Elite Guild Story Chapter 2: Toys

Story by Sheer on SoFurry

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#2 of Elite Guild Story

Elite Guild Story

Chapter 2: Toys

Early morning at the Elite Guild was somewhat of a new experience for Nirru. Back at his home village, he'd often climbed to the top of a tree to watch the sun coming up early, as most of the squirrels did. The yellow tinge of a new day was always just what he needed to get himself ready for the tasks ahead. Although this time it was harder to enjoy the elegant rays of light filtering through the forest canopy, not because he was at ground level, but more to do with the fact that he was lying naked in a cloth tent, sprawled stomach-down on the floor with his arms tied behind him and a gag in his mouth.

The squirrel shuddered as he recalled the events of the previous night. After being dragged from what he thought was to be his new home, he'd found himself in Deijin's personal tent. The jackal had been surprisingly civil at first, giving him a meal and explaining what was expected of him as a hero's craftsman. However, it wasn't long before he found himself in the same situation he thought he'd escaped earlier.

"Why is this happening to me?" Nirru thought to himself, a tear running down his cheek. He remembered being pinned down beneath Deijin's weight, crying for help as his arms were bound behind his back before being silenced by the ball gag. The sex had gone on for a good few hours, but it was a subdued and drawn-out affair. Deijin had spent most of the time simply showing off, or teasing his captive with a variety of toys and displays. By the time Deijin finally decided to fall asleep, Nirru was hot and bothered, and spent the rest of the night trying to calm his involuntary arousal before finally succumbing to exhaustion. He licked the inside of the glass ball gag, trying to get to his feet, but a leather chord tying his ankles together made it just impossible for him to spread his legs apart enough to stand. With a frustrated grunt he gave up momentarily, his fur wet and matted from a night's worth of sweat and struggling. It seemed that Deijin was an early riser, because the Jackal wasn't anywhere to be seen. Somehow, it made Nirru feel even more expendable that his rapist wasn't even there to untie him in the morning.

"Hmm, are you awake yet?"

Nirru's eyes widened in surprise as he heard the unfamiliar voice. He grunted as he turned on his side, looking around to find its source. Glancing over his shoulder with much effort, he was amazed to see another squirrel standing in the entrance to the tent.

"I'm sorry for waking you up if you were sleeping." The strange squirrel said as approached quietly. "But master Deijin told me to untie you and get you ready for today's work."

Nirru studied the fellow squirrel as best he could. It was a young male, seemingly about the same age as himself, and dressed in a short brown slave's lapcloth that matched his light chestnut fur. Nirru could tell from the length of this squirrel's fur that he wasn't a southerner. This squirrel had a rather long, fluffy coat that gave him a more exotic look. His body was decorated with various leather bands and wooden anklets, as well as a set of large brown beads that hung around his neck and waist. His appearance triggered an unusual memory of acorns and wood fires.

"I don't think you saw me last night, did you?" the brown squirrel said cheerfully, kneeling down next to Nirru. "Master makes me sleep outside when he has others in his tent, so I only saw you briefly. You looked a little scared too, you probably didn't even know I was there. It's nice to see another squirrel, yuu?"

Nirru gasped and coughed loudly as he was finally released from the ball gag. Never before had he been so thankful to be able to fully close his mouth.

"Thank you...ow, my jaw...who are you?" Nirru asked the brown squirrel as he started to untie the rest of the bondage. He blushed heavily with shame that another squirrel would see him in his current condition. The brown furred stranger looked down at him and yawned softly.

"My name is Cider. I'm master Deijin's personal slave. Nice to meet you, Craftsman."

"Oh, my name's Nirru. You don't have to call me by my title." Nirru chirped, pleasantly surprised to hear someone refer to him so formally. Besides Cider's fluffy coat, the other thing that caught his interest was the lazy, peaceful look in his eyes. The brown squirrel seemed as if he might fall asleep at any moment. Even his movements were especially soft and gentle. It was very uncharacteristic of a squirrel.

"I should call you Craftsman, because you're my superior while you're here." Cider said matter-of-factly as he undid the chord around Nirru's ankles. "If you need anything while you're doing your work, I have to go get it and things like that. It's what I got to do, yuu."

Nirru picked up on it this time. "Yuu" was more or less a meaningless word used in certain squirrel dialects to add a sense of playfulness to the sentence. It wasn't a commonly heard expression, although Cider was using it without any real feeling in his voice, as if it were indeed truly meaningless.

"W-w-where's Deijin?" Nirru stuttered, rising shakily to his knees. "And what am I supposed to do now? Where are my clothes?"

"They're over there on the bench. I washed them for you." Cider replied, flicking his large, bushy tail lazily in their general direction. "Although you probably want a bath before you put them on, yuu."

