Christmas with my Ferret(Part 4)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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Almost six months too late, but it's finally finished. I hope those who are following this story will enjoy, I plan on finishing the next few chapters of Alan's Story soon. Keep updated!:)

Before exiting the bathroom, I eyed my ferret up and down, using it as a silent reminder for him to remember the rules I had laid down before I stepped out, letting my ferret go first and then following him down the stairs. With every step he took he winced, rubbing his bottom a bit at the bottom of the stairs before stepping into the dining room where the last of the food was being set down on the table.

My little ferret limped around the table to where his spot was, his face entirely red as he sat down gingerly in the chair. I smiled and nodded in satisfaction before moving to sit next to my mother, directly across the table from my ferret. My mother, who had been giving me the death glare since we had stepped off of the stairs, leaned in close to me and began to whisper furiously. "Did you really do that in your grandmother's house?" she whispered.

I looked at her for a second before calmly taking the napkin off of my plate and spreading it out on my lap, before looking at her again and saying, "Yes. He was being pouty in public, and that's a clear no. It makes him look bad and it makes me look bad, and I wasn't going to wait until we got home to give him the spanking he needed."

She blinked twice and looked at me, "Spanked? You mean you didn't..." she trailed off and blinked twice, then looked down at her plate.

"No," I said as I took the mash potatoes from my cousin, taking some and then passing them to my mother, occasionally peeking at my ferret to make sure that he was taking some of everything as I had told him to do. "I did not have sex with him in Grandma's bathroom." I said, taking the green bean casserole before also passing it along. "If that had happened you would have heard it."

She turned her head away from me, focusing on her food. I just smiled a bit and looked across at my ferret, watching as he began to pick at his food. I, following the same rules I had set my ferret, had taken some of everything, and was taking bites of everything as I made sure that he ate everything he had as well.

When his plate was empty, with absolutely no fuss, which made me very proud of him, he looked at me for approval and I nodded my head with a smile. As I did this, his face turned into a big grin and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I took the last bite of my own food, leaning back and rubbing my stomach as I marveled at how lucky I was to have the cute ferret as my sweetheart.

I looked around the table, watching as I waiting for the rest of the diners at the table to finish up with their food so that the desert could be brought out... as my ferret was also eagerly awating for across from me, bouncing up and down in his seat. However, it looked like they were gearing up for a long discussion after dinner and before desert... so I smiled and stood up, "Excuse me." I said, loud enough for everyone to hear, before I walked around the table and pulled Josh up with me.

We walked into the living room where I sat down and pulled him into my lap. He giggled and snuggled into me, taking as much weight off of his bottom as he could. Usually I would assert myself on him and force him to sit on his rump... but I decided to be nice since he had been such a good boy at dinner.

I licked his cheek teasingly and then gave it a kiss before reaching over to the table and handing him the remote... "Here ya go cutie." I said with a smile as he took the remote from me.

He blushed a bit after taking the remote and turned his head up to look at me. "What should we watch?" he asked me, a smile on his face and his tail moving against my leg.

I just rolled my eyes. "I gave the remote to you goof.. it's your decision."

He giggled a bit but started to scroll through the channels, and eventually settled on a christmas movie. I just smiled and sat with him, hugging him tightly into my chest and giving his neck the occasional nuzzle. It was a great way to spend Christmas.


Later that night, we were home. I smiled at my ferret as I looked at the clock, stretching my arms above my head and then fake yawning loudly. "Ten o'clock..." I said, "Time for bed Josh."

He whined softly and looked up at me, "B-but it's Christmas! And it's not a school night!" he whined at me.

I raised an eyebrow and stood in the doorway, looking at him and crossing my arms across my chest and tapping my foot. "It's bedtime Josh." I said again, waiting for him to stand up. He just whined and stayed where he was, staring back at me and pouting. "One.." I started to say, but my mother cut me off.

"Let him open one of his presents..." my mother said, smiling as she knelt next to the tree, already going through the many boxes underneath the tree. I sighed softly and sat down, waiting patiently.

"Give him mine." I said impatiently, pointing at the box that was in the branches halfway up the tree. She smiled and picked up the small ring size box and handed it over. I smiled and handed it over to the ferret. "Go on then sweetheart," I said as my brother and sister both got under the tree to get their one present.

As my ferret tore into the paper my mother looked at me and said, "Aren't you going to open one?"

I shook my head and said, "I have few enough presents under the tree as it is... I'll just wait." I said as I watched my ferret.

He had the paper off of the box and was now staring at the black box. He opened it hesitantly and smiled when he saw the necklace inside. He pulled it out, the small golden fox charm on the end of it falling down to the bottom of the chain.

"It's beautiful," he said with a smile as he ran a finger over the emerald eyes.

I smiled a bit and I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek before picking him up forcefully, cradling him against my chest. "I'm glad you like it..." I said as I ran a paw down his back and began to walk towards my room. "I've got one more present for you to open tonight though..." I said with a smile.

"Really?" he said excitedly as I closed the door to my room with my foot and then set him down on the bed.

"Yep.." I said with a smile going over to the closet and pulling out the rather large box that was wrapped in simple green wrapping paper. I set it in his lap and said, "Open it."

The ferret blushed a bit but smiled and started to tear the paper off of it eagerly. It didn't take him long to reveal the cardboard box beneath. He opened the box, showing the footie pajamas inside. He blushed a bit and reached in, pulling the footie pajamas out.. and also what they were wrapped around.

"D-diapers?" he stuttered out as he saw the pack of adult diapers that had dropped from the box.

