Devon's Gift

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Devon's Gift

By: Jizzal

"Ugh..." Was all that was muttered from Devon's muzzle as he opened his eyes and let out a weak yawn. Slowly, his hazel pupils locked onto the clock on the wall of his dorm room. It was just after eight, and he didn't have class for another three hours, so he could have slept in. The only thing keeping him from sleeping was a stereo blasting at a much higher than sleeping dingo friendly level recommend for early mornings. With a heavy sigh, the canine pulled his pillow from under his head and placed it on top of it while complaining muffledly into his mattress.

"Do you really need to play that so loud...You don't have class for a while either..." Devon grumbled, but all he got in a reply was a rather hearty laugh as the volume slowly dwindled down from the ear blasting level.

"Awww! Didn't mean to wake ya cuteness, just getting pumped...only about...4 more months until LFRP is said to go on tour, and I just can't wait! You know it's going to be a great tour," Devon's roommate, a rather burly looking alligator remarked smugly. The reptile was only clad in a pair of comfortable pajama pants while he let his upper half be completely bare.

The canine was less than amused at his boyfriend's excuse, but he sighed and sat up in bed, yawning again while he scratched at his furry neck.

"Yeah yeah I know...but still, blasting their CD at eight in the freaking morning isn't going to make time go any faster," Devon mumbled. It wasn't that he wasn't fond of the music the band made, but being woken up to it everyday for the entire week was enough to drive the dingo insane. "Besides...I bet their shows are really...odd...but you like that sort of thing..."

"Heh, well I'm going to drag you along, no way I'm going to let you miss out on all the odd fun." The gator chuckled and turned off the music completely before he made his way over to the occupied bed and plopped down only to pull the grumpy looking canine up against his soft scaled stomach and chest. "Mmm...sorry for the rude awakening babe, just wanted to hold you without waking you up in the process." He admitted with a toothy grin.

Devon didn't bother struggling; instead he snuggled up close to the squishy paunch and muscular chest of his roommate and boyfriend with a soft mrph. Being held up against those scales always made him feel relaxed, no matter what mood he was in.

"Yeah yeah...though so long as I don't end up getting bitten or something then I might go I guess. Might. No promises Farl..." The canine mumbled, trying to sound grumpy, but the reddening in his light tan cheeks was making it less than convincing.

Farl laughed and gave an affectionate squeeze to the resting dingo in his arms, knowing after being woken up he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. He stroked a large, scaled paw down the head fur of the murmuring canine as he took in slow, steady breaths.

"Mmm...this is nice...and I've still got an hour before class, what do you sa-" And before the reptile could finish his sentence, there was a knock at the door. The alligator grumbled and sighed, reluctantly releasing his relaxed little dingo as the two made themselves look as heterosexual as possible, since the outside world didn't know they were gay.

Not bothering to put on a shirt, the large gator stood to his proud six foot and ten inch height and answered the door, greeting the RA who unknowingly ruined a tender early morning moment that could have lead to the naughty behavior of two horny college students.

Not quirking a brow, the equine male looked up to Farl and crossed his arms.

"Uh, hey Farl, not to be rude or anything, but there's been some complaints about the music being too loud, and I mean, come on, it's barely even eight. Try and keep it down bud?" The horse asked, trying to remain polite, even if it wasn't the first time he had to come and tell the gator to keep things down.

"Ah, yeah sure thing, just got so excited I guess I didn't notice how loud I was playing it..." Farl chuckled and leaned against the frame of the doorway, giving the horse in charge of his floor a view of the tidy room, and the grumpy looking dingo on the bed with his eyes half open.

"Mornin' Quincy...I'll be sure to try and keep this guy quiet," Devon smirked, which earned him a counter smirk from the horse at his door.

"Heh, thanks, you two have a good morning then." And with that the horse turned and made his way down the hall, giving a little wave before leaving to get some more rest.

With a little grumble, Farl closed the door and dragged his large feet along the floor before flumping on his own bed, which rested against the wall.

"Well that was a mood kill...people still bitching about the music? I mean come on, sure classes only started about a week ago, but they should be grateful they're not sleeping in and missing classes." The gator weakly chuckled and glanced over to Devon who was already on his way over to the door, which he locked before easing himself onto the back of his now grumpy looking boyfriend. He couldn't have the cheerful one looking down, so he worked his paws along the ridged spine of his lightly rumbling lover.

"Eh, people love to complain...though Quincy's an alright guy, doesn't seem to get too upset, they probably just bothered him since everyone is scared of the big bad gator that doesn't look like he skips a meal." Devon chuckled, trying to liven the mood, and it was working.

"Heh, speaking of which...I have a 'date' later on today, I told you right?" Farl asked, hoping he didn't let it slip his mind.

The dingo nodded and continued to rub, working his paws up to the broad shoulders of his content looking mate. "Yeah...Rick? He's alright with me, just don't get caught..." Devon warned, but the beast under him only growled with excitement.

"Haven't been caught yet have I? Been doing it since we were kids, it'll be fine...just trust me on this. And soon enough I'll be able to give you the first person view of how my dates go..." The gator grinned toothily, but Devon rolled his eyes and stopped rubbing.

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever, just make sure if you're going to hump him beforehand that you have lube." The canine stated dryly.

The happy couple had a little agreement, which was that they'd be in a somewhat open relationship. Devon was free to do what he wished with other males both he and Farl knew respectively, but he never did. Farl however, on occasion had a date at least once every few months, and rarely a few in the same week. His however were only with voraphiles, ones that entertained themselves with the idea of being eaten alive by a big, well equipped predator much like the one that Devon was sitting on. It was something he had always found stimulating and erotic for his entire life, and even though Devon didn't share the same views, the canine didn't bother trying to stop the gator from enjoying a free meal that came with extra 'cream'.

"You know I come prepared, and always with enough left over for one on one with my favorite doggy from down under." Farl remarked rather smugly, which made the dingo blush before he rolled off the bed, only to be grabbed and snuggled possessively.

" think this year is going to be better than last? We have a larger room, and I think the classes are off to a good start..." The reptile spoke while rubbing the tip of his broad snout along the top of Devon's head, exciting a low murr from the canine.

"'ll be fine...think we'll get to sleep in the same bed more often?" The dingo asked innocently, his tail brushing along the tummy scales of his large companion.

"Tonight will be perfect. After some tummy rubs, I'll be all yours," The gator grinned and lightly licked one of those furry ears that were taunting him, tickling the canine he held so dearly.

"I really do love this..." Devon murmured, smiling as he held in a few laughs and closed his eyes.

"Then we'll stay right here..." Farl murmured as well and slowly rolled onto his back, holding the side of his lover's face to his chest while his smaller body rested on top of him. "Love you..." He noted before closing his eyes, inhaling slowly as time slowed down and he was given some alone time with his little dingo.

The quiet hmm of the dorm room around him gave Devon a while to reflect. Same school, second year, still with his childhood best friend and mate, a two hour drive away from parents, and a class schedule he could easily deal with. He was majoring in math, as well as education to become a math teacher, probably one for high school since he had a hard time dealing with most of the youngsters back home. Farl was majoring in music, played bass guitar, and was still going on his little 'dates' rather than considering an actual job, but that didn't bother Devon since it kept his boyfriend happy.

After nearly dozing off, the dingo yipped softly as he felt the world under him shift and his ears perked. Farl gave an apologetic kiss to the top of the distraught canine's forehead and gently nudged him off.

"Sorry, gotta get ready for class..." The gator grumbled and got out of bed, letting his thick tail thump on the ground around his scaled feet as he tapped his clawed toes into the floor under him. Devon nodded, not saying a word as he rested on the warm spot left behind from his warm roommate while watching him get dressed. After tossing the pajama pants, upgrading to jeans and adding a LFRP t-shirt, the reptile grabbed his backpack and was good to go.

Farl looked over to his now lonely looking boyfriend, but he leaned in for a quick kiss and murmured pleasantly. "See you in a little you..." The gator noted, making the dingo blush, and just like that, Farl was out the door and off to class.

"I love you too..." Devon sighed once again too late to say how he meant while his lover could hear him. His tail gave a weak wag and he sat up in bed, rubbing over the back of his head.

He could have gotten ready for class, but he still had a good wait, so he simply de clothed to get himself comfortable. After getting himself nude, he sighed and contemplated heading to the shower...but thought better against it, just in case someone else was there and might peek down and discover the young male's little secret. Resting snuggly underneath his tail, in between his anus and the back of his scrotum was something a little unusual for someone his age...or any age really. Devon ruffled his paws through his head fur, looking in the body height mirror resting on the wall before him.

Ever since moving to the states at the age of six, he had been picked on. Sure, he had a bit of an accent, came from Sydney Australia, and while his mother being a kangaroo and his father a dingo he was almost perfect for labeling and stereotypes. He didn't think he was gay until he was a young teenager, but before then there was always something different. Not his voice, or his lineage...just something. No one could tell, not without seeing it of course, and no one outside of his family, his boyfriend, and a few doctors knew the little 'gift' Devon was blessed with at birth. He had both set of sexual origins, from both male and female. His male was obviously much more dominant, but he still had the feminine reproductive organ, which he was told was not functional, still made him a hermaphrodite.

Devon prided himself on being a male however; he had no desire to really be female, or even a hermaphrodite, though he was born as such. His parents called it a little gift, something to make him unique, which even at a young age knew that would label him as a "Freak." He told Farl, being the only close friend he ever made and kept in touch with for the majority of his life, and the reptile although young, said the same thing as the dingo's parents. And at the age of 19, his little 'gift' remained there, never really doing anything, except when stimulated...but he politely requested Farl not to play with his nether lips when the two mated. It was never a big deal to the gator of course, who always seemed to be too understanding, though Devon couldn't go a day without thinking about it...feeling mostly cursed, and rarely curious.

Devon spent nearly a half an hour looking to himself in the mirror. He had grown a bit of pudge on his mid-section, which made his belly a tender spot to be rubbed or teased, and his left ear was a little bent from sleeping on it the wrong way. He rubbed his knuckles through his creamy belly fur before sighing and pulling on some boxers, and since it was shorts weather, a pair of baggy cargos and a t-shirt. With time to kill, the bored canine contemplated turning on the television, or possibly snooping through the things on Farl's computer, but instead there was a knock at the door. He promptly answered, figuring it to be someone he knew...and it was, but he had to look down to spot his visitor who looked up rather starry eyed at the shocked looking canine.

