Starlight Pack Chapter 2: New Beginnings Part1

Story by Starlightwolf1 on SoFurry

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#2 of Starlight Pack

Chapter 2: New Beginnings

I'm still a little upset because of my little snap at Roxanne's dad last night I was kind of upset mostly because of what happened before. After that old asshole left, all I wanted to do was keep my distance from everyone sadly I can't stay in my den till the heat blows off; cause that's what everyone thinks I would do, but I need to break that habit. So I decided to take a walk around the territory just to cool off hoping to get some time off from the others

"Hey Zak can you come here for a second" Megan called out to get my attention.

I sighed in irritation and whispered to myself, "So much for 'time off'." then I called out to Meg "yea okay sure"

As I walked up to Meg I noticed Roxanne standing behind her. Please don't let this be an awkward thing, please.

"Zak I want you to meet my friend, Roxanne." Megan said trying to act like she forgot about last night.

Roxanne then went up in front of me with a smile and all I could think was "fuck please don't say anything about last night."

"Hey Zak, told you I'll see you again" She said with a big innocent smile.

"Yeah you did" I said with a fake smile.

Meg was clearly confused "Wait you guys met when?"

"Last night you know after we..." I paused "talked"

Then I noticed Jake in the corner of my and eye walking up to Meg "Hey M-Meg, I need to talk to you" I noticed a slight mutter in his voice.

"Oh, yeah sure, see you guys" and with that she was gone

"So Zak tell me something about yourself." She said clearly expecting me say 'eh well I was the Alpha's son till he died' or something along those lines

"Well before I left I was the Alpha's son but yet I was an Omega." I said trying to say like I wasn't upset.

"What you were an Omega, why wasn't your rank pushed up to Beta immediately after you were born?"

"Well in all honestly I hated that blood effected the ranking system so I played along with the rank role until I was like 7 then at one of the pack ceremonies I stood up in front of everyone and said that I didn't want to be the Beta," she could see I wasn't lying "I wanted to be treated like a normal wolf start at Omega and work my way up"

"Then what happened; how did they react to that?" She was clearly interested in my messed up life.

"Well 6 years later I left"

"Did they kick you out"

"No" I said with a laugh. "I left cause I wanted to find heaven"

"Did you find it?"

"No turns out it doesn't exist"

"Not true"

"I looked everywhere and didn't find it so it doesn't exist"

"So we can't find gods but yet they exist"

"Yea, so what brought you here to hyper" Hyper was the pack name it was known all over the country as the biggest pack, but it's mostly known because my father created it. He was a legend, a true hero, a prophet. Well that's what everyone says but he was just my dad to me.

"Oh well when I was still a pup my pack got attacked and I ran" when she said that i saw a tear falling from her muzle. "I was a rogue until I met up with my dad, he's actualy my ungle but he treated me like his daughter so I felt like it to and after awhile i thought of him as my dad"

"So how old were you when you got here?"

"I was about 14 i guess"

"So you came into the pack 2 years after I left hah?" I was still trying to make sense so i knew what happened when i was gone.

Me and Roxanne talked for a bit longer about what happened and I if she was okay with the pack. Then Jake came over to us running and looking worried.

"Zak I need your help!" He said like someone just died.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"It's Meg I can't find her i thought maybe you've seen her around here?"

"Uh not after she walked off with you" It's not like Meg to run off from someone expesauly someone she cared about as much as Jake. Then it hit me I knew where she was "Wait I might know where she is." and with that i was gone. Luckly no one followed me so it would be easier to talk to her.

After about 10 minutes of running I was at the hill we were at last night, and I was right she was here. I saw her looking over the forest crying.

"Meg are you okay?"Just as I said that she flew into me and put her crying head on my chest.

"Zak I-I can't do it?" She was pouring, my fur was soaked.

"Can't do what?"

"Jake he-he asked me to marry him." It's strange Meg always wanted to get married, when she described her dream guy she was happy then the would always say 'like you i want my husband to be like you' It's weird cause Jake realy is a lot like me but I guess that didn't cut it.

"Meg that's not something to run away from you always wanted to marry a good-looking guy."

