A Place to Belong - Side Chapter (Airy 02)

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#28 of Malakye's Story - Part 1 (A Place to Belong)

This is a side chapter of my story 'A Place to Belong' featuring Aburri's (https://aburri.sofurry.com/) character Airy. He won a competition I did a whie back where he had to guess the identity of a character in a pic I had just gotten commissioned and chose the prize of having his character entered into the story, and he was briefly mentioned in chapter 24. This side story takes place between chapters 25 and 26.

There may be some words marked with a (*), these mean that the word appears in the Encyclopedia and you can get a detailed description about it. There is quite a bit in the Encyclopedia and you can find it in the chapter links to the left of the page!

After Penn and Jeff had finally awoken the trio got up and exchanged good byes, Airy had slipped them both a couple of gold coins for their time. Penn had given him a kiss in return and said to look him up next time he was looking for some 'company', Jeff winked and made some comment about getting home to the wife. Airy found that comment a little upsetting, he hadn't set out to interfere with some ones marriage, Jeff seemed to imply that it was an understanding between him and his wife, he can sleep with males all he wants so long as she is the only female. This attitude seemed strange to Airy but if it worked for them then who was he to suggest otherwise.

Once he had gotten cleaned up with another bath, it had taken a while as there was a considerable amount of dried cum on his fur, he had a late breakfast and went for a walk round town. The weather was gorgeous, the same weather he had been forced to travel in for the last. He decided to buy some fresh clothes, all the ones he had with him were travel clothes, all of which were still a little worse for wear as he hadn't gotten a chance to get them washed, but he could do with some new clothes anyway. He browsed the various stalls and bought a few loin clothes, he hated being too warm so rarely wore shirts or pants. Happy with his purchases he headed back to his room to change. Once he had changed, a yellow loin cloth which contrasted nicely with his silvery white fur, he stored his other clothes in his pack and gazed out the window. He had a great view of the garden out the back and could just make out three furs at the far end, two of them, what appeared to be a dragon and a white tiger sparring. The third fur seemed to be just watching, he couldn't be sure because he couldn't seem him very clearly, the black markings on the tips of his ears suggested it was a fox.

Deciding to spend some time in nature Airy headed down to the garden, the garden was more than big enough that he could find a secluded spot and not bother, or be bothered by the three furs that were already out there. He walked through the nearly untamed wilderness that the Inn was named after, the various sweet scents of the plants and flowers and the chirps and buzzing of various wildlife and insects instantly began to relax him. There was something about being surrounded by nature that made him feel at peace. It was largely to do with his shaman training, a shaman attains his power from nature itself, sometimes communing with lesser deities to gain substantial power. Airy had preformed such acts many times during training and was considered to be quite gifted, when it came to air and water techniques, his ability in regards to water made him quite a talented healer, he would only be out done by someone who had affinity for both earth and water techniques, furs with those affinities could literally bring someone back from the brink of death.

After a little searching Airy found a nice shaded, secluded spot, far enough away from anyone that he wouldn't be able to hear anyone just having a regular conversation. He sat cross legged and sighed contentedly, he hadn't been able to spend time like this for a few weeks now because of all his travelling, but now he could reconnect with nature. Airy began to meditate, if anyone had stumbled across him they might assume him sleeping in a strange position but Airy, despite his young age was an experienced shaman, he had begun his training at a young age and that training gave him a very different view on how the world works and how to perceive things. This of course was one of the things that caused Airy's biggest intolerance, how some furs couldn't see the plainly obvious when he could. Airy tried to be understanding but sometimes he could see things so easily when others were completely clueless about them.


Airy meditated for hours, the sun was beginning to set and Airy had barely moved a muscle all day. He had spent the entire day connecting with nature and was slowly roused from his trance as his body began to hunger. He opened his eyes, quickly adapting to the dim light of the setting sun and making his way into the inn. He felt spiritually refreshed and cleansed, there was nothing quite like a day of communing with nature in Airy's opinion to get ones self into a good state of mind. He found that the place was already starting to get quite busy, the sound of groups of furs having conversations were evident but not yet over bearing, if it was anything like last night in a couple of hours you would have to practically shout in order to be heard in this place.

