A Small Choice To Make

Story by Oros Triago on SoFurry

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Warning: This story contains sexual acts between a feral dragon and a human male. If you still insist on reading this then please by all means continue! I ask that you leave a comment letting me know what you thought of the story, what I should improve on and If ya want another story with these two in it!

Stay strong, I will watch over you for Love is a fickle thing. yet it is also one of the strongest bonds if it is between the right. And it is something I will protect willingly.

-Atlas Wingarde.

Eric was standing at his door to his home with a wide smile on his face, his green eyes twinkling with delight as he pulled out his keys. This was always his favourite part of his day: Returning home. The reason for why that was could be heard as scrambling could be heard from the other side of the door. As he began to unlock the door, he braced himself against the wall next to the door and he reached over to grasp the doorknob one of his hands.

"I'm hoooome!" He cried in a sing song voice as he threw the door open. Almost immediately he saw a green object streak though the air and as it did so he darted inside, closing the door behind him with a chuckle. Outside, Eric heard movement coming from in front of the door, as though whatever was outside was looking for him. It sounded for another few minutes before he heard a familiar voice.

"AW, no fair Eric!" He heard a female voice cry from outside. "Let me in! I missed you!" He chuckled against the door as he heard scratching.

"You silly over grown lizard!" He cried out to the creature outside. "How can you miss me so when you saw me this morning! You know I work five days a week, and you see me every day in between!"

He heard a hurrumph from the other side. "I take offense to that last part Eric! Now let me in or I bust it down!" Eric merely laughed as he turned around to open the door.

"Alright fine! You win! God I can't believe I put up with y-GAAAGH!" Eric wasn't able to finish, as suddenly he was tackled to the ground of his home. He groaned as he felt a lick on his cheek and he opened his eye to see a green dragon sitting on top of him, grinning mischievously. On its back was a long row of blue strips that started at the base of its skull and down it spine to the tip of its long sinuous tail. Two green wings could be seen, the inside of both covered in the same shade of blue as the strips on its back.

"Welcome home, Master." The dragon said on top of him, in a voice drenched in sarcasm. Eric groaned once more as it got off of him, allowing him to sit up. Eric rubbed his head as he looked over to his friend.

"Kilia! How is it that I don't have a concussion from you yet after all these years of doing that to me!" Eric asked unhappily, feeling a large bump forming on his head. "You do this every day Kilia, even back when I was still in elementary." The green dragon merely scratched at the ground, its head lowered in a submissive position. He began to fix his short black hair that the dragon had messed up

"I'm sorry Eric but I miss you so much during the day." She suddenly looked up with a sad puppy face. "I get so lonely when you're not here!"

Eric shook his head as he stood up, walking through one of the doors in the hallway to the kitchen. Here he pulled out some food from the freezer and placed it on the counter. He looked over his shoulder to see Kilia staring at him. He was surprised to see that she grew so well in the last few years, she was now fully grown at the size of the average great Dane.

"Ah, don't think I forgot what time it is Kilia." Eric smiled. He reached over and grabbed a bag that said Dragon Kibble on it.

Almost instantly Kilia's scaly head perked up. "Food?" She asked curiously as Eric walked up to her. He merely smiled as a reply. "FOOD!" The dragon began to twirl in a circle, like a dog chasing its tail, her wings fluttering in excitement as Eric poured the kibble in a metal bowl on the ground. She quickly began to gobble the food and Eric couldn't help but smile and bend down to scratch behind one of her long horns on the back of her skull. The dragon finished with a huge grin on her draconic feature.

"Thank you Eric." She quietly said as she reached up and gave him a lick on his cheek again. Eric blushed as he stood up, turning back to the stove.

"I invited Karen over for dinner." Kilia looked up at him with wide eyes.

"But I hate Karen!" She wailed at him, only to get a scoffing look in her direction.

