Big Blue

Story by DracoMancer on SoFurry

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A dragon moves to a new town and finds love in a new friend.

Here, have a story.

Dejande looked from his schedule to the numbers by many doors in the hallway. His family had just moved into a new town and this was his first time in this school and had yet to find his way around. He was a dragon with very bright blue scales starting his second semester of the Junior Year. He was tall like most dragons and had a lean build. He sighed as he entered another hallway after realizing he had gone throught the wrong one again. The woman in the front office wasn't very helpful as she only gave him his school ID and schedule before giving near useless directions to his fifth period class. He finally reached a door that had the same number as the one on his schedule. He knocked and waited until he heard someone say "Come in" before entering. The teacher, a female avian who's species he couldn't identify, looked him over for a second.

"Ah you must be the new student I was informed about." She said after a moment "I am Mrs. Williams. Welcome to AP History. There's an empty seat over there by Kyle." she said pointing to a seat near the back by a spotted rabbit. He sat down and the teacher continued her lecture on industrialization. 'Seems like there won't be anything special about this class' He thought to himself. He looked around the room at his classmates, all in varying levels of attention. Some taking notes and listening to every word the teacher said, Others who were partially asleep, and a few who were paying just enough attention to know what was going on if asked but still trying to communicate with their nearby friends.

He looked to his right to see the rabbit who he assumed was Kyle. He had his notes out and would occasionally right something down but he wasn't paying any real attention and seemed to be staring off into space. Kyle looked at Dejande and gave him a friendly smile. He smiled back and looked back at the teacher and payed attention to what she was saying. Eventually a note was passed his way.

'My name's Kyle, what's yours?' it said. It didn't take any thought to realize it was from the rabbit next to him.

'My name is Dejande' he wrote

'Strange name you have there.' came the reply

'Totally normal for a dragon'

'Of course. So I'm guessing your new to school?'

'New to the town.'

'Oh wow. You're going to need someone to show you around aren't you?'

'Well that'd be wonderful.'

'Don't worry, I can do that. We're going to be great friends.'

Dejande smiled at that last part. He's barely been here for fifteen minutes and he's already made a friend. Easier than he thought it would be. They continued to write notes to each other throughtout the entire class period and didn't get caught once. When the bell signaling the end of the class period Dejande left the classroom with Kyle.

"So Big Blue, you mind telling me how to pronounce your name?" Kyle asked

"Big Blue?"

"Doesn't sound like its spelled at all." the rabbit remarked

"No seriously, Big Blue?"

"Well it was either that or butcher your name horribly."

"Fine, it's Deh-Jahn-Dee. Got it?"

"Wonderful, now where are you headed Dejande?" Dejande handed him his schedule to let him look it over. "Oh look, you're in the same classes as me for the last two periods. Orchestra and physics. Just follow me and you'll be alright. What do you play by the way?"

"I play the bass. You?"

"Violin. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" he said with exaggeration making Dejande chuckle. The rabbit kept him great company throughout the school day. He had a great sense of humor and was easy to talk to. After school they were walking out the front together amongst the many other students hurrying home.

"You have a phone right?" Kyle asked

"Of course. I'm guessing you want my number?"

"You can read me so well." he said. Dejande gladly gave him his number and waited for him to save it into his phone. "So Big Blue, doing anything after school today?"

"Well besides homework no I'm not."

"Well since you're new in town I was thinking we could hang out. I could show you around."

"How sweet, you want to spend more time with me." Dejande could've sworn he saw him turn red after he said that

"Nah, I just feel like I should be looking out for you."

"Of course, call me later. You can give me directions to find you or something. As of now though I have to do some work at home. Bye little guy!" he said turning around and stretching his wings out.

"Bye Big Blue."

"Is that gonna stick?"

"Of course, so get used to it." Kyle told him with a smirk. The dragon chuckled and took flight and in no time he was home. His mom was already there finishing some of the unpacking.

"Oh good, you're home. You still had a box or two left. They're in you're room."

Dejande thanked his mom and went up to his room. He had most of his stuff unpacked and almost everything he wanted in its place. There were two boxes as his mom had said in the corner of his room and he opened it to see whats inside. Nothing special to him, a few books, some videogames. It wasn't until he reached the bottom that he stopped and stared. It was a photo showing him and a border collie. His last boyfriend. They broke up after he found the dog in bed with a horse.

