Never lose hope part 7.5

Story by Basher on SoFurry

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#8 of Never lose hope story

Wow! Finally done! That chapter took me two months to write, but I'm very pleased with the result. It's also very long I know, and I'm not planning on doing other such long chapters in the future! So I hope y'all enjoy that "special" chapter!

Have a good read and feedbacks are always welcomed! :)

I was standing there, with Jude, on the porch, waiting for my mother to open the door. I was staring at the knob, preparing myself to say something wise enough to her. Soon I heard the clicking of heels walking on a wooden floor getting closer. Taking a long and slow breath, I quickly glared at Jude who nods at me.

'It's going to be ok Vince!' He said by thoughts as the walking sounds abruptly stopped. Then the door opened rather quickly, our eyes falling on my mother who looked quite surprised to see a 7ft tall wolf standing in front of her. Then her eyes fell on me and a light smile seemed to cross her face.

"Oh Vince!" Her voice broke and she jumped in my arms into a tight hug that only a mother can give. I stayed emotionless for a second; still shocked that she wasn't mad at me and finally wrapped my arms around her. Jude's tail was slowly wagging and was looking at us with some kind of admiration. She then slowly parted from the embrace and looked at me sorrowfully.

"You could've called your poor mother!" She slapped me in the face. Jude's ears flattened instantly and looked at me uncertainty, but I didn't react; after all, that was the reaction I was expecting from her.

"S-sorry mom, I-I just didn-"

"Don't apology for nothing Vincent..." She rolled her eyes. "...Chuck already did it for you." She crossed her arms.

"Huh?" Was all my mouth could correctly formulate.

"He had the kindness to call me a month ago to tell me mainly everything about your actual situation." She then suddenly turned towards the tall wolf next to me who wasn't expecting that either and took a step backward. "And you must be Jude?" She inquired.

"Yes madam." The red wolf nodded politely.

"I'm Judith, please to meet you." She extended a firm hand to the shy wolf who took it a bit weakly. And even if Jude's paw was way bigger than my mother's hand, she was the one who had the grip on the shake. The wolf then hid his paw behind his back to stretch his surprisingly hurting fingers which made me smile widely. "Please come in." She finally smiled and let us in.

I had that déjà-vu impression when I made him toured the house, but this time, two important people were missing... Of course, Jude was really curious to discover how my life was outside the army. At the same time, it was the first time I was seeing him that excited; his tail was restlessly wagging and an ear-to-ear grin was stuck on his face.

"Vincent, can you come here please?" My mother yelled as the house visit was about to end. We went to living room where she was, as usual reading some boring book.

"Yes mom?" We stopped in front of her. She stopped reading and put her book on the little side table.

"We're not staying here for Christmas..." She drifted her attention back to us and lowered her glasses on the tip of her nose.

"We're going at grandpa and grandma's?" She nodded. "When are we going to leave?"

"Tomorrow morning, so get your things ready because we're leaving for five days." She then looked at the red wolf with a cocked eyebrow. "I hope you have your passport Jude?"

"Of course madam!" The tall lupine smiled.

"Please call me Judith, I'm already old enough like that!" She returned the smile before taking her book. "Your partner is one of the cutest creatures I've seen in a long time Vince!" She gave me a side glance and both Jude and I were blushing profusely. We didn't reply and both looked at each other before starting to walk away. "Oh and one last thing Vince!" We stopped in our path and turned toward her. "There's somebody else coming with us." She said before diving back in her book. I only shrugged and we both went back in my room.

"Do you know who could be that guy?" Jude asked as I was turning my computer on.

"Don't know and I don't really matter... Probably a work colleague... But I can understand her, she has been alone for the last eight years..." I sighed and sat on the chair in front of my computer.

"So..." The red wolf spoke softly and sat beside me on another chair. "What are we going to do tonight?" He asked as he got closer to me. My hand then started to lightly rub Jude's thigh.

"Well..." My eyes were glued on the computer in front of me. "...I could fuck you senseless..." I watched him with the corner of my eye as his ears folded back and he looked at me uncertainly. "...or we could play Xbox or watch a movie, anything!" I completely turned my head and smiled at him. "Was just joking pup!" My smile widen. "So what about a movie, only the two of us?"

"Sounds great Vince!" His tail was wagging slowly. He then placed his paw on top of the one I was using for rubbing his thigh and looked up at me with tender eyes. "I would love that in fact." He shyly smiled and his ears flattened once again.

"Me too!" I whispered as we closed our eyes; our heads getting closer and closer until...

"Dring! Dring! Dring!!"

"Hah!! You gotta be..." I opened my eyes and with a bored face, went next to my stand, where my cellphone was. Jude also opened his eyes and adjusted his sitting position in some kind of uneasiness. I grabbed the ringing telephone and watched who was calling me. I surprised myself sighing to the displayed number on the screen. "Hello Ake! How's it going?" I forced a cheerful tone.

"Hey Vince! I'm fine and you?" The german shepherd replied with a happy bark.

"Yeah!" His joyful mood seemed to influence mine as I answered back maybe a bit too happily.

"Wat'cha doing tonight; maybe we could spend a bit of time the four of us?" The question made me look at the red wolf with disappointed eyes. Jude returned the gaze and shrugged, giving me his agreement.

"Well since it's the only night I'm spending here before going to my grand-parent's, it would be nice to see each other a bit." I answered.

"Oh you're going back to Canada for Christmas?" I could easily distinguish a tint of deception in his reply.

"Yeah and we're staying five or six days, but when we'll come back, there's still going to be two or three days remaining before going back to the base..." I tried to cheer him up a bit.

"Oh... yeah! That's true!" He giggled. "So..." He paused. "...what could we do tonight?"

"Well, at first, Jude and I thought of watching a movie tonight, so you could join us?" I answered right away.

"Oh a movie, cool!" He sounded very enthusiastic. "Which one?" I think I was able to hear his tail wagging on the other side of the line...

"Huh, I was thinking of Scott Pilgrim VS The world?" I glanced at Jude who shook his head with nearly a disdain face. I frowned back and rolled my eyes. "Or maybe Inception?" I corrected myself before Blake had the time to answer. Jude was frantically nodding; his eyes were sparkling. I look at him with a quizzical look.

"Oh yeah, I would love to watch Inception!" The shepherd's voice made me focus back on him.

"Alright then!" I laughed. "Be there around 8!?"

