Kiyumi and ''The Path of the Heart''

Story by XinacS on SoFurry

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#2 of Kiyumi

Just in case you find this presentation ugly: There is a more up to date and nicer PDF here: And a slightly nicer HTML here: (those links contain no scripts, other links or advertisements) [](%5C) > The good, the bad and the female < One day had passed since Kiyumi had returned with a fluid that Bjunai hoped to be the blood of Someron, but unfortunately it wasn't. In the moonlight which was casting a cold light onto the castle, the dark prince - completely covered in a dark blue robe - stood at the entrance of the castle courtyard and watched as the two guards opened the large iron gate for the figure on the black horse who was riding towards them. The rider was a cat girl wearing leather clothes that were as black as her fur. She was armed with daggers and other blades, which were sticking in several sheaths on her side and back. She wore some steel bracelets around her wrists that she could use to block sword attacks. She was an assassin and her name was Shayla. She was working for Bjunai for three years now and not a single one of the customers she had visited in those years was still able to talk about the meeting. This time though she didn't kill the target and after she reached the inside of the courtyard and stopped the horse next to Bjunai, he could clearly see the package, that was bound to the saddle right behind her. A package that contained an unconscious person. While the guards were closing the gate behind her, Shayla jumped down from the horse and knelt down in front of her king. "I return with the one you have asked for, your majesty." Bjunai nodded satisfied and gestured her to follow him. Leading the horse beside her, Shayla followed the bigger cat man towards a building in the back of the yard which was the prison. Invisible for them, behind a window in the upper parts of the castle, someone was watching them. And though the person on the horse was covered almost completely with a cloth, the identity was clear to that someone as he recognized the feet - the only part that wasn't covered - as the feet of the one he had seen just one day before. The king and his loyal assassin reached the entrance of the prison and Bjunai ordered one of the two human guards that were protecting the building to get the package from the horse and bring it inside. The prison building was actually very small as most of the indoor area was underground. After the massive wooden door was opened, you could see a broad stairway going down to a hallway with a big table in the middle of it. The guard carrying the unconscious man, Shayla and Bjunai descended into the dungeon. Although they were about five meters underground now, the moonlight still lit the room through the windows which were basically tunnels going up to the surface with grates at both ends. Most of the cells had those kind of windows, too. Sometimes the inmates were even fed through those tunnels and in case of rain there were covers to shut the tunnels. Of course there were torches on the walls to increase the illumination especially in case of nights without a full moon. The jail keeper was sitting at the big table and stood up to kneel down beside of it as he saw the king enter the room. He was a big fat dog with wolflike ears and a disgusting gray fur that was matted with dirt or blood at several places. He wore some leather pants and a leather jacket, which he obviously could not close anymore because of the enormous dimension of his belly. On one side of his belt there was a ring with keys and on the other one there was a whip. Although he looked fat, he was strong at the same time. "Bring this one in a cell and put him in chains, dog! And make sure he is not visibly injured when I come back.", the big panther commanded. Without answering, the dog got up and took the man from the hands of the guard. He removed the covers and grabbed the hand of the dog warrior who has been inside of it. He dragged the limp body across the floor towards the hallway to the cells, not caring about it bumping into chairs or the corner of the wall in the process. The guard bowed and left them to return to his post at the entrance. "He is not the tender type of guy either is he?", Shayla remarked watching the jail keeper. "But he is the right one for this job. Never felt any sympathy for anyone." "I understand." "Unfortunately Kiyumi didn't bring me what I needed, but now that you brought me Someron, I will still be able to succeed with my plans.", the king said. "Sometimes I think he has the brains of an house cat.", the assassin giggled. Bjunai slapped her hard in the face and though he only hit her with the back of his right paw the blow caught Shayla off guard and she was swept from her feet and thrown to the floor. At first she stared angrily up at him but very quickly got back to her senses and lowered her glance to the floor. "Don't you ever dare to insult my son again!", the dark prince shouted. "I am very sorry, your majesty!", Shayla said in a submissive tone, "It will never happen again." Bjunai looked down at her for a while, waiting for his anger to subside. After about twenty seconds of silence, in which Shayla stayed motionless, he seemed to have calmed down enough and ordered her to get up again. "I think you should stick around until this is over. This prisoner is important and you are a better fighter than my guards." "Thank you, Sir! I will stay close to the prison and will protect it." With that said, both of them left the jail house and while Bjunai returned to his laboratory, Shayla brought her horse to the stables. > Leaving Home < Kiyumi left the window and moved back into his room to sit down on the bed. So, Someron was finally here. Bjunai had really scolded him a lot for failing at his first mission. He called him useless and even accused him of doing it on purpose. Kiyumi had felt bad of course, hearing those words from his father. But still... some part deep inside of him told him he did just fine. And having seen Someron arrive and being brought to the jail should probably have made him feel relieved, because his father was able to save the situation. But it didn't. All those feelings he had for his father were beginning to fade away. Bjunai had raised him, he had fed him, had given him clothes and toys and he had taught him to fight. He should be thankful for all that, but he had never received any love from him. They were so different not only in appearance. He had recently begun to feel like a stranger in his own home, there was no one he really felt close to. During the last day he thought about Someron a lot. This dog warrior seemed to be a brave, friendly and honest guy. It had felt wonderful being with him, but he was just beginning to realize that now. He had been too busy following Bjunai's orders back then. Now it was literally tearing him apart. While his mind was telling him to stay where he belonged and where he was well supplied, his heart was telling him to leave it all behind and stop denying his feelings. Sitting there in the darkness of his room it soon became clear to him that his mind could never hurt as much as his heart did. Even though he was afraid of what lay before him, it was time to leave the path he was walking on. So he finally stood up, grabbed his weapon belt and his travel bag and left the room, that he had called his for so many years, behind without looking back. He didn't care about what the guards, that he passed on his way to the prison house, were thinking. He didn't take much notice of them anyway. When he entered the big hallway at the foot of the stairs the jail keeper greeted him with a bow and looked at him expectantly. "I am here to see the new prisoner.", Kiyumi said. "I am very sorry, my prince.", the fat dog answered, "I am not allowed to let anyone to him. Order from the king." "Is that so?", Kiyumi slowly walked closer. "I am afraid it is. The king would be extremely angry if he would ever find me disobeying any of his orders." "But I can do things to you that my father would never do.", Kiyumi said almost whispering and even in the dim light of the moon, only supported by one lit torch in the room, the jail keeper could see the crystal blue eyes of the cat boy piercing