New Life

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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#5 of Surprise Affair

Well, this took about a month. =P Not really, but I sure did take my time writing it. So yeah, sorry that I took so long, but I just got annoyed with writing this because of the lack of good quality. I feel like I have improved it the best I can, but I am still not completely happy with it. I hope you guys enjoy anyway, despite my own feelings. ^.^

Just a forewarning: This chapter contains some pretty kinky stuff that I'm into, so not everyone will like it. =/ It involves tail-play, a paw fetish, and some poorly described ovulation. If you do not wish to read that, just skip it. It's pretty obvious where each begins so I won't bother marking it. =P

As always, please read, enjoy, and comment/review! I love hearing responses and I could really use some advice. ^.^ And don't worry, you can't hurt my feelings. =P

Also, I am not sure how well this formatting will turn out (SoFurry's new update :/), so I may be reuploading in the near future.

Anyways, here it is, Capitulo Cinco.

How could she have done this... Neika watched in sorrow as Korvah slowly began walking in the direction of the pond, often looking in the direction where Caedoc disappeared. Rain pattered everywhere as lightning streaked across the black skies with thunder following shortly after. Sadness and rage boiled up inside Neika's sullen heart. Watching her partner, the love of her life, mate with another dragon had shocked her and sent her into a spiteful fit. She wanted to pursue after Caedoc and rip him apart for what he did, but right now, she had to confront Korvah. Neika felt her welled up tears finally fall and stream down her cheeks as she thought of how the white dragoness betrayed her.

How am I going to tell her? Korvah thought, trying to figure out the best way to express her confession to Neika. She quickly walked her way back to Neika, worrying about the worst. The ground was soft underneath of her paws and had a build up of water along its top layer. Korvah had wanted the best interest for the both of them, but what if Neika saw it otherwise? What if she will hate me... Lightning struck in the distance, illuminating the skies for a second while it patterned across the gloom. Korvah's thoughts immediately went to Caedoc. I hope he is safe... Should I tell her about the passion I had for him? She thought of their intimate moment that happened almost an hour before; how she had kissed him. If Neika truly is my mate, she will understand me and why it occurred. Korvah felt reassured and started to lightly run back to Neika.

The rain had slowly decreased to a drizzle as Korvah arrived back to the pond. She looked for Neika, but she was not to be seen. Korvah became worried and felt her chest sink. She must have woken during the storm and realized I was gone.

"Neika?" Korvah called out for her, hoping that she might be close enough to hear.

"Where have you been?" Neika was right behind her.

Korvah was startled and felt her body jolt. "I uhm..."

"And where's Caedoc?" The tone in Neika's voice sounded as if she was scolding Korvah.

Korvah turned around to face Neika and said, "He's... gone." She couldn't find any of the right words; she didn't even know what to say and her face began to grow hot.

Neika approached Korvah and stared directly into her crimson eyes. "What were you two doing?"

Her questions were so simple, but so difficult to answer. "We went out for a... a talk." Korvah couldn't bear lying, especially to Neika and felt an extraordinary amount of guilt. She tried to avoid Neika's glare, but couldn't look away from her stern, piercing blue eyes.

Neika gently touched Korvah's cheek with her claw and asked, "Why do you lie?" Her eyes began to water and soon led to a flow of tears.

Korvah knew that Neika had found her out and felt as if her heart was about to burst. "It's not what you think it is!"

"It looked obvious to me! How could you..." Neika turned away from her and sat down with her head hanging low.

"Neika..." Korvah sat next to her and wrapped a wing around her and said, "Please, just listen to me." Neika turned her head farther away. "I did this for us... I wanted us to have an egg, a hatchling, and the only way for that to happen was for Caedoc to mate me."

"Then why did you do it a second time."

Korvah blushed. She must have watched us... She paused for awhile before finally replying, "Do you remember when Caedoc and I were mates?" Neika didn't reply, so she continued, "Something happened between us and sparked that old passion, bringing it back for that moment. I deeply regret it, and I am sorry. There are no words to describe the guilt and sorrow I felt afterward... I didn't want to hurt you." Korvah felt warm tears stream down her snout as she hung her head. "I jus- ... I... I love you."

Neika looked at Korvah, realizing how truly sorry she was and that if she wanted Caedoc more, she would have left with him. She wouldn't be here now with Neika, consoling her. She did do this for us... for me. Neika smiled, feeling her rage and sadness subside and be replaced by elation. She put her paw on Korvah's chin and gently lifted it up while slightly turning her head until their eyes met. "And I love you," she said as she leaned her snout closer to Korvah's. Neika parted her maw and kissed Korvah, slowly licking her tongue while she grabbed her white paw. Neika kept a firm grip with Korvah's paw and cocked her head sideways to move her tongue even deeper into her mouth.