"Cool, see ya at 8!" And our communication ended.

"You don't like funny movies?" I joined the red wolf and sat next to him.

"Well, to be honest, I prefer movies that'll make you think!" He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"No need to be shy about that!" I slap Jude's shoulder before gently rubbing it. "I'm learning on you a bit every day." I broadly smiled.

"And you're not done learning on me!" He returned the smile. "I still have a ton of surprises for you." The tall wolf winked at me. I didn't reply; my smile turning into a foolish one and my ears burning from the embarrassment.

"Such a naughty puppy!" I finally said as I raised my eyes to the ceiling.

Jude and I were getting back from the general store where we rent the movie; I also took the opportunity to show him a bit of our town and since my house wasn't too far from the store, we decided to walk. The air was cool, a thin layer of snow was covering the ground; crunching sounds were easily audible with each step we were taking in the silent and dark night. A white plastic bag in my hand, we were walking close to the other; me being clothed with a warm coat and a hat and him, only with a jacket, just to say he was wearing something...

"You're living in a nice town!" Jude spoke softly, breaking at the same time, the silence that had settled since we were on our way back home.

"Thanks." I answered with the same voice tone. "Once you get used to it, it becomes pretty boring though." I added with a small sigh. "But, where we're going... You'll see, that's pretty amazing!"

"Oh! Then, I'm really looking forward to go there!" His tail was wagging at the same pace as his steps. "But where are we going anyway?" Jude turned his head towards me with a shy smile.

"To Canada!" I smiled at my stupid answer and the wolf lost his. "What?" I laughed at the dull look he was giving me. "We're going to Quebec City, at my mother parent's." I pursued as my house was coming into sight. Jude nodded and without adding anything else we continued to walk toward home. Soon we stopped in front of the porch, my hand on the knob. "And if we can, I'll have a surprise for you there!" I winked at him before entering. He followed me in and directly went for the basement where we would be spending the evening watching the movie.

Ten minutes later, everything was perfectly set up and we were now waiting for Blake and Brody to show up. Soft drinks and a pop-corn bowl were disposed on the table in front of us. Sitting side by side, Jude and I were, in a complete awkward silence, watching the movie menu. Then a soft paw started to rub my tight. Gazing up to him, a huge smile spread on my face, I also started to rub his tight and closed the gap that was separating us.

"You know that you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen?" We both turned to face the other, my other hand now resting on his hip.

"And you the cutest face?" His other paw now lying on my shoulder, we exchanged a long and passionate look. Closing our eyes, our head were getting closer and closer...

"WE'RE THERE GUYS!!" Blake shouted as he was running loudly down the stairs. Jude and I both jumped in complete surprise and sat back in a fair distance from the other, fearing that the shepherd could suspect something. "How's it going Vin?" Blake let himself fall on the couch next to me, before taking me in a big embrace.

"Hey, big boy!" I let him hug me without answering too much his affectionate gestures and he didn't seem to notice it. "Hey Brody." I unenthusiastically said and looked at the standing boy. "Don't stay like that, come and sit." He didn't wait any longer and got himself comfortable, sitting at the edge of the couch, next to Blake.

"We brought some candies and chips!" The shepherd grins as Brody emptied a full bag of treats on the table.

"Oh god, our teeth are going to suffer!" I nearly shout in complete amazement and we all laughed at that. "Let's get this movie started!" I said, after the funny moment passed. "Would you mind closing the lights please?" I looked at the red wolf to my left. He nodded and got up, going for the light switch while I took the DVD controller and pressed play. Soon enough, he came back; the TV now being our only light source, we silently start to focus on the big 60 inches flat screen.

The movie was long, but so captivating, I didn't even notice that Blake had wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Subtly glancing to my right, I could notice that Brody was also giving me side glances from time to time; some kind of jealous expression stuck on his face. 'Maybe he'd like to have Blake all for himself.' I smiled at my stupid joke.

'That's what he wants!' My shoulders jumped and I turned towards Jude who was watching me with a little smile.

"You ok Vin?" Once again my head turned around to see Blake looking at me with a puzzle face as he had slightly removed his arm from my shoulder.

"Oh, nothing Ake, just a little spasm, it happens to me sometimes." I whispered and foolishly smiled at him. He only shrugged and put his arm back around my neck, focusing back on the movie.

'Do you spy my thoughts like that often?' I tugged Jude's leg with my foot.

'You were nearly thinking out loud, so it was kinda tough to not understand it!' A little smile crossed his face. 'Anyway, I believe it when I say Brody wants Blake for himself.'

'Prove it.'

'That's only a feeling, but I'm not 100% sure...' He stopped talking by thoughts and seemed to ponder on something for a second. 'Call a break in five minutes and we'll excuse ourselves, leaving them along and we'll spy them!' He looked at me with malice.

'Huh... alright. But don't look at me like that... You look like M. Burns in the Simpson's...'

'Excellent!' He clapped his fingers together, like the character would have done and silently giggled.

'That... was unnecessary.' I put my hand on my forehead, a content grin answering his stupid gesture.

The five minutes passed and I called for a break and duly, we excused ourselves to go upstairs. Luckily, they both said they'll wait for us there. So, without adding anything else, we climbed the stairs and fainted opening and closing the door, so they'd think we're gone. Silently crouching in the stairs, we both started to look at them.

"You like the movie so far?" Blake asked.

"Bwoaff!" His partner replied with a shrug.

"Why?" The shepherd adjusted his position.

"It's way too long and the plot's so boring..."

"I see..."

'Yeah... probably because you're too stupid to understand it...' Jude bit his lip hard to avoid laughing while my anger toward the other human was already starting to build up.

"Anyway..." They paused for a couple of seconds. "So... who you think is going to top after the movie?" The question shocked both of us.

"I'm definitely going to top you!" Brody eagerly answered.

"We'll see that!" Blake replied and I instantly got up and with my teeth clenched, then started to go down the stairs.

'Wait Vince!!' Jude shouted by thoughts, but I was already gone. He followed me, a couple of steps behind.

"It always depends on- Hey Vince, didn't heard you coming back!" He smiled at me, but I sat in silence.

"What were you talking about?" I asked with a faint smirk as my left eyelid was jumping with the contained frustration.

"Ha, well about what we'll do after the movie." He scratched the back of his head. I was about to add something when something grabbed me by behind.