I couldn't help but grin as I sat down next to him and picked the pack up. "Yup," I said simply as I reached over, starting to strip him, taking his pants and his shirt off in a matter of a seconds. "I found those stories that you wrote cutie," I whispered into his ear, "So don't try to deny that you want this."

He meeped softly and looked up at me, his face red as he held the baby blue footie pajamas in his paw. I just smiled and I leaned over to him and took the pajamas from his paw, setting them on the bed and kissing him softly on the lips. "Now lay back cutie..." I told him, pressing my paw onto his naked chest until his back touched the bed.

He meeped again but laid back, his eyes closed as he wriggled a bit on the bed. I just grinned and opened the pack of diapers, unfolding the very thick plastic garment and I smiled and said, "Butt up!"

He raised his butt off of the bed and I slid it under him, "Good boy," I said as I made sure it was under him right, "Butt down." I said, waiting for him to rest his butt down on the diaper before I pulled it up between his legs, adjusting it a bit before finally taping it up, taping all four tapes on nice and snug before I patted the front of his diaper.

"There we go," I told him, standing up and smiling as I looked at the adorable brown ferret, his rump wrapped up in his padding. I held the footie pajamas out and winked at him, "Already, stand up and turn around..." I said. His face was red as he stood up, crinkling with every little movement. "Good boy," I whispered into his ear as I guided each one of his feet into the legs of the footie pajamas and then guided his arms into the holes, before finally zipping it up.

I smiled and moved to stand in front of the mirror, pulling my ferret in front of me. "You are so adorable," I told him teasingly, nuzzling his cheek gently. He just meeped and stared at himself in the mirror before hesitantly dipping his paw down and touching his crotch. I just rolled my eyes and picked him up, carrying him to bed where I laid him down, crawling into bed behind him and pressing my crotch against his rump.

I reached down and started to rub his belly as I covered us up with a blanket, my nose rubbing into his neck as I kissed him on the cheek. "Wanna learn the best thing about your PJs cutie?" I whispered into his ear.

He turned his head to the side so he could look at me. "What?" he asked me, his face still crimson from blushing.

I smiled and fumbled on his rump for a second before flipping two buttons and pulling the butt flap down. I reached into my pants and freed my cock as fast as I could, slipping it out and stroking I until it was fully hard, before slipping it through the hole that was placed in the diaper for his tail. "There's a buttflap in them," I told him teasingly as I pressed my cock against his tail hole, jamming into him as soon as I found it!

He let out a cute little squeak as I groaned loudly, my eyes closing tightly as I felt his tight depths squeezing down on my hard cock. I panted as I lay on top of him, a lot of effort just being put into pushing the first inch into him. I licked his cheek gently and said, "Are you alright sweetheart?"

He panted softly and turned his head to look at me, "I-I'm ok, it was just... a bit of surprise, and a bit rough with no lube."

I smiled and pet his head gently, pressing into him slowly, eyes closing as I slid another inch or so into him, panting as I licked his cheek some more, "I know sweetie... but you were a naughty boy today! And naughty boys don't get lube, especially not for something they love," I whispered into his ear.

He blushed and squirmed as I sank yet more of myself into him, "Oooh.. you're so big.." he panted out, his paws clutching at the bed sheets as I rubbed down his sides, my cock being squeezed as I pushed it deeper and deeper, not only his tail hole spreading but the diaper as well, the plastic padding crinkling as I sank in farther.

When I finally had my entire length inside of him, my hips rested comfortably against his diaper, my eyes closing as I groaned and enjoyed the feel of him around me. "You're so beautiful," I whispered into his ear, "And so tight..."

He whimpered and squirmed on my cock, "Please fuck me!" he groaned out softly, his eyes closed and his ears flat against his head as he moaned out the words.

I just chuckled softly and closed my eyes, giving one little thrust for anticipation. "With pleasure," I growled viciously into his ear before pulling my cock all the way out, jamming it back in with one smooth thrust. He let out a low moan of pleasure and I repeated myself, panting as I slowly started to mate him, my thrusts hard but the pace at which I did them slow, giving him more than enough time to feel my cock inside of him between each thrust.

As I sped up my pace, I reached my paw around to his front and felt at his diaper, smiling as I felt how hard he was and I started to rub it a bit teasingly, "Hard in your diaper, little baby?" I told him teasingly, pounding away at him now, his diaper crinkling with every hard thrust as I got closer and closer, my knot already starting to form.

I closed my eyes and groaned, reaching up and gripping his collar, my knuckles going tight against my skin as I gripped it hard, yanking his head back and biting his neck roughly, almost breaking skin as I slammed my cock in one last time, massaging my knot with my free paw before groaning loudly and cumming hard into him.

He squealed loudly as I filled him up, my cum filling his rump slowly, leaking out around my cock and into the back of his diaper. He came as well, his rump squeezing tightly and milking me as his cock throbbed in the front of his diaper, spraying his cum into it as I panted on top of him.

"Did you cum?" I whispered into his ear, wanting him to confirm what I already knew.

"Y-yes," he panted out softly, resting his head on the bed as he squirmed.

I smiled and rolled us onto our sides, pulling him against me. "Good," I whispered into his ear, patting the front of his diaper, "I expect this diaper to be soaked in the morning," I told him teasingly, nipping at his ear a bit.

He blushed furiously but nodded his head, "Yes master," he said meekly.

I smiled and kissed his cheek one last time before laying my head down on the pillow. "Good night sweetheart. And Merry Christmas."