"Yeah, which means that if you don't behave yourself..." He began to menacingly shake a fork at her. "...You won't be getting dinner Tonight, understand?"

Kilia huffed before nodding sadly to her friend. "Fine."

Later that evening, Eric was sitting next to a gorgeous redhead that was cuddled up against his chest on the couch in the living room. The two were watching a romance movie, and Kilia occasionally gave the woman an evil glare every so often.

I've been with him since we were just children! She mentally cried, laying her head across her arms. She saw the woman rub her leg sensually along Erics leg, who in turn reached over and kissed her passionately on the lips. That should be me! What does that bitch have that I don't? Breasts? Long slender legs?! At this, Kilia looked back at her powerful legs, and sighed

She tried not to cry as she saw Eric and the girl Karen stand up and leave, but Kilia did nothing to stop them. She felt a tear slide down her face. Eric, why are you so stupid to not see how much I care about you? Since we were kids we've been together and even when I showed you plaintively how much I do, you just shrugged me away like- like... her mind trailed off as she stood up.

Kilia walked back into the kitchen and began to pick at the leftovers given to her. Not even eating would be able to fill the hole in her heart and she gave a sigh as Kilia began to leave. She stopped suddenly when she heard a moan come from Erics room. Kilia walked over to his door but only stopped in hesitation. Deep down she knew...she knew what was happening inside but she still wanted to know if it was true. Taking a deep breathe, Kilia pushed the door open,

To see the red head impale herself on Erics now fully aroused cock. Kilia gasped and both humans turned to see her face slowly begin to fill with rage. Kilia bared her fangs in a hiss at the human.

"Yoooou biiiitttch..." She growled menacingly, drawing out each word slowly to put emphasis on them. The girls face drained with colour as Kilia growled, and it only drained further when the angered dragon began to slowly crawl towards the bed. The dragon gave out a roar and pounced at Karen, only to see the girl roll out of the way, off of Eric manhood and she began to run out of the room grabbing all her things before the dragon had time to react.

"Kilia What the hell?!" Eric cried suddenly sitting up. "Karen! Wait.

Karen turned in time to see Kilia turn around. With a shriek, the human girl turned and ran down the stairs with the dragon on her heels. Before the dragon could get the human however, she felt something grab her by the tail and swing her around. Kilia smashed into the wall and looked up to see Eric pinning her down on the ground, his hand holding her down by the red collar on her neck. Karen was running out the door, making a loud racket and Kilia began to struggle against Eric. Eric only used more of his strength to keep her down.

"Let me go!" She hissed, clawing at his hands to get him to loosen his grip. Eric merely shook his head angrily.

"You said you wouldn't do anything! Damn It Kilia!" He roared as he drew back, blood was dripping from a small prick on his hand. Kilia had bitten him but he still held her down with the other hand. He was now fed up.

"That's it!" He drew his hand back and slapped the dragon on the snout causing her head to shoot off to the side. She sat there stunned, but slowly turned to see Eric;s angered face.

"I-You...Why?" She whimpered as he grabbed her by the collar on her neck and began dragging Kilia through the house and out the back door. Here he tied Kilia to a post as she began to cry.

"You damn well know why!" He roared, fed up with the dragon. "You do this every goddamn time I'm with a woman! I'm fucking fed up with this Kilia!

"I-I'm s-sorry." She stuttered in between tears. "I-I just..." She trailed off, Kilia didn't want to say what she was about to say to him. Eric stared coldly at her.

"You what Kilia?" He asked emotionlessly, only to have Kilia sobs of sadness answer his question. "You what? Answer me you goddamn stubborn dragon!"

"I LOVE YOU!" She cried out, falling to the ground and sobbing. Eric blinked, completely shock at she said. She said that to him many of times, but this one was... different.

"Wha-What?" He questioned, blinking at her sobbing form below him. He just couldn't believe that she said that. "Did you just say...that you love me? As in you-you want to be with me?" The dragon looked up at him, only to look away again sadly.