"Like what?" Jude interrupted me and innocently giggled as he was having little troubles to handle my struggles.

"Oh..." He ignored our "playing" since he got accustomed to it with time. "...only going to play couple of Black Ops games, that's all!" He seemed amused by our game. Jude felt my body unstressed a bit and released his grip on me.

"Stupid mutt...!" I grunted and punched Jude's shoulder. "Well, we have a movie to finish?" I looked at Brody who nodded at me with bored eyes. I grabbed the remote and pressed play; Leonardo DiCaprio's face taking life back again.

************************Change of view*****************************

The movie ended and the four of them got up. "We'll it's time to say goodbye." The german shepherd approached Vince and hugged him; the human not returning the affectionate gesture again. Blake was acting like he didn't notice or care, but in fact he was feeling the complete opposite. He didn't hug him when they arrived, he didn't care when he wrapped his arm around his shoulders during the movie and he never stopped looking at him with an accusing glare the shepherd never thought Vince would give him.

Blake waved at the red wolf and with Brody, they left Vince's house. His mind was running full speed; questions after questions were constantly crossing his brain. 'What did I do to piss him like that...?' That was the question who was coming back the most. Without noticing it, they were already back in his room, sitting on the bed.

"Well, I'll turn on the Xbox!" Brody's voice snapped him back to reality. The human smiled widely at him and turned to set everything alright. Then, it hit the shepherd. 'Of course! He thinks I'm having an affair with him...! If only I could have told him that Brody's one of the straightest guys I know...' He continued to look at the human in front of him with sad eyes. 'Have to talk to him before I definitely lose him!' A shiver ran through his complete body at that thought.

"You start?" The human offered him the controller, looking at him with the same smile. Blake took it and returned the gentle grin. "I'm definitely going to top you tonight!" The human sniggered and the shepherd, once again, mentally punched himself.

'He heard our conversation...' His ears fell flat on his head. "Heh..." He looked back at Brody with a forced smile. "I'll be the one... beating you tonight..."

************************Change of view*****************************

"So, should I sleep in the guest room?" Jude asked me as we were finishing cleaning up the place.

"Nah, you can sleep in mine." I shrugged as we were going upstairs, a bag of detritus in my hand.

"Is your mother going to be concern about that?" He pursued.

"No big deal, Blake was always sleeping with me, she just don't mind, but we just have to be quiet." I turned my head towards him with a smile that meant everything.

"Oh please!" He stopped looking at me; his ears folding back. "I've never saw a teaser like you in my entire life!"

"Don't worry, I can move from words to deeds sometimes." I let the trash bag next to the kitchen's trashcan, before slapping the wolf's ass. He yipped and slightly jumped which made me laugh softly, trying not to awake my mother as well.

"Huh, I need to brush my teeth before we go to bed." The wolf sheepishly said. I nodded and went in the bathroom, while he went in my room to get his toothbrush. I quickly undressed myself, only leaving my briefs in place and went for the sink. Jude soon joined me and I was more or less surprised to see that he also undressed himself to the same point as me.

"WOW! How fuckable!" I winked at him through the mirror and started to brush my teeth. My eyes could not look anywhere else but on Jude's tight grey Under Armor briefs which were obviously sporting a good amount of wolf meat. The tall lupine saw my agape face and decided to play the game.

He spat the remaining toothpaste-saliva mix in the sink before turning towards me and stretching his back, raising his arms to the ceiling; his package now reaching my lower chest for a few seconds, giving me a perfect view of that huge bulge. "Oh Vince...! You don't know how tight it is inside!" He rubbed his bulge on my stomach. "I think it's going to explode!" He whimpered softly and approached his muzzle from my ear. "Could you help me fixing my problem?" He slowly licked my earlobe with the tip of his tongue.

"Then, you'll have to fix mine as well!" I replied as smooth as him and we both looked down; our hard members already rubbing together.

"Shouldn't be a big problem to solve!" He didn't waste any time as his paws directly went for my black Calvin Klein briefs. And all of the sudden, he started to suckle on my right nipple; a deep rumble coming from his chest. I gasped and grabbed his shoulders for support. "Damn, I think I've worsened the problem!" Without losing any time, he took off my briefs; exposing my 8½ inches rock hard dick. "OHH!! Here's the problem!" His muzzle was now facing my member. "I think I should take care of it!" He licked his lips in anticipation and...

"I think you should fix... the problem in the workshop... don't you think so?!" I panted as he got up.

"You're right, plus, all my tools are there, so..." He started to walk towards my room.

"Wait!" I said softly, he stopped, but didn't turn around. "Haven't fixed your problem..."

"Wha-?!" The next thing he realised was that his briefs flew out of his sight, exposing his... "OH my God, you're fucking huge!!!" My eyes devoured what seemed to be an enormous 12 inches wolf cock accompanied by two small orange sized balls.

"The workshop is over there!!" I pushed him in my room and nearly slammed the door behind me. I continued to push him until he reached my bed and he let himself fall on his back. As soon as he touched the mattress, I pounced on top of the red wolf and landing into a chest to chest position. We just stared at each other for a brief moment, exchanging a large smile, before our lips passionately met. We both wrapped our arms around the other, so no one could separate us from that blissful moment.

In the process, we exchanged the topping position, but our tongues never stopped dancing together. Jude, now being on top of me, took the lead. One of his huge paws stopped hugging me and went for our two needing woods. Taking both of them, he slowly and somehow, expertly, started to massage our dicks together. I was the first moaning from that sweet touch, but Jude soon followed my groans with his as we were still furiously French kissing.

Without any warnings, he broke the kiss, but before I had the time to complain, he started to vigorously lick all over my face. While doing so, he also started to hump in his paw at a slow and irregular pace. His enormous dick was still rubbing on my bare stomach and mine was completely engulfed in his paw.

"Lick something else please!" I ordered with a begging tone and he obeyed without asking any questions. He went directly where I was hoping he'd go. He looked at me with naughty eyes before he buried his head between my legs. He started with sniffing at my sweaty cock and gave it a timid lick just to taste it. His head then raised and he looked at me with huge eyes.

"WOW! You taste like heaven!!!"

