Chan, you see, believed that the formidable t-rex had long ago engaged in battle with a dragon, and lost.
Castle Guard part one teaser
Castle Guard 1 By Tyron Starmage edited by Chamelion A young, male, anthropomorphic tyrannosaurs rex sits in his study on the upper floor of the castle. It's a decedent-sized study - not too large, but at the same time, not too small. Along...
frist test a dead world chapter one
A young male rex standing about eight foot tall or so stands at the computer station for his portal generator. Reaching up he rubs his hazel eyes as he works on going over all the readings the rex begins getting from the portal. He reaches up...
Voracious Appetite
Peter looked anxiously down at his phone. Already twenty minutes late. Shit. What was the point of getting anxiety meds if they made him miss class? He looked around the small room nervously, sweating profusely. He had been the only one in...
frist test a dead world chapter two
Tyron finish up with his gear check, looking over at the other two. Who also seem to have gotten everything they need and are ready to head out. "Well if you're ready to go let's head out, Sauran please open the portal to the dessert world." Tyron says...
With the grinding and whirring of metal against metal, the gravid mass of the t-rex slowly rose from the ground... only somewhat.
Castle Guard 6
Castle Guard Six By Tyron Starmage A young male rex comes walking into the city of Sauran. He stands about six foot one inches; his tan skin is even darker then most be being in the sun so much. His light brown hair pulled back into a ponytail to...
A New Start
Orion struggled but couldn't escape the t-rex's grasp. simon rested his head on the struggling horse's shoulder and began comforting orion, saying that he wasn't going to eat him like the projection thought.
Castle Guard Part Five
Castle Guard Part 5 By Tyron Starmage You know the warning by now..... Tyron sits there eating lunch with Joseph as he does he start to remember the last time he saw him. It was a little over 2 year ago back in his old...
Castle Guard Part Four
Castle Guard part 4 By Tyron Starmage You know the warning by now..... A young male compy standing inside the gate, watching for anyone come down the road. He sighs softly as he works out keep out of the sun and in the...
Castle Guard Part One
Castle Guard. By Tyron Starmage You know the warning by now...... A lone male rex walks along the battlement of the castle. He a 25-year-old male, with an average size build. His tan skin covered in sweat from the heat of the mid...
First test and a Dead world part two
First test a Dead world Part Two By Tyron Starmage with help from Zinnath. Here the second part to the story I hope you enjoy. "Sauran can you tell me what this means or do you need some kind to translator." Tyron asks as he...