Hybrid War: Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Angel walked down the hall of the barracks floor... stopping in front of Lexy's door. He had some time to spare. He hadn't seen Lexy for a couple of days... he had been to busy with everything else, missions, online meetings with General Razari, and one online meeting with General Razari and a few other high ranking officers that circled Restal, keeping the peace in space while his team and numerous others continued their war on the ground. He smiled and knocked on the door as he calmed himself and let himself be happy... he wanted to enjoy time with one of his closest friends.
The door slid open and he walked in, "Hey Lexy"
"Angel" She cheered as she swam to the edge of the pool, "How did the mission go?"
"It was okay. We lost a Night Raven this time but we managed to fight 'em off"
"Was anyone hurt?" She frowned.
"No... Melony was still standing after the crash... the only sign that she had been in one was a scratch on her leg" He chuckled as he kicked off his boots, then his shirt, followed by his socks. Black jeans, and his boxers, "Mind if I join you?"
"G-g-go ahead" She blushed as she looked away from his naked body, "I don't mind"
He usually came to her already wearing swim wear when he was planning to swim with her. She had always admired his body for how toned each muscle was. But she had never seen what his swimming trunk hid from her view. She was brought from her embarrassed day dreaming when he jumped into the water. She rushed over and under him, letting him gently take her Dorsal fin with a firm but gentle hand. She took him under the water and they swam around... she could feel herself getting hotter every time she moved up or turned left, feeling his fully naked body press against her. She shivered slightly when he gently rubbed her belly... it was his usual way of speaking to her when they were under water... he needed some air.
She swam up to the surface and let Angel hold onto her side as he hugged her, taking air into his lungs, "Angel... do you think we would have met a more natural way if this war hadn't started?"
"I think it would have happened because I joined the Military. It was just one of those things where I would have to team up with your team"
"But do you think we would come face to face and find ourselves being friends?"
"Why do you ask" He started floating in the water.
She knew deep down that she had love for him... more than the type of love you would have for a friend or family member. She would always tell herself that they couldn't be though... because she also wanted kids... but her days as an experiment never went that far... she couldn't have kids with him. She made a few clicks before going under the water. Angel looked around as she circled under him.
"Lexy... what are you doing?" He asked in a nervous tone as he watched her with every pass she made.
She stopped and nose his feet, making him stiffen up thinking she was about to do something. When she felt his muscles tense she lifted her head out of the water, She showed the most amazing astonishing balance he had ever seen as she danced slowly through the water, balancing him on her nose. She circled her pool for little while until she lowered, putting him back in the water and circling around him again before surfacing and looking into his eyes.
"How was that?" She giggled.
"Where'd you learn to do that?"
"you should already know" She smiled, "I was in Orlando SeaWorld before the Military bought me for experiments"
"Lexi... it's time to be serious" He said as he grabbed her pectoral fins and hugged her, his body flush with hers in the water as he started rubbing her body in circular motions, "Why were you asking me those question?"
"I can't tell you... I'm too embarrassed to tell you" She said, wiggling to try and break free, "Please... just let it be?"
"Fine" He said as he let her go, "But I want an answer when you're ready"
"I promise" She said as she blushed again.
"You should get some rest" He said as he started swimming back to the edge of the pool to climb out, "I have a feeling we're gonna be put through hell tomorrow"
"Okay" She said as she watched him climb out of the water and put his clothes back on, "Good night Angel"
"Sweet dreams Lexy"
He walked out of the room and down the hall. He could hear women behind him whispering. It was funny to him, hearing what they were saying.
"You know... he's actually kinda cute... even with that scar over his eye"
"Yeah... the scars on his chest and back actually add some character to his body"
Angel smiled as he looked over his shoulder, "I'm quite flattered you two... but please... don't whisper if you aren't any good at it"
"Sorry Angel" Alex said with a shy smile, "It's just so awesome to have some 'girl-chat' with my own sister"
"It's okay" He said as he continued walking forward.
"Um... Angel?"
"Hm" He grunted as he stopped and turned towards them.
"How'd you get that scar over your eye?"
"I was shot by my own brother" He said, looking down at the ground, "Let's just say he skinned me"
They got the best look they would ever get of his eyes. They had a light green ring around a dark green that was speckled with tiny black dots. In those black pools that were his pupils... they saw emptiness.... As if he was meant to only kill... like that was all he was born for. It was like death was his very essence... he was born to do things no one else could or can.
"Are we ready for training Rachel?" Angel asked turning into a room.
