Ch.5 Familiar Face

Story by Cubone Gal on SoFurry

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#5 of Horror Asylum

Jane was practically burying herself in Dr. Morgan's chest, letting him hug her like a scared child. "Shhhhhh... Just let it all out..." He said, rocking her.

"They made me and Rika... th-they..." Jane sputtered, crying. "I can't take it anymore...! I'm supposed to be getting better but they're only making it worse!"

"I know, Jane... I know..."

"Isn't there anything you can do...? I wanna get outta here!" She cried

Gary sighed, "Jane... there's a huge web of red tape keeping you here... and me here for that matter..." She just sniffled. "But I'll try my best to get you and Rika safer..." He said.

Jane hugged him tightly. "Thank you... Doctor..."

"You're very, very welcome, Jane." He said. "You can talk to me about anything, you know that." She sniffled, looking up at him.

"Dr. Morgan... I saw that man in my dreams again..." She said.

"The white-haired mutt? And the sword?" He asked. She nodded.

"Wh... who do you think he is?" She asked.

The husky adjusted his glasses. "Well, he might not be a real person. He might be a visual your mind has concocted for something in your past... and the sword hints at violence of course, and the field of bodies."

"A... Am I... Am I a killer..?" She asked.

"No, I don't think so. I think you've witnessed or experienced some horrible violence. Some kind of trauma or another did this to you. People don't just lose their memories for no reason. Plus, that scar says that something bad's happened to you..."

She touched the scar on her snout. "Yeah... But... But did I do it...?"

Gary smiled. "Your personality wouldn't have changed much with your amnesia, dear. I wouldn't worry about being a bad person... Even if by some chance you DID do something bad, it's all in the past now... You're a sweet girl now."

She smiled and hugged him again. He was good at making her feel better, probably why he was a counselor. "An hour's not nearly enough time with my patients..." He said, looking at the time. "I'm sorry, Jane. It's time for you to go."

"B-but..." She clung to him.

"I'm sorry..." He said. "I'll see you in a few days, okay? I promise. I'll try to get us a longer appointment."

"Okay..." Jane let go of him, sadly, and the guard stepped in to wheel her out. She sighed, letting him take her to the community area. There she saw her friends, all sitting around the table. But she did notice something that bothered her. Rika was missing.

"Hi, Jane..." Laura piped, sadly. Feris was distracted too. She was also wearing shackles that tied her hands together, and her long snout was taped shut. She looked extremely aggravated and very worried at the same time

"Wh... what happened to Rika..?" Jane asked, looking at their somber faces. They looked at each other.

"... She was taken away... for study... by..." Laura hesitated.

Jane looked confused, "Study? What kind of study?"

"I don't know..." Laura said. "I'm so worried about her..."

"Who..? Who took her?" Jane asked, quietly.

Laura looked down for a second. "... Some researcher..."

"Just... taken...?" Jane didn't believe it.

"Yeah... He had specific orders to fetch her..." Laura's voice was heavy with worry. Feris looked furious. Jane just looked down, feeling her heart sink.

Rika was stripped down, naked, several men in white coats looking her over. She was whimpering and whining as they lead her through the dingy basement, letting several strange men and women look her over. They finally put her in what appeared to be a medical room they set up in the basement, and it was a lot cleaner and well-kept then the rest of the researcher's set up.

"Wh... what..." Rika stuttered, a researcher walked in, ushering another one behind her.

"She's here, Dr. Lecarde." The wolf woman said.

Rika looked up, "Lecarde...? But.... Lecarde is.... My name...." She saw a middle-aged man walk in and her eyes widened with sheer terror.

"Rika..? Sweetie? Awww, it's been too long..." He said.

".... D..... Daddy.....?" She almost passed out. He was a tall, middle-aged porcupine male, sharing her red fur. His rectangular glasses hid his narrow eyes, and the long quills on his head were tied back in a sort of ponytail. He placed his hand on her chin.

"Rika... you're more beautiful than your mother..." He said, pulling his hand out of his labcoat pocket to stroke a few quills out of her face. Her eyes were still wide with horror, and she started tearing up.