Airy slipped upstairs remembering that he had left his money up in his pack when he had gotten changed earlier. He opened his pack and quickly found his pouch of money, lifting out his sickle blades to get to it. Just as he was going to put the blades back into his pack he decided to run through a few moves with them, just like his meditation he hadn't been practising with them because of all the travelling he had been doing recently, he hadn't needed to use them since he had surprisingly not run into any thieves or bandits.

Taking a sickle in each hand he carefully weighed them in his hands, feeling the familiar weight of the curved blades which reminded him a crescent moon, both of which were connected by a chain at the base of their polished wooden handles. Airy closed his eyes and began running through the motions, the blades slicing through the air with fluidity, his movements could be mistaken for a dance if it wasn't for the weapons he was wielding in his paws. After many comments about how dance like his combat style appears his technique had once been named as dance of the crescent moons, a name which air found quite apt and kept it. Hearing a commotion down stairs he stopped mid flow and quickly moved to investigate, this didn't sound just like some drunken brawl. When he reached the first floor landing he saw that everyone was in a panic, some furs were huddled in fear while others were charging out the door.

"Barricade the windows! Block the doors!" Came a shout from some elderly looking falcon wearing a green cloak downstairs. Airy had no idea who he was but he seemed to be bringing some order to the chaos that was ensuing. Two large white stallions were quickly following his orders while a young fox and large white tiger, possibly the one he had seen sparring out of his bedroom window that morning, stood next to the falcon like a body guard. He had drawn one of is large curved swords from his back in readiness. Airy spotted Jeff and ran down the stairs to meet him, he was helping several other furs to move tables to barricade the windows.



"What the hell is going on!?"

"The wolves are attacking!Their killing any fur they come across, male, female, adult or cub!" A surge of anger built up in Airy's chest. "We're setting up defences here while others try and gather everyone here."

"What about the town guard?" Airy asked, there had to be some form of defence in this town.

"We only have about a dozen or so trained fighters, they are mostly to keep the peace and drive off thieves! They can't handle a full scale attack like this."

"I'm going to go and help, take care of yourself!"

"You too!" Jeff said back as Airy ran outside as quickly as he could.

Furs were running in every direction, mothers looking for their cubs, others trying to get to a safe place, others running for the stables in an attempt to flee town. Airy ran toward where the fighting was happening, buildings blazed in flames while bodies littered the streets. Airy couldn't stop to heal them now, he would be vulnerable when trying to heal them. Airy rounded a corner and came face to face with three wolves. The suddenness of the encounter had caught all of the wolves off guard, one of them attempted to catch him with their spear but Airy gracefully side stepped knocking the spear away with one of his sickles, quickly bringing his other one about on the closest wolf who was raising a club, the razor sharp curved blade of Airy's weapon sliced cleanly through the wrist of the wolf holding the club, the wolf howled in pain and fell back clutching his bloody stump. Before the other two wolves could do anything Airy slid between them, using the chain which connected his weapons together to wrap round the wrist of one of the wolves, and yanked him off balance, a well places foot behind the wolves leg caused him to stumble backwards and land on his back on the ground. The other wolf, who was holding the spear went on the attack, his attacks were fast but predictable and Airy easily dodged all of them, stepping in close when the opportunity arose and brought one of his blades across the wolfs throat. An expression of surprise appeared on the wolfs face before he collapsed to the ground dead, his life blood pouring freely from him throat. The wolf that had been knocked to the ground had now gotten back onto his foot paws and seeing state of his comrades turned tail to run, but Airy wasn't going to let him away so easily, he had willingly attacked this defenceless village and began slaughtering everyone, he didn't deserve the chance to run away like a coward!

