The Reaches of a Dream: Friendship and Love Under Cherry Trees

Story by Lucian the Assassin Cat on SoFurry

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#5 of The Reaches of a Dream

The Reaches of a Dream Chapter Five:

Friendship and Love Under Cherry Trees

"Please tell me you are not joking with me, Chris" Said the excited voice on the telephone "Please tell me you mean what you are saying"

I sighed heavily "For the umpteenth time, Ryan: I am not joking with you!" I almost yelled at the phone. Perhaps the emphasis of a change of tone in my voice was enough to convince him.

"It's not that I don't believe you but..." It wasn't "...I need to see this with my own eyes. I'll be on the first plane tomorrow"

"Alright... I trust you know where I live?"

"Surely I do. See ya"

"Bye..." I placed the phone on the hanger, sighing again. I had just called, after a long hiatus, a teenage friend. His name was Ryan, a fan of furries like me; we met on a furry story site, we were from the same town, so we were almost instantly friends. Sadly we parted ways on college, I became a geneticist and he became a videogame designer. We shared many furry experiences, and Meeya was one of them. I believed other people, even furries, would think me crazy in knowing how much I loved her, so you can imagine my surprise in seeing Ryan accept it as well as he did. And the creation of a real, living anthro meant a great deal for him too, hence the reason he got so excited in me calling to deliver the news.

"So...?" Meeya lifted her eyes from the book she was reading.

"After I managed to convince him, he was very excited" I walked toward her and sat next to her on the couch "You'll meet him tomorrow"

"Meet who?" Came Rheia's voice when she entered the room.

"My old friend, Ryan. Do you remember him, Rheia?" The cyborg thought for a little bit.

"Yes... I think so. Star Fox Chronicles?"

"That's him"

"What chronicles?" Meeya asked.

"Star Fox Chronicles. A big story series he had published back when we were younger"

"Oh..." She touched her forehead "I'll remember that"

I sighed "Could you please stop being so awfully cute?"

Suddenly her ears drooped; she lowered her gaze and said almost whispering "I could, if you don't want me to be..."

I sighed even more this time, rolling my eyes over to the cyborg "For Earth's sake, Rheia. You taught her about etiquette but not about sarcasm?" Rheia giggled "Of course I want you to be cute!"

She barely had time to raise her gaze again before I tackled her. She let out a big "Yay!" in pleasant surprise when I held her against the end of the couch, much to Rheia's amusement.


In the following day, when it was mid-afternoon, the main gate's interphone sounded. That was what we, me, Rheia and Meeya, in crescent order of anxiety, had waited the whole day for. I answered the call and was greeted by a familiar face.

"So you do know where I live, eh?" I smiled at him.

"Told ya, didn't I?" He smiled back while I opened the gate.

Ryan's car drove trough the driveway, passing through my gardens and whatnot, until he stopped by the front door. The three of us went outside to greet him, though I asked Meeya to wait at the front doors, while I and Rheia greeted my friend.

"Ryan!" I shook his hand then hugged him tightly "How good it is to see you again"

"I say the same, dear old friend" He was trying, very poorly, to hide his excitement "And this... Rheia?! Is that really you?"

"Now in flesh and bone, Mr. Lewis" She joked, both laughed "It's good to see you"

"Equally..." He kissed her hand "Now Chris, I barely slept last night, don't make me wait any more. Where is she?"

"Oh I'm sure she's around somewhere..." That was her cue; I looked to the set of stairs to draw Ryan's gaze to the feline descending them.

As expected, his jaw dropped. I guess he was seeing life in slow-motion: the pink-furred cat with green eyes he knew that meant the world to me was calmly coming down the marble stairs wearing a salmon dress, her tail flicking behind her.

"Meeya, allow me to introduce you to my dear friend, Ryan Lewis" She bowed very ladylike "Ryan, this is my girlfriend, Meeya"

Noah made no gesture to greet her. If he managed to move would be something amazing. Took him a few minutes, but he closed the distance between the cat and himself in shaky steps.

"Can... can I... touch her?" He asked, breathing like he ran all the way here.

I smiled "It's not me you need to ask..."

"Oh... Sorry" he flushed "Would you mind if I touched you, Miss Meeya?"