Nirru blushed and covered himself with his own tail as Cider nonchalantly gathered up the sex toys that were strewn across the floor. He watched as the brown squirrel put them carefully back on their utility stand next to Deijin's weapon rack, which was mainly filled with unusually curved swords. Cider chuckled, startling Nirru slightly.

"What is it?" the red squirrel asked nervously.

Cider turned around and smiled, holding a studded glass dildo in his paw.

"He used his favourite on you. Did it hurt?"

"H-He didn't use that on me!" Nirru shouted defensively. "He didn't put anything up my tailhole, if that's what you're thinking!" His eyes dropped to the floor as he shamefully remembered watching that particular object sliding slowly out of sight, accompanied by the jackal's erotic moans and growls.

"Good thing for you then. This one hurts." Said Cider bluntly, putting the toy back in its place. "He was being nice to you. I'm a little bit jealous."

Nirru didn't know how to respond to this. He just sighed timidly and pulled his tail up to his chest.

"I er...you're Deijin's slave, right? So...you must get it pretty tough from him, right?"

Cider turned and looked Nirru in the eye. He looked almost bored.

"I think of it as a sort of duty, you know? I just do what I'm told to do. When Master Deijin tells me to pleasure him, I just lift my tail and do my best..." Cider lowered his voice and looked down regretfully, as if expressing his true feelings on the subject. "It's not like a slave has anything to honour."

Nirru felt sorry for Cider. He could see that the brown squirrel had learned to cover his shame with apathy.

"I couldn't stand having to call that jackal my master!" The craftsman said, cringing at the thought. "He must do this to you so often...I feel really bad for you!"

"Oh...no, actually, it's not as bad as you think." Cider's voice picked up slightly as he regained his composure. "Even though I'm his slave, Master Deijin actually doesn't use me much, yuu. If I'm lucky, he often leaves me alone for days at a time."


Nirru couldn't make sense of this. Deijin had a personal, obedient slave who wouldn't complain even when being raped in a most humiliating manner, yet he rarely made use of this and preferred to spend his time harassing his fellow clansmen?

"I don't understand that Deijin..." the red squirrel said, shaking his head with exasperation. "What is it that he wants from me that he can't get from you?"

Cider smiled coyly, sitting himself down next to Nirru with his legs crossed.

"I do..." He replied, a sly undertone apparent in his voice. "I know everything there is to know about Master Deijin. I know what turns him on and what turns him off. I know what he likes and what he doesn't. I can list every one of his kinks and fetishes off the top of my head. And even better...I know how to make him finish early."

Nirru let the words sink in, trying to figure out their meaning. Deijin? Finishing early? Not dragging an encounter on for hours and hours of exhausting sex? That sounded almost unbelievable, and outright impossible.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold on a minute. What is "early"? Are we talking anything under two hours, or do you mean early by Deijin's standards?" asked Nirru, the stress very apparent in his voice. "I don't see how anyone could make that monster tired within a whole night!"

"Not tired, bored." Cider replied, wagging his finger at Nirru playfully. "It's true that Master Deijin has a lot of stamina when it comes to playing body games, but that's all it is to him; a game. And he's the type who likes to win, yuu."

"What does that mean?" Nirru couldn't quite understand the mentality that Cider was explaining here.

Cider scratched his chin as he tried to think of how to best express this issue.

"Well um...last night, did Master Deijin make you do any oral sex at all?" he asked casually, waving his paw in the air as if he were asking about the weather or some other normal question.

Nirru blushed. He remembered licking the jackal's penis with his eyes screwed shut, trying to imagine himself somewhere else.

"Yeah, he did..."

"And I bet you didn't make him cum, right?"

"No...well it's not like I was trying or anything."

"That's because Master Deijin doesn't like to cum for males who he considers his inferiors." Cider grinned broadly, proud of his own intel. "He shows off his strength by holding back for as long as he can, and then when he gets close to release, he pulls away and does the rest himself. If you know how to make him cum unexpectedly, he usually loses a lot of his drive."

"And you're saying you can do that?" Nirru asked in disbelief. "How?"

Cider licked his lips and flicked his tail suggestively.

"Lots of practise, and a good technique."

"Ugh...I was hoping you wouldn't say that".

Nirru felt deflated. He still had to accept the fact that he was now Deijin's latest plaything, and would be getting even more unwanted attention than a slave. At least Cider appeared to be an ally, and seemed willing to help.

After cleaning himself up and having breakfast, Nirru ventured out to the workplace that Deijin had arranged for him. It was decent enough, and had all the tools that he needed to get started. Cider followed closely behind him at all times, trying to help out as best he could, and showing a genuine interest in Nirru's skill. They had wordlessly agreed to forget the previous topic of discussion.

"Mr. Craftsman, where did you learn to draw so well, yuu?" Cider asked with admiration as he watched Nirru draft out a design with charcoal on paper.

