Adam & Greg 5

Story by guppy1030 on SoFurry

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#5 of Adam & Greg

The smells of summer surrounded Adam as Greg took him out the car seat, the sounds of young padded cubs roared throughout the park causing little Adam to fidget with glee. "Looks like someone wants to play" Greg said as he shook Kevin awake "Yeah look at all the kids" Adam said in woe as he waited for Greg. Once Greg finished with Kevin he picked up the diaper bag and took the little cubs paws as they made their way to the park. "Kevin you still tired?" Greg said as they walked down the stone path "Yeaah im stwill A wittle twierd" Kevin replied as he yawned and rubbed his eye with his free paw. Greg stopped and picked up Kevin then continued walking as Kevin slowly drifted of to sleep once again causing Adam to smile.

As they got closer Adams padding started to get wetter he blushed as a group of mothers passed by smiling and waving at him. Adam drew closer to Greg as they entered they bench area "Where should we sit?" Greg wondered looking about pass the hot summer sun. He scanned the area looking for a perfect spot with shade and a good view of cub area "How about we sit there" Adam said tugging on Greg's pants, Greg lifted his head to look in the direction the little cub was pointing at. "Its perfect thanks little buddy" Adam hurried to the bench and waited for Greg as he jumped in anticipation. Greg finally made it to the bench and smiled "You can go play but don't go t..." was all Adam had to hear before he ran off to play with the other padded cubs. Adam ran around and went down the slide a few times before he felt his second wetting coming, he stopped in his tracks and barely pushed before he soaked his diaper. He started to enjoy the warm on till he heard a slight giggle from behind him he staggered as he turned around to look at a 4 year old light brown fox standing behind him.

"What are you laughing at?" Adam said walking up to the little fox "I'm just looking at your wet diaper" the fox said pointing at Adams waist. "Oh, Yeah I really had to go" Adam said with a giggle as he poked his diaper front " It still could use another wetting" the fox looked at Adam "So could mine" the fox cub said pulling down his waist to show Adam his wet diapers barely hanging by the tapes. They both laughed as they decided to get there diapers changed , Adam led the way to Greg trying to enjoy the freshly wet diaper as they walked. "You back already?" Greg said as he rocked Kevin in his arms "Yeah we need a change" Greg looked at both the cubs "Great let me just put Kevin down".

Greg put Kevin on a blanket next to the bench and then went on to change the cubs diapers, he lifted Adam onto the bench and started to undo the tapes "Looks like you made a friend". Adam smiled and shook his head in agreement as Greg lifted his legs and pulled the wet diaper out from under him, he grabbed some wipes and cleaned Adams wet fur taking out the yellow tint as much as he could. A new diaper was then put in place after some cream and light powdering leaving Adam to roam around as the young fox got his turn. "Wow you really wet this didn't you" Greg said as he tickled the cubs exposed tummy "Pleeeease stop Imm Gonna weeet again" Greg stopped and continued to clean and rediaper the little fox. Soon both cubs were padded and ready to have more fun, Greg sat down and watched as both cubs ran with a slight waddle towards the playground. Adam ran with the fox "What's your name?" Adam asked as they climbed the ladder "It's Aaron" the fox said as he reached the top "What's yours?" Aaron asked waddling across the shaky bridge. "It's Adam" the fox looked at Adam and hit him in the shoulder "Adam your it!" Aaron yelled as he ran away,

Adam laughed and started to run after him in his newly wet diaper. Greg watched the two from a safe distance looking after Kevin as he woke up "Look who decided to wake up" Greg said wiping away the crust from Kevin's eyes. Kevin opened his eyes slowly and started to yawn "Did you sleep well soggy butt" Greg said feeling Kevin's diaper "Wow looks like we have a big kid here you didn't we your diaper" Kevin smirked and started to sit up "Where is Adam?" Kevin said in his little cub voice. Greg picked up Kevin and put him on his feet "He's playing with a new friend he made" Kevin looked around to spot the two "I don't see them" Greg looked around and found them running around the swing set "There they are you see by the swings". Kevin's face lit up as he saw his friend "Why don't you go find the two and bring them here I think its time for lunch" Greg said preparing a 3 bottles and taking out some sandwiches, Kevin nodded and started to run towards Adam and Aaron.

