My first storry (please read and see if its worth continuing).

Story by ryazanovwerewolf on SoFurry

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Its my first story its not to good like I said its my first but id like to see what happens this is chapters 1-3.

Chapters 1-3.


The young teen didn't know it yet but soon his whole life would be thrown into chaos. He didn't know that his father was in with the wrong crowd and his father didn't know it was the same group of people that he had lost his wife to five years ago, and neither of them knew that the teen's father had seen something that he wasn't supposed to see. Because of this the group of people who the teen's father worked for had put into action steps to make sure the father or son would never have a chance to tell anyone what the father had seen.

Chapter 1

One Life ends and another begins

It was the middle of a very cold December night when the van pulled up the old gravel drive. It was very clear that the van didn't belong there the van was pure black and had tinted windows. If you were right by the van you could hear the sloshing of some kind of liquid. The van slowed down and stopped outside of an old wooden cabin. When the van's engine went off and the two side doors opened two men got out of the van and then went around to the back of the van and opened the van's back doors, inside the van was six red plastic gas cans that where totally full. Without a word the two men grabbed two cans each out of the back of the van and then silently went over to the house and began to pour gas all over the wooden cabin the air stunk of gas and after five minutes then men where done they set the cans down by the house so that the cans would be consumed by the flame just like the house would be. One of the men looked to the other and nodded as to say do it. The other man then got out a bow of matches and lit one he then blew it out and threw the still burning ember onto the gas that covered all sides of the cabin and then the cabin began to burn.

Shay's father was the first one to wake up from the heat when he opened his eyes all he saw was the flames that were now engulfing the cabin he quickly got up and ran to his fifth teen year old son's room. Shay was just waking up when his father opened the door and ran over to him. His father ran over to his bed and jerked him out of the bed. Shay woke up very quickly because of this and when he looked around the room all he could see was flames and smoke "Quickly come on Shay!" his father yelled at him, all Shay could do was nod at his father and follow him out of the room and down the hall into the living room. The living room was surprisingly almost untouched by the fire, just thinking that they when lucky Shay's father led him out the front door quickly. When Shay's father opened up the front door all Shay could see was a bright light coming from the vans headlights. Shay then saw his father collapse. Shay thought that the light from the car could be a cop or someone to help that had seen the smoke. He bent down to help his father up when he saw blood coming from a hole in his father's head and he realized that the car and the people in it were not there to help him but rather make sure that if the fire didn't kill him and his father they would. He then felt a sharp pain in his right leg and his left shoulder. Shay fell and then saw blood coming out of his shoulder and leg. Shay knew that he only had one chance of making it out there alive, however the option was not very favorable he knew from his health class that his fight or flight was now in effect and his heart was pumping adrenalin threw his body, Shay got up and ran as fast as he could around the house the two men from the van stood still for a few seconds surprised that Shay was able to get up and run after he was shot twice. After a few seconds the men snapped out of it and then ran after Shay around the house. When Shay got to the waterfall at the end of the path behind the cabin he stopped and then looked back towered the cabin. The men followed Shay down the path and had their guns ready and when Shay stopped to look back the larger of the two men let off a shot. The bullet hit Shay in his other shoulder and the impact force knocked him off balance and Shay fell over the edge of the waterfall. The two men went to the edge and peered over they were knew that ever if the boy survived the fall with three bullet holes and out in the middle of the Canadian wilderness there was no way he would be alive long enough for anyone to find him and get him to a hospital in time so they went back to the van and let allowing the fire to destroy any evidence. However what the men didn't know was that the whole time they were being watched.

