Humilated Pleasures-Chapter 10

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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#10 of Chapter Commissions

Life just keeps getting weird for Jamie as she finds herself waking up in her old home to find that everything seems to have changed. NOTE: I will be adding one final chapter to this then it will be finished. Enjoy :)


"Jessica! Wake up!" a shrill yet strained voice called out from the darkness causing Jamie to let out a groan pulling her out a headache filled sleep. With a continuous pounding headache seemingly drill its way inside her skull that egged on the desire to wake up, Jamie slowly started to pull herself toward the surface forcing her eyes to open to only slam back shut again when the harsh glare of the morning light struck her eyes causing her to cringe in pain with sunlight smacking her in the face. It took her about another five minutes of slowly trying to open her eyes each time the sun forcing her eyes to close before she was able to fully open them to a startling sight.

The familiar warm feeling as the room that she found herself laying in seemed familiar as her vision cleared up enough to allow her to see why it seemed like a room that she recognized.

With the walls painted in a light yet creamy color giving the room an almost dreamy look to it with several pictures, photos and posters of rock bands and of movies offering an almost homey feeling however something felt different about the room. Opening her eyes wider, Jamie instantly understood why the room was once her old bedroom back home however the male version that was decorated in trophies of his childhood sports before he started becoming less masculine and more of a feminine look to him with models of cars and a few planes on bookshelves with books lining the other half of the shelves. However now they were replaced by horses, swimming trophies, and pictures of her being with several people that she didn't recognize drinking beer in what appeared as concerts and family get together. One picture included her standing there with her father who had a stupid grin on his face with a slight indication of the man being proud of her replacing a memory of the man always wanting to dominate her or something.

"Jessica! Are you even up!?" the shrill voice called once more a lot closer coming up the stairs causing her head to snap up in a state of panic after looking down at herself wearing a black lace nightgown with a pair of sheer panties that gleamed in the early exposure of the sun. Although her mind was clear of the past few months of what he had been subjected to, Jamie found that she was still frighten by the possibility that even if the room looked like she was born a female, her own parents would freak out upon seeing someone that they didn't recognize sleeping in the bed that once belonged to a male version of Jamie.

Trying rather quickly to jump out of bed hearing the approaching footsteps of someone approaching the door, Jamie stumbled with the bed sheets wrapping around her feet causing her to fall across the floor seconds before the door to her bedroom opened causing her to freeze in fear wondering what to do now. For what seemed to be an eternity however it was far less than that more like a second before Jamie was more than stunned to find his own mother dressed in a silk like material which barely clung to her form allowing the middle to peal away revealing some of her impressive cleavage to her. Again Jamie found herself laying there in shock waiting for what the woman would do as the woman's actual expression didn't show of any expression until a second later when the neutral expression changed to that of concern and worry as the woman came into the room moving to where Jamie lay on the floor.

"Oh Jessica, you know the doctor wanted you to avoid from doing anything too stressful." Jamie's mother quietly told her going about untangling Jamie's feet from the sheets as Jamie herself found herself unable to reply finding herself in a state of stunned silence laying there allowing the person that Jamie had once thought of as a whore who desired some of the worst and disgusting things while her father would either watch or partake in the events. Now the woman seemed more caring instead of having lusty gaze for her. She soon was able to finish with the untangle of sheets giving Jamie's ankles a quick check over before looking up at Jamie. "Ahhh no real harm done although I think you is overzealous about wanting to getting back to your classes after your accident."

"Accident? What accident?" Jamie asked herself her expression turning to that of shock and confusion something that her mother quickly was able to pick up on. "Doctor James said that a loss in memory was to be expected. Jamie you have been in a coma for nearly 2 months due to a car accident...a on coming drunk driver had caused you to swerve to avoid from a head on collision, you ended up hitting a telephone pole. When you hit, it caused you to hit you to hit your head and they found you unconscious by the time the paramedics arrived they weren't sure if you were going to wake up. The doctor said that you had swelling around your brain that there was a good chance that you would lose a good portion of your memory..."

