Night Hag, part 1, chapter 2

Story by J_Kitch on SoFurry

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Last time, a wolf named Aaron was dumped by her girlfriend. Distraught, Aaron retired to his dorm room in college to blow off some steam; while doing so, he discovered a shocking secret... in the ghostly form of an enthusiastic lover..

Aaron awoke the next day on the floor... it was just barely before dawn... the glow of the sun was starting to break over the horizon outside his window. He lifted his head slightly, and swore he could feel something... when he tried to move, the reality of the previous night hit him like a heavyweight. He lifted his free arm, and groped around his side.... He couldn't see anything, but he could certainly feel a presence beside him... a warm presence. A... moving presence. Aaron yelped quietly, and jerked his arm back, only to feel a hand caress his face.

"Bout time you woke up, sleepyhead." Came a familiar voice.

"Shit..." Aaron whimpered... it was the only thing he could think to say.

"Yes, it was real." Anne, as identified by her 'screen' name, responded.

"Uhh... what... what are you? Why are you here?" Aaron blurted out, spilling out questions rapidly, clumsily.

"I'll let you get your bearings first... but sufficed to say... maybe you should check on the history of this dorm... more specifically... your room." Anne answered, and then Aaron felt her weight shift, as she straddled him. He could see a mist now, at least... see a vague outline of her body.

"Hey..." Aaron protested, before he felt his lips caressed by hers. He pushed against her, then melted into it, his hands wandering to her hips as he remembered just how... enthusiastic she was the previous night.

Anne raised herself off of him slowly, bringing her heavy breasts to his lips. He eagerly responded, cupping and squeezing gently the breast he wasn't suckling, feeling more secure this time. Anne sighed softly as the pleasure warmed her, and gently eased herself into a position to roll Aaron onto his side with her.

"You don't have much time, Aaron..." she whispers. "I... I need something from you."

Aaron stopped his suckling, and opened his eyes... expecting the worst.

"Aaron... I've been watching you for so very long... since you arrived here... I've watched your most private moments... watched you sacrifice for that bitch..." Anne whispered into his ear, her voice filled with emotion. "I could make you so happy, Aaron... but you have to make me real."

Aaron stopped suckling, staring into the mist where Anne's head would be.

"I need more of your essence, Aaron... I need you to come in me... so I can become real again." Anne whispered, throwing a leg over his hip to push him closer to her. "I want to be with you."

Aaron pulled away slightly. "Hey... aren't you dead?"

"Well... yeah..."

"I'm not so sure I WANT a dead girlfriend."

"I don't have to STAY dead."

"You KNOW what I mean... I've seen 'The Grudge'... you'll have to haunt this place forever or something, right?"

Anne laughed softly. She shifted herself again, so that Aaron was on top. His morning erection was already halfway ready to be of use to her.

"It doesn't work that way, Aaron... but it's up to you." She said softly, easing his head down to her breast once more. "I could make you happy, Aaron... if you believe that, then please..." she whispered, drawing her thighs up along his waist.

Aaron considered that for a moment, and then asked, "So... what will happen?"

"I'll be able to be with you once you give me enough essence to compose a real body again... I don't see how that'll be a problem, either... and it'll stay real as long as you keep me... topped up, so to speak." Anne answered. "I'll still be a ghost... but with a living body once again."

Aaron held his pose, before he let himself rest more firmly on her form, and found her nipple once again. Anne sighed happily, and held the back of his head, gently, as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"You won't regret it, Aaron..." she whispered, as she felt his member harden slowly as he fed on her breast. She groaned softly and rubbed her slowly moistening pussy lips up against his member, feeling the heat of his cock massaging her most private regions. He nibbled on her nipple ever so nicely, just barely using his teeth, swirling his tongue around her nipple feverishly. Anne groaned deeply and arched her back, pushing upwards too with her hips as she lay her head back, grinding her moist entrance against his hardened meat. Slowly, he repositioned himself, and drove himself into her. She gasped, and tightened her grip on him, before she slowly began to hump against his body. He started slowly, but Anne's whimpering told of a different need.

"Please Aaron... you can make me cum later..." she begged him. "You don't have much time... I need you to cum in me..."

Aaron nodded, and raised his head away from her breasts. Sitting up on his arms, he started to drive himself into her harder and faster, while she bucked up against him in perfect sync, her ankles locked around the small of his back. Aaron grunted, feeling her pussy walls flexing around his cock... she was tightening herself, pushing up against him, gasping as she strained to keep assaulting Aaron's cock with the slick grip of her tunnel. She rolled her hips up against his thrusts, which were coming more quickly now, as Aaron grunted and pounded harder into her.

"Yes, Aaron... fuck me! Fuck me hard!" she gasped, whimpering as she dug her fingers into his shoulders... even though Aaron wasn't doing anything with his hips but just tossing them at her own... his cock felt so very good inside her... and she could feel her pleasure building quickly, feeling Aaron using her body so aggressively, she hadn't felt that in so very many years. She gasped and groaned loudly, her thighs tensing as she bucked wildly up in response to Aaron's quickening pace. His cock twitched within her, and Anne whimpered softly, knowing Aaron was ready to climax. He thrust three times, firmly, none-too-gently, and then buried himself inside her, groaning into her cleavage as he leaned forward and slowly slumped down onto her body, pumping his cum out into her waiting, ghostly body. Anne sighed softly, and petted his head lovingly.

"Thank you... until I can take a more physical form... I can't leave this room or stay tangible during the day... it won't be long now, though... as long as you can keep it up." Anne giggled softly, her body starting to take on a more visible shape... he could even make out her spotted markings, until the light from the sun washed into the room. Aaron blinked and yelped as he suddenly found himself cradling nothing, and crashed onto the floor as Anne seemed to blink out of existence. Aaron grumbled, and rubbed his snout, rolling onto his side and getting himself up. Looking outside the window, he rested his arms on the sill, and looked at the morning frost that still lingered on the glass... smiling gently to himself as he read the words written hastily there...

"See you tonight."

Part 1 of 2 of Chapter 2.