Yes, he was gay. His parents knew and accepted him completely though it took them a few weeks or so to realized it didn't change him. He sighed and folded the picture to put it away somewhere. He wasn't really sure why held onto it but he couldn't get rid of it despite the bad memories. Dejande finished going through the second box and laid back onto his bed. He was close to falling asleep when his phone rang. Kyle no doubt. 'At least I have someone to keep me busy.' he thought as he answered it.


It had been two monsths since Dejande had met Kyle. The two of them had been spending a lot of time together and Dejande had begun to develop a crush on the rabbit. He wasn't sure what to do so he kept it to himself. He was with Kyle one day after leaving a diner he had been invited to by the rabbit of course. They were walking through the park joking and laughing when they ran into a mountain lion around their age smoking a cigarette. Kyle saw him before Dejande did and tried to turn around. The mountain lion saw them though, got up and walked towards them.

"Oh hello there, you must be the new guy I heard about." he said with an almost devious grin.

"Well don't think I'm important enough for you to know about me but I guess I am." Dejande said oblivious to the grin and the feline's muzzle.

"Of course you are, you've been hanging around this faggot." As soon as he said that the friendly smile on Dejande's smile disappeared. He looked down to see Kyle almost cowering behind him.

"I don't appreciate you talking about him like that." Dejande said with a growl.

"What are you gay too?"

"I can't just want to protect my friend from assholes like you?"

"I don't see you doing anything about it." after saying that the mountain lion took a long drag out of his cigarette and blew it into Dejande's face. He grabbed the feline by the shirt and pulled him close.

"You've heard about us dragons right? Breathing fire to burn anyone that pisses us off?" The mountain lion laughed nervously

"It's rare for you guys to be able to do that. I doubt you actually have that ability." he said

"You sure about that tough guy?" He let loose a puff of smoke to hit him in the face. "Now run dickwad." He said throwing him onto the ground. The mountain lion hurriedly picked himself up and ran off as he was told. It wasn't until he was out of sight that Kyle asked Dejande:

"Can you really breathe fire?" Dejande began to cough after he said that.

"Oh gods no... I just breathed in some of that crap he blew in my face... and hoped he wouldn't catch my bluff." He explained between coughing fits.

"Thank you Dejande. You're the first person to stand up for me." he said after his coughing fits were over.

"Tell me something Kyle. Are you gay?" As soon as he asked the question his ears lowered.

"Yes..." he said after a few long seconds. "I suppose you'll be leaving me just like all the others now right?" Dejande waited a moment before kissing him. After pulling away Kyle looked at him, shocked.

"Only if you want me to." he said. Kyle kissed him again only longer than before. When he pulled away he looked at the dragon.

"Please don't." he told him.

"As you wish"


"Are you sure this is a good idea Big Blue?" Kyle asked

"Of course. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to know about us." he answered. Dejande was taking him to tell his parents about their relationship. Kyle seemed a bit reluctant at first but calmed down a little as they neared his house. "C'mon now, they're going to be leaving soon." Dejande went in first and called out for his parents.

"Mom? Dad? You here? I have Kyle with me!" His dad appeared and came down the stairs with a large suitcase.

"Oh hey you two, did you need something?" he asked

"Yeah but mom's going to want to hear this too." Dejande told him. Just as he said it his mom also came down the stairs with another suitcase.

"Yeah I'm here, now what do you two need?" she asked.

"Well mom. Dad. Kyle and I are together now. Simple as that." Dejande told them pulling the now nervous lapine closer to him. They both stayed silent for a few moments.

"How wonderful." His father said breaking the silence. "Now, we'll be back Tuesday two weeks from now. You ca-"

"Wait," Kyle interrupted "You don't seem all that surprised." Dejande's parents only smiled

"Of course not, He began spending a lot of time with you, and then he began spending even more time with you. You showed up for him more and more and it became obvious to us after awhile. Now, I'm sure you don't need much explaining as you've been home alone longer than this before. There's a hundred dollars in your room so you're going to have to clean your room to find it. Don't burn the house down!" he said before he and his wife left through the front door. Dejande watched them throw their luggage into the backseat of the truck and drive off.