She looked at me, I nodded "Surely not"

He raised a trembling hand; I could, from where I was standing, almost hear his heartbeats. Slowly the distance between his hand and the cat closed... until the tips of his fingers touched the fur of her face. Then his whole hand, and before he knew he was gently caressing Meeya's cheek.

"I...I..." In a sudden move, he almost leapt forward and hugged her tightly "I am honored to meet you"

Passed the initial shock, Meeya returned his hug warmly. Suddenly, she felt something warm and wet on her shoulder blade, while also feeling a slight trembling from Ryan. Feeling grand happiness, for what the fact he was hugging her meant, Noah was crying.


After a bit of struggle, we managed to lead Ryan inside, sit him down in the living room and, after a warm cup of tea, to calm him down enough.

"I have no words, Chris..." He said, looking from the armchair he was sitting on to me and Meeya on a couch "When you called me, some part of me couldn't shake off the feeling you were playing a nasty April's Fool joke with me. Even while I drove here, although I would beat the burning shit out of you if that happened, I expected to see someone in a Meeya fursuit or anything like that. It sounded..."

"Too good to be true" I completed "I know, Ryan. I felt that way too, and to this very day, that feeling hasn't abandoned me..."

I looked at the floor with a half-happy, half-sad face. Meeya, as to cheer me up, hugged my arm. I looked at her and cracked a small smile.

"...But when I touched her face, I felt the warmth of her skin, the same smoothness of the fur of a real cat, not the synthetic one of a fursuit. I guess that's why I lost it" He rubbed his head, embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed, my friend. I know exactly what you feel. I took all of my will, when I touched her for the first time, for me not to hug her as tight as I could and not let go" I had to suppress a chuckle when the explanation to this came to my mind "After all, what would someone with less than a minute of life think if someone all of a sudden squeezed her like there's no tomorrow?"

The four of us laughed. Ryan was the first to stop; it looked like he had just realized something.

"Wait... You said 'less than a minute of life'... how could you have made contact with her so early?"

"It's kind of a long story..." My watch started to beep again, I looked at it "And it seems that telling it is most timely. Rheia?"

"Sir?" She stood from the chair she was sitting.

"Please, would you be so kind as to show Ryan the lab and explain the process to him? Meeya and I have Ancient Egypt to look into"

"Surely. Mr. Lewis, please follow me" She motioned to him and both left to the library, while me and Meeya took another door.

"So this is where it happened..." Noah looked around in awe. Rheia had led him into the tank room, which she had one raised, in order to show the guest around better.

"I believe I understand the project. It is pretty much what Chris talked about doing when we were young" He paused for a chuckle "Who could know that a teenager's reasoning could pave the way for his accomplishment as an adult?"

"Chris was always an intelligent lad. From the records I have, it is no surprise he managed to go so far"

"True... Speaking of which, I need to speak something to Chris, would he mind if we crashed his little history class?"

"I can't know, Mr..."

"Call me Ryan" He interrupted again.

"Right, Ryan. I can't know, so why don't you go to the library and find out for yourself? Just take the elevator; I need to take care of a few things"

"Sure..." Noah walked to the cabin that brought him to the lab and he emerged into the library and into a scene that made him stop dead on his tracks.

Meeya was lying on Chris' table, naked, legs spread, clearly dripping with arousal, while her mate, also naked, worked his hard member in and out of her lubricated hole. Took them a few seconds to notice him; Chris looked up and saw his friend watching them in a rather intimate moment.


"Um... Hi, Ryan" I said, blushing a bit "Finished already?"

"Yeah, we are..." He said, also blushing "Umm... weren't you guys supposed to be looking into Egypt?"

"Yeah, and we were, until a couple minutes ago. The 'problem'..." I cleared my throat "...appeared when we reached Cleopatra"

"What about her?" I sensed some confusion from him.

Meeya looked at him by tilting her head backwards "Chris told me this interesting fact that Cleopatra, in order to keep her beauty, swam in tubs of collected semen"

Comprehension spread in Ryan's face, and he chuckled "Say no more, I got it"

"Well, now that our history lesson is officially gone" I looked down at the cat I was making out with a minute ago "And with Ryan's help, we can start a new subject"

Both looked at me.

"I think it's about time you learn how to pleasure and be pleasured by more than one man" I grinned.

Meeya looked surprised for a moment, but shared my grin soon enough and we looked at a paralyzed Ryan.