"I guess you- DAAAHHHAA!!!!" He had already opened his maw wide and then, closed it on my maleness as he started to suck it like a popsicle. His tongue was dexterously playing with my balls and my length at the same time. I was grunting so loudly, I needed to put my hand in front of my mouth to muffle the sounds. It continued for a couple of seconds, until my mind was clear enough to think at least a bit normally. "I need.... Ahw!... to be... moooore....silent!!" The wolf stopped sucking me for a second and look at me with a cocked eyebrow; some of my pre dripping from his bottom lip. "Would you help me..." I panted a bit and he took the occasion to lick his lips clean. "...filling it with something?" I looked at him with a little smile and he nodded happily.

We repositioned ourselves as we rolled to our sides; his feet now installed behind my head and mine as well. Now facing each other's dicks, Jude didn't waste any time and dove back on my penis. Gasping again, I opened my mouth wide and with the impulsion I took the head of Jude's cock in my mouth. He was tasting a bit different from Blake's. While the shepherd's was tasting very bitter, Jude had an obvious salty mixed with a tiny sweet flavour.

"HUUNMMPPFF!!" The lupine moaned loudly. I slowly and carefully took more and more of wolf meat in my mouth, finally taking all the way to his knot; but I wouldn't have been able to take more anyway...

So with our mouth and muzzle full, we continued to pleasure each other for a few minutes, our tongues playing madly all around the shaft that was imprisoned inside the moist cavern. Soon, I felt Jude considerably tensing as he started to face fuck me as well. His huge balls were slapping under my chin, his dickhead hitting the back of my throat with each thrust. And just like that, he exploded in my mouth; his warm and thick wolf cum going directly in my esophagus. My head felt instantly lighted and my body immediately tensed as I also started to empty my balls in his awaiting maw.

Incredible suckling noises were constantly hitting our ears as we were both milking the other, gulping down all what we had to offer. But, soon all good things come to an end, our orgasms slowly died out; leaving both of us panting like if we had run a marathon. "Not used to get special attention other than with your paw?" I asked after he had joined me on the good side of the bed.

"No..." We tenderly smooched as we were cuddling very tightly. "You came fast too!" He mocked and licked my nose.

"God, I don't know where you learned to suck like that, but it was amazing, I swear!" I kissed him on the tip of his muzzle. He innocently giggled, but didn't reply. "I guess you just have a natural talent for that!" I smiled and hugged him even closer.

"I'm a born sucker!" We laughed before we kissed again.

"I think it's time for us to rest a bit, don't you think so?"

"Yeah!" The red wolf replied. We both fell asleep, snuggling together, a comforting warmth protecting us from every danger!

The assaulting and shrill sound of my alarm woke both of us. A grunt escaping my mouth, I slowly detached myself from the soft body I was spooning tight and lazily smashed the snooze button.

"Good morning cute thing!" I said as I kissed Jude's nape.

"Good morning!" He turned towards me and yawned. I couldn't avoid giggling at that adorable sight. After we briefly kissed, we got up to stretch our sleeping bodies. Of course, being teenagers and having spooning Jude all night made me hard and from what I could see, the red wolf also had happy dreams...

"It won't go down by itself...!" The lupine mischievously smiled at me. I sighed and looked at him with derision. "Weeelll?" He still looked at me with some kind of hope while he slowly started to stroke his cock.

"Shower time?" Our eyes lighted up.

"Shower time!" Jude ran to the door.

"Wait!" I laughed and he turned to me, tilting his head a bit. I pointed his still naked parts and with a nod he put a pair of boxers. Doing the same, we then dashed for the bathroom; not caring if my mother could see us. Once we were inside, I locked the door and turned the water on as we threw our unnecessary things away and jumped into the shower...

"I guess you didn't only wash your backs..." My mother sipped his coffee with a cackle as we joined her in the kitchen. We didn't answer but our bashful faces were saying it all which made my mother laugh even louder, but became a bit more serious the second after. "Weren't you with Blake though?"

"No I'm not... Not anymore!" I answered with a bit of bitterness in my voice.

"Oh, I see..." She saw my sad eyes and her expression soften. "So, are you guys ready to leave?" She changed the subject.

"Yes we are!" Jude answered enthusiastically. "I'm very excited to discover Canada!" He pursued; his eyes shining and his tail slowly swaying.

"I'm sure you're going to like Quebec City, they like to call themselves the "Little Europe" for their architectural and the way the city is built. Some houses and shops haven't changed since their foundation, in the 17th century." My mother smiled to an amazed lupine. He turned his head towards me with hoping and pleading eyes. I didn't have to read his mind to understand what he wanted.

"Of course, I'll make you visit the old town!" I smiled and giggled. He didn't jump on me to express his gratitude, but the way he looked at me made me think he would thank me later... "So, when is the other guy coming here?" I uninterestedly asked, while I was serving to Jude and I an orange juice glass.

"I don't know..." She looked at her watch. "...but he should arri-" She was cut by the ringing of the doorbell.

"I'll go." I left my glass on the counter and went for the door. Five seconds later, I was in front of the door, my hand already on the knob. I theatrically opened it, but when I saw who was standing on the other side of the porch, my jaw dropped and my eyes ridiculously widened.

"Hey Vince!" Chuck waved at me and casually grinned.

"Chuck?!? What are you doing here??" I asked, but still happy to see him. Jude heard me yelled our captain's name and went next to me, his face reacting just the same as I did seconds earlier.

"Hey Jude, nice to see you too!" He friendly slapped his shoulder. "Well, to answer your question Vince, your mother asked me if I wanted to accompany her and you at the same time in Québec. I just couldn't refuse." He somewhat nervously laughed. "Since the kids are with their mother, I was alone for Christmas this year, so I would have been quite asocial to refuse your mother's proposal."

"So you're divorced?" I asked a bit dryly to my own taste and he nodded, sighing at the same time. "Sorry, didn't mean to be so crude..." I scratched the back of my head.

"Don't worry, it's been a while now." His smile came back.

"But hey, come inside!" I laughed and let him inside. We all went in the kitchen where my mother was finishing her coffee.

"Good morning Judith, how's it going?" The Rottweiler came and hugged my mother, planting a kiss on each cheek.

"Morning Charles, I'm fine thanks." She exchanged the polite kisses.

"So, everyone's ready to go?" Chuck asked with an excited tone.

"Of course we are, we were only waiting for you!" I mocked.

"Alright Mister Punctuality." He laughed a bark and looked at me.

"Oh come on, I only came late once!" I pouted which made him laughed louder.