"So where are they going?" Kyle asked

"Dad's got a business trip he'll be doing for a week and then their anniversary is sometime after so they'll be staying longer for that. More importantly though, we've got the whole house to ourselves for about two weeks. Any preference on what you want to do first?"


"Amazing." he said as he turned around and lead Kyle to his room. After getting inside the dragon handed his boyfriend a controller and sat down on the small couch in front of the TV.

"Ready to get your ass kicked?" he asked

"Only in your dreams." came the reply as Kyle sat down next to him. The two of them lost track of time as they played multiple games with varying degrees of wins and losses on both sides. They didn't think of the time until they realized it was dark outside.

"Holy shit what time is it?" Dejande asked after looking out a window.

"Just past nine." Kyle answered "What a wonderful way to waste a day huh?"

"Yeah, playing video games with the guy I love. By the way, your parents won't worry about you being gone for so long?"

"They'll call when they want me back. In the meantime though, we've got a bit more time to ourselves." he said as he moved closer. The rabbit pounced on him and got him onto his back while kissing him. Pretty soon it turned into a full on make-out session and Dejande could feel Kyle's hands moving down his chest. Once his soft furry hands reached the dragons pants he fumbled around with the button until it came undone then pulled down his zipper revealing the large tent in his boxers. When they finally broke apart they were both panting connected by a single strand of saliva.

"My my what do we have here?" Kyle asked rubbing Dejande's large erection through the thread getting a moan from him. He didn't wait for an answer and moved down till he was level with the dragon's shaft. He pulled down the boxers hiding his prize releasing the large cock.

"God you're bigger than I imagined." he told him. He had to have been near a foot long and thicker than his wrist.

"Not having second thoughts are you?"

"Never." Kyle answered before going to work on Dejande's dick. He dragged his tongue across the entire length getting a long moan from the dragon. He left no place untouched by his tongue before moving back to the head and letting it into his muzzle making the dragon's groans of pleasure even louder. He couldn't help but be aroused from Dejande's taste and musk and began to touch himself. He released his erection from its tight denim prison and began to stroke it, moaning as he did so.

"Goddamn Kyle..." was all that Dejande could say. The rabbit could feel large hands on the back of his head pushing him farther down onto his cock. It wasn't long before the rabbit could tell that he was bringing the dragon close to orgasm.

"Fuck Kyle... I'm about to-" was the only warning he was able to give before he came and let out a long growl. He was shooting torrents of cum into Kyle's waiting mouth. The rabbit couldn't swallow down all the cum he was being given so he pulled off and let him finish on his face. He looked up to see Dejande panting with a look of bliss on his face. He moved up and kissed him after he recovered.

"Looks like you've still got a problem yourself. One good turn deserves another as they say." Dejande said before moving down. Kyle had no protests as he felt Dejande's long serpentine tongue give his shaft a few teasing licks. His pants were pulled off of him. He moaned as he felt the dragon's tongue wrap around his shaft before it went into his muzzle. He knew what he was doing and was good at it. Having already gotten himself close he didn't take long before he orgasmed himself. The dragon drank every drop happily. He pulled off and licked his lips while watching Kyle pant heavily. He moved back up over Kyle and the two began kissing again. Dejande was hard again and had Kyle in the palm of his hand. 'I could take him right now' he thought 'I'm sure he wouldn't mind.' He moved Kyle closer to him and set his shaft between Kyle's ass.

"Dejande stop." He said breaking away. His voice was not without reluctance though. "I don't want to do this now." Dejande growled in response.

"Fine, but let me take care of both of our problems." he told him as he put both their erections together and put his large hand around the both of them. He began to stroke them together eliciting moans from the both of them. Dejande stopped for a split second as he heard Kyle's phone ring. Continuing, he used the dexterity of his tail to grab it out of the pocket of his pants and put it in the lapine's hand.

"Fuck Big Blue... It's my dad... stop." He managed to say between moans. The dragon didn't listen.

"Answer it." he growled. Kyle hesitated for a moment and did as he was told.

"Hey dad." He was barely able to bite back the pleasure in his voice. "Yeah sure, I'll be home soon." he said accidentaly letting a groan out. Dejande let out a low growl of pleasure in response.

