Memories: Part Four

Story by Oros Triago on SoFurry

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#4 of Memories

Warning: More sexy times ahead. Please note that this scene acts as a 'filler' of sorts for the story and does not have much to do with the actual story line.Or maybe it does...Aw whatever, read it if you wish and decide for yourself. You mainly learn about Cybil and her past.

Alex now fully admits his love for Cybil, but he is still in need of answers. Out of curiosity and suspicion, he decides to seek help form his mother and has began to ask more about the strange human-dragon-draconian girl that he has fallen in love with. Perhaps being with her shall unlock new memories? Only time shall tell...

Please rate, comment, and enjoy the story!

Most of my past is... uncertain, but that no longer matters as I have my friends, my family, and most of all: I have you. No matter what, I will stand by your side, even if the world is against us.

-Alexander Durley

Alex awoke slowly, his mind still trying to make sense of the dream. No, not a dream but a memory. Looking over, he saw Cybil sleeping with her back to him. He reached over and gently caressed her shoulder in a way that would not wake her. After a moment, he threw his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. Here Alex threw some underpants and bottoms on so that he could be at least half decent.

Now partially clothed, Alex made his way downstairs and into the living room where he grabbed a phone from a charger. Looking long and hard at it, Alex took a deep breath and began to enter a phone number. After that, he placed the phone gently against his ear. Ringing could be heard for a few moments until it was stopped when a click was heard.

"Hey mom? We need to talk."

He heard his mother's voice answer back. "Oh? Alright."


"About what?" She asked.

Alex sighed. "It's...It's something that I want to talk about in person Mom."

Silence once more.

"You NEVER ask to talk about something in person Alex." Amanda said quietly. "So it must be very important. Alright fine, however you caught me at a bad timing: me and John are still out of town."

Alex mentally kicked himself for forgetting. "Oh right, you're on your anniversary trip." Alex sat at the couch, running his fingers through his hair as he did so. "When will you be back?"

"We should be home by tomorrow morning." She replied. "if it's really important, you can just talk to me on the phone."

"I'd rather not mom." He said. "Just... come here as soon as you can alright?"

"Sure, I'll see you tomorrow." She said farewell and he hung up after saying his own farewell.

Alex reached over to place the phone on the charger and leaned back in his seat, wondering what to do. He suspected that his mother will know why he didn't remember Cybil, but he doubted it immensely, however he needed to check just in case.


Alex couldn't help but smile. Finally, after a long time of waiting, he had found someone he could comfortable say "I love you" and mean it. But as he sat there and thought about the whole situation, the more he realized he had a ton of problems. Some of which included: What will happen to their future? Will they have a child? Or will the world rip them apart, so that the government could experiment on her?

The last thought caused him to shudder, but he knew what would happen should they be discovered. Alex would protect her with everything he had. He would kill the bastards that would take her away from him and should he fail, he'll take the whole damn world with him just to keep her safe.

After a moment, he stood up and walked into the kitchen where he pulled out eggs, bacon, and hash browns. Soon the sound of bacon cooking and eggs popping could be heard in the kitchen. Another thing that popped into his mind: he no longer cared if he remembered their past, but he wouldn't hesitate to remember.

"Good morning Alex." He as suddenly brought back to his cooking when he looked around to see Cybil walk in. And, like she was when she had first appeared in his mirror, she was naked. Alex smiled at her; he would have to go get some clothes for her as he doubted that there was anything her she could wear in his home.

"Morning Cybil." He replied as he flipped an egg. "Did you sleep well?"

Cybil seemed to give out a content sigh as she sat at the counter all the while her hand was slowly rubbing her lower stomach. "Oh yes indeed." She replied, suddenly licking her lips. "After the way you filled me, I'm pretty sure I'm feeling good."

Alex laughed while his face went suddenly red. "Yes well..." he grabbed a plate and placed some of the food on it. "Breakfast?"

Cybil took the food eagerly and began to gobble the food quickly. Alex chuckled as he sat across from her, his own plate in hand. "Now you've got some questions to answer today."

The draconian lowered her plate and licked her lips eagerly, trying her best to eat every little scrape. "Oh?" She questioned opening her eyes. "No morning kiss?"

Alex smiled at her. "Oh fine you silly Lizard." He leaned forward and Cybil did the same, pressing their lips together, only to grimace from each other's morning breath. The two laughed as they sat back down. "Now then, tell me more about where you come from Cybil."