When Shay fell he felt as if everything else was gone and time had stopped however this illusion ended very quickly when he hit the deep pool of water at the bottom of the waterfall. Shay was then dragged under the surface by a current and swept down the river he was able to get breaths of air here and there and after a few minutes he was able to crawl out of the river bank. He crawled over to a tree the snow on the ground tinted red from his blood. He sighed and leaned against the tree and just waited for his death. Shay was no doctor not by a long shot but he knew that no one could lose as so much blood and be lost in the middle of nowhere and expect to get out of it alive. Shay must have dosed off and he was surprised that he woke up at all. Shay woke up because he heard a loud snap followed by a very loud yelp and then a series of whimpers. Shay looked around the tree trunk and saw a wolf that had got caught in an old bear trap. Shay could tell it was an old bear trap because it was covered in rust. Shay knew that if he approached the wolf it could easily think he was a threat or food because of the blood and easily kill him, but Shay couldn't let the wolf die for three reasons the first being he loved wolves and dogs of all breeds and hated it when one was hurt or died, the second reason was because he had already let one person die today and he would be dammed if he would let another die even most people would say animals were not people but Shay thought that they were even better than people and he would not let this one die, not like this, and the third reason was that he wanted to do one last thing that mattered before he died which he was sure would be soon. Shay crawled over to the wolf and surprisingly to Shay the wolf only growled at him the wolf didn't even try and bite him or hurt him at all, Shay gathered up the last bit of his strength and then took hold of the two jaws on the bear trap and he pried them open and let the wolf lift its leg out of the trap. Shay then let go and the trap snapped back together. Shay was then out of energy completely and he slumped back against the tree and then was surprised more than he had ever been before in his life when the wolf stood up on its back legs and walked over to shay. The wolf bent down and then wiped the blood and tears out of Shays eyes which had been limiting Shay's vision. Shay looked up at the wolf and was amazed at what he saw. The wolf's body was built exactly like a humans except it was covered in fur and the wolf's ears were pointed up like a normal wolf's ears and wolfs head was the same as a normal wolf's head and the wolf had a tail. But the wolf walked and had the features of a human. Shay whimpered much like a pup would and the wolf put a finger to Shays mouth and shushed him. Shay's sight began to fade and soon Shay passed out.

Chapter 2

New beginnings

James looked down at the human pup and wandered why he had saved him. James wandered this even more because it was obvious that the human was in much pain and didn't have much strength at all and yet the human used all the strength he had left to help James get out of the bear trap when the human should have ran (or in this humans case crawled) away even if the human didn't see how James truly looked any other human in this one's condition would have ran away 'so why didn't this one run?' James asked himself. James's attention was pulled back to the human pup in front of him when he heard the human whimper. James knelt down and hushed the pup not wanting the human to use any more energy after a few moments the human passed out and it was clear to James that if he didn't help the pup then it would die out here. James carefully picked the up the pup and cradled it in his arms. James then started to sprint back to his packs underground den system and all that James could think during that time was that he could not let this pup die. It took James less than half an hour to reach the main entrance he was meet by the guards which told him that he could not bring the human into the den. James told them that he would take full responsibility for the human and then they frowned and let him pass. James quickly took the human to his father and mother which were the alphas of the pack. He found them in the alpha's den where James and his father and his mother slept. His father was waiting for him inside the door of their den his father started to scold him about leaving in the middle of the night but he stopped when he saw the blood coming from his sons foot paw and the bleeding human pup he was cradling in his arms "Oh my god what happened to you James and where did you take the human from you know the rules James." His father said. James hadn't been really paying attention to his father he had been looking down at the human that he was holding in his arms "I know the rules very well dad." James said with a growl "And I didn't break any of them, the human was going to die and he helped me when my paw got stuck in a bear trap he didn't try and run away or hurt me or anything like that dad, he simply came over and used what little strength he had left to open the bear trap enough for me to get my paw out of it." James said to his father. James's father frowned and shook his head "Even if he did help you son you know we can't risk being exposed to the humans and what will happen when someone comes looking for him?" James stopped looking at the human in his arms and looked right at his father "No one going to look for this human other humans killed his family and then put another body in the house to replace this ones and burned the house to the ground the human has no one to look for him dad and he is just a pup." James said to his father. James's mother walked into the main hall from her and James's father's bedroom and ran over to James when she saw him bleeding and the human pup bleeding in James's arms "James hasn't broken any rules Dark" James's mother said to her mate. James's father looked at James and then at his mate and finally at the human pup who was laying limp in his sons arms "Ok then James but you know that the human can never go back to the human world if he sees us." James shook his head at his father "He's already seen my true form dad and I know he can never be allowed to go back to the humans." James's father sighed and then nodded "Ok then quickly let's get him to the med den James." James nodded and then followed his mother and father out the door and through the tunnels to the medical den.