into his. He wasn't even gay but still he felt his resistance melting away and being replaced by arousal. "Let's get into the torture chamber, where we can be alone and no one can see us.", Kiyumi suggested and the dog mindlessly followed him. They went along the hallway with the cells towards the other end where the most favorite hobby of the dog took place. On the way Kiyumi could see that all cells except one were empty. Someron was chained to a wall and was not unconscious anymore, but he was blindfolded and could move his head only roughly into the direction of the silent footsteps, obviously wondering if he was hearing someone coming his way. They reached their destination and the jail keeper lit a torch to illuminate this room as there was no window here. Kiyumi took a look around, because this was actually the first time he was in this part of the dungeon. The room contained two tables with a large quantity of tools which had all a single purpose: to produce pain and fear. There were chains on the wall and a rack to attach the victims to. Again looking deeply into the eyes of the filthy dog, Kiyumi pushed him slowly towards the back wall where the chains were hanging. When he bumped into the wall the dog looked around irritated. "Let's play some fun game...", Kiyumi told him to calm him down and the dog was ready to completely give in to the cute cat boy in front of him. The prince started with the left arm and lifted it up until he could close the handcuff around the wrist with his other hand. Then he did the same with the other arm and went to the table to get the gag. The jail keeper didn't even flinch when Kiyumi slid the ball gag into his muzzle and bound the string together behind his head. The dog was now tied up and not able to say anything. Kiyumi took the keys from the belt of the jail keeper and turned to leave. The tied up dog could do nothing but moan around his gag. "Sorry, but you are not my type.", said Kiyumi grinning and left the room. Kiyumi unlocked the door to Someron's cell and entered the dirty, small room. The dog warrior heard the lock open and turned his head to look at his direction with a mix of fear and anger. Seeing Someron like this was breaking Kiyumi's heart and it seemed to be his fault after all. The cat boy sighed silently. It was hard to imagine how his friend would react upon seeing him here and finding out that he was the enemy and had tried to use him for the evil plans of his father. Slowly he walked closer to Someron wondering what he should say. "Who's there?", Someron's voice sounded weak and the silence only seemed to increase his nervousness. Kiyumi had come very close to the dog now and could feel his warm breath on his fur. He examined him and was glad to see that he didn't seem to be injured. Still he looked torn and dirty as if someone had dragged him across the floor to this place. The cat boy moved his paw along the arms of the dog, removing the dust from the fur. Confused about the tender touch and not able to see anything, the canine inmate used his most reliable sense and breathed in deeply, smelling everything around him. "Kiyumi?", he finally said completely bewildered. "I am so sorry.", the cat boy answered, "I didn't want this to happen. I've just been so naive..." "I don't understand. What are you talking about? Are you here to rescue me? And where did you go all in a sudden yesterday?" Kiyumi reached up and removed the blindfold from the head of the dog and although it wasn't very bright in here, the dog's eyes were hurting after having been in complete darkness for such a long time. When he was finally able to see anything, he was looking around briefly to see that his assumption was correct and he was indeed in a prison cell. Then he was looking down at Kiyumi and wanted to give him a smile, but the look of sorrow on the face of the cat boy stopped him. The blue eyes that he loved so much looked matte now. He sensed that Kiyumi was about to speak and looked at him expectantly. "I was sent out to find you and get something from you that was supposed to make you my father's puppet.", Kiyumi began and was barely able to keep looking at Someron who was starting to combine the pieces of this puzzle in his mind, "And it was only because of my failure that Shayla was sent out as well to bring you here to be able to start another attempt at using you as an assassin to kill king Assuan." Kiyumi was amazed at how easily these words had come across his lips, as if what he was saying was nothing out of the ordinary. The dog was speechlessly staring at the one who suddenly seemed so unfamiliar to him. The cat boy started to open the handcuffs and used it as an excuse to stop looking at Someron. When his friend finally was free, Kiyumi took a step back. "You can hit me if you want to. I deserve it.", the cat said while looking at the floor. Now that the chains were removed from his body, the dog felt how weak he was still feeling and his legs gave way to his weight, so he sank down onto his knees. "Maybe later...", Someron answered, "The poison is still in my body, so I can't hit you hard enough right now." Kiyumi was looking down at him and was trying to figure out if he was serious. The concern was clearly showing on the cat's face and slowly a grin spread across Someron's face. Then he reached a paw up to the cat, motioning him to help him up. Kiyumi took it and pulled the heavier dog up into a standing position. "You stupid boy!", Someron said in a loving tone tousling Kiyumi's fur on his head like he was talking to a small kid, "You may have been misled, but your failure and your decision to free me have given us the opportunity to make everything alright." Suddenly the sparkling returned into the blue eyes of Kiyumi and the cat boy had to blink a few times to keep them from filling with tears. He was so happy that Someron did not hate him. "Thank you!", Kiyumi said and embraced Someron, almost throwing him off his feet again. "Hey, little one.", Someron answered and tried to keep balance, "I should be the one thanking you for saving me." Suddenly Someron, who was looking into the direction of the door, pushed Kiyumi away hard and both of them ended up on the floor shortly after a dagger bounced back from the wall with a loud clinking sound. Less than a second later, Kiyumi reached the door and could see Shayla running away towards the big hallway where she disappeared from his sight. The cat boy followed her as fast as he could. Sensing that she would try to throw another dagger at him, Kiyumi leaped into the air before entering the room and was flying shortly beneath the ceiling into it. Below him two daggers smashed into the wall, one just above the floor and one where his chest would have been. Kiyumi started to roll forward while falling down again and continued to roll across the floor until he stopped in a crouching position behind the table, using it to protect him from more daggers. "Fine.", Shayla said, "At least you are agile. But I am not sure if it is a good thing if a dumb brain is controlling a lightning fast body." Kiyumi stood up to look at her. Shayla started to walk slowly in a circle around the big table and Kiyumi did the same to stay on the opposite side. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?", he screamed at her, "I am the prince, dammit!" "As far as I can see, you are an enemy of the kingdom now.", Shayla stated without any emotion, "Why are you doing this anyway? Don't you think you pissed off your father enough already?" "I think I love Someron and I can't let anyone harm him.", Kiyumi answered, surprised about his own honesty. "You think?", Shayla laughed hard, "You don't know what love is. I will tell you a story." Shayla stopped walking in a circle and looked out of the window briefly before looking at the cat boy again. Kiyumi stopped also and wondered if this was a trick and she would attack any moment. "After just two years of being an assassin, I got the assignment to kill my mother. As an assassin you should never reject a good job or you might not get them anymore. So I went to my mother and told her what I was about to do. And do you know what she said?" Kiyumi didn't answer. "She told me she would help me to make it look like an accident, so I wouldn't get in trouble." Again Shayla looked out of the window thoughtfully. Kiyumi thought it might be a trick to lure him closer, so he just waited. " That is love.", Shayla emphasized, "Completely giving up yourself for someone else." "That is just sick. How could anyone kill his own mother?", Kiyumi was disgusted. "Well.", Shayla snickered, "After all I've heard, you kinda killed your mother, too. Didn't she die after she has given birth to you?" "Shut up. We have nothing in common, you're just a murderer!". Hearing Shayla mention his mother enraged Kiyumi. Someron appeared at the door, he had come here as fast as he could and the fast movement had made him even weaker. Now he was breathlessly leaning against the wall and was looking at Shayla. "Ah, there is your friend again.", Shayla noticed, "Let's see, I have one dagger left..." Before she could reach the dagger with her fingers, Kiyumi jumped right up into the air and then rammed his feet into the wall in his back. Using all of his strength he hurled himself at Shayla hissing angrily while he extended the sharp claws of his right paw and struck out his arm to attack her. The assassin had to dismiss the idea of attacking Someron for the moment and was preparing to defend herself. Just before Kiyumi reached her, his body came down into an upright position while still moving fast forward. While Shayla concentrated on his right paw and all those extended, sharp claws that were coming down upon her to shred her to pieces she didn't notice his left paw, which was resting on the handle of his sword that was still inside of the sheath on his left side. Just when he reached her and his claws shattered when crashing into the metal bracelets, that Shayla used to block his attack, he pushed down on the sword handle, bringing the sheathed blade of the sword into an horizontal position pointing straight forward. Even in the sheathed state the sword was pointy enough to pierce through the leather that was protecting her and the power that Kiyumi used to thrust forward was enough to push the sword deep inside of her and into the wall behind her. The pain, that the lethal injury was causing, was intense and her arms immediately dropped limply to her sides. Her legs were twitching for a moment and went limp as well, so she just hang there impaled on the sword. Blood was seeping from her lips and the wound in her abdomen and it was sounding awful when she started to laugh one last time. "Maybe...", the words left her mouth accompanied by a gurgling sound, "I completely... misjudged... you." Then her head dropped onto her chest. Kiyumi pulled back his sword and Shayla collapsed on the floor while a small puddle of blood was building next to her corpse. "Wow.", Someron was astonished at the speed and deadliness of Kiyumi's attack. Then he remembered another detail he had seen. "What about your claws? You sacrificed them for me." "Oh, come on.", Kiyumi said looking at the remaining stubs of claws on his right paw, "You know that they will grow again." "Thank you!", the dog said and smiled at him. Kiyumi looked at him and returned the smile. He was happy that he was able to protect his friend and to show him that he cared about him. "You're welcome." The blood was still dripping from the sheath of Kiyumi's sword to the ground. The cat boy took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped it clean. Then he dropped the bloody piece of cloth to the ground. "Can you walk?", the cat boy asked. "I think so." "We should get out of here before someone notices. Please wait here until I come back. I have to send the guards away, so we can get to the stables unseen." Kiyumi went up the stairs and opened the door. Someron went to the beginning of the stairway and heard him talk to the guards outside. Then something bumped into the wall and fell to the floor. The cat boy reappeared at the door and gestured his friend to come up. When Someron left the building, he saw two unconscious guards lying on both sides of the entrance. "What happened?" "They kinda... noticed that I was lying.", Kiyumi said and shrugged. Someron was smiling and shook his head in disbelieve. The prince led his friend to the stables and saddled his horse. Someron chose a brown mare and Kiyumi helped him saddle that one as well. Then they rode towards the big gate of the castle and the guards opened the gate to let them pass. Kiyumi told them that he will be out for a night ride with his friend and will be back again soon. The guards didn't notice anything, because they have never actually seen Someron before. When the gates closed behind them, Kiyumi was feeling as if chains, that had been holding him back for years, were bursting apart and finally setting him free. He couldn't think of a single thing to miss, but maybe he would notice that later. After just a few hundred meters Kiyumi saw an small, old woman walking at the side of the road. When they came closer, he recognized her as the woman who took care of him since he was born. She has been his nurse and someone to talk to whenever he was crying and his father was not there to comfort him, which was always. During the last few years she had not been allowed to have personal contact to him anymore, because his warrior training had begun and his father didn't want her to make him weak. "Serena.", Kiyumi called out. He stopped his horse next to her and dismounted. She stopped walking and looked at him smiling. "Hello, my dear.", she said in a soft tone which was containing both sorrow and happiness, "I knew this day would come." "What do you mean?", Kiyumi asked, "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" "I have no reason to stay in the castle anymore. I promised your mother that I would take care of you and keep an eye on you until you are old enough to know the truth and leave this place behind." "What truth?", Kiyumi asked bewildered. "You will see.", Serena pulled a letter from her pocket that appeared to be very old but still contained the unbroken seal of the king. She handed him the envelope. "This is the last thing I had to do. Your mother asked me to give this letter to you when you are ready." "My mother?", the cat boy exclaimed and stared at the letter. Just before he started opening it Serena stopped him. "Wait! Don't open it here. Promise me that you will not read it until you are far away and in safety!" Kiyumi did not understand why he had to wait any longer, but he finally gave in and nodded to show his approval. "I wish you the best, my dear. Take care and be brave!", Serena said to him while holding his cheeks in her hands, "And if I am lucky enough, we will meet again." "Thanks for everything you did for me!", Kiyumi answered, "I think you are the only one I will miss." Kiyumi hugged her one last time, put the letter into the saddlebag and mounted his horse again. He waved Serena goodbye and they started riding down the road again. The young prince and his friend traveled towards the country Sangan. His heart raced for so many reasons that it could not possibly beat fast enough. The country which was supposed to be his enemy would soon become his new home. And soon he would know the truth, whatever it may be. But what was really sending waves of joy through his whole world while they were riding towards sunrise was being close to... his love. > The ultimate warrior < The village of Khoran lay in silence between the forest and the big lake as the sun was slowly rising behind the mountains. Only a few ducks were sleepily floating on the surface of the clear water near the shore where the reed was growing. The village was small with just a dozen houses. They could just provide themselves with the basics and had to travel to bigger villages to get everything else. Still the people here liked the peaceful ambience of this place and were a friendly group of poets and artistic craftsman, whose fine products were known throughout the country. Then the first villagers appeared to start their day. A man with the appearance of an old ape left his house and slowly went towards the lake, carrying a bucket with him. Shortly afterwards, a small otter girl appeared and was also going to the lake with her bucket. Although they obviously had the same destination, she waved to him to greet him before they came into talking distance and he answered in the same way smiling back at her. They had been doing this every