Cybil had a thoughtful look. "I thought I told you about my world yesterday?" She asked, slightly confused. Alex shook his head.

"No, no. I mean tell me what you do there, what is your home like?" Cybil finally knew what he meant nodding as she reached over to take his egg. Alex allowed her to.

"Welll..." She thoughtfully said as Cybil chewed. "...I was born in a city known as Daek."

Alex had a troubled look. "Day-ik?" He asked slowly, trying to pronounce it right. Cybil giggled.

"No, Day-eek. Anyways , I was from a small family, only child in fact. I was lonely to say the least, until the day I met you." She gave out a happy sigh at that. "To be honest, it was also the day I became a cleric at the local Temple of Bahamut. I was in my room crying, when suddenly, the mirror began to glow."

Ale leaned back a little. "Wait you were crying because you were made a cleric? Why?" He asked.

Cybil gave a sad look. "I showed talent in the profession, so it was decided. However, I did not want this. I wanted to see the world, to see new faces and to make new friends." She gave out another sigh before she looked up at his face once more. "Anyways, the mirror began to glow and you appeared. At first, I was afraid, but you... you showed me kindness, and soon I came over my fear and we spoke. We were around the age of five at the time, so we just talked about simple things, like drawing and such."

"Years went by with us becoming good friends." She continued, leaning back. "Each day that went by brought us closer and closer together. Then, seven years ago, on the day before you disappeared... You-"

"I gave you that ring." He finished for her. "And I said that I wanted to be with you, when we came of age." He looked at her with a grim look. "I know for I think that the memory came back to me, while we slept."

Cybil looked at him in shock, the reached across the counter to pull Alex into a heated kiss. "I...I think that the memories will come back the more I'm with you." she whispered as she went back to her seat. "That is good."

Alex suddenly seemed to remember something as he suddenly opened his mouth. "Can't you help me to remember by using your magic?" He asked, placing is hand on his chin in a thoughtful way. Cybil only shook her head.

"No, we cannot use certain types of magic on the mind of others. It could spell disaster." She replied to him, letting the word 'Disaster' settle in properly. He sighed sadly as he suddenly stood up and took the plates to a dishwasher, placed them in it and flipped the machine on.

"Alright." He grumbled as he walked back. "Then tell me what you know about that mirror." Cybil nodded as he sat down once more.

"It is a doorway between my world and yours. In fact, the mirror in my bedroom back on Arukk is a flipped version of the one in your room." Alex nodded.

"Makes sense." He mused. "Go on."

"The only way it can be opened is when someone with magical properties, such as a mage, cleric or anyone with that kind of skill, touches it's surface." Cybil stared at him for a moment. "Both the first time and the last have been opened by you."

Alex gave her a shocked look. "Are you..." He began slowly. "Are saying that I can use magic?" Cybil only shrugged.

"Only one way to find out." She held her hand out to him. "Give me your hand." For a moment, Alex just stared before finally and reluctantly, he placed his hand in hers. Cybil closed her eyes and seemed to mutter something under her breath and Alex watched in amazement as his arm was suddenly engulfed in a strange glow. After a moment Cybil open her coloured eyes and looked at him, his arm losing its glow.

"If you so wish, you could become a powerful sorcerer." She leaned back and seemed thoughtful while Alex stared at his arm in wonder. "No human had that much magical power since the time Atlas walked Arukk. Incredible." She looked up at Alex's shocked look. "Do you wish to learn magic?"

"I-uh-I..." He stammered, still looking at his arm. He suddenly shook his head. "No, I do not." He finished, lowering his arm with a sigh. "I fear I may not have enough self-control to prevent myself from going power mad."

Cybil watched his face for a moment then smiled. "Very well then." She suddenly stood slowly up and walked towards the door. "I'm going to go swimming for a bit if you don't mind." Alex stood up and went upstairs, looking over his shoulder as he went.

"Then I'll meet you out there, I'm just going to go grab some swim trunks."

Cybil only giggled. "Oh what's the point? " She asked, looking at him from the corner of her eye. "I've already seen you naked before and I do not mind what you see of me." She suddenly adopted a naughty grin. "Especially after what we did the night before, perhaps we'll do it again while we're out there." Then she walked out, swaying her hips as she went and Alex sat there, staring at where her form once was. He ran forward, threw the door open and shoved his head out.