"My adopted father taught me. He was a brilliant craftsman himself." Nirru replied, blowing away the charcoal dust and stepping back to check his design. "If you're going to make something that a blacksmith can understand, you have to make it look like it will work on paper."

"Ohhhhh...It's a very pretty looking sword, but I haven't seen Master Deijin use that sort before." Cider examined the drawing intently. "He comes from the dunes. They use mostly hooked swords there."

Nirru scratched his ears and shrugged.

"I figured the same myself, but he definitely told me to make him a thin eastern style sword. He was very particular about it having a rounded metal scabbard with raised engravings along its surface. I didn't think he would be the sort to care about the scabbard's artistry and not just the blade."

Cider's tail and ears dropped noticeably, along with the corners of his mouth. Nirru caught his serious, ominous expression and panicked.

"What what is it? Did I do something wrong? Won't he like it?" he quipped, reaching for another piece of paper.

"Oh it's nothing...don't worry, I'm sure he'll love it!" Cider laughed as if covering up his previous body language. Nirru was still worried. He could tell something wasn't right. Hearing footsteps behind him, he turned around suddenly, expecting Deijin to be standing over his shoulder, but was pleasantly surprised to see Jeda.

"Oh, it's you, Jeda! How are you today?" Nirru asked, giving a friendly wave to the well-dressed fox. Jeda responded by adjusting his glasses, something that seemed to be more than just a bad habit of his by now.

"I see you and Cider have already met." He said, his voice stiff and formal as usual. "It's good to see you're not having any problems working on your craft after the inconveniences of last night."

"'Inconveniences' he says." Nirru thought sullenly as he remembered the previous night once again. "He's trying to be cool about this, I can tell."

"Good morning sir Jeda, sir." Cider chirped, smiling cutely. "Nirru is an amazing craftsman, he draws such neat and tidy designs." Nirru noticed that Cider no longer referred to him by his title, which was a relief.

"Oh, I see, that is very nice. I like those neat diagrams you put there. It's all very well formulated." Jeda leaned over Nirru's shoulder and examined the papers. "But...an eastern sword? For Deijin? He doesn't even use an eastern fighting style, why does he want one of those?"

Cider quickly pushed himself up beside Jeda and whispered something in his ear. The fox's fur stood on end and Nirru swore he could see him turn pale underneath his silver coat.

"Ah...I see now...hmmm." Jeda looked like he was suppressing a fury of apocalyptic proportions beneath his calm yet bothered expression. "I should hope he gains a respect for the eastern martial arts at some point...at the very least."

"So uh...Where's Renso?" Nirru asked, trying to pull the conversation onto more familiar grounds. Jeda looked up at him and sighed.

"Renso is...currently with Deijin...Up at the training grounds."


An awkward silence passed between the three of them before Cider took it upon himself to get the ball rolling again.

"Oh that reminds me, you should go and introduce yourself to the blacksmith."

"Yes, I need a blacksmith to make the parts." Nirru replied, ashamed at his own absent-mindedness. "Where can we find him?"

"Down by the river usually." Jeda answered for Cider, turning and pointing down a forested track. "He's not hard to miss."

"Come on then, let's go." Nirru folded up the paper carefully and tucked it into one of his pockets. "There's still a lot I haven't been shown in this place."

After a short forest walk, Nirru found himself at a small, peaceful river, at lest it would have been peaceful if it weren't for the sound of a hammer repeatedly striking against rock, a sound that he'd grown accustomed to.

"Over there." Jeda pointed as if singling out an apricot in a tree full of apples.

Nirru took one glance and almost recoiled in disbelief. Standing waist-deep in the water was a broad-shouldered, muscular otter with a feather clipped to one of his ears. In his left hand he held a blacksmith's hammer, and his right hand was holding the edge of his anvil. But what really caught Nirru's attention was the pillar of roaring flame that was blasting out in front of him, encasing an anvil that was well below the natural level of the water. The otter turned and waved brightly to Jeda, shouting something that couldn't be heard over the noise. Jeda just raised his paw in a half-wave in response.

"What...What the...where is that fire coming from!?" Nirru cried out in wonder, unable to fathom how such a thing could be happening. "Is this some kind of magic?"

"You got it right first time. Very good." Cider smiled sweetly and patted Nirru on the back. "Sir Axel is a blacksmith but he's also a pyromancer. A mage, sort of, but only with fire magic. It's funny for an otter to have a power like that, right?"

"It's funny for anyone to have a power like that!" Nirru gulped, not sure whether to be afraid or impressed by the otter's unusual skill.

"JUST...HOLD...ON...I'M...ALMOST...FINISHED!" The blacksmith hollered over the din of his flames, pounding away at whatever piece of metal he was shaping at that moment. The fire made a small explosion sound as his concentration broke, causing him to swear loudly. Jeda sighed as if he were dealing with a particularly annoying child.