day for quite some time and though they were very different, they liked their daily meeting. The ape enjoyed watching her grow and she liked listening to his stories from back then when he was young, adventurous and traveling the land. Then the screams began to get audible. They were sounding horrible and they were growing louder as if the source was getting closer very quickly. Then they could be seen. At first only one, but then a second and a third. Soon there were five of them. They appeared from the forest, black beasts with fierce red eyes walking on four legs with sharp claws on every paw. They looked like a mix between a demonic dog and a panther with the size of a doberman. They screamed again, baring their ugly pointed teeth in the process. The ape stood a little closer to the beasts and had his back turned towards them. Now he turned around to look at them and immediately shouted at the girl to run home, but she was too shocked and only managed to slowly tumble backwards. Some more villagers came out of their houses to look what was going on, but were searching shelter in their houses again immediately. Then the beasts started running again. Four of them were spreading out in the village and one was coming straight towards the girl, ignoring the ape. But the old man moved right into the way of the beast to protect the girl. He was old and had no chance to fight the attacker in any way, but was willing to sacrifice himself to give her another second or two, which might or might not make a difference. Ferin came home after work from the city that was almost one hour walking distance to the south. The slender fox boy was tired and miserable after a night full of things he would rather not have done. When he heard the cries he dropped his backpack and started running towards his home. As he came close he could see the beasts running through the village and one of them attacking the ape and the otter girl. He froze in the movement when he saw the beast jumping up at the throat of the ape and bit right into it. The teeth ripped open the throat easily and the blood was gushing from it. Still clawing into the chest of the ape the beast was licking the wound and sucking in some of the precious liquid while the dying body of his victim was already sinking to the ground. When it was standing upon the dead body of the ape the beast let go of it and looked up at the girl. Blood was dripping from its lips and teeth while its red eyes stared at the girl and seemed to enjoy the look of pure horror on her face for a few seconds before it prepared to attack her as well. In the meantime the other beasts were smashing into the doors of the houses or running across the roofs to look for a way in. "Run! RUUUUN!!!", Ferin screamed as loud as he could and finally the girl dropped the bucket, turned around and started running as fast as she could towards her home. Of course it only took the beast a few leaps to get close to her and then it jumped high into the air and readied its claws to rip her open. When it was at its highest point in the air a sudden blast of energy hit the beast in the chest and threw it backwards while its guts were spilling out of its back and distributing on the ground. The bloody mess that was left from the beast fell to the ground without making another sound besides a wet thump upon impact. Just now Ferin noticed a tall, muscular human warrior not far away from him pointing the palm of his right hand at the position of the girl and suddenly the echo of what seemed to be a spoken magical word could be heard without the original sound ever being witnessed by anyones ear. He lowered his arm again and drew two mighty swords from the sheaths on his belt. The warrior must have appeared from nowhere, but he was not alone and while he started running towards the village to take care of the other beasts, Ferin could see two more humans already fighting between the houses. When the warrior reached the village a beast was jumping down at him from a roof on the right side of him. Just using his right fist, which was still carrying a sword, he punched the beast hard and it flew backwards until it bumped into the wall of an house and clumsily dropped to the floor. While it was still shaking its head to get rid of the numbness, the sword came down upon it with a mighty blow, cutting the head off completely. His two friends had already killed one beast each as well, so only one of them was left. which was then surrounded by the three warriors and was turning around in panic to find a way out. "Make an end to this, Kyle!", the human warrior, that had appeared next to Ferin, said to his friend who was carrying a javelin. Kyle kicked the beast hard in the stomach so it was thrown onto its back, then he stabbed his weapon right through the chest of it, impaling it and pinning it to that place. The beast cried out in pain and was squirming around without any chance to get away until the life had completely drawn from it. Kyle took back his weapon and looked around. "Seems like we came at the right time and were able to kill them all.", Kyle stated. "We should have been here a little bit earlier.", said the human warrior while sheathing his two swords again. "Lorian.", said the third of them, "You should know by now, we can't save everyone!" "I know, Sam. But still..." The three of them watched as the little otter girl dropped to her knees next to the corpse of her dear friend and was weeping and sobbing hard. Ferin came to her and sat next to her, taking her into his arms. "Don't look at him, you should not remember him like this.", he was urging her, "Let's go to your mom!" "But he has saved me.", she said in between sobs, "And now he is dead and I can't say thank you..." Ferin had to fight back tears as well while he was still trying to get her away from this horrible sight. "I am sure he knows what you feel, wherever he is now." Finally the villagers noticed that the threat was over and came out of their houses again. The mother of the girl came running towards the lake, just noticing that her daughter had not been in her room all this time. "Shira!", she screamed at her. When she reached her she took her into her arms, holding her tight and carrying her away. "Are you hurt? Is everything alright, my dear?", the mother kept asking the little girl while Shira was weeping on her mother's chest. Some of the other villagers were looking in shock and disbelieve at what had happened at the lake and the dead bodies of the beasts. But most of them then gathered around their saviors to thank them and ask them a lot of questions. Lorian, who had killed the first beast and seemed to be the leader of the group, introduced himself and his two friends Kyle, the fighter with the javelin, and Samuel, who was an agile warrior using daggers. Then he explained that these monsters had started to appear some days ago in several villages and that they seemed to be summoned by a dark and evil magic, but that it was a coincidence that the three of them were here just in time. The innkeeper invited the heroes into his little tavern, which was usually providing food and beds for travelers, that were coming though this village to trade their goods. Kyle and Samuel brought the three horses, they had hidden in the forest, into the stables. Then the three humans and almost the whole village, including Ferin, went into the inn to learn more about the warriors and to praise them for saving the village. They said a prayer and a farewell for the one who died today as well. Ferin stood at the bar, still wearing his work outfit which was making him look quite slutty. He was watching the humans and especially Lorian whose appearance was very much to the fox' liking. He had short blond hair and nice blue eyes. Although there was a scar on his right cheek his face still appeared nice and friendly. He wore leather trousers and a leather jacket leaving his arms uncovered. He was very muscular and his strength was showing in nearly every movement he made. As time went on, more and more villagers left to clean up the village or to do their usual work. Then it was time for lunch and of course the heroes were invited to get free meals and ordered a steak each. Ferin was eating something at the bar. He was living here, because he did not own a house and could not afford a room in the city. He was still looking over to them quite often. While doing so, he got the feeling that they were watching him as well. Lorian inspected him from head to toe repeatedly and although he couldn't understand what they were talking, he sensed that they were making fun of him. More than once they were all looking at him and then someone said something which made them all start laughing. At one point the fox boy couldn't take it anymore and went up into his room. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it, slowly sliding down until he was sitting on the floor with his back against the door. He let his head hang down and cursed the life that fate had chosen for him. While Kyle and Samuel hadn't traveled very far to get there and stayed in the inn to drink and relax, Lorian was exhausted from using magic and his long journey, so he retreated into a room of the inn as well. He dropped the belt with the swords and took off his vest. Then he threw himself onto the bed and fell asleep soon. > A message from the grave < After the guards had called him, Bjunai rushed down into the prison only to find out that it was much too late. Someron was gone, that useless jail keeper was tied up and his best assassin was lying in a big puddle of her own blood and would never take any assignments anymore. But the best part was the handkerchief of his son right next to it as if Kiyumi was trying to mock him. He knew that this day might come, but he had hoped that it wouldn't. Assuan might have a large group of followers who he could trust and he was loved by his people. But Bjunai had no one to trust, he had too many secrets. And Kiyumi was his only relative and the only one close to him. The thought of having an heir had always given him some hope and joy. Now everything seemed to be lost, there was nothing to loose anymore. Bjunai was trembling with rage and everyone around him felt it and didn't dare to say anything. After looking at Shayla for a while, he went back into the torture chamber where the fat jail keeper was still bound to the wall. Without saying anything, Bjunai picked up a thin but long metal blade which was used to stick it into the extremities of a victim where it could then be turned around to produce pain. The dark prince stabbed it into the belly of the filthy dog and was turning it around slowly while looking into the eyes of him which were filled with fear and agony. Tears were running down on the face of the dog and he tried to scream from the top of his lungs, but wasn't able to get very loud, because of the gag in his mouth. Bjunai withdrew the blade again and put the tip onto the dog's chest, right in front of his heart. The jail keeper shook his head violently and his eyes were pleading the king to stop. Bjunai's face showed no mercy when he pushed the blade in until it hit the wall in one single powerful thrust. Then he just turned around and left the room. He didn't even care to watch the last struggles of his former servant who was kicking around a few times and then made the chains clink when his body dangled lifelessly from them and slowly came to rest. It was noon when Kiyumi and Someron reached the small town of Kayoma, which was lying roughly in the center of Sangan. In this town Someron was supposed to meet king Assuan on the next day. The secret meeting should decide whether they would start war against Bjunai or not. This small town had been chosen, because here had never happened something important, so no one would expect the king to be here. Still it contained a castle that could be defended quite efficiently. They looked for a nice inn where they could stay and found one that also provided stables for the horses. They decided to stay there and because they were extremely tired by now, they ate something, took a quick shower and went to bed. Kiyumi even decided that it might be better to read the letter from his mother when he was less sleepy. So they ended up lying in the big double bed, cuddled together and fell asleep pretty fast. When Someron woke up again, Kiyumi had already left the bed and was sitting still naked at the small table near the window that was letting in the light of the sun that would soon start to set. He held the letter from his mother in his paws and looked at the seal which indicated that no one had ever read the contents. Someron knew that this was a hard situation for his friend, but he didn't know whether he wanted to share his feelings with him or wanted to be left alone with it, so he remained silent on the bed and just watched him. Finally Kiyumi broke the seal and opened the envelope. There was just one page of paper on the inside and it was not looking as old as the envelope. The cat boy brought it close to his face and took a deep breath, trying to smell something. But there was no distinct smell to it other than paper and ink. He knew it had been stupid to think that he could smell his mother after all these years. Then he unfolded it and began to read. | Dear Kiyumi, I am writing these lines while you are still inside of me. And I know that I will be long gone when you will read them. First I have to apologize for letting you live a lie for such a long time, but I only wanted the best for you. Please let me explain what has happened in the kingdom of Terrania that has led to this situation. Maybe I should start with myself. As you should know, my name is Cassandra and I am the only child of King Thoran of Terrania, your grandfather, which makes me the princess of Terrania. I married Bjunai one year ago and I don't know what evil spell made me do it, but it is wearing off and my father and I have come back to our senses, by now. We can see clearly that we have opened the gates to an evil that will destroy us sooner or later. The army of the king is already under Bjunai's control and I don't think he will wait until my father dies a natural death to get onto the throne, which was obviously the only reason for marrying me. After I got to know the real character of my husband, I have felt very lonely. Then I met the new stable boy. Yes, I know how stupid this sounds, but you should have seen him. His eyes are the most hypnotic things I have ever seen. And he is so gentle and tender to me. Whenever I could, I fled into his arms and he made me forget the cruel world around us. Yes, Kiyumi, you have been made in a stormy night in the straw of the stables. And I am proud that you are not the son of Bjunai. You might or might not have noticed that you can't possibly be the son of Bjunai. But I am certain that he knows it for sure, because we didn't have sex during that time. For some reasons he accepts you as his son. I guess he wants an heir. Still I know that he will find out about my lover and will kill him. I am so sorry that I brought this over him, but I can't do anything about it. At least he shall not be forgotten. So, I tell you: The name of your father is Rhyan. I am pretty sure that I will not live long enough to see you grow up as well and that is the reason for writing this letter. I will tell Serena to keep it until you are old enough to leave this place, until then you will not be safe knowing the truth. You would try to stand up against him and that would be your death. Please make an end to this evil, but don't do it alone and without a plan. Find friends to help you and never trust Bjunai. The nightmare will not end until he is gone forever. I wish you the best, my son. Be brave, strong and gentle! |

