Bathroom Break

Story by Kitty cat chris on SoFurry

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"Crap, I knew I should have used the bathroom earlier" Tim says running down the hall trying to hold back his piss. He finds the bathroom and quickly goes to the urinals. "Ahh so much better", he says relive. "Yea it is" a familiar voice says from the door. Tim looks behind him to see who it was, and to his surprise it was Jason.

Jason walks over to him and wraps his arms around Tim taking hold of penis in his paws and aiming it to the urinal. Tim merely smiles as he looks down at his friend's paws location. "How did you know I was going to be at the bathroom?" Tim asks. "Well we do have the same class, plus I saw the way you were sitting on your seat. Squirming around" Jason giggles, as the stream of piss stops.

"Well now that is done we can go back to class" Tim says putting his penis back in his pants. "Or we can have some more fun." Jason says giving Tim a smirk. "Well I don't want to get in trouble" Tim already walking to the door not sure if he should just leave or continue with Jason. "Just say we needed to take a dump or something. Come on, you're not chicken are you?" The fox folding his arms knowing he got through the dog.

"No way!" He says back "You're the one who didn't want to taste my sperm".

"Well let me make it up to you" he goes up to the dog and puts a paw on his shoulder moving gesturing his head towards a stall.

"You're on" Tim says cocky all of a sudden. They walk into the stall and lock it.

"Alright it's my turn to make up the game" Jason says "This game is simple, the person who swallows the most cum from the other person wins"

"Oh you want to show me that you don't mind swallowing cum either? Okay ill win anyways so it's okay"

"We'll see, now take of your pants"

Tim takes of his pants and boxers, then he sits on the toilet spreading his legs wide letting Jason have access to his 'goods'. "Alright any time limit?"

"Yes, two minutes 89 seconds and let's see umm, oh 100 milliseconds" He wraps his paw around Tim's semi and starts to stroke him slowly first but picking up speed with every stroke.

"This is going to be a fun game"

After a couple more strokes, Tim becomes hard and Jason licks the dick from the base to the tip of the dick slowly enjoying the faces that Tim gives off he uses one paw to massage Tim's balls and the other to hold the shaft. He sticks the tip of the dick inside his mouth as he sucks on it like it was a tootsie pop. He moves his tongue around the dick every time he takes more of it in till he reaches the base.

He starts to pop his head up and down going very slow, loving all the faces that Tim makes during the progress.

"Can you... p-please pick up... the paste" Tim says between breathes.

Jason not wanting to take the dick out of his mouth continues the technique but faster. Making it harder for Tim to control his moans in the bathroom, Jason loved having his friend's meat in his warm maw sucking on it. It felt so great; he started to paw off not being able to control it anymore.

Tim notices Jason leave his balls, so he peeks to notice that he is pawing off to the blowjob. Seeing his friend pawing off sends him over the edge as he cum's inside Jason's maws. Jason eagerly tries to get all cum not wanting to lose at the game he made up.

Jason swallows all the cum, taking it out and saying "Wow i thought you would cum more"

"Shut up, it's your turn now"

They trade position, and instead of Tim taking his time like Jason did he just stuck it right in.

"OHH calm down Jason it's almost lunch time no need to eat my dick"

Tim blocks him out and does his work taking it all into his maw. Right away sucking on it, but harder than what Jason did. He sucked on it like he wanted it bad. Unlike Tim Jason came after a couple seconds since he had already stroked himself, But just like Jason Tim swallowed every drop of cum that was offered.

"Wait... w-who one?" Jason ask still of in his own world.

"A tie like last time" Tim says a little disappointed.

"Hold up i have the perfect way to settle this, but first we have to get dressed."

After both of them catch their breath and put their pants back on Jason started to talk "Alright this is fair deal you ready?"

"Yea i am"

"Okay" Jason opens the stall peeking his head out making sure no one is out there, "Okay its cleared" They both walk out into the sinks and wash their hands.

"So are you going to tell me or what?"

"Oh yea, okay The first one back to class wins. ON THREE, THREE" and just like that Jason runs out of the bathroom.

Tim fallows behind trying to catch up "no fair!"

Jason arrives first, and Tim arrives 15 feet behind him, Both of them out of breath.

"You do know that wasn't fair right?"

"Hey the way you settle it last time wasn't fair either, and don't worries the score is one to one" Jason says smiling.

"Yea fine, but I'll win the last game"

"We will see"

They both walk in, as the teacher asked why they took so long they merely said that they got lost. That earn them two lunch detentions, but they both know it was worth it.

Just a little fun

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