1.7 - Black and White All Over

Story by Squirrel on SoFurry

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#7 of Redwing - Relaunch

Furs go bump in the night on the station, relationship-wise.

"When Sheila mentioned you were interested in me, I wasn't sure what to think."

"Oh? You weren't flattered?"

"I was. Of course," Seward amended quickly, glancing at the skunk. He paused for a moment, politely adding, "I just don't know much about you." Of all the crew-furs on the station, they'd interacted the least.

"Since when is that a problem? We're furs, aren't we? And you're a rabbit to boot."

"Last time I checked ... "

"And when was that?"

"I tend not to keep track," the engineer answered, vaguely. He and Seldovia were waiting outside one of the two working holo-suites, readying to go on their first date. Or something like that. Since the holo-suites ran independent of the station's other systems, they were taking a few minutes to load. Hence the idle conversation.

"Well, we're both at loose ends, so ... "

"You mean we're both lonely," he amended.

"I like my phrasing better." Less pitiful that way.

He nodded, admitting, "You are correct, of course. I've served on enough ships and stations to know how it works."


"The 'mating game.' The way everyone pairs off. It's not as random as you'd think."

"What makes you say that?"

"We have strong animal instincts and succumb to them rather easily."

"Like I said: we're furs."

"But there is still a pattern to our behaviors. Hierarchies, if you will. The sociable, charismatic furs tend to act first. Bold and confident. They can get any mate they want, simply by force of personality."

The skunk thought for a moment. "Advent was the first fur to choose a partner on the station." She was certainly bold and confident, but ...

"I'm not saying it always works out. Just that they're the first."

"Graham was second, wasn't he? He's not terribly dominant."

"But he is charming. Easygoing. Smooth."

"I guess ... "

"After that first tier, you have the 'love at first sight' couples, where no one makes a particular move, per say, but there is an unspoken chemistry from the start. Sparks fly. Pieces fit." They didn't have to be romantic sparks, either. They could stem purely from lust, like with Sheila and Barrow. Petra and Peregrine, however, seemed to have been struck with a legitimate love-bug. "Eventually, after personality and natural attraction thin out the field, there's only a small group left. The ones who aren't dominant enough to have the first pick and for whom sparks haven't flown, either. They simply end up together because it's convenient ... "

"Like us, you mean," the skunk said, sheepishly. "So, we're just victims of circumstance? That's all?" She sighed. "Look, Seward, if you don't want to do this ... " She looked at the holo-suite controls. Hurry up and load, dammit.

"I consider myself somewhat socially awkward. I never expected to be chosen as anyone's mate when I saw the rest of the crew," he continued, self-deprecatingly.

"Hey," she said, gently scolding him. "Maybe you're right, and we're the leftovers ... "

"I didn't mean to imply ... "

" ... but that doesn't mean we can't make something work, or have fun together, or even come to love each other in time. You know? What's the harm in trying? Not everything works out to be as logical as you describe. Rules can be broken."

"You'll be the princess to my pauper, then?"

"You don't think a 'pauper' can become a prince?" she countered.

"I am not regal enough."

"How 'bout you stop telling me what you aren't? Hmm?" she prodded. "It's not very flattering ... "

He nodded sheepishly. "I suppose not ... " He allowed his eyes to flow over her curves. While Annika may have been the hottest female on the station, Seldovia had an undeniable glamour to her. Certainly more than Petra, Sheila, or Advent, who were all rough-and-tumble types. Like Annika, Seldovia was more traditionally feminine. She couldn't kick his ass, in other words. That bold black/white pelt, the way she carried herself. She was every bit a princess. Why hadn't she been taken by anyone yet? She's out of my league ...

"You know, I grew up having everything done for me?" the skunk told him. "When I left home, I kept waiting for a mate to fall in my lap. It never happened. Oh, there were flings, but ... I've never been comfortable taking initiative. I'm better at reacting. Maybe that's why furs don't immediately go for me. I have a sense of 'entitlement.' I suppose that's a bit of a turn-off in these parts, where everyone is so independently-minded, struggling to survive ... " It's certainly not my looks that have kept me single! She fluffed her tail and ran her paws down her sides and hips. No, definitely not those.

