Who said what now?

Story by MrGrayFluff on SoFurry

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Light to Dark, the night will always be at the beginning of the day.

At one time, there was a young Snow Leapord... His name was Jonah Milo. He was a feminine young boy, but a warm hearted person. He was brave, he was courageous, and most of all. He was chivalrous. This lithe boy lived in the poor country of Shile, a place where there was stealing, there was rape, Hell! There was even murder, go figure... This young man was an angel among devils. Although he was as such... Every angel in this situation loses themselves at one point or another by either force, or peer pressure... and in this story, that belief will hold true to itself and all.

Jonah awoke, it was a nice, sunny, Monday morning and he was to get dressed in his usual pair of ragged knee high cotton pants, and a loose fit tank top, also cotton, and get ready to do his chores. The lithe male definitely had a muscular hue, from his washboard belly to his nicely made arms and legs. The only thing that made him look girly was the fact that he was simply born that way, an Hourglass fitting over his exterior. He had black hair, each strand of it falling straight to his shoulders. Some of it covering over his left eye, which happened to be a different color than his right. The left hue was a bright topaz, almost busting in beauty as the light reflected off of it, and the right was a baby blue, reflecting the similar color of the sky off of the beautiful orb. Jonah was well adorned, to say the least, when fully hard, the boy was a hefty nine inches, and almost an inch and a half in width, needless to say he would have been a 'lady killer' given the chance, but the one weird quality this young man of eighteen had was a shy personality, keeping him from talking to girls and guys alike.

A few minutes after he was ready, he walked from his room and to the kitchen he let his feet take him. Jonah grabbed a piece of bread off of the counter and smiled as he took a bite, that being all he would have for breakfast. Jonah lived alone, save for the occasional visit from his rich sister, whom brought him many supplies, that he felt he did not need. He was a simple Snow Leapord, and he held others above he... When he got fancy wines, and nice foods... He shared them with the people who needed them more, like elderly, or homeless. Jonah finished his bread as he walked out of his house, he looked over his acreage and smiled, taking in a deep breath of that fresh air... But then a strange smell he'd never known before hit his sensitive nostrils... It smelled so... So good... He decided to follow that smell through his fields until he came upon his work shed, where he would have been headed anyway... He shivered a little, not understandiing why such a familiar spot carried such an unfamiliar scent. His felinistic curiosity did not let him back down, though. So he moved forward slowly, and opened the door. Upon opening this door, his sight went black, all he saw before this was a red figure, it looked male.

Later, the male awoke and looked around the new scenario... He was tied to a Marble pillar, clad in nothing but a skimpy loincloth and a pair of what seemed to be silk briefs, obviously seen through... He tried to move himself, but it was futile, seeing as he was tied, by some odd force, not by rope, to this pillar. He wrapped his tail around his left leg and took another glance around his area.

" Looking for something, Pussy?" A deep voice would ask from all directions. Jonah gasped and bent his ears back, looking a little more frantically.

" Wh-who... Who's there?!" He'd demand, his eyes carrying obvious fear and his smooth, tenor voice carried a soft shiver, and it's usual accent, although this accent was unidentifiable.

" No one you would know, good sir. " A different, more soprano voice would ask. It was a lot more feminine, but carried that masculine tone. So guessing if it was a male or not was too hard to assume.

" Wh-what..? " Jonah would ask, closing his eyes a little bit.

" You heard us, fool..." A new voice would ask... This voice was soft, but carried a hue of obvious dominance. Just hearing the name he was called made hims shiver in near submission to it.

" W-well... Fine! then tell me where... Where I am!" Jonah would ask, trying to stand straight. He decided to look straight towards the wall, which looked to be of Egyptian, or in this world, Malian, in heritage.

" You're in Lord Mairo's Harem... His own private quarters though.." A slightly tenor voice would ask... This one seemed to be wet, bubbly...