"Hey Adam!" Adam looked around as he heard his name "Adam over here!" Adam looked in the voices direction to find Kevin running at full speed towards him. Adam started to run towards him as they got they got closer to each other "Hey wait up" Aaron said as he ran not far behind Adam. Kevin started to slow down when he was a few feet away from Adam, Adam stopped and hugged Kevin as they started to wrestle each other. Once they were tired out Adam introduced Kevin to Aaron as they hugged too soon they made their way to the bench area with freshly wet diapers. Greg spotted the three and grinned as he finished getting lunch ready "Hey boys did you enjoy yourselves" The three laughed as they started to sit down on the picnic blanket. "I'm starving what do we have to eat?" Adam said looking inside the basket "Well Jason made us some yummy looking peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with some cut up fruit on the side and some applesauce and three warm bottles of milk on the side" Greg said with a tender voice. The boys stomachs ached as they couldn't wait to eat, Greg served eat on there meals and passed them all a bottle as they started to dig in. They gobbled down their food devouring every little crumb leaving spots of jelly and milk to run down their faces, Greg looked amused as he wiped each cubs faces and paws before he change each of their diapers.

"There I think I did a good job cleaning you messy babies" Greg said as he cleaned up the area "Go on boys have some fun we're leaving in a few" the boys jumped up and ran towards the cub area with their freshly powdered bottoms. Greg packed up the diaper supplies and bottles in the diaper bag and started to enjoy his lunch as he sat down and watched the cubs run around and jump on each other. "They look cute together" Greg turned his face to look at another 14 year old Fox with perfect light brown fur and beautiful blue eyes "They do don't they" said Greg finishing his food. "Hi my name is Sarah" Greg looked at her and extended his paw "Its nice to meet you my names Greg" she shook his paw and waved towards the boys.

"Do you know her" Adam said, Kevin shrugged his shoulders as he turned to Aaron "She's my big sister" He said with delight as he ran towards Greg and Sarah's direction with Adam and Kevin not far behind. Greg looked at the boys as they ran towards them "You know Aaron?" Greg said as he got up "Yeah I do he's my brother" she said as Aaron ran up to Sarah with open arms, she picked him up and hugged him close as the rest of the boys caught up. "I think its time we started to head home" she said looking at Greg "How about the boys have a playdate sometime?" Greg said as he took Adam and Kevin's paws. Sarah thought about it for a while "I think that would be great how about Sunday?" Greg grinned and nodded his head as he gave her his number "I'm sure the boys would be excited" Sarah looked at Greg's tale wag "I'm sure ALL you boys are excited" she said watching Greg's tale wag even faster.

Adam pulled on Greg's pants "Yes?" He said looking down, Adam pointed towards Greg's tale Greg blushed and tucked it away "Sorry about that" Sarah laughed and started to walk away "See you guys Sunday" she said waving her paw as she walked away with Aaron in her arms. "Goodbye" Greg said waving back, Adam and Kevin burst out into laughter as Sarah was out of sight Greg looked at the two "I think today would be a great day to have a bath right" Adam and Kevin both whimpered at the thought of a bath "No please Greg...Noo" Greg smirked and rustled the boys fur. "If your good you could have a bubble bath" The boys eyes lit up as they got the bags ready and headed towards the car, Greg put the bags in the trunk and strapped the boys in giving each of them a pacifier and a plushy. Greg made his way to the drivers seat and started making there way home as the boys fell asleep in their carseats.

Adam & Greg 6

Greg pulled up the car to the dirt road with the leaves rusting in the wind and the smell of summer in the air. As the engine dies down he reaches for his keys and looks back at the two sleeping cubs in their car seats he gave a laugh at Adam as he...

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Adam & Greg 4

The smell of urine fills Greg's nose as he shifts his weight in bed he slowly opens his eyes as he rolls over. His fur brushes by a soft material as his eyes come to level with the white fabric in his face. "Adam?" Greg says as he sniffs again taking...

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Adam & Greg 3

"Adam wake up we're here" Greg said as he shook his brother awake "Where are we?" Adam said as he rubbed his eyes and yawned "Come on get up" Greg said as he lifted Adam out the car seat, Adam wrapped his arms around Greg neck as he was carried out...

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