It took about five minutes for them to reach the med den because it was on the other side of the tunnel system. James's father was the first to enter the den and quickly yelled for Jake the packs doctor. Jake came into the room from his office and then rushed over to the alpha and his family when he smelled blood. Jake stopped when he saw the human and looked at the alpha confused. James's father Dark nodded at Jake and then said "it's fine no one's coming to look for him Jake but we want to save him." Jake nodded and came over and tried to take the human out of James's arms. James snarled at Jake and Jake quickly whimpered in submission to James. "James!" Dark snarled at his son "If you want to save this human then you have to let Jake take care of him." James didn't act like he heard his father. "JAMES!" Dark yelled at his son. "Stop Dark" Moon which was James's mother said to her mate. Moons lend over to her mate and whispered "He's in shock let me try." Dark nodded and then backed up a few steps. Moon went over to her son and placed a paw on his shoulder "James you need to let Jake take the human so he can tend to his wounds, humans can heal fast like us so Jake need so help him now if the human is to live James ok?" James looked at his mother and nodded "Ok mom." James said and then let his mother pick up the human and hand him to Jake. Jake took the human into a back room and closed the door. "Ok now James go get a shower and some food and then you can come back, me and Dark will stay here and make sure the humans safe, ok?" James nodded and then turned around and left the med den and headed towards his mates den, he knew he should go and do what his mom asked him to do but he needed to see Nick his mate. Gays were fully accepted in his pack it didn't matter what your sexual preference was as long as it didn't interfere with your pack duties. James walked slowly to his mate den and when he got there he couldn't make himself nock on the door he just slumped down against the wall outside the door and began to cry. Nick was able to sense his mate before he knocked on the door but to his surprised the knock never came his mate just stood outside the door and then he heard the worst sound in the world to him it was his mate James crying. Nick quickly went over to the door and opened it he found James siting on the ground leaning against the wall by his den's door. Nick bent down and picked James up in his arms and carried his mate inside and into his bedroom. Nick laid James down softly on his bed and then climbed onto the bed beside his mate and pulled James into a hug. Nick held James against his chest and spoke softly to his mate "It's ok love its ok I'm here now you are ok" after about twenty minutes of talking to him softly and holding him James fell asleep and was limp in his mates arms. Nick knew that James was a heavy sleeper and would not wake up for a few hours at least so he slowly got up and spread James's limbs out to see where he was hurt he knew James was hurt from the thick sent of his blood. Nick snarled when he saw his mates let foot paw had been dug into he knew immediately what had done it from his past experiences it was a bear trap that James had got his foot paw stuck in. Nick went to0 his bathroom and got a washrag and a bowel of warm water he then returned to his bedroom and was shocked to find James awake and about to get off the bed "No you don't." Nick said to his mate "you're not going anywhere until I clean that wound love." Nick said. James frowned but knew better then to argue with his mate so he simply laid back down on the bed and let Nick clean his wound. Nick came over and sat down on the edge of the bed and started to clean the wound "How did this have James?" James looked at his mate and thought about lying but he knew his mate could tell when he was lying to him so he told him the truth "I was following a human whose family had just been killed and he had been shot three times and fell over a waterfall. Now I totally thought he was dead and that's why I wasn't being very careful so I didn't see the bear trap until in bit into my ankle, the human had lived somehow, Nick and he helped me out of the bear trap in fact he wasn't