"Uhm...hey?" Devon was speaking to himself for the most part as he gazed down at a familiar, smiling face.

"Devvy!" His little visitor, a young squirrel boy shouted out before clinging to the mid section of the recently clothed dingo, exciting an "oof" from the startled adolescent.

" fucking way..." Devon said, rather dumbfounded as he swore in the presence of the rather young admirer latched onto his waist like a cute, fuzzy, vibrating parasite. Quickly, he yanked the boy inside and shut the door, and the little squirrel giggled uncontrollably.

" cussed!" Chester smirked, one of those smart-alec-I-know-everything-and-I'm-so-cute-and-adorable-you-want-to-scream smirks.

"You're supposed to be at home! What are you doing here?!" Devon barked in surprise, startling the child, but he quickly scooped the boy up and hugged him close.

Chester of course was very familiar with the dingo squeezing onto him while his sneaker-clad feet kicked the air under him and his black nose pressed into the fuzzy neck fur of the older male. He was one of Devon's neighbors, as was Farl since they lived in a small town where most everyone was considered a neighbor in some way or another. Although he was energetic, which often borderlined on obnoxious, he was the only youngster to not drive the dingo insane with frustration. He was a pleasure to be around, though no one could have predicted the boy just showing up.

After letting the initial shock die down, Devon sat down on his bed, holding the boy in his lap while giving his tail an idle wag; it was impossible to hide the fact he was glad to see Chester.

", what are you doing here? How did you get here? And...what are you doing here?!" The dingo chuckled, looking over his young friend he hadn't seen in a few weeks since he spent summer back home, though he had to leave and get himself and Farl situated in the dorm room before class started.

"Hehehe, well...I'm here to see you! Where's Farl? Oh, and I got here by bus, I saved up so I could come up and visit! You said I could last year, but I never got I showed up now!" The brown furred lad giggled and beamed proudly, letting his backpack slide from his shoulders and onto the floor...uh-oh, now Devon was starting to worry. He remained calm though, unable to stay upset at his little squirrel buddy.

"Whoa now...Farl's in class, which is where you should be, don't you have school today? And you just got on a bus and came down here? Please tell me you told your parents..." The dingo started worried, biting his lower lip while he looked down to the squirrel on his lap while he fiddled with the tip of his fluffy tail.

"Weeeeell...I don't really need school....everyone has been saying that, and I have tomorrow off so I get an extra long weekend!" The lad smiled, avoiding the answer about his parents of course.

Devon sighed and shook his head. It was true that Chester was a bit too smart, probably for his own good. The boy was a few grades ahead, and he had only recently turned nine years old. He looked up to Devon and Farl, always saying how he'd want to go to college with them and that he'd work hard to get there before they graduated, but showing up at the school unannounced was another thing.

"Erf...well you shouldn't skip school...and your parents, do they know you're here?"

Chester sighed and lowered his round ears, "No...but!-"

"No buts," Devon interrupted, being stern with his truant friend. "Getting on a bus, traveling over a hundred miles by yourself, and without your parent's permission is not did you even find my room? If you checked in at the front desk they would alert me and have me go and meet you rather than you surprising me like this..."

The squirrel knew what he did was wrong, but he perked up at the last part of what the canine said and smirked proudly. "You said before you left that you were going to be in the Easton lot, try to get on the 4th floor so that you'd have the same RA, and last time you said that your room was 412 and that it was small and lousy, and that all the larger rooms were in the 420's. Your favorite number happens to be 25, so I checked in on 425 first." The lad spoke in a single breath, he hadn't changed a bit...with that creepy amount of detail and memorization.

"But...this is room 427..." The dingo blinked, and Chester giggled nervously.

"Well yeah...but the guys at 425 said some jackasses at 427 wake them up everyday, and that they were some sort of Godzilla wannabe and a baby eating mutt. Which translates to Farl and you!"

Devon irked, then sighed....the classmates in his hall really sounded nice, and kind enough to give him and his boyfriend appropriate nicknames. "Douchebags..." he grumbled under his breath, but then he got back on track.

"Well I am very glad to see you though, and you used your wits and what not to get here, so you're not going to end up being some book nerd..."

"Heeeey...I'm not a nerd, I just have a high IQ..." The squirrel pouted in protest, but he quickly smiled as a paw roamed over his head tenderly.

"But smart little boys know not to skip town without telling their parents, even if it's to see your friends, your parents must be weren't hurt were you?" Devon asked, sounding rather concerned.

"Mrph...I'm fine; I was doing miserable at home though! It sucks without you and Farl being there, last year was really boring too! Only time I had fun and got to play with anyone was over the summer, and it was with you two..." The squirrel ended his reply with a whimper, hugging once again around the mid section of his older friend.

"Well...why not play with the kids your own age?" Devon asked, even though he had asked that question hundreds of times before, and didn't realize it until he heard the answer.

"They all hate me...say I'm some sort of brainiac and that I'm a loser. They never treat Andrea and Eric like that..." The boy mumbled under his breath. Andrea and Eric were his siblings, and they happened to be fraternal twins. They too excelled in schoolwork just like their younger brother, but they were in the newspaper on occasion and were already in high school despite the fact they couldn't view PG-13 movies by themselves. The two had quite a following at that, which left Chester with rather large paw prints to follow in...Devon, and Farl as well both knew that. The parents of the three squirrels put on big smiles for the cameras, and supported their older children every step of the way, which left Chester, neglected, even though he was making accomplishments at his young age. It was probably one of the reasons Devon could relate with his young friend so well.

"Well...they're just jealous, people have called me cruel things too..."

"Cause they're jealous of the gifts you have?..." The squirrel asked while looking up with those attentive, light blue eyes of his.

After a short erf, the dingo was able to reply, "Yeah...they just don't understand, and some people are just jerks, but it doesn't mean you can leave home just like that..."

"But isn't that why you left?"

"Damn you Chester..." Is what Devon wanted to say, but he didn't, instead he sighed and fuzzled the boy's head fur.

"Meh...oh! That's right, your parents, you should call them right this instant, you can use my-"

"They're not home, they're both gone," Chester noted smugly.

" their cell ph-"

"Dad has a meeting, Mom is on a plane to a business trip, so they both have their phones off" once again, smug.

"Uhm...leave a me-"

"Even if I did, they wouldn't answer their voice mails under after 4pm, when they're both in a position to do so," that smug little squirrel squeaked cutely.

With one of his eyes twitching, Devon sighed and gave up, flumping onto his back with Chester still on his lap.

"Fine fine...but at 4:01, you are calling your parents and telling them where you are," The canine ordered.

"Really? That means I can stay?!"

"It means we'll see about you maybe spending the night, I'm taking you back home in the morning if that's all right with your parents," Devon stated flatly. Even though he was glad to have his little friend so close, he had to do what was right.

"Awww...I can't say the weekend?" Chester sounded disappointed when asking that, as if he already knew the answer and that it was going to be negative.

"I don't think my RA is going to let me harbor a fugitive for very long. He's understanding, but I think this might be too many strikes against me since I apparently already eat babies." The dingo couldn't help but chuckle at that...he thought he was being funny.

"Well...I could hide when he comes by! What about that?" Chester tried to bargain; he really wanted to stay as long as possible, and it as painfully obvious.

Devon sighed and shook his head, but before he could retort he soon had the squirrel snuggling against his upper half, making him blush as a page from what happened with Farl and himself was retold with him being the source of comfort and warmth this time. His arms closed around his friend and he let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head again.

"We'll see..." Was all the rather cuddly canine would say as he rubbed a paw along the back of the squirrel's head, coaxing his eyes closed so that the two could rest. After all, Chester had to travel a long way to get to where he is, and he gave Devon quite a surprise.

The two stayed cuddled for sometime, and Chester actually managed to fall asleep snuggled into the arms of the dingo with a happy rumbling idly going through his body. The moment was eventually ruined by the opening of the door, alerting Devon and putting him into a sudden mode of panic where he squeezed tightly around the squirrel boy and sat up, planning to defend him from whoever dared to take the lad away from him. He even managed a little growl, but that soon changed to a yip as he realized it was Farl, who was staring at his dingo and his little squirrel buddy from down the street.

"Grawr? You! Tasty squirrel boy!" He growled out, shutting the door and setting down his backpack as he grinned, showing off his impressive set of teeth while doing so.

Chester perked his ears and gave out a defenseless squeak, wiggling in the arms of his now dazed and confused looking protector.

"Guh?" Was all Devon managed before he was pounced onto the bed by the powerful predator who gave out a low rumble of hunger before he lavished his prey items with hot, wet slurps and murrls of content!

The dingo gacked in surprise, but then let out a sigh of relief and eased his grip on Chester while the helpless pair were slobbered on and soon hugged against the scaly, yet soft bulk of the merciless gator. The squirrel squealed and giggled in terror as he tried to squirm free, but he was just as helpless as Devon was. After a few playful snaps and nuzzles, Farl rolled onto his side, grinning still while he shook his head at the pair.

"Heh, be lucky I went easy on you this time...though why is there a tasty little squirrel boy in my domain, rawr." The gator chuckled, having his big bad predator persona down perfectly, which always made Chester giggle as he played along, and always made Devon roll his eyes...and wonder if Chester was a vore as well thanks to hanging around the ravenous reptile.

"Er...he squirreled his way across town to get here to visit us cause he missed us, without telling anyone...and he is," the dingo chuckled and offered the moist boy over to his reptilian mate.

"Oh really? It sounds like you had quite a trip, you sneaky little rodent you..." Farl smiled warmly and gave the boy a warm hug, "Though it is good to see you! How long are you staying?"

"He can't stay too long, I'm sure this is breaking more than a few rules..." Devon warned, though Chester only hugged tighter onto Farl and shook his head.

"I'm gonna stay longer! No one even has to know I'm here..." the squirrel chittered cutely.