Korvah let Neika press her tongue further into her and did the same to her. They intertwined their tongues and tails with a renewed passion and began to feel their arousal gaining. Neika moved her body in front of Korvah's and carefully started to push her down. Korvah lied onto her back and allowed Neika to lay between her legs. Their lower regions touched and warmed the small scales surrounding their sex to a satisfying feeling. Neika grunted and rubbed Korvah's flanks lustfully, running her claws along her smooth, white scales. Korvah moaned and rubbed her muscular shoulders while they continued to kiss passionately. They cuddled together and shared their love without going any further until Neika ended their kiss.

"So... when will you lay?" asked Neika, curious to how this process will work.

"In about two weeks."

"Will we be able to have 'fun' during this period?" Neika ran a claw across Korvah's chest and looked at her seductively.

"I imagine so, but we won't be able to be too rough." Korvah said with a smile.

Neika slid her paw down Korvah's white underbelly until it was right between their legs. "So, we can do a little of this?" Neika entered Korvah with a claw and started to push it in and out of her.

Korvah grunted and lightly gripped her digit. "We can do a lot of that... But, I'd like to do something for you."

Neika removed her paw and delicately licked her wet finger while staring directly into Korvah's eyes. "What would that be?"

"Well... you know how there are some things that are just more pleasureful than the rest, things that just really get to you and trigger something in your mind? I want to do something like that for you."

Neika thought for a moment, thinking about all of her lustful desires and picked her favorite. "Ever since I met you, I have always wanted to feel your tail wiggle inside of me until I couldn't take it anymore."

Korvah smiled and curled her tail so it could reach their lower regions. "You mean this?" She asked as she rubbed Neika's slit with the tip of her tail. The blue dragoness moaned and lifted her hind end up while her chest still touched Korvah. Korvah teasingly moved her tail around her vent and rubbed it while she moved up her underbelly to her chest.

Neika began to pant heavily as she felt Korvah's tail snake its way across her body. Her arousal was gaining quickly and her body was beginning to tense up from the pleasure. Korvah's tail coiled around her leg while rubbing Neika's slit until it finished its path. Their scales smoothly slid across each other, almost frictionless. She uncoiled her tail and then focused its attention on rubbing Neika's sex. Neika moaned and looked into Korvah's crimson eyes as she returned back with a loving look. Korvah entered her, spreading Neika's walls to the new girth and slowly pushed into her. Neika winced as she felt Korvah's tail penetrate her. It rubbed its coarse scales against her soft flesh while it moved its way deeper into her folds. Neika clenched her rough tail and started to nibble lightly on Korvah's neck.

Korvah hummed from her arousal and enjoyed giving Neika what she desired. She hugged Neika's torso tightly while she licked and bit her shoulder. Korvah began to pump her tail quickly in and out of Neika's slit, feeling her liquid cling to her small scales. She felt Neika's slick walls spread and tighten each time she pushed back into her and release when she pulled out. Korvah felt Neika's climax gaining and pushed her tail into her until it touched her cervix. She began to wiggle her tail as she felt Neika's walls clamp down on her and produce fluids.

Neika roared and spread her legs while she kept her hind end in the air. She raised her tail and felt her liquids squirt out of her undulating hole around Korvah's tail. She stopped roaring after the initial release and winced while her climax continued.

Korvah smiled and slowly licked the base of Neika's neck. She could feel strings of fluid running down her tail and some plopping onto her lower region. She continued to squirm her tail as Neika's sex slowly relaxed its grip.

Neika panted heavily as her legs began to shake. She gave in and slowly lowered her hind end with Korvah's tail still writhing deep inside of her. Her sensitive slit sent jolts of pleasure through her body. Neika winced and moaned while gently rubbing Korvah's side. "Thank you."

Korvah acknowledged her and slowly removed her wet tail. She felt Neika's body fully relax on her as she began to softly rub the back of her shoulders with her paws. Having Neika relaxing on her body made her feel happy and pleased to have delighted her. Minutes passed before Neika moved her head just so she could make eye contact with Korvah.

"What can I do for you?" She gently stroked Korvah's neck in an attempt to seduce her.

Korvah thought about her odd liking to hind-paws and was interested to see how Neika would pleasure her. "It may seem unusual, but hind paws are very pleasing to me."

"You mean these?" Neika said, mocking Korvah as she began to rub her white, padded feet. She wiped away some grime from the ground and cleaned her hind-paw. She moved to one foot and pressed deep into the sinews of her white paw as Korvah spread her toes. Neika played with her talons and watched as Korvah squirmed with pleasure while she caressed her foot. Neika looked down to Korvah's swollen slit as it pulsed once with liquid oozing out of it. Seeing that made Neika want to please Korvah even more.