She would continue on explaining that the entire situation to Jamie, she found herself stunned to find out that she had been out for nearly 9 months going in and out of a coma causing several doctors to think that she wouldn't be able to wake up. Jamie's family came in from all over to give her parents support many of them staying over to wait for Jamie to wake up. It was later that her parents began to wonder if they needed to pull the plug since Jamie had yet to wake up until a young doctor approached them with a new drug that she suggested would be able get Jamie to wake up and back to normal. Now that sounded perfect even to Jamie however the doctor also said before Jamie's parents could agree, that there might be some memory loss plus Jamie would need to take a pill three times a day for at least 20 years just to make sure that there isn't any kind of after effects from being in the coma, nevertheless her parents demanded that they give the drug to Jamie.

Reluctantly the doctor finally agreed to it prepping up a drip bag for Jamie with the new drug and within a few seconds of the drug entering the her system, Jamie's vitals began to return to normal seconds before her eyes fluttered open. Her mother took about three more minutes explaining some of the past events since it were obvious that none of it was clear or known by Jamie herself. By the time she was finished with her explanation it left Jamie even more confused as it seemed to suggest that she just woke up from a dream even though she could've sworn that it had happened just the other night...what had happened last night.

"Anyways honey, showered and get dressed breakfast will be waiting for you once you are done." Jamie's mother quietly told her taking her own leave leaving Jamie sitting there in confusion but before she could even ask what any questions the door was closed leaving her alone. Sitting there for what seemed like a eternity, she finally found that she had little choice but to take her mothers advice and take a shower hoping that everything that had been happening in the past few days were nothing but a nightmare.

Looking around her at the room that she was slowly getting up from the floor, Jamie felt memories or part of memories storming into her brain to the point that she felt almost comfortable here but it was more frightening leaving her with little idea what to believe and what not to.

Taking her mom up on her suggestion about enjoying a nice hot shower hoping for this entire thing to be a nightmare would be other with as soon as the water touched her silkily skin sending a shiver coursing throughout her body causing a low moan to escape from her lips. Her trembling fingers which had been soaping up belly which would start sending sparks coursing throughout her flesh suddenly found their way making their way both up and down one finding the erect nipples standing out demanding for attention which her nimble little fingers quickly found their targets quickly starting to twist and squeeze them sending a further shock of pleasurable vibrations coursing throughout her body. The other hand slipped in down between her thighs brushing through the forest of a triangle bush that acted as a runway for his pussy which felt overheated seemingly crying for attention as if it hadn't been fingered or fucked by a nice tasty cock.

Jamie shuddered just by the very thoughts of the experiences with the male sex already although they started to feel like a dream considering that her parents or at least her mother told her that she was in a coma for sometime. Yet she still found it pleasurable just thinking of having a cock that she had a dream like experience with as her fingers began driving themselves in or around the areas that were crying out for pleasure sending her into a state of continuous bliss. With her mouth quickly shooting up and eyes rolling back as she fell against the wall allowing the water coming down from the faucet to hit her pussy sending her further into a state of bliss orgasms coursing through her body causing her legs to weaken which lead to her falling down in the shower until a knock on the door brought her out of the bliss finding herself stumbling against the wall getting her over excited body. Forcing herself to allow her eyes to open taking in her surroundings where the steam had surrounded her quickly grew over the amount of time she had gone about pleasuring herself leaving a heavy musky smell in the air.

"Jessica?! Are you out yet? Breakfast is ready!" Jamie's mother's voice asked clearly having decided that she needed to check on her with a vocal response then possibly charge in the other way. In that time, Jamie was able to compose herself enough wiping away the pussy juices that had flowed out on to her fingers with the cascading water before answering her mother by this time her voice which might had been shaky after the series of orgasms that had rippled throughout her body.

"Yeah, just got lost in thought of everything...give me a few minutes to dry up and get dressed." She answered shaking her head shutting off the water allowing only a few drops of water to splatter the floor. She went about steadying herself one last time hearing a okay from the other side of the door before she was left alone. Stepping out on to the floor, Jamie's hands went to the towel rack taking the single pink ruffled towel that looked about the size that she would really need to cover up the sensitive areas to her possible still perverted parents. Wrapping the towel up around her bosom to where it sat covering her ample breasts allowing the rest of the towel to fall down to cover up the rest of her lower half just hanging about a inch above her ankles leaving her with a secure feeling of not having to worry about her pervert of a parent to ogle her breasts. Stepping in front of the mirror, her eyes settled on to the image that presented itself for her inspection and the very sight surprised her as everything seemed like normal that everything that had happened with any scars and blemishes that she had received due to the brutal fucks that she had received under the torrential blackmail of Elizabeth. Everything about her looked like a normal girl in her early twenties in the prime of her life yet to see the after effects of age. "Maybe my mom was right...maybe it was all a dream."