scared of me at all, I want him to be our son love, he is just a pup and he can't go back to the human world now that he saw my true form and he has no one left the people who killed his family made sure that no one would think he is still alive so I have not broken any rules and now he is all alone Hun." James looked at his mate who had just finished cleaning his mates wound. Nick looked up at his mate and thought about it for a few minutes "James..." Nick started to say but then changed his mind "Ok James I think that it's a good idea to and I would love for us to have a son, love." James smiled and hugged his mate tightly "Thank you have no idea how much this means to me love." Nick smiled and hugged back and nuzzled against his mate "You're more than welcome baby." James looked at his mate and licked his nose "You want to go see our pup love?" Nick was happy to make his mate happy and was happy to now have a son but he wasn't sure if he was happy it was a human or not yet "First you need to eat something baby, then we'll go see the pup ok?" James sighed but agreed "Ok." James got up and followed his mate into the dining room and sat down at the table. Nick went back into the other room and returned with two sandwiches "Eat up love." Nick said to his mate. James nodded "Thanks Nick." His mate nodded and they ate their food in silence. After their food they went out of Nick's den and Nick followed James to the med den where his parents were waiting for James. They walked over to meet their son and his mate and said hi to Nick and Nick said hi to them, after that James asked his parents if he and Nick could see the human yet and his parents said yes they could and then they told James to relax because the human would be ok James had got him here just in time and that the human would be fine. Dark and Moon then asked if they could talk to James in privet for a minute "Nick could we barrow James for a minute?" Nick looked at James and then nodded "Yes ok course." Nick said to the alphas. James looked at his mate "Why don't you go see our pup then love I'll be there in a minute." Nick nodded "Ok James." Nick then went into the other room where the pup was. James's parents frowned "What did you mean when you said 'our pup' James?" his father said. James looked at his father "Me and Nick have decided to adopt the pup." James's father opened his maw to protest but his mother cut in "I think that if James says he is ready to have a son then we should give him a chance love." James's father frowned but nodded "Ok James if you think you're ready to have a pup then we'll give you a chance." James smiled and hugged both of his parents "Thank you." His mother and father nodded. James began to walk to the room where the pup was but was stopped by his father "There is one more thing son." James looked at his father confused "Yes dad?" James asked. James's father looked at his mother before looking back at his son "The human is not fully human James." James frowned "What do you mean dad?" Dark bit his lip "I mean that he is part wolf like us James he has some of our DNA our family's DNA to be exact son." James's maw hung open with awe "You mean he is actually part of our family by blood dad?" James's father nodded "Yes James that's what I mean." James frowned "But how is that even possible dad?" Dark sigh "You remember when you were hurt and we had to ask a human doctor for help?" James nodded "Well he could have taken a sample of your blood and then genetically designed a hybrid of human and wolf James." James growled "But I thought you destroyed the human's lab dad." Dark nodded "I did but he must have kept a sample James." James gulped "Dad it doesn't matter the human is dead now." Dark looked surprised but then understood "The human pup's father?" James nodded "He looked familiar but I didn't know why till now dad." Dark nodded "Well I don't think the human told his son about what he was because he could have easily killed the men who killed his human father James so let's not tell the human till he is ready for that ok?" James nodded in agreement "Of course dad." Dark then let his son's arm go and James headed into the other room where his mate and new son were waiting.