"You insist you are passive, yet you asked me on this 'date'," Seward pointed out. "You could've waited for me to seek you out. You didn't."

"Yeah." She cleared her throat. "Well, you're right. I just don't want to be lonely anymore." That was a hard thing to admit. She didn't know why. And it took a moment to recover from saying it. "I couldn't wait for you to make up your mind. For all I knew, some Reverie crew-fur might've snatched you up, and then ... "

"I just didn't think I was good enough for ... "

Seldovia gave him a look, cutting him off. "What did I say about that?"

"Right ... " He almost apologized but caught himself. "I know how you feel, though."

She met his eyes.

"It aches, sometimes." The loneliness. Especially at night. On some level, it was worse than his war injuries. Intangible pains were so much harder to heal.

The skunk blew out a nervous breath. "Are you sure the program's loading?"

Seward tapped a few buttons. "It's nearly ready. Just a few more seconds. It will be worth the wait, I assure you."

"So, they're realistic, then?" She'd been in a few holo-suites in her day. They varied in quality. From the excellent ones she'd enjoyed in the palace growing up to the crude, barely-serviceable ones she'd encountered at various asteroid outposts. She'd been meaning to use these but hadn't gotten around to it yet.

"Very, yes," he assured, feeling his tall, slender ears surge with heat.

"That's good." She clicked her tongue and swayed her hips back and forth, oblivious to his blushing. "Oh," she remembered. "Sorry I came in my duty uniform. I thought about wearing a dress, but I suspected you'd wear your uniform, too ... " She nodded at him. He was, indeed, wearing it. " ... and I didn't wanna feel out of place."

"I don't have much in the way of casual attire."

"So, what do you wear when you're not on duty?" she teased. "Nothing?"

"I have shorts and shirts and things. Just nothing appropriate for an engagement."

"Well, we're not attending a royal gala." She allowed herself a smile.

"Do you miss it?"

"You mean all that pomp and circumstance?" she echoed. Her smile faded. "Well, who wouldn't want to be rich, pampered, admired, eat well ... " Trailing off, she sighed and added, "I miss it, sometimes. Yeah. But when furs find out I used to be rich and important, they look at me differently. Almost with disdain."

"To some degree, they are probably jealous," Seward said. That was only logical, right?

"Maybe. Or maybe they just think I'm some out-of-touch, pampered waif. They like to gloss over the part where my family was overthrown in a coup. Most of them slaughtered. Me on the run for years with no space-faring experience. Then winding up here. I've struggled as much as anyone. Everyone has problems, I guess. But being selfish and concerned with your own problems above everyone else's ... well, that's animal instinct. You can't survive or even enjoy that survival unless you're a little bit selfish. Right?"

"To be selfish, one first has to care about themselves."

"And you don't?"

The snow rabbit gave no response. He remembered back to the smoky, flame-filled engine room of his old ship, the bulkheads rattling, everything falling apart, alarm klaxons blaring. And the pain. His entire body seized by it. He sometimes wished he hadn't gotten off that ship alive. Why did I survive when most of the crew perished? Why am I so special?

"Seward?" she whispered, seeing the anxious look on his face.

His nose twitched. He blinked and snapped out of it. "Yes?"

"So, uh, what program did you come up with? I'm sure you told me already, but ... "

"It is a facsimile of a typical ski resort on my Home-world. In the mountains."

"You must have a lot of those, with all the snow you get." She'd never been to the snow rabbit Home-world, or anywhere in High Command space. She'd lived in the Uncharted Territories her entire life.

"I used to enjoy skiing. I'm not sure I could do it anymore. Not for real, anyway."

"Because of your leg injuries? You think you'd re-aggravate them?"