Letting out a sigh going about getting her hair done up a bit nothing special just enough to avoid from looking like having bed hair forgoing makeup for the time being before getting dressed in a pair of workout shorts and sports bra the only things that looked appealing to her at that moment figuring that she could always change into something else after getting something good to eat. Taking less that 5 minutes to get herself presentable walking down the stairs into the kitchen dining room where her mother was cleaning up some pans that was used to make breakfast while her father, dressed in a casual dress suit something expected for a man of his work, reading the morning paper probably the sports section the most highly regarded section in his mind anyways as Jamie stepped into the room. In a instant, her father looked up from the paper his eyes that once seemed to ogle Jamie's seemed to be replaced by caring eyes. "Morning honey, its great to see that you are up and about." He told her hugging her with her body becoming tense at first before relaxing enough that he hands went up to return the hug. By the time that he release her, her mother had gone about turning around from her cleaning and started plating up a dish with sausage, bacon, hash browns and scrambled eggs with a large glass of orange juice to top it off being put in front of Jamie as soon as her rear came down on to the chair next to her father only after catching a whiff of the food did Jamie finally realize how hungry she truly was finding her hands reaching for the forks and seasoning her mouth drooling just by the very smell of it.

Nevertheless before she could start to dig into the meal before her, her mother placed a small plate of several pills that varied in size and color, next to the plate causing Jamie to remember that this was something that her mother had told her about. "Now remember honey take these after you get some food in your stomach so you won't make yourself sick."

"Yes, mom...I remember...well I think I did." Jamie answered groaning going about digging into the food finally as her mother looked at the clock on the wall realizing what time it was.

"Honey you will be late..." she told her husband causing him to look up from the paper only then did he realize that when he finished off the cup of coffee before grabbing his car keys giving both of them a kiss before heading out the door promising to be home as soon as the day was up. Within mere minutes they were left alone as her mother went about finishing off the last of the pans before looking at the clock one last time letting out a sigh. "I have a couple of houses to show plus a meeting with the staff so I will try to be home as soon as I can. Now your professors have given me the assignments that they want you to do as they have okayed for you to have a few months off considering your condition but request that you keep up on your assignments in the meantime."


"No buts young lady you aren't in any shape nor form to go wondering about college so finish up here and then I expect you to get working on your assignments." Her mother answered quickly stopping Jamie from protesting that she felt fine as her mother left the dining room where there came a sound of keys being grabbed before the front door was opened and close in rapid succession leaving Jamie in stunned silence without a real idea what to say or do. It took her more than 20 minutes before she finally figured why not just take the time suggested to gather up her thoughts about everything and finish up her work while trying to get back to a normal life. Finishing off her food taking a brief second before remembering her pills which she took one at a time having a urge just to down them in one go however with little idea of something going wrong like causing a overdose or complications by taking the drugs all at once. In the end, Jamie found herself doing neither but was able to get all of the pills down without much problem leaving her in a state of wonder and confusion trying to figure out if she was suppose to be feeling something nevertheless after about 5 minutes of nothing happening Jamie was left with little choice but to continue with her daily routine although she wasn't positive what if any of a routine she had. Picking up her empty plate and glass, she went about depositing them both into the dishwasher before turning her attention toward her other tasks that would probably take up most of the day which included seeing what assignments her professors had given her while she was out. In the process of trying to finish the assignments, Jamie's main goal was to figure out what she had exactly missed out in the months that she had been in a coma.

Moving to the front room remembering seeing the bag there when she passed through enroute to the kitchen, she found it leaning up against the banister next to the front door looking almost bulky by books and notepads inside the bag making the sides bulge on the sides giving a eerie heavy look to it. Nevertheless when she went and grabbed the strap to the bag, Jamie hefted it up finding that it was instead somewhat light in weight swinging it in one go to drop it down on to the coffee table situated in front of the TV of the family room wanting to enjoy some entertainment to keep her from getting too bored while working.