Chapter 3

Waking up

Shay didn't have any dreams he never did all he had was nightmares. Flashes of death and suffering and the scene of his mother's body on the front porch with her throat ripped out and her chest cut open to revile her still heart. Shay woke up with a yelp for some reason he always did when he was hurt he whimpered when he was alone he howled, when he was angry he growled or snarled, and when he woke up from a nightmare he yelped. Shay felt a hand on his chest but when he looked at his chest it wasn't a hand at all it was a paw shaped like a human hand. Shay noticed the hand was connected to an animal like the one he saw before he passed out except this one was bigger and had a brown cote of fur and light blue eyes. Shay then noticed he was in a hospital bed and in a room just like one you would find in a normal hospital except there were no windows anywhere in the room. Shay quickly jumped out of the bed on the side across from the wolf like animal and fell to the floor his left leg was broken and his right was weak the wolf quickly rushed around the bed to Shay but he growled at the wolf and crawled under the bed which was too low to the floor for the wolf to fit under. The wolf bent down and was about to try to crawl under the bed to get to Shay when the door opened and the wolf from before walked in. "Um Nick where's the pup?" James asked his mate. Nick stood up and looked at James "He freaked out when he woke up and is hiding under the bed, love." James walked over to the bed by his mate and got down on the floor and looked under the bed and saw Shay. James frowned and then spoke softly to the human pup "It's ok bud your safe now just come on out from under the bed and we can talk, ok?" James said softly. Shay felt like he could trust the wolves and that they were telling the truth but he was too scared to go to them so instead Shay quickly crawled out from under the bed and crawled away from the bed and the two wolves toward the door with his back facing the open door. Shay was right at the door when his back hit something that felt like a leg. Shay looked up and saw a big back wolf starring down at him with soft eyes and features Shay could tell the wolf was trying to look as nonthreatening as he could. Dark looked down at the human and felt sorry for him, the human was just a pup and he had just lost his family and almost died of course he was scared out of his mind. Shay's body was shaking from fear and cold. Shay whimpered at the black furred wolf "Please don't kill me I'm so sorry if I was on your land I swear I didn't know I didn't I ..." dark knelt down and hushed the pup "You're ok, no one is going to hurt you now I promise little guy." James and Nick walked over to the pup and Dark "Dad can we take the pup to our den now I think he's cold and I know he's scared out of his little head." Dark nodded and kissed the pup's forehead "That's fine Jake said that he will be ok just keep him in bed and to give him one of these shots when you get to Nick and yours den and then every two hours." Dark said before handing James a large ice cooler full of shots. James took the cooler and nodded "Ok dad we will." Shay whimpered and tried to crawl away out of the door but the wolf James's dad blocked the way. Shay tried to go in-between the big wolf's legs but he wasn't small enough to fit. Shay whimpered and started to cry and kept trying to get through the door, but the wolf was too big and Shay couldn't get through. Shay then felt James's paws wrap around his waist and lift him up off the floor and into the wolf called Nick's arms. Shay tried to fight the wolf at first but Nick was to strong and he held Shay firmly in his arms. Shay then stopped resisting and just cried as Nick and James left the med den and took their pup to Nick's den which was now Nick and James's den. As they walked through the tunnels to their den all the wolves they passed by looked at the human pup with soft and caring eyes the whole pack cared about pups no matter what species they were and would want to help in any way they could. When they reached their den James opened the door and Nick followed James inside the den and then took the pup to their bed room and laid the pup down. Shay had been crying all the way to the den and was not able to cry anymore, Shay looked up at Nick with teary eyes and whimpered "Who are you and why are you calling me your pup?" Nick looked down at the pup and caressed the pup's face in his paw "I'm Nick and the other wolf that you helped is James, the reason we call you our pup is because we want you to be our son little guy. We know that no one is going to come looking for you and we know that you have no more family. Also we can't let you go because you have seen us and I'm sorry but that means you have to stay here with us and our pack, little guy I'm sorry . But we'll be your family from now on and we will keep you safe and take good care of you, Ok pup?" Shay was scared and felt sadder then he could every think was possible but he felt that Nick was telling the truth and that they would take care of him and he would be loved and treated as part of their family so