"Daddy... D... N... No...." She started, but he put his hands around her and hugged her tight, nuzzling her.

"I missed you so much, sweetie... It's been too many years." He said, happily, with his cold voice. Tears were starting to creep down her face, but she still hugged him back, instinctively. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath through his nose. "You're a wonderful specimen of our species... Just like I knew you'd be..."

"Daddy... Please..." She said, squeezing him as tight as she could.

He picked her up in his arms, looking at his colleague. "So, you think she'll be fertile?" He asked.

"Yes, Dr. Lecarde. Her womb is in working order, and she's even in heat as we speak."

"F-f-fertile...?" She gasped. Her dad bent over and gave her a light kiss on the nose.

"Daddy missed you so much... And I won't always be around to keep you company, so I decided that we're going to make you a baby brother or sister..." He said in his cheerful, chilly voice, talking to her like a baby. She just stared at him, horrified, as he laid her down on the bed-like table.

She gasped, suddenly feeling his thumb running across her entrance. "You're so well developed, Rika... such a beautiful young woman." His other hand reached up and squeezed his daughter's breast, analyzing it.

"D-daddy... please..!" She protested. He grabbed her face, forcing her to look him in the eye.

"Rika. You're going to be a good girl, you understand me?" He asked. She found herself nodding, involuntarily. He started exploring her body again, his hands drifting from her crotch, up her curves, cupping her breasts... Rika was whimpering, miserably the whole time. "What do you want to have? A brother? A sister?" He asked. She just shook. He picked something off the desk near him, and she felt a cold object slide into her entrance, suddenly. "A sister it is..."

He pushed the plunger of the object and a lukewarm fluid filled her up, making her whimper and cling to him. "This'll make sure you'll get a baby sister, Rika. Don't you want one of those?" She didn't say anything, and just kept clinging to him, trying to sop up any amount of comfort she could get.

He sat down, dragging her on top of him so she was straddling his lap. She felt him unzip his pants, and his stiffening rod was pressing itself against her rear. She froze for a moment, before she did the only thing she could think to do. She screamed bloody murder. He instantly grabbed her mouth, clenching her muzzle shut. He glared at her, dangerously.

"What did I say about being a good girl!?" He asked. She suddenly stopped.

"I..... I.... I'm sorry.... Daddy..." She whimpered, terrified. He grinned back at her.

"Now, what do you want me to do?" He asked. She knew it was a trick question. Anything besides what he wanted would result in something even worse...

"I....I..... I want you to.... M-m-mate with me...." She cried. He looked at her, prompting to go on. "I.... w-w-want a... baby sis-sis-sister...." He patted her head, lovingly.

"Of course, sweetie." He said, snidely. He lifted prodded her into lifting up and used his other hand to aim his length towards his daughter's cunt. He slid right in when she came back down, well lubricated by the fluid he'd injected her with.

"Ohhh..." She cried, shaking terribly. He put one of his hands on her thigh, starting to goad her into moving up and down. She complied fully, almost by nature, starting to slowly press herself up and down. He hugged her to him, rubbing his nose against hers, grunting softly as she murred and went to work, on him. Her father's cock filled her up completely, and her body was already heating up from unwanted passion. He ran his hand down her clumsily trimmed quills before stopping at her bottom, squeezing at it lustfully.

"Mmmm... Sweetie, milk me, please." He said, relaxing. She nodded, gasping, starting to clench her privates around his shaft as she raised up. His other hand migrated from her thigh to her cute little breast, pinching at it playfully. "You're almost as perfect as I hoped, Rika..." He said, kissing her tenderly on the lips.

Minutes rolled by, and Rika started quivering even more, her orgasm building up. "Are you gonna cum sweetie?" He asked, letting go of her bottom and pinching her clit, rolling it between his fingers as she struggled to keep going. She nodded, moaning pitifully. He smiled, starting to thrust back into her. She tensed up, arching back and grinding her breasts into his shirt as she came, hard. He lifted his fingers and licked her juices off of them. "God I missed that taste... You have the best cum, darling." He said, mocking her.