"Take your time, please."

Finally, the otter gave a final swing of his hammer, and in a shower of sparks, the flames disappeared, causing the water to crash over the hot metal with a loud hiss and a blast of steam. Nirru watched as the otter dived into the river before popping up in front of them, a graceful shower of water following his entrance.

"Jeda, you great big jessie, how 'ya going today, fox?" shouted the blacksmith energetically, splashing water at Jeda, who dodged nimbly to the side.

"I'm fine thank you. I'm actually here to introduce you to the new craftsman." The tone of irritation was always present in his voice. He roughly shoved Nirru forwards, as if to shield himself from dealing with his colleague.

The otter stood up taller and looked at Nirru, grinning charmingly while giving him a left-handed salute.

"Yo! 'Name's Axel. Good to meetcha. Is that fur natural or did you fall into a barrel of wine or something?"

"Um...these are dyed." Nirru replied, holding his ears up. He'd started to regret ever dying his ears in the first place. Axel laughed jovially and folded his arms in a typical boisterous otter manner.

"Woahoow. Dyed ears? Damn! I bet Deijin's all over you! Wah ha ha!"

Nirru blushed and turned away while Jeda shot one of his icy cold glares. Realising he'd said something he shouldn't, Axel covered his mouth with his paw. "Whoops, looks like I've said too much!"

Jeda was about to reply when another splash interrupted him and a female otter suddenly appeared besides Axel, tackling him noisily.

"Hey you hunk-ass you, Where's that present you said you'd made for me?" She shouted as they surfaced. Jeda looked downwards as she waved and hollered out to him obnoxiously. "Hey Jeda baby, what are you doing here?"

"Oh dammit, hold on a bit, guys. I gotta go get this piece of junk I made for the girlfriend." Axel shouted, dodging the female otter's paw as she punched at him playfully. With an elegant splash, he disappeared under the water's surface.

"He's such a dope, that boy." said the female otter, standing up in the shallows to display her full body. "Thick as a brick, but we all love him for it, right Jeda?"

"Speak for yourself, Lutri." Jeda replied coldly as he picked some grass seeds out of his cloak.

Looking at the otter girl's perfect, curvaceous body, Nirru felt his temperature starting to rise. He instinctively moved his paws over his crotch. She was the sort of female who was both beautiful and impressive, with a faint musculature that didn't get in the way of her hips and shoulders. Her breasts were compact and firm from swimming and fit her body type perfectly. She was dressed in nothing but a slim brown tribal bikini with tassels decorating its edges. Like Axel, she also had a feather clipped onto her earring. Most notable about her appearance though, was the fact that she was wearing a black eyepatch over her right eye.

"Hmm, so this is the new boy, huh?" She said, eyeing Nirru critically. "I'm Lutri. Hi there."

"H-hi!" Nirru squeaked, kicking himself mentally for being so nervous around this attractive stranger.

"Lutri is the strongest female warrior in this guild." added Jeda informatively. "She has especially good form using spear type weapons. You should be more polite when you're addressing her."

"Oh come on Jeda, there's no need for that kind of treatment." Lutri laughed, tossing back her head and grinning broadly. "Your formalities are nice and all, but I prefer to get along friendly with people."

Jeda looked like he was about to disagree, but he was interrupted as Axel reappeared, holding something in his paw.

"Here you are, babe!" he said, cheekily groping her from behind with his free hand as he presented the object. It was a very finely made stencil earring in the shape of a fish. Nirru was very impressed with its quality even from a glance.

"It's a little big!" Lutri snatched it off him and pinched at his left nipple, causing him jump away with a splash, giggling. "But still, I can't turn down a hand-made gift. I'll thank you later when we're more in private, boy."

"If you two could stop playing around for a while..." interjected Jeda suddenly, balling his fists with annoyance. "We might get down to business!"

"Fair enough then, what is it ya want?" Axel replied, putting his arm aver his mate's shoulder. "As you can see, I use my special technique to make high-quality stuff!"

"Your technique is really impressive. I have to think about how I can use that rapid cooling for my designs." Nirru said as he reached for his diagrams. "But for now, maybe you could help me with this sword? It's for Deijin."

Axel whistled and grinned, splashing a pawful of water over his chest.

"What, another sword for Deijin? As if that sexy beast doesn't have enough weapons yet. What ya think of him, huh? Have ya met him yet?"

"Yeah, I met him alright." Nirru mumbled, bringing his knees together instinctively. "He raped me before I even know who he was..."

"Huh, you make that sound like a bad thing, you lucky little squirrel. I'd let a sexy guy like Deijin take me all he wants!" Axel hollered, winking and licking at Lutri's ear. "For a guy like me who swings both ways, that jackal is one dude I'd gladly muck around with."