| In love, your mother | Kiyumi dropped the letter onto the table, tears were running down his face. Then Kiyumi stood up forcefully throwing the chair to the floor and his face, that Someron could only see in the reflection of the window, was showing pure hatred. The dog sensed what was coming and prepared to leap out of bed. Sure enough the cat turned and ran towards the door, not even caring to put on some clothes, but Someron jumped after him and grabbed him around the chest. "Let me go!", Kiyumi hissed, "Bjunai killed my parents, he has to pay!" Someron did not move and because he was stronger than the cat, Kiyumi wasn't able to get free. "I won't let you run back to Bjunai alone just to get killed in an useless attack." In anger Kiyumi extended the claws of his paws unintentionally and scratched the left arm of Someron, who groaned loudly and withdrew immediately. Shocked, Kiyumi turned around and looked at the bleeding streaks. Then he looked at Someron with tears in his eyes and a pitiful expression. "I am so sorry.", he said sobbing, threw his arms around Someron pressing himself against the chest of his friend and started to cry for real. Someron's arm hurt, but seeing Kiyumi like this hurt even more. He put his arms around him and held him tight. "Don't worry, little one.", he tried to soothe him, "It will stop bleeding soon, I only have a limited amount of that stuff." Then he picked Kiyumi up and carried him to the bed where he laid down with the cat boy on top of him. Tenderly he fondled the fur on his head till Kiyumi raised it, took the paw of the wounded arm into his own and slowly licked along the scratches on it, removing all the blood. The touch of the tongue stung a bit, but he wouldn't want to miss the sensation of Kiyumi performing this act of deep affection on him. He pulled his feline lover up on him and they shared a passionate and long lasting kiss. As both of them were naked, their bodies were rubbing against each other causing their cocks to wake up from their sleep. When they finally broke the kiss, Someron looked down between them and saw that they were both showing pink already and that their cock heads were connected by a string of precum. "Seems like they were kissing, too." Kiyumi followed the brown eyes of the dog and smiled at Someron before leaning down again to continue their kiss. Someron's paws were massaging Kiyumi's back and were slowly wandering down his body until they were feeling up the cute firm butt of the cat. "I want you inside of me.", said Someron as accurately as possible with the tongue of the cat still in his mouth. "I've never actually fucked anyone, yet.", Kiyumi said and pushed himself a bit up on his elbows. "You will do fine.", Someron reassured him, "Just let me lube your thing a bit, before you start." Kiyumi looked down at his dripping cock. "I think it is pretty slick already.", he stated. "I know, but I wanna taste that stuff before it disappears in my ass where I don't have taste buds." Kiyumi giggled and moved up until he was sitting on Someron's chest with his cock right on the dog's lips. Someron licked the sweet nectar from the tip before he swallowed the whole thing into his mouth and started sucking on it, milking every last drop of the precious liquid from it. When the fountain had run dry, he released the smooth organ from his mouth. "Okay, now it is glistening with saliva. Put it in!" Kiyumi moved down and Someron pulled back his legs to open up for him. Kneeling before the open ass of his dog lover, Kiyumi was mesmerized by the look of the hole which was still partly covered with fur. It looked clean, because they took a shower not long ago and Kiyumi decided it might help to lube up that part as well. So he gathered some spit on his tongue, bent down and smeared it right onto the pucker which was flexing in anticipation. He licked some more around it, savoring the unknown taste. Looking up at Someron, the cat took his own cock in one hand and guided it into the waiting hole. Being rather slender, the member of the cat had no problem passing through the back entrance of the dog. Wanting to be as close to Someron as possible the cat laid down on him again and was slowly pushing his cock further inside of him. They kissed each other one more time before Kiyumi gently bit into the neck of the dog and slowly increased the frequency and depth of his thrusts. Feeling the cat cock stimulate him from the inside and feeling his belly fur brush across his sensitive sex organ at the same time, made Someron get closer to his climax very fast. Kiyumi clenched his teeth together at the intense sensation which he took in with all his senses. Then suddenly his eyes filled with tears again as his mind got carried away and he saw images of Bjunai murdering his mother and his father in front of him. The anger spread inside of him and made his thrusts more powerful. Someron noticed the sudden roughness, but the pain it brought along was a nice one and he decided to just let it happen. Then Kiyumi suddenly pushed up his body with his arms completely and buried his cock up to his balls inside of Someron. While the cat seed was filling his rectum, the dog shot his sperm all over himself. The orgasm flushed away all horrible images from within the mind of Kiyumi and after it ebbed away, he relaxed his body again. "Have I been good?", Kiyumi asked smiling down at the dog. "Well", answered Someron and dipped a finger into the sperm on his body, "just look at the result." Kiyumi took the dog's paw and pulled it towards his mouth. He flicked at the finger with his tongue and removed the cum from it. "I'm afraid we have to shower again.", Someron remarked and earned a grin from Kiyumi. The cat boy leaned down with his cock still buried inside his mate and started lapping up all traces of cum from the fur of the dog, starting with the cock head and moving upwards. Finally he reached the face of the dog where he licked the last drops from his nose before pushing his tongue into the muzzle. Someron moved his tongue along the cat's tongue, tasting his own cum. After a while, Kiyumi pulled out and sat back on his heels while Someron dropped his legs and tried to shut his sphincter tight to avoid making a big mess on the bed. "I only have to wash my cock.", said Kiyumi giggling. "And what about my precum on your belly?", Someron pointed at the matted fur on Kiyumi's front. "Damn!", said the cat boy in mock disappointment. They got up and managed to get to the shared bathroom of the floor without being seen by anyone. "And I hope you don't get any more of those letters.", said Someron just before entering the shower stall. "Why?", asked Kiyumi. "Because my butt hurts.", Someron answered and took a paw of the cat boy to pull him inside. A quick shower later, the two of them were back in their room and were putting on their clothes. Being hungry, they decided to visit the restaurant down the street. Because he wanted to share everything with Someron, Kiyumi thought it might be nice if Someron knew everything that he knew. "You can read the letter if you want." "Are you sure you are okay with that?" "Sure, I want you to know who I am." "Thank you.", Someron said and picked up the letter from the table. "I will go ahead and get us a table in the restaurant. And I can already order something if you tell me what you like.", Kiyumi proposed and opened the door. "Everything you like will be fine for me.", Someron answered with a smile as he watched Kiyumi leave. > The brave and the warrior < Ferin woke up on the floor, lying on his side in an awkward position. He stood up while massaging his neck which was hurting. It was still bright outside, but the sun was already quite low and would start setting in few hours. He slowly remembered what had happened before he had gone to his room and had obviously fallen asleep while sitting at the door. The three brave warriors had first saved the town and then made fun of him. He decided to just forget them and go on with his life as if nothing had happened. Getting insulted wasn't really something new to him. No one was showing any respect to him because of his work, of course. He never did anything great, so why should they? So he went to the wardrobe and changed his slutty outfit for a more casual one. That already made him feel better. To earn enough money to live here and save some extra money for a better life, he worked in this tavern. He helped cleaning up the cellar, served the guests and did whatever the inn keeper wanted him to do for a few hours every day before he had to leave again for his night job. Slowly the fox boy opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. He heard a noise from within the room on the other side as if someone was close to waking up and was moving around in bed. There was no other guest in the inn at this time and he had heard Lorian ask the inn keeper for a room, so he was sure that the guy was in there. Ferin just stood there thinking about what he should do. Yes, he had just decided to forget about him. That didn't seem to work very well. Now here he was, still longing for that man, knowing that he probably only felt disgust