She collapsed on top of him, exhausted. "Well don't stop now, I haven't came yet." He said. She shivered, out of breath, before starting to go up and down on him again. It only took a few more moments before he closed his eyes and smiled, shooting his load into her. His seed filled up his own daughter's womb, and she collapsed again, tired as she'd ever been. He let her lay down on the table, on her back, and pulled out of her, cleaning himself up and zipping up his pants.

"Sweetie... I've waited so long for that..." He said, walking over to her. He slid two fingers into her abused cunt, making her whimper before pulling them back out and examined them. He spread his two fingers, seeing the strands of his cum bridge them. He held it to her face. "You know, you were made by this very same stuff..." He said. He put his other hand on her belly. "The stuff that's filling you up is the same fluid that gave you life, Rika." He suddenly put his fingers in her mouth, and she lapped up the fluid from them. He kissed her on the nose again, "And we're going to keep this our little secret... just like old times. I'll see you in a day or two, and we can make love again..."

Her dad grinned and walked away from her, opening the door. "Dr. Lecarde, are you finished?" The wolf outside asked.

"Yes, I want you to make sure she's going to conceive and then put her back in her cell." He ordered. Rika curled up, wishing that she'd wake up from that nightmare. She fell asleep instead, however.

Jane was lying in bed, alone, wondering where Rika was. She was so worried. She couldn't even go to sleep without Rika there. The guards weren't even there to ruin their night... probably out raping some other poor woman... Suddenly the door clanked open, and the guards nudged a very, very upset-looking Rika into the cell before closing it behind her. "Rika!" Jane cried, sitting up. Rika just silently walked over to her bed and crawled right in with her. "Rika...? Are... are you okay...?"

"No..." Rika whimpered. Jane's ears drooped and she hugged her friend.

"Wh... what happened...?" She asked.

Rike sniffled, rubbing her eyes, "... I... I was... I don't kn-know.... I was... r-raped...."

"Oh no... I'm so sorry..." They hugged each other for a few moments before settling under the covers. Rika was cuddled up to Jane, shivering. As they both drifted off, they were thanking their lucky stars that, at least, they had such a good friend to depend on...

As the weeks rolled on it seemed that Dr. Morgan kept his word and got the guards to take it easier on them, a little. Only one guard was ever present after that, Rolf the lizard, and he almost exclusively had his way with Jane. Every other day, though, they'd take Rika away for hours, and when she came back she'd be as quiet as a mouse and just curl up against Jane, wanting to go to sleep. She wouldn't ever dare talk about anything that was going on, not even to Laura or Feris, who were getting more and more worried about her.

One day they were sitting around their table, talking. Feris was talking, a little disgruntled, "Laura, listen to me! ALIENS have never landed here!" Her arms were still shackled together, but they unwrapped her mouth.

"Of course they have!" The weasel girl said, "The government just covered it up!"

"That's nonsense! Life on other planets, I mean, honestly!" Feris snapped.

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Laura said, crossing her arms.

Jane had to stifle laughing at them as they argued. It seemed pretty silly. She looked over at Rika, who was staring down at the floor, sadly.

The porcupine girl was rubbing her belly, distractedly. She was remembering what the scientists told her. She was pregnant. Tears started rolling down her eyes. She could almost feel her little sister growing inside her... She suddenly started crying, hard, and everyone went silent. Laura was the first to jump up and run over, giving her a hug and patting her on the back.

"Shhh...Shhh... What's wrong, Rika..? Rika, please, what's wrong?" The mother weasel asked.

Rika was crying so hard she could barely speak, "He-he-he raped me.... Again and again... a-a-a-and now I'm gonna have a b-baby!"

Feris and Jane both looked at each other as Laura gently rocked her, like she would her own children. "Who did...?" Feris asked, quietly.

Rika slowly started calming down, hyperventilating from crying. ".... My d-d-daddy..." Everyone stopped. They remembered her saying he was a researcher somewhere. Laura started crying a little too, as did Jane as she wheeled herself over, and all three of them just collected in a hug. Feris was stunned.

"We need to get outta here..." Feris said, swallowing hard. Jane looked up at her, nodding gently, still embracing her crying friend.