"Not so much my legs but my back. I am better, of course. But things can linger ... "

"I'm sorry." She regretted saying it as soon as it came out. If you're going to scold him for apologizing, why do it yourself? He doesn't want to be pitied. "Seward ... "


"I know life isn't a fairy tale. But it never hurts to have some imagination," she said wistfully, adding, at a whisper, "I'm looking forward to this ... "

The computer prevented a response from the snow rabbit. It beeped three times and the holo-suite doors finally slid open, revealing a lush, warm recreation of a ski lodge lobby. Lots of wood decor. There was a fireplace, too. Computer terminals here and there. You could see some snowy slopes through big glass windows. Looked to be near sunset.

The skunk padded inside, wide-eyed. "You were right. It looks so real. I can even smell ... hot chocolate?" she said, turning in a full circle, her fluffy tail swirling. "Wow."

Seward followed her in, the door shutting behind them and dissolving from sight. "I'm glad you approve."

"I do." She took a deep breath. "What shall we do first? I mean, if we're not gonna ski ... "

"How about something to eat? What are you in the mood for?"

Her response was immediate. "Something sweet ... "

Advent had checked with the computer. The holo-suites were booked, tonight. Again! Both of them. Only two of the four were online. She'd gathered that the princess and chief engineer were using one. Who was using the other? That bat and his whore? No, Sheila didn't seem the type who could enjoy anything like that. She was a fun-sucker. And Petra's heat was over. Didn't mean she wasn't still screwing holograms, though, but ... well, who cares. It doesn't matter. I have an imagination. I don't need simulated furs! Or environments! I don't ...

The door chime sounded, interrupting her internal monologue.

The feline groaned and reached for a robe. She wasn't wearing much. Just a lacy bra and a thong. I was expecting privacy. You know, being that I live on a gargantuan space station with less than a dozen furs on it. Why do I never get what I want? Slipping the robe on, she padded toward the door and crossed her arms. This better be good. "Come."

The door swished open to reveal ...

" ... Herky!" The feline blinked. He was the last fur she'd expected to see. "What are you ... " She shook her head, trailing off, a mix of emotions flooding her brain.

"I, uh ... hi," he said, awkwardly, fiddling with his tail with one paw. Bending his fingers on the other in a timid 'hello' greeting.

She squinted.

"Just passing by ... "

Uncrossing her arms, the feline clenched her jaw, giving him the silent treatment. That would make him squirm.

Sure enough, it did. He began to twitch. "Think I left my fur-comb in here ... "

"Fur-comb ... you never use one. Your fur's too short to comb," she quickly pointed out.

"Well, I'm sure I left something ... "

"I think you're ... "Advent finally realized what was going on. Her maw fell open. She quickly closed it. He still likes me? Or, at least, he's feeling conflicted. He's probably feeling guilty. Damn right, he should! I have half a right to shut the door in his face. But that's why he'd left in the first place. Well, one of the reasons. Your unforgiving temper ...

"Maybe I didn't, though." He was beginning to get cold paw-feet. He backed away. Sorry ... " He turned and left. The doors swished shut.

Advent blinked a few times and then bolted through the doors and after him, out into the corridor. "Mousey, wait ... "

He paused, whiskers twitching, looking over his shoulder.

"I think you're right. You left a few things." She gestured for him to approach her, speaking in a soothing voice.

He did so, cautiously. "I shouldn't ... "

"Worried about your bat and his hare-brained apprentice? What they'll say?"

"Barrow's my friend."

"I know." Makes no sense, though. Those two have nothing in common. "But it's not a crime to socialize."

"Advent ... " The grey-furred mouse's ears were rosy-red.

"What are you worried about, then? That squirrel? The one with the pretty ass?"

"She has a big, bushy tail! It's hard not to look." Though it was probably a good bet her rump was nice. "And I never did anything with her. I just ... never mind." The rodent turned to leave again.

The jaguar sighed. "Wait! Please ... "

He stopped again. He was clearly conflicted.

She rolled her shoulders, stretching in place, trying to think of something to say. "You're not gonna come out and say what you want, are you? You're modest to a fault." But it was easy to guess. The mouse was a delicate type. There was no way he could make clean emotional breaks. "You feel like you need closure with me?"

"You took me for granted. I wasn't your equal. You just ... " He shook his head, trailing off in frustration. His voice took on a dollop of vulnerability as he whispered, "You were my first real relationship, and ... "

"Maybe we should talk about it," Advent suggested, nodding at the door to her quarters. "In private."

