Under the Stars : Part 2

After what felt like an eternity I slowly regain consciousness. It's still dark so it couldn't really have been more than an hour or so but it felt really nice sleeping outside with only my lover and a blanket to keep me warm. Once I'm fully awake I...

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Under the Stars : Part 1

"That was amazing!" Drake said as he put his fork down. "I'm glad you liked it." I replied as I got up to take our plates to the kitchen and grab the cake I made for dessert. "Do you want some ice cream to go with this?" "No thanks. Why don't you...

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Coming Out: Part 3

_Knock, knock, knock._ Stirring slightly in my sleep I hear it again. _Knock, Knock, Knock_. "Mr. W this is the Bixby Police, if you're in there please open up." "Let me get it, I'll see what's going on" Drake said as he lifted me off and moved me...

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Date Night

It was that first at home date night. You know that one you leave early from work to go home and make sure the house is spotless, regardless of the fact you've cleaned every night that week, and you're all cleaned up and trying to stay that way while...

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Coming Out: Part 2

When I awoke he was still holding me, I tilted my head up to see him looking at me. "So, How was your trip?" "Exhausting, but I did manage to get you something special." "Oh yeah, what is it?" "Well, it would probably be better if I just showed you....

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Coming Out. Part 1

_Well, that didn't go as expected. Not that I really imagined anything good coming out of that meeting, I didn't expect what did_. As I slowly made my way from my truck to my apartment I finally broke down at the steps right outside. With a heavy thud...

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Hiking Trip

The first vestiges of sunlight were just starting to creep through the open window as I was brought to consciousness out of a deep sleep by a cool breeze playing across my bare chest and the slow warmth of the sun as it touched my side. Then I noticed...

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Rough Day

It was another hard day at the office, a full day of ID-10T and P.E.B.K.A.C. errors. I climb out of the truck and trudge towards the apartment. I open the door and walk inside; there he is lying on the couch as usual. I hear his rough voice as I close...

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Dark Night: Part 2

Breaking into a run from the doorway Sean lunges for Jay, catching him off guard. Twisting as they go down, Sean positions himself between the ground and Jay to absorb the brunt of the impact. Still holding onto Jay as they go down, he refuses to let...

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Dark Night: Part 1

Rain poured down on the cold night as Jay got into his car. Not sure of where he was going he puts the car in gear and drives. The miles roll by as his head swims with thoughts that shouldn't be there. Highway speeds and wet roads don't help those...

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First Day of the Rest of Our Lives.

_What's going on? Where am I?_ Slowly opening my eyes I realize that I'm lying on my side in an alleyway somewhere. I try to roll over so that I can sit up. A groan escapes my lips as I get hit with a blinding spasm of pain. Unable to roll over I...

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