Confusing Feelings Chapter 1: First encounter

Story by Yuki_wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Confusing Feelings

This is my very first story and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated but please don't be to harsh I'm somewhat sensitive about my work. I hope you enjoy it. ^^

Steven awoke to the sound of his alarm buzzing loudly. He reached over with a groggy groan and shut it off before getting up and padding across the room. He let out a yawn as he stretched out his limbs and continued out the door. He lives in a small apartment by himself and makes a living working at his cousin Ashlee's drugstore after school everyday. He works pretty hard and between work and school he doesn't have much time for fun or a social life, but that's all about to change. Steven turned into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror for a moment, his eyes still adjusting to the light. He was just over 6 feet tall with soft white fur and a bushy tail. His father was a very large wolf with gray fur and his mother was a vixen with very light orange fur. He often wondered why his fur was white but didn't stress over it to much. He had his father's muzzle and a similar body that was quite muscular even though he was only 16. His ears and tail however were more like his mother's. His tail was big and bushy and his ears were short and somewhat pointy like hers. The only feature of his that differed from both of his parents, besides his white fur, was his eyes. They were a very light blue, almost white, color that often reminded him of snow. He could remember looking at his father and mother's similarly dark blue eyes and wondering why his were like that. He didn't mind it though, in fact his eyes were one of the few things about himself that he liked.

After he turned away from the mirror he padded slowly over to the shower and turned on the water before stripping off his clothes. When he felt that the water was at a comfortable level he climbed in and felt the warm beads of water slide along his fur. Not even a minute after he started to relax he heard a pounding on the door. He quickly turned off the water and wrapped a towel around his lower half to conceal his private area. He walked over to the door angrily not even thinking about his half-nakedness before he swung the door open.

"What?!" he asked in a somewhat angered tone with a low growl and his ears pointed sharply upwards.

His ears quickly flattened when he saw his cousin Ashlee standing there. She was about a foot shorter than him with thick orange fur and a tail that was even more bushy than his.She was standing there with a sly grin and was visibly blushing even through her thick fur. He looked quite confused until he noticed what she was looking at. He realized his lack of clothing and turned pure red under his fur. Ashlee quickly shifted her gaze when she noticed she had been staring at his crotch the whole time.

"I um..just came to ask if could come into work today she said looking nervously at him.

He couldn't help but stare at the floor he was so embarassed.

"Um..yeah sure...I'll be by at about that ok?" he asked whilst still staring at the floor.

"That's perfect" she said with a giggle as she glanced down one more time and walked away.

Steven let out a big sigh of relief as he watched her walk down the stairs happily. He shut the door and quickly froze as he noticed how he looked at the moment. The towel was on the floor behind him and his dick was emerging from his sheath. He let out a howl as he screamed.

"Holy shit when did the towel fall..and why do i have an erection?!". He stood in shock as he thought to himself "oh my god did Ashlee see?!".

It took him awhile to calm down and get back to the shower.


He finished his shower and got dressed and when he looked at the clock he saw that his classes started 5 minutes ago. He ran around the house frantically trying to gather his things and get out of the house. By the time he got to class he was 15 minutes late and his teacher just looked at him with a bit of a disappointed grin and pointed at his seat telling him to sit down. He walked over to his seat quietly with his head sunk low in shame. As soon as he sat down his head hit the desk and the next thing he knew he was asleep. He bolted upright in his seat when his teacher hit his desk. The room was empty and he realized that he slept through class. His teacher sat on the edge of his desk with her legs crossed and just looked at him.

He looked at her nervously but couldn't help thinking to himself "she's so hot!".

She was a slender cat with black fur and large breasts. Steven often wondered how big they were and what they looked like under that bra of hers. He quickly snapped back to reality when he felt a warm paw on his knee. She was now looking at him with a serious yet devious looking grin on her face.

" What am I going to do with you Steven. You came in 15 minutes late without so much as a sorry and then you fell asleep for my entire lecture. What do you have to say for yourself?" She asked, the grin disappearing from her face.

Steven whimpered lightly in submission as he apologized.

" I'm sorry teacher I just didn't get alot of sleep last night and this morning I had some..problems" he said with a bit of an embarassed tone.

He would be even more nervous if he knew the "punishment" his teacher had prepared for him. She smiled at him as she took off her jacket slowly.

" what do you think should be the punishment for your actions?" she said with a seductive tone as she dropped her jacket to the floor.

Steven was in total shock and couldn't think of anything to say. He had picked up on the tone in her voice but thought he was imagining things. He had imagined this sort of thing a thousand times but never would he have expected this. He almost fell out of his seat when he felt her paw slide up his inner thigh. She could tell how nervous he was when she saw sweat drip down his fur. She slowly moved her muzzle next to his ear and softly whispered seductively.

" I've fantasized about you many times while I sat at my desk and a couple times I actually stayed after class with the door locked and played with myself".

This time Steven did fall backwards in his chair and when he opened his eyes he couldn't see his teacher.

He thought he was imagining things until he heard a click and saw his teacher locking the door. He then stood up quickly and tried to speak but was interrupted by his teacher's soft lips pressing against his. Her eyes were closed and one of her paws was scratching behind his ears while the other quickly seized his cock. It wasn't until then that he noticed his throbbing erection. He moaned into the kiss slightly as he felt the paw start to move up and down his fully exposed member. He whimpered and opened his eyes when he felt the paw move away. His teacher just smiled and without a word she started to unbutton her shirt. Steven was in shock once again as the shit hit the floor and her breasts were hidden by nothing but a black lace bra. His jaw dropped and his tongue was hanging out of the side of his mouth.