"They're not going to notice the rambunctious collection of fur sneaking around the dorms? Be reasonable, I don't want anyone to get in trouble...though like I said, I'll take you home first thing tomorrow. I don't have class on Fridays anyway," the canine noted, furrowing his brow to let the two know he was being serious.

"C'mon babe, no reason to kick the little guy out so quickly, probably bored as hell without us there to liven things up," The gator chuckled, though Chester perked his ears curiously at the term 'babe.'

"I'm not kicking him out, but his parents are surely worried and have no idea where he is! I'd call them right now, but I won't until after class since apparently they won't be able to speak with me for a few more hours."

"Well...ask them if he can stay, I'm sure we can get a guest pass or something for the kid. Could say he's your cousin or little brother or something, and so long as he doesn't cause any problems the school shouldn't care." Farl noted with a smirk, rubbing the tip of his index finger claw along the head of the squirrel boy on his lap.

"Gah...this is insane..." Devon grumbled, since he was dealing with two children at the moment. All he wanted was for everything to go smoothly, and now it was two against one. With a defeated sigh, he shook his head and got off the bed. "We'll see what they isn't like I want to get rid of you, I just know I'd worry if you disappeared without notice."

"Thanks too Farl," Chester said quietly while murmuring at the gentle attention he was being lavished with. "I promise I won't get in the way! And I could even help you with your homework!" The lad beamed cheerfully, his spirits clearly high again.

"Eheh...we'll see about that..." The dingo muttered, but he knew deep down that if he really tried, Chester could probably already be in high school and do just fine. Though he wasn't prepared to let his ego be torn to pieces by an adorable, fuzzy boy with an IQ of 185, so his advanced books of mathematics were going to be kept out of Chester's reach.

The trio made themselves rather comfortable with surprising ease. Devon studied up for his next class; Farl strummed a few notes idly on his bass while watching Chester playing on a Nintendo DS. They took a break from their tasks to get lunch, which involved a PB&J for the squirrel and some ramen for the college students. There were plenty of jokes from the alligator about having himself a squirrely snack if the cheap noodles weren't going to be enough for him, which of course earned him some cute, boyish giggles.

Devon left for class in high spirits, giving the two a wave before he made his way off to calculus. He didn't think twice about leaving, feeling as if it was completely natural to have a third person in his everyday life, even if it had only been for a few shorts hours. He couldn't concentrate in class, which only made it take longer while he wondered what the two were up to by themselves. A few ideas brought smiles to the otherwise bored dingo's muzzle, keeping him content enough as he copied down formulas that would never be considered practical or useful outside of a classroom. On his way back to the dorm, he half expected to see a fluffy squirrel tail poking out from the toothy muzzle of a smug looking gator, but much to his surprise he was greeted by two happy hugs before he could close the door behind him.

"How was class Devvy?" Chester chittered curiously as he had the canine by the waist, and Farl had him by the upper half.

"Heh, yeah how was it?"

"It was...alright, you two play nice while I was gone?" The dingo teased playfully, but he was enjoying the welcoming he had received. Usually it was just one hug, and on days where things don't go on as planned, his boyfriend would usually seem mopey. Though being around a spontaneous collection of energy and cuteness probably did wonders for his attitude.

"No! Chester made fun of me!" The big gator complained, breaking off the hug and crossing his arms in a playful pout, only to be poked by the squirrel.

"You tattle-tell!" The boy giggled, and Devon just shook his head and walked past the two, putting his stuff down before settling on his bed.

"Hey, don't think I won't separate you be good boys and get along," The canid voice of reason spoke with a cocky smirk. Though he quickly had a squirrel settling in his lap with the large gator in close pursuit.

"Bah, there's two of us and one of you, I think we have the advantage," Farl smirked and leaned in, giving Devon a soft kiss on the cheek, which made the dingo's cheeks darken quickly.

Chester didn't think it was odd that he just watched two 'boys' kissing; it wasn't the first time he saw the two being affectionate before. He knew they were best friends, and kissing was apparently what they did, nothing weird about that. Though he did lean up to nuzzle the two as a group hug formed around the little squirrel.

" that everyone's back home, we should do something lets go get some food in the cafe', and if they ask Chester is my little cousin visiting, sound good?"

"Sounds good to me!" Farl smirked, but then he perked up and looked to the clock on the wall. "But don't let me forget about my...erm...get-together," he noted awkwardly to Devon, who quirked a brow in response. He nearly forgot about the 'date' that his boyfriend had planned for later in the evening.

"Oh yeah, heh, sure no problem, but we'll worry about that later, lets get some food." The canine beamed cheerfully, exiting a "yaaaay!" from the excitable squirrel.

The trio put on their shoes, turned off the lights, locked the door and head down the hallway with Chester in the middle and the other two holding onto his hand paws, occasionally lifting him up so he couldn't touch the floor. A few students did double takes at the giant reptile, the giggling rodent, and the smug looking dog, but a few simply smiled and waved, feeling a tad bit jealous, yet happy for those smiling faces. It wasn't even officially the weekend, and they had something to be cheerful about.

Their meal together went off without any problems, and Devon only had to explain once that he was 'related' to the squirrel that looked nothing like him, though all they needed was his word on the matter since no one wanted him to go into serious detail. They sat in the middle of the otherwise quiet cafeteria, but it did make them a target for a few bored, insecure 'bully-types' but none of them had the gall to approach an eating gator and his companions.

After their meals were finished, the two students silently thanked the meal plan the school offered, and the fact that Chester was a small eater. Rather than going back to their room, they chatted and did some catching up, talking about the upcoming holidays that the dingo and gator would be spending back at home, and promising to make themselves available for the cheerful lad in their company. It was certainly a nice change of pace for all three of them, but time flew as they were having fun and as soon as Farl checked the time he gave a sigh and reluctantly stood, patting his stomach as he readied himself for his second large meal of the day.

Devon smiled at the reptile and chuckled, his tail wagging weakly, "Why the sigh? I thought you were going to erm...enjoy your study session?"

"Well yeah, though I won't be back for another hour or so, you two don't get into trouble without me. Now give me some goodbye hugs," the gator demanded, mostly since kisses would gather too much attention.

Without hesitation Chester popped up from his seat and hugged onto the departing gator, and Devon soon joined as they shared a group hug before letting the overgrown lizard go to his 'study session' with a rather tasty, er, 'studious' human.

As the gator lumbered off, the dingo looked to the somewhat disappointed squirrel boy and reached out, ruffling into his head fur playfully, getting the boy to squeak and squirm away.

"Heh, don't look so down, he'll be back...but come on, lets go back to the room, we can play video games or something." Devon noted cheerfully, putting a smile back on Chester's face, though the canine perked his ears and winced noticeably. "Though I forgot...should really call your parents, they'd be available by now right?"

Chester's heart sank. " of them should be home..." He said quietly, feeling that Devon couldn't wait to get rid of the surprise visitor.

It didn't take the canine long to notice that what he said took the wind from his friend's sails, so without warning he plucked the boy from his seat and placed him up on his shoulders. Devon held on tightly of course while Chester's paws nearly blinded the canine with his paws and nearly made him go deaf with a series of surprised squeaks before he settled down.

"Hey what did I say about you getting down? This has been great so far, heh, and you still get to spend the night at you should keep on enjoying yourself! I'll even let you stay up late," the dingo beamed, steadying himself with his passenger clinging to his head while he pushed his little boy buttons perfectly.

"Ok...thanks Devvy..." the lad churred and held on lightly as the dingo walked, feeling much taller than he did before, though he still would have to straighten himself up to look Farl at eye level.

Walking down the halls with a squirrel boy clinging to his head like an adorable parasite sure did get Devon more attention than before, but he didn't mind, he almost felt as if he was bragging that he had the ball of cute and fuzz waving to bystanders from his shoulders. One of the ill-mannered neighbors that met the Chester earlier were returning to their room as that dopey dingo padded into the hallway with a spring in his step and warm smile. The rabbit sighed and shook his head, glancing over to the otter who simply shrugged, as Devon was able to unlock, open, and close the door all without putting down the boy on his shoulders.

"I freakin' swear to God, if that kid starts waking us up in the morning too, I'll be sooo pissed..." The rabbit grumbled and his mood was soured by the obnoxiously happy duo. The otter shrugged it off and opened the door for the angry bunny.

"Eh, just blow it off, what's his name already has them on his list or something he said, so if they bother us we can just report it and they might have to switch dorms, or we'd get to." The otter noted with a shrug, not nearly as bitter as his roommate.

"Meh, I guess...still those guys didn't strike me as the type that liked kids, or girls for that matter," The bunny chipped in his necessary homophobic remark before closing his door.

Chester heard every word however, thanks to his incredible eavesdropping prowess, and after hearing the older males speaking, he finally got the courage to ask Devon a question that had been on his mind for a while. After the canine let him down, he nodded in thanks and took a deep breath.

"Hey Devvy, can I ask you somethin'?"

This of course came as a surprise, since usually whenever something was on the boy's mind, he'd simply say it. "Well...sure, you can ask anything, what is it?"


Uh oh.

Devon did his best to not wince, or look too surprised, he simply shrugged and sat down on his bed, gesturing for Chester to sit next to him, but the boy climbed up on the dingo's lap and looked up curiously, still waiting for his answer.

"Heh...well, why do you ask first of all?"

"Cuz...people call you and Farl homos and stuff, so that'd mean they were calling you gay right? Saying you two like boys?"

Devon nodded, "Yeah, people say some unkind things, though can you keep a secret?"

"Of course!" The boy beamed, his tail lightly twitching in anticipation.

"When I was around your age, I had gotten to be best friends with Farl, and he has always felt like more than friend to me. And when I grew older, those feelings did as well. So...yeah, pretty much I'm gay, and so is Farl. I guess you could say that we've been boyfriends for a while now..." The dingo confessed, not having a hard time explaining to the squirrel what he meant. After all, he was a bright lad.

"Ooooh...well that's cool! You guys have always been best friends right?"

Devon smiled and chuckled, "Yep."

"So this means that you're always going to be best friends, right?"