"Just talk?"

"Just talk." She crossed her heart with a sharpened claw. "I promise ... "

"This is really ... mm-h. Yeah. Nice," Seldovia said, tipsily, cuddling up next to the snow rabbit. That was the word she'd been looking for. Nice! They were on a big, cushy couch in front of the big log fire in the ski lodge. "The heat feels so real ... and the alcohol!" This stuff was strong. "What is it, again?"

"Snow rabbit vodka. Forty percent by volume." It was five-times distilled. Smooth, crisp, with a faint vanilla finish.

"Nice ... " They'd been in here for a little under an hour. Maybe. She'd sorta lost track of time.

"The fire is, indeed, fake," Seward explained. It wouldn't hurt them if they touched it. There were safety sub-routines in place. "But the alcohol is very authentic."

"How's that work?" The princess leaned her head on the male's shoulder.

"Much the same way as our food processors."

"So, anything we eat or drink in here is, like ... it's just like ... " She trailed a paw down Seward's uniform. " ... I see." She looked up, pupils dilated. "You aren't touching your drink."

He hesitated.

"Go on." She grinned. "Afraid you're going to lose control?"

"No. I just ... "

" ... what? You're the one who ordered it." She looked around for the maitre d'. "Are you hungry?" she asked Seward.

"Somewhat, yes. But we just ate."

"Doesn't mean we can't have more." The skunk waved for the manager.

A prim and proper snow rabbit hopped forward. "Yes, ma'am?"

"We want chocolate this time." She smirked, glancing at the hologram's fur. Just like Seward's. "White chocolate," she decided. "Melted. Like fondue." There was a surefire sultriness to her voice as she said this. "And strawberries. And honey-braided pretzel sticks." What else? "Um ... well ... okay, that's good for now." She gestured the hologram away. "Heh. I feel so decadent in this place. So pampered," she told Seward. It reminded her of living in the palace. "Been a long time ... "

The engineer nodded and filled his glass with clear vodka. Setting the bottle down, he picked up the glass, sniffed the contents, and tilted his head back as took a sizable gulp. Tilting his head at the slight burn, he exhaled. He felt warmth surging through him. "Mm-f."

"Works fast, doesn't it ... " She'd had a glass and a half already, herself.

He nodded. The effect was immediate. Taking a smaller sip, he set his glass down. "I used to drink quite often. But not since I joined the High Command."

"They strict about that kind of stuff?"

"Not really."

"Oh. Okay ... well, I'm used to wine," she said, closing her eyes for a moment. Listening to the logs crackle in the fireplace. "But I hate drinking alone."

"Understandable ... "

She turned and nuzzled at his neck with her nose.

The snow rabbit sighed.

"Feel good?" she whispered.

Another nod.

"Mm-h. Just relax ... there's something I want to show you ... " Maybe I should wait? Give it a few more minutes, yeah ...

"What is it?" he asked.

She smiled and mouthed his neck-fur, making more of those throaty, little moans. "Mm." Panting on his cheek, she whispered, "You'll find out soon enough. I promise you'll like it." She picked up his glass and brought it to his lips. "Finish it."

Seward opened his lips.

She emptied the contents of the glass into his maw.

Swallowing, the snow rabbit leaned back. His turn to moan. "Mm ... "

The skunk turned, hugging him, kissing beneath his chin and mumbling, "I think you're ... you, sir, are a very handsome. Heh." Her head was swimming. She giggled. "Rabbit."

"Snow," he corrected.

"Snow rabbit. Of course. Even better."

Just then, the holographic maitre d' returned, setting a bowl of hot, melted white chocolate on the wooden table in front of them. As well as smaller bowls of strawberries and pretzels sticks. And a few cloth napkins. "May I get you anything else?" he asked.

Seldovia shook her head and whispered something into Seward's ear.

"Computer," he said, looking toward the ceiling. "We'd like to be alone."

A chirrup, and the maitre d' evaporated, as did the holographic furs in other parts of the lobby.

