Breaking Point Part 1 -- Cleaner & Even Dirtier

Story by Ray HuskyPunk on SoFurry

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#1 of Breaking Point Short Story

My new short story, Chapter 1

Short Story: Breaking Point Part 1: Cleaner and Dirtier By Ray HuskyPunk

AN: Well, here goes my short story. I dont know how good it will be or if any of this writing has improved, but I do hope you enjoy it. This story has been analyzed and edited a lot, so hopefully there is a seen improvement. Enjoy the story!

"Damn, I'm tired", I said as I stretched my arms, still sore from my workout. I was drenched in sweat, and I was enduring the task of organzing the work out room. I looked around and saw nobody, so I threw off my shirt and walked into the one of the surrounding offices. I snuck a Coke from the fridge and snapped it open. I threw my head back while I gulped down the sweet essence. I sighed heavily as I finished the cold beverage and tossed it into the trash. I picked up the last of the equipment and walked over to the rows of lockers. I unclicked my locker open and grabbed a towel. I slowly stripped the soaking clothes off and tossed them on the floor. I walked over to the showers and turned one on. Water discharged from it and quickly warmed up to the way I like it. I sighed as the hot water dripped away the heavy workout session off of me. I put my hands up against the wall and and closed my eyes. Letting the water wash over my head and back. I thought about the next four days ahead of me, getting a break from everything and just enjoying myself with my mate Daez and also celebrating my birthday as well. I shut my eyes to a bright light shining on them. When I slowly opened my eyes, I realized it was just the sun peaking through the glass. I turned off the water and I heard footsteps inside the building. I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked out, seeing a locker open with a wolf standing at it. I walked a bit closer until he slammed the locker door and started walking towards me. I tried to cut him off with the rows of lockers but he just kept following me. When I tried to hide away from him, I staggered and slipped on the cold tile floor. I cursed loudly as my back collided with the ground, I was in immediate pain. I saw the wolf walk towards me and into the sunlight. I had the instant urge to smack him in the face as I relized it was only Daez, except he was giggling a bit. He grasped my hand and helped me up off the floor. When I regained my balance, he quickly hugged me tightly and apologized for startling me like that. As soon as he let me go I punched him in the stomach. Weirdly enough, he was laughing as he curled up on the floor. He sat up against the wall smirking at me. D: You need to be careful dumbass, you could have sent yourself to the hospital, AGAIN. R: Then dont ever do that again Daez. D: Hey, I thought you would want the thrill of being chased around a dark, musky locker room. I never knew you would react like that. I gazed at him as a thought crossed my mind, then I looked to the ceiling, seeing nothing in particular. He got up off the floor and stood up, wondering what I was doing.

D: What're you doing?

R: Thinking about stuff...

D: Stuff?

-------------------------------(Part 1.5 -- Locker Room Romp)-------------------------

I slid down the wall a little bit and threw the towel around me off. Daez stared at me as my thick husky meat started growing out if my sheath. I could see him drooling a little bit as he kept his stare on me. I lightly stroked my meat while I saw a big bulge grow in the front of Daez's jeans. Daez yanked his jeans down along with yanking the rest of his clothing off. He walked over to me and sat down next to me stroking his meat while he stared at mine. I gestured to him that I was topping this time, and he nodded at me. By this time our musk had already enveloped the room and both of our cocks were dripping eagerly. Daez got on all fours and raised his tail and ass in the air. I slowly rubbed his ass-cheeks while I started nuzzling his tail-base and his tail-hole. I gave a long lick on his hole and he gasped loudly. And I shoved my canine tounge in while he was moaning softly. After a few seconds I pulled out and lined my cock at his entrance. He was whining at me to take his tight ass.

I loomed over him and slowly sank my meat into his tight ass. He pushed back as I completely sank into him. I slowly pulled back out, moaning in unison with Daez, who was slowly stroking himself. I left only the head in and pushed harder into him, moaning as he kept pushing back farther on my cock. I pulled out and slammed back into him repeatedly, moaning slightly louder with each thrust. My knot had grown to full size, but I wasnt very close, so I lifted one of my feet in the air and thrust into him, getting slightly deeper. I sped up to the point where I was feeling dizzy from going so fast. He screamed at me as my knot kept slamming against his hole. He yelled for me to tie him, and I I slowed down my thrusts but came back with the hardest thrusting I could do. Daez moaned loudly as he went over the edge, his cock shooting past his chest and face onto the floor. His ass gripped my cock as I howled, "Oh...FUCK DAMNIT!!!!" and slammed my knot into him. I gripped his ass as I filled it with my potent canine seed, yelping every time I lightly thrusted into him. It was almost like a whiplash. He collasped under me and I layed behind him. Us panting from our romp.

R: amazing.....

D: I love you Ray.

R: Love you too...

I hugged him from behind tightly as we started to doze off from the over-powering afterglow, forgetting we were able to be seen. But we didnt care, we were united as one.


Hope yall liked it! Will start typing up the second chapter and getting this thing rolling. Thanks for reading! ~Ray HuskyPunk