for him. But what could he do about it? There was only one thing he could do. Ferin went to the door to Lorian's room and pushed down the door handle. He entered the room and closed the door behind him. The least he could do to bring this whole event to a conclusion for himself was to tell him about his feelings. Lorian must have heard the door closing or noticed the presence of someone else, because he suddenly sat up in bed and looked around. It took him a second to focus Ferin, but then he relaxed a little. "Oh.", he said sleepily, "It's you." Then he turned to sit on the edge of the bed and stretched himself. This was the first time that Ferin saw his chest undressed and it looked impressive. There was no fat on him, his broad shoulders and stomach muscles appeared as strong as the rest of his body. Three scars went across his chest on the left side as if a paw with some very sharp claws had struck him there a long time ago. His will to live must be very strong as well to survive a wound like that. "Wait a second... What are you doing in my room anyway?", Lorian asked, not sounding angry about it, just a little confused. Ferin took a deep breath and decided to get it over with. "I know you can kill me with one blow of your left hand, but you should not be that ignorant of the feelings of someone else! Even if I am a coward and weak, I am still a living, feeling creature that you should respect." The human appeared to be completely irritated, so Ferin continued to explain. "I saw you looking at me and laughing together with your friends. I know how I must have appeared to you, but actually I liked you a lot and you can't imagine how much it hurt when you made fun of me." Lorian was baffled at first but then he started to smile. "You don't seem to be that cowardly after all.", he spoke in a soft and friendly tone, "But you completely misunderstood the situation, my friend. The coward is me in this case." Ferin looked at him bewildered and Lorian obviously had problems saying what he wanted to say. "You know, I stared at you all the time, because I... really liked what I saw. And my friends... They were making fun of me , because I wasn't able to get up and tell you, Ferin." "How do you know my name?" "I asked the bartender.", Lorian answered and slowly stood up and got closer, his blue eyes looking friendly into the amber eyes of his unexpected but obviously very welcomed guest. The fox boy just stood there dumbfounded, not able to believe what he had heard. How could he have ever been so wrong? Lorian even knew his name, he was actually interested in him. "You know...", Ferin started to explain, "I am always made fun of and I know that you know what I am doing at night, so..." His voice trailed off, because the fox boy was too distracted to continue and gulped when the human warrior was just a feet away from him. Lorian stood very close to Ferin and leaned towards him, embracing him and pushing his face against the side of Ferin's face. The soft fur brushed against Lorian's cheek and they were feeling the breath of each other on their necks. Returning the hug, the paws of the fox were touching the hairless chest, slowly moving towards the back of his newfound friend while his fingers were feeling the strength beneath the surface. Ferin felt the hands of Lorian wander down on his back. The strong human hands squeezed his butt gently and his fingers played through his bushy tail. Then his hands returned to the front and while looking into the eyes of the fox to check for any signs of disapproval, he started undoing the buttons of Ferin's shirt from top to bottom and continued with the trousers without a break. Shortly after, all his clothes fell to the floor and the fox boy wondered why he had bothered changing anyway. Lorian stood back a little and admired the beautiful body of his furry friend which was covered in a brownish orange and white fur. Only his hands and feet were dark brown. Ferin grinned at Lorian, whose face showed an expression as if he had just unwrapped his favorite toy and could not wait to play with it. The fox boy slowly wagged his tail and giggled when he saw the warrior stare at it through his legs. "Okay, now it's your turn.", Ferin said, opened the buttons of Lorian's trousers and pushed them down. The fox had seen some humans but most of his customers were furries like him. The head of the human cock was still covered by the foreskin but it was apparently slowly growing already. He hoped it would stop growing soon, it already was one of the bigger ones. As if Ferin's penis wanted to see for himself, the tip of it slowly appeared from within its furry sheath. Lorian had to swallow to keep himself from drooling. Then Lorian suddenly turned around and went back to the bed where he laid down face up in the middle. Ferin hadn't expected him to leave him standing there, so he looked at the warrior puzzled. Lorian grinned at him playfully and tapped onto his chest with the fingers of his right hand, signaling him to take a seat there. The slender fox climbed onto the bed and walked to the head end where he stood with one foot on either side of the human warrior's chest right below his armpits. For a few seconds he just smiled down at Lorian, who seemed to extremely enjoy the view, before he slowly squatted down upon him. Seeing the cute figure of the fox towering above him and then seeing his crotch coming closer was exciting the human beyond words and he grew hard very fast. Because it was lacking the capability of swallowing it down, his cock was continuously drooling precum now. Ferin looked back and saw the big piece of hard meat. His eyes opened wide and he looked down at Lorian who smiled up at him reassuringly, telling him not to worry. Lorian put his hands on the thighs of his lover and slowly pushed him down, causing Ferin to slowly putting his whole weight upon his chest until he was really sitting on him. The low weight of the fox was no problem at all, not even breathing was harder for him like this. In fact, feeling him on his chest was such a nice sensation that he even tried to relax his chest muscles to feel more of it. The smooth pink cock of the fox boy had kept emerging from its sheath and was now sticking out completely. Looking at the tasty offering right in front of him made Lorian cross his eyes a bit and he tenderly touched it with his hand to guide it down towards his mouth. Ferin fell forward and rested his upper body onto his hands. Then he moved up on the chest some more, pushing his cock through the lips of the human into his mouth where he felt the smooth, moist tongue welcome it. Ferin closed his eyes and gave in to the pleasures of the licking and sucking while Lorian enjoyed the taste and smell of the young fox and was swallowing quite an amount of sweet precum. Lorian started to fondle the furry balls of the fox and used his other hand to slowly stroke his own cock, being cautious not to push himself over the edge. Although Ferin was certainly having a lot of sex every night, he was only faking his feelings at work while it was for real this time. He couldn't remember ever having felt that good. After some time Lorian gently pushed Ferin up into a straight sitting position again and let the cock pop out of his mouth. "Turn around, sweet boy!", Lorian said lustfully smiling, "Please let me taste the other side of you." Ferin chuckled at that phrase and slowly turned around on his hands and knees. He was really glad now that he always showered before heading home after work. Looking at the beautiful rump with that bushy tail hovering above his face and seeing the cute fox smile at him through his legs was another highlight for Lorian and he licked his lips in anticipation. Ferin raised his tail and revealed the lovely pink ring. The saliva in Lorian's mouth was almost overflowing at the thought that he would soon be tasting it. "I might be a little sweaty back there from walking home.", Ferin said, not sure what Lorian expected. "Not for long, honey." Reassured by that statement the fox slowly lowered his butt towards Lorian's face and Lorian deeply breathed in the musky smell which had an intoxicating effect on him. As soon he could reach it, he pushed out his tongue and gave the fur around the hole some tentative licks, making Ferin stop in his movement. Lorian could