"Much better." Seldovia, smiling, picked up a strawberry. A particularly juicy one. She dunked it in chocolate, lifting it out and swirling it until it no longer dripped. Then brought it to Seward's lips, rubbing it back and forth.

He stuck his tongue out, test-tasting it before opening wide and sinking his teeth into the berry.

The skunk licked the juice off his whiskers and chin.

Swallowing, Seward reached for a berry of his own, dipping it, and bringing it to her lips.

She eagerly ate of it.

They did this a few times. Mixed in a few pretzel sticks. A few more swigs of alcohol. After a while, the skunk's head found its way to Seward's lap. She looked up at him.

Looking down, he ran his fingers through her head-fur. She was so pretty. "You said you were going to ... " A deep breath. " ... show me something?"


"Something?" he repeated.

"Oh." A giggle. "Right. It's not what you expect ... "

"And what am I expecting?" he challenged.

Her eyes sparkled.

His snowy-white paw cupped her cheek. "I'm really enjoying your company. More than I imagined I would. It's been so long since ... I haven't been this relaxed in ... " He shook his head. He didn't know when. Also, he was tipsy.

"You're not so bad, yourself. And you're about to get a lot more relaxed," she promised.

He raised a brow.

"Don't move, okay?"

"Why not?"

"Patience ... patience ... " Arching her body, she sighed. Letting everything go. Thinking good thoughts. She sat up somewhat, lazily sprawling, pressing against him, tail raising, arching at the tip.

Seward noticed this and tensed. "What ... what are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"You are, uh ... cocking," he said, "your tail ... "

"Cocking." She snorted. "Heh. Yeah. I'm doing that ... "

He swallowed.

"Skunks have more than one kind of spray, Seward ... "

"They do?"

"Mm-hmm. There's a scent gland at my tail-base. When I ... " She licked her lips, hot and flushed. Then licked his lips, too, cause why not? Mm. She panted on his cheek. "When ... " Relax, girl. That's it. The gland began to swell. "When I get scared or angry, it loads with a nauseous spray. Very unpleasant. That's one kind."

"I know." That was very common knowledge. And that was why he'd tensed. But she didn't look scared or angry ...

"There's another one, though. That most furs don't necessarily know about, cause ... well. We only use it in private." She began to murr. "When I get very ... when ... " She shook her head, so aroused. There was no use explaining it. She'd rather show him. The urge to spray was so strong, now. She relaxed the muscles around the gland. "Don't worry ... "

"What are you doing ... " Seward twitched nervously.

An extremely fine mist, like a dusting of perfume, squirted from the skunk's scent gland. It only lasted a second or two. But her big, billowy stripe-tail began to undulate, fanning and stirring the expelled scent molecules, scattering them into the surrounding air. Making them reach the snow rabbit's nose ...

He breathed it in without realizing it. It was hard to distinguish the effects from those of the alcohol at first. But, soon, it became clear. He felt ... " ... I'm ... I'm, uh ... "

" ... aroused? Excited?" She sighed, hotly, rubbing his chest beneath his shirt. "Erect?" His pants were bulging. That was quick. "I can see that."

"You sprayed me with ... " What was the word? His mind was so hazy. But who cared? I feel amazing. " ... an aphrodisiac."

"Pheromones," she explained, nodding. She giggled more as she saw the expression on his face. A mixture of confusion and horniness. "It works better on some species than others. Obviously, it works great on other skunks. But I've never tried it on a snow rabbit ... "

"It's, uh ... " He raised his chin. "I see."

She kissed his whiskers. "Don't you like it?"

He nodded dumbly. "Y-yeah ..." His nose was tingling, and his lungs were so warm. It made him ... " ... it makes me want you."

"More than you did before?"

He nodded. Yes. Definitely. "But I don't know ... what desires are real and which are being induced ... "

"Desire is desire, Seward. It's all real," she assured.