"I was just teasing you young boy, don't get upset please!" He continued to mock. "Well let's get going." We all left the house, with our luggage and packed them up in the Rottweiler's SUV. And soon, we were on the highway, for the seven hours trip.

The ride went alright; we stopped at a Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast before hitting the road for good. We talked about everything, listened to music and sang along all together. But soon, the two bridges came into sight; we were entering Quebec City. We've decided to cross the Pierre-Laporte Bridge so we could show Jude the old Quebec Bridge. Like a kid in front of a candy shop, he had his face glued on the door window, looking at the biggest cantilever bridge in the world.

We soon passed it and went east, towards my mother parent's house. We followed the road that was following the Saint-Lawrence River and soon we were entering the nearby region of Quebec City; Charlevoix.

Of course, the entire land was covered in white, giving the view a nice touch of "exoticism". We soon stopped in front of a nice cottage house, with the high mountains in background. Chuck turned the engine off and we all got out to stretch our tired muscles. I also took the occasion to fill my lungs with that pure and fresh air I had missed so much. It has been five years since the last time I set foot here, but it was like if nothing has change; the houses, the neighbours, the landscape and that quiet atmosphere...

"It's really beautiful here!" Jude said with a low voice as he came and hugged me by behind. My hands in my pockets, a contented sigh escaping my mouth, I continued to watch with him, toward east where the big river was expending until we could lost it in the endless horizon. We probably stayed like that a couple of minutes, the wind slowly blowing, just being close to one another and enjoying the sight.

"I'm glad you could come with me." I tilted my head and leaned it on the tall wolf's shoulder, looking at his beautiful clear blue and yellow eyes.

"I couldn't refuse going in such a beautiful place with an amazing guy like you!" We exchanged a passionate look where the silent was talking for us. My hand slowly reaching the back of his head, I approached his muzzle until we were close enough to feel the other's breathing. We let another couple seconds pass as I was lovingly looking at him. Our eyes finally closed and our lips touched, instantly sending jolts of pleasure through my entire body. The feeling seemed reciprocal as a deep but soothing rumble was coming from the lupine's chest.

We slowly parted from the kiss, still a bit too early for my taste, but I knew that there would be more to come. "We should go inside, so I could present you to my grandparents." We went to the car to grab our things, but they had already been picked, so without further investigation, we walked inside. My grandparents were more than pleased to see me after all these years, telling me how I've changed and how I looked like my father. Of course, everybody in the house was talking in French, of course except Jude who was smiling foolishly all the time, still trying to understand even a single word we were saying.

And like my mother, my grandparents complimented Jude how cute he was even if his head was nearly touching the ceiling. Everyone heartily laughed at that joke even the wolf who played the game. "Is it alright now?" He asked as he kneeled and everyone laughed harder.

'Perfect height for doing something...' I said to him by thoughts with a huge smile as the laughs were slowly dying out. He didn't lose his smile but his whole face reddened even more.

'Don't worry, it'll come later.' He quickly winked at me and got back on his feet. The introductions now done, we went in the living room, getting comfortable on the couch as I turned the TV on.

We were the firsts of the family to arrive for the Christmas evening, so we had to wait until everyone arrived to start the festivities. Changing the channels, I fell on RDS, the French sport channel and decided to watch it a bit. It wasn't long until I turned pretty pissed off by it. "Forgot how Habs-cock-sucker they were..." I grumbled before putting it to Fox as, luckily, a Family Guy episode was playing.

"Why cocksucker?" We both turned our heads towards the voice. Chuck smiled at me; a beer can in his paw and approached the couch where he stayed standing behind. "One of the most glorious franchise in all sports, they deserve respect!" He added a bit more seriously.

"Bullshit! Fifteen years without a cup... That's not what I call glorious!" I replied, turning my head to him with a challenging glare.

"Why do you hate them? I mean that's our childhood team and we have to-"

"Doesn't mean I'm from Montreal that I absolutely have to cheer for the Canadiens..."

"You should!" He sipped at his beer but kept looking at me.

"What?!" I was slowly getting upset. "You're not going to tell me which team I can cheer for, you're not-"

"Hey!" His voice was calm and was facetiously looking at me. "Was just joking!" He winked at me and drank once more on his beer but couldn't avoid giggling just a little while doing so.

"You really like to get on my nerves don't ya?" He broadly smiled, his cut tail obviously wagging. Jude was watching us with huge question marks on his eyes since all that conversation has been in French. "Don't worry, he's just an idiot!" I looked back at the red wolf and shrugged.

"Hey, who you're calling an idiot?" He barked, but had the same playful behavior.

"The same idiot who's cheering for the Canadiens!" I teased back with a wink.

"I've never said-"

"WHO'S CHEERING FOR THE CANADIENS IN MY HOUSE?!?" My grandfather yelled with a fake serious tone as he entered the living room. I pointed the defeated Rottweiler and both my grandfather and I started to make fun of him; all in French of course, so Jude was left alone with the TV...

The Christmas evening went perfectly fine; my entire mother's family was there, including all my cousins. The youngest of them never let my partner alone, always wanting to play with him and calling him "the big plushie". He was pleading me to tell them to go away, but I was only laughing and telling my cousins that Jude wanted to play more with them; in French of course...

Chuck was never too far away from me also, playing with the kids, eating next to me during dinner and he even insisted to sing with me when the entire family was gathered for the traditional Christmas canticle karaoke.

But as all good things must come to an end, we had to say goodbye to my uncles, aunts and cousins because all the kids were pretty tired after having chased the tall wolf all night. The clock was indicating 3:38 a.m. when the last of the guests left the house. And with that we all headed for our bedrooms. Jude and I were sharing one while my mother was sleeping alone; so the couch was the last place for Chuck to sleep.

"Finally alone!" Jude heavily sighed and undressed himself.

"Poor plushie!" I finished taking off my underwear and went hugging him by behind. He sighed once more and turned around to face me. We quickly kissed and went in the surprisingly huge king sized bed.

"I'm exhausted..." He yawned as we were both facing the other in the bed. "What are you smiling at?" He frowned as he looked at me puzzlingly.

"It was funny seeing you play with my cousins." I approached him as we were now snuggling tight.

"You were encouraging them to continue to play with me, didn't you?"

"Oh, I wouldn't do such a thing to you..." I replied with a playing tone.

"Just give me a massage and we'll be equal." He licked my nose.