Drawing on his shaman powers, Airy charged his sickle blades with the element of air, crossing his arms and letting out a roar of anger, uncrossing his arms he forced the air forwards the wave of air struck the fleeing wolf in the back, the fur on his back shredding as the air itself formed into several razor sharp blades which buried themselves into the wolves flesh. The wolf collapsed to the ground, he was still alive but now he had earned the right to flee the battle field, bloodied and scarred as he was now. The other wolf which had lost his paw lay on the ground clutching at his stump of a wrist, he was no longer a threat to anyone in this village and would likely die from blood loss.


The fight had been short but bloody, an hour later and the wolves had retreated but at a steep cost. For every wolf that they had killed two or three villagers had died, Airy had killed over a dozen wolves and his fur was now splashed with crimson red hue of their life blood. Even in the light of victory no one could celebrate, everyone had lost someone dear to them, homes and business had been burned to the ground, yet there was no time for rest or mourning. The injured need attention lest their deaths be added to the villages grief. Airy quickly set about healing the most injured, prioritising the cubs which were brought to him. There were several healers in the village but Airy was the only shaman, once word got out about his skills everyone with an injured love one came running to him for help. He couldn't help them all, he could only focus on healing one at a time and the technique was tiring. He healed for hours and before he knew it the sun was rising in the horizon, dispelling the shadows and revealing the true devastation that last nights attack had been wrought on the village.

Airy was exhausted, he had lost count of the number of furs he had healed but what saddened him the most was for the every fur he had managed to save, at least one fur had died before he could get to them. Everyone praised him for what he had done, but Airy's heart felt heavy, this had been a peaceful village, a place where furs had lived practically care free lives had been dealt a blow from which they would likely never fully recover. He needed to rest, his energy spent from healing so many.

"Henry!" Came the distressed voice of a female rabbit as she ran to the body of a wounded male rabbit who was just being carried in by two furs.

"We found him to the east of town." Explained the fox who had helped carry him.

"Do you know where Susan and Katlynn are?" The female rabbit asked the injured male. "They took them." He wheezed. "I-I tried to stop them..." Airy moved closer. "The wolves found us... as the fled... they took Susan... and Katlynn... Asurmen* preserve them."

"Oh god no!" The female began to sob, all the furs around lowered their heads in sadness.

"Who are Susan and Katlynn?" Airy quietly asked the fox which had carried the male rabbit in.

"They are Henry's wife and daughter, Melissa is Henry's sister in law." The fox explained

"Go after them." Airy ordered. "They aren't dead, go save them!" Everyone looked at him like had just sprouted another head.

"We can't!" Came a voice, Airy couldn't tell who had spoken but the comment riled him.

"Why not!? Haven't enough died already!? Will you just leave them to die!?"

"We can't fight an entire pack of wolves!" The fox argued. "They slaughtered all of our trained fighters, we are only merchants, we would need to send everyone still in the village after them just to have a chance of saving them. The best we can do is pray for them and hope when aid arrives from Bac'tou* we can try and go after them then."

"When will aide arrive?"

"At the earliest... two days."

"They will be dead by then." Henry sobbed.

As much as it hurt Airy to admit but the fox was right, to send these furs after trained warriors would be like sending lambs to the slaughter, it's probably what the wolves were hoping for as well. Try as he might, he couldn't just resign the wife and daughter of the wounded rabbit to death.

"I'll go after them!"

"But it's suicide!" The fox spluttered.

"But I'm going to try!" Airy snapped walking east after the wolves.


Airy had quickly found the trail the wolves had left out of the village, from what he could tell there were at least a dozen of them, maybe as many as eighteen. Airy moved as quickly as he could, he had run all day and it was nearly sun down. He was tired, hungry and thirsty, he hadn't felt so bad since his endurance training when he was learning to be a shaman. A shaman must be strong in both body and mind in order to harness the power of nature. Airy stopped to catch his breath, the area he was travelling through was littered with hills, looking across it was almost like looking at the waves in the ocean, only these waves were made of earth and stone. He could have been a mile or ten miles away from them but with all the hills it was impossible to tell. The tracks were getting fresher though so he knew he was catching up, they would have to stop and camp for the night and that when he would catch up to them, but if he lost their tracks in the dark he might lose them all together, he needed to find them before the sun went down.