"Why ... why didn't you warn me?" he managed to say, eyes fully dilated. "You didn't ask ... "

"Honey," she slurred, both paws now moving under his uniform-shirt. "You think ... god, way too much. I just thought the pheromones would give you pleasure. I want you to make you happy. You deserve to feel good." And, frankly, so do I. "We're hard-luck cases. Together, we can change that. And spraying's perfectly natural ... nothing bad ... just breathe in the scent. Keep breathing. That's it ... " She nosed his shoulder, now, reaching up to touch his chin and eventually putting her fingers on his lips. "Go on ... "

He opened his muzzle and suckled on them, one by one. She'd dipped them in chocolate when he hadn't been looking. Oh, it tasted sweet!

Another giggle. "You're like putty in my paws! I've never seen it hit a species this bad ... must be that psychological freeze you got," she guessed. "Your brain isn't used to being emotionally uninhibited." She took her fingers out of his mouth, batting her eyelashes. "I guess the vodka might have something to do with it, too. I'd like to think it was mostly me, though." She paused and whispered, "Do you want to breed with me?"

"Yes ... "

"How much?"

"More than anything." Her scent was probably the nicest thing he'd ever smelled. His heart was racing with a consuming need for her. Her scent. Her heat. Her body.

"Good," she whispered. "You know, Seward, I consider myself to be a little submissive. I prefer to be pursued, wooed, chased. But I'm getting really turned on by playing the dominant role." She licked her lips. "I've never felt this excited before ... " Not in a long time, anyway.

"I'm sure you've ... you've had plenty of admirers," he mumbled. Why had he been so hesitant earlier? He couldn't remember.

"Oh, I have," she insisted. "I flirt with them, let them seduce me. Let them do the bulk of the work. If I like them, I spray them. It makes them feel good, and it urges them to have their way with me." Her tail fanned the air again. "You want to have your way with me, yourself, don't you?"

He nodded hotly.

"These uniforms are so formal. And the fire's so hot," she panted. "I think we should get out of them ... "

"Yes ... "

She giggled, gasping happily as his paws began to tug at her clothes. "Oh, that's it ... I'm all yours ... " He wants me! And maybe that's partly cause I doused him with pheromones, but he was coming along quite nicely before that. We were getting comfortable together. "I think there could be something between us, Seward."

Unhooking her bra, he panted on her bared shoulder. "I don't want anything between us."

The skunk giggled and smiled so widely it almost hurt. When's the last time someone said that to her? "I know snow rabbits reserve the term 'bunny' for intimate situations." It was bad form to use it in public. "Can I ... can I use it, maybe?" He had his shirt off, too, and she was feeling his chest. What lovely white fur. So soft. So warm. And in spite of his almost-healed injuries, he still had a solid physique. "I want to ... "

He nodded, pulling her pants down. Leaning her back. "You may call me your 'bunny' if you let me call you my princess," he bargained.

Left in nothing but her panties, the skunk gave a vulnerable whine, her paws wrapping around the snow rabbit's neck. "Deal. Mm-h ... bunny?"

"Yes, princess?" he whispered, licking her cheek.

Her eyes closed. They were admittedly under the influence. Many influences. Okay, so they were drunk and drugged. But since when was that a detriment to love and affection? For the first time since arriving on Redwing, she felt perfectly comfortable with someone. She wanted someone. And they wanted her. Context aside, it was too precious a feeling to pass up. "Don't hold back ... "

With a grunt, he covered her beautiful, black-and-white body with his, whispering against her lips, almost desperately, "I won't ... "

The cat and mouse were all over each other, naked, moaning, fur matted with sweat.

They'd started out talking, as she'd promised, with Herkimer babbling emotionally and the feline repeatedly saying 'I understand.' At some point, though, she'd casually loosened her robe, leaning back on the couch to 'get more comfortable.' It wasn't an accidental move. He snuck some glances at her pelt, which was just as exotic as he remembered. Her scent was so familiar, too. His ropy tail brushed her shoulder. She reached out to stroke it. And, somehow, her large, powerful paw wound up in his pants.

Not five minutes later, they were on her bed, the lights off.

Having sex.

