Dark Night: Part 2

Story by coke on SoFurry

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#2 of Dark Night

well, here's part 2. Probably a stupid scene but it is what it is. Maybe start working on 3 here shortly, not sure because I really have no clue how to write the next parts.

Sorry to everyone if this is all boring compared to my previous stories.

Breaking into a run from the doorway Sean lunges for Jay, catching him off guard. Twisting as they go down, Sean positions himself between the ground and Jay to absorb the brunt of the impact. Still holding onto Jay as they go down, he refuses to let go when they hit the soft mud. Jay continues to struggle for a few minutes before it dawns on him what has happened. Once the realization hits him he stops struggling and starts sobbing into his best friend's chest. Laying there for what feels like an eternity all the emotions of the past several months slam into Jay as he lays there feeling completely helpless. Slowly, as the rain dies down so do the tears. Figuring the worst of the storms have passed Sean releases his grip on Jay and allows him to get up. Slowly Jay slides off his friend and sits next to him looking down at his mud covered body. Concern is the only emotion Jay can read on his friends face as he stares.

"Thanks," he says weakly as a small grin crosses his face. "But you're all muddy."

"You're welcome, and you're all wet."

Agonizingly slow Jay gets up and reaches down to help Sean up. After helping his friend up he starts for his car again only to be stopped by something grabbing his arm. Looking down he sees Sean's hand wrapped around his wrist. Looking up into his friends eyes it's apparent that he's not going anywhere now. Slowly Sean drags him towards the house and the open doorway. Once inside Sean reaches for a towel he keeps by the door for the dogs when they go out in the rain. "Here, take those wet clothes off and dry yourself a bit."

Doing as he's told Jay begins to shed his clothes not feeling like arguing; in fact he doesn't feel like making any decisions on his own at all for the time being. As he strips down he notices Sean doing the same with another towel.

"You're still all muddy." Jay says trying to break the silence.

"I know, but this is just to keep us from dripping on the carpet."

Slightly puzzled by that statement Jay lets it drop. After they both finish drying themselves as best they can with the old towels Sean grabs Jay's wrist again and starts to pull him through the house towards the master bathroom. Once in there Sean turns and grabs Jay by the waist picking him up and setting him on the counter. Still not willing to look his friend in eye after what happened earlier, Jay stares at the floor as he's done since this all began. Turning away from Jay and towards the bathtub Sean turns on the hot water and begins to draw a bath. Once the water is starting to fill the tub he turns back to Jay and pulls him off the counter and towards the tub. Standing in the tub, Jay just stares at his feet as if waiting for instructions.

With a slight bite to his tone Sean sternly tells Jay, "Well, sit down, haven't you ever had anyone run you a bath?"

Sitting down and wrapping his arms around his knees Jay buries his face in the space created between them and his chest.

"Still not willing to look me in the eye, huh?" says Sean quizzically.

Unable to answer Jay just shakes his head no.

"Ok, well I'm just going to sit here next to the tub 'til you decide it's ok. But be mindful the water's going to turn cold eventually, and I still have to give you a bath to wash off the rain."

Letting that sink in for a minute Jay finally replies. "What do you mean you have to give me a bath?"

"Well, I didn't figure you were in a mood to do it yourself so I thought I would. Then I was hoping you'd sit at the end of the tub and maybe talk to me about why you're in this mood while I got a shower to wash off this mud. Which is drying on my back by the way." That last jab being in Sean's normal jokingly playful tone.

That was the last piece of the puzzle that let Jay know that Sean wasn't mad at him for anything but was concerned for his well being just like a friend should be. Slowly Jay raised his tear stained face and looked at his friend. He could see the concern in his friends face even if it was hidden behind a smirk. Letting his legs unfurl and the warm water wash over them he relaxed a little more in the tub. Reaching for a sponge and the soap Sean begins to lather it up. Starting with his face Sean begins to wash Jay from head to toe trying to wash away whatever bad dark thoughts were troubling his friend. Once he finished with giving Jay his bath he pulled the plug on the water and let it drain away, hoping his friends silence about what's troubling him would go with it. Helping Jay slide to the back of the tub and resting against its wall Sean stands up and steps in. Turning on the hot water and shower head he begins the task of trying to get the dried mud off. Turning his back to the running water and just letting it do most of the work he stares down at his friend.

"So are you ready to tell me what's up?"

"Not yet."

"Ok, but I hope you realize you're not leaving my side until you do."

"I...I understand." Looking up at his friends face Jay finally made eye contact and the bond between them solidified just that much more.

Turning back to the task of washing himself off Sean turned his face back into the water. Starting in the same manner as he did with Jay from his head he began to lather up, when it came time to wash his back he suddenly felt another set of hands helping him out.

"Just returning the favor." Jay said sheepishly suddenly realizing his nakedness in front of his best friend. After he finished scrubbing his friends back he moved to the other side of the tub and bashfully waited in the corner for his friend to finish his shower.

"Come now, this isn't the first time we've shared a shower before."

"I know, but somehow this feels different being here and not the gym."

"It'll be ok, trust me...please." Wrapping up his shower quickly then he turned off the water and stepped out onto the bathroom mat to grab a couple of towels. Wrapping the towel around his waist he reached in to help Jay out of the shower. Thinking it may be better the let Jay dry himself off he leaned up against the doorframe and waited patiently for his friend to cover himself and feel a little more at ease. Grabbing hold of Jay's wrist again Sean walks them both over to the Dresser in the master bedroom. Grabbing a pair of shorts he tosses them to Jay. "Here, put these on while your clothes go through the wash. I hope they fit." Grabbing another pair for himself he puts them on under the towel before taking it off in hopes that it would help ease the tension some more. After putting on the shorts handed to him Sean takes the towel from Jay and tosses it back into the bathroom. "I'll deal with those later." Walking them both into the living room by the door he sits Jay down on the couch and goes to the entryway to grab their clothes and put them in the washer. When he comes back he notices Jay hasn't moved at all since he sat him down. Sitting himself down next to Jay on the couch Sean is surprised when Jay suddenly wraps his arms around him and places his head on Sean's chest for the second time that night. Not really sure what to do at this point Sean just wraps his arms around Jay and lets him lay there. After a while he begins to feel Jay slide down a little bit and pick himself back up. Unsure if he's just tired because it's late or if he's fatigued to the point he can't keep himself up from his emotions; Sean grabs a little tighter and hauls Jay on top of him while he maneuvers them over to the edge of the couch to where they're both laying the length of it. Jay still lying on Sean's Chest both wrapped in each other's arms.

"How about I turn a movie on and we just lay here a while?"


Reaching up for the controls Sean turns on the movie that was in the DVD player. After about 20 minutes of the movie the head lying on his chest starts to get heavier. Looking down he sees that his friend is fast asleep. Instead of trying to move him he just lets Jay lay there and turns off the TV. Trying to figure out what's caused his friend so much pain he finally let's sleep take him. We'll figure this out tomorrow...hopefully.