Just as the sun threatened to slip entirely behind the horizon, leaving a burning trail of pink and orange in the sky, Airy stumbled upon the wolves camp. He quickly ducked back out of sight behind the hill, now carefully sneaking forward to scout the camp and devise a strategy. They had camped next to a small gathering of trees, there were no tents to be seen but several fires had been lit across the area. There must have been at least twenty wolves, possibly more past the tree line gathering supplies or patrolling the area. There were six wolves obviously on guard, Airy was going to have to do this stealthily, he was in no fit condition to take on a pack of wolves in his current condition. He could probably take on a single wolf in single combat but the slightest amount of commotion and the rest of the pack would be on him in seconds, he had not had time to regain his energy after healing so many of the injured last night to use is shaman techniques to help even the odds, but perhaps he had enough for one to give him the opening he needed...


Having waited for darkness to blanket the area Airy was now making his move, he had sneaked round the back of the hills to the forest that the wolves had camped next to, it was his best way to approach undetected. He needed to locate the hostages, from what he was told there was two of them but there may be more so he would need to make sure and scout the area before making any hasty moves, he wasn't going to abandon anyone here if he could help it. He could see the orange glow of the camp fires just ahead, he slunk forward, being careful of his footing in the dark to make sure he didn't alert anyone to his presence. He got as close as he could, he could make out two wolves sitting round a camp fire drinking, they were obviously settling down for the night, Airy was close enough to hear them speaking.

"We sure showed those fuckers didn't we!?" One wolf boasted. "A proper culling! Serves those dirty fucks right, the world doesn't need them spreading their... their disease!"

'Disease?' Airy wondered, 'they must be talking about Rengilar but what did they mean by disease?'

"Yeah, but we lost too many of our own, Ralph was telling me that my cousin lost his hand in the fighting and died from losing too much blood." The other wolf replied. "They found his body next to Gabriel and Damien's. It was their first real fight, I knew I should have gone with him..."

"I'm sorry to hear about your cousin, but he died doing the right thing!"

"I'll be sure to tell my uncle and auntie that when I tell them." The wolf said sombrely, taking a large swig from the flask he was holding. There was a long silence and just as Airy was going to move another wolf appeared.

"Hey there guys, why you looking so down?" The new arrival asked, he was adjusting his loincloth.

"We just found out that Jacobs cousin died during the attack."

"Damn... sorry." The new wolf said sympathetically. "You know what would make you feel better? Go fuck one of the hostages!"

"What the rabbits?"

"Yeah, just fucked the little one myself, she squealed so loud!" He snickered. Airy could feel his rage build, he had just fucked the poor kit? He needed to hurry, if they had started raping the prisoners then he had no time to waste!

Airy darted along the tree line as quickly as he could desperately trying to locate the hostages, finally he spotted them. The wolves had tied them to a couple of trees a fair distance away from the camp, there were two wolves, one of them raping the young kit, the other was raping her mother. He needed to act now before any more wolves arrived, if he could take the two out silently then he could grab the rabbits and start making his way back to Rengilar, with any luck he would be able to get enough of a head start to out run the wolves back to Rengilar; unlikely, he was exhausted and he doubted that either of the rabbits were in much better condition.

