Life Changing Opportunity: Chapter 3: An Offer Terminated

Story by Rogal Ursus on SoFurry

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#3 of Life Changing Opportunity

Disclaimer: This particular chapter involves the use of illegal substances and violence (not involving sexual activity). If you have an issue with that, I do not recommend that you read this. Also is reading such material is illegal in your location, please leave now. You have been warned.

_Author's Note: This chapter was extremely _ difficult for me to write. In the midst of a SEVERE depressive episode, and trying to get some thoughts out. When I started to come out of it, with the help of friends, pharmacology, and therapy, I went back and decided to rewrite about 2/3 of this chapter. What I provide here is the result of that. I am trying to get out of my comfort zone in my writing and to try bolder ideas. What is contained here, is actually a first for me in my long career. Please comment. I do require feedback on this as I try to redevelop my style.

Life Changing Opportunity

Chapter 3: An Offer Terminated

Written by Rogal Urson

After he had dropped his master and Nhir off at the apartment building, Simo drove back to the office. After spending ten years with his master it appeared that his master was only using him to find someone else. By the time he arrived at the garage and parked the car, his anger was seething. Once he got out of the car, he was so overwhelmed, he dropped to the ground sobbing.

"I gave you ten years of my life and this is how you repay me," Simo screamed, banging the side of the car, denting it slightly. He stopped as a thought crept into his mind. Picking himself up, he walked briskly back into the building and went into his office. Reaching into the desk, he removed a small box and sat down in his chair. Opening the box, he removed a small bottle of pills. It had been a long time since he had taken them. Looking at the bottle, images in his mind flashed of the pain he had felt, the pain that the lion had caused to him, under the guise of training pain and pleasure. Pleasure for the lion, pain for him. He threw the bottle against the wall. He knew what he was going to do. Now all he had to do was implement it.

His thoughts were interrupted by an email arriving in his box. Apparently, something had gone wrong at one of the lion's companies. It was one of the restaurants. Opening the email he found out that someone had decided to rob the place, and that four people, including the general manager were dead. His master was not going to take this well. Putting on his best face, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed.

Nhir and Killara laid together wrapped in an embrace when the phone rang. Killara slipped out of bed and grabbed his phone. A minute later, he dropped the phone and promptly dropped to the ground sobbing. Nhir got up and went to him, placing his arms around him.

"What's wrong hun," Nhir asked.

"There was a robbery at one of my properties. One of the first restaurants I opened. Four of my staff are dead, including the manager. I interviewed every one of them personally, as I do with everyone who works for me. They have been with me as long as Simo has, some of them longer. The GM of that restaurant, I have known since childhood. They are all dead, and they are my friends. I have to go to the office," Killara growled. "Stay here. This matter does not concern you."

"But I want to go and make sure you are going to be ok. You will need me for support," Nhir replied.

Killara got back up, turned to Nhir and pushed him away. "NO! I will deal with this. I have to deal with this," he roared. Getting dressed, he stormed out of the room and out of the apartment, slamming the door.

Going down to the garage, Killara found a spare car he kept at the apartment in case Simo was unavailable. Starting it up with a roar, he sped out of the garage and headed towards the office.

Simo was getting things prepared in the lounge. He had brewed a pot of tea to help his master calm down, and had papers, and reports of the incident. He had already informed the families of the slain employees and notified that they would be well taken care of. He also informed them that Killara would personally contact them in the coming days to find out if they needed anything. Once the phone calls were taken care of, he went into the box and grabbed a syringe and a vial of phenobarbital. One of the benefits of his master owning a pharmaceutical company is that the otter had access to the pharmacy when nobody was there.

Grabbing the bottle and syringe, he went and added it to the cream for the tea. He never had cream in his tea, as he felt it ruined the natural flavor. He sat down on the couch in the lounge, awaiting his master. Within minutes, Killara came running into the lounge.

"I'm here Simo. Have all the arrangements been made," Killara asked.

"Yes sir. I have informed the families, and I will be handling all the burial arrangments. We will also be receiving a copy of the police report for insurance, and the scene has been secured by local law enforcement, as well as our security force. Suspect is not is custody yet, but leads are being tracked down as we speak," Simo replied, almost smiling. As he was about to continue, his phone rang. "This is Simo, assistant to Killara Leo. Well thank you for telling me. I will inform him immediately. Please make sure the subsequent reports are copied and sent to our offices. Yes, you know our courier. Thank you for letting me know."

Simo smiled and then chuckled. Killara looked at him, a puzzled look on his face. "What's going on my pet," Killara asked.

"That was Sargent Thomas. The suspect is in custody and will be arraigned in the morning. I will contact our firm and request the maximum, but initial charges are four counts of felony-murder. Any one of those will warrant the death penalty," Simo answered. "But we will deal with this in the morning. Master, I have taken the liberty of preparing a pot of tea. You should sit down and have a cup. Relax for a bit. Today has been a trying day for everyone. Mr.Urson should have some time alone to get used to his new place. This is a big thing for him."