"Yes. Oh... my... god" She said upon seeing the training room, "I see toys"
"Easy girl" He chuckled, "Alex, set it up and let her loose, don't forget to give her the skill armor"
"Okay" She smiled as she grabbed Rachel's hand, "Come on sis, let's get you set up"
Angel walked into the firing range. It was time to see what the new weapon shipment was. The first was an XX-Canon. He strapped it to his shoulder and looked around the room while the computer positioned the dummy. He switched the canon to fire and looked through the small laser dotted sight. He pulled the trigger and it fired. The rocket split into six different smaller rockets and destroyed the dummy with an implosion although the rapid reaction caused an aftershock of an explosion... echoing the room and deafening him momentarily. He liked it but it wasn't a ver tactical weapon to use in the field.
"Computer... record" He said as he set the XX-Canon on the table as the beep saying that the computer was recording, "It's a very effective weapon though it's not very tactical... it's big and bulky, I wouldn't want my soldiers to carry it around. I suggest a total recall for modification... make it a smaller weapon and a smaller rocket... End Recording"
The next weapon he had to test was the A-38 rifle. Another Dummy was in place and he took off the safety, aimed, and fired, the recoil was minimum as a pulse induced alloy bullet was fired. The dummy was shredded to bits. The last was a classic weapon like he liked. The Desert Eagle... a .50 caliber pistol from way back when his grandpa was his age. He smiled and slapped the clip making sure it was in the slot and not going to fall. The rounds were also pulse induced... which is very common for most firearms of this day and age. He aimed and emptied all five rounds into the target. He looked to the glass to his right.... laughing as he found Alex and Rachel watching him.
"So?' He asked looking at Alex.
"She passed with flying colors" Alex said with a giggle.
"What was that pistol you were firing?"
"That's a Desert Eagle .50 cal pistol" Angel said, "One of the best pistols just over the .357 Magnum Revolvers"
"Cool" Rachel smiled.
"You think that's cool, you should see his Berret M82A1"
"You have a thing for the older weapons"
"Guilty" Angel smiled.
Just then the alarm went off and they were running. Angel went straight to the base control room while everyone gathered in the hangar. A Capthian air base ship was hanging right the base. He looked down at the computer as a microphone was set in front of him.
"Attention enemy aircraft, you are within no trespassing zone" Angel said into the microphone, "If you do not leave immediately, or you will fired on"
"There is no need" The ship commander came on screen as their communication screen appeared. He switched his Microphone for a headset. He was a little shocked as this commander was not the usual Capthian he had seen numerous times. This one was female, "I have come to challenge the warrior known as Angel Sharpe... he is the 'Captain' as you call him, of this base is he not"
"How do you know my name?"
"Let's just say a birdie told us"
Angel pulled of his head set and put his hand to his com link, pressing the button to speak, "Bowie, they're wired, kill 'em"
"On it Angel"
He put the headset back on and looked into the screen, "Alright... what are the terms?"
"No terms, no rules" She hissed at him, "Just a chance to see why you are so feared among my men"
"I guess I can't say no to a chance to kill the pain in my ass" He said with a demonic grin, "I'll join you on ground shortly" You're men must leave the minute I win or lose, I'll be dead, why go after someone who does not turn your scared little lizard into frightened pups"
"Agreed" She said while reaching out off screen, "It will be an honor to battle you Captain"
"You've killed to many of my friends for me to feel the same way"
"It's a shame" The connection was cut.
"Tell Alex to get my knives and get her ass to the Hangar and wait for me" angel said as he walked out and straight to the elevator.
"He went to the hangar and found Alex already there holding his knives and some of his Skill Armor chips holding modifications inside to enhance or change his armor to what's needed as it's needed.
"You aren't really serious about fighting her are you?" She asked as he took his knives and began putting them on.
"They think we can't read their language. I can" Angel smiled, "She was the queen. We take her alive and we get a leash around their necks"
"How do you know she was the queen?"
"Ship basically says it's the queen's private battle ship"
"When did you learn to read Capthian?" She asked as he then took the modification chips and started looking through them.
"Studying the ones we've held captive. I also know how to speak Nelon then both read and write our underwater friends"
"The Crilests" She said watching Angel closely.
He was in his day off clothes still... black jeans, brown old fashioned cowboy boots, and he was fixing to take off his white tank-top before activating his skill armor with the recently added modifications. He had a special pouched belt on as always, carrying many different things you wouldn't expect a soldier from the U.S. to use. He pulled of his uniform cap and took of his tank-top then put it back on as he started walking towards the exit of the hangar. He heard his name called from the entrance.