"Yes..." Eric took a step back and another, and yet another, until soon he was pressed against the door. "You are going to stay outside tonight, got it?" Eric whispered quietly, she replied by nodding her head slowly, tears still streaming around her muzzle as Eric and slammed the door behind him.

There he stood, naked with his back pressed against the door as he slowly slid to the floor. Eric felt his heart beating heavily against his chest as he placed his hand over it. His face was also flushing yet he had no idea why.

Maybe it's because I ran outside naked? He questioned himself. Yeah, yeah, that's it. That's definitely it. His suspicions confirmed, Eric shakily stood up and walked out of the room, and as he flipped the switch to turn the lights off, he saw Kilia sitting outside, still crying. Sighing he turned and walked away. He didn't go far before slamming his fist to the wall and once again fell to his knees, holding his face as he began to cry.

"Damn it Kilia..." Eric quietly sobbed. "You had to admit your love while I'm in a goddamn relationship with another woman." There he sat, his broad shoulders shaking as he continued to cry. "Damn it all."

He awoke in the morning to find himself in his bed, remembering only that he had crawled in with his face hurting from the salt of his tears. At first, he felt quite peaceful, but then the memory of the night before came rushing into his head like a rogue wave smashing into a small fishing vessel. He did not want to get up and go let Kilia in, for fear of having to talk about... her feelings.

Sighing deeply, Eric got out of bed and began to get dressed. As he did so, he couldn't help but look outside to see Kilia staring at the door expectantly and he shook his head, wondering how long she had been up. So he was not surprised to see her look away when he did walk out that door toward her. The first thing he noticed was that there were large bags under her eyes, and that her eyes themselves were puffy red. She even seemed a little shaky, as though she did not get any sleep at all last night.

Giving yet another sigh, Eric bent down and picked Kilia into his arms, ignoring her protests as he brought her inside and into his room. Here he threw the blankets off and placed Kilia down, covering her gently with the blankets.

"I'm going to work. Get some sleep." Kilia was about to protest again when he stood up and walked away, only to stop at the door. "You damn well know that I know you've been crying throughout the night. Just go to bed Okay?"

Kilia winced, but slowly nodded. "Okay." She said quietly as she drifted off into sleep, snuggling deeper into the blankets around her. Eric smiled at how cute she seemed as she crawled a little on his bed and he turned to leave for work.

At his job, Eric still had his mind on the events from the night before, which was obvious on his face as one of his work buddies asked if he was alright. He only waved them off, letting them know that he was fine. But he knew that he wasn't 'fine' but that he was absolutely confused. Here he was in a relationship with a girl of his dreams, yet he couldn't help but think of Kilia. He even caught himself sexualizing her while he was typing at the computer in his office.

Am I...Am I actually falling for a dragon? Eric asked himelf as he erased a few sentences to redo them. Snap out of it Eric! Dragons are goddamn pets, not people. But something told him that he and the others might actually be wrong. Right?

None of these questions were answered as Eric returned home. Here he whipped out his keys and unlocked the door. He immediately jumped out of the way, expecting the familiar green flash of Kilia jump through the doorway to tackle him to the ground. There was nothing, and Eric knew what was wrong. Walking inside, he turned to look into the living room to see Kilia lying in front of the couch, a look of sadness plastered across her face.

"Hey." Eric quietly greeted her. She winced, refusing to even look at him.

"Hey." She replied back sadly.

"You Okay?"

"I'm fine."

He walked in and sat next to her. "No." He quietly began, placing his hand gently on her head only to feel her pull away. "You're definitely not fine Kilia. Come on, talk to me, pounce on me, return to your normal self."

"Nothing will be 'normal' ever again between us Eric. You know that." At that moment the phone rang, and Eric stood up to grab it, leaving Kilia alone yet again in the living room. For a moment she sat there, but then she stood up and walked into the kitchen to see Eric on the phone in a heated discussion, tears streaming down his face. He was talking to Karen

Eric seemed unhappy about something. "I'm telling you sweetie, I have it all under control."

