Life Changing Opportunity- Chapter 4: An Offer Sealed

_This chapter has been the most difficult to write to be honest. This series in general has been difficult to write. Although inspired by someone special, things have not turned out the way I had hoped or planned. Dealing with depression and trying to...

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Empty House

Walking through the house a day later The emptiness in my heart, my soul The silence of the house deafening You aren't here anymore This has to be a dream. You can't be gone Reminders of you in the living and dining rooms Your smell, maybe...

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Misplaced Aggression

_Very recently, I have started to have these non-specific bouts of rage. It's just thoughts of violence towards others, but nobody specific and also because just ideation, I am able to prevent myself from acting upon them. I came up with this brief...

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Defenses Down

**Defenses Down** Early on, we build walls to protect ourselves To protect those we care about To protect the things we care about For the most part, we go through our lives Nothing happening and everything is safe Once in a while though, things...


Life Changing Opportunity: Chapter 3: An Offer Terminated

Disclaimer: This particular chapter involves the use of illegal substances and violence (not involving sexual activity). If you have an issue with that, I do not recommend that you read this. Also is reading such material is illegal in your location,...

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Eyes Open

**Eyes Open** We are born, new to the world, without a care to think of. Very soon, we open our eyes and gaze upon the world around us. We grow , learning, failing, trying, crying, hurting. We age, celebrate the highs and weep during the lows. We...


Life Changing Opportunity- Chapter 2: An Offer Accepted

Ok. This one is a little short. If you follow my journals lately, I've been dealing with some major shit. Haven't been creative lately. I still might do som major edits on this one so please stay tuned. * * * Life Changing Opportunity Written by...

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Life Changing Opportunity: Chapter 1: An Offer Is made

Ok. It's been a while since I brought you something new, other than my usual venting stuff. This is a story that was inspired by my new beau, Kendo Kawabata. I'm trying to expand my horizons when it comes to fiction. At some point, maybe I'll have a...

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The Dragon Is Loose

A few nights before I was supposed to leave for the funeral for my grandmother, I was raging pretty bad. It was on the advice of an old friend (You know who you are!) that I get my anger out. This is the product of that. Deep down inside of us is a...

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More Than Friends

This is something that was inspired by a dream I had one night. The names were entirely out of my dream, as well as the entire story. I would actually consider making this into a series. I think it would do well. Please let me know what you think!!! *...

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I Was Broken and Lost Chapter 3

# I Was Broken and Lost- Chapter 3 By: Rogal Ursus I awoke to the nurse lightly shaking me awake. Once I woke up fully, she motioned that she wanted to remove the IV from my arm. Holding my arm outward, I winced as she removed the line from my arms...

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I Was Broken and Lost Chapter 2

# I was Broken and Lost-Chapter 2 By Rogal Ursus _This is the prologue to the story_ _ **I was Broken and Lost and you Found Me** __. So I have been taken advantage of by my master. This Chapter details the after effects_ _If the following themes...

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