"Tease!" He called as her slender form made its way to the sand. Shaking his head, he made his way back upstairs and into his bedroom where he pulled a pair of plain black swim trunks out. Now in them, he walked out and grabbed two towels, one for him and one for Cybil as he made his way past the bathroom. Outside, the sun beat merciless down on his back as he made his way to the lakeshore. Looking about, he noticed that Cybil wasn't there.

"Must have gone back inside for something." He muttered, tossing the towels off to the side and poked his foot into the water. It was relatively warm for a lake, but wasn't even close to body temperature. With a quick nod, Alex dashed into the lake, water splashing everywhere as he ran deeper into the lake.

After a moment, he dived in when he had reached waist depth, basking in the cool embrace of the water as he swam through it. A moment later, and he resurfaced where he repositioned himself so that he would float on his back and he gave a content sigh. He sat there for moments, enjoying the feel of the sun on his chest and stomach and the cool liquid underneath him when he suddenly felt something grab him by the ankles and pulled him under with a yelp.

He struggled against whatever had him by the feet for a moment when he suddenly felt something pressed against his lips and a tongue entered his mouth. Alex now knew who it was and he allowed the kiss, even playing with her tongue when she suddenly let him go and he swam up to the surface. He broke the water's surface and took a deep breath of air when he looked around for Cybil. She suddenly broke the surface next to him and the two laughed.

"Now what was that for?" Alex chuckled as he swam over to her. She in turn giggled.

"I thought maybe an underwater kiss might excite you." She suddenly dived once more and Alex gasped when he felt her grab his manhood, giving it a squeeze. Then he realized something else: She had removed his trunk during the kiss!

"O-Oh god!" he suddenly gasped when she gave him a kiss, and not in a place where a pair of lips were! "C-Cybil! Not here damn it!" But she did not seem to hear, at least, thats what Alex thought as his member began to swell from the attention. How was she down there for so long?

He gave a groan when she now had a firm hold on his tool and Alex knew that he wouldn't be able to keep swimming if she did this, so he began to swim to the shore. It was hard work, as he had to concentrate on the task of moving his arms. This proved difficult, as Cybil now began to jack him off slowly, causing pleasure to shoot through Alex's veins and into his mind.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. Ignore the fact that a draconian HAS NOW PLACED YOUR PRICK INTO HER MOUTH! He thought when the last bit occurred. Cybil now had Alex in her maw, right up to the hilt and Alex nearly stopped swimming when he was engulfed in warmth. Oh god, that feels so damn good... No! Gotta swim or I'm gonna...

After a moment longer, Alex was at a depth where he could sit and he felt Cybil release him as he slowly stood up and placed himself down in a comfortable position: On his rump, his manhood barely was poking through the surface of the water as Cybil crawled in between his legs. He was now well beyond words as Cybil lowered her head and licked his stiff erection, obviously enjoying herself as much as Alex was.

"<Huff><Huff> You...couldn't...just wait...until... we were on the shore...could you?" He asked the draconian in between gasps as Cybil began to twirl her long tongue around his head. She looked up at him and only smiled as she once again placed him in her mouth. Alex watched as she slowly placed inch by inch into her mouth. God she felt good, the warmth, and the slick feeling of her tongue coiling around him...

Cybil suddenly began to bob up and down, up and down, sucking and breathing along with the motion. She stopped suddenly to suckle on him for a moment before pulling off and wrapped her hands around him. Here she pulled up and down along his shaft, twisting and turning all the while as Alex gave out an involuntary groan.

"Enjoying yourself?" She giggled naughtily as she watched Alex squirm from her ministrations. Alex couldn't speak and only nodded when she suddenly bent down and wrapped her tongue around him. He shuddered as she did so and watched once more as she slid back down and sucked on him.

She went back to her bobbing and Alex placed his hand the back of her scale covered head. The sun shimmered on her and he couldn't help but think of how beautiful she looked, the way the scales reflected the sunlight. To him, he looked almost like a goddess especially with the way her winds fluttered and sparkled. But that was quickly dismissed when he humped forward a little when a sudden strong urge overcame him.

"Damn Cybil....I think I'm getting close..." he whispered gently, rubbing her slowly when he felt a rumble come forth and he looked down to see Cybil with a blank gaze. The rumble came from deep in her throat and he laughed as he felt himself tightened up. "Are you...purri-"

He was suddenly interrupted by his own gasp and he felt himself thrust straight into her mouth and the sound only got louder from her when she shoved as much of him in as she could fit in her mouth. His release seemed bigger than last time, and she nearly choked when the first spurt smashed into the back of her throat. She drank greedily from him anyway, and soon his cum began to dribble from the sides of her mouth and down her chin while Alex watched her as her throated constricted.