"No. I swear she won't attak you again."

"Oh come on Karen. Your over reacting here!" His eyes suddenly went wide and Kilia wondered what Karen said that would startle him like that.

The next words were like whispers. "Y-You want me to do what?"

"I- Karen please don't make me choose between you and her."

"Because she's my friend Karen! She's been with me since I was five."

"Please, don't make me do this Please..." Kilia immediately knew what was going on. Karen had did the old 'it's either me or the dragon' trick and Kilia turned to walk back to the living room. Here she suddenly heard Eric run upstairs and a door slam shut.

She sat there in silence as she pondered on what to do. If he chooses Karen then... Kilia shook her head. No... this is his life so if he chooses her I will wish him luck with his life. Even if... even if I must leave and never see him again. With sad whine, she stood up and walked upstairs after him, pausing yet again as she sat before the door. Taking a deep breathe, she pushed the door open and saw Eric under his blankets, his back to her.

"Eric?" She called out; his only reaction was to pull his blanket against himself. "Can I come in?" He still remained silent and Kilia assumed she could, closing the door behind her as she walked up to the edge of the bed and leaped onto it. Here she lay on her side with her back to her friend. Both remained silent for a moment, pondering on who would speak first.

Finally Kilia broke the silence. "Eric I'm sorry." She felt him move a little as she spoke.

"For what?" He asked calmly. Now it was Kilia's turn to shuffle.

"For making you go through all this. I overheard you talking to Karen. I-I.." She felt saddened at what she was about to say next. "I can understand if you want to stay with Karen. All I ask is that you come and visit me every once in a while Okay? I-I don't to lose my best friend" She felt like she was about to cry when she felt Eric grab her front shoulder and flipped her over to face him.

"what are y-" She didn't finish as Eric had pressed is lips against hers firmly. Eric himself was amazed at how her mouth felt, slightly silk like as his tongue explored and he soon felt hers in his mouth as well. Their tongues seemed like they were at war, as they continuously fought to get into ach others mouths. It seemed like forever when finally they broke their intimate kiss.

"Wh-? But Karen...?" She began but stopped when Eric placed his index finger on her lips. "Shush Kilia. I didn't choose her." He leaned closer to hug her, Kilia beginning to cry as he continued. "I chose you Kilia. I love you, and I always will." Then she lost it and began to sob uncontrollably into his shoulder and he held onto her, rubbing the back of her serpentine neck slowly until she calmed down.

"I- I don't know what to say." She said, looking at his smiling face. She suddenly had an idea, something that she that they'd both enjoy. "Oh I know" she said in a silky voice, her claw suddenly beginning to trail down Eric topless body. She saw him wince.

"K-Kilia what are you-." He gasped when Kilia suddenly grabbed his member and began to fondle with it gently. "OhhhhHHH! You naughty dragon..." He groaned softly as she felt himself begin to grow erect in his pajama pants." Kilia only grinned back at his contorted face as she continued to pump his hardening tool.

"Oh speak for yourself." She whispered gently into his ear. "You're the one getting a boner from a dragon rubbing her claw against you." At that she began to trace along his now hardened member with the smooth edge of her claw. This in turn caused Eric to shudder at the feeling as pleasure coursed through his veins. Once Kilia got to the waist band of his pants, she gave a tug and pulled his cock out of its hiding place while throwing the blankets off of either of them.

Kilia couldn't help but gasp at his Cock. It was exactly eight inches! Eric smiled at her face. "Like what you see?"

She turned to look him square in the eyes. "Ohhh yes! May I?" She asked in an all too sexual way. He merely smiled and slowly waved his hand across his attire.

"All yours sexy." Kilia felt like she was about to cry with happiness at how Eric was treating her, but she quickly bit her lip to stop it and she slowly began to bring her face closer to his manhood. As she did, she would occasionally give a flick of her tongue on her partners body to make him shudder. It worked perfectly as she felt him shudder underneath her several times.

