Egg-Brother: Part 1

Story by EjRkar on SoFurry

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This is the story of my fursona.

It was the dawn of a new day, and a light breeze swayed the branches of the

hist trees. The cries of a newly hatched breaks the silence of the marsh.

The mother leaves over the cradle and picks up the child, hushing it in a foreign tongue.

Though the mother smiles she also yet weeps, for she know that her child will soon be offered up. He will be taken and formed into a ruthless killing machine in service to Black Marsh. The mother

weeps, knowing that she will never see her innocent child again...

"Wake up!" the instructor yelled, and Ej's dreams faded with a painful

kick to the stomach. He rolled over clutching his sides not daring to even whimper for fear of another hit. His life had been nothing but hell

since he was brought to this place. This type of life simply forced upon

him. The instructor moved down the line waking more of the initiates

each in turn receiving a kick, and those who complained yet another one.

Once they were all on their feet -fully or barely, depending on the

severity of their beatings- the instructor stood before them with his

customary deadpan visage. "Good. Today's assignment is easy. First one

to find the flag out in the marsh wins. The ones who lose will receive

no meals for the next two days. So get that flag by any means

necessary." This was how the challenges usually had gone for the three

years that Ej had been here. He had gone hungry many nights, though

sometimes with sheer dumb luck, he had managed to win some of the

assignments. Coupled with the fear and the hunger many of the initiates

had died, or had been killed by the others. The instructors however didn't

care at all. Their only goal was to turn out the most fearsome

killing machines that ever walked the marshlands. Ej and the others

filed out for another hard day of kill or be killed. "Xuth!"

Ej gasped as he tripped backwards on a root, narrowly missing an ice

shard to the head. "Aw, tsk tsk. Seems you've lost." another one of the

initiates said as he smirked. "Say good night." The other snarled and

the world went black for Ej. He awoke a few days later in the

infirmary...if it could be called that. It wasn't much of an improvement

from their quarters, except the fact that this place had bed rolls. Ej

lay, enjoying the momentary respite from the cold, hard ground. Hoping

that he would not be noticed by anyone, but then he heard a voice come

from across the room. "Oh, you finally decided to wake up you worthless,

waste of space!?" One of the instructors snarled, moving closer and

gave him a swift kick. "You pathetic worm, you will never graduate! You will die here, and do you know why?! Because you are worthless! Your

own family got rid of you and sent you one cares about whether you live or die

and they never will." The old, scarred argonian said. The words dripping

from his fangs like venom and kicked the defenseless Ej again. The instructor cackled as he left, leaving the poor little lizard weeping

silently to himself. His daily torture, turned to weeks,

turned to years. After enduring so much hardship, the six year old

lizard stood in line with all that was left of his class, only four

remained of ten within their group. There were other groups however who

had their own instructors, and they too were scarcely numbered.

"Alright. Well it's a fucking surprise that any of you made it this far.

Yet you did. So now, your last test will be a fight to the death,

whoever comes out on top will graduate, the others..." Their instructor

trailed off, letting the initiates absorb what he meant. The little argonians

looked at each other, the years spent together meant nothing between

them. In all the time that they had spent in their prison, there was no

time to make bonds, no time to become friends. Everyday, they were either training, eating, or sleeping. If they were caught socializing they were beaten. The last test begun with the ringing of a gong. The four circled each other, hesitant to make the first move. Then by the goading of the instructor, the four bolted into action. The first two were quickly slain, numbers not being on their side and now, with the numbers more evenly matched, the final two stood in the arena, Ej-Rkar and

another named Xander. Ej's blade struck his opponents. "RAAH" He

screamed as he swung his sword wide. Never being much of the swordsman

and exhausted from the previous dueling, Ej missed his target. Taking

advantage of that, his opponent stepped back, dodging the attack and closing the space, hit Ej in the

temple with the pommel of his sword. Ej fell to the ground, he rolled to the side and kicked at Xander's legs. Xander

jumped back out of the way of Ej's kick, then swung his sword in an

overhead arc. Ej rolled again and stood quickly. Xander let out a laugh

as Ej was now cornered against the cliff's edge. "Say goodbye" Xander

snarled as he feigned a sword stroke, and as Ej brought his blade up to

block it, Xander kicked him off the edge.... (Six years prior)

Fires burn and smoke fills the sky above the village. The inhabitants

scatter about like insects as they attempt to flee. Most get cut or shot

down by the invaders, but yet some are taken alive. It was only a week

since her little hatching was taken, but Vistha-Kai still felt the pain

of losing her child. She didn't put up much of a fight and was captured

with relative ease. "And what have we got here?" One of the Dunmer

invaders asked. Vistha-Kai just turned away, not caring if she lived or

died. "Oh, I see. Well, we have ways of loosening your tongue." He smiled a

wolfish grin and beat her before taking advantage of her. Vistha-Kai

closed her eyes as the Dunmer had his way. Broken physically and

mentally she could do nothing to ward him off. Weeks or

perhaps months later -it is hard to tell time when you're locked in the

belly of a ship- The raiding party and their spoils arrived back to

their homeland of Morrowind. The dark elves herded their new slaves out

of the ship none too gently. The cracks of whips and the screams of the

ones receiving the blows could be heard throughout the docks. Of the few

that survived the harsh journey to their new home -perhaps prison would

be a better name for it- was Vistha-Kai. She was treated better than

most of the slaves, since the captors had strict orders not to harm her. She

was something of a favorite to the captain, and many a night

he had had his way with her. Each night she prayed to the gods to end

her life, to end her torment, but no such release was ever given to her.

Feeling forlorn by the divines and still lamenting the loss of her only

child, she could do little but survive. And survive she did for two

long years, slaving away during the day, and abused during the night. But eventually the elves grew tired of her once she became pregnant and had her thrown

in with the rest of the slaves. There she atleast found some respite

from what she had been going through for the last few years. With a

child on the way, she again felt joy, yet also fear. How could she raise

a child in these conditions? Only time would tell.