After what felt like an eternity, Alex's seemed to have finally calmed down and he watched as Cybil pulled off of him with a wet plop. She quickly wiped the mess off of the corners of her mouth and slowly liked his seed off of her wrists, watching Alex as she did so. Afterwards, she began to gently glide her smooth body up his and allowed as much of her body as she could allow rubbing along his member until she stopped with her gaze meeting his. The two kissed yet again, allowing their tongues to explore each other once more.

Cybil pulled back for a breath and Alex gave a little heh when he realized he was once more hard. "God, are we seriously doing this again?" He asked as Cybil suddenly began to grind her sex against him. He was surprised at how wet she already was, but then again, they were in the water. Cybil looked at him and slowly smiled at him.

"Yes." She simply said before suddenly spearing herself down on him. Both gasped at the sudden penetration and Alex's mind was filled with how her walls squeezed him and tried to suck him further in when he was already in as far as he could be allowed. He heard a gas as Cybil slowly rose off of him until he felt only the very tip in her and slammed back down with a strange noise. "Gods, you feel so good." She panted as she began to bounce on him in a slow rhythm. In order to further stimulate them both, Alex rolled his hips along with her bounces.

He didn't know how to explain the feeling of their love-making this time. Every time Cybil raised herself off of him, he felt his manhood leave the warmth of her body and into the cool liquid of the lakes water, only to be put back in. And strangely, the bounces caused the water to splash around him, somehow giving him a gentle massage all over his body. Mix this with the feeling of sliding into Cybil's folds at a moderate pace, and he found himself in utter bliss.

He soon found that Cybil had become slick with her own fluids and Alex found it easier to thrust into her, causing both to groan softly as they moved as one. Both felt their pace go faster and Alex didn't know what to think anymore. All he knew was that he wanted this and that he needed to make it as pleasurable for her as possible. So he rubbed her shoulder and slowly began to massage her muscles. Soon, he heard that strange rumbling again and he began to make his way down, pausing at her breasts to fondle them for a moment.

He was amazed that, as a reptilian, she still had such things. Hell they were a decent size too as his hands couldn't grasp more than half of her breast. He grasped her nipple suddenly and gave it a gentle squeeze, causing Cybil to moan and squirm, which in turn caused her lower muscles to tighten around him. With a gasp, he gave a small twist before going back to his rub down, making his way slowly down her belly, admiring at how smooth and skin-like she felt.

A moment later and he found where her sex was, spreading in his grasp as Cybil bounced onto him again and again. Here he rubbed either side of her lips, his mind filled with the thought that his dick was the thing spreading her wide. After a moment, he suddenly brought his hand upwards and found where her clit was and began to rub it with his finger in slow circles. Cybil gasped from the sensations and her humping increased, showing that she was coming close to her climax.

Alex too, felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge as she kept squeezing her lower muscles, his manhood being wrapped tighter by her vent. He saw that Cybil was now panting hard and Alex did not relent on his rubs. In fact, he increased the pressure and speed, causing her to squirm from his own ministrations.

"Alex...I'm gonna..." she didn't finish as she suddenly felt the firt wave of the orgasm hit her and Alex groaned when he felt her sex begin to suckle on him, tightening around him so that his seed would not escape its hungry maw. This pushed him over the edge and He felt himself thrust straight and true, trying to keep himself in as far as he could go, sending his seed deep into her womb. Cybil groaned from the feeling of his thick spunk coating her wall and after a long minute, both calmed down and Cybil fell off of Alex with a wet squelching noise, both of their fluids dripping out of her sex and into the lakes crystal clear water.

Both felt content as Alex wrapped his arm around Cybil's shoulder, rubbing just above where her wings started. While he felt spent and tired, Cybil only felt full as well as tired and she snuggled herself against him, feeling him gently place his chin against the top of her head.

"I love you Alex." She said, smiling warmly as she felt him kiss her head. He gave her a gentle squeeze.

"I know Cybil." He gentle said to her. "I know and I love you too."