"Chris, I... I couldn't..." He tried to step back, but there was a solid wooden bookshelf behind him.

I sighed, rolling my eyes "Ryan, cut it off, I can see from here you are enjoying what you see" I motioned to his tenting pants, he covered the bulge, flushing heavily "Let us just arrange ourselves more comfortably"

I stood up and helped Meeya to do the same. I scanned over the layout of the library, looking for a suitable spot for our threesome, grinning at the thought; finally, I decided to sit in one of the armchairs, my legs spread and hard member standing straight up. Meeya licked her lips and got on all fours in front of me, making me moan at her warm breath blowing against my cock. I looked over and Ryan was still static.

"You're coming?"

"I, I..."

This time, she took the initiative "Ryan, I value my learning, and right now, I'm horny to the point that my pussy is aching. Now get over here!"

That startled him "Y...yes ma'am!"

Step after careful step, he got behind her, and I noticed with a smile that he swallowed hard at looking at the feline's dripping cunt.

"Mouthwatering, isn't it?" I giggled.

He could only nod. He kneeled down and got in level with Meeya's rump. One sniff and a blind man could see he was overwhelmed in ecstasy. I grinned again and gave my cat a silent high-five.

"Now, let's see if you are a good learner" I caressed her head, gently pushing her down into my cock. She took the lead and gave a long lick from top to bottom, making me shiver. I looked down at Ryan, and was glad to see that he was already enjoying himself, burying his face between the dripping lips.

Meeya was indeed a good learner; she licked over my head, stroking my length and balls with her hands. I bucked my hips against her face, bagging her to suck me off, she looked up at me with the naughtiest face I ever saw her make and was happy to comply, also pressing her butt back against Ryan's caresses.

And by caresses, I mean he was having a feast. While licking her clit, two of his fingers rubbed her insides; occasionally he would take a long lick up her cleft and tailhole, which caused a shiver to run through the cat's spine. After a little of oral work, Meeya rose from my cock and turned to face Ryan.

"Why don't you lose these annoying clothes?" She started to unbutton his shirt, smiling.

In a sudden move, Ryan wrapped his arms around her and kissed her firmly. This took both of us off guard, but Meeya soon moaned, returning the kiss and resuming the work of stripping him. As for me, I only smiled, hornier than ever. My best friend making out with my girlfriend, what could possibly be hotter to watch?

My erection was ready to burst, and I saw Meeya remove Ryan's underwear, and I knew what she had in mind. I stood up and hugged her from behind, brushing my cock against her tail.

"On the three" I told Noah, he nodded "One, two, three!"

We thrust up in unison, spearing Meeya from both ends, earning a lustful growl from her. I could tell she was in heaven, and so was I; despite having taken it in her tail more than once, she was still deliciously tight. Ryan was focusing all his strength to thrust up and keep kissing her, while I just bit firmly in her shoulder.

After some time, she broke the kiss to moan loudly, she probably climaxed, and we weren't far behind.

"Cum for me, my males! Fill me up with your seed!" She screamed in mindless lust. We heard her call, and it triggered our climaxes as well, and both her holes were pumped full of our warm cum. She screamed again, in a second orgasm, and the three of us collapsed on the ground, panting, tired but very satisfied.

Meanwhile, a puddle of clear female arousal liquid dripped on the floor, as a naked and spread-eagled Rheia licked her lips and finished removing her fingers from her own mound, closing the feed from the library camera her brain was accessing.


"By the way, Ryan, you said you wanted to talk about something with me?" I asked after we recomposed ourselves.

"I did, Chris. And I will start with a confession" I noticed he had a light blush "Something I never told you in all of our years as friends"

"I see... Would you require us to be alone?" I looked at Meeya.

"No, not at all. In fact, I even prefer Meeya being here" He took her furry hand "She'll give me some courage"

She smiled at him, very warmly "Tell us then, Ryan"

"Well... The fact is... I also have my own Meeya"

My eyes widened. Suddenly, years of a small doubt that pierced my mind were gone. Why did Noah understand me, understand us, so well? Why did we get along like brothers? It was all explained.

"And just why you never told me this before?"

"For many reasons" He looked at the ground, embarrassed "None of them too solid, and none that matters now"

I sighed. Although I didn't understand it, I just settled in thinking he had his own reasons "Tell me more, then"

Instead of saying anything, he handed me a folded drawing. I opened it and saw a tan-furred fox anthro in a spacey suit.