"Oh that? Me and Dejande are just playing a game and I'm just trying to focus on beating him. Don't worry I'll be home soon. Bye dad." he said quickly before hanging up and trowing his cell phone off to the side. He felt the dragon nipping and licking at his neck.

"Fuck you." Kyle said before letting out a quiet moan. Dejande only growled in response and continued pleasuring the both of them. The two of them didn't last long and came almost simultaneously letting their cum hit the both of them. After riding out their orgasms Kyle looked at Dejande.

"You ass. How am I supposed to get this past my parents?" he asked

"Calm down. Just put it inside out, run inside and to your room then change before they notice." he explained licking some of the cum off of Kyle's muzzle afterwards. "You're going to want to wash your face before leaving though."


The bell signaling the end of the school day finally rang and people rushed out of the building eager to get home. Kyle and Dejande were leaving the school together talking about nothing and anything. The sky was dark and clouded and Dejande was in a rush to get home. He had a project he wanted to get done quickly so he decided to leave Kyle by himself for awhile.

"Well babe, it looks like it's going to rain soon. You'll want to hurry home." Dejande said

"Well you've got wings, I don't. Why don't you take me home for once?" he asked

"I hate carrying something that isn't small when I'm flying. Too much work soooo... bye now!" he said before showing off, doing a backflip in the air, landing on top of the school building, and jumping off and taking flight again.

"Show off!" Kyle yelled into the air after him.He chuckled to himself as he walked home and thought about what he was going to do without him. He walked to his front door and heard a thunderclap. When he walked inside he saw his parents sitting on the couch not saying a word.

"Hey guys, what's up?" he asked jokingly. His mom looked close to tears and his father stayed stone faced. They didn't say a word and his dad instead threw a magazine he had hidden on the table. Kyle looked at it and was instantly paralyzed with fear. They had found his gay porn magazine. He had kept it hidden in his room for a while now and didn't think they'd find it. He never used the internet because he knew his parents checked his browsing history frequently.

"Please tell me it isn't true." His mom pleaded choking back tears.

"In order to do that I'd have to lie to you and I don't want to do that..." he told her. She began to cry after he said it.

"How could you do this to us?" His father asked him

"You think I chose this?"

"We raised you better than this." his father said getting up as his voice raised in volume

"You say this as if I only wanted to humiliate you."

"We did not raise a faggot!" his father yelled suddenly. He was standing right in front of Kyle now with a look of scorn and anger on his face.

"Well apparently you did." Kyle said defiantly after a long moment of silence. Just as the words left his mouth he felt sharp pain against the side of his face. He looked down in shock. His father had struck him. He didn't want to look him in the eye

"Get out." He heard him say. He didn't care to argue anymore. He turned around and walked through the door. As he closed the door behind him there was another deafening thunderclap and it began to rain. All he had was the backpack he was never given time to get off and the clothes on his back. There was only one place to go to so he left. He ran through the heavy rain towards Dejande's house.

Dejande had found the money his parents had hidden in his room with as little effort as he could possibly achieve. He didn't feel like cooking so he just ordered pizza. He was laying back onto the couch when he heard the doorbell ring. 'Oh goodie, food. That was quick' He thought to himself. He opened the door only to see a soaking wet rabbit standing there.

"Kyle? What the hell are you doing out here in this weather?! Get in before you catch a cold or something!" he said pulling him in. He closed and locked the door before turning back to the rabbit. He immediately became worried when he saw the look of sadness and his face.

"Kyle? What happened?" he asked. The soaking wet rabbit hugged him tightly and began to cry.

"They kicked me out of Dejande. They found out I was gay and rejected me.' He told him sobbing. Dejande didn't know what to do as Kyle held him tightly and cried. After awhile he wrapped his arms around him and hugged him until he got quiet.

"It's all going to be all right little guy. I'm here for you." he said. He picked him up and carried him to his room.

"Let's get you out of these clothes before you get sick alright?" he asked getting a nod from the rabbit who had a faint smile on his face. After getting the okay he pulled the shirt over his head and threw it to the side before moving down to his pants, pulling them off, and revealing a dark blue thong.