"well?" his teacher said softly with a lustful look.

Steven looked at her in confusion until he saw her looking at his bulge. he quickly ripped his shirt off and unzipped his pants but stopped when he heard a bit of a gasp.

" I never imagined you were that big!" his teacher said with her eyes wide as she licked her lips hungrily.

Steven smiled as he just kinda looked off into space. He couldn't believe this was really happening and thought it must be a dream. He realized it wasn't a dream when he felt his pants and boxers rip down sending a cold sensation over his body. He looked down to see his teacher in nothing but her underwear sitting on her knees looking up at him. Before he could say anything he felt a warmth surround his cock to about the middle and knew what was happening. He moaned softly as he felt more and more of himself slip into the warm wetness of his teacher's mouth. She had her eyes closed and seemed to be enjoying this just as much as him. He could feel her tongue sliding along the bottom and sides of his shaft. Teacher gagged a little as inch by inch of him slipped into her throat until her mouth was resting against his groin.

He moaned in pure ecstacy as he felt his entire 8 inch cock throb inside of his teacher's muzzle. She stopped for a minute to allow her throat to get used to the length and girth being forced inside but soon enough she slowly slipped him out of her mouth until only his tip remained then almost instantly, his full length was back inside where it felt the warmth wrap around and give him so much pleasure that he could feel his climax approaching as a small bit of pre cum slipped down his teacher's throat. She purred softly onto his cock causing it to twitch in delight from the vibrations as she bobbed her head faster and faster up and down his shaft. He moaned loudly as he felt his sack tighten and an explosion of cum shot from his tip and down his teachers throat. She almost gagged as she pulled back allowing the first shot to slide down her throat while he continued to fire stream after stream of his hot sticky seed into her mouth. She continued to suck on his tip until the flow of his cum came to a complete stop and then with one large gulp she moved his entire load down her throat and let out a soft moan. Steven collapsed back onto his desk as he panted heavily with his eyes shut. When he opened his eyes they were greeted by his teacher's.

" you taste even better than I imagined" she said as she licked her lips.

Steven just smiled at her and closed his eyes again. He twitched when he felt her warm breath on his ear.

" you don't think we're done do you?" she asked lustily.

His eyes shot back open to see his teacher removing her bra and there they were, the breasts he had fantasized about so many times. They were perfectly rounded and even bigger than they looked through the tight confines of her clothing. He could feel his cock poking back out of its sheath as she bent over and removed her panties that were drenched in her juices. He was in a daze as he stared at her slit. He could smell her arousal as she stood back up and walked over to him with a smile on her face. He couldn't help but watch her breasts jiggle and her hips sway as she moved. When she got back to the desk where he was laying, she took his paw in hers and led him to the front of the room and sat on her desk.

" now for your next assignment I want you to fuck me right here on my desk" she said as she swept everything off the top of the desk and layed down. Steven became nervous again because he was a virgin and had no idea what he was doing.

She could tell he was worried so she told him " don't worry sweetie you're not being graded on your performance so just come here" she stated reassuringly with a wink.

Steven regained his confidence and crawled onto the desk and slowly crawled up so he was looking his teacher in the eyes. She leaned forward and kissed him passionately as her paw guided his now fully-emerged erection into her slit. Steven moaned into her muzzle at this new sensation traveling through his body. He could feel the walls of her cunt wrap around his cock tightly as he slowly started to thrust. He watched as inch after inch of him disappeared into his teacher. She let out a soft moan as she bucked her hips up into his thrust hilting him completely inside. Steven wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly as he continued to thrust in and out slowly. He was worried that he wasn't doing very good as he looked into his teacher's eyes. She could tell he was worried by the way she felt his strong muscles tensing up so she smiled at him and licked the tip of his nose lovingly. This made Steven's tail wag like a pups and it awakened his carnal instinct to fuck her brains out. He started thrusting faster and harder and surprised himself at how fast he was going. His teacher moaned loudly as she bucked in unison with his thrusts. Like Steven, she couldn't believe how fast he was moving and could barely keep up. They joined in another kiss but this time teacher opened her mouth and forced her tongue inside of Steven's.

He was somewhat surprised by this assault on his muzzle but he soon started to mimic her and massage her tongue with his. Steven let out a small stream of pre cum that coated her inner walls and pushed her over the edge. She wrapped her legs around him tightly as she came hard on his shaft. It was such a powerful orgasm that her moans became inaudible screeches of ecstacy and her juices dripped down Steven's fur pooling on the desk beneath them. Steven thrusted even faster as he felt his climax approaching rapidly until he finally exploded. His shots fired deep into her love tunnel so hard that it took awhile for them to drip back down onto him. The shots were so powerful it caused teacher to orgasm again as she milked every last drop of his seed into her. This orgasm didn't last as long but it was just as powerful and it shook throughout her entire body. Steven collapsed on top of her as they both started to come down from their high. When he looked up at her he noticed she was already asleep and smiled, but the smile disappeared from his face and was replaced by one of both confusion and fear as he realised what he was thinking about. He dismissed the thought from his mind and layed his head between his teacher's breasts as he fell into unconsciousness.

The last thing he thought was " why the hell am I thinking about Ashlee?!"

To Be Continued...