Aleu's First Lesson in Love

Story by Leinster on SoFurry

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#6 of Balto Series

Soooooooooo this is the first story introducing Aleu into the plot. Balto is sadly absent in this first installment of Aleu's introduction, but Jenna is more than present. While this story deals with incest, its an area I'm not particularly comfortable writing about, so some may recognize that it has been downplayed. Anyway, enjoy.

Characters © Universal Studios

In order to prevent art theft, this story has been uploaded as a PDF that can be viewed on Google Documents since there are very few ways to effectively "watermark" a story. You may view the submission file here.

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** Note from Luminous **

I apologize for the weird format on this particular document. I'm not sure how that happened. I now see it resurfacing in other uploads, and it's on a list of corrections I may never get to.