"Okaaaayyy." Jude positioned himself so his back was facing the ceiling and I placed myself on top of him; kneeling on the sides of his leg and right behind his bare ass. Then, I gently started to move my hands on his back, rubbing his muscles, feeling his fur through my fingers and his tail slowly wagging on my chest. The red wolf was grunting all the way and his leg was even kicking once in a while.

"You're really good at it Vince!" The lupine said with a sleepy and relaxed voice.

"You know, I could massage something more internal right now?" I approached my semi-hard dick near his entrance to tease him a bit.

"Mmmm! I'd like that!" He wiggled his rump a bit and looked at me yearningly.

"You won't tell me-"

*Knock, knock, knock!*

We both froze in our movements; our brains slowly realizing what happened. The next thing we did is parting from the other and lying on our back in a complete panic mode.

"Come in." I risked answering with the _'shit-we-got-caught-up'_tone. And without further waiting, the door opened.

"Sorry for bothering you guys..." Chuck scratched his arm and made a shy step in the room. "... can I ask you a favor?" He looked at us with his ears flat on his head.

"Yeah! Go ahead." Jude and I exchanged a surprised glare.

"Well, I tried my best to sleep on the couch, but the things is that it's too small for me and the extremities are hurting my neck and my kidneys, the heat is also unbearable and-"

"You want to sleep with us?" Jude sighed and I only chuckle to the stupid excuses he was giving us.

"Only if it's okay with you guys, I wouldn't want to be a distraction..."

"Just shut up and get in."

"Thanks guys!" The Rottweiler closed the door and soon joined us in the large bed. So, in some quite awkward silence, we all leaned our heads on a different pillow and closed our eyes to quickly find some rest. And it wasn't long before we all fell in Morpheus's arms...

Referring to the snorings I was hearing, I was the first to awake. Being sandwiching by two fur balls wasn't helping either as I was all sweaty. The two canines were completely glued on me; on one side by thick and long coat and on the other by short and surprisingly soft fur. The curious side just took the best of me as I turned toward the Rottweiler and slowly started running my hand on his back. And even with my best efforts to brush his back with the lightest movements, the sleeping dog groaned and got closer to me.

So I stopped, but Chuck lightly whined in protest which made me inanely smile. 'The captain likes to be rubbed then huh?' I closed my eyes as I started to feel more comfortable with the warmth that was constantly hitting me. I stayed there ten, fifteen, thirty, forty-five minutes? I didn't know, but one thing was sure, I was enjoying being able to wander in my thoughts.

A movement on my left made my bubble burst as I looked at the buff Rottweiler turned towards me. "Morning Vince!" Chuck yawned and rubbed his little eyes.

"Morning Chuck." I whispered back and smiled casually.

"Thanks again for letting me sleep in your bed."

"That's really nothing." I paused a bit. "I enjoyed sleeping between both of you..." I blushed hard, almost regretting what I said.

"I really enjoyed sleeping next to you as well!" He winked at me before slowing getting out of the bed, exposing his completely nude body. My eyes grew round as I was perfectly convinced that he had joined us in briefs last night. But that was not the only reason why my eyes were now looking like Ping-Pong balls; a sexy and well-muscled black and tan Rottweiler was now standing in front of me, exposing his perfectly round ass to the world.

Then, he did what I thought would be impossible for a divorced 42 years old dog, he bent down to get his underwear, but maintained the position, so I could get a full view of his hole and his huge swaying balls. He stayed like that, long enough so my mouth was on the verge of drooling, before getting up again, his boxers in his paw as he turned his head towards me with a naughty smile.

"Thought getting rid of them because it was too damn hot last night." He winked again as he stretched and contracted all his muscles, just to tease me a little more. And without adding anything else, he put his black underwear and left the room. I blinked several times, just to make sure it wasn't a dream and after realising it was all real, I also got up to start my day.

The two following days went pretty without any hitches as I walked with Jude in Quebec City's streets, showing him all the important monuments and nice places to go. To my surprise, Chuck didn't insist on accompany us in our tourist trip, preferring to keep my mother some company but didn't miss the occasion to sleep with us...

This was the last day we were spending here and it was the time I decided to take him to the place we discussed before we departed from Brimfield. "So, what are you planning to do?" Chuck asked, like he did the previous days as we were eating our breakfast.

"We're going to the family's chalet to spend the day there..." I said, revealing to Jude at the same time, the place we were going to go.

"Sounds nice! Could I accompany you? I know it's in the mountains, I'd like to ski a bit." He smiled at me.

"That's cool, anyway I would have ask you to drive us there since I don't have any car." I returned the smile. "Do you like the idea?" I turned towards Jude.

"Of course!" He kindly looked at me. "Will we sleep there?" He hopefully asked which made me broadly smile.

"Oh forgot to tell... Yes we are! Is that bothering you Chuck?"

"Not at all." He continued to smile before taking a bite of his strawberry jam toast. "I guess we'll have to stop by the groceries to buy food for lunch and dinner?" I nodded and with that, we continued to chat about our upcoming day. We finished our breakfast and prepared our stuff. Thirty minutes later we were ready to hit the road. We stopped to buy what we would need to avoid dying by starvation and then, we rolled on the only street that was leading to the chalet.

We arrived forty-five minutes later in front of a 7 feet snow bank where the driveway was. "Good thing we brought our snowshoes..." I sighed.

"I don't need them, I'll be fine." Jude shrugged.

"You're sure of that?" Chuck sarcastically smiled.

"I'm from Alaska... I learned how not to stall in the snow." He exchanged a look with the Rottweiler.

"Five bucks that you still stall in the snow." Chuck smiled widely.

"Alright, I'm in!" The red wolf quietly growled.

"I'm with Chuck!" I turned my head towards Jude who was sitting behind me with an amused smile.

"What?" Jude's ears fell flat on his head. "Why?" He looked back at me with disappointed eyes.

"What are you afraid of? You told us that you are able to do it, just prove it!" I said as I opened the door to get outside as the car was now parked in the street. Without saying anything else, the lupine also made his way outside and stepped towards the snow bank. The Rottweiler went and stood next to me as we were looking at the wolf who was testing the snow resistance with his foot. We both giggled as he tried a hazardous step, but he succeeded not to fall in. We watched as step by step, he succeeded to get on top of the seven feet bank without stalling. He turned towards us with a triumphant glare.

