Chapter 2: Seconds

Story by RedHuskyStudio on SoFurry

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#2 of Random Acts

Chapter 2 of Random Acts

After a long session with her love Kye, Fauxy woke up and got dressed. There was a few things around the house she had to accomplish before she was able to go see her friend. Fauxy headed for the kitchen for it smelled like pancakes and eggs. She walked in and saw Kye busy making breakfast. He was so busy he didn't even notice her presence.

"Hey! Honey what are you making me this morning?" Fauxy questioned him.

Kye jumped and spun around, "Ahhh!" He screamed, He had his right paw over his heart as if it was going to leap out of his chest and splat onto the floor.

Fauxy grabbed his paws and placed them onto her waist and pulled him closer. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." She apologized and stood on her tippy toes and whispered into his eye, "if it means anything to you, I still have your hot cum deep inside my ass. I was going to share it with Luna, But if you want I'll put it on my pancakes."

"No, no I'll punish you later. I am surprised you have saved it though." Kye said with a smirk on his face and leaned forward and kissed her. He slapped her firm little ass and pointed as one of the four empty chairs at their round table. As she walked to the chair that he was pointing at she swayed her romped side to side in a sexy way. Kye watched her as he brought her plate of pancakes and eggs to her. He walked back the stove and grabbed his plate. As he made his way back Fauxy reached out towards his sex and rubbed her paw against him. "I actually have a question for you," he questioned her as he reached for the butter and started to butter his pancakes.

"Yes, my love?" She replied as her ears perked up.

"Its been about four hours since I filled you up with my cum and you haven't even showered or anything. May ask why?" He questioned her and poured syrup all over his pancakes.

She looked up at him and finished chewing the pancake that she had in her maw. "Baby, it's because I always talked about how great your cum is and stuff. My friend Luna wanted to play with it, so I suggested that the next time you and I made love that I would keep your cume inside me."

"Oh I see and how are you going to deliver the load?" Kye asked and finished chewing the last bite of eggs.

"Well I can't really tell you that," she explained to him in a flirty was She flicked her tail and finished the last bite as well. "But I will let you know if she enjoyed it or not. Well I have to go get ready." She got up and walked upstairs to the bathroom.

Kye quickly cleaned up the kitchen and made his way upstairs as well. Fauxy was already in the shower. She was humming a pleasant tune as Kye quietly crept into the steam filled bathroom. He watched as Fauxy's silhouette swayed back and forth as he removed his clothes.

Kye reached for the glass shower door and noticed it had Fauxy's neon pink thong hanging from the handle. He grabbed the door and slowly opened it, trying not to cause the magnetics to click as they released the door from it place. The door almost half way when Fauxy's wet arm reached out and grabbed the handle, slamming it shut.

Kye jumped back and questioned her, "Why can't I join?" He lowered his ears and tucked his tail slightly between his legs.

Fauxy pressed her soapy romp against the glass wall and smeared suds across it as she tease her mate from inside the shower. "Cause you gotta earn it." She moaned as she ran her paws over her curves. She lifted her ass up and dropped as she flicked her light blue fox tail out of the way. She leaned forward causing her romp and sex to be pressed against the glass.

As Fauxy was slowly bending over, Kye had his boxer briefs off in seconds and threw them into the laundry basket. He looked up and noticed that her sex was pressed against the glass as well. He walked up to where she was and slapped his cock against the glass. It made loud thud as it stuck the glass. Kye tilted his head down and let saliva run of his tongue and onto the tip of his cock. Fauxy jumped from the sound. She looked back and smiled as her mate rubbed his member up and down against the wall. She followed Kye's movements with her romp.

"Hmmm, since I have him all hot and sexy. I am going to get some fresh cum for later," Fauxy thought to herself. She slowly relaxed her sphincter, she grabbed her firm cheeks and pulled them apart. Kye ceased and watch his mate with enjoyment. She pushed slightly and cum started to drip out and down over her sex. He watched as fingertips appeared between her legs. They moved towards the bottom of her. She pulled some of the cum down inside her. Her fingers ventured deep inside her. Each time she pulled them out more cum would be shoveled inside. Her moans slowly got more intense when she started to insert three fingers deep in side and pulling them out to get more cum.

Kye used her moans as a over for himself to sneak inside the shower. Fauxy had not noticed him until he pulled her head up. Without hesitation she immediately took all of his cock inside her maw. She held him there with no movement as she continued to play with herself. She suddenly dropped to her knees and pushed Kye towards the warm spray of the shower. She slowly began to stroke his member. She quickened her pace and Kye's hips mimicked her movements. She pulled away from him and stood up. She turned away from him and inched backwards. The tip of Kye's cock slowly penetrated her ass. Kye grabbed her small hips and pulled her closer.

"Oh my you are tight this morning!" Kye moaned softly as her ass took the full length of him.

"It's because all of your cum that was inside me. I had to keep my muscles tight so it would not escape me," she answered back. She turned her head back towards his and kissed him as the warm water from the shower rained on them.

Kye slide his paws up her sides and cupped her c-cup breasts. He kissed her neck as it fell backwards towards him. He gently nibble on her. At the sametime he slide his right paw down her sides and around her hips. He moved his paw in between her thighs making sure not to rub up against her sex. Her body trembled with pleasure as his fingertips brushed over her lips as his paw ventured up to her waist. He brought both of his paws to her hips and signaled her to bend over.

Fauxy slowly leaned forward. She moved her feel apart a little before she rolled her hips up and down. Her warmth was hypnotizing to Kye. He knew this was going to be a quickie. He placed his paws on her hips and followed her movements. The leftover cum squeezed out around his cock as it slide in and out of her. Her movements quickened and so did his.

There was slapping of butt to thigh and painting echoing in the shower. Kye felt Fauxy's muscles tighten as she came to her climax. Kye quickened the pace as he made one final thrust deep inside her, his cock began to throbbed with pleasure as cum exploded deep inside her tight little ass.

"Hmmm!" Kye moaned as his tingled. Fauxy stood back up and slowly released Kye's cock from her ass. "Thanks baby." She said.

"You are welcome. I guess." Kye replied and rubbed a bar of soap all of his body. he rinsed the suds of and took his towel that was hanging from the top of the door.

Fauxy finished up in the shower as well. She turned the water off and grabbed her towel. She opened the glass door and stepped out. She headed to the bedroom and got ready to meet her friend Luna at a bar.


Fauxy and Kye are mine

Luna is owned by avatar?user=190829&character=0&clevel=2 Lone_Wolf27 She will be featured in chapter 3.


Words =1417