The Guard Tower

Story by Daedalus Ray on SoFurry

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Decided to give naughty story telling a go again.Hopefully the first of a serious of erotic stories involving a anthro wolf living in a fort with nothing but scalies. I am going to try to focus a bit on backstory and character development, so it may seem a bit wordy at first. Expect part 2 by 6/10/2013

The sharp sound of hammer hitting metal filled the room as the searing hot material was struck into submission. Each strike accented by a shower of sparks briefly illumining the otherwise dimly lit dungeon. Sitting patiently off to the side a snow white young anthro wolf watches as molten metal is transformed into familiar armor platted shapes. His blue eyes wonder from the hammer to its wielder, a strong, slightly overweight anthro triceratops.

The wolf's eyes trace along the muscles of the fellow male, his scales gleaming with sweat. The golden brown color given off by his scaly hide not unlike the other reptilian inhabitants of the military outpost. His eyes then fall between the dino's legs, he was nude, always insisted working that way. The triceratops was uncut, and rather well endowed. A blush paints itself across the wolf's snout, he looks away in embarrassment. Thinking to himself, "stop looking...if it wasn't for him you know where you would be... " His thoughts are cut off by the deep words of his mentor.

"Aye pup, what do ya think?" He holds up a piece of finished chest armor, a self-satisfied smile works its way around his scaly muzzle.

"Oh it's absolutely fantastic! I doubt anyone in the whole scaled legion can match the quality of your craftsmanship." He stands up, fixes his tattered loincloth, and walks to him, placing a paw on the armor and smiling back up at the dino, who was nearly twice his size. His whiskers twitched a bit as the musky scent of the larger male hits his nose.

"Think you can handle it? It's a whole set this time and I don't want you droppin it like last time" He says as he places the armor down and begins tying it together with a few other pieces, sweat still dripping from his brow.

The wolf gulps and thinks for a moment, pushing out his chest and looking stern, he could handle it, after all he has just come of age and a grown male needs to do his fair share of work. "I can do it." He reaches out and grabs the bundle of armor, tossing it around his back. "Tower 3 right?"

"Yup, Tower 3." The exhausted dino plops down on a nearby stool, his gut becoming a bit more evident in this position. "And remember to come straight back once he gives you the gold" Reaching out he gives the wolf a pat on the rear, almost sending him off balance. "You stay outta trouble now son."

Grunting at the pat to his rear, the wolf regains his composure and nods "Alright Dad Ill be back in no time!"

He then heads for the only exit in the dark room. The door was large, about twice the wolf's height, built for beings larger than him. Opening the door washed the wolf in the bright midday light; the sounds of swords clashing assaulted his heightened sense of sound as he entered the training courtyard. Lined up on the wall to his side was various types of scalies; raptors, dragons, even a few crocs from the swamplands, all training, all males. The amount of testosterone in the air could likely be sensed for miles around. The wolf thought to himself why there were only males here, and remembered his adopted father's reply, he would chuckle and scratch at one of his horns then say something about keeping the females safe means keeping them back at the homelands.

"The homelands" he thought to himself as he traversed the dusty sun baked courtyard, "I wonder what my homelands would have been like" he swallows a lump growing in his throat, he couldn't feel bad for himself, he was lucky he was rescued as a cub, even if it was by a Blacksmith for the Scaled Legion. Soon he found himself at the foot of a long flight of stairs leading up one of the towers at each corner of the stone fort. Getting a good grip of the twine wrapped around the set of armor he begins climbing. "Ugh....this armor is heavier than usual, how can someone fight with all this extra weight?" he asks himself, knowing the answer would soon present itself, only a few more steps.

Nearing the top of the tower the white wolf reaches back and pulls out a small piece of parchment tucked into the armor, unfolding it with one paw as the other holds onto the armor he stops at the top of the steps, squinting as he tries to read it.

"I have a new set of armor for...R-ray...R-e.." He struggles reading the scribbles on the parchment, instantly regretting allowing his father to write it down. Still staring intently at the parchment he doesn't notice the large T-Rex approaching him, shield in one hand, greatsword in the other.

"Ray Redclaw." He says in his booming voice, so deep it startles the small wolf.

Yipping in surprise he looks up at the dino, ears splaying back he gulps " apologies mister Redclaw" The wolf just stands there, an awkward silence passes, not knowing what to say the wolf opens his muzzle if only to break the silence but the Rex's deep voice cuts him off.

"That was fast" He sounded pleased, a relief to the wolf. "But I guess that is what to be expected from a blacksmith as skilled as your father" He turns around and begins to walk towards a small shaded area next to the wall where a chair stood along with a large water canister. He then kneels down to prop his shield and sword against the wall.