"Well..." the canine paused for a moment. "I know I care a lot about him, but I'm not too sure on what love really is honestly, though I know that he and I will always be great friends, nothing can change that." The dingo nodded, almost tempted to add in 'not even his eating habits' though he didn't want to explain the whole vore thing to the boy, the gay issue was probably enough.

"Oh...ok! Well that's good then," Chester smiled, "And I won't tell anyone, promise!"

"Well thanks, I appreciate that, and so does the big lizard....though, why ask the sudden question?" Devon asked with a gentle poke, a little curious if the squirrel was a tad bit bi-curious perhaps, but the boy giggled and squirmed free from the lap.

"Just wanted to know! Wanted to ask over the summer cause I've seen you two kissing a lot, especially when you think no one is watching," The lad nodded.

"Gah!" And with that, Devon's muzzle nearly turned red at the fact he and his supposedly 'under-cover' boyfriend weren't so covert as they thought. "Well this is a surprise, though you should use your spying powers for good rather than evil." The canine chuckled and poked at the young rodent.

"Heheh, but being evil is much more fun!" The boy giggled and gave Devon a quick hug before he walked across the room to get something from his backpack. "Though I'll be good, promise! I won't even tell people I see you kissing your boyfriend all the time," Chester giggled.

The dingo's face was nearly red, but he stuck out his tongue and shook his head while reaching into his pocket, pulling out his cell phone. "Like anyone would believe a brainiac like you, but pipe down, I have to make that call..." Devon said less enthusiastically, but he got an understanding nod from his guest while the fluffy tail was hiked into the air and the pair of small, nimble paws looked around for something in the neatly stuffed backpack.

While hmming to himself, Devon scrolled down on his phone until he highlighted 'Taylor Residence,' and the number quickly dialed. After letting the phone ring four times, it was finally answered by a rather distracted sounding male.


"Hello, Mr. Taylor? This is Devon, how have you been?" The canine asked politely, looking to Chester who seemed rather distracted.

There was a little sigh from the squirrel on the other line, clearly bothered by something. "Ahh...Devon, back at school yet? Things are fine by me, though I'm trying to get the twins packed for a trip, they have an interview tomorrow morning at a prestigious facility and Chester refuses to help," Mr. Taylor grumbled out that last part.

That of course made a brow quirk, "He refuses to help?"

"Indeed, I have called for him for the past 30 minutes, and that boy still hasn't left his room."

"Er...well that does sound odd, but wouldn't that mean he wasn't in his room? Haven't you gone inside to check?" Devon sounded a tad worried.

"No no, it's nothing to really bother myself with. Chances are he's sulking since his mother plans to be joining the twins and I tomorrow morning, while he is to stay at home." There was some ruffling in the background, since apparently a phone call wasn't going to stop the busy father from packing.

"You plan to leave him by himself? No babysitter or anything?"

"Babysitter?" There was a chuckle that made Devon's spine tingle, "He'll be fine, besides, you and that friend of yours were the only two willing to do it for free, and for consecutive days. And you two are far away from my son as it is, besides, he has to learn to be more independent in life, he can't be a child forever."

Devon felt rather confused, so he pressed on with his questions. "Can't be a child forever? He's not even ten; doesn't that mean he gets to be a kid for at least a little bit longer? Just what kind of attitude is that? Besides, I didn't think that financially there was any problem..." The dingo bit his lower lip, "Sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that, just a stressful day and everything, still trying to re-adjust to the dorms." He noted apologetically, looking over to the squirrel who was flipping through a book on Farl's bed, giggling quietly to himself as he read.

"Hmm? I'm sorry, what was that? I think my reception is bad, I couldn't get what you said." That was an obvious lie; Mr. Taylor just wasn't listening.

"Mr. Taylor, Chester is right here in my room, sitting on the other bed. He showed up late this morning by himself." Devon was done beating around the bush; he was just being blunt.

"Oh? Well that explains why there was a call from the school earlier, since he didn't show up to class. He's a bright lad, I figured he went to the library to study, but he knows to be home before 4pm, and here it is almost 4:40pm. Though it sounds like he's in safe hands correct?"

That was a surprise, but Devon actually smiled a little as he responded, "Oh yes of course, he's just fine, and I could bring him by wh-"

"Splendid!" The interrupting squirrel chuckled, "Then would you mind watching him until next Thursday? Neither myself or the missus will be here, and you need not waste gas driving that troublesome boy all the way back to town, I will even alert the school not to expect him back just yet."

What the hell? Troublesome? The worst thing Chester had done was probably get on a bus by himself and traveled over 100 miles, yet that didn't seem to register to Mr. Taylor.

" want him to stay? I'm not so sure that-"

"Oh come now, Devon, you know you're one of his favorite people on the planet, probably the person he looks up to the most."

The dingo was about ready to remark that a boy as young as Chester should look to his supportive father as one of the most revered people in his life, though it was clear the boy had no such thing.

"You'll be compensated of course, and after checking the calendar I think it would be better if you held him until that next Monday actually. I have a weekend trip, and the twins have an awards ceremony." The still distracted sounding father added in, hoping to strike a deal with the canine, and using money to persuade a college student seemed like a perfect idea.

"But...Mr. Taylor..." Devon sighed, "Well if you'd insist, he'd be more than welcomed here, but the school would have t-" And once again he was interrupted.

"Ah, good to hear! I knew I could count on you, I felt confident in calling."

...What? "But...I called you, you at least want to talk to Chester?" The dingo stammered out, but still coherently.

"I would, but I really should finish packing, pleasure chatting with you again, I'll tell the missus to thank you as well. Take care, and try not to party too much, being the big coyote on campus and everything. If the school asks has a problem just have them call me, I'll set them straight. Tell my son I said hello, ciao!" Mr. Taylor chuckled and hung up the phone.

"That son of a bitch...he even got my species wrong..." Devon thought to himself, but those words almost escaped him as he heard nothing but silence after the call had ended without his consent.

Confused, angry, and feeling rather...well, confused, he looked over to Chester who had his back turned to the canine, still reading his book. With a heavy sigh, he tossed aside his phone and walked over.

"Well did you hear?" Devon asked, trying to sound cheerful about the sudden responsibility he now had resting in his paws.

"...Hear? Oh, what did my dad say?" Chester asked quietly, not looking up from his book, which struck the older male as odd.

"Well you get to stay longer, the- er, we thought it would be best since they were going to be out of town. How does that sound?" The dingo grinned, wagging a little as he began to peek over to see what the boy was reading.

"Th-That sounds great, I'm sure they're busy with the twins..."

Something was clearly wrong, and the smile Devon tried to put on quickly wilted as he spotted several wet spots on the pages Chester was supposedly 'reading.' It was then he realized that the boy hadn't turned a single page after opening his book; he simply sat there and listened as best he could, and cried his little eyes out.

"Chester..."Devon mrphed, cursing the fact the lad had such outstanding listening skills, though he could tell that Chester didn't seem too thrilled that he could hear both sides of a phone call on the other side of the room with his back turned.

The squirrel closed his book and sniffled, rubbing his nose with the back of his wrist while he sat there, staring at the barren wall with his legs crossed.

"Aren't you glad? You get to stay for...god knows how long..." The dingo tried to be positive, patting the boy on the shoulder.

"I am...but...why?"

"What do you mean why?"

Chester started to sob, this time it was audible while his tears began to stream down his face and a series of whimpers left his chest.

" they h-hate me?"

Devon blinked, but he went with his instincts and sat down behind the boy while he pulled him into a warm, comforting hug.

"No one hates you, especially not your family..." The canine said assertively, but still spoke soft since he had a sobbing squirrel resting in his arms.

"They do...I-I-I..." Chester tried to speak, and sniffled a few times before he managed to once again, "I try my best...I try to study, I do well in school...I'm bad at sports, a-and I'm not as smart as the twins, but I'm still just as good!" The boy whimpered, but saying that out loud only made him cry again.

Devon closed his eyes and gave Chester a loving squeeze, sighing as he used one paw to rub the boy's head, trying to help ease out those pent up tears.

"I-I cried on the bus here...c-c-cause I didn't think they would know I was gone...a-and I...I!"

"'s alright..." It was Devon's turn to interrupt, and he gently tried to soothe his crying friend.


"Shhh....just forget about them...they're busy, they have active lives. But it's not their intention on trying to neglect you at all."

"R...Really?" The boy sniffled again, his eyes still rather watery, but no fresh tears were streaming.

"Well yeah! You're their son! You're smart, talented, you have so much potential, and you'll probably be taking classes here in about four more years if not sooner! You're also a kind and sensitive kid too, a lot of people that learn fast tend to think they're superior, you're nothing like that." Devon nodded firmly, giving another little squeeze.

"I guess..." Chester paused, his eyes closed and he wiped his face again as best he could in the warm embrace. "But...I get bullied...and I don't have any real friends but you and Farl, cause only you guys treat me like I'm normal..." The boy mrphed and wiped his face, no longer on the verge of tears however.

"Well you are normal...but we're not the only ones, surely we can't be..."

"But...can I ask you something?" The squirrel almost whispered, deciding to not tell Devon just how wrong he was.

"Sure, you know you can ask me anything, little buddy."

"Am I...obnoxious?"

Devon blinked at that. "Huh? Of course you aren't. Sure you can be a bit of a know it all at times, but that's because you do know quite a bit..." The dingo chuckled, "Why ask that?"

"'Cause...I know I'm just some little brat that bothers you all the time. I...kinda feel guilty about doing it sometimes, since I think you're too nice to be honest with me..."

The room went silent, even the dull humming of the room couldn't be heard by the dingo as his mind quickly raced. Did he really feel that way? Of course not...right?

"What do you mean?" He asked quietly.

"You're more than twice my age, you have a best friend, a boyfriend, and there's really no reason why you should bother being around me...I mean, back home, as soon as I could, I started hanging around you and Farl almost everyday...cause you two seemed nice, and came over all the time to watch me. I really thought we were friends you know? But...I don't know...have I ever been a friend to you? I just...invite myself in whenever I can...and then you go off to school together, and I felt like I was being abandoned." Devon could feel a tear or two forming in his eye, but he didn't interrupt this time.

