Her first Domination

Story by Xx_Magnus_xX on SoFurry

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I'm writing a dragon story, and this is a 'maybe' scene that I want to toss in, but dont know if it'll fit. We'll see...but here it is.

Drip. Drip. Drip. The brackish water from the swamps far above on the surface was bleeding slowly through the crevasse of the earth, and into the cave. It was green and soupy, jam packed with decaying plants, droppings, and deep green algae. Starting in the apex of the rock ceiling a glistening trail of water on top of years of build up ran down the wall, trailing off and falling to the ground atop a slowly growing spire of sediment. Each tiny drop snaked along its cool black path bouncing over tiny bumps and cracks in the rock surface and dripping off with a rhythmic 'plop...plop...plop...plop.' It was almost soothing to the ears, depressingly soothing. She watched the next droplet of water poke its head out from the roc, grow into a plump little ball and begin its trail down the rock ceiling. It curved and dodged the bumps and fissures that couldn't be seen to the naked eye. Lethargically it curved around a dimple and stopped just at the zenith of her vision. Silently it fell through the air, betrayed by gravity and friction, rippling through the air and landed on her forehead.

It had been 2 days since Angelina had eaten or drank anything, but as much as her body cried out to lick the drop off her face, it would probably kill her in the long run. She shook her head as much as possible and it slowly slid off her face. There was an itch on her thigh; she moved her hand to scratch it. The hard leather restraint pulled tight against her wrist, and frantically she began to yank her wrist trying to break free. It was no use. She tried her other arms with the same result. Angelina was frantic. She started to look around for help or any way out, and suddenly grasped the enormity of what she was into.

The room she was in was empty of anything dragon, and lit heavily by 5 torches around the room. To the right of her on the wall were shelves upon shelves of hard brown wood, holding vials, jars, manuscripts, scrolls and other things Angelina had never seen. Extending from each end of the shelving were two stomach-high tables with various devices and powders laying in small piles, and on the other side items for burning and mixing whatever was to be created. A small bit of relief came by way of she hadn't seen anything sharp or scary, just the tools of an alchemist. Woozy, she turned her head to the other side of the room. It was abnormally blank, minus two torches and the dark entrance to the room. To the right of the door though, were two large sections of tree bark, and on them Angelina could barely make out the basic dragon anatomy. Then her eyes centered on the wall in front of her. There was a large polished section of metal covered in glass that reflected her image perfectly. She was sitting in a reclined position, head attached to a brace, arms lashed down, and her legs were up in stirrups, spread, and tied at the thigh, knee, and ankle. Even if she weren't malnourished, there was no way she was getting out. And then suddenly it hit her with a draft; she was naked.

'Comfortable?' A voice called from the door to her left.

Angelina jumped.

A dark figure stood in the doorway. It was tall, a thin and beautiful figure that was well toned and curved. It had long arms to its upper thigh; its arms were lacking any fat and seemed to flex on their own, knowing she was staring at them. Her fingers twitched slightly. Its legs were just as built, if not stronger. Its calves were well rounded and blended smoothing into the thighs, which flexed as well, and lead up to a deep waist. That's when Angelina realized 'it' was in fact a she. The outfit she wore clearly gave it away. It started as a studded collar around her neck, which lead down to a tight black leather top that was sleeveless and angled inward between her thighs, just barely covering her sex. The top had a large triangle directly in the center, which showed off a large amount of her small cleavage. Her face was like sickening stone; cold and brutal, she stared at Angelina with a grin like she was a plate of food.

'I said, are you comfortable?' She repeated.

Angelina didn't know what to do. 'Y-yes...' she managed.

She walked over to the table. 'That's Yes Mistress.'



Angelina recoiled as the hand hit her face, opening up a small cut on her cheek. She kept her head buried deep in her right shoulder until a cold hand gripped her chin and yanked her head back. Tears were running down Angelina's cheeks.

'Now?' The cold figure said.

Angelina fought it, staring straight back. Her hand jerked and Angelina's head snapped against the wooden table. Angelina yelped and her head slumped onto her chest and her world went black; the last image in her mind was the smile on the figures face as she jerked her hand.

The world was fuzzy when Angelina opened her eyes. Nothing had changed; same room, same table, same situation. She was still standing at Angelina's side. Angelina could barely control her neck, and only looked up at the figure when she forced her head back against the table. Squinting, Angelina could make out the name 'Yuri' on her left breast. She smiled and pet Angelina's face.

'What are you doing?!' She screamed, but somehow the words only came out in her head, her mouth not moving an inch. Rolling her eyes to the mirror she soon discovered why. Two pieces of leather were wrapped around her beak, each attached to a small spring underneath her lower jaw. The leather lead back to the corners of her mouth and formed a large circle on each side, from which the mask attached itself to her head. A strip went straight between her eyes and made her itch. Again she flexed her jaw and felt the gag pull hard, a little click echoing through the room every time she tried to speak. Moving her head up she found two metal rods holding the springs tight, and closed.