he nodded to Nick "Ok Nick, my names Shay, I would be happy to be your son." Nick nodded and hugged Shay tightly and then turned Shay over so Shay was laying on his belly, Nick then began to softly rub Shay's back, while James was closing the door and got one of the shots out of the cooler and put the cooler in the fridge. James then walked into the bed room and came over to the bed "Hey their little guy how are you felling now?" James asked the pup. Shay tried to turn over and sit up but Nick softly but firmly kept Shay laying belly down on the bed "I'm ok James. Thank you for saving my life. I'm Shay." James smiled and patted the pup on the head "You are more than welcome my pup, besides you helped me get out of that bear trap." Shay nodded lightly "You're welcome James." James frowned a little and then lend down to his pup and wandered why Shay's clothes were still on and why the wounds hadn't been stitched closed then he remembered Shay is part wolf so he has certain abilities one must be faster healing, even though James could still see there was one bullet that had got stuck right under the pups right shoulder blade in the back and knew that it would have to come out. James frowned and looked at his pup "Shay there is still a bullet stuck under the back of your right shoulder blade and we need to get it out." Shay realized what that meant and he tried to get up and protest but Nick held him down on the bed "James there's a first aid kit under the bed there's a scalpel in it. " James nodded and grabbed the kit from under the bed and got out the scalpel "Please no stop please." Shay begged James. James frowned and rubbed his pups back "It'll only take a second I promise pup." Shay shook and tried to get away from the scalpel in James's paw but he was held still and then he felt a sharp pain in the back of his right shoulder and yelped loudly into the pillow his head was lying on and then he screamed and yelped and tried to get away. James kept his promise though and the scalpel left his body and the bullet was removed in less than a minute. James the stitched the wound closed and pulled Shay's head against his soft bare chest. Shay cried hard into his new father's chest, after five minutes Shay finally calmed down and looked up at James "Not more right, daddy?" Shays voice trembled "That's right pup no more." James said softly to his son. Shay just laid there and panted hard as his dad rubbed his back softly. James looked up "Nick we should get rid of these clothes and clean the pup up so we can tuck him in for the night." Nick nodded "I agree love." Shay whimpered "I'm ok really I can sleep on the floor or..." James interrupted him "NO you will sleep in this bed with us pup and you're not ok." Shay lowered his head and whimpered "Ok James." James frowned again "Nick we need to give the pup his shot before anything else." Nick nodded and uncapped the syringe "No please no shots daddy." Shay whimpered. James rubbed Shay's back and nuzzled against Shay's cheek "It won't hurt it will just be a pinch ok pup?" Shay whimpered but nodded a yes. Nick slipped the needle into Shays arm and injected the medicine that was in the shot "There you go little pup it is already done." Nick said to Shay. Shay nodded and laid his head back down on James's chest. James got up and laid Shay's head down on a pillow. Shay whimpers at James "It's ok pup I'm not leaving don't worry." James said to his son softly. Shay nodded and then relaxed, James got out a pair of scissors and cut off Shays clothing which was covered in blood and tears, James gasped and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his pups naked body "Who did this to you son?" Nick asked Shay in a soft but clearly enraged voice. "It was my old dad he said it was for important research daddy." James then punched through the door right beside him and snarled wildly before stomping out of the room and Nick and Shay heard the front door to the den slam shut as well. Shay began to cry and whimper "I'm sorry daddy." Shay cried. Nick hugged his pup and hushed him softly "It's not your fault baby you're not the one daddy's mad at." Shay relaxed some and shivered "Let's get you cleaned up so you can get warm ok pup?" Nick asked his son. Shay nodded and laid still. Nick went to the bathroom and got a washrag and a bowel of warm water and came back into the bed room. Nick walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed and started to wash his pup. Shay just laid still as him dad cleaned him. After Nick was done he took the bowel of dirty water and the washrag and put them in the bathroom. When he came back he found that Shay was gone. Nick sighed but wasn't surprised or mad at the pup for running off. Nick got out his phone and called James who thankfully picked up "Look I need to clear my head I'll be back in..." Nick cut him off "The pup is gone James." James went quiet "How far could he be from the den?" James asked "Not very far, he has only been gone five minutes." Nick said. James sighed "Ok I'll find him and bring him back to the den but I don't think we can leave him alone again." James said. "Agreed love" Nick said to his mate.