"And that means I was being selfish! I-I'm just some kid, you and Farl are grown up...I should be hanging around kids my own age, I shouldn't be bothering you two all the time...I know I wouldn't want someone bothering me all the time all because he can't make friends on his own..."

Chester would have continued, but all he managed was a squeak as he received a rather tight hug.

"No, don't you DARE speak like that ever again," Devon barked, causing the squirrel's alert ears to lightly splay.

"Chester, you are a very smart kid, but I hope this isn't what you do with your mind, thinking that Farl and I don't like being around you. You're like a little brother to us! We often worry that you're doing alright, but last school year we figured you were since we didn't get any phone calls, which was the only reason I had your home phone number still. But you think that I'd spend so much time around someone I wasn't fond of? I really like it that you hang around with us, I was worried we'd be corrupting you though, but you seem like you're mature enough to make your own choices without us influencing you."

Chester just sat there; it was his turn to listen now.

"I'm actually flattered you like hanging around, I don't get along too well with most other kids, or people my own age at that...don't know why, but you were always different. You can make me smile when I'm feeling depressed. You should have seen how mopey I was before I answered the door and saw you there. Heh, and I know Farl wasn't having one of the best of days either...we really like you Chester, and if your dad wants you to stay here, then you're welcomed to stay as long as possible."

"But...won't you get in trouble?" The squirrel squeaked, crying softly once more.

"Nah...and if we did, who cares? I'd rather be somewhere where I won't get chastised for having you with me, so if they say you have to go, I'll sleep outside rather than in the dorm. Hell, we could go camping or something, I don't need to be indoors to be happy, I need people I care about me." The dingo smiled, hoping he was getting through to the boy while his pudgy stomach lightly squished into the squirrel's back.

After a long pause, and a few more sniffles, Chester wiped his nose and looked up to Devon with nothing but admiration in moist eyes.

"You...really mean it?"

"Of course..." The canine leaned down and nuzzled that little squirrel nose gently, giving another squeeze with his arms. "I meant every word little guy, I swear it."

Devon eased up on his grip, letting the boy turn around. Chester quickly hugged around the canine's mid section, almost burrowing into the warm, soft, comforting body before him without saying a single word. With a wide smile on his muzzle, the canine lowered his arms and gave a tender squeeze to his new little roommate. There were three little words he wanted to mutter, but he didn't have the guts to do so.

The two sat there for nearly a half an hour, but Devon eased up and looked down to the tired looking lad, still clinging to his clothed, yet squishy stomach. His belly gained another admirer from the look of things.

Reluctantly, the dingo broke the silence. " wanna watch some TV?"

After a short giggled, the boy squirmed himself away from the snug tummy, blushing faintly, and nodded. "Sure!"

And with that, Devon flipped on some cartoons and the squirrel boy hopped over onto the dingo's bed for a better view, his spirits high once again. The canine took the book resting next to him and placed it on his worktable and sat down on the floor. He pulled a thick book from his own backpack and began to study while his little friend enjoyed a healthy dose of television.

Devon pretended to be reading, but his mind was elsewhere, and he kept glancing at the clock. He just had to wait; any minute that big lug of a gator would stagger through that door.

7:30 rolled around, Farl was late, and Chester seemed to be getting tired even as he watched the exciting, flashing lights before him. Devon figured he'd have to send the boy to bed soon, though he didn't want to force a bedtime on the lad. It was shortly after that thought the door unlocked and opened wide, revealing a rather smug gator with a shirt that struggled to hide his bulged mid section. Chester squealed, no longer appearing tired and zipped over, giving the gator a big hug while the reptile laughed and closed the door behind him with his tail.

"Heh, well this is nice! Missed me kiddo?" Farl smiled and ruffled the boy's head fur.

"Of course! And I get to stay longer! Hey...heheh, how much did you eat at your study session? Last time your shirt actually fit you!" The observant squirrel nodded.


"Heh, hey now, lets not pick on the gluttony lizard Chester, you might make him angry..." Devon warned playfully, smiling at Farl while tossing his useless distraction aside.

"Rawr! How dare you call me a lizard! You dogs and mice have no respect for us reptiles, I swear it's always an uphill battle with you!" The scaled lug chuckled and motioned Devon over to join the hug, which the canine did with a happy murr.

"So...what did I miss?"

"I get to stay longer..." Chester piped in, not bothering to go into details.

"So I heard already, that's great! How long?"

"I'll tell you about it in a bit Farl, but we should talk...erm, and go for a walk." The dingo paused; giving his boyfriend one of those, 'We REALLY need to talk' looks.

Fearing the worse, the gator nodded. "Sure gonna be ok here by yourself kiddo?" He asked the squirrel, not really wanting to leave him out, but it was quite certain he had some catching up to do.

"'Course!" Chester giggled and broke away from the hug. "But I feel a bit sleepy...and could use a snack..."

Devon smirked and broke away as well, quickly preparing a PB&J for his little friend, while Farl tried to slide his shirt down over his stomach, grumbling while some gas started to build up, but he held it in.

After offering the sandwich to the good spirited squirrel, the dingo and gator were out the door. Devon wasted no time in explaining what happened...

The two walked around campus as the outside lights turned on and all previously outdoor activities had ended, leaving it just the two of them. Devon led Farl to a bench just as he finished summarizing the evening he spent with Chester. The gator didn't interrupt, though after he was on the same page as everyone else, all he could do was sigh.

"Damn...that's just...messed up. They're giving him one hell of a complex, usually parents wait till they're teenagers to do that..." Farl grumbled.

"I know...I just....don't know what to do now, but I'm not going to send him back home to wait in an empty house for a family he's invisible to. That'd just be cruel. But at the same time..."

"We don't know if he can really stay...right?" The reptile grumbled again, about ready to strike something with how angry he was, but a soft paw lightly caressed his hand and all the negativity slowly melted away.

"We should go and ask Quincy, he'll still be up for a few hours, but I want to find out now. Though let's not tell him the entire story, deal?" The canine proposed.

"Deal...well then, shall we?" Farl chuckled and got off the bench, still holding onto Devon's paw, which of course got the dingo to blush again.

"Lead the way..." Devon murmured, but he perked his ears as a low gurgle got his attention. With a smirk, he poked the gator's stomach and looked up. " was he?"

"Heh, it was nice, no complaints here, and as always, I was a perfect gentleman." The gator nodded.

Devon rolled his eyes at that, but he decided he didn't need to know any details and began to lead the gator back to their dorm, looking for a certain horse that knew all the rules, and how to bend them as well.

Quincy answered his door after turning down his stereo, which made Farl smirk since the equine was apparently a LFRP fan as well. He invited the two inside, and they got to talking, explaining the situation without giving away as much as possible.

" want a guest to stay for a prolonged amount of time then?"

The gator and dingo nodded as they sat across from the horse on a couch.

"A guest that managed to sneak onto campus, so really no one knows he's even here?"


"A guest that isn't old enough to even look like he's attending the school?"


"And you want me to...allow this?"


"You guys have got to be kidding me..."

They expected that reaction, so Farl started to work his 'charm.'

"Yeah yeah, we know it's against the rules, but really, this is really, really important. This kid doesn't really have his own home to go to really..."

"Then he'd have to go to an orphanage or something...that's what the dean would say," The RA responded with a little sigh. "Sounds like he means a lot to you guys, but I don't think there's anything that I can do..."

Devon lowered his ears, but it didn't seem like the gator was going to give up so easily.

" about this, he's allowed to stay for a maximum of two nights right? Well...what if we made it so that no one saw or heard this little guest after that? He'd still be here of course, but he wouldn't be know?"

Quincy blinked and slowly shook his head while Devon looked just as confused. "How did you plan the do that? Going to stash the kid under your bed? I mean, sure I want to help, but it isn't like you can hide him forever. Sure I won't be searching your rooms, but people will start to wonder..."

"No they won't, hardly anyone has even seen him," The gator nodded. "Though...just trust me on this, he would be here, but he'd be out of sight, out of mind, he'd be completely quiet, Hell, I'll even stop blasting music. It'll be like he isn't here at all."

"I... don't know what it is you're planning...but you can't be serious can you?" The horse peered, but he was curious as to what the cunning reptile was thinking of.

"How about this, you can come by whenever, and if you ever see our little guest, then we'll send him home, or to an orphanage or whatever, but if you don't, then it'll be like we never had this conversation. Does that sound fair?"

"Wait wait...I don't know, this sounds a little too weird, what are you plotting?" The horse snorted, crossing his arms. Sure he was a laid back RA, but he didn't like being kept in the dark.

"Please Quincy...just give us one chance, how test us first? It's pretty much the weekend now and you can stop by whenever you'd like. We're going to be in the room mostly, and our visitor is going to be me." Farl sounded rather serious, and he looked to Devon who just gave a confused expression back to the reptile.

"I..." Quincy snorted again and sighed, "Fine guys...but this is a bit much, so if you are caught you're going to have to let me handle the paper work so you two don't get expelled for a stunt like this. That means, you can't tell anyone, you really shouldn't even mention it again. But at the same time, this does mean that I'm going to a great deal to trust you boys, so I expect some sort of compensation in return." The horse unfolded his arms, looking from the hapless dingo to the determined gator.

"It's a deal then, we can get to an agreement...thanks Quincy, but please just trust us on this, it sounds crazy, but it's nothing to worry about." Farl assured the horse, grinning toothily.

Devon blinked yet again, but he finally spoke up as he remembered something relevant. "Uhm...but I think our neighbors saw our guest...we have to te-"

"You mean the otter and rabbit that grow marijuana in their closet? I don't think they'd draw unwanted attention." The equine grinned, apparently having info on all of his residents and their ill deeds. Though this particular deed seemed to be the one with the best of intentions.

"Ha! Damn man, how can those guys be pot heads and still never be mellow?" Farl chuckled and stood up, offering his scaled paw out to Quincy.

"They're alright, just aren't huge fans of good music..." The horse smirked and the two shook on it, sealing the deal. "Pleasure doing business with you...but this conversation never happened, right?"

"Thanks for letting me borrow this CD Quincy, we'll be on our way!" Farl spoke loudly, startling the two in the room, but it seemed quite clear he knew how the system worked. "Now if you'll excuse us...have a good night dude, heh, check ya later." The gator murmured and headed for the door.