Airy took hold of his sickles and charged what little spiritual energy he had left, the two wolves were only a few feet apart but he would need to take them both out before either of them could yell out and alert any nearby wolves. Leaving the tree line Airy cautiously approached the two wolves from behind, he needed to get closer before letting them know he was here, he watched the flexing buttocks of the two rapist wolves as they abused the two females, both of them limp, their bodies only movement was from the thrusts of the wolves, the scent was heavy with the scent of sex; he could clearly make out the scent of at least half a dozen different wolves other than the two raping them now. Airy felt his anger flare again and couldn't hold himself back any longer. He launched himself at the wolf raping the mother, severing his head clean off his shoulders with both his sickles, a large stream of blood almost exploding from the severed neck coating everyone in blood. The other wolfs maw went wide at the sight of his pack mates headless body, the moment of shock was all Airy had needed, before he could call out in surprise Airy had wrapped the chain of weapon tightly round the wolves throat and dragged him to the ground. The wolf kicked and thrashed but Airy wrapped his legs round the wolves body and pulled tighter on the chain, the wolf could only make garbled noises, as he desperately tried to free himself.

"Raping helpless cubs? You are worse than any demon*!" Airy whispered spitefully into the wolves ear. "I'm going to make sure this hurts!" Whether the wolf had been able to hear him or not Airy didn't care, he pulled tighter on the chain and watched with some satisfaction as the flesh of the wolves neck bulged as it dug into his neck. Less than a minute later the wolf had stopped moving all together. Kicking the limp corpse of the wolf off him Airy unwrapped the chain from round his neck and quickly set about freeing the hostages. He freed the young kit first, she was alive but completely unresponsive, her ravaged sex leaked cum which was tinted pink with blood, it was obvious that at least one of them had used her tail hole as well. He cut the mothers bonds, the mother quickly crawling to see her child and let out a sob as she cradled the kit comfortingly. Airy found a couple of blankets on the ground nearby and gave it to the two females. He took the kit in his arms and carried her as he lead the mother into the tree line, they needed to put distance between themselves and this place before the bodies were discovered.


Airy and the rabbits moved as quickly as the could, he had to stop to let the mother catch her breath a few times but they didn't stop for more than a few minutes at a time. A few hours later Airy couldn't tell if anyone was following them, had they actually escaped? He couldn't risk stopping now, the young kit in his arms was still breathing but was completely unresponsive. She had obviously been traumatised by the whole experience, she would probably never be the same. Why was the world so cruel? Airy had been pulled from his thoughts when he heard the mother behind him collapse to the ground. He quickly moved to aid her, he didn't need to ask if she was okay, it was evident just by looking at her. They needed to stop and rest, as much as he didn't want to the truth was obvious. Even if they kept running, in their current state there was no chance that they could escape a tracking party or fight them off. The best thing they could do was rest for a couple of hours and hope to whatever deity that would listen, that the wolves didn't find them.

The mother fell asleep sobbing, clutching her kit, Airy couldn't help but feel angry about the whole situation. He had seen fighting between tribes before, but never anything like this. Rengilar was a peaceful town that lived miles from any wolven settlement, but they had been attacked and slaughtered like vermin. Airy could barely keep his eyes open, he had been awake for nearly two days now and was exhausted, it wouldn't hurt if he just rested his eyes for a few minutes...


Airy awoke as the suns rays hit him, he blinked wearily before jolting upright. He had fallen asleep! Looking round he saw the mother and her kit were still sleeping in the same spot. Breathing a sigh of relief Airy decided to scout the area. There was still no sign of the wolves but they could be behind any of the hills that littered this area, he hadn't been able to see their camp before had practically tripped over it. He took the time to relieve himself before going to wake the rabbits.

They pressed on, they had no food or water, in Airy's anger he had left the village without any supplies, a stupid move on his part but his anger had gotten the better of him and time had been of the essence. He let out a sigh of relief when Rengilar came into view, the mother had begun to cry in a combination of relief and happiness.

Airy could only imagine what he looked like when they stumbled into town, his white fur was stained red with blood and he was covered in dirt. He heard some one shout and every fur in earshot came running in their direction. Everyone patted him on the shoulder and praised him for his actions, some even called him a hero but he wasn't a hero, he had just done what he had thought was the right thing to do. That's not what a hero is, is it?