''Well what do we have here?" Dejande asked Kyle. He blushed and looked away without saying a word. "It looks cute on you Kyle." he said with a wide grin

"Thanks big guy." Kyle told him before getting up, taking them off, and throwing them onto the dragon's muzzle. After heading to the bathroom he closed the door behind him and Dejande heard the water start. He picked up Kyle's clothes and took them downstairs to put them in the dryer. Afterwards he laid back on the couch and thought about Kyle's situation. His parents had kicked him out, he had nowhere to go and was stuck here, and he didn't know if he was going to be allowed to stay here. He gave off a long sigh and closed his eyes. He jumped when he heard the doorbell ring. He went to the front door to see the pizza delivery guy. He gave him his money along with a large tip for delivering in the current weather before going back inside. He set the food on the table and went back to the couch for a short nap.

When Dejande woke up he noticed that the space around him was pitch black and the rain was still going strong. He felt something heavy on top of him and notice Kyle on his chest with a blanket over them both completely naked and fast asleep. He smiled and ran his hand through the bunny's soft fur before kissing him softly and closing his eyes again, not wanting to move from his current position.

"Thank you Dejande." he heard Kyle's voice say

"Don't worry about it." he replied. After a few more moments of silence Dejande realized something. "You don't have any more clothes then what you came in do you?"

"Nope." came the answer

"We'll have to fix that now won't we?"


"Your parents have work tomorrow? If so we can go then and grab your stuff."

"Yeah, they should be gone by seven."

"Then it's decided. We go tomorrow. You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah. I guess I wasn't expecting it to happen so fast. I always knew I was going to have to tell them someday but I didn't think it would end so quickly." he explained before giving off a long sigh. "But I have you don't I? So I'll be alright."

"You're right about that. Don't you worry about a thing anymore. Now go to sleep my little bunny." he told him. Dejande waited until he heard the quiet snores of his mate before smiling and falling asleep himself.

The next morning Dejande woke up to the sound of someone using a microwave. Looking up he saw that Kyle was gone and in the kitchen. He hadn't noticed him yet so he decided to sneak up on the unwary rabbit. He managed to surprised Kyle and hug him from behind.

"Good morning love. Not cooking breakfast for the both of us?" he asked

"I'm not your new housewife Big Blue so don't get your hopes up." he answered

"I could make one out of you though." he said pushing Kyle up onto the counter and kissing him.

"Maybe some other time Big Blue." Kyle told him when they pulled away. He got back on the ground and went to the microwave and pulled out a plate of the pizza Dejande had ordered. He sat down on the table and began to eat. Dejande left to grab Kyle's now dry clothes as he was still completely naked. After grabbing his clothes he went back and placed them onto Kyle's lap for him to put on. He left and went to his room. Looking in his closet he found two duffle bags. They'd need them if they were going to get Kyle's stuff. He went downstairs and saw that Kyle was already putting on his clothes.

"You ready Kyle?" he asked

"Not gonna get any better than this so I guess so." he answered. Dejande went over and kissed him on the forehead. He gave him the duffle bags.

"Now, here's what we're going to do. I'm not very great with flying with anything that isn't my own weight. You're house is only a few streets away though so I could probably just go over a few rows of houses but let's try not to grab too much alright? I'll land in front of your room window and we'll go in from there. Go in, grab your stuff, get out. Easy as that." he explained

"Alright, let's go Big Blue." Kyle said. They went outside and Dejande extended his wings.

"Jump on Kyle." he told him


"What, you're expecting me to carry you? Jump on my back and try not to lay on my wings." Kyle jumped on as he was told with the bag on his back. "Alright, let's see if this works out well."

"Wait, wha-" Kyle began before he was cut off by Dejande vaulting into the air. Kyle immediately began clutching onto the dragon tightly and closing his eyes. He heard Dejande's laughing. After awhile the sound of air rushing past them stopped and it seemed calm enough for Kyle to gain the confidence to open his eyes. Dejande was stationary in the air, flapping his large wingspan quickly to keep the both of them in the air.

"I just needed you to calm down. You were crushing me." he explained as he began to move towards the rabbits house. Kyle didn't say anything as he looked upon the world beneath him. It looked wonderful.

"Is it always like this?" he asked

"The view? Yeah, it is. Something you never get tired of after learning how to fly. Great isn't it?"

"It's amazing." he answered. Kyle reveled in the feeling of being in the air and the view for a few moments before Dejande said something else.

"Don't mean to scare you or anything but we're landing. That's always the hard part so just hold on and try not to move to much."