Devon stood there, looking back and forth between the two.

"Don't be strangers now guys," Quincy smirked and slumped back down on his couch while looking to the staring dingo. Though the horse shot a glance back to the gator and nodded to him. Farl leaned forward and slipped a folded piece of paper to the stallion who nodded, not touching it while his guests were still in the room.

"Uhm...bye? And...thanks?" Devon asked, confusedly, but he got a smile and a wave from his RA while his boyfriend yanked him from the room.

Without wasting a second, the dingo pulled Farl down to his level and yipped softly. "What the hell happened in there?"

"This isn't the best place to talk...lets head back to the room, this is big, but you're going to have to trust me on this." The gator nodded and kissed the canine's cheek, making it redden while letting out a soft sigh.

"You win...lets go..." Devon grumbled impatiently, but those thick, scaled digits engulfed his paw again, so he let his frustrations roll off his back as they walked back to their room.

By the time the two stepped inside of their dorm room, the lights were off and Chester was fast asleep on Devon's bed. Both of them were careful to be quiet, not wanting to wake their sleeping guest as they removed their shoes and got comfortable on the other bed. Farl leaned over and turned on the lamp on his nightstand, giving the two some light so they could see one another clearly.

" plan to tell me what's going on?" The dingo asked, ready to listen to what he hoped would be a simple explanation.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking about us. A lot." The gator retorted bluntly, his usually carefree demeanor buried under seriousness.

"About us?..." Devon felt a cool chill run down his spine as he feared the worst.

"Where do you see us in...lets say, 5 years? Both of us out of college probably, but what about us?"

"What about us? Well...we'd be living together, I'd be trying to find a job at a school, or I'd have one already to keep a steady income flowing in. You'd be with me of course...I wouldn't be making a lot of money, but so long as you'd be there I would be happy." It was clear that Devon did more than just a little thinking on the subject at hand prior to the question.

"That'd be nice...I dunno what I'm going to do, might switch majors, might be a music teacher or something, might try to join a band, hell, might even drop out of college all together to get an early start on working." Farl responded flatly, he did his fair share of thinking about this subject as well.

"Well...whatever you'd decide, you know I'd help out in any way I can. I mean, we've been together nearly our entire lives, and I'd like to keep it that way....but what does this have to do with Chester?"

"I've been thinking...ever wanted to have kids?"

The question made the canine stir, but he kept his voice down.

"I don't know...not really, I can't stand most of them, present company excluded. But we both know that, and I know damn well I'm not able to have kids, so unless you start subbing and laying eggs, I doubt we'll have any of our own." Devon barked out gently, a little sensitive about the topic due to his extra 'gift' between his legs.

Farl started to relax, and chuckled to himself. "No...I'm know we won't have kids of our own, but don't things seem a little odd and sudden for us now?"

"What do you mean?" Devon blinked.

"Think about it, we've known the Taylors since we were kids. When they had the twins we still knew them, at least as much as you can know someone that lives two houses down and comes to the block parties. I still find it strange about Chester though...and it makes me feel kinda bad really."

The canine was tempted to ask the same question once again, but he kept quiet.

"Did you ever think that Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were crappy parents? Even just once?"

"Erm...well, no not really, sure we babysat a lot, but there's tons of families that have to work all the time and have a busy schedule. It isn't like that means they hate their kids or anything..." Devon mrphed, trying to defend the man that called him a coyote after leaving his son with him.

"How many times did we baby-sit Chester?" Farl asked, leaning back on his bed to get more comfortable.

The dingo rolled his eyes and got comfortable right next to his lounging reptilian lover. "I dunno...too many to count."

"And how often did we watch the twins?"

That was when Devon started to get where things were going...

"Never...but-" He was interrupted.

"But nothing, if you have three kids, why need someone to watch over just one of them when they're so close in age? It had me thinking, maybe he didn't trust them with us." The gator chuckled once more, once again confusing the canine.

"Didn't trust us?..."

"Would you trust a couple of neighborly teenagers that clearly spend far too much time together with...oh lets say, a solid bar of gold?" The gator asked as seriously as possible, but he couldn't hide his grin.

"Uhm...I don't get what you're saying..." Devon grumbled.

"Well look at it from Mr. Taylor's point of view. He has two kids that are probably, I dunno, going to cure Cancer or AIDS or something, and it's no doubt that having custody over two, young celebrities in some crappy town that no one knows about is going to do more than move you into a bigger house."

"It'll get you noticed though on a national, maybe even global scale..." Devon added in, his ears slowly folded back.

"Exactly, I knew you were more than just a pretty face."

The canine blushed, but he didn't say anything.

"Pretty much, with all of the publicity and constant trips those two squirrels are getting, where does that leave Chester? It leaves him at home, or it leaves him constantly living in the shadow of his older siblings. Their mom is basically the manager for those kids, I think she's the one that gets their faces on the local magazines and pushes their names to the news papers."

Farl did have a point, and Devon was starting to see things from his point of view.

"So basically...Chester is screwed?"

"Fucked more like it, fucked really bad." Farl corrected, but he kept his voice down since the boy was still sleeping.

"Erf...well what about the twins? They sound like they're bad off..."

"I don't know, they seem to do alright and have one another. I suppose that's the beauty of having a twin, you have someone the same age as you, and since they spend so much time together, chances are they have learned to care for one another rather than making adversaries." The gator noted.

"I, the parents are neglecting their youngest for no reason then?"

"Pretty much, but from the sound of things it isn't intentional, I just don't think they know what it means to really be a parent, never did trust those corporal types."

"Well should we tell them then? Try to get them to change their minds?" Devon asked, sounding hopeful for a positive response, but from the look Farl was giving him, he wasn't going to get one.

"Like I said, it isn't intentional, but they're going to see it as one of those 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it' most likely."

"Then what's going to happen then? What about Chester? Is he just going to stay here for the rest of his life?" The dingo sighed, on the same page as the other male for the most part, but he hadn't bothered to ask the other male what else was on his mind.

"Nah...but I do know a place where he can stay, at least for a little while and out of sight..." Farl said and turned onto his side, his scaled paw moved to run against the canine's chest, but he gave a firm grope to Devon's belly, exciting a yip from the canine. "Right here..."

The dingo blinked, and batted the paw away from his mid section and pulled down his shirt with a sigh and a rolling of his eyes. "God damn it...I'm not going to eat Chester, be serious now."

"Who said anything about eating him? Though you probably could...would just have to stretch your jaws out, and with some pr-"

"Not funny...the stuff weirds me out as it is, and besides, I'd have no desire to off someone for a quick thrill, especially if I happen to like them." The canine noted rather harshly, frowning.

Farl just chuckled, and playfully poked at the canine's gut again. "One, I think you're being just a little biased. Two, there's many reasons I do what I do and I know I haven't told you exactly, but three, lets concentrate on Chester first, fair?"

"Fine, fair..." Devon grumbled.

"Now, remember how I said to Quincy that we could keep the kid hidden from view? I was basically saying that you could smuggle him around inside of you."

"What?...This is stupid, I already told you..."

"No, not in your stomach, but close..." The gator's voice got softer.

"What?.." Devon blinked, rather oblivious as to what his boyfriend meant; at least he was giving that impression.

"The space you're not using, and the space I think would be perfect..."

"No..." The canine's eyes widened.



"Yes." The gator said a tad bit louder.

"No!" Devon barked, but he quickly closed his muzzle after his little outburst. "You're out of your, no, no..."

"But the womb seems like it would be the best place for our child..." Farl spoke gently, not affected by the negative reactions he was getting. His claw tips lightly started to poke along Devon's front again, through his shirt however.

"Our...?" The canine squeaked, and began to wonder just how long had his lover had this mindset.

"Yes...he'll be ours, and I doubt that the Taylors are really going to wouldn't surprise me if they were going to move soon, but I think that we could take better care of him than they ever could, that's for damn sure."

Devon didn't argue that last point, since he knew it to be true.

"But...isn't that a little much? I mean, even the idea is...christ, wouldn't he die?" The canine asked and peeked over at the slumbering squirrel in his bed, he hadn't moved an inch since they walked in.

Farl shook his head, "You'd be surprised how much people have done really, the 'weirdos' you refer to that I hang out with occasionally. This however isn't uncommon in certain circles, but you are the only herm I know can be done." His eyes looked into his lover's with a faint glint of determination, but Devon still seemed rather disturbed by the very idea.

"'t be serious?" The canine whined.

"I'm very serious...very, very, very serious since it has been on my mind for a while, but today sparked it up again."

"He won't fit..." Devon whispered and tried to push away the rubbing digits on his belly.

"How do you know?"

"This won't work..."

"He needs us..."


"We need him too..."

Devon paused, unable to think of a way to answer...but a part of him did need that know it all boy peeking his head in and out of his life. He wanted to help, but he was just scared. Farl could tell, so he pulled his little canine close, and let him sob gently against his chest.

"It'll be ok Devon...I promise..." The gator mused quietly, rubbing down the dingo's back as a few tears dripped onto his shirt.

After letting out his tears, and wiping his nose, Devon looked up, smiling gently. He drew in a deep breath and looked over to the snoozing squirrel.

"Well...I guess we should...what? Wake him up or something? I mean...we can try...but if he doesn't agree, I'm not going to force it on him." The dingo mrphed, a part of him hoping that the lad would disapprove of what Farl had planned.

"Yeah...we should try tonight, since I told Quincy he could search whenever...and you stay put, I'll go and get him." The gator gave a quick smooch to his lover and released him from the hold.

Devon rubbed his cheek and watched as the bulky, shadow figure lurched across the room and picked up the sleeping squirrel without waking him up. Without thinking, the dingo slipped off his shirt and let it down on the floor while he patted the gut he had been growing since this pre-teen years, but his eyes soon darted to the gator holding the waking squirrel on his lap.

"Wha?" Chester asked with a big yawn, to show that he really hadn't been eavesdropping, he really was asleep. "Mrph...morning?"

"No, not yet morning little buddy, but Devon and I have been thinking, and we really want you to stay, but there's one condition..." Farl spoke warmly to the groggy lad, patting his head softly.