"Except you asked him once, and he turned you down." Lutri added slyly, nipping back at Axel's cheek. "He doesn't do guys who like it."

"Hey, you don't have to rub it in!" The male otter replied sorely, "I'm just saying, I'd turn my fire on for that stud any day!" He pulled his mate in and locked into a passionate kiss, the two of them murring as they groped and fondled each other shamelessly.

"Umm..." Nirru was beginning to feel uncomfortable again, but a thought crossed his mind that hadn't occurred to him before. "Axel, if you can create fire just by thinking it, then why aren't you the strongest fighter in the guild? I'm sure you could beat Deijin in a fight with your pyromancy, right?"

Axel looked up from what he was doing, his expression suddenly serious.

"See that patch of grass there?"

Nirru watched in awe as a patch of grass near his feet burst into flames. It burned for a few seconds before Axel splashed it with a pawful of water, causing the fire to extinguish with a hiss. Nirru gawked at what he saw. Somehow, the grass was still totally green, as if it hadn't been touched by the fire at all.

"Pyromancy, like all forms of magic comes from nature." The otter said, twirling a small flame on his finger. "And nature balances out what it creates so that there's harmony between living things. I can set fire to stuff, but I can't actually burn any living things. Only dead or unliving stuff like cut wood or metal. The fire I use is just like that. If I set fire to ya, you'd feel a little bit hot, but it wouldn't burn. Your clothes'd fall off though..."

With a naughty grin, Axel's body suddenly erupted into flames. Lutri gave out a loud shout as her bikini caught fire, trying to duck into the water to extinguish it, but Axel held her close. She stopped struggling and folded her arms with annoyance as her clothes fell away, exposing her body in full. Likewise, Axel was completely naked as well, his rather generous erection in clear view for all.

"Whoo...getting hot out here or what?" he giggled, folding his arms behind his head. "Looks like all this talk about fire made me overheat!"

"You are gonna replace those, you big jerk!" Lutri said with an evil grin as the dying flames danced across her body. "I was gonna reward you earlier, but now it's a punishment."

"Oh shit, I'm done for now!"

Nirru shuffled awkwardly at this situation. It felt like he was overheating too.

"C-come on let's go, I'll talk to him about this later." He said as he stuffed his diagrams back into his pocket. "I should probably show the designs to Deijin to see if he approves before I go getting it made, anyway."

"Indeed." Jeda replied sullenly. "There's no point talking to that heathen when he gets like this."

As the sound of the two playful otters fell behind, Cider looked up at Nirru, his lazy eyes studying the craftsman intently.

"Lutri is very pretty isn't she? Do you like her?" He asked innocently, his arms behind his back.

"I-I think she's...uh..." Nirru stammered, caught off guard by this question. "Well she's a strong, respectable female, but it's not my place to say..."

"One could argue that point." Jeda muttered, as if trying only accidentally to be heard. He turned and started to walk in another direction without another word. Nirru stopped and looked back at him.

"Hey, Jeda, where are you going?"

The fox turned and gave him one of his glares.

"I don't need to follow you everywhere you go, I've got things to do too you know. You know full well that I don't deal with Deijin if I can help it."

"But...I feel safer when you're around!" Nirru shouted after him as he disappeared into the trees. "Can't you...oh, fine never mind..."

Cider looked at Nirru sideways, watching as the red squirrel hung his head and let out a sigh. He adjusted his pace so that he was walking slightly behind Nirru now, but still continued to observe the other squirrel intently.

"You know...if you're feeling hot, you can take your shirt off."

"What?" Nirru turned and looked back at Cider nervously, once again caught off guard by this unusual dialogue.

"I'll carry it for you." Cider's expression was blank, with a genuine air of duty about it. "You don't have to be formal around me."

"No, I uh..." Nirru blushed. In all honesty, he had been wanting to do exactly that.

"Master Deijin isn't going to worry about using you for sex today." Cider continued, as if reading Nirru's mind and ignoring what he'd found. "He's already busy, so if you're worried about approaching him without your top, it's ok."

"But I don't need to take off my top..." The red squirrel said, trying to laugh off the quiver in his voice. "It's not all that hot. And besides, I don't have any reason to go without it anyway. It's not like I have anything to show off there, haha!"

Cider fell silent, but his eyes spoke well without words. "Don't lie to me." They said. Nirru gulped, a drop of sweat running down his face. There was something about Cider that made him feel exposed.

After a short walk, Nirru and Cider arrived at a place that Jeda had described as the "training ground." It seemed to be the ruins of some kind of temple, as the floor of the area was scattered with stone tiles amidst the patches of grass. There were a few large stone pillars sticking up out of the ground as well, overgrown with ivy and other clinging plants. Nirru looked towards the center of the area to see Deijin standing there, as still as a statue, his eyes closed in concentration as he held a wickedly curved sword over his head in both hands. The craftsmen swallowed a lump in his throat as he stared at the jackal warrior's shining black body, his eyes following the drops of perspiration as they rolled across the sculpted muscles.