James hung up the phone and then head back in the direction of the den; he knew that he would run into the pup since there was only one hallway leading away from the den. James found the pup hiding in a small nook in the hallway leading back to the den. James wasn't surprised that the pup was asleep after everything that happened to the pup today he couldn't blame him for running off and hiding either. James carefully picked the pup up and carried him back to the den where his mate was waiting outside the door. James carried the pup inside and Nick followed behind him. "Let's get him to bed love you should sleep too. I'll lock the door so the pup can't run out again ok? We all need some sleep James." James nodded "I agree." James carried their pup into the bedroom and laid the pup down on the bed and then James and Nick both took off all of their clothes and lay down with the pup one on each side of Shay. James pulled up the covers and then laid a paw on the pup's chest and Nick did the same.

Shay woke up about an hour after James found him, Shay noticed he was back in the den in bed with both of his new dads and not out in the hallway. Shay was shaking violently when he woke up and was too upset to go back to sleep. Shay carefully got out of bed and then limped to the front door of the den, when Shay tried to open the door he found that it was locked. Shay then went to the bathroom and closed the door and locked it behind him, Shay then went over to the sink and look at his naked chest in the mirror, he saw scars running all down his arms and chest and scratch marks made by himself from his nightmares. Shay then hit the mirror and it shattered with a large crashing sound. A few seconds after that he heard someone knocking on the bathroom door and asking if he was ok, "Yeah I'm fine" Shay said which was a lie and Shay knew it, but he didn't care really, Shay then stepped on the broken mirror which made him yelp in pain but continued walking over to the bathtub.