"God Kilia, How did you get so good at this." He whispered in bliss as she had finally reached his cock. Here Kilia couldn't help but look at it, her eyes going slightly crossed eyed as she stared at his large member. Before she had second thoughts, she began to nuzzle it with her muzzle gently sliding along the skin to get a better feel for it and Kilia felt it twitch as she did so. It was so warm, she just wanted to continue on like this forever but knew she had to continue on when she Heard Eric moan.

"Oh Christ Kilia..." Before he had time to react, he suddenly felt her tongue slide out and lick him slowly, starting from the base and all the way to the tip. Her she kissed the tip gently before pulling back a little.

"Getting excited?" She asked looking back to see Eric whimper gently as she grabbed the base of him with one of her hands. "Don't you worry my love, this will only get better." Then she leaned forward and kissed him gently, but this time she slid him into her maw until only his tip was in her mouth. Kilia sat there and savoured his taste and loved how he was slightly...earthy. But suddenly she tasted something very sweet and she ran her tongue around his head in a circular motion. Afterwards, she pulled off of him again only to kiss him and slide him in yet again, deeper this time. Kilia continued like this until she had his entire manhood deep in her maw.

Eric was in bliss, here he was with a Great Dane sized dragon giving him what he could only say was the best BJ of his life. His dick felt so good in her maw as Kilia began to bob gently on him, causing him to wonder how she was so good at this when he thought about how it was slightly unfair for her as well. Looking off to his side, he saw the dragons rump next to him and notice her tail swishing around happily. He then noticed how moist it was, just under her tail and grinned. He now knew how to repay her now.

Teach over, he lifted her rear high into the air and slowly placed her right above his head. She yelped as he did o but he knew she wasn't to protest as she was too busy suckling his prick in her mouth. Now getting a clear view, Eric saw what he was looking for: her slit, now nice and swollen from arousal and he reached up to gently slide his finger slowly up and down. He immediately heard her moan as he continued, but changed tactics when he suddenly began to circle around her lips with his thumbs, watching as they reacted to the stimulation. He grunted and felt himself thrust his hips a little but realized he wasn't about to cum yet, just a sudden surge of pleasure.

Giving a little heh, he brought his mouth up and gave Kilia's cunt a little flick from his own tongue which in turn caused her to shudder. This encouraged Eric as he began to lick Kilia's slit with ease. At first, he was expecting to feel a rough bumpy surface, but instead he found her scales in her groin region to be rather soft and smooth, like soft silky velvet. Eric even found her to be quite delicious as she steadily leaked out juices onto his tongue. Wanting more, Eric shoved his face deeper into her swollen sex and he heard a hiss of pleasure burst forth from around his own cock.

All of a sudden, Eric felt his tongue get clenched up within her sex, trying to milk it for non-existent cum. His lower face was soon drenched yet he was trying his best to drink the sweet nectar that was emanating forth from her intense orgasm. After what seemed like minutes, Kilia calmed down but was still going strong on his manhood. Soon he felt the familiar feeling of his lower body tightening up.

"Kilia... I-I'm gonna..." He moaned in between clenched teeth as he felt the pressure in his loins build up. Eric then felt it all go...

...And straight down Kilia open maw. She had opened her mouth to get a breath of air when he had suddenly reached his limit, her eyes wide when the first of Eric spunk landed on her tongue. Almost immediately she closed her mouth around him, suckling him to let more of his spunk to accumulate in her mouth, so that she can savour the taste of him. She was unable to keep him in her mouth for long and she had to take a gasp for air, only to have three of the biggest streams smack her along the muzzle and across her one closed eye.