"Is he meditating?" Nirru whispered to Cider, afraid to make any sudden movements or loud noises. The brown squirrel shook his head.

"Nah. He's channelling his power. He's going to release it now, just watch."

Nirru turned just in time to see a flash of black followed by an aggressive, spine-tingling grunt. There was a sound like a miniature explosion and followed by wood hitting the floor. The craftsman gasped in awe as he recalled what had actually happened. Within the blink of an eye, Deijin had moved about three meters forward and cut a wooden target into seven pieces.

Panting, the jackal warrior turned away from the destroyed target and thrust the sword into the ground, causing it to stick into the stone tile with a metallic ring. He turned and looked up at the two squirrels, a hunger in his eye that caused Nirru's flesh to crawl.

"Huh...pity you had to see that. It wasn't my best."

"That's Master Deijin's strength focus technique." Cider said, startling Nirru out of his amazement. "By focusing his power into one place, he can store up to ten different movements and then release them all at one time. So it's like doing many attacks with only one movement."

"It's good for surprise attacks." The jackal said, grinning as he wiped his paw across his chest and abs, flicking the sweat onto the stone tile beneath him. "I'm trying to cut down on the time it takes to charge. It'd be fine if I could use this as an attack in the middle of a hand-to hand fight, don't you think?"

Nirru didn't know how to respond. Even after witnessing Axel's fire powers earlier, he couldn't believe that such a technique was even possible. The jackal hero gave a small laugh and tilted his head back, pleased with the impression he'd made on the young squirrel.

"So I see you've already become good friends with my slave, craftsman." sneered Deijin, folding his arms and grinning. The way he said it made "craftsman" sound like it was in the same category as "slave." Cider bowed politely.

"So uh...about that sword you...wanted me to design?" Nirru's throat was dry and painful. Every instinct in his body was telling him to run and get far away from the warrior who'd violated him so brutally, but at the same time, his devotion to his job forced him to formalities. "I...have the diagram here, if you want to check it..."

"Well, that was quick, let's see it then." Deijin replied coolly, his white fangs contrasting against his skin. Casually, leaning back against a pillar, he slid down to the base and took up a reclining position, folding his arms behind his head. As Nirru had experienced before, Deijin's short lapskirt covered nothing from this angle.

"Cider. Bring that paper over here." he barked, his voice firm and commanding. Without so much as a glance, Cider took the paper out of Nirru's hands and walked over to his master, delivering it to Deijin's waiting paw. As if responding to an unspoken further command, the brown squirrel dropped slowly to his knees, sliding his chest and stomach over his master's sweaty body.

Nirru watched with almost unbearable anticipation as Deijin unfolded the paper and scanned its contents. After a moment of silence, the jackal peeked out over the top of the paper, his piercing gaze causing a swell of fear within the young craftsman. Nirru folded his shaking paws, a silent prayer passing through his cold lips.

"This is pretty good, squirrel. It looks just how I wanted it." Deijin lowered the paper, exposing his gleaming half-moon grin. "I'm impressed."

"Really?!" Nirru lost control of his voice for a second, causing his words to come out as a strained squeak, the flood of relief at being approved did very little to settle his thumping chest.

"Yeah, good stuff. Neat diagrams, not too much of that technical crap." The jackal drawled, folding the paper and placing it onto the ground next to him. "I'll bet that idiot Axel won't have any problems understanding what to do with this."

"Th-th-thanks!" Nirru was trying to keep his stutter under control, but it was like he was talking with a mouth full of ice. "I-I-I-I-I...ah...I uh I can have it d-d-done to-to-tomorrow!"

Deijin smiled and chuckled, leaning back to expose his neck and jaw for Cider, who continued to wipe the sweat off his master's body using his own plush fur, his eyes closed in a dreamy mask of hidden shame.

"I can't wait to try it out..." There was something strange about the way Deijin said this. Nirru felt his natural instincts kick in that something was amiss, similar to what he'd felt when he'd witnessed Cider and Jeda's reactions to his design. But he was too flustered to concentrate on it now. He felt like he shouldn't be watching Cider at this moment, but somehow he couldn't take his eyes off the brown squirrel's writhing body. He felt a deep pity for his fellow squirrel's position, as well as a tinge of guilt for watching as he performed his slave's duties.

"Now then, I guess I should get back to training." Deijin said, grunting as he pushed Cider away and rose to his feet. "I'd like to show you something, squirrel. Follow..."

As if his feet were disobeying his mind, Nirru nodded and followed Deijin further into the ruins until they came to a more enclosed area. As Nirru looked around, his eye fell on something that sent his heartbeat racing once again.