"No Zak I wanted to marry you,no one else"I couldn't help myself but kiss her I was happy that she felt the same way about me as i did for her.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" heard Jake shout out. i turned and saw him there with bloodshot eyes filled with tears.

"Jake look I'm sorry but I can't go through with marrying you." Meg said with tears still running down her face"I'm-I'm sorry."

"Oh...okay so we're done?" Jake was clearly crushed."it's-it's fine"

"jake are you okay?"I had to ask he looked like he was ganna burst out crying.

"Yea I'm fine"

"Zak, Jake, Meg are you guys okay?"Roxanne called out seeing all of us with tears in our eyes.

"*sniff* Yea we're fine" I said to keep her from worrying.

"okay let's get back to the pack, the Alpha's calling for you guys."

"Oh shit not again" I hated just seeing that guy now i had to talk to him no way am I ever ganna like the guy he's an old bastered.

As we all walked to the Alphas den i heard something in the bushes.

"Hey whoever you are come here"Everyone probily thought I was nuts.

"Wow man how the hell did you hear me, I was being as quite as I could." Jeff was my old best friend he was like my brother; he was a chestnut brown oddly enough same with his eyes some times you'd think he had no eyes when all you see is brown and a bit of white in his eyes.

"Oh my god Jeff hey man"I said and huged him, nobody was use to me hugging my guy friends so they were a bit freaked.

"Uh Zak, dude get off me." Just when I heard that I quickly jump away from him hopping nobody would make a big deal of it

"Oh uh sorry it's just that you know I haven't seen you in awhile" I said with a bit of an embarresed blush on my cheeks

"It's fine I get it, but you know just don't do it again."He was always so forgiving that was a trait that almost everyone in the pack had.

"Uh is Zak a bit of a fag" Jake teasted. I gave him a death look like I was gonna rip his head off whitch I would if he called me that again.

"NO!" Meg snaped to Jake.

"Let's get going" I was so pissed off no one calls me a fag and gets away with it.

Soon we got to the Alpha's den and sure enough he was standing out side waiting for us.

"Hello everyone." Alpha said. "Zak come inside."

"*sigh* Okay." I put on a fake smile to make it seem I liked the guy

When we got inside I swear I was practicly interagated.

"Zak, I want to know what happened to your father, he was a dear friend of mine."

"He was killed"

"NO SHIT, I WANT TO KNOW HOW." He clearly took it too personly

"The killer opened his wounds"

"Was aggretion or self-defese."

"A-aggretion" A tear fell from my eyes.

"Zak it's okay to cry he was your father."

"NO I WON'T CRY ANYMORE I SOBBED OVER TOO MANY TIMES" I was irritated with crying.

"Why everone needs to cry."

"No I won't it's not gonna bring him back I learnt that the hard way."

After that I stormed out crying just like it was that day again. Everyone was outside waiting for me, all I did was run straight past them, I needed to talk to someone but not them I needed to talk to Aj, he is a grey with purple on the tips of his tail and on his paws; he was my other best friend but he helped me in dark times.When I got to his den he wasn't there so I desided to track him. I went to where he normaly sleeps. I took in his scent. Soon I was hot on his track after 5 minutes I saw him talking to a male lion.

"Uh Aj?" I was sceard of the lion til I got closer.

"Hey Zak." Aj then returned to his conversation.

"No way Zak." the lion said he was the leader of the pride I was stangely a member of for a month.

"Dylan oh my god hey"I was happy to see him.

"What's up" He asked.

"Aj i need to talk to you, it's about my dad."

"Okay, hey Dylan can I talk to you later."

"Uh Aj it's okay Dylan knows."

"Oh okay so what's wrong."

"It's the Alpha."

"I thought you said it was about your dad."

"He asked how he died and I said he was murdered, whitch is the truth but I don't know how to tell him who killed him."

"Tell the truth" Both Aj and Dylan said at the same time.

"But *sigh* okay"

As I was walking back Aj and Dylan followed me to be sure I would tell the truth. When we arrived at the den again I took a deep breath to calm myself, ant then I walked inside.

"Uh Alpha" I called out to get his attantion


"It-it was me I killed him" When those words left my mouth I burst into tears. Alpha was shocked.

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