Korvah moaned with delight as she felt her partner press deep into her hind paws. She felt her play with her hanging toe as she moved her digits from her toes to her heel. She closed her eyes and savored the pure bliss that coursed through her body. Just as Neika was about to move to her other paw, she turned around, laid down on top of Korvah, and continued on to her other foot. Korvah opened her eyes to see Neika's paws right next to her snout and further beyond that, her dripping slit right under the base of her tail. She smiled and immediately began to rub Neika's light-padded feet. She traced the tough, sinewy muscles with her claws and admired the shape and curvature of her blue-hued hind-paw.

Neika didn't have the same lust as Korvah, but she enjoyed the abnormal feelings anyway. She never had her feet rubbed before and thought it felt rather arousing. She felt Korvah start to rub her snout against the pads of her foot and then felt a wet surface run from her toes to her heel.

Korvah licked Neika's foot lustfully and could feel her arousal peaking to the point that she was releasing streams of liquid from her slit. She licked between each toe and sucked on her claws. She felt Neika begin to lick her feet with her warm tongue running across the bottom of her foot and moaned from the sudden pleasure. Neika's slimy tongue ran across her rough pads and curled around her paw. Korvah spread her toes again as Neika coiled her tongue around each of her toes.

Neika moved on to Korvah's other foot and began doing the same treatment. She could feel Korvah's tongue coating the bottom of her foot and spread her saliva all over it. Once Neika was finished, she slowly traced her tongue down Korvah's legs and her inner thigh. She reached Korvah slit and eagerly drove her tongue into her while she gripped Korvah's feet with her fore paws, mingling her digits with her toes. She pressed the flat of her tongue against her slit and spread her softly scaled lips.

Korvah moaned and continued to pleasure Neika's paws while she felt her tongue rub against her soft flesh. Neika's tongue pressed deep inside of her and moved through her sex. Korvah spread herself and felt pleasure bursting between her legs. Korvah moaned and took one last lick of Neika's foot before roaring loudly. Her slit pulsed and started to produce a massive amount of liquid.

Neika grunted as she felt Korvah's fluids hit her snout. She lapped up her liquids as her sex continued to secrete her fluids. She loved how Korvah tasted and couldn't get enough of her flavor. Soon, Korvah settled down and laid there with her eyes closed, feeling nothing but bliss. Neika continued to slowly lick Korvah's slit even though her scales were free of liquid. Korvah noticed light gaining in the eastern sky and began to think of what happened not so long ago. Should it have been that easy? Neika had simply forgiven her. But why? She felt Neika's tongue drive deeper into her folds and rub her sensitive inner flesh. Korvah spread and stretched her legs, relishing the feeling of Neika's tongue inside of her. Oh well, the important thing is that we are together in loving company.

Neika felt Korvah's inner muscles completely relax and took one last, long lick and removed her tongue from Korvah's vent. She turned around and laid on her side next to Korvah. Korvah rolled over and they joined each other in a warm embrace. The white dragoness wrapped her wing around Neika and licked her snout lightly.

"Neika, I love you."

"I love you too." said Neika as she rubbed her snout against Korvah's.

With that said, they soon fell asleep in their loving embrace.

Two weeks quickly passed while Korvah's egg grew heavier in her womb. The two lovers had built a makeshift "nest" where Korvah would lay her egg and waited patiently for the day to come, and it finally did.

Korvah felt a substantial amount of pain in her lower region and felt extremely uncomfortable no matter how she positioned herself. She winced and told Neika, "It's time." Neika immediately stood up and walked over to Korvah to make sure everything was okay. She helped Korvah stand up and stood next to her, morally supporting her while she waited. Korvah felt her legs trembling as she squatted down so her vent was just above the nest. She spread her legs and roared as she felt the egg begin to push its way through her cervix and into her birthing canal. Odd smelling liquid poured out of her expanding slit and fell into the nest. After several long, painful minutes, Neika saw the white shell of the egg coming out of Korvah's vent and held her paws right under it, so it would fall into her grasp. Korvah roared loudly and forcefully pushed, using her inner muscles to squeeze the egg out of her. Relief coursed through her body as the egg left her body and entered Neika's caring paws.

Neika smiled happily at the slime-covered egg and felt a sort of completion filled in her heart. It had a white crust with red veins infused into the shell and was heavier than expected. She laid it down into the nest and admired it as if it were her own. Korvah turned around and smiled with her, happy to have finally relieved herself of the burden. She grabbed and held Neika's paw with her own and said, "This is ours."