Flipping the TV on barely casting a glimpse at what appeared on the screen already starting on pulling out her first text book for school the only thing that got her attention once more was no sound at all causing her eyes to look up from the note from the professor at the TV screen showed only static the obvious being that there continued to be no sound at all. Picking up the remote once more she tried to flip through the channels hoping that the static would clear out finding only the same thing over and over again until she finally gave up finding that there was no use to trying any further. Thumbing for the TV to turn off, she was stunned that the screen remained lit causing her to try several more times before giving up leaving with the only way to shut it off was the old fashion way or just ignore it completely praying that the static would eventually clear later.

Turning back to the homework at hand once more, Jamie found that it was far easier to just forget about the TV finding that the work that was needing to be done than she thought as it would keep her busy without the worry of running out of things to do. Letting out a sigh picking up the pencil settled next to the book flipping the notepad open while turning toward the first book, Jamie was nearly ready to start when the distinctive sounds of barking dogs began drifting into the room. Normally something like this wouldn't get a reaction out of her however something strange began to happen, in the very instant that the barks hit her very ears her hands suddenly became frozen inches away from the paper unwilling to move a inch.

The barking was becoming too much for her but what came next would shake her very well being for the rest of her lift, the trembling feeling of need started to reenter the strange alien environment her mind remembering it as her pussy that continuingly called for something thick and hard to either suck on or to fuck and she needed something now as her pussy was heating up like crazy. It began to tighten and begin to grow wet from the growing heat that continue up through her belly driving her insane finding her brain crying out for something to satisfy this damning need that continued to cry for more.

After what seemed like a matter of minutes of endless demands coming in from her crotch trying to ignore both that and the dogs barking the intensity to a point that there seemed to be no stopping at all. Sure Jamie would've thought that owners of the dogs would've at least come out and told them to shut up or something else however not a word was spoken leaving her to the point of no return. It came to a point that she couldn't handle it anymore slamming the pencil down with a hard thud, Jamie went to the window her body trembling with the aching need her legs wanting to give away underneath her as she forced herself toward the nearest window coming to realize with little care that the window was already closed but as she reached the window her body already boiling over with a need that she wanted to be taken care of right now the barking had stopped upon the sight that she came upon outside.

In the adjourning yard in a abandoned house that looked almost like it had a family living it, stood five dogs (Doberman, German Shepard, Golden Retriever, pit-bull, and mastiff) in the yard hidden by a tall fence blocking out the view from any public view unless they tried to peak over the fence, going at it hot and heavy. While the German Shepard was thrusting into the pit-bull bitch fucking her for all she was worth while a further stranger sight was that of the Gold Retriever (male) was being hammered behind by the Doberman which also was a sight that caused Jamie to shudder her pussy overflowing with a deep need to be taken. And the mastiff with its massive cock out fully erect desperately wanting some action, in her eyes was the very beast that she was willing to allow it to take her for all she is worth. In a blink of a eye, she fund herself leaving the window having made it half -way toward the back door a hazed look in her eyes as she approached the door. In a second blink of her eyes, she found herself outside standing inches away from the humping dogs none of them paying much attention to her too busy fucking each others brains out. The only one dog that even noticed her was the Mastiff whose nose quivered in excitement as he clearly noticed Jamie coming into the yard as he stood rigid his nostrils flaring cock dripping precum wanting to get some action and to Jamie, she was more than willing to let the dog take her in whatever way he wished.

Licking her lips before slowly allowing her hands to draw up to her own clothing at that moment her body was on fire her pussy boiling over with juices demanding something to take care her right now. It sure didn't take long for the clothing to be removed allowing her sweet musky scent to assault the mastiffs nose causing him to quiver with need his tongue licking his choppers clearly eager seeing this young fertile yet confusing young woman presenting herself to him to do with whatever way he saw fit. The mastiff's eyes roamed over Jamie's body as she started to approach him her long elegant legs allowing her puffy pussy lips to wink at him every time her legs sway slightly apart enough for the lips to pull away from each other allowing the inner parts to reveal itself to the hungry dog. As soon as Jamie stepped in front of the dog, the mastiff approached her rather quickly his nostrils continued to flare drawing in her intoxicating scent which continued to grow when he neared her rear end as her pussy was leaking juices like there was no tomorrow causing the mastiff to stick his muzzle between her legs his tongue catching each little droplet that didn't escape his tongue that quickly continued to dart out capturing several in its massive tongue in one long go.

