Monkey Versus Fox

Story by Bennu on SoFurry

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This is a bit nonsensical but yesterday I was thinking about my real problems with a fox trying to grab our chickens, and thought it would funny to do some Loony Tunes with porn... I'm not really sure how the pregnancy thing popped up since I don't normally go in for that sort of thing, but I'm sure Bennu would be running around the woods knocking up random critter girls on accident so I left it in.

Bennu's treehouse is in a large forest, where pine woods turn into bayous, and for miles around there are only a few small roads with small houses and farms close to them. One year Bennu planted a garden and got several chickens to eat bugs and lay eggs for his breakfast. Now of course he knew it meant there would be trouble from varmints, but he thought he could cleverly use nature magic and set up a spell to keep all the deer and coyotes away. Of course, with anthro animals running around, he had to craft it so it only affected non-sentient creatures...

One afternoon, while he was busy pounding away at his computer (typing, not fapping) Bennu heard a big cackle from the hens, and leaning out the window saw a vulpine tail zipping into the brush! He jumped out, sliding down a rope, and ran over to investigate- only a scattering of feathers showed where one of the chickens had been grabbed! "What!? How? A fox can't get in here! I thought I did it right!" and he went sniffing along, big scaly nose working the trail into the woods, until he found soft dirt- "Oh! These are some big tracks... hmm..." -and he realized that he forgot about the various anthro creatures that took refuge in the forest at various times, and obviously this was an anthro fox- "Either gone feral, or just out for a thrill! Well I know what to do with HER." He could tell gender since a dragon-monkey could smell a female miles away. Stroking his goatee he frowned, pondering traps...

A day later the vixen crept up to the edge of the woods, sniffing the air. The musky male scent of the monkey dragon was faint, and no noise came from the treehouse. The chickens wandered the yard scratching in leaves. After a short wait, she realized he must have gone to town, and sneaks up on dainty toes, determining where to strike when she notices the nest under the tree full of eggs: the hens were moving out into the open and harder to catch, but eggs don't run... The vixen stepped right into the trap, and the net popped up, scooping her along as it flew up to the side of the house. She flailed and gnawed at the ropes, but Bennu leaned out, his fur still damp from the (generic non-sponsored product similar to) Febreeze he sprayed himself with- "Ha! Got you now, bitch!" He saw she was one of the wild ones, practically a pygmy, only about four feet tall and wearing scanty leather bra, skirt, leggings, and moccasins. There were only a few left, the temptations of city life having made most move into towns decades ago, but with the economic collapse some returned to the old ways simply to survive. Bennu didn't care about any of that though, he isn't rich either, and said so- "You think I have some dragon hoard hmm? Rather steal than trade?" She just growled and hissed, and he shrugged as he swung her over into the house, wrestling with the entangled vixen as he tied ropes to her ankles and fastened a collar on her neck before releasing her from the net. He laughed as she bolted, snarling as she hit the end of the leash. She flailed and rolled trying to escape for a good ten minutes before collapsing in exhaustion. He sniffed at her- "Oh I see you don't like domestication... hmm, I haven't smelt you before, new here?" She just stuck her tongue out- "Thppppt!" He sniffed "Oh well if you like being feisty..." he grinned, noticing her clothes were askew, his penis flopped as it started growing, and since he's naked (as usual) she quickly noticed his shift in interest. The vixen snarled and scooted back, making the skirt come off even more- "Ugh! LIke I'd want some fugly primate putting his penis in my pooter!" "Who said anything about your vagina?" "No! Not the butt! I poop from there! Anywhere but there!" "Ha! Sneaksy foxes! Trying to trick me into putting it there! I'm gonna pound your hot, pink pussy! I can smell you're in heat!" She wiggled and folded her ears back, embarrassed. He grins, "Oh don't worry, I won't get you pregnant, just let me get my box of condoms and you can start paying me back for the chickens you stole..." She growls, "I'm not a ho! I'll pay you for the chickens! I have lots of nuts and berries!" "Pff! One chicken costs a lot of berries, and I already have a nice big pair of nuts!" She groans at the pun, and gnaws on her lip, then yells out- "Sexism! I'm offended! You just want to put it in my vagina because I'm female!" "Yes obviously, if you were a boy I'd only have two holes to choose from... but I'm lucky, you have three, and I can't wait to fuck all of them!" He laughs and creeps closer, and she fights with the collar, obviously turned on but not wanting to give in easily- no way could she let some monkey outsmart her, everyone knows foxes are the trickiest critters! She grumbles, running out of ideas, and getting mad at herself for being too horny to think- she did want to play 'Boink the Burglar', she was just too proud to admit it. Bennu paces back and forth, trying to figure out what she's thinking- she smells horny, but is too stubborn to give in to her hormones... but that made him want her even more! "OK, I'm no rapist, I'll just take you out into the woods and release you..." She twitches- obviously this is another trick! How could he stop being horny so quick... unless he wasn't in the first place! She sniffs, but his cleaning removed his smells- she can't tell if he's really turned on! How could he not be turned on by a vixen in heat!? Now, swirling with hormones, she gets mad that he doesn't want to do her and snarls- "Oh, think I don't want it huh? I see how fat that cock is! I want it in me!" He fights back a grin, although his penis refuses to cooperate as it swells, but he shrugs and unties her ankles as he blandly says- "I know foxes are tricky- you're just trying to seduce me so you can tie me up and go steal the rest of my chickens!" She pants and throws her legs around him and her bare crotch rubs against his- "No! I promise! You can tie me up to your bed! You feel how wet I am!" He grins, and carries her over, tying the leash to a convenient knob over the bed, and then binding her hands together. Feeling triumphant, he starts to congratulate himself and looks in her big, begging eyes as his cock starts to slip into her tight, wet pussy... but why did her ear just twitch to the side!? Hmmm... "Oh, wait, I forgot one thing!" he grunts as he reaches around to dig under the bed, and pulls out a muzzle for her snout, quickly binding it shut so she can't talk or yell. "Ha! Good. Now, you wait here while I go catch your friend!" Her eyes pop open, and she kicks and mumbles, but he quickly ties her legs down, turns on some loud make-out music, and sneaks over to peer out the windows. Another vixen was creeping around, and glanced up smiling- obviously it was their plan to have one girl fuck him while the other stole all the chickens! Good thing he was woo smart to fall for that. Watching carefully, Bennu realizes his scent is almost gone, now he was covered in the vixen's scent...