"See! You own me 10 bucks." He mischievously smiled at us. I looked at Chuck with a take-a-look-at-that face before taking the chalet's keys off from my pocket.

"Good, now go unlocked the door. Catch!" And before he had the time to prepare himself, I threw him the keys. With a surprised yip, he caught them, but lost his balance and stalled all the way to his waist. Chuck and I both exploded into laughter to the wolf's misfortune.

"Just don't help me..." Jude complained. We then rapidly put our snowshoes and went to help the poor wolf. After having put him back on his feet, we started to unload the SUV and put the stuff inside. Jude stayed silent the entire time, as he was apparently frustrated of having lost his bet.

But he didn't stay in that mood for long as we went to explore the vast coniferous landscape together, leaving Chuck on his own. We then gathered for lunch and ate hamburgers and decided to hike the nearby mountains all together.

The temperature was perfect; the sun was brightly shinning with no clouds anywhere and the air was cool and dry. With the nicest weather conditions we could have, we walked through the valleys and the mountains until dusk before getting back inside the wood log chalet. Chuck busied himself to start the fire in the ancient stove while Jude and I were preparing dinner.

Soon, everything we cooked disappeared in our famished stomachs and we all sat on the couch, relaxing and digesting. "So..." Chuck broke the silence. "...have any ideas to kill the time since we don't have any electricity?" We all seemed to ponder on something to do, but none of us spoke. "May sound childish but..." We turned towards the Rottweiler who was scratching the back of his head. "...we could play hide and seek?" Jude and I both started to laugh.

"Yeah... And we could play doctor after that..." I said, still laughing, but the two canines stopped laughing and looked at me with interested eyes. "What?" I stopped laughing as well. "Was just joking."

"It's a good idea Vince! What do you think of that Jude?"

"Freaking good idea Vince!"

"Huh, I'm not sure if-"

"Oh, you'll make a perfect patient young boy!" The Rottweiler got up. "Get yourself in briefs while my assistant and I prepare our medical stuff... You're coming Jude?" The wolf nodded and started to follow Chuck.

'You know how it's going to end?' I asked by thoughts. The tall wolf turned his head and briefly looked at me with a huge grin.

'Of course I know!' He winked at me and continued to walk. 'And I also know that you want it more than I do.' My mouth hung open as I was about to add something, but the tall wolf disappeared behind the same door the Rottweiler had crossed seconds before.

'I guess I have no choice then...' I sighed while I started to undress myself. I sat back on the couch and waited for the two canines to come back.

"Alright Mr. Filliatrault, please lie down on the couch while we're preparing for your routine exam." The Rottweiler solemnly required as he entered the chalet's main room completely naked. "My assistant is going to second me in my task." Then the red wolf also walked in the room with nothing covering him.

"What kind of clinic is that?" I half-seriously joked as the two stopped close enough from me so I could have easily fiddled their balls...

"The one where we take good care of our patients." The Rottweiler looked down at me and winked.

"So if I correctly understand..." I paused which made Chuck look at me curiously. " only approached my mother to be closer to me?"

"Of course not!" The large dog got caught against the foot. "I like your mother very much and maybe someday I could become your step-father..." He uneasily smiled. "...but I care very much for you as well..."

"Did it imply the thing you explained to me when we first met?" I asked and took care of not talking about the aura thing to Jude, to avoid endless explanations...

"Heh..." He closed his eyes and softly nodded. "I just can't resist you; it's like a voice in my head who's telling me to do it." He shrugged but that caught Jude's attention. He looked at Chuck with an inquiring glare but didn't push the issue.

"Not like you were bad looking!" I giggled and winked at him. He didn't answer, but I could clearly see that he got flattered by it because the head of his dick was slowly poking out of his sheath.

"So... Are the preparative ready for the summary doctor Gagnon?" The tall red wolf interrupted our conversation.

"Of course assistant Walker." The Rottweiler immediately snapped back into his role. "You can start by checking his vital signs and then looking his esophagus for potential contagious viruses." He finished and took a step back, giving the way for his assistant in order to proceed. The wolf kneeled next to me and with a playful glance he started his task by taking my pulse, then he approached his snout until I could feel his breath and quickly looked my pupils.

"All vital signs are okay!" He whispered loud enough for Chuck to hear and then I opened my mouth so he could have a look inside. He didn't even lean to check in, but his muzzle did. We passionately started to kiss; his tongue inspecting every inches of my mouth. "No potential viruses detected doctor!" We parted from the kiss after a good fifteen seconds of inspection.

Chuck then kneeled next to Jude and put his paws on my bare stomach. "Good! Next part, dear assistant, is sensitiveness." They exchanged a look and with a nod, they started massaging me.

Having, for the first time, four paws giving me attention was something I'd never thought that much appreciable; Jude was taking care of the upper part while Chuck was giving special attention to my six pack and my hips. The first touches were tickling but I soon closed my eyes and enjoyed it; maybe a little too much though as more than pleased long sighs were escaping my mouth.

"There's something bugging me Jude!" I opened my eyes and uncertainty looked at Chuck. The two already had a huge smile spread on their faces.

"What is it doc?" The wolf gave me an excited side glance before looking back at Chuck.

"Last time Mr. Filliatrault came to visit us, did we tested his fertility capacity?"

"No we didn't." They both got up, giving me a more than private view to their already aroused doggy bones.

"Very well then! Please Vincent, could you stand up in front of us?" I did what was asked and stood up. "Now, get rid of this unnecessary thing!" He pointed my boxer and without adding anything, I stripped to expose my semi-hard cock. "And now we get to work." They both kneeled again in front of me, so their muzzles were head-to-head with my dick.

Grabbing one of my thighs each, they approached their head and started sniffing at my crotch; their wet and cold noses touching my sensitive balls. I gasped and placed a hand on each head for support. But that was nothing compared to the moment they vigorously licked my orbs; my knees nearly collapsing as the pleasure was starting to overwhelm me. They were playing with my balls and dick like if they were playing with a chewing toy, without the bites though.

Realizing that I was missing a great show, I opened my eyes to see the two canines pumping the other's huge meat with pure delight while they were eagerly suckling and lapping my privates.

"Assistant Walker!" I lustily shouted and he looked up at me with saliva profusely drooling from his muzzle. "I need to test my fertility on somebody!" I passionately looked at him and he immediately turned around to show me his rump; his tail lifted high in the air.