"Huh? Well I wanna stay...what s it?" Chester yawned again and adjusted his eyes on the two figures, giving them both a small smile.

"Here's the thing...we gotta put you some place private so that we don't get in trouble for letting you stay after you snuck understand?"

The tired boy nodded, rubbing his eyes as he looked to Devon, who looked rather nervous.

"I sure it'll be ok? I could just go home..." Chester mrphed, though he didn't want to be a burden.

"It'll be fine...right Devon?"

"Right..." The canine mumbled with a weak smile.

"Then it's settled, but I'm going to have to take your clothes off first or else they'll get wet...and I think you're going to feel really sleepy after we 'hide' you..." The gator spoke clearly so he wouldn't have to repeat himself.

The tired squirrel gave a light nod and slid off his over-sized t-shirt, one he got for his birthday from a certain gator. He quickly got rid of his shorts as well, not thinking twice mostly since he was feeling too warm anyway, and he was too tired to care.

Devon bit his lip, "Now...this is...going to seem weird, but you just g-gotta trust know we would never do anything to hurt you...right?" The concerned dingo asked, just wanting to make sure that if things actually did work, Chester wouldn't be too worried.

"Hehe...yeah yeah....I know.." The now naked squirrel looked over to the canine, giggling softly as he rubbed a paw against his crotch fur, grunting as he took care of an itch. The sight made the two older males 'aww' quietly as they shamelessly watched, but then Farl got back on track.

"Alright then...Devon, you need to get rid of those pants handsome, oh, and be sure to relax..." The gator chuckled, which made the canine sigh, but he got nude as well after a minor inner struggle.

'You can do this...' Devon told himself as he kicked away his boxers and rubbed a paw down his own crotch, feeling around his sheath, his sac, slowly working downwards until he rubbed up against the extra slit resting there. He couldn't help but sigh...though if his 'gift' could make things easier for his little friend, he'd do it.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to do this..." The canine mrphed, though Chester blinked and looked to the naked dog.

"What're you doing? Why are you rubbing yourself? have an itch too?" The boy peered curiously, but the dingo only sighed and spread his legs while he propped himself up on the headboard of the bed, revealing his nethers to the two.

Chester looked at the area that was being rubbed, but he didn't bother to make a comment on it, probably since his eyes still hadn't adjusted to the dark room, and he was already prepared to get back to sleep.

Farl stood up, but he gave the squirrel a little nudge in the dingo's direction while he started to undress as well, feeling left out of the nakedness apparently. His genital slit was lightly bulged, and Devon could tell since the masculine, dominant smell of musk filled his acute nose. The gator walked over and squatted down on the side of the bed, and rubbed his paws along the canine's mid section, kneading into his warm, soft pudge.

"You ready? I'm gonna 'warm' you up first..." The reptile mused gently and nuzzled his lover's cheek.

After a very, very deep breath, Devon nodded and removed his fingers from his slit, feeling a sweet smelling musk on his fingertips. Before the canine could exhale however, he felt something rubbing along his furred labia, something smooth and cool to the touch. It made his toes clench and his ears splay as a low coo escaped the dingo's mouth. His lower lips were always sensitive, so he refrained from playing with himself in that area...usually. Whatever was rubbing him though felt incredible as it swirled along the interior gradually, spreading his furry labia nice and slowly as it began to probe into his feminine region. Another gasp escaped the canine while he relaxed his toes and peeked down, curious as to what was getting him to squirm, and his sheath to swell. He let out a surprised yip as he saw that it was the tip of a thick, scaled tail that belonged to a certain, grinning reptile.

"How does that feel?..." Farl asked as he gently began to probe deeper, the ridges on his tail rubbing along the entrance of his boyfriend's vagina.

"Ooooh...g...great...go slow though...I...I..." Devon blushed. "I don't think I can concentrate...if I get too aroused too soon..."

There was a soft chuckle from the gentle, yet large reptile as he patted his lover's stomach and forced in a few more inches of his tail, feeling Devon stretch to accommodate, just as he hoped. With a low growl, the gator had slipped nearly a foot of his tail into the snug, fleshy interior. The ridges were luckily smooth, yet the girth of his tail continued to grow the deeper he pressed inside. He didn't hear anything from the dingo, well, save for a few moans and grunts, but not of him to stop. The canine gasped and yipped in excitement, his cock now fully aroused and his mound of fuzzy flesh was oozing with a slick, warm fluid that gave off an alluring scent.

Almost on the edge of moaning, Devon bit his lower lip and continued to relax. It was like being penetrated anally, but different all at the same time. However the canine could tell that his little passage should had been toyed with more when he was a horny teen, but he still had Farl back then, and the gator showed no interest in Devon's pussy, until now it seemed. After another grunt, the gator looked to see that his thick tail was feeling nice and snug, but he could still move it around inside of his boyfriend's nethers as the boy canine's eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head, and his cock dribbled with pre cum, adding to the mess on the bed sheets he was making. Chester however, just stared...and started to think he was dreaming, since the know it all squirrel boy had no idea what was going on before him, but it was making his little prick stir the more he watched.

Reluctantly, Farl began to pull free from his lover's passage, making said lover yelp out until he grabbed a pillow and bit into it, not wanting to wake the neighbors. With a wet squelch, the deed was done and the gator had his tail freed, and examined the dripping appendage carefully, checking to see just how much he got in by seeing what portion was wet and which was dry.

"Mmm...hope that felt good...but it looked like I got in...a little under three feet, but I could feel my tail start to curl, so I'm confident I made it all the way into your womb...could you feel it?" The gator asked, nudging the pillow from his lover's jaws.

"Guhaw..." Was all the dingo was able to mutter, with a goofy expression on his face, a dribbling vagina, and a rock hard odd combination.

"I'll take that as a yes..." The reptile smirked and gave Devon a quick kiss on the cheek before he got up on the bed behind Chester, being careful to not poke the boy with his own erection. "Now you think you're ready little buddy?" Farl asked, giving his special little squirrel boy a soft hug.

"Mmmm....sure...h-hey Devvy, you smell really nice when your wiener is all...leaky...heh..." The boy blushed heavily at saying that; his nose was twitching as he inhaled the mixture of both female and male dingo musks, as well as the gator's that was starting to add to the wonderful smell. " I go again?..." Chester mumbled, his eyes half open while the tip of his tongue stuck from his lips.

"'re going to your're gonna be there for a while...but Devvy and I will be with you still..." Farl said sweetly, kissing the boy between his ears, which made him giggle gently.

After a quick glance to the dingo, who was fighting the urge to play with his stretched vaginal passage and his throbbing penis at the moment, the reptile scooted Chester closer until he was sitting in a pool of fresh fluids. The gator reached down, stroking a scaled paw along the squirrel's thighs and legs, making him murrmur quietly as his little member continued to twitch and stir in his sheath until the tip of it poked free into the cool air. Carefully, Farl reached down to Chester's ankles, bound them together gently with his fingers, and presented the boy's foot paws to the flexing passage awaiting him.

"If you feel uncomfortable...either of you...tell me, and I'll stop..." The gator rumbled out, just loud enough to be heard by the two he was addressing. Devon managed a nod, and his claws began to dig into the bed sheets he was still soaking, grateful they weren't his own at least. Chester gave a sheepish nod of his own, still confused, but his breathing was relaxed. With a gentle push, Farl began to rub the little squirrel's toes along the lips of the dingo's moist tunnel as it gave off a steady, soothing heat.

There was a soft yip and squeak from the two mammals as the gator continued to work them both gently as he managed to press all ten toes of the panting rodent into the yielding flesh. Farl continued smiling at the sight as he leaked pre cum onto Chester's tail, but he kept himself focused on the task at hand. With another push, which was aided by a wet clench, the squirrel's feet were snuggly engulfed by Devon's feminine sex. The warm juices soaked into the boy's fur, matting it down as inch by inch were slowly fed to the rippling passage. The dingo grit his teeth, his breathing rapid while he began to clench down again, helping him to slurp Chester in up to his calves in one fluid motion, and at the same time causing the canine to moan out in pleasure.

Farl smiled and rubbed along the squirrel's front as the lad watched in strange awe while his friend's nether region started to draw him deeper inside. The soft walls folded around the feet and lower parts of the legs as the warm liquids continued to flow with ease and soaked deeper into the boy's fur. The gator shifted himself against the squirrel, still smiling benevolently while he eased Chester in up to his knees, but much to his surprise he felt a tug from Devon's folds as they took hold of the tired squirrel, eager to have him tucked away in the wet innards.

The smooth, sensual clenches around Chester's legs send little tingling chills up the squirrel's body as he watched down, with his eyes barely open, to see the slick passage claim more of him. Though the boy was quite confused with what was going on, he had placed his trust in his two older friends, knowing well enough they'd never do anything to hurt him. Though whatever it was they were doing, it felt incredible! Chester wasn't fully ignorant to sexual arousal, though he had never experienced anything such as this before. His penis was fully erect and was practically begging the squirrel to feel himself up, though his arms were kept at his sides and he barely had the energy to move. With another push from the gator behind him, Chester perked up as his cock was now rubbing along the insides of Devon's male slit, getting soaked in the sweet fluids that continued to pour forward. The boy barely managed a whine before he leaned his head back, feeling a scaled hand close around his own much smaller paw as his stomach started to vanish in between the dingo's legs.

Devon however, with his own arousal issues, was trapped under constant waves of pleasure that washed over him, tempting to pull him out into the wonderful embrace of sensation for eternity. Barely able to keep his mind straight, the canine gasped as he felt a little kick inside of his mid section, so he reached a paw down and felt around. Underneath the layers of pudge on belly, he felt Chester's feet, which surprised the dingo who doubted that this idea would never work, but now he was trying with all of his might to pull his little friend further inside, wanting to feel his entire body curled up deep within those tender folds. He managed to glance down, feeling a few fingers caressing along his stretched nether lips before he grunted and groaned, clenching down once again and exciting a squeak from the squirrel. Devon wasn't sure just how much he had pulled in already, though he figured he was at least half way done with his task. And with his reptilian lover easing Chester deeper into the seemingly eager flesh, Devon had gone too far to turn back now. Not that it was a bad thing.

