cock. Dan could feel Alan shuddering intensely under him, and he knew it wouldn't be long before Alan climaxed. Dan was getting excited just thinking about just how huge Alan's magnificent cumshot would be at his current size and just how phenomenal Alan would be after he grew once more.

Alan could barely focus. Dan was really doing a number on his cock and it felt amazing. Alan was long past caring about his growth. He was already rock hard anyway; no matter what happened next, he was guaranteed to have a sizeable growth spurt after this. What bugged him now was that he was about the cream all over the place, and he had not yet lifted a finger to help Dan along. Alan wasn't about to sit back and leave his current partner unsatisfied. He curled forward as if he was doing a sit-up and grabbed Dan's hips with both hands. He easily lifted the scrawny teen up and Dan's ass right up to his face. Dan's butt was a bit on the boney side, but quite cute in its own right.

Dan gasped in shock as he felt his bottom half suddenly lift off. He clambered to grab onto something and launched his arms at the head of Alan's cock. His hands slipped and slid across the pre-soaked surface until his right hand dipped into Alan's slit. Realizing that that provided the best grip for him, Dan adjusted his weight so that his right arm was propping up most of his weight. His hand slowly slid deeper and deeper until his arm was buried up to the elbow inside Alan's shaft. Dan used this to his advantage. Using his forearm as a counterbalance, Dan maneuvered his left arm so that he was able to steady himself against Alan's magnificent cock.

Dan was shocked at just how quickly the tables had turned. Just a second ago he had Alan completely at his mercy, but now he was suspended like a hammock between Alan's giant dick and handsome face. Not that Dan was complaining, though. He had succeeded in getting Alan rock hard, and he was now experiencing the joys of rimming firsthand. Dan had never actually had it done to him before. It was simply magical. He could feel Alan's lips and tongue against his twitching hole. Dan's whole body shuddered with pleasure as Alan's tongue dug into him. Even Alan's tongue seemed to exude raw muscular strength. Dan feel his hole being stretched out as Alan slid his tongue in deeper. All Dan could do was whimper and hold on. Alan continued to lick and suck and kiss a path between Dan's cheeks as he slowly worked his way away from Dan's quivering hole, across his puffy taint, and over towards his full nuts. Alan took one of Dan's sparrow's egg sized balls into his mouth and sucked on it. By this point Dan's whole body was shuddering and convulsing as he was rocked by the throes of pure bliss. Pleasure arced through every inch of his body. His own respectable cock was aching for release, but he didn't want this to end just yet.

Alan stopped sucking on Dan's nuts and reversed his path back towards Dan's eager hole. Dan tried to hold out as best he could, but the second he felt Alan once again eating out his ass, he lost it. He let fly one large jet of cum that splattered against the shaft of Alan's massive cock. Dan's dick continued to lurch and spurt, firing smaller and smaller loads with each successive shot. The fourth shot was barely a dribble, and yet, his cock continued to shudder and shoot long after he had used up all the spunk in his nuts.

Alan stood up and picked Dan up off of his cock and placed the lightweight teen on the couch as gently as he could manage. Dan groggily looked up and saw Alan's enormous cock towering over him; the head of immense organ was flaring up and oozing pre. It was clear that Alan was on the verge of letting loose what could only be assumed to be one of the largest and messiest bursts of spooge the world had ever seen. Dan grinned at his handiwork as he awaited his reward.

Alan took a few steps back and aimed his cock as best he could. It didn't take much to send him over the edge. It wasn't even the physical stimulation that did it, even though Alan was stroking his cock as best he could. What really sent him over the edge was the grin on Dan's face and the gleam in his eyes. Alan could almost hear Dan's voice in his mind, goading him on, telling him to get off, get bigger, get sexier.

Alan enormous nuts clenched up and pumped their contents up his five foot shaft. Alan's gigantic cock sprayed jizz like a fire hose. In a matter of seconds, Dan was completely coated in thick, sticky spunk, and still, Alan kept cumming. Alan's eyes rolled back in his head and his legs gave out as he was overwhelmed by the intense pleasure. As he fell to his knees, he lost the ability to aim his stream. His cock was left to fly free, spraying creamy jizz all over the room; it coated the roof; it coated the coach; it pooled at his feet as it saturated the carpet and continued to spill out onto the floor.

Finally, Alan was completely spent. He staggered forward and plopped down on the coach next to Dan. Dan was so coated in spooge that he was almost unrecognizable, but he looked as happy and content as Alan had ever seen him. Dan was idly scooping up handfuls of jizz and letting the savory spunk slowly slide down his throat and into his belly.

Alan scooped his shirt up out of the muck and found a spot of the fabric that seemed relatively clean and used it to wipe off the controller. Once the controller was satisfactorily cleaned off, he rewound the movie to where they both had started to ignore it and continued to watch it. Dan groggily rolled over onto Alan and nuzzled up against Alan's big, muscular chest. Alan wrapped both of his huge, powerful arms around the smaller guy and held him tight. Alan was already wondering why he had bothered to restart the film. He was much more interested in watching the slim guy who was quietly snoring in his arms than any cheesy action flick.

Above Average Part 8.

Alan was sitting cross-legged almost as if he were meditating. He was in a large, ornate room, surrounded by big, buff, hung attendants who were there to cater to his every whim. He was revered as a god here. It's not surprising considering all he did...

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Above Average Part 6.

Alan yawned contentedly as he stirred from his slumber. He had slept like a rock last night. He must have been more exhausted than he thought because that lumpy old couch felt like a king size four-poster bed at a five star resort. It probably didn't...

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Trial by Fire

The entire campus was abuzz with the rumors of a new student. For most normal schools, a new student would be nothing to write home about, but this was Vanda Academy, the most prestigious and powerful institute of arcane learning in all of the realms....

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