Crawling down the tree head-first like a squirrel, he sneaks up behind the other vixen as she prowls around with a big bag over her shoulder and a big net in her hand. Already a couple of hens were in the bag, and she was slowly walking to another, when he threw the lasso around her neck. Surprisingly, she didn't panic, just dropped her net and slowly lowered the bag, letting the chickens run free as she said- "Well I guess my little sister didn't fool you... I knew I shoulda did it myself." She turned around, and her bright green eyes flashed at him. She was dressed the same as her sister, and didn't look much older, although her figure was more vulpine voluptuous. Bennu perked up at the sight of her figure and those dazzling eyes. "My name is Gwyn." "I'm Bennu, the monkey dragon." "Oh yes, we just moved nearby, down the creek a ways. Our old territory got logged out. So you live here alone with lots of nets and ropes hmmmmmmm?" "Ha, yeah, I uh find uses for them sometimes." "Did you find a use for my little sister?" "Yeah....."

They stand there, Gwyn giggling, released from the lasso and standing next to Bennu as they watched the other vixen writhing around in ecstasy, riding a big dragon dildo while rubbing a vibrator on her clit. She was still bound and gagged, but obviously it wasn't needed to keep her in bed now. She squealed and shuddered, collapsing into a pile of Jell-o as her sex scent filled their snouts. The other two grunt in arousal, and glance at each other. She smiles and ducks her head down, wiggling her hips and tail. Bennu growls, then bounces over to the bed, untying little sister and carefully laying her on the couch, where she passes out. Bennu bounces back over, cock hard and waggling, but she smiles and shakes her head, pointing back and the bed and shooing him over to it. He sits on the edge, eying her eagerly as she slowly walks over, wide hips rolling as her tail swished back and forth. He made grunting noises as she reached down to stroke his face, leaning over to gently touch his snout to his, her green eyes locked with his blue orbs. Their hot breath mingles as it grows ragged, each eagerly guessing what the other intended to do. Impatient, he slides his hands over her hips, and pulls her down into his lap, hard cock rubbing on her thigh as he put one hand in the small of her back and the other under her knee, gently kissing on his former enemy. After a minute of kind formality, she slides back off, standing as he slips off her bra, playing with her C-cup tits for a second before moving his mouth down her belly and smoothly removing her skirt. The crotch fur there is as red as on her head, but trimmed into a tame topiary. She stood there panting as he pushed her knees apart and his long tongue snaked down onto her vulva. "Oh! Ah, aren't you going to take off my leggings?" and he glances up, shaking his head once and grinning with eyebrow up. "Oh- it's kinkier that way? Urr... that's good, but I ne-e-ed your cock..." He nods vigorously, and scoots over, watching her lean over and crawl onto the bed on her hands and knees, and he reaches for the condoms but she says- "Mmm- I'm clean, how about you? I'd like it better with your cream inside me, dribbling out... you like that, right?" He nods, and she turns wiggling her rump towards him, tail curled sideways, and her arms around his pillow, her face buried in it except one eye looking back intensely. Bennu grabs the vixen's hips, gently fondling her as he pulls her closer, intending to stand since he had a bad knee, but who has time to talk when you're horny. Gwyn goes along with it, thinking about how much harder he could plow her if he was standing, and gasps as his cock slips halfway in, her wet pussy ready to go. They make a few small humps to get his cock good and lubed, then he grabs