The brown wolf looked up when he heard the voice, his eyes opening wide in shock.

"Wuh? W...Nirru? No..no, don't come in! Don't..."

He gritted his fangs and strained against his bondage feebly, trying not to look Nirru in the eye as he blushed at having to be seen in this situation. Deijin swaggered over to the stake where Renso was bound with leather and rope, his arms tied above his head and his legs spread wide. The jackal turned and licked his lips, reaching down and undoing his lapcloth, flicking his tail as the white fabric fell past his muscular legs. Standing mostly naked except for the white bandages that hung loosely over his body, he reached down behind the stake and withdrew a pot of body oil, smearing the clear lubricant over his chest and thighs, before tipping the rest of it over Renso's prone form.

"When I'm here, I don't just train for battles..." he growled, the smooth, predatory tone returning to his voice. "I have many other techniques besides ones that are good for fighting...in fact, some of the moves I know for fighting can work in other situations too. You know that technique I was showing you earlier? Well when I said it was good for surprises, I wasn't kidding."

Renso grunted as he strained his bound, oiled body, trying at least to show that he was attempting to escape however futile it was. Deijin stepped back, savouring the horrified expression on Nirru's face. He reached down behind the stake again, withdrawing a studded dildo similar to the one he'd used the previous night. The muscular jackal knelt in front of Renso, holding the toy under the wolf's tailhole before slowly sliding it inside. Renso gasped helplessly, his expression always proud, but laced with fear and shame. He raised his hips upwards, trying to pull away from the pressure as his erection slid out from its sheath. Deijin breathed lustily, pulling the dildo out and tucking it under his own tailhole. Sitting on his haunches, he began to lower himself down, the steel toy glistening as he rode it slowly and smoothly.

"Uhhh...don't mind me... this is just a warm up...." He panted, looking over his shoulder at Nirru and Cider. "The real show starts now."

Nirru tried to ignore the burning sensation on his cheeks, holding his paws over his groin self-consciously. He nervously glanced over at Cider, who was standing with his hands behind his back, the usual glazed, lazy expression adorning his features, seemingly unbothered by his slimy, sweat-soaked fur.

"He...when he takes that toy inside him...I can just feel the power coming off his body." Nirru thought nervously, thinking back to the previous night once again. Since coming to the Elite Guild, Nirru had never considered anal masturbation before, or seen it performed. It was with a reluctant fascination that he watched Deijin's antics, wanting to look away, but at the same time, unable to. Letting out a sharp grunt, the jackal warrior removed the toy from his tailhole, standing back up to his full height, his erection wobbling in front of him as he tapped it against the end of the wolf's snout, teasing the other canine.

There was a moment of tense silence as Deijin once again got into the fighting pose that he'd taken earlier when Nirru had seen him training, except this time, rather than wielding a sword in his paws, he held the dildo threateningly, its surface glistening with lubricant. Tensing his body, he began to breathe slowly, his eyes closing in concentration.

"Hey...Deijin! Stop that!" Renso whimpered as the jackal began to count under his breath, struggling feebly against the bonds that held him prone. He shot a worried look over to Nirru, his expression was almost apologetic. The squirrel blinked and gulped, nodding to him sympathetically. Both of them knew what was about to happen.

Deijin opened his eyes, letting out a loud growl before lunging at incredible speed. Renso's body lurched and spasmed wildly as he opened his mouth wide, emitting a cross between a moan and a scream as the jackal appeared behind him, holding the dildo in his powerful paw. Nirru felt the fur on his back prickle as the bound wolf began to ejaculate, a river of semen trickling down his shuddering cock as he bucked and strained, panting hard and swearing under his laboured breath. Deijin stood up and chuckled, tossing the toy aside and turning to look at Nirru again.

"In case you're wondering what just happened, I pushed that toy in and out of him the equivalent of five times in one single movement. Stroked him off, too." He smiled, lifting his right paw up so they could see that it was dripping with cum.

Nirru looked at the panting, defeated wolf, Renso's hips still thrusting from the sudden orgasmic stimulation that had been forced upon him. The squirrel wanted to rush to his side and untie him, but Deijin's presence made such a notion a bad idea.

"Anyway, I've had enough for today." Deijin growled as he pulled his lapcloth back on, reaching behind Renso to release the wolf's bonds. The violated canine fell forwards with a gasp, still panting hard as he lay naked on the stone floor. The jackal looked over at Nirru, grinning as he savoured the young squirrel's horrified expression. "I'll be seeing you later, craftsman." he said with a careless wave of his paw as he heaved his sword onto his shoulder and strode out of the broken room, Cider following closely behind. Nirru waited until they were gone before running over to Renso, kneeling down next to the wolf as he attempted to help in any way he could.