not keep up the teasing for long and soon was licking straight at the smooth hole and applying more and more pressure to gain access to the insides. Ferin wanted as much of that tongue inside of him as well and moved his butt downwards until he was practically sitting on Lorian's mouth. Finally the little pucker relaxed enough to let the tongue in and the human wallowed in the forbidden taste and the feeling of the sphincter flexing around the tongue. With the wiggling thing pleasuring him on the inside Ferin looked at the twitching cock in front of him and bent down while keeping his butt firmly on his lovers face. He grabbed the member in his paw and licked it around the head, tasting human precum and loving it. Feeling the tongue of the fox on his most sensitive spot made Lorian thrust his tongue even deeper into the ass of him. As perfect as this was for him, Lorian felt the orgasm rising up in him after a few minutes and he just didn't want to come like this. He withdrew his tongue and Ferin raised a bit to look at him. "I wanna come inside of you.", he told the fox. "But you are pretty big, even for an experienced guy like me..." "I think I have loosened you up enough and we're both nicely lubed up. Also... I want you to sit on it, so you can control it yourself." Ferin nodded his approval and turned around again, this time he held the human penis in one hand while positioning his butt right above it. While they were looking deeply into the eyes of each other, the fox boy slowly lowered himself and soon felt the slimy cock head pressing against his sphincter which was slowly giving way. Feeling his asshole open up to engulf the thick cock, he clenched his teeth together. There was a sharp pain as if he would be torn apart, but the pain was just so good. Inch by inch he was impaling himself on the hard pole of flesh and slowly the pain subsided after he had reached the maximum diameter. The pleasure stayed though. The uneven lovers exchanged satisfied grins, while the fox began to slowly ride up and down, delivering intense pleasure to both of them. It didn't take long and the expression on their faces soon signaled the upcoming climax. Both of them were breathing heavily by now. Suddenly Ferin closed his eyes, sucked air through his clenched teeth and impaled himself very deep on the cock. That was too much for Lorian, who was groaning loudly in ecstasy as his cock began spraying his love juice into the fox. At the same time the cock of the fox started shooting watery cum all over Lorian. Some of it even got into the mouth of the human which was slightly open. Liking the taste, he licked some more from around his lips. Wave after wave rushed through them before the orgasm slowly faded away and their breathing returned to normality. Lorian collected some more cum from his face with his fingers and sucked it into his mouth. Then he looked down at his body which was splattered everywhere with the cum of the fox. "Wow, you've made quite a...", before Lorian could finish his sentence the fox boy just laid down on top of him and smeared the cum between them. "mess.", he finished his sentence and giggled. > Crossing paths < The two lovers didn't fall asleep, they just shared a moment of intimacy and the fox boy relaxed completely upon the body of his strong mate, while he felt the cock inside of him shrink and finally leave him. Ferin had learned to control the muscles of his anus enough to keep the human seed inside of him. They laid there for quite a while in complete silence, but then the fox boy remembered that he had things to do. "Mh... kinda sticky.", remarked Ferin who was feeling his fur stick to the skin of Lorian while he pushed himself up on his arms. "No, really?", Lorian said grinning while he watched the cute fox boy yawn. Then Ferin sat up on Lorian's belly and looked out of the window with a sad expression on his face. "Why so sad?", the warrior asked concerned. Ferin sighed. "It will soon get dark outside, that means I have missed my job here and will just make it in time to my 'work' in town." Lorian took the paws of his lover into his hands, causing Ferin to look at him and smile slightly. "Do you want to come with me?", Lorian asked him. "Are you serious?", Ferin's eyes lit up and it seemed that Lorian had just said what the fox boy had hoped for with all his heart, "I already feared that you just wanted a free..." "Don't say that.", Lorian stopped him, "I really like you. Please come with me, honey!" Ferin leaned down and they shared a deep kiss. Then he sat up again and smiled lovingly down at Lorian. "I will gladly do that." After they got up, they showered together and while Ferin washed the back of Lorian he noticed that he didn't even know where they were about to go, so he asked him. "First to Kayoma, to attend to a meeting.", Lorian answered. "Oh... You know... that is the place I work at night." Ferin was done washing Lorian's back and the warrior took the soap from him and turned him around to return the favor. "You don't have to anymore. I will take care of you." "Thank you, but I was thinking about another thing... A lot of people know me there, and they know what I am..." Lorian stopped cleaning him and embraced his fox lover, pressing his body against his own. Then he tenderly kissed Ferin's neck and whispered into his ear. "What you are... is a beautiful fox and a nice person." Then he went on moving the soap through the wet fur before he added: "And I don't give a shit about what people say about you or me." "Thank you.", Ferin answered and was slowly letting go of his doubts. "Why did you work in such a place anyway?", Lorian asked. "I don't know... I never learned anything and I lost my family when I was very young. As a kid it was easy to get some money or food from people, they feel compassion for kids. But then I got older and the jobs I found were either too hard for me, because I never was very strong or the payment was not enough to live. Then one day... a stranger wanted to give me money to have sex with me. At first I was repulsed by the offer, but then I thought about it some more and noticed that it was a lot of money and it would only take a little bit of time and I wouldn't loose anything." "But you did loose something." "Yes... but I noticed that far too late." "Don't worry. It will take some time, but I will try my best to fix you.", Lorian said and kissed him. Then they turned on the shower, rinsed off the soap and dried themselves. After they got dressed they went down into the dining room to get something to eat before they would leave. Kyle and Sam, who were sitting next to each other at a round table, were grinning broadly as they saw their friend and the fox boy coming down the stairs together. They could tell from the look on Lorian's face that they had have sex together. "So...", Kyle said laughing, "You did manage to talk to him after all." "Well, I was lucky.", Lorian answered and sat down next to Kyle, "He was braver than me and came into my room." "I see.", Sam said and grinned at Ferin who took a seat between Sam and Lorian and was happy that no one could see him blushing. He indeed had judged the situation completely wrong, it was just like Lorian had told him. While they were eating, Kyle and Sam told them that they wanted to stay in Khoran until the next morning. They wanted to see if more beast would appear, before they would come to Kayoma as well. After the meal, they wished each other good luck and said goodbye. Ferin and Lorian left Khoran sharing the horse of Lorian with the fox sitting in front of the human warrior. The horse was a lot faster than Ferin, so they reached the town twenty minutes later. Ferin knew the town very well, so he directed the warrior to a nice and cheap inn not far from the market. Lorian suddenly stopped the horse and jumped down. Just about one hundred meters in front of him, a cat boy with white fur and black stripes left the inn they were heading to. And Lorian recognized him. He knew very well who that was. That day might be the day he had waited for for so long: The day his revenge would begin. He told Ferin to stay right there. The fox looked at him puzzled about the sudden behavior, but before he could ask something, the warrior drew his swords and dashed forward. To be continued... written in June 2008 by ScaniX