Being stubborn and incredibly stubborn, the mastiff whined pawing at the backs of Jamie's legs a clear indication to her on what the massive dog actually wanted and it sure didn't take much more prodding to get the message since her body was demanding the same thing. Her body fell forward dropping to her hands and knees where they remained locked as she pushed her rear up in the air showing off clear easy access to her pussy which glowed in clear wetness clearly ready for some action. The mastiff didn't need to be called forward already in action as soon as his willing bitch dropped down to the proper position allowing him more access to her opening. It leaned forward allowing the massive tongue to continue what he had stopped for a brief second driving it to the outer edges of Jamie's pussy walls that convulse around it as it pushed its way pass the tight depths of the bitch's body becoming enveloped inside the warm sweet opening. Once the tongue began pushing into her body, Jamie found herself crying out for more moaning loudly almost as a signal to anyone that was nearby to come and see what was going on which would be the nightmare for her as it would mean a nightmare of being a called a 'dog's slut' or 'neighborhood bitch' for the dogs or for anything with a cock.

Although this didn't limit to any women that wanted a mouth to suck on their pussy or any that were lesbian unable to get a lover without revealing their sexuality to everyone else. To Jamie at that moment really could careless as she was getting the release that her body has been demanding for since this morning. The next few words that escaped from her lips sounded more like screams than groans. "Come on you beautiful beast! Fuck me for all that I am worth!"

That sure encouraged the dog to stop with the licking as he drew back rearing up on to her rear shoving itself up forward raking his belly fur over her back sending a thrill coursing throughout her spine. It didn't take her long to feel the massive cock that belonged to her new lover with its drooling precum started moving rapidly in short jabs hopelessly aiming for taking her willing body for a awesome ride. With the dog being a experienced lover it didn't take him long before he felt the tip of his cock brush up against Jamie's puffy pussy lips causing her to groan out shoving her hips backward as if encouraging her lover to continue quicker allowing the tip to briefly enter her opening before the dog pulled away. However Jamie kept her rear end up in the same position to allow the mastiff on his next thrust to penetrate her next thrust.

And boy when the dog, beautiful and wonderful with his actions, shoved forward pushing about ¾ of the cock into Jamie's depths sending out a cry of glee as the dog let out a yip in pleasure as Jamie's pussy clamped down on to the cock unwilling to let it go finding it beyond pleasurable that the need that had been driving her insane the entire day. The dog offered a slight whimper as he felt his cock being squeezed time and again but it caused him to shove the cock deeper into Jamie's pussy causing her to cry out in passion and need shoving back into the dog as the knot began to slip in and out of her body.

Around her the dogs that had been going at it already by the time that she arrived had either finished their tasks or have gotten bored with what they were currently doing and had turned their attention back to what the unusual pair had gone about doing. The German Shepard having clearly not finished as his cock was still dripping precum with a slight different color indicating that the bitch that he had been thrusting into had orgasm but the two had not tied together. Now the dog had moved to stand in front of Jamie, who at this very moment had her eyes closed tightly and her mouth wide open letting out long desired moans of a pleasured woman. However to the German Shepard having been frustrated by the lack of relief from his bitch decided that this was the perfect opportunity rearing up placing his forepaws on Jamies back while not waiting for the damn mastiff to stop him as he shoved his hips forward pushing his own cock forward rather quickly to get it into Jamie's mouth just second before it closed again. By the time Jamie would surely have had started to realize that what she was doing was disgusting and that she better stop before someone who may have been passing by who heard the unmistakable sounds of heavy yet not complete animal sex that is going on coming to investigate what was going on.

Nevertheless in the state that she currently in, Jamie who slowly and sluttly sucked down the Shepard's cock that found the knot which had deflated at one point, growing inches inside her throat locking it in place just enough to allow air to slip in at this point could care less if anyone saw her in this state as what she was going through was sooo good. Already behind her the Mastiff's own cock had its own cock grown to its full bulbous size locking itself into place giving a few more tugs before it started to pour cumm into her pussy sending Jamie's body thrashing her pussy clamping down squeezing the cock which continued to deliver the one thing that she desperately wanted.

From the shadows of a kitchen window nearby the fence hidden by the suns glare hid him from anyone that might be looking that way, a lone figure continued to watch the scene that was in the yard hidden away by the fence clearly interested by what was happening but had yet to respond. Clearly thinking about something before disappearing the interior of the room once more safely hidden from view.