Killara sighed. He knew his pet was right. Grabbing his teacup, he poured the tea until the cup was almost full, adding a bit of cream to it, he sat down on the couch and began sipping the tea. There was a weird aftertaste he was not familiar with. Before he could ask Simo, he began to feel drowsy. "Simo, what have you done," Killara asked drowsily.

Simo picked up his remote out of his pocket and tapped a few buttons on it. A song that Killara had not heard before began playing. Simo began to remove his master's clothing while singing.

Something has to change. Un-deniable dilemma. Boredom's not a burden. Anyone should bear. Constant over stimu-lation numbs me but I would not want. You any other way.

It's not enough, I Need more. Nothing seems to satisfy. I don't want it, I just need it. To breathe to know I'm alive.

Tool "Stinkfist"

" You are so fucking blind to the things around you. You fucking stupid feline. I was with you for ten years. I loved you from the first day. I have done everything for you. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have found him in the first place.Something kinda sad about the way that things have come to be. Desensitized to everything, what became of subtlety," Simo growled as he slashed the lion's shirt open with his claws. "I will make you hurt, I will make him feel the pain you have caused me. "

Simo reached back and slapped the lion's muzzle hard. He reached back again and with his claws, he slashed the edge of the lion's muzzle. Killara roared in pain as he felt the blood running. Simo reached back and slashed his claws across the lion's chest, tearing a gash across the muscular chest.

Before taking another swing, he slapped the lion's face again. "Relax master, I'm not going to let you off that easy. Once the sedative I gave you really kicks in, you won't feel anything. Although, when it wears off, you will know pain. Much more than you have caused me." Simo reached back and ripped another gash in Killara's chest. The lion roared again then fainted.


Nhir sat in the living room of his new place reading one of the many books that lined the built-in bookcase. His new love had spared no expense in this place. To top it all off, he had an amazing view of the city. His reading was interrupted by a nagging doubt he had in his mind. It was almost dawn and Killara had not returned. Using the house phone, he dialed the lion's phone. It was off, which made him nervous. As far as he knew the lion never turned his phone off. He then tried Simo. The same was true. Both of them had their phones off. This was extremely odd. He contacted Jelani at the front desk.

"Yes Mr.Urson. Master Kelani did leave a few hours ago. Although I have not seen him back. I know he went to the office to meet with Simo. What's that Mr.Urson, why sure I'll turn on the news. Oh god! That's why he left so quickly out of here. It says they caught the guy already. Is something the matter Mr.Urson," Jelani asked.

"Jelani, I need a car. I have a feeling something is wrong," Nhir growled.

"Ok. I will have one here in by the time you get down here," she replied, hanging up the phone. Calling for the doorman, she arranged a car.

Up in the apartment, Nhir got dressed quickly, grabbing his key, and remote and rushed out the door to the elevator. The ride down to the lobby seemed to take forever. When the doors at the lobby opened, Jelani was standing right there.

"You were right to be worried Mr.Urson. I have the emergency line to the office, but nobody is answering that as well. That line is always answered," Jelani stated, guiding Nhir to the front door, where a car was waiting out front.

Jumping into the car and closing the door, before the driver could ask anything, Nhir growled "Office now."

Speeding through the streets, and avoiding traffic with precision normally seen in F1 racing, Nhir was dropped in front of the office in a matter of minutes. Pressing a button on his remote, the wall opened and he ran down the hallway and into the lounge. What he saw, made his heart drop.

His lion lay in front of the fireplace, naked and bloody. Before he could get to him, Simo stepped in front of him, brandishing a small pistol.

"That will be far enough Mr. Urson," Simo growled.

"Simo, what the hell is going on? What's happened," Nhir asked.

"I can't allow this to continue. I'm not going to give him up. I spent the last ten years of my life in service to him and I love him as much as you do," Simo growled. "Those years, all he needed me was to find you. Now that he has, he won't need me anymore. On the other hand, if he doesn't have you, he'll have to keep me." Simo pointed the gun at Nhir and pulled the trigger. The shot seemed to move in slow motion as it and Nhir move to try to duck out of the way. Unfortunately, being a large bear, Nhir didn't escape unfazed. The shot tore through his shoulder and flew into the wall.

Nhir dropped to the ground, roaring with pain. Simo walked over to him and pointed the gun at his head. "He is mine and you will never have him," Simo growled once again.

"Killara wake up. If you really care about both of us wake the fuck up," Nhir roared.

Killara began to slowly stir from his forced slumber. Simo spun around just in time to hear Killara growl loudly.

"So the truth comes out huh," Killara growled, slowly getting to his feet and began to move towards Simo. "You knew all along that this was my plan to find him. Yet you said nothing until now. I am very disappointed in you. I thought I taught you better. I gave you a place to live when nobody else would. I gave you a job, a chance, many chances in fact. I gave you everything you needed, you ungrateful weasel and this is how you repay me? Try to kill me with drugs, and attack me, and attack the one person I have spent practically my entire life searching for? Where the fuck do you get off?"

