My Guilty Pleasure

Story by Kaily Spensor on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to any person living or dead is happenstance and was not intended. This is a Zoophilia story that I wrote for myself and a few friends who are interested in the idea but not necessarily the actual real life act. Please if you don't like the idea of a dog penetrating a human don't read any further!

That said, here we go...

At twenty I was a bit of a wild child. For that entire summer I was getting into as many beds as I could find and enjoying the pleasures that came from such romps. There is one moment in particular that stands out as unique from that time.

I was with this guy named Joe and he had this big black lab named appropriately enough Blacky. We'd been fooling around off and on for about three months by the time this happened and I was starting to get bored with him, but didn't yet have a replacement lined up yet but I'd vowed to myself after another not so spectacular round of sex that I wasn't coming back again. So there I was sitting naked on his bed totally unsatisfied and still dripping from his efforts when the dog walked in.

I know what you're thinking, and believe me my first thought was to make him go away. But Joe got this look in his eyes that tightened things low in my body and made me think maybe there was something we could still explore. He was sitting with his back against the wall when I looked at him, and there is this big dog that just closed the door with his tail wagging.

We'd talked a little about his fascination with the idea of a woman and a dog together so I had some idea what he was thinking when I laid back on the bed with my feet on the floor and started playing with myself. I was still plenty wet from doing him only minutes before and it didn't take long before Blacky started sniffing up my thigh trying to find where that scent was coming from. It gave me a bit of a start when he pressed that big nose against my pussy shoving my fingers out of the way and licked right from the base of my slit to the top.

Hey, you can't go judging till you try it!

I glanced up and saw Joe's eyes fill with lust; it was one of the most erotic moments of my life. It was quickly surpassed however, Blacky having gotten a taste for what he was smelling, started to work in earnest. That broad tongue kept lashing from the lowest part of my pussy right up the length till it tickled my clit pulled a moan from me and forced my eyes closed. Hot damn that felt good, I shifted forward till my ass was just barely on the edge of the bed legs holding me up and fully parted. Again and again he licked that same path till I was squirming and pressing up to meet his hot doggie tongue.

I'd almost forgotten Joe was there, when he cleared his throat, "Hold yourself open, let him get in deeper." Just the sound of his voice and knowing he was watching me let his dog lick my aching pussy nearly made me cum. I did what he asked, fingers trembling slightly as I reached down and parted myself for that hot doggie tongue. Blacky didn't hold back on me either, his tongue drove deep into my body licking at the mingled fluids from my previous moments with Joe. Again and again his tongue dove into me, hitting places that had never been touched like this before.

It was all I could do to hold back the tide of my pleasure, I mean hell this was one of the most forbidden acts I'd ever been a part of. That's when I felt Joe's hand on my breast. He knew just where I liked to be touched and how, that single little twist of my nipple shoved me past my hesitance into a full blown orgasm. Blacky growled and redoubled his efforts, lapping at my outer labia with such speed I was shuddering from the additional stimulation.

While I was still lost in the throws of that overwhelming sensation, I wasn't aware of Joe's patting my belly and coaxing Blacky up onto my body. That big black dog didn't hesitate a moment, he did a sort of half jump and ended up with his paws on either side of my body. Joe had moved around so his head was near mine, his hand still teasing and tormenting my nipple as his dog moved in. The first wild thrust of his hips dragged his cock over my labia and had me jerking my head up eyes flying open to stare down at what was happening. He shoved forward again, his thick doggie cock dripping as it searched for the place he'd just been licking.

Twice more he jerked his hips forward before he found what he was after, spearing me so quickly that it drew a ragged cry from my lips. He gave a little hop pressing his hips in tight against my body then started to wildly jerk driving into me with quick thrusts that had that hot doggie meat filling me. Part of me was horrified, but more of me was so far gone into the experience that I couldn't have stopped even if I wanted to.

Joe moved his hand away and I glanced over to find him stroking his cock. I was a little startled at first that he was having such a reaction to watching what his dog was doing to me. But I didn't have a chance to think about it much just then. The dog kept moving, his hips jerking in powerful thrusts that had me shaking under him. He didn't try to wrap himself around me, just left his paws on the bed thrusting away like mad. The more he moved the more I found myself liking what he was doing. That's when I felt the swell.

I swear I'm no slouch when it comes to taking thick cocks, I love it, the bigger around the better, but even I was worried as that swelling started to drive into me, at first it wasn't too bad, just added pressure that translated to more intense pleasure, but it keep swelling, kept growing and stretching me. I know I cried out at least twice, each time that thick knot drove in then popped back out. Then it was stuck inside me, rammed so deep I couldn't budge. I tried, oh god I tried, I was squirming under him almost crying from the way it felt to have him stretching me so much. Then he growled his muzzle coming down into my face and I froze.

I've heard stories and I've seen the way that furs portray dogs when they cum, this was nothing like that. He was shoved hard into me his knot holding him in place unable to move anymore then I could for several seconds before his cock jerked and started to spill all that hot thick cum deep inside me. His growl turned into a whine and he jerked his hips almost like he couldn't stand being still while his cock spasmed and jerked in my body. Again and again his hips jerked that knot pulling at it then pushing like he was trying to thrust some more even when he knew he couldn't. I lost it. I must have screamed cause I remember my throat being raw after, all I know for sure is that I had one of the most intense orgasm's I have ever had.

Blacky left me some where in there while I was lost to the sensations, he turned dropping down off the bed, that thick knot spinning around inside me and intensifying the orgasm. He ended up facing away from me, his cock still lodged deep in my body. Joe moved in at that moment and lowered his head sucking at my nipple, working my other breast with his hand in the same way he had before, knowing that when I cum I love to have that additional sensation. I was already so far gone that I just barely realized he was kissing me. He stayed there stroking me and kissing and licking and tormenting my nipples, keeping me on the edge of that bliss until that knot loosened and Blacky pulled out of me.

I don't know where the dog went after that I mean the door was closed, he couldn't leave, but I'm not aware of his location in the room cause Joe moved into the position the Dog had just left. He took that hard cock of his and drove right into the passage his dog had just been using. I was all slick and loose from Blacky's cock, and Joe plowed right into me. He was so hard it was almost as if Blacky hadn't left me. He couldn't match the dog for sheer ferocity but he did his best, driving into me his hands on my hips to jerk me against him.

At some point I must have blacked out, I don't remember much once Joe took his turn, it's all flashes. I know Blacky licked me clean again, this time letting Joe hold me open for him. I remember waking up under a fuzzy blanket with Joe's arms wrapped around me and blacky lying in front of me. I felt a little sore and awkward, knowing that both the dog and then his master had used me so thoroughly. I think if I had been alone when I woke I'd have left and never gone back, but Joe made sure I knew just how much he appreciated what I'd done, how special he though I was for enjoying it so much.

When I left, I didn't break up with him, no I didn't even start looking for a replacement, he'd given me something more exciting then any of my previous lovers and I was coming back for more.