The two lovers sat there in the cool water, basking in both the afterglow and each other's embrace. The feeling soon ended when Alex began to sit up, looking around for his swim trunks. Cybil sat up with him as well, only to stand up slowly. Now on her feet, she stretched her body and fluttered her wings gently before walking towards the towels nearby. Alex, meanwhile, saw his trunks in the middle of the lake and began to swim after it. Once in his hands, he quickly dove under and quickly placed them on. Resurfacing, Alex turned about and swam back to shore where he made his way to Cybil, who held out the towel to him.

Both sat there watching the sun reflect off of the lake, both pressed next to each other with the towels wrapped around their shoulders. "So..." Alex began, breaking the silence. "What did we do while you were here all those years ago?"

Cybil suddenly leaned her head against his shoulder before replying. "The same as all kids our age. "She said, watching the waves roll in gently. " We would sit here and splash each other, run along the shore, make sand castles and such."

She gave out a content sigh. "It was some of the best moments of my life. " She giggled suddenly, kissing him on the cheek. In return, Alex wrapped his arm around her once more and gave her a gentle squeeze. "Safe for just a few minutes ago and last night."

Alex blushed and looked away. "Same for me, but I just wish I could remember you. I mean..." he scratched the back of his head suddenly. "...It's so damn obvious that I love you, but I want to know is why. I barely know you."

Cybil was silent, but suddenly hugged the man gently. "They will come back Alex, I know they will." She whispered gently into her ear and stood up. She gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze and began to walk back to the house where Alex heard her open the door and closed it behind her. he sat there, watching the waves for a moment before, he too, got up and walked back into the house. He was curious now, about what the next few days will bring him, but until then, he would give Cybil his undivided attention.

Inside, He found Cybil in the kitchen holding up his bottle of vodka. He laughed as she suddenly popped the cap and took a swig, immediately getting a sour face and spat the alcohol into the sink. "Ugh, It's warm!' She complained as she stared at the strange liquid. "What is it anyways?"

Alex took the bottle out of her hand and opened the fridge, where he pulled out a bottle of soda. "It's called Vodka, and it's an alcoholic beverage." He laughed once more when Cybil had a look of pure naughtiness.

"Ohhh, I'm not suppose to be drinking alcohol since I'm a cleric." She exclaimed.

Alex pulled out two cups and poured some pop into one as well as a little bit of the alcohol. Once mixed he passed one to Cybil. "Do you wish to try, I mean, it'll be breaking the rules and all since your like a priest and everything." The draconian eyed the drink before taking it and downed it quickly. Afterwards she slammed the cup on the counter with a grin.

"Something I never mentioned before...." The girl began when she suddenly belched, causig Alex to leap back when flames erupted from her maw. "Alcohol has some interesting affects on us draconians."

Alex stared at her for a long moment, his eyes wide and his arms flailed over his had as he had flowed himself backward into a seat. "Did you...just burp out fire?" he asked, slowly regaining his composure, only to jump back yet again when Cybil covered her mouth and burped, a much smaller gout of flames come bursting out from the bottom of her fist.

"I'll take that as a yes then..." He whispered as Cybil giggled. After a moment, he too laughed at the obscene idea of her burping out flames simply from drinking alcohol. Picking up the cups as well as the soda and pop, the two made their way into the living room. Here Alex poured more drinks and turned the TV on. Here the two gently sipped at the drinks until Alex stood up and went back into the kitchen to make lunch. Looking over at the clock, Alex was surprised to see that it was already almost dinner!

With a shrug, Alex pulled out some bread and cheese as well as butter. Turning the stove on to a medium heat level as he spread butter on some bread slices, Alex placed a pan on the stove and placed the bread on the stove first. He then quickly cut some cheese slices up and placed them on the bread. He once more grabbed more bread, spread butter on them, then placed them butter up on the already cooking bread.

He allowed the cheese to partially melt, then flipped the bread over to reveal a golden cooked bread slice. Waiting for several more minutes, Alex grabbed some plates and divided up the sandwiches and walked back into the living room. He placed one plate in front of Cybil and sat with the other in hand. Cybil stared for a moment at the sandwiches, then took one reluctantly and leaned against Alex.

The two ate in silence, merely enjoying being in each other's company. After a while, Alex looked over to see that Cybil had fallen asleep. Gently picking her up, Alex walked her up the stairs and into his bedroom, where he gently laid her down on the bed. He watched her sleeping form for a moment, then removed his shirt and pants and threw some pajama pants before sliding under the blankets next to Cybil's form. Almost immediately, the draconian instinctively wrapped her tail around his leg, causing Alex to gently chuckle as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.