her hips, claws buried in her fur as he starts fucking her. She pants and moans as he slams into her rear, balls slapping her crotch as his fat cock thrust deep inside with each hump-hump-hump, strong enough to knock the little vixen forward if he hadn't been holding on tight. Since she was in her heat she had meant to ask him to pull out and decorate her rump, but it was so good she couldn't think, and just wanted him to keep pounding away when he groaned loudly as he came, and she gasped as a large spurt of sperm shot inside her, filling the last space in her vagina and flowing quickly into her gaping cervix, sloshing into her waiting womb. The sudden sensation drove her into orgasm, and her vagina clenched tightly onto his cock as she squeaked and groaned. Relaxing, she shuddered and winced as she felt the baby making fluid flow deep inside her. Right now his monkey sperm were wiggling their way to her waiting fox eggs... his grip loosens, and his cock slips out, drooping down now. He gets a rag to wipe off with, and she rolls onto her side, cleaning the juices out of her pussy. "Holy shit, there's just gobs of it!" "Oops. Apparently whatever I eat makes lots of spooge." "It's hot, I like feeling that warm sticky mess all over me..." He sits on the edge of the bed, catching his breath, and stares at her smiling. "Does that mean you'll come back for more cock, and less chicken?" Her gaze remains locked with his as she nods, and he touches noses with her, the tenderness making her forget her internal situation. She was used to males scampering off as soon as they pulled out, not kissing and petting...

After a quick shower, they wander out naked, and she makes excuses to go home. He agrees, and after adjusting her clothing she bounces down the ladder into the forest, darting among the trunks as he watches her go. Sighing, he leans on the door, in the sudden quiet, not even a 'bok bok bok' from the hens, and thinks... "Wait.... where did little sister go... they tricked me! She got the chickens while I was fucking Gwyn!" Smacking his head, he goes in to ponder how to keep them out...

A month later, Gwyn is a few miles away at the cabin she shares with her sister, who is asking- "What's up? You sound really pissed..." "Ugh. It's... well... what do you think a fox-monkey hybrid looks like?" "Sounds pretty fugly. Whyyyyyyy- oh... well... maybe it won't be so bad." The younger vixen was already knocked up by her young todd, and the rest of their clan was preparing to make room for a crop of cubs. The elder one sighed and shrugged... it was their way to raise cubs without needing the male around, especially when it was an outsider, and she had no intention of doing any different... "No matter, go check the chickens, the eggs should hatch soon, and we'll need even more in the flock now."

Iconoclast reboot part 6

I'm in a tunnel of some kind, in the dark, and walking forward. Suddenly there is a rumble and everything vibrates, heat and light growing ahead of me, and the I am in a giant cave full of machines and fire. It looks like part of what we just explored,...

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Iconoclast reboot part 5

The morning light comes early, and I awake in an empty, cool bed, the thick curtains pulled aside already. I'm naked- we always sleep naked now, it's become habit- but the room is chilly and I grab the clothes I had laid out next to the bed. Quietly I...

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Iconoclast reboot part 4

I don't know how long we were up after that, it's all a blur, but I woke up with the sun high and Makari snuggled tight against me in her old bed, her as the big spoon with her hands on my chest and nose on my neck. We were completely naked, in a...

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