He'd eaten her out, passionately, before scooting up her body and going at it. She purred loudly as the mouse huffed on her neck, sucking patches of spotted, patterned fur. He nibbled his way to her jaw-line, slender hips rocking back and forth. Advent's pussy was surely God's gift to the universe, a mixture of perfection and pleasure so heady, so potent, that he could only melt and sigh as he partook of it.

"R-right, right ... yes, right there," she hissed, ever a vocal lover, ego soaring at the effect she had on the mouse. He was completely wrapped around her finger, so wholesome, so eager! He's going to give me his cum! "Oh, mousey ... faster ... "

He humped her hard and fast. She could take it. And he made sure to grind against her clitoris. She'd told him that some of her former lovers had neglected it. He'd promised her he never would.

" ... oh, f-fuck. Fuck." Choking up with emotion, she extended her claws and dug them into the mouse's backside. Her world exploding. Gasping, the jaguar was brought to another orgasm. "H-herkimer ... "

"Mm, mm-h ... mm ... " He was too busy ejaculating to properly respond. Toes curled, eyes scrunched shut, and ears throbbing. He filled her with seed. It was blissful. The universe is bliss ...

She stroked his body, encouragingly. "Mm-h, s-such ... such a good, good boy ... "

He sighed and slumped, swallowing and mumbling something.

She laughed. "Oh, god ... I thought make-up sex was a myth! That felt amazing ... "

"I k-know ... "

"I missed you ... "

"Mm-h ... " He closed his eyes, panting, still trying to find his breath.

"Your 'afterglow' hitting?" she guessed.

A hazy nod.

"You're staying the night, right?" she purred, claws tracing up his spine.

He hesitated.

"We can do this again in the morning ... "

"I can stay ... "

Advent chuckled. "Thought so. I love it when you think with your penis." Especially because he was so shy and modest. She got a kick out of that.

"I can't help it when I'm around you."

She purred. "You don't know how happy that makes me." She licked his cheek-fur with her raspy tongue. "For all our failings, we have tremendous sexual chemistry."

"You really think so?" he asked innocently.

"Mm-hmm. Maybe we can come to some sort of arrangement?"

"Like, uh ... you mean? No. I told you, I don't want that," he said, pulling out of her with a slippery squelch, their combined juices dripping out of her and onto the sheets. He sat up, sheepishly. "Computer, lights." He reached for a pillow to hide his loins. "I want something more," he insisted.

"Then why'd you just fuck me silly?" she challenged, arching lazily. Not bothering to hide anything. What was the point? "Mm? You're torn between your two heads."

He twitched.

"Mousey, love and sex and all that? It's not black and white. It's complicated. You can't just say, oh, there's a perfect fur for me, we're gonna be happy and never argue for the rest of our lives."

"I don't think that! I'm not naïve. I know relationships require compromise."

"Exactly," Advent whispered.

He looked away. "What are you saying? This isn't a relationship anymore. I don't want to get back together. Not like ... officially. We're too different ... "

"Then we'll keep it casual."

"Seems like everyone's doing that anymore ... "

"Don't knock it 'til you've tried it."

"I think I just did ... "

She snickered. "And?"

"I, uh ... "

"It felt really good, didn't it?" she cooed. "Computer, lights off." She grabbed his pillow and tossed it aside, reeling the mouse back to her with his ropy tail. "No expectations. No pressure. Just a bit of compromise. As long as I get a piece o' mousey now and then." She nipped at his shoulder. "And you'll get your pussy's pussy."

He sighed. "But if I do that ... "

" ... your bushy-tailed beauty might not approve?" She pushed him back a bit. Right. "You gonna make a move on her when Reverie gets back?"

The mouse bit his lip. Which was a non-verbal 'yes.'

Advent bristled for a second and shrugged. "Well, so what? She doesn't have to know. If she does mate you, she'll probably stay on that ship for a while, right? At least until Peregrine can choose a new first officer. She'll be gone for a week or two at a time ... "

"I couldn't do that ... "

"Invite her to a threesome, then," the cat said, grinning. "Maybe she's into it."

He made a face.

"She could be. Besides, you don't even know that she wants a mate. You're just assuming."

"I think she does."