"Renso! Are...are you alright? Can you stand?" Nirru reached down and tried to support the wolf's body with his paws, although the weight of Renso's muscle mass was more than his strength could handle. The wolf turned to him feebly, a tired grunt escaping his clenched fangs.

"It's nothing...ungh...I've had worse. Just...I wish you didn't have to see that..." he mumbled as he sat up shakily, pushing the squirrel's paws aside. He still had that strong expression of resistance plastered over his face, although Nirru could feel that his pride had more or less been crushed.

"If you're worried that I'll think of you differently, that's not..." Nirru was cut off as Renso silenced him, placing his paw roughly over the squirrel's mouth. The wolf stood up, his legs wobbling slightly as he leaned against the wall. "Just shut up. I don't need your sympathy. Get to work on your craftsman's duties...go on!" he bared his front fangs threateningly at Nirru in a typical lupine gesture of anger. Nirru stared back at him, confused and disoriented. He turned and scampered out as the wolf had commanded, images of the rape that he'd just witnessed still strong in his mind.

"Why was Renso so angry at me?" this question echoed through Nirru's head as he ran back to the guild's centre. Had he somehow offended the wolf without realising it? The young squirrel tried to compose himself, setting himself down on a tree stump and breathing heavily. It was still hard for him to accept the savage life that had been thrust on him through his admittance to the elite guild. Although he was beyond the point of crying about it, he was already pining to get his old life back. He sighed, taking the diagram he'd drawn out of his pocket and checking over it again nervously, reaching for the stick of charcoal and making a minor adjustment to the scabbard's catch. A movement caught his eye, prompting him to look up warily at the person who was watching him.

"Hello Nirru." Cider said, smiling cutely. "Master Deijin has gone out hunting. He told me to keep an eye on you. You don't mind if I sit here?"

Nirru shook his head. "No please, you don't have to ask." He said, patting the spot next to him on the stump as he stashed the papers back into his pocket. The chestnut coloured squirrel nodded and walked over, sitting gently down next to Nirru, his large brush tail curling up behind him. He looked up at the craftsman, a slight blush apparent on his cheeks. "Sorry...I'm still a little bit dirty from before."

"Don't worry about it." Nirru looked him over, recognising the unmistakable scent of Deijin's musk that clung to the slave's body. "I suppose you're probably not allowed to bathe until he says you can."

Cider nodded. "Master Deijin likes to mess up my fur." he said passively, his tail flicking back and forth behind him. "He will probably do the same to you, so at the very least you should get used to his smell."

"He's such a brute...I hate it how he treats us like this." Nirru said angrily, his ears flattening back against his skull as he spoke. "But most of all I hate it how he just seems to be able to arouse me whenever he wants! I don't like to be aroused by males!"

"Well it will make you feel better if you tell yourself that it's not something you can help." Cider chided, his drowsy voice having its usual calming effect on Nirru's shaken nerves. "Master Deijin is from a tribe of jackals known as the Dune warriors. Some say that his people carry the blood of Anubis. The culture of the Dune jackals is very much based on power and sexuality. As a warrior, he was trained in a society where it was common to give and receive pleasure from other males. Deijin knows better than anyone how to arouse another male's body."

Nirru raised his eyebrows a little at Cider's knowledge. "How do you know all this? Did he tell you?" he asked as he turned to look into the other squirrel's eyes. Cider gave a tiny nod, smiling as he reached up to put his paw on Nirru's shoulder.

"Master Deijin gets homesick too sometimes, you know." said the chestnut squirrel gently. "He might seem cruel to you, but believe me when I say he's not all bad. Respect him, fear him and submit to him, but your time here will be much more pleasant if you don't consider him to be your enemy."

"But...how can I not consider him an enemy? He rapes me!" Nirru kicked the base of the stump with his heel, letting out some of his frustration. He was silenced with one look from Cider, the gentle brown eyes staring back into his own with a look of reassurance.

"But he hasn't hurt you, has he? You would even say he's rather sensual?"

Nirru swallowed in his throat, his anger beginning to settle slightly. "Yeah...yeah, I guess you're right." He said, sighing.

"Nirru, if you need any advice concerning Deijin you can always talk to me." Cider said, smiling as he stood up, reaching down to clasp Nirru's paw gently in his own, startling the red squirrel slightly. "I want to be friends with you. It's been a long time since I've had a friend. So please, will you talk to me?" Despite his smile, his eyes were pleading, even somewhat sad. Nirru paused for a few seconds before nodding, clasping the slave's paws between his own.

"Sure. We are both squirrels, we're both Deijin's toys...we'll look out for each other, alright?"

The two of them smiled, a mutual respect passed between the two squirrels as they confirmed their friendship. For the first time since he'd entered the Elite Guild, Nirru felt content for a second.