'Now?' The figure asked.

Angelina slowly looked up.

'Are you comfortable?' Yuri asked again.

Unable to speak, Angelina nodded.

'Good.' Yuri said, smiling. 'Now, shall you behave so I can remove the gag? Or shall the doctor do his work with it on?'

Angelina shook no.

Yuri smiled. 'I hoped so, you have such a lovely voice my dear.' She reached forward under her chin. There was a metallic snap as she removed the metallic pins.

Angelina moved her jaw, lethargic as the springs pulled against her jaw. 'Thank you...'

Yuri glared.

'M...mistress.' Angelina grimaced.

'Good girl.' Yuri said, patting Angelina's head. 'You will call me Mistress Yuri, and nothing else, understand?'


SLAP! Another hand raked across her face on the same side. Angelina recoiled with a yelp, a tear running from her eye. Two hands softly slid down onto her shoulders, cupping them and squeezing as Yuri moved around behind the table, above Angelina's head. The leather gloves crackling under the sudden strain. Hot breath started to pour down onto Angelina's shoulders; Yuri was right next to her ear. A hand came down over her beak, squeezing with an amazing amount of strength; Angelina screamed and was muffled as her beak was easily forced shut and locked firmly in place. Softly, Yuri started to kiss the tip of her ear, sucking on it gently and moving down.

'I can give you such great pleasure little one.' A hand slid down and began to fondle Angelina's breast, rolling the erect nipple between two fingers. Angelina panted...that was something Pantheon had done that first night so long ago. She began to pant, unable to believe what was going on. Her legs and arms squirmed against the tight bounds, beak trying to break the gag; her toes curled and uncurled roughly as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her hear pounded in her chest, stomach and breasts heaving up and down from the pleasure that she was so desperately trying to hide. She moaned quietly, looking up quickly to see Yuri smiling at her. She heard, and licked her ear softly.

Suddenly Yuri's left hand, gloved and still on Angelina's shoulder began to glow a soft yellow, then bright yellow, orange, and a bright white. Angelina roared through the gag as white-hot pain seared through her blood, her body, every single cell of her body, attacking every muscle and nerve. Drool began to ooze from her mouth as she fought furiously in the chair, the drool pooling in the bottom of her mouth and leaking out at every point along her mouth, air bursting in and out of her nostrils like a gigantic storm was brewing in her lungs. Her legs and arms flexed wilding and out of control, snapping one of the restraints on her well toned thigh, her vision blurring with a mass of red and orange and purple dots. And suddenly it stopped and Yuri stepped away. The room went silent, all but Angelina's constant sobs and Yuri's boots clicking as she paced the room. For ten minutes this went on, the pain lingering in ever fiber of her being, every flinch or involuntary twitch of her muscle bringing immense pain and displeasure. It was paralyzing. Her arms and legs, though tied down couldn't coordinate with what Angelina wanted them to do.

The gloved hand touched her shoulder again and Angelina jumped and started to sob immediately, trying to get away. 'Now will you listen?' Yuri asked.

Angelina nodded.

Yuri softly caressed her face and kissed her snout. 'I'll see you tonight little one.' And she walked off. Angelina yanked at the restraints wanting the gag off, and watched helplessly as Yuri left the room. As she left two guards and a plain robed dragon entered the cave wearing peasants robes. The guards stopped at each side of Angelina as the third went over to the shelves and shuffled around for a few minutes, vials hitting together, powders being ground and the smell of substances being burned. He turned around to face her holding a small bowl and an oddly shaped, elongated cup, with a plug on the end. He walked over to Angelina, she started to flail about in the chair, not wanting whatever was to happen to occur. The guards grabbed her arms and neck, squeezing her until it was too painful to move. The doctor walked up to her and slid the oddly shaped cup over her snout and heard it snap into place. She began to struggle again. It was in vain. The doctor popped the cork off the top of the cup and poured a sandy substance into the hole, some of it hitting her snout inside, causing her to sneeze. Taking a tiny drop of water he dropped it in the mask and corked it shut. She heard a puff and felt a burning near her muzzle, yellow smoke pouring out of the gag. Angelina struggled and tried to scream, yanking and puling and holding her breath. Time was running out, clenching her eyes as her lungs began to burn and ran out of air. Angelina gasped for air, taking the substance deep into her lungs. It tingled on the way down, as did her face, feet, and hands. Her vision started to blur and bend from side to side, when she suddenly realized that she couldn't move. Her head slumped back, looking up at the rock ceiling. A pair of soft hands clad in leather slipped over her shoulders, and there was Yuri smiling down at her. Darkness.