"Oooh, it's Fox. You always had the hots for him, it's true. So he's your Meeya then..."

Meeya blinked at us a bit confusedly "Yes, that's a fox, Chris, but how does that make him like me?" The two of us laughed at her expense.

"No, honey. This is a character from the video-game series Star Fox. His name is Fox McCloud"

"The fox is named Fox?" She scratched her head in confusion.

"Not the most creative name, it's true" Ryan chuckled.

"Say no more, old chap. I just need a couple of weeks to assemble his genome"

He looked up at me, his smile shining like the sun "Thanks Chris! I love you!" He gave me a rib-cracking hug, much to my mate's amusement.

"But... you'll have to... do something... for me" I said, trying to breathe. He released me and waited for my request.

"Anything you want, Chris. For Fox I'll face death!" Meeya laughed, and I couldn't help but follow her.

"No, it's nothing that extreme. I just wanted to make sure I have your collaboration on something"

"Is that so?" He asked me curiously "What exactly?"

It was my turn to hold Meeya's hand "We called you here because we want you to be our bestman"


Weather was rarely so beautiful at that time of the year, the sky was so blue and clear I had trouble believing. Perhaps the Great Mother conspired in my behalf...

To book that area was difficult, in fact almost impossible, but Rheia had outdone herself. To make private, even if for a single day, the largest sakura tree grove in Japan turned out to be the greatest effort I made with my own happiness in mind. Every little blossom of the hundreds of trees around us looked like it was painted by a Raphaelite master, and the ancient palace, with its golden pillars, white walls and red roof was the perfect background.

The decoration of the clearing under the largest tree was exuberating in the simplicity of the white chairs and the orchids lading the red carpet. At its end, there was I, standing under the pink-specked branches, stepping in a few flowers that had fallen, by the altar with the priest. The nervousness was suffocating, but I had my faithful friend Ryan supporting me.

Every now and then, I gazed at the crowd sitting in the chairs; most of them were my relatives, others were friends, but at the frontmost row I made sure to seat the guests of honor: the greatest furry artists and writers of my time.

When the music started to play, my stomach backflipped. It was time at last! When I saw her, walking slowly on the red carpet, I knew that all my suffering, struggle, nights of poor or no sleep, it had all paid off. Meeya was the most beautiful creature in the world, not that I didn't knew that ever since I conceived the idea of creating her. The dress was especially made for her, with a tight corselet delineating her waist and breasts, her skirt falling beautifully over her legs, white lace over sky-blue satin. Her hair was tied over her head with a golden crown, and a few locks fell over her face. She was being led by an elderly Japanese man, none other than Dr. Comet himself. When he first saw her in person, I thought I'd lose my proverbial father-in-law right there. Thankfully, he seemed a lot more composed now, though his eyes were still swimming.

With graceful movements she reached me under the gigantic blossoming cherry tree and smiled, happy. I smiled back and took her hand. Rheia, which I forgot to mention was behind Ryan, had to hold him as he fainted. We turned to the priest, who was, if I'm not mistaken, another renowned artist, and he started the classic speech of his part. I let my gaze wander off in the distance, instinctively trying to find something wrong among the perfect, while the rambling of the priest entered through one of my ears and escaped through the other.

" long as you both shall live?" He asked. Meeya gave me a nudge, and I snapped back to reality.

"What? Oh! Sorry, I got distracted" I blushed a little bit.

He cleared his throat "So, do you accept Meeya as your legitimate wife, as long as you live?"

"Yes, I do" I said, overflowing with happiness.

"Why were you distracted?" My soon-to-be-proclaimed wife asked, as the priest said a few last words.

I sighed "This is a milestone for this world, my love. We are the first couple consisting of a human and a furry. There's always someone who thinks we shouldn't be together, and you can never know how far they will go for those thoughts. I will only be able to shake off the feeling that something bad can happen when we are home again"

" I proclaim you husband and wife" He finished, smiling broadly, unable to contain a few tears from himself "You may kiss the bride"

One last time I looked around. No explosion, no gunfire, no idiot bellowing in a megaphone. My gaze fixed in Meeya's eyes, those eyes I loved, and that loved me too. I embraced her and sealed our eternal bond with a kiss. Still nothing happened... perhaps I was wrong after all.