Kyle did as he was told as Dejande began to descend to the place he used to call home only a night before. Dejande slowed before landing onto the roof and the two of them moved towards Kyle's window. It was unlocked luckily and they jumped in. Kyle threw one of the bags to the dragon and went to his closet and began stuffing clothes into the other.

"What am I getting?" Dejande asked

"Grab everything you can." Kyle said. Dejande didn't question it. He began to go through drawers and get everything that seemed useful in some way. He saw a box under Kyle's bed and didn't think twice before putting it into his bag. They worked in silence for some time before the bedroom door opened. They both stopped in their tracks and looked to the entrance. It was Kyle's mom. Her eyes were red from what had to have been tears.

"Kyle?" she asked. Scared, Kyle moved behind Dejande.

"Kyle, please, I just want to talk to you." she said

"There's nothing else to say." he said walking out from behind Dejande but still not leaving his side. "You didn't stop dad! You let him kick me out!" he yelled. She seemed hurt by that.

"I'm sorry...' she said quietly. She began to move towards him. "I didn't want you to leave. I couldn't think straight when we found out. I was fighting with myself and after you left, I felt horrible for letting it happen." she stopped in front of him before bringing him into a tight hug. "Because I love you and i will no matter what." She told him. For a few long seconds Kyle stood there in silence before he wrapped his hands around her.

"I love you too mom." he said happily.

"You have to get your stuff and go. Your dad will be home soon." she said reluctantly pulling away from him. "You though, what is your name?" she asked Dejande.

"Dejande. I'm uh, Kyle's boyfriend." he told her. For the first second she didn't seem extremely pleased, but then she smiled.

"I guess I should have known. You'll take care of him won't you?" she asked looking up at him

"Of course, I'll make sure he's safe." he answered. She seemed to be happy about that answer. Kyle moved away with his bag and towards Dejande. His mom watched as the two of them left through the open window and Kyle hopped onto the dragon's back. He waved at his mom before Dejande took off and he wondered if he'd ever come back. The flight didn't take long and Dejande got them home safely. Kyle hopped off his back and into the house followed by the dragon.

"That was a lot heavier then I expected." He groaned "What all did we grab? My back hurts and my wings are sore."

"That's on you Big Blue. Your idea so you can deal with the pain." Kyle told him. Kyle stopped and turned around to face him. "Thank you though. I can't thank you enough for this."

"I'm sure you would've done the same thing for me. Well, except for the flying part." Dejande said with a smile. He walked off with a smile andKyle followed him to his room. "Go ahead and put your stuff where ever. I'm going to take a shower." Kyle just put the bags in the closet for now as the bright blue dragon went into his bathroom. He looked around the room thinking of a place to actually keep his stuff and stay out of Dejande's way. The first place he looked was the dresser.

He opened a few drawers to see them full but the last one he opened was empty save for one photograph. He picked it up and unfolded it to see Dejande with some other dog on his back. The both of them were smiling. They looked happy together. Kyle wondered about the picture. Who was the canine to Dejande? A past boyfriend? An old friend? He'd have to ask about it later. He put it in his back pocket and began to put his clothes in it. It wasn't long before he heard the shower stop and the bathroom door opening. He continued what he was doing as Dejande appeared beside him and opened a drawer to get a pair of boxers.

"Want any help?" he asked

"No thanks, I've got it. Go ahead and do whatever you were going to do." he told him. The dragon patted him on the head and left his room. He went downstairs after finising putting all of his stuff up. He heard Dejande in the kitchen cooking dinner. He sat down on the couch on the living room and turned on the TV. After setting himself on the couch he watched TV for some time. Dejande came out of the kitchen and walked behind the kitchen after he had finished cooking.

"Dinner's ready Kyle." he said

"Thanks Big Blue." he told him. He got up and walked into the dining room as the dragon brought him his plate of food. The food Dejande had made was wonderful and the two of them made conversation over nothing and everything as they ate. After dinner the two of them ended up on the couch together. They sat in silence watching TV while Dejande held his bunny in his arms and ran his hands under his shirt and through his fur.

"Big guy, can I ask you something?" Kyle asked

"Anything love." came the answer

"While I was going through your drawers I found a picture of you and a dog. Who was he?" he heard Dejande let out a sigh after the words left his mouth.