With another firm clench, Devon worked his folds over the squirrel's paws and eagerly began to slide up and over his arms and chest. The boy let out another groan; his body nearly limp as the sensual pulsations claimed more of his body inch by inch. His cheeks were still red with blush and his eyes were closed as the wet tunnel drew in his chest, leaving only his head resting in the paws of the awe-struck gator, along with the tip of his tail. Farl leaned down and nuzzled along Chester's lips while he heard Devon panting harder, taking a short break from the sound of things. The squirrel and reptile shared a sweet, tender kiss as the canine started to tug again.

"We love you Chester...g'night," Farl whispered and pulled back, adding his lover with his task by giving a gentle nudge on the squirrel's head until it was all gone. Devon smiled as he heard those words, wishing he could have said the same, but all that left his mouth was a cute yip, followed by another groan.

The boy heard those words, and they helped keep that tired smile on his face. The wet, organic orchestra that was the dingo's body was oddly soothing, and the slick muscles pulled the lad until he curled up snuggly inside of a warm, and not too terribly tight chamber. He couldn't tell that he had added his own fluids to the womb of his canine friend, but he was so content and happy with just hearing that his best friends cared for him so dearly. Still disoriented, mostly due to his lack of sleep, Chester figured he'd get an explanation of what happened sooner or later, so he settled down underneath the layers of flesh, flab and fur that held him deep within Devon.

" I done?" Devon wheezed, penis raging hard and his mid section pleasantly stretched. He felt a large paw groping over his stomach, rubbing into his new bulge to help keep him relaxed and satisfied. He took that as a yes.

"You did wonderful love, though you made quite a mess," Farl chuckled and laid down next to the panting dingo, holding him close with one arm while his paw continued to feel over the slightly wiggling mid section as Chester got himself comfortable.

"How do you feel?" The gator continued, nuzzling against Devon's cheek.

"H-Horny," He chuckled in response, left in a euphoric state yet his poor nearly painfully erected shaft had gotten next to no attention.

"Mmm...need some help with that?" Farl cooed, slowly rolling his boyfriend onto his side, letting his stomach rest on the bed while he began to grope over the canine's cock.

After a few teasing tugs and squeezes the dingo whimpered and grit his teeth. With what strength he had left he began to grind his rump against Farl, curling his toes as he gave his rather 'subtle' gesture.

"Please...take me," Devon shivered, reaching a paw down to feel his belly while his body craved to be mated by the larger male.

Farl's grin grew, and he gave a few grindings of his own while he relaxed his groin and let the first few inches of his large member slip free and rub along Devon's tail hole; no sense in waking up Chester. His cock dripped with his musk, and luckily started to act as a natural lubricant while the gator's grips meshed up against the dingo's backside. With a low growl, and an innocent peck on the cheek for his lust ridden lover, he started to penetrate nice and slowly.

"'re already mine..." The reptile churred and snaked both arms around Devon, feeling the heat from his blushing form and hugging him tenderly as he fed the dingo's tight tail hole several inches of his well-endowed maleness.

Devon yipped at first and splayed his ears while the pressure started to build and his anal flesh began to spread in order to accommodate for Farl's penis, though the uncomfortable sensations quickly turned more pleasurable as his tail hole relaxed and began to softly grip over that huge dick. It didn't take much effort for the gator to feel his heavy, scaly scrotum resting against Devon's, and with that the larger male reached down to fondle his quivering canine's crotch as the lovemaking truly began. Using the natural fluids as lubricant, Farl was able to pump his thick meat in and out of Devon's quivering tail hole while he played over the dingo's member, feeling the base of the canine's shaft already swelling up to form his knot and causing the submissive male to whine through gritted teeth; they weren't going to be waking the neighbors.

The thrusts became faster and the two reached closer to the edge of their arousal peaks. Devon began to clench down around the throbbing length in his ass, exciting low growls and grunts from the hefty reptile who rubbed his cock head firmly over the canine's prostate. More juices start to soak into the bed sheets as pre cum oozed freely from Devon's erection and his balls began to pull up in anticipation for his climax. After taking someone into his nether depths, he never imagined it would put him into a near lust filled frenzy, but he couldn't find any reason to complain. He only whimpered out for more, and he got just that, along with a few nibbles on his ears.

Creaks and quiet moans filled the air while the bed shook under the weight of the two males, but after one last powerful thrust from the gator it was all over. Panting, and with his cock being milked by Devon's ass Farl rubbed his now white coated fingers along the blankets, figuring one more thing to wash wouldn't be so bad. The poor canine however nearly passed out as he was lost in the overwhelming passion and pleasure, unable to breathe for a few seconds, but gradually started to recover. He didn't relax his pucker, wanting every last drop Farl had to offer, and the big lug wasn't about to complain of course. He simply held the exhausted dingo closer and sighed, kissing him on the cheek again before pulling his head to rest against the gator's smooth, scaled chest.

"I love you Devon..." He whispered before closing his eyes and squeezing the love of his life in his arms, along with their 'son' tucked away inside.

"I...ooh...Farl..." Devon sniffled, but he shook his head and let himself relax in those strong, yet gentle arms while his exhausted body began to settle. "I-I love you very much...both of you..." He whispered in response, and only got another squeeze from Farl before drifting off to sleep.

_ ** ~~~The Next Morning~~~ ** _

Farl awoke with a massive yawn and smacked his lips. His eyes adjusted to the light in the room while he looked down to the sill snoozing canine in his arms. He gave a soft chuckle and kissed Devon on the cheek before he began to get up, having to withdraw his spent cock as well without waking his lover. His eyes scanned the bed...such a mess, but luckily the laundry room was just a short walk for him, though he'd have to wait for Devon to wake up, no sense in waking him, or Chester for that matter.

He got up and yawned again, unable to control his body from waking him up at dawn every morning. Carefully he leaned down and pressed the side of his head to Devon's mid section, and he was relieved to hear quiet breathing from inside of the dingo's womb. Everything worked perfectly so far, all that was left was the clean up. After picking up some discarded clothing and tossing them into the clothes hamper he sat down at his computer and picked up his bass. The reptile plucked a few strings as he waited for the day to begin, his mind already trying to guess what was going to happen.

After an overdue trip to the bathroom, the gator sat and waited, watching his boyfriend sleep peacefully, occasionally pawing at his stomach in his slumber.

After two hours of the luckily quiet bass playing, Devon finally began to stir and sat up, rubbing his head with one paw and his stomach with the other. Still in a daze he smacked his lips before they were kissed by a large, scaled snout.

"G'morning beautiful, sleep well?" Farl chuckled and nuzzled at the now giggling dingo.

"Even better than Chester alright?" The canine asked, sounding rather worried now but he was given a reassuring nuzzling.

"Yeah he's fine, still breathing and I think by now he may or may not have a cord attached to his navel." Farl hmmed and rubbed his chin in thought, though this made Devon blink.

"Crap...I didn't think about him needing to eat or anything, but you think he has an umbilical now? I don't have any idea how that wou-"

"Don't worry about it babe, trust me I got all of my info from good sources. He's gonna be just fine, and if he needs to get out for any emergency you'll be able to tell. You're a lot closer linked than before, which is saying a lot." The gator smiled and rubbed over the sleeping boy.

Devon gave up trying to find out just where and how Farl got this information or how any of this was going to work out, but he felt nothing but contentment and happiness inside of him now so there was no reason to bother with questions and over analyzing things.

" know best, though what am I going to do about my er..." The dingo trailed off, blushing since he's chubby stomach would of course get attention and lots of questions.

"Simple, you can wear my shirts, they're big enough to conceal our little squirrel, and if you go to the pool or something, just say you haven't been hitting the gym." Farl chuckled again and resumed rubbing that soft, fuzzy stomach.

"Mmm, fair enough...good thing he's so small, otherwise I'd look morbidly obese. Though it does feel nice...very nice." Devon murred and wagged his tail, kissing Farl on the cheek before his stomach gave off an ominous growl.

"Erf...I think Chester is getting hungry too...shall we go and get breakfast now? I am eating for two after all..." The dingo giggled, stroking his tummy as well.

"Heh, no problem, but first we gotta shower up and toss those sheets into the washer, I mean if any canine came by they'd be able to tell that we didn't clean up after a long night." The gator smirked, though he perked up, as there was a knock at the door.

"Hey guys it's me Quincy, you awake yet?" The horse whickered while waiting, not unlocking the door just in case the two weren't dressed.

"Uhm yeah! Give us a sec though and we'll put some clothes on," Farl said while he was already wiggling himself into a pair of briefs and jeans after tossing one of his shirts to Devon, who quickly slipped it on to at least partially hide their guest.

After some shuffling and grunting, Farl answered the door, not bothering with a shirt, but he looked down at the horse and smiled.

"What can I do you for?"

"Well after you two came by last night I figured I should step by, make sure everything is in order." The horse stated flatly, rather tired as well from the look of things.

"Not a problem, like I said everything is just fine," the confident reptile retorted and stepped aside.

Quincy peeked his head into the open door and spotted Devon on the bed, who gave a little wave to the RA. Figuring he had seen enough, and didn't see anyone else around on the outside things were going to be fine. He snorted and leaned back, nodding.

"Alright, thanks guys but you really should do something about the smell. Though I hope to meet that kid you were talking about sometime, though I'm going to head back to bed. Heh, catch you later." The horse grinned, stretching out before going back to his room with a light swish of his tail. Muttering to himself, "Can't believe it actually worked..." though he smiled and knew he wouldn't have to check by again.

"Oh feel free to, I'm sure he'll be around in nine or so months, unless something unexpected happens," Farl smirked and closed the door, going back to help Devon to his feet.

The two shared a hug and a kiss while their son gave a weak squirm before settling down once again.

"Nine months?...Sounds like a long time," Devon said quietly, his eyes closing as he relaxed into those strong arms.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of everything," Farl smiled, his eyes closing as well.

"I love you..." the canine sighed happily, light as a feather.

"Love you too, both of you," the reptile rumbled and ran a paw over Devon's mid section, feeling a churr emit from inside of the dingo's womb.

It was going to be a long, rewarding nine months.