"You honestly think she's better a better lover than me? I'm a jungle cat, Herky. Wild. Powerful. What's romance and passion without intensity? Platonic friendship, that's what. That's not what you want, is it?" she needled. "Think about it ... "

He blushed. "I don't know. I'm ... I'm so confused," he admitted. "I want to be in love."

"But we love each other, still. In a way," she cooed, preying on that confusion. Not out of any particular malice. But she just liked to be in control. And it was so easy to control him. "Shower with me. Stay the night," was her advice. "Oh, and tell your 'friends' to lay off me when you see them tomorrow."

"I'd rather keep what we did ... what we're doing," he amended, awkwardly, "to ourselves."

"You ashamed of me?" Her temper infiltrated her voice.

"No." A pause. "It's just nobody's business, is all."

"Uh-huh ... "

"Advent," he insisted, vulnerably. "I still ... I still love you, alright ... " His ears burned. "I thought that was obvious after what we just did. You know I'd never breed without having feelings for someone ... "

The jaguar softened immediately. She knew that. She felt her face flush. She just wasn't used to being genuinely cared about.

"They wouldn't understand, and ... " He sniffled. "I'm not sure I do, either. I mean ... " He cleared his throat, taking a deep breath. "Like you said, we have a certain chemistry. A certain spark. But it's confined to bed. We're not really good at the regular relationship stuff, are we?" I know I'd be better at that with Talkeetna. I'd have to be, right?

"So, what are you going to do?" the feline whispered quietly.

"I don't know." He got the sense that Talkeetna really disliked felines. You can't have both, Herkimer. You have to make a choice. One way or the other. "I don't like hurting furs' feelings, and someone's gonna get hurt no matter what. You, me, her. Someone." Why was life like this? So messy? Is it all my fault? I just wanted to be in love. "You really scared me the other day ... "

"The skeleton thing?" She fidgeted. "Yeah ... I, uh, might've gone overboard there."

"Might've?" he echoed, squeakily.

"Okay, so I embellished! You hurt my feelings, yourself, when you stormed out on me."

"You kept hurting me, too! And not just emotionally. Maybe you didn't mean it, but ... you nicked and scratched me, and bit me, and ... " Flustered, he trailed off. "You're my first. You're always going to be special to me. But I still think, in the long term, we'd be more stable with other furs. There's no use in tying to pretend otherwise."

"Maybe you're right," she admitted. "I can get carried away, sometimes. I'll admit that. So, we're not a perfect match in the long term. What about the short term? Tonight? Tomorrow? Next week? Like I said, we can take it a day at a time."

"I have a hard enough time detaching from things as it is ... " Making an 'arrangement' with her would only make it harder to move on. That's why he'd come to her quarters tonight in the first place. To find closure. Well ... so much for that!

She reached out and rubbed his arm-fur. "Let's just put the past behind us. We're even, now." She was willing to let bygones be bygones. "I've been pretty miserable since we broke up ... "

"I'm sorry. You feel better, now, though?"

"Much better." The only thing that would complete the recovery would be if she could slice Sheila into a hundred different pieces, and ... well. Okay. Maybe not all bygones were gone ...

He reached out to fondle her breasts. He then leaned in to kiss beneath her chin.

"You miss those?"

He tweaked a nipple. "A little ... mm, a lot." He leaned forward to nuzzle them, briefly suckling on a tit.

"Mousey." She cradled his head, massaging the bases of his big, fleshy lobes. "Let's go take a shower."

Looking up, nose to nose, he whispered, "Advent, I just wanna make sure we're clear about what's going on here. This is just ... " Just what? Just ... just?

She put a finger to his lips, cutting him off. "Hush, now." She purred, nuzzling his face. Closing in on his lips, she tilted her head to the side.

He moved in, delivering the kiss. It went on for several seconds before breaking with a smack.

"Let's go shower," she repeated, getting up off the couch. If he wants a piece of that squirrel's tail, well ... I'll deal with that later. Maybe there's someone on Reverie for me, too? Doesn't matter. Right now, tonight, we've made peace with each other. And if you can't enjoy the fruits of peace, what's the point of having it?