" ... Who's..?" Jonah would ask, and then the four teasing males would appear. One was a Reptile of unknown lineage, he was a well built male in royal pants, nothing upon his top to show off his washboard belly and near Adonis- carved shape. He seemed to be a ruthless male, but his eyes carried a deep kindness... Another was a More feminine reptile, A tight pair of Knickers upon his legs, showing off a large bulge that was utter evidence of his being a male. He bore a devious grin and his shimmering yellow eyes showed even more deviance... Like a thief. The most notable of the four whom came was floating near the wall, it seemed to just be a large bubble, it was blue, and on the inside it had a light purple- ish color to it. The last one to be seen was a Red colored demonic looking fellow.. This one wore nothing to cover a large, utterly notable sheath and balls, hanging low. He bore small horns on either side of his forehead, and his eyes burned the color of flames. This male sent a deep, and cold shiver down the Snow Leapords' spine.

" That would be mine, Kitten. " That deep voice would say again, now visible as the demon man.

" Yup, Lord Mairo!" The feminine voice would say, now known to be that Thief- like character.

" Heh... Foolish cat... " That rude voice would repeat, the mouth of the ruthless looking reptile spewing those discrepancies.

" Now now, Loa... " The bubble would say in it's wet voice. " There is no way the child could know. " That thing would finish.

" Miria is right, Loa. Go easy on the boy... " The girly reptile would support.

" Bah. Felines are all just a bunch of idiots... I can't believe they're thought to be gods in some countries, Yoba..." The masculine reptile would say. Obviously replying to the feminine one.

" Will... Will you tell me what you want of me already..?" Jonah would ask, and this caused them to fall silent... Loa smirked and moved forward, his eyes gleaming evily.

" What we want of you? Haha... Lord Mairo wanted a new sex slave... And he took a fancy to your feline ass..." The male bent down so his eyes were looking right into the Snow Leapords' own nervously shimmering hues.

" You've got nice eyes... I'll give you that..." The reptile would say. This made the other lizard smile and nod in agreement.

" S-sex... Sex slave?!" Jonah would say, his ears bending back in response. This made Mairo move forward and smile as he did.

" Yes, young one. You will be the newest addition to my line of pussy cats, just wishing with every moment f their time that I pick them, choose them to be the candidate for my sexual... Exploration... " The demon would say, A devious grin across his red features.

" Wait... You think I'm going to go... Willingly to this?" Jonah would question, then the bubble would move forward, leaving the feminine reptile to remain behind, which would be where he stayed.

" Yes, kitten. Well... Maybe not now... but it is simple to overcome a mind like yours. " It would say, leaving a trail of cruelty behind its words as they ran through the felines' consciousness. This made him quiver submissively. Jonah looked down to what he was in and couldn't help but blush, it easily seen beyond his gray fur.

" Heheh... Why not give him a taste of his new master, my Lord..?" The Feminine reptile would ask, this making Jonah look up fearfully. Mairo shook his head and moved back, spawning a throne next to the wall.

" No... I have a far greater idea... Loa, you know what to do... " The demon would say, and the masculine reptile smirked, turning back to the feline and looking into his eyes, cupping around his chin.

" This is gonna be way too easy... " The reptile would say... Then Jonah felt a sudden chill run up his spine, then his vision went black. but he did not lose consciousness. He only lost his sight for now. Jonah gasped and whined lightly, looking around. And then he felt the force on his arms pulling him down until he was upon his knees. He heard no noises,save for the dropping of clothing. And then he felt a deep warmth poke at his lips. He tightened them together and then felt a nail poking at his temple... He suddenly wanted more than anything to yell out like a little bitch for help... He opened his mouth to yell out, and was silenced by that warmth, a large thing prodding it's way deep into his mouth... He clenched his eyes shut and tried to pull back, but he was soon pinned between the wall and the thing in his mouth. As the thing sunk in more, he was forced to suckle and swallow on the thing, a soft moan quickly heard in response. Jonah knew what it was quickly and shook his head, trying to bite down a little to hold it from going in more. But that nail pushed at his temple again... And he suddenly tasted a lollipop in his maw, he began to suckle the flavorful thing, causing another moan to come, but this time go unnoticed. Jonah sucked hard upon the thing, and before he knew it, that thing was moving in and out of his maw faster than he could keep up, his face officially being fucked... The tip was reaching into the throat even! Jonah gagged a little around the thing, and then a sharp moan was heard and then the pressure on his face was pushed harder, that thing reaching past his throat a little and releasing an utterly savorable liquid into his throat. Jonah moaned lightly as he felt it clouding his thoughts of where he was, what he was doing there, and only how he loved the taste of this stuff, this warm, creamy, addicting liquid... Jonah quickly began to work whatever it was harder for more and more. But as soon as the liquid stopped, the thing pulled out... Jonah coughed lightly, and his vision came back. He looked upon a naked Loa, his cock still half hard and wet from the inside of the cat's maw.