Simo winced for a brief moment, and then pointed the gun at Killara, his master, the man who saved him, took him in when nobody could. He ripped off his shirt and began yelling. "The physical torment of the "training" sessions. Not once in those ten years did you ever say you loved me. You used me "Master" to get what you wanted. You always have. How else would you be where you are now without "servants" like me. Something to use to get exactly what you want and then to turn away. You cared about those 4 people who died tonight than you care about me in the last ten years. I really showed you. I knew how you felt about them. I knew about you and Brad. Why else would I have had them killed? Because I knew that once you found out, you would fall for my trap. You would come running to me for comfort and that is exactly what you did. And look where it go you. It's going to get you killed,"

Simo pulled the trigger and a loud bang was heard. Killara dropped to the ground as Nhir roared and charged Simo, knocking him to the ground and the gun out of his paws. Nhir held Simo down and began slashing the otter's arms, legs, and chest. Simo began screaming out in pain. Nhir was so blinded by rage and sorrow, he didn't even hear Killara initially.

"Nhir STOP!!! I said STOP," Killara roared. He then grabbed Nhir's massive paw and placed it to his cheek. "The bullet did hit me, but I am ok. It's minor. Stop. You've killed him."

Nhir stopped and looked down. In his rage, he had practically slashed the otter's chest open. There was blood all over Simo, and all over his paws. He fell backwards and began crying.

"Oh god Killara. What have I done? I didn't want to kill him, but I didn't have a choice. I thought he killed you," Nhir sobbed. "I'm responsible for this. This is all my fault. Oh god this is all my fault. We have-" His words were cut off as he fainted into a lifeless heap.

Killara's face changed to one of worry. He checked Nhir for signs of life. When he couldn't find any, he grabbed his phone and dialed emergency. Hitting the button on the remote, a security force was there within seconds. Simo's lifeless body was covered with a sheet and Nhir was checked over. An ambulance was there within a few minutes. They loaded Nhir's body into the ambulance. Killara was insistent that he be allowed to ride with Nhir. When they began to refuse, Killara roared, bringing everyone to a dead stop.


During the ride to the hospital, Killara held Nhir's hand to his cheek sobbing the entire time.

On arriving to the hospital, Killara and Nhir were separated. Killara was taken to one of the regular emergency rooms while Nhir was wheeled into one of the trauma rooms. Not knowing what was going on with his love, Killara began to become very agitated, leading the ER staff to sedate him. While asleep, they tended to his injuries and were able to patch him up.

Killara awoke several hours later in a hospital bed. Turning to his right, he saw Nhir in a bed as well. Nhir seemed to be asleep. However, he was also hooked to a ventilator. Killara tried to move and felt a twinge of pain and groaned. Before he could move again, a feline nurse came in and pushed him back down.

"Killara Leo, stay down or you will rip your stitches and we cannot have that," the nurse scolded. "It's good that you are awake. I will go get the doctor. He will tell you what is going on." She ran out rather quickly and the intercom buzzed. "Dr. Senton, please come to room 178. Dr.Senton to Room 178."

A few minutes later, and older panther walked into the room and stood at the foot of Killara's bed. He smiled. "Had I known it was you, I would have come sooner. Leo, it's so good to see you," he chuckled, moving down and giving a light hug to Killara.

"Vira, I'm impressed. Last time I saw you, I think we were still around that damn mountain and I was trying to keep you from falling a few thousand feet to your death. The irony is not lost on me old friend," Killara replied laughing, then launching into a coughing fit. "Please tell me they aren't skimping on the painkillers."

Reaching behind Killara's bed, Vira grabbed a little cylinder and pushed the button on top. The machine next to the bed beeped once. "Thank you old friend. Now before I fall asleep again, please tell me how Nhir is doing."

Vira's head dropped and he stifled a sob. "Nhir is in a coma Killara. We've checked everything, and it appears nothing is wrong. We've ruled out toxins and even head trauma. He's in a coma and we're not sure why. Maybe he was so overwhelmed by the situation, he shut down."

"Vira, will he come out of it," Killara asked.

The panther shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "Without knowing the exact cause of his condition, we aren't even sure how to reverse it. The mind is a very tricky thing and we just don't know enough about it. It almost appears like his mind has been locked away, but it doesn't know how to unlock itself."

Upon hearing this news, Killara began to start sobbing. "Vira, he is "the one."

Vira raised an eyebrow. "Leo, you can't be serious. You've been saying that for as long as I've know you. Last time I remember you were with that otter, what's his name Sero?"

"Simo. Not anymore. He is the reason we are here. And he's, he's, d-d-dead. N-Nhir k-k-killed him to protect me," Killara stuttered and buried his face in his paws and began sobbing again, this time quite loudly.

Placing a hand on Killara's shoulder, Vira looked down at the fragile lion below him. "Leo, I'm not doubting you. If he wasn't "the one" you wouldn't be here. I just want to know that you are sure. I never doubted you. I want you to be happy." He leaned down and hugged the lion in a friendly embrace. "I'm sending the nurse in to give you something to help you sleep. I will see you later."

Walking out of the room, Vira stopped at the nurse's stand. The nurse came in and ran a shot of sedative through Killara's IV and within minutes, he was asleep again.