That was when he had calmed down, and Eric looked up to see Kilia with three streams of white goo on her face. That was when she stuck her tongue out to show some of his cum in her mouth before she took a long audible gulp. That was when he knew he given a big load as he saw a rather noticeable bulge begin to slowly make its way down her long throat until it disappeared into her torso.

"Holy shit..." He whispered, surprised at how hot he had found that. He heard her giggle as she wiped the mess from her face.

"Seems like someone's ready for round two." Looking down, Eric only grinned when he saw that he was already hard again.

"Only if you want to, Kilia." He said quietly as she began to slowly crawl towards his face, only to nuzzle against Eric affectionately and He pulled her in for a kiss.

"And I want to Eric, you don't know how long I wanted you." She said leaning against him. "I love you so much." She heard Eric chuckle softly.

"I love you too. With all my heart Kilia." As he finished, Eric felt Kilia begin to grind herself against his prick, coating him in her fluids. "jeez, aren't you frisky."

"Well, I have been in love with you since we came of age." She reached in between her legs to grab Him and position him until she felt his tip. "To be honest, imagined being me instead of the women you have brought here to be me."

She began to sink down and Eric felt pleasure course through his veins as his manhood was enveloped in silky warmth. He was amazed at how warm she was down there and even more suprized that she was able to get all of him inside of her.

"S-So big." She moaned into his chest, her hands squeezing his shoulders as he reached down and grabbed her rump with both hands. He slowly began to move her up and down, watching as he reappeared only to disappear once more into the dragoness' vent. "God don't stop, it's better then I thought it would be."

He pressed her lips against his and both began to dance with their tongues as Kilia once again took control, bouncing on him with small thuds being heard. Eric groaned, amazed at how her snatch seemed to squeeze around him, how it seemed to milk him even though neither of them were even close coming. After a moment of this movement, Eric grabbed Kilias shoulders and flipped her on her back, him lying on top of her as he began to thrust at a steadty pace. Her juices were now leaking at a surprising rate, pooling around her tail as the two moaned in yet another loving kiss.

So warm. Eric thought as he opened his eyes and saw Kilias panting below him. He reached up and began to rub the side of her head gently. She in turn began to nuzzle up against it. And so beautiful. He felt himself pick up pace as it had suddenly become much easier to slide into Kilia's pussy. He grunted when her muscles began to spasm gently against. He once again began to feel the fuzzy, clenching feeling within himself as he started to come close to climax.

"Kilia...I-I think I'm about to-"His voice trailed off, sweat glistening across his brow as Kilia continued to pat beneath his well-toned form.

"S-So am I" Replied the dragoness. Suddenly she Roared and Eric felt her wall begin to pull at him, trying its hardest to milk him. He was all too happy to oblige as he had felt the climax smash into him like and unsespecting wave that was surprisingly refreshing. Both sat there unmoving, as Eric shot his load deep into his dragon womb.

"G-God!" screamed Kilia as she felt eric seed burst forth to splash along her wall. She was soon feeled with his spunt and she couldn't but feel full and warm as her climax soon came down. A mixture of their cum trailed out of her passageway, down her tail, and began to soak into the sheets as they began to pant, both enjoying the afterglow of their passion.

Eric felt wasted from the fun they had, yet he still leaned forward and kissed Kilia once more. This kiss was less enthusiastic as before, but it portrayed how much they loved one another and soon it was broken.

"I know I've said it plenty of times throughout the night, but I will say it again anyways." Eric smiled lovingly. "I love you and I always will Kilia." He looked about and saw the mess they made on the bed. "Jeez, let's get cleaned up before we go to bed."

When he looked back, he say that Kilia was already fast asleep and he shook his head in exasperation. "Or maybe not." He sat there for a moment, watching her scaly chest rise and fall with each breath, and how she seemed so peaceful. He turned around grabbed the blanket and covered the two gently before snuggling up to his love and closed his eyes for the night.

"You are such an over grown lizard." These were his final words as he drifted off to sleep, a small smile warn on his face as he held his beloved dragon closer to him.