"Angel" His name was John, he didn't really know the kid personally but he was a good assistant some times, "The ship commander asked me to give these to you"
"Thank you John" Angel said taking to Crystal dueling sword from the man, "I'm fighting with swords against a way more advanced species"
"It seems like she wants to fight on equal terms" Alex said, "Maybe they're not as bad as we think"
"Well... let's go meet the bitch" Angel said, swinging the dueling swords over his shoulder, wrapping the straps around his torso and waist before activating his skill armor.
The visible skin of his body became a slightly darker tan as he walked from the darkness into the light provided by the ship hovering over the surface areas of the base. Alex walked at his side, looking at the weird, pulsing lines that appeared as tattoos just under his skin, light red streaks with a flash of energy every now and then. She stopped when he passed the many soldiers that had gathered around the make shift arena they had created with their own bodies. Each one was lifting their gun into the air and cheering him on. He looked out at the Capthian Queen with a smile as he took his eyes off her to look at the circle made. He put his eyes back to his challenger as he was now wearing a serious mask.
"Captain Angel Sharpe" He said, noticing that he was eye level with her.
"Minami, Queen Minami" She smiled as her forked reptilian tongue slid out of her mouth to lick her lips, "you look like you'll give me quite the challenge"
"I plan to give you more than a challenge... I plan to put you on your knees, yielding to me"
"Good.... Very good" She continued looking him up and down, "You're the only human I will ever say this to... you are attractive... well... for a warrior by better standards then my own warriors"
"Thank you I guess" He pulled both swords from their sheathes and looked at her with hard eyes.
"Again... it's an honor to be battling you"
"Yeah, whatever"
He was a bit stunned as he looked Minami over again. She was attractive, he had to admit that much. Green scales, diamond shaped wings, a long tail with a leaf like ending... same diamond shapes as her wings, "Well, let's get to it"
"Let's" Minami charged with her own swords at him, raising her sword up to cross slash him. He parried then slashed at her but she jumped away and he charged forward, but he used one, swinging down on one side of her, body then decided to thrust one straight for her stomach. They were both blocked, but he was on full auto as he spun and ducked, swinging in wide circles. She jumped back and he kicked off the ground, jumping and spinning at her as he brought his swords to slash. She swung hard and he felt the swords in his hands shatter, her blades cutting into his hands. He threw the handles away as he jumped back, ripping the sheaths off as he cursed.
"I see you know how to use dueling swords" She said with a hiss as she smiled, "In your vulgar human language... are you good or just a natural badass?"
"Neither" He said as he reached behind him, "I'm just a very talented soldier"
He pulled eight modified throwing knives and slip[ed his fingers through 100 pound tested para cord that was attached to the handles. He threw them and started manipulating their flight with the strings. He slashed straight through her defense and had the strings wrapped around her and he smiled seeing her struggle to break them. It was soon free by a simple flick of her wrists, she slashed the strings and felt the loops fall to the ground around her feet. Angel frowned again, reaching behind him as he pulled almost a shuriken made by taking his throwing knives and welding them at the ends of their handles. He spun it in his hand before launching it. It flew fast as lighting, but she managed to spot it and smack it into the air with a sword. Angel growled like a fierce creature as he finally pulled his two 13 in. survival knives. He smiled as she charged forward... he ducked sticking his foot out and tripping her. She hit the ground and he was on top of her, the butt of his handle slamming hard into the back of her head, sending her spiraling into the black pits of unconsciousness. HE then made it look like he was slitting her throat but instead deactivated his skill armor and cut his arm open and lathered a blade with his own blood. He lifted it up and heard the thrusters kick in as the ship started turning away. As the knife lifted showing blood on it, the ship started flying away. He wipped the blood on his pants and sheathed his knives. Once the ship was out of sight he picked Minami up[ and started carrying her away. Once he got in the hangar, Bowie and another soldier took her and carried her away to the prisoner holding block. He smiled and looked at Alex who was talking with her sister.
"I don't want the whole battle thing told to the General until something actually happens" Angel told them with a smile.
He walked to the control room and told the staff the same thing. He felt a small sting on his side and locked down... there was blood coming from his side... she had gotten a slash in when he didn't notice... he didn't know that crystal could cut through skill aror enough to at least wound. He went to his room and cleaned them, stitched them on his own and undressed for bed. It was going to be a long day when morning came.
End Chapter 2