Warriors to lovers

Story by WolfJosh on SoFurry

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Vallen- 6'5" grey wolf, wearing full body armor, welding a battle ax.

Erebus- 6'9" dragoness, wearing full body armor and helm, welding a broad sward.

Not a sequal to my first story. Vallen and Erebus are © of Joshua A. Thomson and Dianne Goldstein.


On the world of Voranx furs and dragons have fought for untold generations. The wars were brutal leaving only a hand full of furs and dragons left. A peace treaty was signed and both side decided to stay in their own territories. Only a large forest stands between the territories. There some furs and dragons still fight.

In a clearing a wolf morph named Vallen stands ready with his battle ax to fight a dragon completely covered in armor, making it impossible to see what the dragon looks like. The two ran into each other by accident. Both were returning home after fighting separate engagements.

Vallen prepares himself, both staring at each other. Then suddenly they both charge at the same time. Both their weapons clang together. The dragon moves quickly, striking fast. Vallen has a hard time fending off the dragon attack, but he sees his chance and is able to trip the dragon.

He sands over the dragon ready to strike a killing blow when the dragon removes its helmet and he catches his breadth. What he thought was a male dragon was in fact a dragoness. Vallen has never seen such a beautiful creature in all his life. The dragoness tries to get up but Vallen quickly holds her arms down and looks into her eyes.

"Who are you," asks Vallen.

"What's it to you? You are just going to kill me anyway," growls the dragoness.

Not knowing what he is doing Vallen bends down and kisses her passionately on the lips. This catches the dragoness completely by surprise. Her thoughts are to bite his tongue off but instead she returns the kiss, their tongues wrapping around each other. He gently breaks the kiss and looks into her eyes again.

"I ask you again, who are you?"

The dragoness sighs and looks into Vallens eyes, "Erebus."

"That is a beautiful name for a beautiful creature." He returns to kissing her.

Slowly they both start taking their armor off until they are completely nude. He licks her breast and slowly moves down and starts licking her slit.

She moans at the feel of his tongue, loving the feel as her slit get moist.

He stop licking and kisses her again. He takes hold of his cock and massages her slit with it, but not entering just yet. She moans and looks at him pleadingly, "Please, don't tease me."

Smiling Vallen plunges his cock into her pussy, causing her to arch her back and gasp in pleasure. He starts thrusting, his knot slowly expanding and begins to fill her pussy.

"Ooooooohhhhhh gggooodddds yyyeeeeessssss" she moans as the cock slams into her.

Vallen lightly howls as his knot gets tight and precum starts to drip out as he gets close to his orgasm.

Erebus hugs him tightly, moaning as she tries to hold back her orgasm.

Vallen thrusts his cock into her as deeply as it can go and howl in pleasure as he cums, shooting his load deep into her at the same time she roars and orgasms as well, their juices mixing with each other.

Vallen gently lays on top of her as they start to calm down. He looks into her eyes before falling asleap, "I love you."

Erebus looks at him and replies, "I love you too."

They both fall asleep in each others arms. Two beings who should have been enemies have broken the barriers of hatred and have fond love. Not caring what the future will bring, only wanting to stay in each others arms and enjoy the warmth of their bodies.


This is my second story, it is not a sequal to my first story and its shorter then the first. I hope you like it and if you have any comments the send them to [email protected]