"So you found that huh? He was an old boyfriend of mine."

"What happened?"

"It would seem that I wasn't enough for him. But I have you now and I'm happy again so don't you worry about it." he said before pulling him into a long kiss. He felt Dejande begin to run his hands across his body again.He felt one of his hands go down his pants and begin to rub against his sheath. He moaned as he felt his shaft appearing out of his shaft and being stroked by skilled hands. He groaned when he felt Dejande stop and the hands disappear.

"I'm going to my room now. Make sure you turn off the TV when you're done here." he said after pulling away. Kyle got up and turned off the TV right after Dejande left. He went to the dragon's bedroom to see him sitting down on the bed completely naked. He motioned for Kyle to come closer and pulled him onto his lap. Kyle let him pull his shirt over his head and kiss him. He felt the dragon's long serpentine tongue run across his chest and over both of his nipples.

He felt him self being pushed back onto the bed and his pants being pulled down revealing his blue thong and erection straining against it. He heard Dejande chuckle before giving his shaft a teasing lick through the fabric. He was ready to let Dejande do as he pleased with him as long as the pleasure didn't stop.

"You know I love the way these look on you. It's a shame they're in the way." he said pulling off Kyle's last bit of clothing. After pulling it off he wrapped his hand around the rabbit's length.

"Are you enjoying yourself love?" he asked. Kyle could only moan in response. He groaned when he felt Dejande's hands leave his cock. He looked and saw him stroking his now fully erect cock.

"Can't let you now have all the fun now can we? Come here." he told him. Kyle rolled over and began to crawl towards Dejande until he was close enough for his black cock to bob oto his muzzle. The dragon smirked and pet his rabbit.

"Open up." he commanded. He did as he was told and opened his mouth. He took Dejande's shaft into muzzle and began to suckle on it. He heard the dragon's moans and knew he was doing a good job. He felt Dejande's hand on top of his head trying to get him to take more. He didn't need any more motivation. The taste in itself was enough to spur him on. He felt more then half ofDejande's cock going into his muzzle each time he went down.It wasn't long before he felt his nose against the dragons loins each time. He felt the hand on his head pull him off leaving him panting. There was a strand of saliva still connecting him with the dragon's cock.

The dragon kissed him and pushed him back on the bed. He felt the dragon move back down onto his cock and wrap his long serpentine tongue around it. Dejande moved lower to his furry sac. Kyle's moaning only spurred Dejande on to move lower until he reached the bunny's virgin entrance. Kyle gasped as he felt the dragon's tongue snake along his ring. He moaned as he felt the dragons tongue enter past his tight entrance. When Dejande moved away Kyle rolled over and raised his ass for the dragon.

"Please," he begged "I want you inside of me."

"That's what I was hoping for love." he said. The bunny was presenting himself to his dragon who was savoring the sight. He let his hands run across Kyle's waist and over his butt. The rabbit's body was inviting him with his raised tail and tantalizing movements. He lined his cock up with Kyle's taint and began to press into it just barely gettig his tip in. Kyle shuddered and instinctively tightened up around Dejande. The dragon bent over him and began to whisper into his ear and tell him to relax. Kyle did as he was told and allowed the dragon to go deeper inside of him. For a few seconds it hurt but quickly it became pleasure. They both moaned loudly as Dejande stopped halfway. He began to move out again before pushing in again faster than before. He kept repeating the pattern until he found a comfortable pace for the both of them. The two of them were both moaning loudly.

"Please! More!" Kyle begged. Dejande was happy to oblige him as he moved faster and harder than before. He was pounding into Kyle and hit spots that made Kyle scream in pleasure. "God Dejande, I'm so close!" he yelled. The dragon only picked up speed as a result making the both of their sounds of pleasure only increase in volume. Kyle felt himself cum and tightened around Dejande as he rode out his orgasm. The dragon couldn't help but cum too as he hilted himself inside of him just as he orgasmed. He let his warm dragon seed fill Kyle's ass before pulling out and falling to his side with Kyle falling right behind him.

"I love you." Dejande said pulling Kyle closer

"I love you too Big Blue. I'm glad I met you." Kyle told him. He cuddled up closer to the dragon and fell asleep there in the comfort of his body heat. Dejande chuckled and pet his bunny before falling asleep with him.