"Perfect timing!" Chuck licked my dick one last time before getting up and went in front of Jude.

"Come here, you wild animal!" I picked up the wolf's legs and placed it on both side of my hips, turning it into the wheelbarrow position. The lupine stayed surprised for a second and supported himself with his paws firmly on the floor. With a sharp and precise thrust, I slammed my saliva-lubed dick inside the wolf. He yipped from the momentary pain, but he soon wrapped his tail and legs around me, so I was trapped inside.

"Hey Jude, say aaaaaaa for aaaaa-ssistant!" Chuck stopped playing with his huge 11 inches rottie dick and as Jude willingly opened his muzzle, the beefy dog buried it in. We both began to fuck the poor lupine who was being skewered at both extremities...

It wasn't long before the Rottweiler started to heavily pant as he was experiencing Jude's skillful cock sucking. His paws clamped on the wolf's shoulders, he was smoothly, but rhythmically humping his face.

On the other side, I was enjoying the first time I was penetrating Jude's ass. The warmth surrounding my dick was welcoming and the sensations were, once again, completely amazing. But the urge of mating my wolf, resulting of the huge teasing these two bastards did to me, I had no other choice then emptying the extra testosterone and adrenaline that was running through my veins into that enticing rump.

Each drive was making me crazier as the wolf was loudly whining even with Chuck's huge dick inside his muzzle. My pace was already increasing; my legs were a bit shaking with the lupine's weight to carry, but I was too lost in my excitation to think about it. I was also able to hear that the muscled dog in front of me was close of his limit as well. Both panting and erratically moaning, my thrusts got even faster as I got much closer of that perfect ass, while Chuck howled as he exploded in Jude's throat.

In a natural body reflex, the wolf's entire body contracted, resulting of his sphincter clamping on my pulsing dick which sent me over the edge as well. My eyes rolling back and with a primitive growl escaping my throat, I uncontrollably started to hammer Jude's ass with all my will as my seed were directly sent into his intestines. My arms were now completely wrapped around his waist while his legs were firmly wound around me. Chuck had already pull out of the lupine's muzzle and was greedily looking at us as I was giving the last thrusts of that short but intense fertility test.

"So I guess it concludes our fertility test!" The Rottweiler said between two pants and as I was dismounting Jude.

"What about the endurance test?" I asked while I was hugging the tall wolf by behind and giving him a nice little balls massage.

"How could we-" He saw me looking at him with my eyebrows jumping up and down and a cocky grin. "Huh! Will you have enough energy to keep the pace?" He tried to play the game, but his slightly high-pitched voice betrayed his nervousness.

"Of course I can, but what are you afraid of?" I walked next to him. "You tease me with your amazing body and suck my dick, but you don't want to take it where it's the most pleasurable?" I started to rub his perfect shaped ass.

"That's not it, I mean-... I-..." He incomprehensibly mumbled something to himself.

"You what?" Jude and I both exclaimed.

"I..." Only his lips were moving now.

"Come on, tell it!" I said, but already knew what he was going to answer.

"NEVER GOT IT IN THE ASS!!" He shouted and growled a bit.

"No shame to have here." I spoke softly, trying to make him relax too while I was still rubbing his bare rump.

"Plus I know that Vince will be glad to help you!" Jude added and approached us.

"I don't know..." The Rottweiler was still hesitant.

"I'll go nice and slow, only for you!" I embraced him by behind, my still hard dick resting between his legs. "I'm ready whenever you want!" I rested my head on his shoulder and kissed his neck. "Plus you're so good in sucking, nearly as good as Jude. I'm sure he'll enjoy the experience too." I hugged him even closer. "Plus the poor bastard needs some release; nobody took care of his raging erection." I giggled and look at the huge wolf meat who was proudly standing in the air.

"Okay..." He whined. "You better don't hurt me..."

"Like I would do such a thing..." I stood on my tip toes to kiss him on the cheek. "Now get on all four." I smoothly ordered and he obeyed in silent. Jude already knew where he was going to go and didn't waste any time to take his position. He crawled under Chuck and his muzzle instantly went for his dick, making the older dog yip in surprise and excitement. While the Rottweiler was distracted of being sucked off again, I took the opportunity to kneel behind him and spread his ass cheeks wide enough to see his pink pucker.

I didn't waste any time and put my mouth on it and immediately started to taste him. The big dog was already moaning like a bitch in heat as more of my tongue was penetrating his anus.

"OH YEAH!! FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME VINCE!!!" Chuck begged out loud as I stopped teasing him with my tongue.

"You're not playing the tough guy now huh?" I stood behind him and adjusted my position. The head touched the extra sensitive dog's ring which made him shiver a bit. "Shall we begin?" His head furiously nodded as he looked back at me with lusty eyes. And with that, my head completely entered him which made the dog cried in complete delight.

"Slam it into me!!!" He begged once again. "I'll bear the pain!!!" And I did what was asked. I buried my bone into it in one slow but firm thrust. "YEEEAAAHH!!" He yelled as released another cum load in Jude's muzzle. "Faster! FASTER!!!" He ordered as I had started to fuck him.

"Stop begging bitch and suck Jude off!!" I ordered back and he lowered his head on the wolf's long and thick penis without complaining. Unable to take it all, he managed to close his lips around almost ¾ of it though.

"You're so fucking tight!" I gritted my teeth as I rapidly increased my pace. I knew I wasn't going to last long since I came minutes before, but I was trying to do my best in pleasing the muscular dog in front of me, and with the moans he was constantly doing, I knew I was doing fine.

I came way too fast to my taste, sending the few remaining cum into Chuck's ass. The pleasure was still overpowering but the pain coming from my exhausted balls were also noticeable.

Jude didn't last long either when I went down after dismounting the Rottweiler as I was licking his balls and the knot that Chuck had left non-sucked. The big dog swallowed nearly everything the tall wolf had to give him and I took great care of licking the drops he missed.

Our climaxes finally dying out, we rolled on the floor resting and catching our breath. "Do I pass my endurance test Doctor?"

"Oh! Shut up!" Chuck answered with a laugh.

"I'll take that as a yes!" We all laughed.

"But you won't tell anybody about what happened here huh?" The Rottweiler seriously looked at me after we took another two minutes of rest.

"Don't worry..." I smiled at him. "...what happens at the chalet, stays at the chalet!"