" M-more... What... What did you..? Give me more!" Jonah would say in shambles, his words contradicting his older thoughts. All of the others' laughed now in victory and the bubble moved forward.

" I told you, little one..." It would say, and then sprout four tentacles from it's body. Each one moving towards the feline. One moved around his wrists, and the force was let loose. It pulled him off the pole and lifted the cat. As that one held the feline, who now looked around frantically once more, one of the things moved forwards and prodded at the maw of the Leapord, which hastily opened out of new reaction, accepting the larger thing in until it quickly moved and hit the back of the throat... As that did that, the feline sucking vigorously upon the thing, another moved and began to prod at that one spot under his dangling tail... It pushed in without hesitation, making the cat whimper as he spread to accept the thing inside of him, it moving post haste through the bowels of the young male, and then wrapped some around his prostate. It released a soft shock, which stimulated the thing to the point where that Feline cock quickly made a tent for that loincloth. He moaned loudly around then tentacle in his mouth. The last tentacle removed all clothing from the feline and slid around his cock, suddenly, a soft vacuum like thing could be felt around the member, it quickly enlarging inside of the thing. It released copious amounts of pre as the tentacle in his ass began to move to his orbs, and fill them with a makeshift semen that worked with any species.. His balls grew visibly as well, making the feline twitch. He tried to look down, but he found himself restricted to doing so by the tentacles. The tentacles moved, his nine inch shaft was now twelve, and two inches wide, his balls obviously heavy. The tentacles flipped him around so his cock dangled and his feet did as well, the feminine lizard moved forward, already stripped and ready. He moved under the feline, and turned himself around, moving a hand back to grab that feline cock and point the tip at his ready hole. The cock throbbed and released a splash of pre onto the thin g, and then it happened... The lizard backed itself onto the rod quickly, a feeling of pure ecstasy hitting that feline like a truck. He twitched. this feeling was something one could never feel through normal anal, and it was obvious by how the male whom harbored the larger cock now simply dangled in the tentacles grip... All of the four let out a yell of pure victory, and the bubble and reptile began to have their way with their new slave. The tentacles began to release that same warm liquid, but now only into the leapords' mouth. Loa had moved behind the feline and began to nuzzle his soft feet, licking over one of the pads, and the demon sat pleased at his throne, rubbing his utterly hard cock. A little after that, Yoba pulled more of the cock in and began to milk it with his ass happily. Moaning as he did, his own impressive bulge hardened and releasing pre to the stroking he had begun to give it. The tentacle was not pumping into the ass of this poor feline, and pulled out of his mouth. Making him cough once more, and now left him to moan out with each pump into him and of him into the reptile.

Moments later, The feline let out a low groan and released a cumshot larger than he had ever done before. He filled the reptile so full that cum burst out from that loosened hole, Yoba wetting the floor with his own reproductive fluids. The bubble let out a low garble and released into his ass, the same kind of reaction happening, but toned down a bit. After everything had finished. They left down the spent feline, and he sat up on his knees, looking up like a little pet.

" Come to me, Slave. " Mairo would say with a grin, beckoning the cat. Jonah crawled towards his master and kneeled before him.

" Yes, what do you need, master?" He would question, then look up.

" Take care of this..." The lord would say, pointing to his huge erection. And granted.. That new sex slave showed his recently gained prowess and sucked over that meaty thing until it exploded, the cum covering over the smaller feline until he was completely marked as Demon property... The bitch of the fodder.


Post word! ~~~~

Well then! I am back at least for the moment, I hope that this story will absolve me of my absence and show that I still got it! It took me an hour to write this off the top of my head, and is now 3:18 in the morning! Wow!!!

I hope that you feel bad for Jonah like I did while writing this story, but also. Don't be afraid to get yourself off as well