Nick was getting very worried now he had woken up when he heard the crash and noticed that the pup was gone he went to the bathroom where he had the crash come from and knocked on the door "Are you ok pup?" he asked Shay. Nick could tell the pup was lying but let the pup alone till he heard the yelp come from the pup after that James was awake to and rushed over to the bathroom door by Nick. "What happened love?" James asked his mate. "I don't know, I heard a loud crash so I came over to check on the pup he said he is alright but it's easy to tell he is lying, love." Nick responded to his mate's question "and then I heard a yelp I would go in but the pup locked the door." Nick told James. James sighed and shook his head softly "Stand back Nick." James told his mate, Nick took a few steps back and waited, and James used his claws to cut a small slit in the wall by the bathroom door and then pulled out a key "My father had one hidden in the right wall of every door." James explained to his mate. James then unlocked and opened the bathroom door and both he and his mate were worried but not mad or surprised at what they saw. They saw the mirror above the sink shattered and lying in broken shards on the floor and then they saw bloody foot prints leading away from the broken mirror and over to the bathtub. They were both scared not because the pup had broken the mirror in a moment of rage but because the pup had got shards of broken mirror imbedded in his feet. Both of the wolves walked over to the bathtub careful not to walk on any broken shards of the mirror and found the pup crying in the tub, his feet were bleeding badly and deep cuts ran across the pup's knuckles. "Way does everyone keep leaving me?" the pup sobbed. "What do you mean little one?" James asked his son. "I mean everyone leaves me, first mommy then my dog Mark, then my friends at school, and now daddy. Why does everyone I care about leave me?" the pup cried. "Hey, hey we won't leave you I promise son." Nick said to the pup "Yeah we love you." James said. Shay whimpered and his body shook. "We should get him back to bed so he can sleep love." Nick said to his mate. "No, no, no I don't want to go back to sleep." Shay cried to his dads. "Why pup?" James asked his son. "Because I have nightmares daddy that's how I get these" Shay showed them the claw marks on his chest. "Oh my pup, here we need to get you on the bed and clean the cuts on your feet and knuckles at least pup." James said to his pup. Shay whimpered but nodded an 'ok' to his dad. "Ok good pup." Nick said to his son. "James can you keep the pup distracted while I clean his wounds?" Nick asked his mate. "Yeah I can do that love." James responded. James carefully picked the pup up in his arms and carried him back into the bedroom and laid the pup down on the bed, Nick followed right behind them after he got another bowl full of clean warm water and a washcloth. "Ok pup this will hurt some but try to get your attention on James, ok?" Nick asked the pup. Shay nodded and then looked at James with scared eyes and his little body shaking in his dad's arms. "Sssh its ok pup, you're ok." James said softly to his son. James looked right at his pup and tried to sooth him; James nuzzled against his pup's chest softly and rubbed his pup's belly with a soft paw. Shay relaxed as he felt his dad's soft muzzle and paws. Nick took advantage of his pup being relaxed and quickly pulled out the shards of glass that were in Shay's feet. Shay yelped and whimpered as his dad pulled out the glass and tried to pull away but James held him down and kept Shay pinned until Nick had removed all of the shards. James released the pressure from his pup's chest most of the way and then licked his son's face softly "it's over now you're ok" James said softly to his pup. Shay whimpered and his whole body shook from being cold and from fear. Nick cleaned out the cuts on the pup's feet and then wrapped a bandage around each of the pup's feet to soak up the blood coming from a few of the cuts on the pup's feet. James then climbed over the pup so that he was behind him and Nick moved up on the bed to tend to the pup's knuckles, but Shay hugged his fist tightly to his chest and curled up into a ball and whimpered. "Hey, hey it's ok little one you're safe no one's going to hurt you now." James said softly trying to relax the pup. "You're ok just let me see your hand pup" Nick said softly to the pup. Shay whimpered and tried to jump off of the bed and run to find somewhere to hide but James caught him before he could reach the edge of the bed and pulled the pup up against his chest and spoke softly to calm his pup down "you're ok pup you're ok" James cooed. "Take care of our pup's hand I'll keep him still love." James said to his mate who then nodded and took the pup's hand and dipped it in the bowl of water and cleaned the blood off, Nick then wrapped a bandage around the pup's hand and let go of it. "See pup everything's ok" James said to his pup. Shay whimpered and his body shook from being cold. "I know what will help the pup, Love." Nick said to his mate who looked at Nick interested "How is that, baby?" James asked his mate. "I'll tell you in a little but our pup is halfway asleep already and I don't want to wake him." Nick said to James quietly, James looked down at the pup and sure enough Shay was already mostly asleep "Poor pup has been through a lot in the last 24 hours." James said softly to his mate who nodded in agreement. James carefully laid the pup's head down on the pillow and then nodded to his mate. Nick and James slowly climbed off the bed and walked out of the bedroom shutting the door on their way out. They walked into the living room and sat down in the couch. "So what is your idea of how to help the pup relax and start to get better, love?" James asked his mate "I thought we should spend the next few days with our pup and that way he could see we won't leave him." Nick said to his mate. "I'm ok with that love, I don't have any work for this week so I'm free, but are you able to take some days off?" James asked his mate "I'm on vacation this week so I'm fine baby." Nick told his mate before laying his head on James's shoulder. "James theirs something I want to ask you." Nick said sitting straight up and looking directly at his mate "Yes love?" James asked. Nick looked right at his mate "I want you to marry me James." Nick took out a small box and gave it to James "Think it over if you need to I'm not in a rush." Nick told his mate softly. James just sat there for a minute with his maw open wide not sure what to say he had thought that Nick was pulling away from him the last few months and then he ask if James to marry him James was so happy he could barely control himself "Of course I will, you're everything to me." James said and then hugged his mate tightly. Nick laid his head on James's shoulder and James laid down on the couch and held Nick in his arms tightly "I love you so much." James said softly into Nick's ear "I love you more then you could ever know James." Nick whispered back. James relaxed and closed his eyes and fell asleep, Nick laid his head on James's chest and then fell asleep as well.