The wolf quickly follows, it was customary for the blacksmiths apprentice to help remove the old set of armor and replace it with a new one. A tradition set back in the old days when the price for a poorly crafted set of armor usually earned a Blacksmith a rather harsh scolding, or worse, so why not have the apprentice go instead?

"Ill be sure to tell my father about such generous praise Sir" Setting the new set of armor down -carefully-, he then turns to the Rex "Now if I may Sir..."

"Of course, careful around my left shoulder pup" Turing his back to the chair he motions for the young apprentice to approach.

Without missing a beat the wolf climbs up on the chair and begins removing the larger males back armor, the metal dull and pitted with many dents from combat. Carefully pulling the heavy section of metal off the Rex's back he notices a stitched up gash on his left shoulder, wincing a bit at the sight. Giving a tug on a latch the front part of the armor falls to the ground with a heavy thud. Hopping down off the chair he walks around to the front of the scaled beast, admiring his exposed torso, the scales a dark brown mixed with yellow spots. Various scars scattered about his chest and sides, sweat rolling down the valleys between his muscles. The Rex's scent was prominent now, it wasn't a dirty musk, it was the kind of musk laced with male hormones. The wolf could feel a bit of a stir in his sheath.

The Rex looks down at the wolf after a few seconds of stillness pass by, lofting a brow he speaks "Everything alright pup?"

Blushing brightly he reaches up and begins to untie the straps holding the lower section of armor in place "O-oh yes sorry, everything is fine" With one final tug the last of the heavy armor falls to the ground, leaving the T-Rex nude, and the wolf's snout inches away from his thick uncut limp member. Something came over the wolf, closing his eyes he leans in, gently nudging that thick soft member with his snout and taking in a deep sniff of the intoxicating musk.

"Hrmm?" the T-Rex interrupts, looking down to find the young pup nosing at his groin. "What's this now?"

Opening his eyes his arousal is suddenly replaced with fear and embarrassment, unable to look the other male in the eyes he panics "I-im sorry I didn't mean t-" Suddenly a heavy paw was felt on the back of his head, this powerful paw with claws that have crushed enemies twice his own size. He freezes, feeling as if it was all over, just as that paw gently guides his head back to its position in front of the males thickening member.

"Don't start what you cannot finish pup" Ray commands with a devious grin

Completely bewildered by this reaction the wolf takes a moment to realize what is happening, then fully gives in to his urges. Sticking out his tongue he begins bathing the other males member in long wet licks, lapping up the hot sweat around his large full testicles. Raising a paw he holds up the T-Rex's semi hard cock and begins lapping directly over its tip, his foreskin didn't fully cover his head when soft and the wolf took advantage of this to try and tease the large male. Judging by the grunts and murrs of pleasure he was hearing he was doing a good job of it.

"Mmm didn't know how nice you furred ones tongues feel, at a boy" His encouraging words only fuel the wolf's lust. Opening his muzzle he wraps his lips around half of the males cock, using his tongue to swirl around the exposed part of his cock head and slowly slip under his foreskin. The smells and tastes were driving the wolf wild. Upturing his other paw he cups the heavy full testicles, rolling them around in his paw as he begins bobbing his head over the stiffening member. His own canine cock fully erect and throbbing, sending small jets of pre into his loincloth.

"Fuck pup! This fort could use a dozen more muzzles like yours" The dino looks down and watches as he feeds the Blacksmith's apprentice his stiff cock. He didn't care if this affected his relationship with the Blacksmith; for once getting the best armor around didn't matter to him. Holding onto the smaller wolf's head with both hands now he begins rocking his powerful hips back and forth, sliding his thick meat in and out of the welcoming muzzle.

Keeping his lips sealed tight around Ray's member he focuses on sliding his tongue in circles under his foreskin around his cock head, gathering all the other male's natural scents and flavors on his tongue before taking a big gulp. He then tucks his flat canine tongue under the other males cock and forms a U-shape with it, cradling the bottom and sides of the thick member just as he hears the Rex growl out in pleasure.

"" Are the last tense words out of the brutish T-Rex's mouth before he lets out a bellowing roar, his cock throbbing once...twice...then shooting thick jets of his potent seed down the wolf's throat.

The young wolf does his best to gulp down each thick wave of the males hot seed, trying not to waste a drop. After four or five spurts the flow of seed dies down, lapping at the spent cock's hole to clean the last globs of fresh seed the wolf pulls back, panting hotly. To his surprise that stiff member was still as stiff as ever. His own member throbbing hard, knot fully formed.

Ray lowers his paw and places a claw under the wolf's chin, guiding it up so that he made eye contact with the smaller male.

"I'm not done with you yet boy"

-To Be Continued